Virtual Worlds, Real Economics
Video games rot your brain and teach you econ
ideo games are playing an increasingly large role
this, we see how their virtual reality imitates real-world
in pop culture. Whether you play, or believe
economic decisions.
they are art (, gaming
For instance, essentially all resources in the gaming
will no doubt continue to be a major player in the
world are scarce—that’s where the challenge comes
entertainment industry. More importantly, libertarian
from. If resources or experience points or time were
ideas seem to be popping up everywhere in gaming
unlimited, there wouldn’t be much of a game to play. But
( Criticism of government is on
because gamers routinely face these kinds of scarcity, they
the rise, for example, and there is new emphasis on the
are already familiar with the limitations they impose, and
importance of free thought and action.
have taken a first step toward economic understanding.
To cite just two examples, Bioshock Infinite criticizes
Scarcity means we have to make choices, and in this
militarism and jingoism, while Assassin’s Creed 4: Black
area games are pushing boundaries. Improved production
Flag is largely a celebration
v a lu e s i n t h e g a m i n g
of pirate anarchy. Astute
industry have increased
gamers may even notice
the immersive qualities of
that an animator for Gears
gameplay, to be sure. But it’s
of War 3 put Mises’ motto,
is a vibrant new arena of action the economic simulations
Tu ne cede malis (“Do not
that make the experiences
where sound economic ideas have so real. Consider games like
give in to evil but proceed
ever more boldly against
The Walking Dead, which
a real chance to take hold.
it”) in the game’s credits
takes scarcity to an extreme
by using the zombie
This is all good news for libertarian ideas generally, apocalypse as a backdrop. Instead of combat, The Walking
but also for economic education. Gaming culture is a
Dead centers on difficult economic decisions, like how to
vibrant new arena of action where sound economic ideas
ration dwindling food supplies among survivors. Players
have a real chance to take hold. There is already discussion
become emotionally involved in the story by confronting
about how in-game economies emerge and evolve
scarcity and tough choices every step of the way.
(—particularly how they deal
Players’ decisions in turn imply tradeoffs and
with money and inflation ( opportunity costs. Anyone who has ever played a roleBut games incorporate economics at even more
playing game (RPG) knows this territory well; choosing
basic levels. Indeed, many gamers are already using the
to allocate money or experience to a certain skillset means
economic way of thinking without even knowing it. The
that other skills must be forgone. And it’s a short step
key point is that games are all about basic economic
from there to realizing that the true cost of skills is not the
concepts: scarcity, choice, tradeoffs, opportunity cost, resources you spend to obtain them, but the alternative
trade, and entrepreneurship. If we think of them like
abilities you could have acquired.
BioShock Infinite features an ultra-nationalist, militaristic dystopia.
Photo courtesy 2K Games
Because players have different opportunity costs, not
entrepreneurial spirit. Being a gamer is about the ability
everyone is equally suited to all tasks: Enter the importance
to craft and control virtual worlds while, at the same
of specialization and social cooperation. Cooperation
time, learning to think creatively to overcome obstacles.
on a grand scale features in many Massively Multiplayer
Entrepreneurs do the same thing when they control
Online RPGs (MMORPGs) such as World of Warcraft and
productive resources in the constant drive to satisfy
EVE Online, where the most important quests can only be
consumers. It’s not a surprise then that the gaming industry
completed if a large number
is growing and innovating
of diverse character types
in ways similar to Silicon
work together. Each member
Valley and other focal
of the party specializes in
points of entrepreneurial
i s a b o u t t h e a b i l i t y t o energy; the two go hand in
enhancing the strengths or
offsetting the weaknesses
c r a f t a n d c o n t r o l v i r t u a l hand.
of the others, producing
The idea that gaming
intricate networks of
conventions are reflections
think creatively to overcome of economic principles
Trade is another vital
one example of
obstacles. Entrepreneurs do isthejust
form of social cooperation,
many opportunities
the sa me thing when they for economic teaching
and through the interactions
of hundreds of thousands
control productive resources presented by the mass
(if not millions) of players,
appeal of gaming. We’re
in the constant drive to satisfy bound to see more as
MMORPGs rapidly develop
complex systems of barter
the industry continues
and monetary exchange.
to thrive, so let’s be ready
T he tea ching moment
to show gamers that the
comes when players get to experience the benefits of the
experience they crave is not just good fun, but good
division of labor; even better, the benefits of specialization
and trade are more obvious than in some ordinary market
Matthew McCaffrey ( teaches economics as a
exchanges, where economic logic might seem too abstract. postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Liberal Studies at the University
of Illinois at Springfield, and is editor of Libertarian Papers.
Lastly, gaming showcases some of the best of the