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2003, Jews and Gentiles in the Holy Land in the Days of the Second Temple the Mishnah and the Talmud in the Hellenistic Period, ed. M. Mor-A. Oppenheimer-J. Pastor-D.R. Schwartz
7 pages
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General discussion of Cynic philosophers/writers hailing from Gadara in the Decapolis - Menippus, Meleager, Oenomaos - and the cynic-satiric literary background of these thinkers. Discussion also to Greek and Talmudic references to Gadara. While not comprising any Cynic school and separated chronologically these writers inherited a common background in humoristic satiric literature in this age of "arm-chair" cynicism
Journal for the Study of Judaism, Vol. XX, no. 1 pp 49-54, 1989
discussion of the kinukos described in the Mishna and Talmud: the Mishna and its Talmudic cmmentaries descrbe the characteristics of the kinukos קינוקוס many of which resemble those of the Greek κυνικός - here transliterated in its later ioticized form - the characteristics of the kinukos himself can be compared to contemporary Greek discussions of the wandering Cynic. Talmudic sources do not reflect the philosophical message of the cynic but merely the anecdotal and perhaps personal encounters with wandering cynics of Gadara and the Decapolis
Dialogue, 1999
Lang explores the Cynic element in the synoptic gospels. Seven observations are offered: how Cynic philosophy entered the Jewish world (with an appendix on references to Diogenes and the Cynics in Philo of Alexandria); Cynic poverty – Hellenistic and Jesuanic; animals in Cynic and Jesuanic thought; Cynic diatribes in the gospels; “love your enemies”– a Cynic and Jesuanic commandment; the God of the Cynics and that of Jesus; ritual acts, critically assessed – by the Cynic philosophers and by Jesus. From the evidence presented, Jesus emerges as a Diogenes-like figure who merits a place among the philosophers. – Bernhard Lang, Jesus among the Philosophers: The Cynic Connection Explored and Affirmed, with a Note on Philo’s Jewish-Cynic Philosophy; in: Anders Klostergaard Petersen et al. (eds.), Religio-Philosophiocal Discourses in the Ancient Mediterranean World (Leiden: Brill 2017), 187–218.
In: M. A. Harder, R. F. Regtuit, G. C. Wakker (eds.), 9th Groningen Workshop on Hellenistic Poetry: Gods and Religion. Groningen 27–29 August 2008, Leuven (Hellenistica Groningana 9), 203-221, 2012
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