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Risk management is essential for community and non-profit organizations, emphasizing safety for both members and the clients they serve. Key considerations include the development of procedures for safe practices, awareness of economic and human behavior risks, and compliance with legal standards, such as anti-discrimination legislation. The document outlines potential risks from economic conditions, human behavior, natural events, and political changes, while highlighting the importance of preparing for these uncertainties.
Australasian chiropractic & osteopathy : journal of the Chiropractic & Osteopathic College of Australasia, 1997
A literature review was conducted to determine significant factors for chiropractors progressing towards classification as an Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) consultant in Australia.A number of priority areas for investigation were identified as significant for OHS consultants. These included: work site assessment, risk control and prevention, spinal care awareness and injury prevention, OHS committee, training procedures and induction manuals, ergonomic improvements, stress management, first aid, forklift safety, accident records, job rotation and supervisor training. Several issues are important considerations where chiropractor's knowledge may be deficient. Lack of awareness of the issues may leave the chiropractor liable for prosecution due to misrepresentation as an OHS consultant.
Academic disseertwtio - supervision of the work
Abstract. Research suggests that Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) practitioners have difficulty influencing the decision-making process because they are placed on the sidelines in the organisation. This paper analyses the strategies that OHS practitioners use to fulfill their job role and the impact they have on the working environment and OHS management systems. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with ten New Zealand OHS practitioners from mainly large private and public organisations about their job role, OHS tasks, strategies and their impact. The interviews were tape recorded, transcribed, entered into a qualitative data management programme and analysed thematically in relation to their strategies, barriers and their impact on the OHS management system and working environment. The analysis revealed that these OHS practitioners used multiple strategies - chosen in relation to the situation, the stakeholders and their own resources. They saw themselves as change agents or facilitators. They preferred to use a knowledge strategy, supported by an audit strategy. Their last resort was a regulation strategy. All of the practitioners had a positive impact on stakeholders’ knowledge, attitude and behavior and on OHS management systems. Some practitioners improved the working environment but few were involved in introduction of new technology.
Introduction-Issues of Occupational Health and Safety and productivity of work in developing countries have been found to be associated with poor understanding of and training in ergonomics and safety management systems in the work place. Safety management systems are created to increase performance by reducing the likelihood of illness, death, absenteeism, injury and other unpleasant outcomes for workers. An occupational illness or accident can affect production. Accidents can have immeasurable indirect cost to workers such as the human suffering caused to families of workers, which cannot be compensated with money. In addition, they take a big toll on the company in the event of such. While workplace safety conditions and standards are shaped by a nation's health and safety legislation and an organization's safety culture, strong commitment from management and strong employee involvement are also essential elements for a successful workplace health and safety system. Understanding and applying ergonomic principles in the work place also helps prevent injuries and increase productivity. Aims:-This study explored ergonomics features in the workplace, safety management systems practiced and the relationship between types of accidents encountered in the garment industry in the Export Free Zone (EFZ) in Accra, Ghana. Method:-Stratified and convenience sampling methods were used to select 300 participants from 945 garment producers. A self-administered structured questionnaire was used to assess safety system practiced and ergonomics features in the garment workplace. It consisted of close-ended statements that required respondents to rate information on a 3-point Likert scale to specify their level of agreement or disagreement on information and descriptions on safety systems and ergonomic features in their workplace. The questionnaire also elicited information on accidents encountered in the workplace. The independent t-test was carried out to test the level of significance of relationships among selected study variables. Results:-Majority of the respondents were young females, with low educational qualifications. The rating of practices and attitudes towards safety management systems in the workplace by the employees were mostly unfavorable. While lighting, ventilation, noise and temperature were rated by employees (60% in each case) as comfortable, only 18% agreed they did have ergonomically designed seats. Findings indicated that employees who were exposed to poor ergonomic practices in their workplace were more likely to suffer cuts, burns, falls and loss of fingers compared to their counterparts exposed to sound ergonomic practices in the workplace. Thus, workers experience high levels of accidents when there are poor ergonomic practices in the workplace. Conclusion:-Ergonomic intervention strategies and safety systems that aim to minimize the risks of accidents should be provided by employers and occupational health service providers to help increase productivity in the work place.
A team of legal educators at Victoria University (VU) in Melbourne regards Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) as a vital practical and conceptual literacy that enhances both students' employability and safety. A recent project provided the chance to develop general OHS curriculum for use at various stages of the student experience including during Orientation, in class-based curriculum and throughout students' work placements. The assessment was designed to enable students to meet the requirements of the competency Contribute to Workplace Safety, a minimum standard for OHS from the Public Service Training Package.
Academia Environmental Sciences and Sustainability, 2024
Critical minerals are essential for the development and function of renewable energy technologies like solar panels, wind turbines, and batteries. Recycling these minerals from electronic waste (e-waste) offers a sustainable solution to meet the growing demand for renewable energy systems. This paper explores the potential for recovering critical minerals (CMs) from e-waste and its implications for the renewable energy sector. The paper concludes with recommendations for strengthening regulatory frameworks, promoting industry collaboration, raising public awareness, investing in research and innovation, and fostering international cooperation to advance sustainable e-waste management practices.
Program of the Second International Symposium on the Archaeology of Western Anatolia: Archaeology and history of the Cayster (Küçük Menderes) Valley in south-eastern inland part of Izmir. November 17, 2023 / on, 2023
İnsan&İnsan, Bilim Kültür Sanat ve Düşünce Dergisi, 2019
Politix, 2022
in "To a Scholar Sahab. Essays and Writings in Honour of Alessandro Monti", Editors E. Adami, C. Rozzonelli, Dost Critical Studies 12, Edizioni dell’Orso, Alessandria 2011, pp. 35-52
Une autre vision de l’espace, Rythmes, espace et sociétés : Actes du colloque tenu à Poitiers les 16 et 17 mars 2015, PULIM, Limoges, 2018, p. 23-37, 2018
Environmental Engineering Science, 1998
Revue germanique internationale, 1996
Center For Studies in Higher Education, 2002
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Anuario en Relaciones Internacionales del IRI, 2019
Social Science Research Network, 2014
RGO - Revista Gaúcha de Odontologia, 2023