Water as an energy resource: hydroelectric power plant

2012, International Water Power & Dam Construction, Pará, Brazil. 2012


, water supply and power generation 4MW. 1920: 360MW generation capacity. 1929: 780MW hydro, thermal and mixed. 1939: National Board of Water and Energy (NCEA) established. 1940: Brazil and Canada lead production 1250MW, series of dams inaugurated. 1945: Government by the Getulio Vargas Foundation CHESF-Hydroelectric Company of San Francisco. 1950: First energy crisis-rationing. 1960: Generation capacity reaches 4800MW; creation of the Ministry of Mines and Energy.

Water Resources G23C Development in Brazil Social and environmental factors have generated intense debate about sustainable development of river basins in Brazil. This paper explores the history of hydro development in the country, and investigates the advantages and disadvantages of one of the most recent developments in the Amazon basin – the Belo Monte Dam. B razil has the largest river system on Earth, 55,457km², which has seen major hydro development historically. The first hydroelectric plant in the country was built in city of Diamantina, Minas Gerais, in 1883, using the waters of the Ribeirão do Inferno, with 0.5MW of power (ANEEL, 2007). A chronological summary of hydro development in the country is shown below (ANEEL, 2007, MME, 2008): 1883: Development of the Ribeirão do Inferno project with 500kW capacity at Diamantina, Minas Gerais. 1887: Fiat Lux Thermoelectric (private) in Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul). 1889: Quinces-Zero is officially the first plant in Latin America (Paraibuna River in Juiz de Fora - Minas Gerais), water supply and power generation 4MW. 1920: 360MW generation capacity. 1929: 780MW hydro, thermal and mixed. 1939: National Board of Water and Energy (NCEA) established. 1940: Brazil and Canada lead production 1250MW, series of dams inaugurated. 1945: Government by the Getulio Vargas Foundation CHESF - Hydroelectric Company of San Francisco. 1950: First energy crisis – rationing. 1960: Generation capacity reaches 4800MW; creation of the Ministry of Mines and Energy. 48 1962: Central Electric Brasileiras (Eletrobrás). 1963: Furnas Dam on the Rio Grande (Minas Gerais). 1980: approximately 33,000MW generation capacity. 1984: Itaipu Dam (Brazil / Paraguay). 1988: Tucuruí project (Tocantins). 1990: a generation capacity of approximately 53,000MW. 1997: Creation of ANEEL - National Electric Power. 2000: Expansion of Itaipu power. 2000: approximately 72,000MW generation capacity. 2001: Third rationing. 2007: Further expansion of Tucuruí and Itaipu. 2007: 100,352.4MW generation capacity. 2009: 106,689MW generation capacity. In a little over 100 years, the installed capacity of the units increased significantly reaching 14,000MW, as is the case of the binational Itaipu project, which was built jointly by Brazil and Paraguay (Ministry of Mines and Energy, MME, 2009; Eletronorte, 2009). Figure 1 shows the importance of hydropower in Brazil’s energy mix. The Amazon Basin The Amazon is well known for its diverse water ecosystems, including upland forests, flooded forests, wetlands, flooded forests, open grasslands INTERNATIONAL WATER POWER & DAM CONSTRUCTION and savannas. It also harbors several species of plants and animals: 1.5 million cataloged plant species, three thousand species of fish, 950 types of birds, and even insects, reptiles, amphibians and mammals (ANA, 2011). The Amazon River basin consists of the most extensive river system in the world, occupying a total area of about 6,110,000km², from its sources in the Peruvian Andes to its mouth in the Atlantic Ocean (in the northern region of Brazil). This basin extends over several continental countries of South America: Brazil (63%), Peru (17%), Bolivia (11%), Colombia (5.8%), Ecuador (2.2%), Venezuela (0, 7%) and Guyana (0.2%) (PEG, 2011th). In terms of water resources, the average contribution of the Amazon River Basin in Brazilian territory is about 133,000m³/sec (73% of total exports). In addition, the contribution of Figure 1 Thermonuclear 2% Hydroelectricity 72% Thermoelectric 25% Wind + solar 1% Source: MME, 2010 Yearbook 2013 Water Resources foreign territories for the flow of the river basin is approximately 76,000m³/sec. The greatest demands for water use in the region occur in subbasins of the Madeira, Tapajós and Negro, and correspond to the use for irrigation (39% of total demand), (Ministry of Environment, MMA, 2011). According to studies by Eletronorte between 1975 and 1980, the Xingu River Basin (sub-basin of the Amazon Basin), which spans 450,000km2, has a hydropower potential of 22,000MW, the largest in the country. The Volta Grande do Xingu has the majority of this potential and id the site of the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Plant (MME, 2008). Belo Monte: the challenges The project to build the Belo Monte dam was first mooted over thirty years ago. The project is currently considered the greatest work of the Growth Acceleration Program (PAC) of the federal government. The project has stirred intense debate since it was initially discussed, but this increased from 2009 when the new Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) was introduced. These debates further intensified in February 2010 when the MMA granted the project’s environmental license. Altamira, Anapu, Brazil New Gurupá, Medicilândia Pacajá, plates, Porto de Moz, Senator Jose Porfirio, Uruará Vitória do Xingu and the municipalities were defined by energy company Eletronorte as the coverage area of Belo Monte. This area includes local Forest Upland and Lowland Forest, and houses a population of approximately 300,000 people. The city of Altamira is the largest urban center site, with more than 70 000 inhabitants. The lake created by the plant will cover 516km², flooding 51,600ha of forest, part of the Xingu (Big Bend) and one third of Altamira. The installation of the plant displaces more than 20,000 people, but will generate about 80,000 jobs in its construction (Polito, Brazil Energy, 367, 2011). It is estimated that Belo Monte will produce 11,233MW of power during times of flooding, which comprise four months a year, and 4000MW the reminder of the year. The environmental impact study (EIMARIMA) of Belo Monte points to some major impacts (MMA, 2009:42): Inundation of constant streams of Altamira, in place of seasonal flooding. Reduced water flow and blockage of river transport to Rio Bacajá. Relocation of local families. Changing the regime of the river related to biotic and socioeconomic resources. The main dam of Belo Monte power plant will be built on the Xingu River, 40km from the town of Altamira. The project includes construction of two powerhouses. The work will have direct and indirect impact on indigenous lands. There will be change in flow area of the Big Bend of the Xingu, but the hydrograph proposed by the environmental impact of the work ensures adequate conditions to maintain the lifestyle of the Juruna and Arara, who inhabit the area known 50 as the Big Bend of the Xingu. The project will also have the following positive factors (MME, 2009): Replacement of stilts for social housing (approximately 4500 households). Replacement of drains and sewers to open sanitation infrastructure. Implementation of urban infrastructure and public facilities such as schools and playgrounds and recreation. Transfer of farmers to so-called "agro". Rivers and waterway transport The state of Pará is actually greater in land size than that of many countries - it has over 1Mkm2. The State holds 16.66% of Brazilian territory and 26% of the Amazon. The region around Belo Monte crosses four major rivers: Araquaia, Itacaiúnas, Xingu and Tapajos. Passage around the region is usually by ferry. It is expected that a bridge will be built over the Araguaia River, extending 900m. The only waterway is 1.815km of the Xingu River, with navigation restricted to the upper Xingu covering the stretch between its mouth and the village of Belo Monte for 298km. There are plans for a bridge 500m long integrating with BR 163 (Santarém-Cuiabá Highway). The Xingu - the same river that will generate energy from Belo Monte - will be utilised for transportion of machines for use during construction of the dam. The water transport in the region is insignificant. The cargo handling at the Port of Altamira has no records of dry bulk shipping since 1996, the shipment of bulk liquids [5] stopped in 2004. Unloading of dry bulk has also not occured for more than 15 years. The only activity is the effective unloading of bulk liquids (To Docks Company - CDP), but this decreases each year. In 2010 the unloading of lumber began (GEP, 2011B). In the dry season, the navigation is hampered by sandbars at km 155 (Acu-Xingu), the bank Moor (163 km), the bank reeds (170 km) and the passage red barrier (km 192) (International Rivers, 2011). The biggest challenge for transporting equipment across the river is its variation in depth. There is a variation of 32m3/sec to 440m3/sec. The change in the level of flow is so strong that for four months, Belo Monte will only be able to operate some and not all of its turbines (Conservation International, 2011). There are no railways in the region, the closest is the Carajás Railroad which will be used to people, equipment and materials to Belo Monte. The first shipment of machinery landed on the quay of the city of Vitória do Xingu – and this took four days to arrive at the dam site. Over the coming months, another 700 machines are expected to rise above the Xingu River along with pieces up to 300 tonnes – but a port is still lacking. Disputes It is a fact that Belo Monte will bring development INTERNATIONAL WATER POWER & DAM CONSTRUCTION to the cities of the state of Pará, however, the project has faced disputes in six areas: Energy generated: High investment to generate 1800MW in the dry season versus the average supply of 4000MW, reaching 11,000MW in the rainy season. Hydroelectric Complex: The need to build a complex of dams to maintain the flow throughout the year versus improvements around the Xingu River. Target energy: A lot of the energy generate will be used only in this region in the mining sector versus energy distribution to various markets. Inundation of twelve districts of Altamira: Approximately 20,000 households to be flooded versus relocation in the urban area served by infrastructure and public facilities. Indigenous population: Changing the way of life of 24 types of ethnic versus investment in rural villages; Generation of Jobs: 18,000 jobs in peak construction versus no guarantee of local development to generate new jobs. Final Considerations The great question is the relationship: energy generation versus the preservation of the environment. Non-governmental organizations claim that the construction of the Belo Monte Dam could be replaced by re-powering of existing power plants in the country, reducing waste in the electrical distribution system, and investments in clean energy sources (Environmental Conservation, 2011). However, proponents of the scheme point out that the project will bring many benefits. The environmental impact study for the project provides for the establishment of protected areas totaling 280,000 hectares of forests. The plant will have a channel or fish ladder to allow spawning. There are plans for improvements in the area around the plant including in the areas of transport infrastructure, sanitation and insertion of cities in the region in Light for All Program, and revitalization of distressed areas and urbanization (Govern of the State of Pará, GEP, 2009). The prospects of growth of gross domestic product of Brazil and the consequent increase in demand for electricity requires new power generation; Belo Monte appears as a structural axis of this generation for the whole country and especially for the development of the region north of the country. Author information The authors are: V.M.Massara; H.T.Y.Yoshizaki; M.E.M. Udaeta, University of São Paulo, Brazil This study was supported by the Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel - CAPES through the National Postdoctoral (PNPD). Yearbook 2013