International Journal of Industrial Organization 33 (2014) 22–36
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Measuring unilateral effects in partial horizontal acquisitions☆
Duarte Brito a,e, Ricardo Ribeiro b,⁎, Helder Vasconcelos c,d,f
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Faculdade de Economia e Gestão, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Porto, Portugal
Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Centre for Economic Policy Research, United Kingdom
Center for Advanced Studies in Management and Economics, Universidade de Évora, Portugal
Center for Economics and Finance, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
a r t i c l e
i n f o
Article history:
Received 10 February 2013
Received in revised form 24 December 2013
Accepted 26 December 2013
Available online 7 January 2014
JEL classification:
a b s t r a c t
Recent years have witnessed an increased interest, by competition agencies, in assessing the competitive effects
of partial acquisitions. We propose an empirical structural methodology to examine quantitatively the unilateral
impact of partial horizontal acquisitions. The acquisitions may be direct or indirect, and may or may not correspond to control. The proposed methodology simulates the effects on prices, market shares, firm profits and consumer welfare. It can deal with differentiated product industries and nest full mergers as a special case. We
provide an empirical application to several acquisitions in the wet shaving industry.
© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Unilateral effects
Partial acquisitions
Differentiated products
Demand estimation
1. Introduction
Recent years have witnessed a phenomenal growth of privateequity investment that formed a perfect storm in which firms often
hold partial ownership interests in competing firms (Wilkinson and
White, 2007). This led competition agencies to take an increased interest in assessing the competitive effects of partial acquisitions. For example, in 2007, the European Commission assessed and rejected a request
by Aer Lingus to order Ryanair to divest its 29.4% shareholding in the
Irish flag carrier. Also in 2007, the UK Competition Commission assessed
☆ We would like to thank the Editor, Pierre Dubois, and two anonymous referees for their
thorough and thoughtful reports. We would also like to thank Stephane Caprice and Natalia
Fabra, as well as numerous participants at the XXVII Jornadas de Economía Industrial and
seminars participants at Toulouse School of Economics and Universidade Católica
Portuguesa, for helpful comments and suggestions. We are grateful to the James M. Kilts
Center for Marketing, University of Chicago Booth School of Business for sharing the data
and to Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia for financial support (PTDC/EGE-ECO/
099784/2008 and programme FEDER/POCI 2010). All remaining errors are of course our own.
⁎ Corresponding author at: Faculdade de Economia e Gestão, Universidade Católica
Portuguesa, Rua Diogo de Botelho, 1327 4169-005 Porto - Portugal. Tel.: +351 22 619 62 00.
E-mail addresses: (D. Brito), (R. Ribeiro), (H. Vasconcelos).
0167-7187/$ – see front matter © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
the BskyB's acquisition of a 17.9% shareholding in ITV (with no board
representation) and found that it would substantially lessen competition in the UK TV market. More recently, in 2008, the European Commission assessed and approved subject to conditions, the acquisition by
News Corporation of an approximately 25% shareholding in Premiere.
This paper proposes an empirical structural methodology to assess
quantitatively the unilateral competitive effects of partial acquisitions
in a differentiated products setting, distinguishing two distinct ownership rights: financial interest and corporate control. Financial interest refers to the right of the (partial) owner to receive the stream of profits
generated by the operations and investments of the target firm, while
corporate control refers to the right of the (partial) owner to influence
the decisions of the target firm. We need to identify and distinguish
the two rights because partial horizontal acquisitions that do not result
in effective control present competitive concerns distinct from partial
acquisitions involving effective control. When a firm acquires a partial
financial interest in a rival, it acquires a share of its profits. Such acquisition can lessen competition by reducing the incentive of the acquiring
firm to compete aggressively because it shares in the losses thereby
inflicted on that rival. On the other hand, when a firm acquires corporate control in a rival, it acquires the ability to influence the competitive
D. Brito et al. / International Journal of Industrial Organization 33 (2014) 22–36
conduct of the target firm. Such influence can lessen competition because it may be used to induce the rival to compete less aggressively
against the acquiring firm.
The proposed methodology relates to two strands of the literature.
The first strand of literature examines the unilateral impact of partial
competitor ownership on competition. In one of the earliest contributions, Reynolds and Snapp (1986) analyze the unilateral competitive
effects of partial financial interests and small joint ventures in the context of a Cournot homogeneous-product model. They show that, in markets where entry is difficult, partial financial interests (even if relatively
small) could result in lower equilibrium market output and higher equilibrium market prices. They quantify such effects using a summary
measure of the state of competition: an adjusted Herfindahl–Hirschman
index (HHI). Bresnahan and Salop (1986) build on Reynolds and Snapp
(1986) by introducing the distinction between financial interest and
corporate control. They evaluate the unilateral competitive effects of a
joint venture among competitors, considering different financial interest and control arrangements and proposing a set of modified HHIs to
quantify the effects of each alternative arrangement.
O'Brien and Salop (2000) extend Bresnahan and Salop (1986)'s
modified HHI to a richer set of corporate control scenarios and multiple,
overlapping, joint ventures. Furthermore, they propose an extension of
the analysis to the context of a Bertrand oligopoly model with differentiated products, building on Shapiro (1996)'s diversion ratio approach.
They quantify the effects of partial ownership interests on competitive
incentives in this context using a summary measure of the economic
pressure to change prices in response to a change in the corporate control scenario or joint venture. They refer to this measure as a Price Pressure Index (PPI).
Reynolds and Snapp (1986), Bresnahan and Salop (1986), and
O'Brien and Salop (2000) confine their analysis to direct partial ownership interests. Flath (1992) builds on Bresnahan and Salop (1986) and
extends the literature by treating the more general case in which indirect partial ownership interests are also present. Firm A has an indirect
partial ownership interest in firm C if it holds a partial ownership interest in firm B and, in turn, firm B holds a partial ownership interest in
firm C. This issue is particularly important for antitrust purposes because indirect partial ownership interests may constitute a way of evading antitrust rules that limit direct ownership in rivals. Dietzenbacher,
Smid and Volkerink (2000) extend this analysis to the context of a
Bertrand oligopoly model with differentiated products. Brito et al.
(2013a, hereafter BCV) incorporate such indirect partial ownership interests to investigate what the best way is to implement a divestiture
of control rights in a context where firms compete in prices and prices
are strategic complements, which encompasses the case of a Bertrand
oligopoly model with differentiated products. They contribute to the
literature by proposing sufficient statistics for the effects of partial ownership (and divestiture of partial ownership) within a duopoly on consumer welfare.
The second strand of literature relates to merger simulation. The
models within this second strand of the literature simulate the unilateral price effects of mergers in differentiated product markets. These unilateral effects flow from the incentive to increase prices after a merger,
an incentive that results from the internalization of consumer substitution among the products of the merging firms. The procedure typically
involves the identification of the patterns of consumer substitution,
which are then used with a Nash–Bertrand equilibrium assumption to
simulate (either explicit or implicitly recovering unobserved marginal
costs) the unilateral price effects of mergers.
The identification of the patterns of consumer substitution is key and
creates a dimensionality problem. In an industry with J differentiated
products, this requires the estimation of at least J2 demand price elasticities, a formidable task. In one of the earliest contributions, Baker and
Bresnahan (1985) propose an econometric procedure to analyze the
unilateral price effects of a merger by considering that the effects of all
non-merging firms in the industry can be summed together. The
proposed procedure reduces the dimensionality of the problem since
it involves the estimation of a partial residual demand system consisting
only of the products of the merging firms, rather than the J products in
the industry. However, the reduction of the dimensionality is only apparent since each partial residual estimating equation must still include
all cost and demand shift control variables for all non-merging products
(for which no demand equation is estimated).
Hausman et al. (1994, hereafter HLZ) propose to analyze the unilateral price effects of a merger by using Gorman (1995)'s approach to
multi-level demand. This approach reduces the dimensionality of the
consumer's utility maximization problem (that involves J different
products) by modeling it as a sequence of separate, but related decision
problems. At the top level, the consumer decides the overall category
demand. At a middle level, the consumer decides the demand for specific sub-groups (segments) of products. And finally, at a bottom level, the
consumer decides the demand for particular products within each subgroup (or segment). This solves the dimensionality problem because, at
each level, the decision involves only a reduced number of options
(products or sub-groups). Furthermore, this multi-level procedure is
rich enough in parameters to allow flexible substitution patterns and
it can be shown to be equivalent to solving a single one-level
consumer's utility maximization problem. As a consequence of the latter, it constitutes a structural procedure in the sense that it can be empirically estimated and used not just to simulate the unilateral price
effects of mergers, but also to analyze the corresponding change in consumer welfare. However, the procedure cannot be used to identify the
patterns of consumer substitution from markets with significant entry
and exit of products, which substantively limits its empirical
Froeb and Werden (1994) address the limitation of HLZ by analyzing
the unilateral price effects of a merger in the context of a random utility
model: McFadden (1974)'s standard multinomial Logit model. The procedure is also fully structural and can be used also to analyze the corresponding change in consumer welfare. Consumers are assumed to make
a discrete choice among the set of J product alternatives (plus an additional outside option), selecting the alternative yielding the greatest
utility. The framework builds on Lancaster (1966) and postulates
that consumers derive utility from the properties or characteristics of
the products, rather than directly from the products themselves. This
setting can deal with markets with significant entry and exit of products, and solves the dimensionality problem by reducing the relevant
size from J2 to the (typically smaller) dimension of the space of characteristics. However, the substitution patterns of consumers implied by
this standard model tend to be model- instead of data-driven. Nevo
(2000) overcomes this drawback by considering a random-coefficients
multinomial Logit model in the lines of McFadden and Train (2000)
that introduces unobserved consumer heterogeneity in order to allow
flexible substitution patterns.
We specify a methodology that attempts to link these two strands of
the literature. The general strategy models supply competition in a setting similar to O'Brien and Salop (2000) and BCV, and uses a procedure
similar to Nevo (2000) to simulate the unilateral effects of actual and
hypothetical partial acquisitions: demand side estimates are used jointly with a Nash–Bertrand equilibrium assumption to recover (unobserved) marginal costs, which are then used to simulate the unilateral
impact of partial acquisitions on prices, market shares, firm profits and
consumer welfare. The acquisitions may be direct and indirect, and
may or may not correspond to control. Furthermore, it nests full
mergers (100% financial and control acquisitions) as a special case.
This structural approach to partial acquisitions has not been, to our
knowledge, examined in any other academic study and it may be a preferable method for competition policy issues to the current indirect
methods in the literature of using summary measures like modified
HHIs or PPIs suitable or relevant only in certain particular economic
conditions. Extensions of this methodology to measure (i) the coordinated effects of partial acquisitions, and (ii) the unilateral and
D. Brito et al. / International Journal of Industrial Organization 33 (2014) 22–36
coordinated effects of partial acquisitions that involve firms in the vertical chain are provided in two companion papers (Brito et al., 2013b,c).
We also provide an empirical application of the methodology to several acquisitions in the wet shaving industry. On December 20, 1989, the
Gillette Company, which had been the market leader for years and
accounted for 50% of all razor blade units sales, contracted to acquire
the wet shaving businesses of Wilkinson Sword in the United States
(among other operations) from Eemland Management Services BV
(Wilkinson Sword's parent company) for $72 million. It also acquired
a 22.9% of the nonvoting equity shares of Eemland for about
$14 million. On January 10, 1990, the Department of Justice (DoJ) instituted a civil proceeding against Gillette. The complaint alleged that the
effect of the acquisition by Gillette may have been substantially to lessen
competition in the sale of wet shaving razor blades in the United States.
Shortly after the case was filed, Gillette voluntarily rescinded the acquisition of Eemland's wet shaving razor blade business in the United
States, but went through with the acquisition of 22.9% nonvoting equity
interest in Eemland. The DoJ approved the acquisition after being
assured that this stake would be passive. On March 22, 1993, the
Warner-Lambert Company acquired Wilkinson Sword (full merger)
for $142 million from Eemland that had put the razor blade company
up for sale the year before. The sale was prompted after the European
Commission, in November, ordered the Gillette Company to sell its
stake in Eemland because of antitrust concerns. These two acquisitions
(one involving a partial interest and the other a full merger), and two
additional hypothetical ones, are evaluated below.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents the empirical
structural methodology used to evaluate the unilateral effects of partial
acquisitions, Section 3 provides the above mentioned empirical application and Section 4 concludes.
external to the industry, but also owners from the subset ℑ ≡ {1, …,F}
of firms within the industry that can engage in rival cross-shareholding.
The implications of partial acquisitions on competition depends critically on two separate and distinct elements: financial interest and corporate control. In order to capture the distinction between these two
rights, we consider firm f's total stock is composed of voting stock and
non-voting (preferred) stock, with the latter giving the holder a share
of the profits but no right to vote for the Board or participate in other decisions. The financial interest of shareholder k in firm f is represented by
tkf ≥ 0 which denotes the shareholder's holdings of total stock in the
firm, regardless of whether it be voting or non-voting stock. The degree
of corporate control of shareholder k over the decision making of firm f
is a function of the shareholder's holdings of voting stock in firm f. The
larger the holdings of voting stock in a firm, the greater the degree of
control over the decision making will typically be. However the relationship may not necessarily be linear. For example, a shareholder holding 49% of voting stock in a firm may have no control over the decision
making of the firm if one other shareholder has 51%. In contrast, a shareholder holding 10% of voting stock in a firm may have effective control
over the decision making of the firm if each of the remaining shareholders holds a very small amount of voting stock. We denote the degree of corporate control of shareholder k in firm f by γkf ≥ 0, a
measure of shareholder k's degree of control over the decision making
of firm f that does not necessarily correspond to the corresponding
holdings of voting stock.
2.1.2. Firm's operating profit
The profits generated by a multi-market and multi-product firm f
from its operations are defined over the set of different markets and
the subset Γfm of products produced by the firm:
2. Empirical structural methodology
πf ¼
This section introduces the empirical structural methodology. We
study the implications of partial acquisitions on competition in a setting
similar to O'Brien and Salop (2000) and BCV. We provide a structural
model that can be empirically estimated and used, unlike O'Brien and
Salop (2000)'s, not just to simulate the price equilibrium that would result from several partial acquisition counterfactuals, but also to analyze
the corresponding change in consumer welfare, therefore generalizing
the duopoly sufficient statistic of BCV.
The methodology involves four steps similar to Nevo (2000). Step 0
consists of estimating consumer demand and assessing the degree of
substitutability between the competing products. Step 1 models supply
competition in a setting similar to O'Brien and Salop (2000) and BCV,
where two distinct partial ownership rights are identified: financial interest and corporate control. Step 2 uses a Nash–Bertrand equilibrium
assumption jointly with demand side estimates to recover (unobserved)
marginal costs, and finally step 3 uses that information to simulate the
unilateral effects of actual and hypothetical partial acquisitions.
We now move on to describe steps 1–3 in more detail. We defer the
description of step 0 to the next section when we introduce the consumer demand model in the context of our empirical application.
2.1. Step 1: model supply competition
We introduce here the firm's objective function and the assumptions
of the supply side of the model in a setting similar to O'Brien and Salop
(2000) and BCV.
2.1.1. The setup
There are F firms, indexed by f, each of which produces, in each market m ∈ ϒ ≡ {1, …,M} some subset, Γfm, of the Jm alternative products
available in that market. There are also K shareholders, indexed by k,
who can own shares in more than one firm. Let Θ ≡ {1, …,K} denote
the set of shareholders, which can include not just owners that are
pjm −mcjm Λ m sjm ðpm Þ−C fm 5;
j∈Γ fm
where sjm(pm) is the market share of product j in market m, which is (by
definition of market) a function of the Jm × 1 vector pm of prices for all
products available in the market, mcjm is the (assumed constant) marginal cost of product j in market m, Λm is the size of market m, and Cfm
is the fixed cost of production of firm f in market m.
2.1.3. Firm's aggregate profit
In an industry characterized by rival cross-shareholding, the aggregate profits of firm f include not just the stream of profits generated by
the firm from its operations, but also a share in its rivals' aggregate profits
due to its ownership stake in these firms. We make the following assumption regarding the distribution of those profits among shareholders:
Assumption 1. Each firm's aggregate profit is distributed among shareholders proportionally to the total stock owned, regardless of whether it
be voting stock or preferred stock.
Under Assumption 1, firm f receives a profit stream from its ownership stake in firm g that corresponds to the percentage tfg of firm g's total
stock owned. The aggregate profit of firm f can, therefore, be written as:
Π f ¼ π f ðpÞ þ
t fg Π g ;
g∈ℑ= f
where the first term denotes the operating profit and the second term
denotes the returns of equity holding by firm f in any of the other
firms.1 This set of F equations implicitly defines the aggregate profit
for each firm.
The set ℑ/f denotes the set ℑ not including firm f.
D. Brito et al. / International Journal of Industrial Organization 33 (2014) 22–36
Let D∗ denote the F × F cross-shareholding matrix with zero diagonal elements, tff = 0, and off diagonal elements tfg ≥ 0 (if f ≠ g)
representing the percentage held by firm f on firm g's total stock. In vector notation, the aggregate profit equation becomes:
Π ¼ πðpÞ þ D Π;
where Π and π(p) are F × 1 vectors of aggregate and operating profits,
In order to solve for those profits explicitly, we make the following assumption regarding the shareholder structure of the firms in the market:
Assumption 2. The rank of (I − D∗) equals the number of firms in the
Under Assumption 2, matrix (I − D∗) is invertible, which implies
that it is possible to solve for the aggregate profit equation:
Π ¼ I−D Þ πðpÞ;
where I denotes the identity matrix.
2.1.4. Manager's objective function
In a standard oligopoly model with no partial ownership interests,
barring any market imperfections that preclude efficient contracting between the shareholders and the manager, the former will typically agree
(and give the appropriate incentives) that the latter should maximize
profits. However, as O'Brien and Salop (2000) argue:
When multiple owners have partial ownership interests, (…) they
may not agree on the best course of action for the firm. For example,
an owner of firm f who also has a large financial interest in rival firm
g typically wants firm f to pursue a less aggressive strategy than the
strategy desired by an owner with no financial interest in firm g. In
this situation, where the owners have conflicting views on the best
strategy to pursue, the question arises as to how the objective of
the manager is determined. Ultimately, the answer turns on the
corporate-control structure of the firm, which determines each
shareholder's influence over decision-making within the firm.
(Page 609)
We make the following assumption regarding the objective of the
manager of the firm:
Assumption 3. The manager of the firm maximizes a weighted sum of the
shareholders' returns.
The formulation implied by Assumption 3 constitutes a parsimonious
way to model shareholder influence since it includes a wide variety of
plausible assumptions about the amount of influence each owner has
over the manager of the firm. Under this formulation, a higher weight
on the return of a particular owner is associated with a greater degree
of influence by that owner over the manager. Different control scenarios
then correspond to different sets of control weights for the different
owners. Under Assumption 3, the objective function of the manager of
firm f can therefore be written as follows:
ϖf ¼
γkf Rk ;
k∈Θ= f
where γkf measures (as described above) the degree of control of
shareholder k over the manager of firm f, and Rk is the return of
shareholder k.2
Without loss of generality, we assume the firm does not constitute itself as a shareholder, which translates into the set Θ/f (that denotes the set Θ not including firm f). Some
firms do possess own shares. However, because a firm's interests are ultimately their
shareholders interests, in these cases, the control weight of those shares is ultimately distributed among the shareholders according to their corresponding control weight.
In a setting where each firm's aggregate profit is, under Assumption 1,
distributed among shareholders proportionally to the total stock owned
and each shareholder can have ownership stakes in more than one
firm, the return of shareholder k ∈ Θ can be written as:
Rk ¼
t kg Π g
if k∉ℑ
if k∈ℑ
Combining Eqs. (5) and (6), the objective function of the manager of
firm f becomes:
ϖf ¼
γ kf ϖk þ
k∈ℑ= f
t kg Π g ;
where the first term involves shareholders that are internal to the industry (k ∉ ℑ/f), rival firms within the industry that engage in crossshareholding, and the second term involves shareholders that are external to the industry (k ∉ ℑ). This set of F equations implicitly defines the
objective function for each firm.
Let C∗ denote the F × F cross-shareholding matrix with zero diagonal
elements, γff = 0, and off diagonal elements γfg ≥ 0 (if f ≠ g)
representing the measure of firm f's degree of control over the manager
of firm g. Let also C and D denote the (K − F) × F control interest and finance interest shareholding matrices with typical element γkf and tkf, respectively.3 In vector notation, the objective function equation becomes:
ϖ ¼ C ϖ þ C DΠ;
where ϖ denotes the F × 1 vector of objective functions. In order to
solve for those functions explicitly, we make the following assumption
regarding the shareholder control structure of the firms in the market:
Assumption 4. The rank of (I − C∗ ′) equals the number of firms in the
Under Assumption 4, matrix (I − C∗ ′) is invertible, which implies
that it is possible to solve for the objective function equation:
′ −1 ′
′ −1 ′
ϖ ¼ I−C
C DΠ ¼ I−C
πðpÞ ¼ LπðpÞ;
where I denotes the identity matrix and the second equality is obtained
by simple substitution of the aggregate profit Eq. (4). The last equality
rewrites the objective function vector in terms of the F × F matrix
L = (I − C∗ ′)−1C′D(I − D∗)−1 with typical element lfg, for any f, g ∈ ℑ.
2.2. Step 2: recovering (unobserved) marginal costs
2.2.1. Competitive setting and equilibrium prices
Having described the objective function of the manager of the firm,
we now address the competitive setting:
Assumption 5. Firms compete in prices. Furthermore, a pure-strategy
Bertrand–Nash equilibrium exists, and the prices that support it are strictly
Assumption 5 is illustrative. The proposed methodology is not
constrained to this assumption and remains valid under alternative
strategy choices by firms (for example, quantity- or capacity-choice behavior). Finally, the assumption can be tested in the lines of the empirical literature that attempts to evaluate the observed conduct of firms.
Recent examples that attempt to test if observed equilibrium prices
Note that both C and D matrices are defined only in terms of the set of shareholders
external to the industry, since the interests of the set of shareholders ℑ of firms within
the industry that can engage in rival cross-shareholding are taken into account in matrices
C∗ and D∗.
D. Brito et al. / International Journal of Industrial Organization 33 (2014) 22–36
are consistent with Nash equilibrium pricing includes Nevo (2001),
Slade (2004), Salvo (2010) and Molnar et al. (2013). Furthermore, our
methodology can extend this literature by empirically distinguishing between four sources of the true price–cost margins: (i) product differentiation, (ii) multi-product firm pricing in the absence of any crossownership, (iii) multi-product firm pricing with cross-ownership, and
(iv) collusion.
Let pf denote the set of prices controlled by firm f, i.e., the prices of
Γfm, the subset of products produced by the firm in all m ∈ ϒ. Allon
et al. (2010) established the conditions under which a Nash equilibrium,
in fact a unique equilibrium, exists for the general multi-product price
competition model with random coefficients multinomial Logit demand
functions (that we consider in step 0), see Theorem 6.1 therein. Following the objective function Eq. (9) and Assumption 5, the manager of firm
f solves:
X <X X
max ϖ f ¼
pjm −mcjm Λ m sjm ðpm Þ−C gm 5 ;
lfg π g ¼
:m∈ϒ j∈Γ
where the second equality makes use of Eq. (9).
The Bertrand–Nash equilibrium in prices pne = (pne
1 , …,pm , …,pM )
is charaterized by the following system of first-order conditions, for all
m ∈ ϒ, j ∈ Γfm and f ∈ ℑ:
lff sjm pm
r∈Γ gm
prm −mcrm
¼ 0;
Gsm pm −Ωm pm pm −mcm Þ ¼ 0 for all m∈ϒ;
where sm(pne
m ) and mcm are Jm × 1 vectors of shares and marginal cost
in market m, respectively, and G denotes a Jm × Jm diagonal matrix
with diagonal elements gjj = lff for j ∈ Γfm. This system of first-order
conditions suggests that, even if managers do compete (as stipulated
in Assumption 5), cross-shareholding of firms (lfg ≠ 0, for f ≠ g ∈ ℑ)
diminishes competition between the products of the firms involved
(due to the internalization of consumer substitution).
2.2.2. Recovering (unobserved) marginal costs
In order to use the above set of first-order conditions to simulate
counterfactual prices, we require information on marginal costs,
which are typically unobserved. We propose to use demand side estimates (from step 0) to recover them as follows.
Let ∂s
pne;pre =∂p denote the own- and cross-price effects for any
two products r and j estimated in step 0 and evaluated at market m′ subset pne,pre
of the pre-partial acquisition observed Bertrand–Nash equilibm
rium price vector, pne,pre. Let also lpre
fg denote the typical element of
matrix Lpre = (I − C∗pre ′)−1Cpre ′Dpre(I − D∗pre)−1, computed under
the pre-partial acquisition (both corporate control and financial interest) shareholder's weights. Using the above two elements, we can com^ ne;pre and Gpre, and manipulate the set of conditions (12)
pute matrices Ω
to recover each market m′ subset vector of marginal costs:
^ ne;pre pne;pre
m ¼ pm
sm pm
2.2.3. Step 3: post-partial acquisition counterfactual equilibrium prices
We now describe how to derive the predicted (counterfactual) post^ ne;pst . The procedure uses
partial acquisition equilibrium price vector, p
the demand side estimates from step 0, the set of first-order conditions
(12), the marginal costs recovered in step 2, and the new post-partial
acquisition ownership structure as follows.
Let ∂s
=∂pjm denote the own- and cross-price effects for any
rm pm
two products r and j estimated in step 0 and evaluated at market m′ subset pne,pst
of pne,pst. Let also lpst
fg denote the typical element of matrix
Lpst = (I − C∗pst ′)−1Cpst ′Dpst(I − D∗pst)−1, computed under the postpartial acquisition (both corporate control and financial interest)
shareholder’s weights. Using the above two elements, we can compute
^ ne;pst and Gpst, and solve for each market m′ subset vector of
matrices Ω
post-partial acquisition prices that satisfies the first-order conditions
ne;pst −1
^ ne;pst p
^ ne;pst
^ ne;pst
G ^sm p
mcm ¼ 0;
which we can re-write in vector notation by defining a Jm × Jm matrix
Ωm whose jrth element is given by Ωm,rj = − lfg∂srm(pm)/∂pjm for
r ∈ Γgm and j ∈ Γfm:
cost function using, for example, a method of moments approach. Second, it relies on the ability to consistently estimate the price effects in
step 0. We defer an analysis of this latter aspect to the next section
when we introduce the consumer demand model in the context of our
empirical application.
There are two important aspects about this empirical procedure to
recover marginal costs. First, it assumes constant marginal costs. However, it can easily be extended to deal with non-constant marginal
costs. In this case, the set of first-order conditions differ slightly from
the above and marginal costs can be recovered by estimating a marginal
dcm denotes market m′ subset vector of post-acquisition marwhere m
ginal costs, which can either be assumed to equal the pre-acquisition
marginal costs (d
mcm ¼ d
mcm for all m ∈ ϒ) or can incorporate eventual cost efficiencies emerging from the acquisition.
Although the description above assumes that the partial acquisition
does not alter the competitive setting among firms, the proposed methodology is not constrained to having the same assumption of firm behavior before and after the partial acquisition. If the partial acquisition
does alter the competitive setting among firms, the methodology idea
remains valid, the only difference being that the post-partial acquisition
equilibrium price vector must solve the corresponding (new) set of
first-order conditions. In particular, if the partial acquisition changes
the manner in which firms in the market interact, increasing the
strength, extent or likelihood of coordinated conduct, the methodology
needs to be extended to assess coordinated effects antitrust concerns.
Brito et al. (2013b) provide this extension.
After solving for p
, we can then use it as input, given that the
model is structural, to examine the (unilateral) impact of partial acquisitions on market shares, firm profits and consumer welfare. We defer
the description of a measure of change in consumer welfare to the
next section when we introduce the consumer demand model in the
context of our empirical illustration.
3. Empirical application
In this section, we present an illustration of the structural methodology used to evaluate the unilateral effects of partial acquisitions. We
apply our framework to several acquisitions in the wet shaving industry. On December 20, 1989, the Gillette Company, contracted to acquire
the wet shaving businesses of Wilkinson Sword trademark outside of
the 12-nation European Community (which included the United
States operations) from Eemland Management Services BV (Wilkinson
Sword's parent company) for $72 million.4 It also acquired a 22.9% of
the nonvoting equity shares of Eemland for about $14 million.
At that time, consumers in the United States annually purchased
over $700 million of wet shaving razor blades at the retail level. Five
firms supplied all but a nominal amount of these blades. The Gillette
Eemland Management Services BV changed its name to Swedish Match NV before
adopting the name of Eemland Holdings NV. In antitrust enforcement agencies official
documents these names appear often interchangeably.
D. Brito et al. / International Journal of Industrial Organization 33 (2014) 22–36
Company, which had been the market leader for years, accounted for
50% of all razor blade units sales. The next closest competitors were
BIC Corporation (BIC brand) and Warner-Lambert Company (Shick
brand), with Wilkinson Sword Inc. and the American Safety Razor Company (Personna brand) having relatively small pre-acquisition shares.
On January 10, 1990, the DoJ instituted a civil proceeding against
Gillette. The complaint alleged that the effect of the acquisition by
Gillette may have been substantially to lessen competition in the sale
of wet shaving razor blades in the United States. Shortly after the case
was filed, Gillette voluntarily rescinded the acquisition of Eemland's
wet shaving razor blade business in the United States. Gillette said it decided to settle the case to avoid the time and expense of a lengthy trial.
However, Gillette still went through with the acquisition of 22.9% nonvoting equity interest in Eemland and of all worldwide assets and businesses of Wilkinson Sword trademark from Eemland, apart from the
United States and the European Community. Because Eemland kept
the Wilkinson Sword's United States wet shaving razor blades business,
Gillette had became one of the largest, if not the largest, shareholder in a
competitor. The DoJ (1990) allowed the acquisition provided that:
Gillette and Eemland shall not agree or communicate an effort to
persuade the other to agree, directly or indirectly, regarding present
or future prices or other terms or conditions of sale, volume of shipments, future production schedules, marketing plans, sales forecasts,
or sales or proposed sales to specific customers … (page 7)
In other words, the DoJ approved Gillette's 22.9% stake in Wilkinson
Sword after being assured that this stake would be passive. Indeed,
Gillette claimed it was merely making an investment. However, even
when the acquiring firm cannot influence the conduct of the target
firm, the partial acquisition may still reduce the incentive of the acquiring firm to compete aggressively because it shares in the losses thereby
inflicted on that rival. We examine this question by quantifying the unilateral impact of partial acquisitions on prices, market shares, firm
profits and consumer welfare of such acquisition.
On March 22, 1993, the Warner-Lambert Company acquired
Wilkinson Sword for $142 million from Eemland that had put the
razor blade company up for sale the year before. The sale was prompted
after the European Commission, in November, ordered the Gillette
Company to sell its stake in Eemland because of antitrust concerns. A
full merger constitutes the extreme case of a partial acquisition, which
is nested in our empirical structural methodology. As an illustration,
we also examine this acquisition, as well as two additional hypothetical
ones, and quantify the corresponding unilateral effects.
The paper proceeds by describing the data and performing some
preliminary analysis. We then move on to describe the demand
model, the estimation procedure and discuss the identifying assumptions. Finally, we present the demand estimation results that we use
to recover the marginal costs and then simulate the unilateral effects
of the examined acquisitions.
3.1. Data description and preliminary analysis
We use scanner data collected from July 1994 to June 1996 by the
Dominick's Finer Foods (DFF) chain in the Chicago metropolitan area.
The dataset covers 29 different product categories at the store level. It
includes weekly sales, prices and retail profit margins for each universal
product code (UPC) and store of the chain. We supplement the data
with ZIP code (i) demographic information obtained from the Decennial
Census 2000, and (ii) industry structure obtained from the Business
Patterns 1998 databases.
In order to investigate the implications of Gillette's 22.9% nonvoting
equity interest acquisition in Eemland and of the Warner-Lambert
merger with Wilkinson Sword, we focus on the grooming category. In
particular, we focus on disposable razor products to avoid the
complications that the tied-goods nature of demand poses for modeling
in other razor products.
The sample covers 6 brands in 81 stores (across 7 counties in the
Chicago metropolitan area) for 104 weeks. Gillette is the dominant
brand with an average share of 59.5% of the total number of razors
sold in each market, which we define as a store–week combination.
DFF private label is the second biggest-selling brand with an average
share of 20.6%, followed by Shick (14.0%) and BIC (5.6%). Personna
and Wilkinson Sword have very residual average market shares.
Although each brand offers several products, the choice set available
to consumers is relatively limited. The sample covers 30 products
and DFF stores carry an average of 13.2 different products in each market. We define a product to be gender segment-specific so that, for example, Schick Slim Twin and Schick Slim Twin Women are classified
as distinct products. Women products account for an average share of
17.3% of the total number of razors sold in each market. In contrast
with the substantial brand concentration, at the product level there is
slightly more fragmentation. Gillette Good News is the market leader
with an average share of 14.2% of the total number of razors sold in
each market.
Each product is typically offered in several package sizes, with the
top four sizes accounting for an average share of more than 99% of the
total number of razors sold in each market: 10 razor packages (41.5%),
5 razor packages (41.4%), 12 razor packages (11.3%) and 15 razor packages (5.2%). A product-package size combination defines an UPC. The
sample covers 56 UPCs and DFF stores carry an average of 17.3 different
UPCs in each market.
An important question is obviously whether the dataset is representative of the whole population buying disposable razor products. For
purposes of Gillette's equity interest acquisition in Eemland, the DoJ
(1990) characterized the industry as follows:
Gillette accounts for 50% of all razor blade units (…). The next closest
competitor is BIC with 20%, followed by Warner-Lambert with 14%,
Wilkinson with 3%, and American Safety Razor with less than 1% of
unit sales. (page 9)
Because this industry characterization refers to razor products as a
whole (and not only to disposable ones) and does not account for private
labels, we must be cautious in a straightforward comparison with our
dataset. However, it does suggest that our data is reasonably representative, although slightly overrepresenting Gillette and underrepresenting
BIC and Wilkinson Sword.
We now move on to describe the dataset in more detail. Table 1,
Panel A presents summary purchase statistics at the UPC level. Although
there is evidence of substantial heterogeneity across markets, the median store in the sample sells 2 packages of 5 men razors per week at a
price of $3.10 per package, generating 38.9% gross retail margin. This
margin is computed with reference to the average acquisition cost of
the items in inventory, an issue we will address in more detail below.
Table 1, Panel B presents summary statistics at the store level. 17,539
households visit and purchase something in the median store per
week. The potential market size is defined in terms of the number of
razor packages purchases and assumed to be proportional to the weekly
number of household visits of each store. The proportionality factor is
assumed to be the percentage of households buying razor products
times the probability of a purchase in any given visit. According to IRI
Builders Suite (Bronnenberg et al., 2008), 28.5% of US households
purchase razor blades in a year, with an average purchase cycle of
106 days. Furthermore, according to Food & Beverage Marketing
(Degeratu et al., 2000), US households visit regular grocery stores
about 7.9 times per month on the average. This translates into a median
potential market of 181.7 package purchases per store and week, a potential market that a median of 7 grocery stores, 3 convenience stores
and 5 pharmacies compete for. We explored the sensitivity of our
results to the proportionality factor assumption and all the main
D. Brito et al. / International Journal of Industrial Organization 33 (2014) 22–36
Table 1
Summary statistics.
Panel A: UPC level
Quantity (number of packages)
Price ($)
Gross retail margin (%)
Package size (number of razors)
Women segment
Panel B: store level
Number of household visits (000's)
Potential market (number of packages)
Number of grocery stores
Number of convenience stores
Number of pharmacies
Panel C: demographic level
Household size
Household income ($ 000's)
Panel A statistics are based on 144,325 store–week-UPC observations. Gross Retail Margins denote the margin in percent that DFF makes on the dollar for each item sold. Panel B Number of
Household Visits and Potential Market statistics are based on 8346 (store–week) market observations. Panel B competition statistics are based on 81 store observations. Panel C statistics
are based on 2000 simulated consumers for each of the 8346 (store–week) markets under analysis.
conclusions were found to be robust. Finally, Table 1, Panel C presents
summary demographic statistics of each store surrounding area (same
ZIP code). The median consumer is 40-year-old within a household consisting of two members and an annual income of $57,457.
Having described the main data summary statistics, we now examine in more detail the price variable. Temporary price promotions are
important marketing tools in the pricing strategy of many nondurable
goods and disposable razors are no exception, as the high price variance
and the (occasional) negative gross retail margin reported in Table 1,
Panel A suggest. Prices in the sample do display the classic high–low
pattern: products have a regular level that remains constant for long periods of time with occasional temporary reductions. High–low pricing
allows firms to discriminate between (i) informed and uninformed
consumers; (ii) consumers with different inventory holding costs; and
(iii) price-sensitive switchers and store-loyal consumers. While the
classic high–low pattern is easy to spot, regular price levels are hard to
define because they may change over time. Following Dossche et al.
(2010), we define a temporary price promotion as any sequence of
prices that is below at least 95% of the most left and the most right adjacent prices. In untabulated analyses, we characterize DFF's temporary
price promotions. Following the typical pattern of setting regular price
levels that remain constant for long periods of time, the median prices
set by this supermarket chain across all UPCs, stores and weeks are
non-promoted. Occasional temporary reductions account for only
11.5% of all price observations and, although there is evidence of substantial heterogeneity, consist of a median 20.8% discount every
4 weeks.
In an environment characterized by temporary price discounts, it is
important to examine how consumers respond to price cuts. As
Hendel and Nevo (2006a) show, demand estimation based on temporary price reductions may mismeasure the long-run responsiveness to
prices. This is of fundamental importance in a setting like ours that relies
on the ability to consistently estimate own- and cross-price effects. The
first two columns in Table 2 address this issue by comparing, per package size, the percentage of weeks that a UPC was on promotion and the
percentage of razors sold during those weeks. The results suggest that
consumers do respond to temporary price discounts: the percentage
of quantity sold on promotion is larger than the percentage of weeks
that the promoted price is available. This is consistent with the hypothesis that consumers respond to temporary price cuts by accelerating
(anticipating) purchases and hold inventories for future consumption
(i.e. stockpile). The main alternative explanation that consumers simply
increase their consumption in response to a price reduction is less valid
in the wet shaving setting. In order to avoid mismeasuring the long-run
responsiveness to prices due to temporary price reductions, we aggregate the data quarterly.
Having characterized the price discrimination induced by temporary
price promotions, we now address a second form of discrimination: discrimination induced by price nonlinearity in package size. Nonlinear
pricing can be used by oligopolistic firms as a screening mechanism to
price discriminate between types of consumers that hold private information about their tastes by nudging consumers to self-select (according to their preferences) into a given price-package size combination.
Disposable razors are once again no exception. Prices in the sample display a non-linear schedule in package size, which is also reported in
Table 2. The last column of the table presents the quantity discount associated with the biggest-selling package sizes. In a context where not
all products are sold in all package sizes and all DFF's stores, we analyzed
the nonlinearity in package size in the lines of Hendel and Nevo
(2006b), using a regression of the price per 5 razors on size dummy variables, controlling for temporary price promotions as well as product
and store fixed effects. The quantity discount of each package size is
then computed as the ratio of the coefficient on the corresponding
size dummy variable to the constant. The results show that prices do exhibit quantity discounting. As a consequence, price nonlinearity constitutes a feature of the market that must be incorporated into the
structural model.
Table 2
Temporary price promotions and quantity discount.
Package size
Weeks on
promotion (%)
Quantity sold on
promotion (%)
discount (%)
5 Razors
10 Razors
12 Razors
15 Razors
Weeks on Promotion and Quantity Sold on Promotion denote, conditional on package size,
the percentage of weeks a promotion was offered and the percentage of number of
packages sold on promotion, respectively. Figures are computed across all stores, weeks
and UPCs. Quantity discount computed as the ratio of each dummy variable coefficient
to the constant, from a regression of the price per 5 razors on size dummy variables,
controlling for temporary price promotions as well as product and store fixed effects.
D. Brito et al. / International Journal of Industrial Organization 33 (2014) 22–36
3.2. Step 0: model consumer demand
The supply-side of our empirical structural methodology outlined in
the previous section relies on the ability to consistently estimate ownand cross-price effects in step 0. Here, we introduce the consumer's utility function and the assumptions of the demand side of the model. We
model consumer demand using the multinomial random-coefficients
Logit model in the lines of McFadden and Train (2000), where consumers are assumed to purchase at most one unit of one of the products
available in the market. We consider a differentiated products setting
similar to Berry et al. (1995, hereafter BLP). The estimation approach allows for consumer heterogeneity and controls for price endogeneity.
3.2.1. The setup
In each market m ∈ ϒ ≡ {1, …,M} there are Im consumers, indexed
by i, each of which chooses among Jm UPC alternatives. In the estimation
below, we abuse notation (to avoid introducing an additional subscript)
and define m as a quarter–store combination. Let j = 1, …, Jm index the
inside UPC alternatives to the consumer in market m. The no purchase
choice (outside alternative) is indexed by j = 0.
3.2.2. Consumer flow utility
The consumer flow utility is expressed in terms of the indirect utility
from each of the available alternatives. We begin by specifying the indirect utility from choosing an inside alternative. The utility derived by
consumer i from purchasing UPC j in market m is assumed to be of the
¼ uijm pjm ; q j ; xjm ; wm ; ξjm þ εijm
¼ α i pjm þ φ q j þ βi xjm þ τ i wm þ ξjm þ εijm ;
α i ¼ α þ ηdi þ γvi ;
size and annual household income. For the remaining parameters, we
have βi = β and τi = τ.
We now move on to specify the indirect utility from not purchasing.
The utility derived by consumer i from this outside option in market m is
assumed to be of the form:
ui0m ¼ ui0m ðξ0m Þ þ ε i0m ¼ ξ0m þ σ 0 vi þ εi0m ;
Ajm ¼ ðdi ; vi ; εim Þjuijm ≥uilm ∀l ¼ 0; 1; …; J m ;
where εim
where di is a vector of demographic variables and vi is a vector of
random-variables that allows for unobserved heterogeneity. η is a vector of parameters that represents how price sensitivity varies with
demographics, while γ is a scaling vector. We allow for the price sensitivity to depend on the age of the consumer, as well as on her household
¼ εi0m ; …; εi J m m . If we assume a zero probability of ties, the
aggregate market share of UPC j at market m is just the integral over the
mass of consumers in region Ajm:
where ξ0m denotes the mean utility derived from not purchasing in
market m and εi0m is a random shock to consumer choice. Because utility
is ordinal, the preference relation is invariant to positive monotonic
transformations. As a consequence, the model parameters are identifiable up to a scalar, which implies that normalization is required. The
standard practice is to normalize the mean utility of the outside option,
ξ0m, to zero.
Having described the indirect utility from the different alternatives
available to the consumer, we now address her maximization problem:
consumers are assumed to purchase one unit of the alternative that
yields the highest utility. Because consumers are heterogeneous (di, vi,
εim), the set of consumers that choose UPC j in market m is given by:
sjm ¼
where prjm denotes the retail price of UPC j in market m, qj denotes the
number of disposable razors included (package size) in UPC j, xjm denotes a Kx-dimensional vector of observed characteristics of UPC j in
market m (observed by the consumer and the econometrician), wm denotes a Kw-dimensional vector of observed characteristics of the competitive environment of each market m to account for variations in the
shopping alternatives that consumers have for making their purchases,
and ξjm denotes the mean utility derived from the unobserved characteristics of UPC j in market m (unobserved by the econometrician, but
observed by the consumer), which may be potentially correlated with
price. Finally, εijm is a random shock to consumer choice. αi denotes consumer i's price sensitivity. βi denotes the parameters representing consumer i's preference for the observed characteristics included in the
vector xjm, and τi denotes consumer i's valuation of shopping alternatives.
Disposable razor products come in several package sizes and prices
are typically nonlinear in size. φ(qj) denotes the component of the utility function associated to package size. We assume non-linear functional forms for φ(qj). Following McManus (2007), a linear specification for
both price and package size would be inappropriate. If the marginal utility from increasing size is constant, then given that price schedules are
typically concave in size, then (if the random shock is omitted from
the model) all consumers with sufficiently high valuation to purchase
a small size would prefer a larger size to the small one.
The estimation approach allows for general parameter heterogeneity. In particular, we allow for observed and unobserved heterogeneity
in price sensitivity, αi:
dP ðd; v; εÞ ¼
dP d ðdÞdP v ðvÞdP ε ðεÞ;
where P∗(d,v,ε) denotes the population distribution function of consumer types (di, vi, εim). We assume d, v and ε to be independent. The last
equality is just a consequence of this assumption. Having computed the
aggregate market shares, the aggregate demand of UPC j at market m is
given by qjm = Λmsjm, where Λm denotes the size of the market (potential market) m.
3.2.3. Estimation procedure
Having described the consumer demand model, we address the estimation procedure. We estimate the parameters of the demand model
assuming the empirical distribution of demographics for P∗d(d), multivariate independent normal distributions for P∗v(v) and a Type I extreme
value distribution for P∗ε(ε). The latter assumption allows us to integrate
the εs analytically which implies that the unobserved characteristics, ξ,
constitute the only source of sampling error. This gives an explicit structural interpretation to the error term and, thereby, circumvents the critique provided by Brown and Walker (1989) related to the addition of
ad-hoc errors and their induced correlations. After integrating the εs,
the aggregate market share of UPC j at market m is given by:
sjm ¼
exp uijm
5dP d ðdÞdP v ðvÞ:
We estimated the parameters of the model by following the algorithm used by BLP and Nevo (2000). The general estimation procedure
involves searching for the parameters that equate observed and predicted aggregated market shares at the market level.
3.2.4. Price endogeneity and identification
The pricing decision of firms takes into account all characteristics of a
UPC. This introduces correlation between prices and UPC characteristics
and, in particular, between prices and the unobserved UPC characteristics that constitute the structural error term of the demand model. As
a consequence, instrumental variable techniques are required for consistent estimation. We can decrease the requirements on the
D. Brito et al. / International Journal of Industrial Organization 33 (2014) 22–36
instruments by modeling ξjm = ξj + ξm + Δξjm and capture ξj and ξm
by UPC and market fixed effects, where ξj denotes the (market-invariant) mean valuation for the unobserved characteristics of UPC j and ξm
denotes the UPC-invariant market deviation from that mean. However,
this procedure does not completely eliminate the need for instrumental
variable techniques since UPC and market-specific deviations from
those means, Δξjm, are still expected to be correlated with prices.
We now provide an informal discussion of identification. We have
already noted that because utility is ordinal, the preference relation is
invariant to positive monotonic transformations. As a consequence,
the model parameters are identifiable up to a scalar, which implies
that normalization is required. Without loss of generality, we normalize
the mean utility of the outside option, ξ0m, to zero. Given this restriction,
the identification of the remaining parameters is standard given a large
enough sample. The fixed effects ξj and ξm are identified from variation
in market shares across the different UPC and markets, respectively. The
taste parameters β and the parameters in φ(qj) are identified from variations in the observed UPC characteristics and package sizes. The mean
value of the price coefficient, α, is identified from variation in prices. The
competition environment coefficients, τ, are identified from variation in
the number of grocery stores, convenience stores and pharmacies across
ZIP codes. The parameters in vector η are identified from variation in demographics and, finally, the parameters in vector γ and σ0 are identified
from variation in market shares due to unaccounted factors.
Because of price endogeneity, it will be appropriate to use instruments rather than the variation in the actual prices to empirically identify the model's parameters. In order for an instrument to be valid, it
needs to be simultaneously (1) correlated with the endogenous variable
price prjm and (2) uncorrelated with the unobserved UPC characteristic
variations Δξjm. We follow Davis and Huse (2010) in using three types
of price instruments. First, we instrument the price of UPC j in market
m by the median price of that UPC across stores in other counties, in
the lines of HLZ. The identifying assumption is that (1) prjm are correlated
across counties due to the common marginal cost, and (2) Δξjm are
mean independent across counties (which requires, for example, that
the advertising and promotion strategies of firms cannot be coordinated
across counties, but are allowed to be correlated across stores within a
county). Second, we instrument the price of UPC j in market m by the
number of other same firm UPCs and the number of rival firms UPCs
that are offered in that market, as well as by the sum of package sizes
of other same firm UPCs and the sum of package sizes of rival firms
UPCs that are offered in that market, in the lines of BLP. Third, we instrument the price of UPC j in market m by the BLP-type instruments above
within the same gender segment, in the lines of Bresnahan et al. (1997,
hereafter BST): the number of other same segment and firm UPCs and
the number of same segment rival firms UPCs that are offered in that
market, as well as by the sum of package sizes of other same segment
and firm UPCs and the sum of package sizes of same segment rival
firms UPCs that are offered in that market. BLP and BST instruments
constitute countably additive measures of the distance between UPCs
in the product space. The identifying assumption is that (1) prjm are correlated with these distance measures (the literature on oligopoly pricing suggests that isolation in the product space tends to be associated
with higher margins), and (2) Δξjm are mean independent of observed
UPC characteristics (which requires, for example, that variations in observed characteristics are at least predetermined and do not constitute
a reaction to variations in demand).
The plausibility of the identifying assumptions above is an empirical
issue. The validity of condition (1) can be tested by regressing the endogenous variable on the full set of instruments (the instruments excluded from the demand equation plus all the exogenous explanatory
variables in the demand equations). A commonly used statistic is the
F-test of the joint significance of the excluded instruments. The validity
of condition (2) is more difficult to test and, although, when the demand equations are over-identified (the number of excluded instruments exceeds the number of included endogenous variables), the
overidentifying restrictions may be tested via the J statistic of Hansen
(1982), there are limits to the extent to which the uncorrelation condition in itself can be tested in an entirely convincingly way.
3.2.5. Consumer welfare
The main contribution of the paper is to provide a structural model
that can be empirically estimated and used not just to simulate the
price equilibrium that would result from several partial acquisition
counterfactuals, but also to analyze the corresponding change in consumer welfare. Under the assumptions of the consumer demand
model, the expected maximum utility of consumer i in market m,
from the available choice set,
prior to observing the vector of random
shocks εim ¼ εi0m ; …; εi J m m , is given by McFadden (1981)'s inclusive
" J
expðuikm Þ :
ωim ¼ ln
A partial acquisition in a rival impacts equilibrium prices and, as a
consequence, it also impacts the expected maximum utility of consumers. As long as there is no change in the observed and unobserved
characteristics of the choice set and the marginal utility of income of
each consumer αi is fixed, the expected difference in the maximum utility of consumers before and after the partial acquisition equals the difpre
ference in inclusive values: ωpst
im − ωim , where ωim and ωim are
computed using the equilibrium prices before and after the aforesaid acquisition, respectively. When the utility is linear in price, as in our discrete choice model setting, we can normalize this difference by the
consumer's marginal utility of income and compute the corresponding
compensating variation, converting it into the monetary equivalent
that compensates consumer i in market m for enduring the ownership
change (Small and Rosen, 1981):
CV im ¼
im −ωim
The average compensating variation is just the integral over the
mass of consumers. The aggregate compensating variation in the population of market m is just the product of the average compensating variation and the size of the market:
CV m ¼ Λ m ∫CV im dP d ðdÞdP v ðvÞ;
where P∗d(d) and P∗v(v) denote the assumed empirical distribution of
demographics and independent normal distributions for unobserved
heterogeneity, respectively, and Λm denotes the size of market m.
3.2.6. Consumer demand estimation results
Table 3 presents the demand estimation results, with the different
columns reporting distinct specifications that vary on both the
covariates included, the estimation procedure and the type of price instruments. Specifications (1), (3) and (5) report the results of a generalized method of moments regression of a standard multinomial Logit
model using each of the types of instruments described above. These
first specifications include price, demographic and competition variables as covariates. Furthermore, we introduce heterogeneity by
interacting price with observable demographic characteristics and include UPC fixed effects in order to fully control for ξj.5 The coefficients
on the different covariates are all of the expected signs but mostly statistically insignificant. The price coefficient is one example of the latter.
Moreover, this captures non-linearities in φ(qj).
D. Brito et al. / International Journal of Industrial Organization 33 (2014) 22–36
Table 3
Demand estimation results.
RC logit
Standard coefficients: price, demographic and competition covariates
Price × HH size
Price × age
Price × HH income
HH size
HH income
Nearby grocery str.
Nearby conven. str.
Nearby pharmacies
Random coefficients: standard deviations
Random coefficients: demographic interactions
Price × HH size
Price × age
Price × HH income
Control parameters
No. end. var./instr.
R2/Hansen J statistic
Based on 17,745 observations. Standard errors clustered by store-brand in parentheses. HH denotes household. Nearby grocery str. and Nearby conven. str. denote the number of nearby
grocery and convenience stores, respectively. No. end. var./instr. denote the number of endogenous variables and the number of instruments, respectively. Specification (1) includes a
constant term. U, S and T denote UPC, store and time (quarter) dummy variables. +denotes that the J statistic of Hansen is statistically significant at the 5 percent level.
The constant's standard deviation captures σ0.
The interactions with household size and consumer age are mostly statistically insignificant too suggesting that these observed demographics
do not explain price sensitiveness. Finally, the coefficients on demographic and competition covariates are also mostly statistically insignificant. This suggests that the utility of purchasing (and not purchasing) is
not explained by the observed demographics nor impacted by the number of nearby grocery, convenience stores and pharmacies. Although the
first stage F-test of the joint significance of the excluded instruments is
statistically significant for all types of instruments, the corresponding
tests of over-identification are rejected, suggesting that the identifying
assumptions are not valid.
In order to reduce the requirements on the instruments, we estimate
specifications (2), (4) and (6) that include store- and quarter-fixed effects. Because each market is defined as a store–quarter combination,
the fixed effects (partially) control for ξm, UPC-invariant market deviations from the valuation means. Since ξm may be a function of unobserved demographics, if the unobserved demographics are correlated
with prices, ξm will be correlated with prices. The inclusion of the
store- and quarter-fixed effects increases the absolute value of the
price coefficient, which suggests that prices may be positively correlated with ξm, which will underestimate consumer price sensitivity if
not accounted for. We interpret the effects on the price coefficient as
evidence that controlling for ξm matters. The price coefficient suggests
that the average consumer is in fact price sensitive. The interactions
with household size and consumer age remain mostly statistically insignificant suggesting that these observed demographics do not explain
price sensitiveness. The interaction with household income becomes,
however, highly significant suggesting that households with higher
income are less price sensitive. The first stage F-test of the joint significance of the excluded instruments is, again, statistically significant for
all types of instruments. Controlling for the unobserved demographics
via ξm eliminates the omitted-variable bias and improves the corresponding over-identification test statistic. In the case of the BLP type instruments, the improvement is such that the instruments are no longer
rejected, suggesting that the BLP identifying assumption is valid. We explored the sensitivity of our results to the inclusion of market fixed effects that (fully) control for ξm. All the main coefficient results were
found to be robust. In order to avoid increasing unnecessarily the dimensionality of our problem, we controlled for ξm using store- and
quarter-fixed effects.
Finally, specification (7) reports the results for the full multinomial
random-coefficients Logit model with BLP type instruments. The results
suggest that the average consumer is price sensitive. The interaction with household income is, once again, statistically significant
confirming that households with higher income are less price sensitive.
The remaining interactions with household size and consumer age are
statistically insignificant suggesting that these observed demographics
do not explain price sensitiveness. The standard deviation coefficients
D. Brito et al. / International Journal of Industrial Organization 33 (2014) 22–36
Table 4
Median own- and cross-price elasticities.
1. B Lady Shaver 10r
2. B Metal Shaver 5r
3. B Pastel Lady Shaver 5r
4. B Shaver 10r
5. G Daisy Slim 5r
6. G Good News 3r
7. G Good News 10r
8. G Good News Microtrac 5r
9. G Good News Pivot Plus 10r
10. ASR Personna Flicker 5r
11. PL Single Blade 5r
12. PL Twin Blade 5r
13. WL Schick Slim Twin 5r
14. WL Schick Slim Twin 10r
15. WS Colors 5r
16. WS Ultra Glide Twin 5r
Figures denote the median price elastiticities over the 643 markets. The elasticity in row i and column j represents the percentage change in market share of product i with a 1% change in
price of product j. B: BIC, G: Gillette, ASR: American Safety Razor, PL: Private Label, WL: Warner-Lambert, WS: Wilkinson Sword. 3r, 5r and 10r denote package sizes of 3, 5 and 10 razors,
are also statistically insignificant, which suggests that most of the heterogeneity is due to demographics. Further, the point estimates of the
price covariate coefficients are very similar to the ones for the standard
multinomial Logit model in specification (4), which is indicative that the
heterogeneity within each demographic covariate is small.
Table 4 reports a sample of the estimated median (across the 643
store–quarter markets) own- and cross-price elasticities, computed according to the estimates from specification (7) in Table 3.6 The average
(across the 56 UPCs) of the median of the estimates of the own-price
elasticity is − 8.9. While such elasticities may seem relatively high,
when one takes into account the fact that there is a large number of
UPCs produced by large multiproduct firms, the elasticities seem quite
reasonable. If we were to look at own-price elasticities across products
or brands, considering the cross-price elasticities of all the other UPCs
that the company owns, the magnitudes would be lower. The average
of the median of the estimates of the cross-price elasticity is 0.1. By a
similar argument as above, while such elasticities may seem relatively
low, if we were to look at cross-price elasticities across products or
brands, the magnitudes would be higher.
3.2.7. Recovering (unobserved) marginal costs
We now move on to recover the (unobserved) marginal costs. Before we do so, we must address two issues. First, in a typical competition
policy issue, we would address the pre-partial acquisition marginal
costs. It is possible, however, to adjust the methodology to fit the specificities of the data used in the demand estimation (step 0). This is the
case of our empirical illustration that uses data from July 1994 to June
1996, the Warner-Lambert's post-acquisition period. As a consequence,
we are required to recover the post-partial acquisition marginal costs
and perform counterfactuals about prior facts.
Second, in the context of our application, we use retail data to infer
manufacturer behavior. To do so we rewrite the operating profit of
each firm in terms of the retail price. Let the manufacturer's margin
for a given UPC j in market m be given by mgw
jm = pjm − mcjm, where
jm denotes the corresponding wholesale price and mcjm denotes the
manufacturer's marginal cost of producing an additional pack of UPC j
in market m and transporting it from the plant to the retailer store.
Let also the margin of the retailer for selling this pack of UPC j in market
m be given by mgrjm = prjm − pw
jm − mcjm, where pjm denotes (as
As a robustness check, we computed the own- and cross-price elasticities according to
the estimates from specification (4). Given the similarity between the point estimates
from specifications (4) and (7), the magnitude of these price elasticities are comparable
to the ones presented in Table 4. These results are available from the authors upon request.
before) the corresponding retail price and mcrjm denotes the retailer's
marginal cost of getting the additional pack to the store shelves and
selling it. We can rearrange this margin in terms of the wholesale
price (pw
jm = pjm − mcjm − mgjm) and use the result to rewrite
the manufacturer's margin in terms of the retail price: mgw
jm = pjm −
mcjm − mgjm − mcjm. Although we do not model the interaction between manufacturers and retailers explicitly, this is consistent with a
wide variety of models of manufacturer–retailer interaction, since we
allow the retailer margin to be free floating over markets and UPCs. Furthermore, it implies that, in our application, the recovered marginal cost
c pst
of each UPC in a given market, mc
jm , includes those three elements:
c w;pst þ mc
c r;pst
c r;pst
c pst
jm ¼ mcjm
jm þ mg jm :
Having addressed the above issues, we now detail the procedure to
recover the unobserved marginal costs. It makes use of a slight adjusted
version of Eq. (13) that relies on the Bertrand–Nash behavior described
in Assumption 5, on the vectors pr,ne,pst
and sm(pr,ne,pst
), on the ability to
consistently estimate own- and cross-price effects, and on the ownership structure established in matrix Lpst.
The vectors pr,ne,pst
and sm(pr,ne,pst
) are observed in the data. The
own- and cross-price effects required to compute the elements of mane;pst
trix Ω
are estimated within the demand model (Table 4 provides a
sample of the estimated price-elasticities). Matrix Lpst is computed,
under Assumptions 1–4, using the shareholders' financial interests and
corporate control rights in the different firms. The former are easily derived from firm reports. The latter, as discussed above, depend on the
relative bargaining power of the shareholders and will typically be a
(non-linear) function of their corresponding voting rights. Table 5 presents the distribution of the post-partial acquisition financial interests
and voting rights of the different firms (from March 22, 1993 onwards)
according to 1994's Schedule 14A (proxy statement) information reported by each firm. In the empirical analysis below, we make the following assumption regarding the measure of each shareholder degree
of control over the manager of the firm:
Assumption 6. The control weight each owner has over the manager of
the firm is equal to the share of voting rights she owns.
Assumption 6 constitutes a natural benchmark and it is merely illustrative. Moreover, given the particular ownership structure of our
empirical application, it has relatively innocuous implications. In order
to see why, recall we recover marginal costs for the post-partial
acquisition ownership structure, a structure in which, following the
D. Brito et al. / International Journal of Industrial Organization 33 (2014) 22–36
Table 5
Principal shareholders and subsidiaries.
American Safety Razor Company
Allsop Venture Partners III, LP
Goldman Sachs Group, LP
Scudder Stevens and Clarck
Grantham Mayo Van Otter
Leucadia Investors, Inc.
Mezzanine Capital and Income Trust 2001 PLC
BIC Corporation
Bruno Bich
Warner-Lambert Company
The Capital Group, Inc.
Wilkinson Sword, Inc.
The Gillette Company
Berkshire Hathaway, Inc.
Financial interest
Voting right
Financial interest
Voting right
1994's Schedule 14A (proxy statement) information. Financial interest denotes each shareholder's holdings of total stock. Voting right denotes each shareholder's holdings of voting stock.
Equitable denotes the cumulative ownership of Equitable Capital Partners, LP, Equitable Deal Flow Fund, LP, Equitable Capital Partners (Retirement Fund), LP, and The Equitable Life
Assurance Society of the United States.
distribution of financial interests in Table 5, owners do not have conflicting views on the best strategy to pursue. As a consequence, the recovered marginal costs are invariant to the control weight's distribution
among owners. Nevertheless, the proposed methodology is not
constrained to Assumption 6. As suggested by Goppelsroeder et al.
(2008), we can, alternatively, measure the shareholders' bargaining
power by the Shapley–Shubik (1954) power index or the Banzhaf
(1965) power index. 7
The first two columns of Table 6 present price and recovered marginal costs for a sample of UPCs. Given that those variables vary by
UPC, store and quarter, we present the median for each selected UPC
across the 643 store–quarter combinations. The median price and recovered marginal cost is $3.02 and $2.59, respectively. The third column
of Table 6 presents the recovered marginal costs as a percentage of price.
The median recovered marginal cost to sale price ratio is 85.8%.
In order to evaluate the reasonability of our results, we decompose
the recovered marginal cost using the gross retail margin prjm − pw
(to capture mcr,pst
jm + mgjm ), a variable not used in the demand side estimation for exactly this purpose. This decomposition is presented, with
the obvious exception of private labels, in columns four and five of
Table 6. The median gross retail margin, excluding private labels, corresponds to 36.6% of price, yielding the manufacturer's marginal cost of
producing an additional pack and transporting it from the plant to the
retailer store corresponds to the remaining 51.6% of the retail price
and 79.6% of the wholesale price, which translates into a 20.4%
manufacturer's margin to wholesale price ratio. We compare this margin estimate with the accounting estimates supported by 1994's Annual
Report of the two biggest-selling brands (excluding private labels).
Gillette and Warner–Lambert's operating margin in 1994 was 37.4%
(blades & razors business segment) and 24.0% (consumer health care industry segment) of the corresponding wholesale price, respectively, a
value reasonably close to our results if we take into account that
Although, in our empirical application, the recovered marginal costs are not affected
by the control weight's distribution among owners, in general this is not true. In cases involving partial cross-shareholding of voting rights, the owners of a firm can have conflicting views on the best strategy to pursue. Owners that engage in cross-shareholding may
use their voting rights to influence the manager to pursue a less aggressive strategy than
the strategy desired by the remaining owners. As a consequence, the choice of power index matters and a careful evaluation of the true control weight is essential. If, for instance,
the assumed power distribution overestimates the true control weight cross-shareholders
have over the manager of a firm, the methodology will infer a less aggressive behavior towards rivals and consequently, for a given observed price level, overestimate marginal
disposable razor products typically sell at a lower margin than the
remaining razor products, making the accounting estimates above,
conservative ones. This seems to suggest the prices (and marginal cost
to price ratios) in the industry are consistent with the Bertrand–Nash
behavior described in Assumption 5.
3.2.8. Counterfactual analysis
After recovering the implied post-partial acquisition marginal costs,
m , we consider different shareholder and cross-ownership structures and simulate counterfactual equilibria. As discussed above,
because of the specificities of our dataset, we aim to perform counterfactuals about facts that occurred prior to 1994. The procedure solves
for the prices that satisfy a slight adjusted version of the first-order conditions (14). In particular, we solve for the prices in the baseline (counterfactual) pre-partial acquisition setting in which the shareholder
structure of Wilkinson Sword is independent of the remaining firms
in the industry (to mimic the industry ownership structure before
December 20, 1989) and use them to evaluate the following acquisitions:
1. Gillette acquires a 100% voting equity interest in Wilkinson Sword.
This constitutes a hypothetical ownership structure and it is presented to illustrate the counterfactual market outcomes if Gillette did not
voluntarily rescinded the acquisition of Eemland's wet shaving razor
business in the US (counterfactual).
2. Gillette acquires a 22.9% nonvoting equity interest in Wilkinson
Sword. This mimics the industry ownership structure from December
20, 1989 to March 22, 1993 (counterfactual).
3. Gillette acquires a 22.9% voting equity interest in Wilkinson Sword.
This constitutes a hypothetical ownership structure and it is presented here to illustrate the differential impact of acquiring a voting and a
nonvoting equity interest (counterfactual).
4. Warner-Lambert acquires a 100% voting interest in Wilkinson Sword.
This constitutes a full merger and mimics the industry ownership
structure from March 22, 1993 onwards (1994's actual situation).
Table 7 reports the median simulated percentage variation in equilibrium prices and market shares relative to the baseline case for a sample of UPCs across all DFF stores, using data for the third quarter of 1994.
There are three important aspects about these simulated results. First, in
the analysis, we assume the recovered marginal costs of each UPC in a
given market before and after the shareholder structure change remain
constant. This means that the change in ownership does not lead to
any efficiency gains or better information. However, as discussed
above, the analysis is not constrained to this assumption and can easily
D. Brito et al. / International Journal of Industrial Organization 33 (2014) 22–36
Table 6
Median recovered marginal costs.
mc decomposition
(as a % p )
1. B Lady Shaver 10r
2. B Metal Shaver 5r
3. B Pastel Lady Shaver 5r
4. B Shaver 10r
5. G Daisy Slim 5r
6. G Good News 3r
7. G Good News 10r
8. G Good News Microtrac 5r
9. G Good News Pivot Plus 10r
10. ASR Personna Flicker 5r
11. PL Single Blade 5r
12. PL Twin Blade 5r
13. WL Schick Slim Twin 5r
14. WL Schick Slim Twin 10r
15. WS Colors 5r
16. WS Ultra Glide Twin 5r
Overall Median
Median Excluding PL
mcr + mgr
(as a % p )
Figures denote median values over the 643 store–quarter combinations. B: BIC, G: Gillette, ASR: American Safety Razor, PL: Private Label, WL: Warner-Lambert, WS: Wilkinson Sword. 3r,
5r and 10r denote package sizes of 3, 5 and 10 razors, respectively.
be adjusted accordingly. Second, although the recovered marginal costs
(and the corresponding retailer markups) are allowed to be free floating
over markets and UPCs in a manner that is consistent with a wide
variety of models of manufacturer–retailer interaction, for the counterfactual analysis, because the interaction between manufacturers and
retailers is not modeled explicitly, the procedure assumes the simulated
pricing decisions do not impact the retailer markup of each market and
UPC. If, as a result of an acquisition, the effect on those decisions is expected to significantly impact retailer markups, the interaction with
manufacturers needs to be accounted explicitly. Brito et al. (2013c)
model this interaction and extend the methodology for partial acquisitions that involve firms in the vertical chain. Third, in spite of the fact
that the recovered marginal costs are, in our empirical illustration,
invariant to the choice of power index, the counterfactuals involving
partial cross-shareholding of voting rights are not. In our application,
such only happens for Gillette's 22.9% voting equity interest acquisition
in Wilkinson Sword, which incidentally constitutes a hypothetical
acquisition, presented just to illustrate the differential impact of acquiring a voting right over the financial interest. For such purpose, the natural benchmark implied by Assumption 6 seems reasonable.
The first two columns of Table 7 examine the impact of the 100% voting equity interest acquisition in Wilkinson Sword initially proposed by
Gillette. The DoJ alleged that the effect of this acquisition may have been
substantially to lessen competition and shortly after, Gillette voluntarily
rescinded the acquisition. The simulated counterfactual price increases
are, however, low: 9.3% and 7.2% for WS Colors and WS Ultra Glide,
The next two columns examine the impact of the 22.9% nonvoting
equity interest acquisition in Wilkinson Sword by Gillette. The DoJ
allowed this acquisition after being assured that this stake would be
passive. The results confirm the reasonability of this decision. The simulated price increases are extremely low: smaller than 0.001% for both
Table 7
Simulated median percentage change in prices and shares.
WS acquired by
G 100% voting
1. B Lady Shaver 10r
2. B Metal Shaver 5r
3. B Pastel Lady Shaver 5r
4. B Shaver 10r
5. G Daisy Slim 5r
6. G Good News 3r
7. G Good News 10r
8. G Good News Microtrac 5r
9. G Good News Pivot Plus 10r
10. ASR Personna Flicker 5r
11. PL Single Blade 5r
12. PL Twin Blade 5r
13. WL Schick Slim Twin 5r
14. WL Schick Slim Twin 10r
15. WS Colors 5r
16. WS Ultra Glide Twin 5r
G 22.9% nonvoting
G 22.9% voting
WL 100% voting
Figures are the median percentage change for each product over 81 stores in the third quarter of 1994. B: BIC, G: Gillette, ASR: American Safety Razor, PL: Private Label, WL: WarnerLambert, WS: Wilkinson Sword. 3r, 5r and 10r denote package sizes of 3, 5 and 10 razors, respectively.
0.001† denotes percentage changes smaller than 0.001.
D. Brito et al. / International Journal of Industrial Organization 33 (2014) 22–36
Table 8
Changes in total welfare, consumer welfare, firm's aggregated profits, brand's operating profits.
WS acquired by
Consumer welfare
Firm's aggregated profits
American Safety Razor
Private label
Warner Lambert
Wilkinson Sword
Brand's operating profits
American Safety Razor
Private label
Warner Lambert
Wilkinson Sword
Total welfare
G 100% voting
G 22.9% nonvoting
G 22.9% voting
WL 100% voting
Figures are in thousands of US dollars. The variation in each firm's aggregated profits denotes the variation in the stream of profits from the operations involving its own brand plus the
share (corresponding to its financial ownership stake) in the rival's full aggregate profits. For example, for the case in which Gillette acquires 22.9% nonvoting of Wilkinson Sword, the
variation in Gillette's aggregated profit includes the variation in the stream of profits from the operations involving Gillette's own brand plus a 22.9% share in Wilkinson Sword's full aggregate profits (not just in the implied variation). The variation in total aggregated profits is equal to the variation in total operating profits and corresponds to the variation in the returns of
all external shareholders.
WS Colors and WS Ultra Glide. The following two columns examine the
differential impact of, in addition to a financial interest, acquiring a voting equity interest. We expect the latter to lessen competition to a greater extent when compared with the sole acquisition of the former. The
simulated price increases confirm this expectation: 2.7% and 2.1% for
WS Colors and WS Ultra Glide, respectively.
Finally, the last two columns examine the impact of the 100% voting
equity interest acquisition in Wilkinson Sword by the Warner-Lambert
Company, prompted because of antitrust concerns. The concern was focused particularly on Europe where Wilkinson Sword was a stronger
player than in the US. Consistently with traditional merger analysis, a
merger between firms selling differentiated products may diminish
competition by enabling the merged firm to profit by unilaterally raising
price. The simulated price increases are however relatively low:
1.6% and 1.3% for WS Colors and WS Ultra Glide, respectively. Interestingly, the quantitative impact of a full merger with a smaller player
(Warner-Lambert) on WS's prices is relatively similar to a 22.9% partial
voting acquisition by a larger player (Gillette).
The main contribution of the paper is to provide a structural model
that can be empirically estimated and used not just to simulate the
price equilibrium that would result from several partial acquisition
counterfactuals, but also to analyze the corresponding change in consumer welfare. Table 8 presents changes in consumer welfare, firm aggregated profits, and total welfare extrapolated for the US economy as
a whole (under each of the shareholder and cross-ownership structures
The consumer welfare results were calculated as follows. The first
step consisted in computing the average compensating variation
across the 2,000 simulated consumers for each market m (given that
we focus our analysis on the third quarter of 1994, a market is defined
here as a store). We then computed the aggregate compensating
variation, for each store m, multiplying the corresponding average
by the potential size of the store. Finally, we added the aggregated
compensating variation across all stores. In order to extrapolate the
results for the US economy as a whole, we computed the average
compensating variation across the different markets and multiplied by
the US economy yearly potential market. The extrapolated results
suggest that the 100% voting equity interest acquisition in Wilkinson
Sword initially proposed by Gillette, and voluntarily rescinded due to
antitrust concerns, would have had the highest negative impact on
consumer welfare: approximately $20.4 thousand per year.
BVC show that a participation that induces control is more damaging
to consumer welfare than a passive participation, though both decrease
consumer surplus. Our empirical results are consistent with this
theoretical result. The 22.9% nonvoting equity interest acquisition in
Wilkinson Sword by Gillette, which was not challenged by the DoJ
after being assured that this stake would be passive, has a negative
impact on consumer welfare: approximately $2.1 thousand a year,
which is indeed smaller than the negative impact of approximately
$5.8 thousand per year resulting from the (hypothetical) controlinducing 22.9% acquisition.
The aggregated firm profit results were calculated using a procedure
similar to the above. The first step consisted in computing the operating
profit variation for each store m. We then added the results across all
stores to investigate the impact on DFF. In order to extrapolate the results for the US economy as a whole, we computed the average operating profit variation across the different markets and multiplied by the
US economy yearly potential market. Finally, we solved for the aggregated firm profits using Eq. (4). We begin the analysis by investigating
total profit. The extrapolated results mirror the ones for consumer
welfare. The 100% voting equity interest acquisition in Wilkinson
Sword initially proposed by Gillette would have had the highest positive
impact on total aggregated profits: approximately $7.1 thousand per
year, while the 22.9% nonvoting equity interest acquisition had indeed
the smallest impact: approximately $0.6 thousand per year. We now
address Gillette's perspective. The impact on the extrapolated aggregate
profits of Gillette seems relatively low and ranges from approximately
$8.7 (case 2) to $40.1 (case 1) thousand per year. This result may not
seem unexpected given the very small market share of Wilkinson
Sword in the US disposable razor products market. However, it may
raise a question as to the motivation of Gillette. The small magnitude
of the simulated profit gains does not seem to justify the most likely effort and expense of the acquisition transaction. This is particularly striking since Gillette sought to justify the participation in Eemland on the
theory that it was merely making an investment. Nevertheless, the results seem to be consistent with Eemland's management accounts
(see Monopolies and Mergers Commission, 1991). At the time of the acquisition, Eemland recorded a negative operating income in the US personal care division. This then seems to suggest that the profitability of
Gillette's investment derived solely from the European market, which
recorded a substantial positive operating income and it is not accounted
for in our analysis.
D. Brito et al. / International Journal of Industrial Organization 33 (2014) 22–36
Finally, the total welfare results aggregate the consumer welfare
changes with the total profit changes. The 100% voting equity interest
acquisition in Wilkinson Sword initially proposed by Gillette would
have had an approximate total welfare reduction of $13.3 thousand
a year, which indeed exceeds the impact of the 22.9% nonvoting equity
interest approved acquisition: −$1.6 thousand a year. Warner-Lambert
acquisition of Wilkinson Sword, prompted after the European Commission ordered Gillette to sell its stake in Eemland because of antitrust
concerns, was, however, detrimental for both consumer and total welfare: the reduction (comparison between case 4 and case 2) was approximately of $2.9 and $0.8 thousand a year, respectively.
4. Conclusions
This paper considers an empirical structural methodology to examine quantitatively the unilateral effects of partial acquisitions involving
pure financial interests and/or effective corporate control on prices,
market shares, firm profits and consumer welfare. The proposed methodology can deal with differentiated products industries, with both direct and indirect partial ownership interests and nest full mergers
(100% financial and control acquisitions) as a special case.
The general strategy models supply competition in a setting where
partial ownership may or may not correspond to control and use a
Nash–Bertrand equilibrium assumption, jointly with demand side estimates, to recover marginal costs, which are then used to simulate the
unilateral effects of actual and hypothetical partial acquisitions. This
structural approach to partial acquisitions may be a preferable method
for competition policy issues to the current indirect methods in the literature of using summary measures like modified HHIs or PPIs suitable
or relevant only in certain particular economic conditions.
We provide an empirical application of the methodology to several
acquisitions in the wet shaving industry. A DoJ challenged’s proposed
full acquisition of Wilkinson Sword by Gillette in 1989, voluntarily
rescinded due to antitrust concerns in favor of a (not-challenged) partial
acquisition of 22.9% nonvoting equity interest in 1990, and finally the
full merger between Warner-Lambert and Wilkinson Sword in 1993,
prompted after the European Commission ordered Gillette Company
to sell its stake in Wilkinson Sword. The results seem to confirm the
DoJ challenge of the initial proposal in the sense that it would have induced more damage to consumer welfare than the 22.9% passive final
participation. And finally, the results seem also to suggest that the
Warner-Lambert and Wilkinson Sword merger prompted for antitrust
concerns, was, in fact, detrimental for both consumer and total welfare.
This paper leaves many issues yet to be explored. Extensions of this
methodology to measure (i) the coordinated effects of partial acquisitions, and (ii) the unilateral and coordinated effects of partial acquisitions that involve firms in the vertical chain are provided in two
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