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Mechanical behavior of recycled polyethylene/piassava fiber composites
Amal Elzubair a,c,n, Joa~ o Carlos Miguez Suarez b,c,1
~ Bloco F, 21941-972 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Departamento de Engenharia Metalúrgica e de Materiais, Ilha do Fundao,
~ de Engenharia Meca~ nica e de Materiais, Prac- a General Tibúrcio, 80, Urca, 22290-270, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Instituto Militar de Engenharia, Sec- ao
Prac- a General Tibúrcio, 80, Urca, 22290-270 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
a r t i c l e i n f o
Piassava composite
Leopoldinia piassaba
Recycled polyethylene
Surface treatment
Mechanical behavior
The use of natural fibers for reinforcement of thermoplastics (which are found in domestic waste) is
desirable since it is based on abundant and renewable resources and can be ecologically correct.
Leopoldinia piassaba Wallace (commonly known as piassava), a palm tree native of Amazon-Brazil, is
cheap, easily found in Brazilian markets and the main component of home appliances and decorative
goods. The subject of the present work is a study of mechanical properties of composites of recycled
high density polyethylene (HDPE-r) reinforced with untreated, and treated (silane and NaOH) piassava
fibers, in proportions varying from 0% to 20% and injection molded under fixed processing conditions.
The influence of increasing amounts of piassava fibers and of surface treatment on the mechanical
behavior of the composites was investigated by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), mechanical testing
(tensile and flexure) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The topography of the fractured surfaces
of tested tensile specimens of unfilled and filled recycled HDPE was also observed by SEM and
correlated with the mechanical behavior. As the fiber content increases, the composites show a gradual
change in the mechanical properties and in the fracture mechanisms. Composites with 15% and 20% of
piassava fibers were found to exhibit the best mechanical performance.
& 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
The use of natural fibers as reinforcement for thermoplastics is
attractive since it is based on abundant and renewable resources
and is ecologically sound as it stimulates the recycling of
thermoplastics found in domestic waste. This is more interesting
since in Brazil there are abundant native palm species whose
lignocellulosic fibers have good mechanical properties. One of
these fibers is piassava (Fig. 1a), which has long, hard and tough
fibers that grow out of the leaf base surrounding completely the
trunk [1–3].
Piassava fibers are used in the production of brooms, brushes
and ropes and the economy of several Brazilian communities is
based on the extraction and processing of these fibers. A recent
slowdown in the market of piassava fibers had serious effects on
the income of native populations making it extremely desirable to
develop new non-traditional uses for these fibers [4,5].
Corresponding author at: Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Departamento
de Engenharia Metalúrgica e de Materiais, Ilha do Funda~ o, Bloco F, 21941-972 Rio de
Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. Tel.: 55 21 2562 8790; fax: 55 21 2280 7443x235.
E-mail addresses: (A. Elzubair), (J.C. Miguez Suarez).
Tel.: þ55 21 2546 7248; fax: þ 55 21 2546 7043.
Since plant-derived cellulose fibers are in general polar and
hydrophilic, while thermoplastics are largely non-polar and
hydrophobic, then such a lack of compatibility leads to poor
adhesion, which, in turn results in a composite material with
unsatisfactory mechanical properties. The fibers–matrix adhesion
can be improved by modifying the surface of the fibers to make
them more compatible with the matrix, or by introducing a
coupling agent that adheres well to both the fibers and matrix
[6–8]. Adhesives in the fiber cell wall (such as lignin, pectin, and
hemicelluloses) are responsible for binding cellulose microfibrils
together, as well as for joining adjacent fibers together to form
fiber bundles. These compounds must be removed to initiate fiber
separation, and thus enable better fiber distribution within the
composites [7].
NaOH plays the crucial role of removing lignin by means of
alkaline cleavage of ether linkages in the lignin, which may be
accompanied by condensation reactions. Pectin can be completely
attacked and removed without any residue being left in the fiber
after NaOH treatment, but the rate of lignin removal depends on
the NaOH concentration. Some alkali treatments, especially those
performed at high temperatures, have been shown to selectively
degrade the cementing materials in natural fibers, whilst having
little effect on the cellulose components [7,9,10]. On the other
hand, silane is used as a coupling agent to improve the adhesion
between the fiber and thermoplastic matrix.
0921-5093/$ - see front matter & 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article as: A. Elzubair, J.C. Miguez SuarezMechanical behavior of recycled polyethylene/piassava fiber composites,
Materials Science & Engineering A (2012),
A. Elzubair, J.C. Miguez Suarez / Materials Science & Engineering A ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]
standard) producing fiber fragments that showed a higher frequency of effective diameters in the sieve mesh range between
0.25 and 0.71 mm. Fragments in this range were used to make the
The recycled high density polyethylene was obtained from
post-consumer lubricating oil bottles in solid waste supplied by
LMG Indústria e Comércio de Plásticos (Duque de Caxias, Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil). It has a melt flow index (MFI) of 0.3 g/10 min (at
190 1C and 2.16 kg load measured according to ASTM D1238); a
density of 0.96 (ASTM D792) and a melting temperature of 132 1C
(ASTM D1347).
2.1. Fiber surface treatments
The fragmented fibers were submitted to two treatments to
improve the compatibility and adhesion between them and the
matrix as follows:
(i) Silane treatment, where the fibers were impregnated directly
with 3-methacryloxypropyltrimetoxy silane-MPTMS (D’Altomare, Sa~ o Paulo, SP) with 1/3 silane/fiber proportion.
(ii) Alkali treatment where the fibers were soaked at room
temperature in NaOH aqueous solution (5%) for 48 h followed
by neutralization and drying at 100 1C for 24 hours in an oven
equipped with circulating air
2.2. Compounding
HDPE-r pellets were hand mixed with 5, 10, 15 and 20 wt% of
untreated and treated piassava fibers and compounded in a Haake
reometer connected to a twin-screw extruder operating at 60 rpm
and with temperatures at 150, 160, 170 and 180 1C. The resultant
composites were in the form of small pellets used later for the
production of tensile and flexure test specimens in a Pic-Boy
injection machine at 230 1C.
2.3. Fiber and composite characterization
Fig. 1. Leopoldinia piassaba Wallace or Amazon piassaba: (a) a view of the palm and
(b) the fiber after fragmentation.
This work is part of a project that investigates the use of
piassava as natural fiber reinforcement in composites with a
recycled plastic matrix, developing a new low cost material for
applications where a high performance is not required.
2. Experimental
In the present work, we studied an injection molded composites of HDPE-r matrix reinforced with 5, 10, 15 and 20 wt%
piassava fibers (untreated and treated).
The ‘‘as received’’ piassava fibers with a density of approximately 1.13 g/cm3 and a length in the range from 0.60 to 2.18 m
were taken from a bale of piassava (Sa~ o Gabriel da Cachoeira,
Amazonas, Brazil) whose structure, morphology and mechanical
properties were reported elsewhere [11].
The fibers were fragmented in a Brabender equipment with
rotating knives, washed with cold water to remove the dust and
dried in an air-circulating oven at 80 1C for 2 h. The fragmented
fibers (Fig. 1b) were size classified in a laboratory sieve (DIN 4188
The effects of fiber surface treatments and increasing fiber
content in the composites behavior were investigated by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), mechanical testing (tensile and flexure) and scanning electron microscopy.
TGA was carried out in a Shimadzu model TGA-50 thermobalance. The samples, weighing approximately 20 mg, were heated
from 25 to 700 1C with a heating rate of 20 1C/min in nitrogen
atmosphere. The degradation temperature was determined.
The mechanical tests were carried out at room temperature
and 50% humidity in a universal testing machine of Instron
Corporation; series IX automated material testing system 1.19.
Tensile tests were performed with average sample dimensions:
width¼13.5 mm, depth¼2.5 mm and gage length 115 mm using
pneumatic grips and extensometer. The load cell is 1 kN and
cross-head speed of 10 mm/min according to ASTM D638. Flexural (3-point bending) test with average sample dimensions:
width¼12 mm, depth ¼5 mm and span¼100 mm, and crosshead speed of 3.3 mm/min according to D790 standards. Seven
to ten specimens were tested for each composite condition, and
the mean value and standard deviation for each property were
calculated with software provided with the testing machine.
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to analyze the
morphologies of longitudinal and transversal sections of samples
of untreated and treated fibers that were cryogenically fractured
after being immersed for at least 30 min in liquid nitrogen. The
failure mechanisms of composites specimens were studied by
examining the specimens fractured in the tensile tests. The
Please cite this article as: A. Elzubair, J.C. Miguez SuarezMechanical behavior of recycled polyethylene/piassava fiber composites,
Materials Science & Engineering A (2012),
A. Elzubair, J.C. Miguez Suarez / Materials Science & Engineering A ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]
microscopic exams were realized in a model JSM 5800LV JEOL
scanning electron microscope by direct observation of the topography of the samples fracture surfaces which were sputtercoated with gold in a vacuum chamber before examination.
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Thermogravimetric analysis
Fig. 2 demonstrates the DTG curves (first derivatives of the
TGA curves) of HDPE-r, untreated piassava fiber, and composites
with untreated and treated fibers. A series of thermal events are
shown. Such thermal transitions may be associated to the
degradation process expected in fibers, mainly pyrolysis of their
main constituents: cellulose, lignin and hemicellulose, a process
during which gases (such as CO, CO2), vapors are formed as well
as a solid residue of charcoal [12]
As evident in Fig. 2, the thermal degradation of untreated
piassava fiber starts with a slight weight loss at 70 1C which
proceeds till around 200 1C, most probably, this is related to the
evaporation of water and any substances having low boiling
point. Additionally, several competing pyrolytic reactions take
place; one started at 200 1C and having a maximum at 309 1C
may be attributed to pyrolysis of hemicellulose, pectin, or lignin
(which continues its decomposition till about 500 1C). The other
reaction starts at 372 1C and can be assigned to degradation of
cellulose. Such degradation is supposed to be faster than that of
lignin, but due to its partial crystallinity, cellulose can be
thermally more stable than the other amorphous constituents.
Fig. 2. DTG curves of HDPE-r, untreated piassava fiber, and composites: (a) with fiber treated with silane while and (b) with fiber treated with NaOH (alkali treatment).
Please cite this article as: A. Elzubair, J.C. Miguez SuarezMechanical behavior of recycled polyethylene/piassava fiber composites,
Materials Science & Engineering A (2012),
A. Elzubair, J.C. Miguez Suarez / Materials Science & Engineering A ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]
The first peak is observed to almost disappear in the measured
curves of all composites that have been reinforced with treated
fibers suggesting that this treatment has managed to wash out all
the cementing materials from the fiber surfaces. Furthermore, we
observed that for composites consisting of 15% and 20% fibers that
were treated with silane, the cellulose degradation peak was
broad and shifted to 398 and 424 1C respectively. By contrast, for
those fibers that were treated with alkali, the peak was found to
be shifted to 381 and 400 1C respectively. This comparison shows
that the latter treatment leads to a higher thermal stability than
for the case of untreated fibers. Finally, the degradation event at
493 and 495 1C is attributed to the degradation process of HDPE-r.
These observations show that the thermal degradation of piassava
fibers, as compared with most thermoplastics, occurs at relatively
high temperatures; this confirms the good thermal resistance of
this kind of fiber [13–15].
3.2. Mechanical properties
The mechanical tests parameters of the composites were
summarized in Tables 1 and 2, containing the mean values and
standard deviations of the measurements. On comparing the
tensile and flexure (bending) results; one notice that the tensile
strain decreases as the fiber content is increased, and that the
flexure strain as well as the displacement are almost constant.
The toughness calculated from tensile measurement decreases
with increasing fiber content, and, furthermore, it shows higher
values as compared to those of the flexure test. The latter features
are suggestive of the type of applications wherein these composites may be used.
Fig. 3 shows the tensile and flexure strength of the composites
(Fig. 3a) and their tensile modulus (Fig. 3b) as a function of the
content of untreated and treated piassava fibers.
Our findings suggest that t the addition of piassava fiber to the
polymeric matrix increased the tensile strength, as compared to
the unfilled HDPE-r. The highest value of the tensile strength was
achieved in the composite containing 20% of piassava fibers
treated with sodium hydroxide and the lowest with fibers treated
with silane. t the addition of piassava fiber to the polymeric
matrix increased the tensile strength, as compared to the unfilled
HDPE-r. The highest value of the tensile strength was achieved in
the composite containing 20% of piassava fibers treated with
sodium hydroxide and the lowest with fibers treated with silane.
Furthermore, for the 15% composites, no significant differences
between the treated and untreated composites were observed.
The flexure strength is shown to be higher for the composite with
20% and comparable to that of the composites with 15% of
untreated and sodium hydroxide treated fibers. The composites
with 15% and 20% of fibers treated with silane were observed to
exhibit the lowest flexure strength. In all cases, composites with
5% and 10% of treated fibers show no significant improvement. By
contrast, the composites with untreated and treated fiber, as
compared with the unfilled HDPE-r, do demonstrate significant
differences in flexural strength.
Table 1
Results of tensile test of the composites includes the mean values and standard
deviation of the tensile parameters: nt stands for ‘‘not treated fiber’’, tn for ‘‘fiber
treated with NaOH’’ and ts for ‘‘fiber treated with silane’’.
Ultimate stress
Strain to failure Modulus
10.677 1.87
16.29 7 1.95
12.87 7 2.46
6.487 1.6
14.92 7 3.43
5.867 1.02
2.987 0.41
2.977 0.48
2.917 0.38
2.487 0.47
2.567 0.36
2.537 0.53
18.8 7 0.73
19.41 7 0.60
19.02 7 0.63
18.89 7 0.97
17.83 7 0.74
18.22 7 0.95
21.32 7 0.79
21.22 7 0.81
22.96 7 1.1
20.77 7 0.64
22.46 7 0.78
20.087 0.54
48.73 7 8.38
82.9 7 14.51
63.53 7 12.7
28.08 7 6.52
76.82 7 16.7
27.95 7 5.09
13.58 7 1.62
12.98 7 1.99
12.86 7 1.46
11.88 7 2.09
12.54 7 1.46
11.87 7 2.26
929.0 7 269
923.8 7 178
893.1 7 231
1047 7 20
958.2 7 231
982.7 7 30
1147 7 50
1228 7 25
1188 7 28
1216 7 47
1259 7 53
1240 7 17
Table 2
The mean values of the flexural properties, nt stands for ‘‘not treated fiber’’, tn for
‘‘fiber treated with NaOH’’ and ts for ‘‘fiber treated with silane’’.
Ultimate stress
Strain to failure
0.080 70.04
0.095 70.05
0.082 70.03
0.098 70.03
0.094 70.06
0.09 70.005
0.115 70.09
0.120 70.05
0.107 70.03
0.121 70.06
0.107 70.08
0.091 70.03
25.22 7 0.52
24.017 0.49
24.37 7 0.51
25.047 0.29
24.68 7 0.88
21.84 7 0.61
27.83 7 0.85
27.99 7 0.74
26.56 7 0.48
27.81 7 0.61
24.59 7 1.22
20.487 0.56
0.042 70.02
0.053 70.02
0.047 700
0.054 70.01
0.052 70.01
0.057 70.01
0.053 70.01
0.053 70.01
0.054 70.01
0.054 70.03
0.055 70.03
0.055 70.01
15.047 4.14
16.67 7 00
16.69 7 0.04
16.67 7 06
16.65 7 03
16.7 7 0.07
16.72 7 0
16.68 7 0
16.72 7 0
16.74 7 0
16.73 7 0
16.68 7 0
Fig. 3. Mechanical properties of composites as a function of treated and untreated
fiber content: (a) tensile and flexure strengths and (b) tensile modulus.
Please cite this article as: A. Elzubair, J.C. Miguez SuarezMechanical behavior of recycled polyethylene/piassava fiber composites,
Materials Science & Engineering A (2012),
A. Elzubair, J.C. Miguez Suarez / Materials Science & Engineering A ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]
The tensile modulus of composites (Fig. 3b) increases progressively with the fiber content, the highest value being attained for
composites with 20% of fibers treated with sodium hydroxide. It
seems that the addition of fibers to HDPE-r produces an increase
in the tensile modulus, independent of fiber treatment. Composites with untreated or treated fiber show similar mechanical
behavior as the fiber amount decreased below 15 wt%.
The mechanical results can be explained considering the following: First, the alignment of the fibers along the flowing direction
during the injection process leads to an improvement in the tensile
behavior. Secondly, the surface treatments of the fiber external
layers cause a leaching out of cementing materials as well to a
partial dissolution of fatty acids and phenol components resulting in
a better mechanical interlocking between fiber and matrix. Finally,
the alkali treatment produces a better interfacial fiber–matrix
adhesion and, as a consequence, leads to a higher tensile modulus,
especially, for composites with higher fiber content.
3.3. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
Typical SEM micrographs of cross-sectioned (transversal) and
longitudinal views of untreated fibers are shown in Figs. 4 and 5,
Fig. 4 presents the fiber transversal view showing that piassava fibers have a cross-section which is neither circular nor fairly
uniform in its dimensions (Fig. 4a), which comprising a composite
of tightly packed microfibrils with hollow cores (Figs. 4b–c); this
is a common feature among the natural fibers [16,17].
Fig. 5 indicates that the fiber has an approximately cylindrical
form (Fig. 5a) and that the fibers display also a superficial array of
parenquimatic cells with spinulose bodies known as silica bodies
or tylosis (Fig. 5b–c): the latter are commonly present in all palms
SEM micrographs of treated piassava fibers (Fig. 6) show that
both treatments produce a rougher longitudinal surface free of
wax and impurities but with some cavities (these are the places
from where the silica bodies have been removed, see Fig. 6a–b). It
can be also noted that the internal structure remains intact and
having no visible changes (Fig. 6c).
It is recalled that the surface treatments, as seen in TGA,
remove lignin, pectin, hemicelluloses, or any other fatty materials
that might have an effect on the superficial appearance of the
fiber. The fibers treated by NaOH show a cleaner surface with
holes from the above-mentioned removal of spinulose silica
bodies. On the other hand, fibers treated with silane exhibit
rougher surfaces than the surfaces of the untreated ones.
Figs. 7 and 8 present typical SEM photomicrographs of tensile
fracture surfaces of composites of HDPE-r reinforced with
untreated and treated piassava fibers.
SEM analysis of the fractured tensile specimens of composites
with untreated fibers show an occurrence of failure induced,
Fig. 4. SEM microphotographs of cryogenic surfaces fracture of transversal section of untreated L. piassaba fibers: (a) transversal surface (lumen), (b) internal structure
(fibril structure) and (c) vascular bundles.
Please cite this article as: A. Elzubair, J.C. Miguez SuarezMechanical behavior of recycled polyethylene/piassava fiber composites,
Materials Science & Engineering A (2012),
A. Elzubair, J.C. Miguez Suarez / Materials Science & Engineering A ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]
Fig. 5. SEM microphotographs of cryogenic surface fractures of longitudinal
section of untreated L. piassaba fibers: (a) longitudinal surface; (b) silica bodies
in the longitudinal wall and (c) detail of (b).
Fig. 7. SEM microphotographs of tensile fracture surfaces of HDPE-r/untreated L.
piassaba fibers composites: (a) 5% fiber and (b) 15% fiber.
Fig. 6. SEM microphotographs of cryogenic surface fracture of treated L. piassaba
fibers: (a) longitudinal surface after silane treatment; (b) longitudinal wall after
silane treatment and (c) internal structure after alkali treatment.
predominantly, by transversal fracture in the plane of the matrix.
The fracture surfaces are rough and with a typical ductile nature.
The fractured fibers have a random orientation showing a pull-out
tendency that implies some matrix–fiber adhesion.
The presence of fiber bundles in the 95/5 composites (Fig. 7a)
suggests that; a composite with a smaller amount of fibers has
lower mechanical strength, as indicated by the tensile tests results.
SEM examination of fractured surfaces in the composites with
treated fibers (Fig. 8) show modifications in the topographic
aspects of the failure surfaces and normal fracture in the matrix
plane. Additionally, no fiber pull-out was observed and the
composites with treated fibers show, in comparison with the
untreated ones, a better fiber adhesion to HDPE-r, especially for
the alkalized fibers (Fig. 8b).
These SEM features are in agreement with the mechanical
results and support the observed changes in the properties of the
HDPE-r/piassava fibers composites.
4. Conclusions
The mechanical behavior of the recycled high-density polyethylene/piassava fiber composites has been analyzed with the
Please cite this article as: A. Elzubair, J.C. Miguez SuarezMechanical behavior of recycled polyethylene/piassava fiber composites,
Materials Science & Engineering A (2012),
A. Elzubair, J.C. Miguez Suarez / Materials Science & Engineering A ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]
This improvement is best appreciated if compared with that of
the recycled HDPE.
Treatments of piassava fibers by sodium hydroxide and a
silane coupling agent lead to an overall improvement of the
mechanical properties of the composites. This is, most probably, due to an increase in the fiber–matrix adhesion and as
such a higher strength.
The thermal stability of cellulose (shown in TGA data) and the
preservation of the internal structure of the microfibrils
(observed in the SEM images) contribute to the improvement
of the mechanical properties.
The piassava fibers are suitable for application as a reinforcement phase in thermoplastic matrix composites and present a
great potential even without any surface treatment.
Recycled thermoplastics matrix composites with piassava
fibers reinforcement can be used in the manufacture of light
and/or low cost products but additional studies should be
made before they are used in high performance structural
The authors thank the Brazilian funding agencies FAPERJ,
CAPES and CNPq for partial financial support.
Fig. 8. SEM microphotographs of tensile fractured surfaces of HDPE-r/treated piassava
fibers composites: (a) 15% fiber (silane treated) and (b) 10% fiber (NaOH treated).
aim of developing new non-traditional uses for piassava fibers;
this is meant to lower the adverse effects on the income of the
Brazilian rural population which were caused by the reduction of
the fiber market. The following conclusions could be drawn from
this investigation:
– An addition of piassava fibers to HDPE-r, up to 20 wt%, improves
the tensile and flexure behavior, especially the elastic modulus.
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Please cite this article as: A. Elzubair, J.C. Miguez SuarezMechanical behavior of recycled polyethylene/piassava fiber composites,
Materials Science & Engineering A (2012),