International Journal of Management & Information Systems – Second Quarter 2012
Volume 16, Number 2
The Value Of Webcams For Virtual Teams
Joel Olson, Kaplan University, USA
Frank Appunn, Kaplan University, USA
Kimberly Walters, Kaplan University, USA
Lynn Grinnell, St. Petersburg College, USA
Chad McAllister, Walden University, USA
The latest low-cost technology solutions provide practical and reliable video options form
standard personal computers using the Internet. By adding video to an established and
geographically dispersed team process, this exploratory research tries to establish the experience
of participants and perceived effectiveness of the team. Building on the literature, this qualitative
research performs a content analysis design on a text transcription of weekly audio logs from
participants. This approach analyzes the rich content of team members to discover the relevance
of differing elements within trust, technology, and effectiveness find support. By understanding the
influences of adding video to teams, leaders, and managers should be able to make informed
decisions regarding the adoption of video for each participant. The attitude evolution regarding
the use of technology over a period of six weeks provides further considerations for deployment.
Keywords: Virtual Teams; Distributed Teams; Webcam Teams; Video Teams
irtual teams have become a common occurrence within and between organizations with many
studies identifying a variety of methods to improve outcomes (Chen et al, 2007; Hambley et al,
2007; Liu et al, 2008; Sridhar et al, 2007; van der Kleij et al, 2009). Teams often rely on
technology to provide a variety of communications options to facilitate performance (Karpova et al, 2009; Kleij et
al, 2009; Reed and Knight, 2010; Thomas and Bostrom, 2008; Wiggins, 2009). Against this backdrop, it follows
that the evolution of technology will enable the broader deployment of increasing levels of rich-media options. The
increased availability of fast network access and reducing real cost of technology options allows for the use of
increasingly sophisticated rich-media options.
The trend towards increased utilization of virtual teams can also be seen in actual individual and
organizational behavior. Organizations have recognized the value of telecommuting or remote users evidenced by
growth of as much as 900% in the number of organizations surveyed in 2004 using telecommuting or remote users
(Johnson, 2004). Simultaneously, the general population has indicated its increased comfort with technology by the
increased utilization of secure transactions such as e-banking (Bielski, 2004). More recently, reduced cost and
availability has changed the urban dynamic and led less need for organizations to establish their offices on a single
physical location (Ioannides et al, 2008). The implication is a separation of function and geography. One can find
further support for this trend by considering the growth of outsourcing going beyond the traditional areas to include
service provision (Narayanan et al, 2011). The organizational benefits of outsourcing include access to workers
with a better match of skills, reduced cost, and data access. Employees see the benefit of reduced travel, time, and
an improved support for sustainability (Wheelen and Hunger, 2010).
Globalization has also driven the increase in utilization of virtual teams. The competitive nature of
business and the rising need for global quality knowledge workers increases the need to exploit remote integration
(Tarique and Schuler, 2010). There is a need for higher levels of interaction and less reliance on simple repetitive
tasks conducted at separate locations. Modern business relies on increasingly sophisticated interaction between
larger numbers of remote workers. This requires rich communication to support organization (Wiggins, 2009).
© 2012 The Clute Institute
International Journal of Management & Information Systems – Second Quarter 2012
Volume 16, Number 2
Organizational management and leadership are also affected by this trend of increasing virtual team
utilization (Balthazard et al, 2009; Nydegger and Nydegger, 2010). Purvanova and Bono, (2009) and Hambley et al.
(2007) highlight that leaders can use technology mediated relationships under the correct conditions to increase
performance. Virtual team members as report success in terms of satisfaction (Golden and Veiga, 2008), trust
(Greenberg et al, 2007; Robert et al, 2009), and comfort (Lewis et al, 2005).
Objective and Purpose
Challenges remain as there continue to be reports of the negative influence of technology on teams
(Thomas and Bostrum, 2008). Virtual teams are growing, providing a growing proportion of the productive output
for organizations. The change in interaction leading to less social interaction, and changing methods for sharing
tasks has provided a number of challenges for individuals. Participants have varying degrees of comfort with
remote teams due to geographical dispersion; have less traditional work hours, and a need for more structure for
interaction. In adjusting to the changed interaction and the evolving technology options, team members have a
continuing challenge to achieve the level of function in a traditional setting.
The use of video has the opportunity to provide a new dynamic for individual integration and improved
performance at reduced costs for organizations. Video provides increased live interact facilitating the focus and
attentiveness to improve communication and increased levels of trust. Video also proximate the previous
managerial and leadership practice of leaders and managers better positioning them to be effective in virtual
environments. Video has the potential to continue actualizing the promise of technology by facilitating closer
relations, reducing cost, and increasing the productivity of virtual teams.
Research Question
Research on how video influences teams has been limited. Several studies have been limited to students
(Bluemink and Järvelä, 2004; Hambley, et al., 2007; Jarmon et al, 2009). Other investigations relied on specialized
technology not generally available to average users (Couzins and Beagrie, 2004; Hertel et al, 2005; Nakanishi,
This study addressed the question, what is the impact of webcams on the trust and perceived effectiveness
of virtual teams. The study used low cost webcams, no special specification of equipment, and it did not make use
of any special travel arrangements or training. The subjects in this study had experience with computer mediated
virtual teams using telephone and webinars; however, but had never utilized webcams or video. This experience
parallels the experience of many virtual teams, which increases the probability that the study findings would have a
broad relevance and be scalable to other organizations and teams.
The research question required a qualitative method to explore the individual expectations and experiences
of the team members over six weeks. Content Analysis was used to contextual individual experience in light of
existing trust and effectiveness theory. A literature review was conducted to find appropriate sources to determine a
clear set of attributes to use as a content frame.
Content analysis relies on finding appropriate sources to define a clear set of specific attributes. A
considered review of the literature found trust and perceived team effectiveness to be most important.
The study of social psychology has not been linear. It reads more like a dictionary of interesting topics
than a novel with a clear story line. Trust has been studied for some time resulting in a number of trust theories;
however, there has not been an emergent integrative theory of organizational trust (Kramer, 1999). The result is a
conflicted record of contradictory findings that are difficult to compare (Schiller and Mandiwalla, 2007).
© 2012 The Clute Institute
International Journal of Management & Information Systems – Second Quarter 2012
Volume 16, Number 2
Trust has been pursued in terms of individual choice (Arrow, 1974; Kreps, 1990; Miller 1992). That
individual choice has been framed as being social, rational, and relational. For some individuals, individual trust
choices are about social moral duty. The emphasis is on obligation and duty. These individuals have an internal
framework linking trust decisions to appropriate moral action (Jarvenpaa et al, 1998). A utilitarian perspective
drives rational choice. Economic (Williamson, 1993) and social (Coleman, 1990) factors are assessed to determine
trust decisions. Trust decisions are a rational choice based on the calculation of self-interest (Kramer, 1999).
The relational frame has been more popular and forwarded by several researchers (Mayer et al, 1995;
McAllister, 1995; Tyler and Kramer, 1996). Relational choice has approached trust in terms of individual
personality (Frost et al, 1978), culture (Farris et al, 1973), and interpersonal relationships (Duetsch, 1958; Mayer et
al., 1995). Interpersonal relationships have been further studied as collective factors (Cummings and Bomiley,
1996) and individual factors (Mayer, et al., 1995). Jarvenpaa et al. (1998) has linked both collective and individual
trust factors to virtual teams.
Trust has been suggested as a key factor influencing the effectiveness of virtual teams. Sarker et al, (2003)
defined virtual team trust (VTT) as “the degree of reliance individuals have on their remotely located team members
taken collectively (i.e., as a group)” (p. 37). They identified three types of trust that are applicable to virtual teams:
personality-based, institutional-based, and cognitive trust. Cognitive trust was further divided into three dimensions:
stereotyping (subdivided into message-related, technology-related, and physical appearance/behavior), unit
grouping, and reputation. Personality-based trust was defined as trust “that develops during infancy when one seeks
and receives help from one’s caretakers” (Bowlby as cited in Sarker et al., 2003, p. 37) and results in “a general
propensity to trust others” (Rotter as cited in Sarker et al., 2003, p. 39). Institutional-based trust draws on
institutional theory, which states that “norms and rules of institutions (such as organizations) surrounding
individuals guide their behavior (Sarker et al., 2003, p. 37).
Sarker et al. (2003) argued that cognitive trust develops through two types of interactions, increased
familiarity through tasks, and social interaction not related to tasks (e.g., humor, personal anecdotes). Cognitive
trust can be broken down into three categories of unit grouping, reputation categorization, and stereotyping. Unit
grouping “refers to the fact that team members share common goals that make them see each other positively and
trustingly” (Sarker et al., p. 37). Reputation categorization suggests, “individuals with good reputations are trusted”
(Sarker et al., p. 37). Finally, positive stereotypes based on physical appearances or other interaction modes lead to
trusting. Sarker et al. (2003) developed and validated a survey of Virtual Team Trust based on these factors.
Perceived Team Effectiveness
As discussed, perceived team performance has been defined in multiple ways in the literature. The current
study follows the work of an exploratory study by Lurey and Raisinghani (2001). Lurey and Raisinghani (2001)
presented a framework for assessing a team’s effectiveness. One advantage to this framework is that it contains both
process and outcome measures. Thus, information on how teams develop over time can be assessed as well as their
overall effectiveness.
The framework consists of three factors. The first factor is an outcome measure based on the team’s
productivity level. Productivity level is defined as “the extent to which the group’s output, product, or service,
meets the required standards” (Lurey and Raisinghani, 2001, p. 3). A supervisor or other management person not
within the team would judge this factor.
The remaining factors are process measures. The second factor is the team’s ability to learn and improve
over time; based on “the process of conducting the work, not the actual outcome that is generated” (Lurey and
Raisinghani, 2001, p. 4). This factor incorporates an element of future performance and team’s ability to learn. The
third factor relates to individual team members’ level of satisfaction. It is also a process variable versus an outcome
variable. This third factor implies that the team has a responsibility to “care for its members and provide the right
opportunities for personal development and growth” (Lurey and Raisinghani, 2001, p. 4).
© 2012 The Clute Institute
International Journal of Management & Information Systems – Second Quarter 2012
Volume 16, Number 2
Interestingly, this study found a primarily insignificant relationship between overall team performance and
the teams’ tools and communication patterns. However, the specific Pearson correlation between video
conferencing and performance was -.43 and between video conferences and satisfaction was -.23 indicating a
significant relationship in a negative direction. Video conferencing was not a primary method of communication for
the teams in this study. The majority of the teams used video conferencing only once per month or less frequently.
This was suggested as a potential area for future research with a caveat that other factors were shown to have a
greater influence on effectiveness.
Data Collection
Data were collected from five participants who were members of a research team at a large online
university. Three were faculty members, one was a department chair, and one was a faculty development
coordinator. Participants worked for the organization part or full-time and all worked virtually. Four participants
were men and one was a women. Some faculty had met once in person at a faculty retreat in January 2010.
The team existed five months prior to the start of data collection. The team started weekly Adobe Connect
sessions with audio via a conference bridge for all members and the group leader using a web cam in February 2010.
The team intensified the video experience using WebEx with all team members using web cams in August 2010. A
baseline audio log was created by each team member the week prior to the intensified video experience. Participants
met weekly over a six-week data collection period and recorded impressions of their experiences immediately
following each meeting.
To record impressions, participants responded to a four-question, open-ended survey. The survey questions
What impact did video have on your team experience? Why?
What impact did video have on the development of trust in your virtual team? Why?
What impact did video have on your own effectiveness? The effectiveness of your team? Why?
Other comments:
Each weekly log was transcribed by a third party organization and identifying information was removed from the
Content Analysis seeks to confirm a preexisting theory within the data moving from theory through
observation to confirmation. It is a deductive approach seeking to confirm historic ideas. This approach is far more
structured than most qualitative approaches, with little latitude for the researchers to discover new ideas. Content
analysis aims to establish the presence of content in a body of data (Robson, 2002).
Based on the literature, two historic approaches were selected to inform the preparation of codes for this
study. For trust, Sarker et al. (2003) provide a system to measure trust as related to personality, institutional and
cognitive basis. The latter is subdivided into unit grouping, reputation, and stereotyping. Perceived team
effectiveness comes from Lurey and Raisinghani (2001). Analysis of perceived team effectiveness places a focus on
satisfaction and performance where performance includes both the execution and the outcome of the team
interaction (see Table 1 for a full list of codes and definitions).
Prior to coding, each researcher created a set of proposed codes based on these two existing theories. The
researchers then reviewed their proposed codes to clarify code definitions prior to determining the final codebook.
The agreed upon unit of measure for the text data was a sentence with no more than two codes for each sentence
choosing the most important when there were more potential meanings. While analyzing a sentence individually for
meaning, the context of the surrounding text data contributed to the definition. This context provided important
meaning given the unstructured nature of audio responses.
© 2012 The Clute Institute
International Journal of Management & Information Systems – Second Quarter 2012
Volume 16, Number 2
Intercoder reliability was also addressed continually throughout the coding process. After coding the first
study participant, the researchers compared their codes. Reliability statistics (Kappa and percent agreement) were
calculated after the completion of coding for each participant’s data. If the coders did not reach an acceptable level
of agreement for a participant, they reviewed the codebook again to improve their understanding of the definitions.
Once agreement was reached, they would code the next participant’s data. If acceptable agreement were not
reached, they would recode all previous participants’ data after a review of the codebook.
Video impact positive (V+)
Video impact negative (V-)
Technology learning curve (Tech)
Trust – Personality (TPers+) positive
Trust – Personality (TPers-) negative
Trust –Institutional (TInst+) positive
Trust – Institutional (TInst-) negative
Trust – Cognitive Unit grouping
(TUnit+) positive
Trust – Cognitive Unit grouping (TUnit) negative
Trust – Cognitive Reputation (TRep+)
Trust – Cognitive Reputation (TRep-)
Trust – Cognitive Stereotyping (TSter+)
Trust – Cognitive Stereotyping (TSter-)
Perceived effectiveness – Satisfaction
with team – (PESat+) positive
Perceived effectiveness – Satisfaction
with team – (PESat-) negative
Perceived effectiveness – Performance –
Execution (process, procedures) –
(PEPerf+) positive
Perceived effectiveness – Performance –
Execution (process, procedures) –
(PEPerf-) negative
Perceived effectiveness – Performance –
Outcome (PEOut+) positive
Perceived effectiveness – Performance –
Outcome (PEOut-) negative
Table 1. Codes, Definitions and Sources
A statement of positive impact of the video
A statement of negative impact of the video
Technology learning curve present – large,
Mention of trust related to having the
tendency to trust – trusting nature
Mention of trust related to having the
tendency to trust – trusting nature
Mention of trust related to being an
employee of the same organization
Mention of trust related to being an
employee of the same organization
Unit grouping (sharing common goals)
Sarker, Valacich, and Sarker (2003)
Sarker, Valacich, and Sarker (2003)
Sarker, Valacich, and Sarker (2003)
Sarker, Valacich, and Sarker (2003)
Sarker, Valacich, and Sarker (2003)
Unit grouping (sharing common goals)
Sarker, Valacich, and Sarker (2003)
Reputation (good reputation = trusted)
Sarker, Valacich, and Sarker (2003)
Reputation (good reputation = trusted)
Sarker, Valacich, and Sarker (2003)
Stereotyping (Physical appearance/behavior)
Sarker, Valacich, and Sarker (2003)
Stereotyping (Physical appearance/behavior)
Sarker, Valacich, and Sarker (2003)
Care for members and provide the right
opportunities for personal development and
Care for members and provide the right
opportunities for personal development and
Team’s ability to learn and therefore
improve itself and its members while
conducting its work
Team’s ability to learn and therefore
improve itself and its members while
conducting its work
The extent to which the group’s output meets
the required standard
The extent to which the group’s output meets
the required standard
Lurey and Raisinghani (2000)
Lurey and Raisinghani (2000)
Lurey and Raisinghani (2000)
Lurey and Raisinghani (2000)
Lurey and Raisinghani (2000)
Lurey and Raisinghani (2000)
There were 1271 sentences across the five participants and the seven logs. The analysis used Microsoft
Excel files, merging sheets from each researcher, an assortment of text formulae, and then using frequency counts.
With the limited number of units, this approach allowed flexibility, negligible training, and accurate assessment.
Further text formulae performed validation of input and identified researcher errors.
© 2012 The Clute Institute
International Journal of Management & Information Systems – Second Quarter 2012
Volume 16, Number 2
With two potential interpretations per sentence, Table 2 shows a percentage spread across the two
researchers’ agreement on 637 instances across the participants. There were 240 occasions where the two
researchers did not recognize the same code; these are excluded from Table 2. The implication is that the
participants were not restrained or influenced to limit their audio logs to the specific content anticipated in this
research. The agreement between researchers results in a simple inter-rater statistic of 72.6% and Cohen’s Kappa at
59%. Both statistics are comfortably above the acceptance norm.
Table 2. Total Number of responses and percentage analysis
All but S1
Notes: V+ was improvement through video while V- was negative. Tech indicated a technical comment, similarly TUnit
considered cognitive trust within the sample unit, PEPerf perceived effectiveness in execution and PEOut perceived effectiveness
of the outcome. Code refers to the percentage of sentences that had some recognition while Number refers to the absolute
number of units or sentences.
The diversity of the participants was confirmed with individual results identifying divergent results across
all 19 codes tested in this research. The biggest difference was the positive influence of video where the response
went from 46% as a high to a low at 10% of the available codes. The use of percentages to represent the previous
statistic results from very different response rates per participant. The most verbose participant provided 531
sentences or 41% of the total responses, representing double the average. The lowest response rate at 47 sentences
represents less than half of the average rate. The implication being that the views of a single participant could
overshadow the research. In interpreting the outcome, the researchers considered both the absolute number of
responses and the percentage of responses by participant and in total. It was felt that the consideration of all three
reviews would contribute to the results.
Detailed analysis of the results will consider the group outcome, individual results, and a review of
meaning across the seven audio logs that were spread across two months.
Group Results
Of the 19 codes defined as relevant for this research, 10 codes found little or no support from the
participants. A personality-based trust code had only one positive sentence recognized by the researchers and no
negative findings at all. Trust in the shared institution found four points of agreement and no negative support. A
cognitive basis of trust for a positive or negative reputation found no support. Similarly, stereotypical cognitive trust
that considered physical appearance and behavior found only two instances of support and no more. The last code
considered less important relates to perceived effectiveness in terms of satisfaction with the team members and
individual opportunity. Participants provided content where the researchers recognized 15 instances of positive
satisfaction and 2 negative opinions of satisfaction. At 1.4% of the total matched codes, participants’ perceived
effectiveness satisfaction was deemed too low for consideration.
Group results regarding video, the target of this research, found 204 instances or 16.1% of research units
supporting benefits from video webcams. A further 99 occurrences or 7.8% identified some negative facet related to
video use. This represents twice as many positive comments that are negative. Cognitive trust within the unit
showed a significant positive rating at 4.7%, nearly 7 times larger than the negative.
© 2012 The Clute Institute
International Journal of Management & Information Systems – Second Quarter 2012
Volume 16, Number 2
The perceived effectiveness of process identified 59 points of positive influence and 53 negative. The
perceived effectiveness for outcomes showed a stronger proportion for positive results at 28 instances, 50% higher
than negative.
Numerous studies identified technology to be an issue, the group outcome of this study found 70 comments
related to technology, representing 5.5% of all comments. This represented both positive and negative comments.
A Participant-Centric View
The five participants in this study were coded as S1, S2, S3, S4, and S5. The verbose response came from
S1 and the limited number of responses came from S5. The first consideration regarding participants is to exclude
the verbose participant. Considering the remaining four participants resulted in fewer positive comments for video;
however, they provided increased support for perceived effectiveness outcomes. Perceived effectiveness processes
turned negative. The conflicting data outcomes raised concern regarding the data. Fortunately, further analysis of
individual responses provided important insights.
A review of the data showed that there were three different types of respondents. The first and third logs
(S1 and S3) provided 2 to 3 times as many positive outcomes for the use of video, despite the concurrent high
number of technology comments. Cognitive trust in the team and perceived effectiveness for process were
particularly positive. Perceived effectiveness outcomes showed mixed results.
A second group, S2 and S4, provided less support for the use of video. S4 provided more negative
responses than positive, and surprisingly few technology comments. The introduction of video resulted in concerns
for appearance and the degree of attentiveness shown to other participants. Despite this, S4 commented regularly,
6.6%, that there was an improvement in the cognitive trust within the unit. Both S2 and S4 responded with far more
negative comments regarding perceived effectiveness performance, and mixed results for perceived effectiveness
Finally, S5, the participant with very few responses provided exceptionally strong support for video, team
trust, and both performance measures. Should this participant have provided as many responses as S1, the outcome
of this research would have shown far stronger support for video.
The analysis that considers the responses and grouping of individual participants highlights the
contradictory experiences of team members that use video. This would also explain why research has found it
difficult to provide obvious answers regarding the adoption of technology to improve virtual and remote team
processes. It also highlights the need to anticipate contradictory reactions in staff, and that the individuals can
reverse expectations. The outcome also points to the importance of the individual and perceptions in the adoption of
Longitudinal Analysis
The adoption of technology and the benefits derived from learning new technology often require users to
become familiar with the features and processes required. In response to the previous analysis, the data for this
research was organized into the seven logs, and initial entry and then six weekly entries recorded immediately after
using video. The initial or baseline logs showed and anticipation of positive support for video, cognitive trust, and
perceived effectiveness. There was some trepidation regarding technology. The progression through the six weeks
showed growing support for video and some reduction in technology issues. Cognitive trust in the team started with
a few comments; however, these group towards the end. There was no specific trend for perceived effectiveness
A review of all longitudinal responses at both individual and group levels identified a number of anomalies.
First, individuals would provide very different responses on a weekly basis. One subject had a particularly negative
demeanor regarding video, providing 50% of all the negative video comments in the last session. Other participants
reacted differently. The fifth log provided a better group response than the sixth, despite the improving trend.
© 2012 The Clute Institute
International Journal of Management & Information Systems – Second Quarter 2012
Volume 16, Number 2
Content analysis is a qualitative approach that uses quantitative techniques to analyze and verify findings.
The two researchers that analyzed the logs had no common background and have never met or worked together.
Validity or credibility comes from and inter-rater to show convergence. The plain inter-rater statistic should achieve
70% agreement and this research achieved 72.6%. Another measure, Cohen’s Kappa, should achieve 50%, the
responses reached 59% for the group, and individual response levels from 53 to 70%.
External validity or transferability should be strong with a mix of cultures, location, and technical adeptness
within the group. None had worked together in a single physical location and many came from different
departments. The diverse individual responses found in the research underscore the breadth of participants.
Reliability or documentation included an example text; careful tracking of every code, and repeated coding
where there was limited convergence. The researchers never considered or compared individual codes, rather
relying on shared understanding. The use of percentage responses, rather than counts overcame the risk of skewed
results from a disk proportionate number of comments between the different logs.
Group, individual, and longitudinal analysis provided support for video leading to some support for
improved perceived effectiveness. Despite the general trend, both individuals and longitudinal results showed a
number of conflicting comments. Even within a single respondent, one could detect uncertainty as shown by “and
then I realized that it actually did help me stay focused on the task of the call and be more engaged.” Further
reflection often resulted in introspection and further insights for individuals such as “another observation that just
occurs to me about how I feel is when I'm working, I will wear reading glasses now, and when I'm on this video
conference, I don't.”
The negative participant provided a further insight that would remove technology as a course with the
comment “the more I worked with the video, the more I have determined it has a negative impact.” While another
reflection supported the traditional view “so, we weren't very effective as a team trying to learn this new
technology.” The value of open-ended responses is underscored by a first comment “it may have limited our
effectiveness because we spent less time working on the task.” This was followed a few sentences later by
“although it was less time chronologically, it was more effective time.”
Testing existing concepts and ideas from the literature, this qualitative, content analysis research found
varying degrees of support for the representative literature (Lurey and Raisinghani, 2001; Sarker et al., 2003). In the
group of participants, there was no significant support for trust other than cognitive trust for the unit and perceived
satisfaction of effectiveness. Perceptions for performance execution had some support, as did performance outcome.
The use of video had relatively strong support with 13% of all codes recognized. All of the items found in the
results had a number of negative comments too. In the case of satisfaction of effectiveness, negative comments
exceeded positive items.
The outcome indicated very large variances between participants in terms of detail provided, opposing
impressions regarding performance, use of technology, and the value of video. The longitudinal consideration
across the reporting weeks showed some support for the growth of comfort with technology; however, this had some
limitations. Considering all of the results, one should conclude that individuals provide inconsistent views regarding
all forms of performance and trust by extending the use of video in virtual teams. The ability to provide rich
responses seems to have facilitated a deeper insight of the individuals in this group. It also raises some questions
regarding existing assumptions of the value of technology for remote groups. Despite the previous finding, it is
noteworthy that the majority of participants provided resounding support to continue the use of video subsequent to
this study and one might want to verify the use of solutions over periods that exceed seven meetings.
© 2012 The Clute Institute
International Journal of Management & Information Systems – Second Quarter 2012
Volume 16, Number 2
From a research method viewpoint, the wide disparity between the volume of comments in total and per
code between participants would lead one to suggest more-sensitive approaches to implementing technology.
Cleary, individual feelings vary significantly over time and between persons. Future researchers might consider
using proportionate response data and not absolute numbers. Despite using percentages, results from two
participants weighed heavily on the performance outcomes.
The use of technology and video for virtual teams finds support in this research; however, it has limitations
and it did not follow expectations based on earlier research. Future research might consider unbounded qualitative
research using a method that uses some form of open analysis. A further alternative should include testing much
larger groups in a quantitative approach and include a longitudinal component. A longitudinal design would add
value given that trust may be more relevant to the beginning of team development. In the current study, the
participants had some experience working as a team prior to data collection. This research would also suggest
careful attention to the analysis of variance across the participants.
Joel Olson, PhD in Human Resources from the College of Education, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins and an
MA in theology from Denver Seminary, has extensive experience in nonprofit leadership and consultation,
education, and instructional design. Most recently, he has served the Reformed Church in America and the
Evangelical Presbyterian Church as a consultant for churches in crisis. Currently he serves as the Leadership and
Management Academic Department Chair for the School of Business and Management in Kaplan University.
Frank Appunn, Professor, holds a PhD from Capella University in Organization, Management, and Technology.
He has published on technology, information security, and teams. His research considers the confluence of
technology, people, and organizations, while information assurance forms another interest area. He teaches at
multiple institutions, leads a leadership degree and specialist areas include technology, security, business, and
project management, and is the chair of 20 doctoral dissertation committees. E-mail:
Kimberly Walters is a Professor of Human Resources at Kaplan University and holds a PhD in Industrial and
Organizational Psychology. She serves the University as a course curriculum leader and as a faculty advisor for the
SHRM Student Chapter. Her research interests include examining the relationship between trust and effectiveness in
virtual workers and studying reality based learning in the online classroom. E-mail:
Corresponding author.
Lynn Grinnell, Professor, holds a PhD from the University of South Florida in Curriculum and Instruction and an
M.S. in Organization Business Management. She has published on sustainability management, educational
measurement, and teams. Her research examines the ethical influence of individuals and teams and measurement of
learning. E-mail:
Chad McAllister is lead faculty at Walden University in the DBA Program and holds a PhD from Capella
University in Organization and Management with previous degrees in electrical engineering. His research interests
involve issues in new product development and innovation, including virtual team performance. He serves as VP of
Education for the Rocky Mountain Product Development and Management Association chapter. E-mail:
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© 2012 The Clute Institute
International Journal of Management & Information Systems – Second Quarter 2012
Volume 16, Number 2
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© 2012 The Clute Institute