Queensland Art Gallery
Stanley Place, South Bank, Brisbane
PO Box 3686, South Brisbane
Queensland 4101 Australia
Published for ‘The 6th Asia Paciic Triennial of
Contemporary Art’, organised by the Queensland
Art Gallery and held at the Gallery of Modern
Art and the Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane,
Australia, 5 December 2009 – 5 April 2010.
National Library of Australia Cataloguing-inPublication data:
Author: Asia Paciic Triennial of Contemporary
Art (6th : 2009 : Brisbane, Qld.)
Title: The 6th Asia Paciic Triennial
of Contemporary Art.
ISBN: 9781921503085 (pbk.)
Subjects: Art, Asian--21st century--Exhibitions.
Art, Paciic Island--21st century--Exhibitions.
Other Authors/Contributors: Queensland
Art Gallery.
Dewey Number: 709.50905
© Queensland Art Gallery, 2009
ISBN 978 1 921503 08 5
This work is copyright. Apart from any use as
permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no
part may be reproduced without prior written
permission from the publisher. No illustration in
this publication may be reproduced without the
permission of the copyright owners. Requests
and inquiries concerning reproduction and rights
should be addressed to the publisher.
Notes on the publication
The order of the artists’ family names and given
names varies depending on the conventions used
in their respective home countries, or the artist’s
own preference.
Copyright for texts in this publication is held by
the Queensland Art Gallery and the authors.
Copyright for all art works and images is held
by the creators or their representatives, unless
otherwise stated. Copyright of photographic
images is held by individual photographers and
institutions or the Queensland Art Gallery.
Every attempt has been made to locate holders
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would be grateful to hear from any reader with
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Care has been taken to ensure the colour
reproductions match as closely as possible the
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of the original works.
Text for this publication has been supplied by the
authors as attributed. The views expressed are not
necessarily those of the publisher.
Dimensions of works are given in centimetres (cm),
height preceding width followed by depth.
Captions generally appear as supplied by lenders.
All photography is credited as known.
Typeset in Avenir and Clarendon. Printed by
Platypus Graphics, Brisbane, on Novatech Satin
from Raleigh Paper.
Cover (including back cover and inside gatefold details):
Kohei Nawa
Japan b.1975
PixCell-Elk#2 2009
Taxidermied elk, glass, acrylic, crystal beads /
240 x 249.5 x 198cm / Work created with the support
of the Fondation d’enterprise Hermės / Image courtesy:
The artist and SCAI, Tokyo / Photograph: Seiji Toyonaga
Page 6–7:
Subodh Gupta
India b.1964
Line of Control (1) (detail) 2008
Stainless steel and steel structure, brass and copper
utensils / 500 x 500 x 500cm / Image courtesy: The artist
and Arario Gallery, Beijing
Page 8–9:
Rudi Mantofani
Indonesia b.1973
Nada yang hilang (The lost note) (detail) 2006–07
Wood, metal, leather and oil / 9 pieces: 260 x 45 x 9cm
(each) / Collection: Dr Oei Hong Djien / Image courtesy:
The artist and Gajah Gallery, Singapore / Photograph:
Agung Sukindra
Page 10–11:
Kim Gi Chol
North Korea (DPRK) b.1959
The Songchun River Clothing Factory team arrives
(detail) 1999
Ink on paper / 135.5 x 250cm / Collection:
Nicholas Bonner, Beijing
Page 12–13:
Monir Shahroudy Farmanfarmaian
Iran b.1924
Lightning for Neda (detail) 2009
Mirror mosaic, reverse glass painting, plaster on wood /
6 panels: 300 x 200cm (each) / Commissioned for APT6
and the Queensland Art Gallery Collection. The artist
dedicates this work to the loving memory of her late
husband Dr Abolbashar Farmanfarmaian / Purchased
2009. Queensland Art Gallery Foundation / Collection:
Queensland Art Gallery
Premier’s message / Anna Bligh
Minam Apang Tales from the deep / Miranda Wallace
140 Tracey Moffatt Plantation / Julie Ewington
200 Building bridges: 10 years of Kids’ APT / Andrew Clark
Sponsor message / Santos
Alfredo and Isabel Aquilizan In flight / Michael Hawker
143 Farhad Moshiri Hybrid confections / Abigail Fitzgibbons
206 Kids’ APT artist projects
Chen Chieh-jen On going / Naomi Evans
144 Kohei Nawa Seeing is believing / Michael Hawker
Director’s foreword / Tony Ellwood
Chen Qiulin Salvaged from ruins / Angela Goddard
147 Shinji Ohmaki Dissolving into light / Shihoko Iida
Cheo Chai-Hiang Cash converter / Yvonne Low
148 The One Year Drawing Project / Suhanya Raffel
DAMP Untitled and indefinite / Francis E Parker
152 Paciic Reggae Roots Beyond the Reef / Brent Clough
218 Catalogue of works
Solomon Enos Polyfantastica / David Burnett
157 Rithy Panh Gestures of protest / Amanda Slack-Smith
230 Artist biographies
Monir Shahroudy Farmanfarmaian Lightning for Neda /
158 Reuben Paterson Pathways through history /
242 Australian Cinémathèque Programs Promised Lands /
A restless subject / Suhanya Raffel
Rites and rights: Contemporary Paciic / Maud Page
Promised lands / Jose Da Silva and Kathryn Weir
Subodh Gupta Cold war kitchen / David Burnett
161 Campbell Patterson Intimate videos / Francis E Parker
252 Acknowledgments
The hungry goat: Iranian animation, media archaeology
Gonkar Gyatso Trouble in paradise / Suhanya Raffel
162 Wit Pimkanchanapong In-between spaces / Donna McColm
259 Contributing authors
and located visual worlds / Kathryn Weir
Kyungah Ham Communication beyond
165 Qiu Anxiong The new book of mountains and seas /
Suhanya Raffel
The world and the studio / Russell Storer
Angela Goddard
the unreachable place / Jose Da Silva
Sarah Stutchbury
Ho Tzu Nyen Of the way of the creator / Russell Storer
166 Kibong Rhee There is no place / Donna McColm
Emre Hüner Panoptikon / Naomi Evans
169 Hiraki Sawa Active stillness / Mellissa Kavenagh
Raafat Ishak Pathways in paint / Bree Richards
170 Shirana Shahbazi A purely visual language / Bree Richards
Runa Islam Things that are restless and
173 Shooshie Sulaiman Who’s afraid of the dark? /
things that are still / Kathryn Weir
Ellie Buttrose
101 Ayaz Jokhio Toward the within / Russell Storer
174 Thukral and Tagra Dream merchants / Russell Storer
102 Takeshi Kitano Fallen hero / Rosie Hays
179 Charwei Tsai A space of contemplation / Ruth McDougall
105 Ang Lee Quiet! The film is about to start / Ellie Buttrose
180 Vanuatu Sculptors Innovation and tradition /
106 Mansudae Art Studio and art in North Korea (DPRK) /
Nicholas Bonner
114 Rudi Mantofani What is aslant and what is oblique /
Julie Ewington
117 Mataso Printmakers / David Burnett
120 Mapping the Mekong / Rich Streitmatter-Tran
Ruth McDougall
Traditions and rituals in North Ambrym /
Napong Norbert
186 Rohan Wealleans Ritual and excess / Nicholas Chambers
189 Robin White, Leba Toki and Bale Jione A shared garden /
Ruth McDougall
Bùi Công Khánh Contemporary story / Ian Were
190 Yang Shaobin X – Blind Spot / Abigail Fitzgibbons
Jun Nguyen-Hatsushiba Breathing is free / Shihoko Iida
193 Yao Jui-chung Wandering in the lens / Jose Da Silva
Sopheap Pich 1979 / Mellissa Kavenagh
196 YNG (Yoshitomo Nara and graf) Discovering new worlds /
Manit Sriwanichpoom The agony of waiting /
Russell Storer
Svay Ken Painting from life / Russell Storer
Tun Win Aung and Wah Nu Between the two /
The Cypress and the Crow: 50 Years of Iranian Animation
Nicholas Chambers
199 Zhu Weibing and Ji Wenyu People holding flowers /
Abigail Fitzgibbons
Rich Streitmatter-Tran
Vandy Rattana Fire of the year / Mellissa Kavenagh
Cheo Chai-Hiang
Cash converter
Cheo Chai-Hiang is interested in the processes and practices of
making art. His exploration of the tradition of Conceptualism stems
from a personal commitment to independent critical thinking. Cheo
belongs to a generation of Singaporeans who could choose between
the English and Chinese education systems; he says he is ‘fortunate to
have been educated in the Chinese system’, one which encouraged a
world view informed by traditional Chinese ethical and philosophical
values.1 A proliic writer in both Chinese and English, Cheo uses
linguistic cues, textual associations and idiomatic wordplay as the basis
for his work, which at irst glance often appears deceptively simple.
Working with everyday objects as raw materials for his sculptures and
installations, Cheo deines his art by his own terms — terms he is also
not afraid to challenge. When he irst left for the United Kingdom to
study at the Brighton Polytechnic in 1972, it was precisely to rethink
preconceived ideas of art. His early work 5’x5’ (Singapore River) 1972,
for example, consisted of a set of instructions for the exhibitors to
draw a square measuring ive feet by ive feet, partially on a wall and
partially on a loor. Its rejection by the Modern Art Society revealed
the conservative views of the local art world at the time. Art historian
TK Sabapathy has described Cheo as:
. . . among the irst in Singapore’s art history to advocate cultivating
critical, questioning attitudes in the practice of art [and] advanced
these attributes as necessary, requisite conditions for developing
that practice.2
Cash Converter 2009, Cheo’s work for APT6, is comprised of six
sculptures from a series that Cheo has been developing for the past
ive years. In this work, he evokes the sort of street scene which can still
be found in parts of Singapore, boxing it up neatly for the foyer of the
Gallery of Modern Art. The individual sculptures are pieced together
using seductive neon lights, found objects and polished steel ixtures,
suggesting shophouse signage,3 reminiscent of an all-too-familiar way
of life — the raw hustle and bustle, glowing heat, shiny trinkets.
Cash Converter shows the layering of various disparate elements,
which, on the one hand, makes perfect material sense when placed
side by side, but on the other accentuates a competitive spirit as
each ights for space and attention. One component, Dang Dang
(Mirror Effect) 2009, is a commanding piece with its two iconic ‘當’
(dang) signs written in traditional Chinese, characters still commonly
used as signage by pawnshops in Singapore. Cheo draws attention
to the subtle relationships formed between individual characters
by strategically adding words before and after the sign — it now
reads shang dang (‘conned’) and dang dai (‘contemporary’). The
visual juxtaposition of the traditional script ‘當’ (dang) with the
simpliied scripts ‘上代’ (shang dai) is striking. Cheo grew up learning
traditional Chinese in school, and belongs to the shang dai (‘previous
generation’).4 He encourages us to contemplate the signiicance
of juxtaposing the two seemingly unrelated words ‘conned’ and
‘contemporary’ — who was conned, and by whom?
In Fei Chang Ku 2007, another element of Cash Converter, the artist
makes a pun on the pronunciation of the Chinese word ‘哭’ (ku,
which translates as ‘cry’) and the English word ‘cool’. ‘HuaYu Cool!’
(Mandarin Cool!) was the theme for the 2004 Speak Mandarin
Campaign to encourage English-speaking Chinese Singaporeans
to improve their Mandarin language skills. Initially launched in 1979
to encourage dialect-speaking Chinese Singaporeans to speak
Mandarin, the campaign has in recent years shifted its focus to Chinese
Singaporeans who grew up speaking English. Anxious to keep up with
the opportunities a global city presents, Singaporeans have embraced
the English language, which has become the default lingua franca for
many, widening the gap between the current and previous generations.
After living and working in Europe and Australia for almost two
decades, Cheo returned to Singapore to ind a more anglicised
audience who did not always understand the Chinese expressions
used in his work. The ambivalent role of the Chinese language in
Singapore raises the question: are Singaporeans encouraged to speak
better Mandarin now in order to reconnect with their elders or to
simply improve the facilitation of business transactions? Cheo’s works
are rooted in contemporaneity (dang dai), but pay homage to the
previous generation (shang dai).
There is humour and play in Cash Converter, but underlying it is quiet
relection and pathos. Perhaps Cheo is subtly alluding to the economic
agenda behind cultural policy, urging us to think about its real cost, or
maybe he is merely trying to entice us with his bright neon sculptures,
as any shop owner would a customer.
Yvonne Low
1 Cecily Briggs, ‘The thirty-six strategies: Thinking in the midst of things’, in Cheo
Chai-Hiang: The Thirty Six Strategies [exhibition catalogue], Casula Powerhouse
Arts Centre, Sydney, 2000, p.21.
2 TK Sabapathy, ‘Cheo Chai-Hiang: Agent of change’ in Cheo Chai-Hiang:
The Thirty-Six Strategies, p.15.
3 A shophouse is a terraced two-storey building with a shop or eating house on
the ground loor and living quarters above.
4 By combining the added characters shang (上) and dai (代), the phrase now
reads shang dai (上代) (‘previous generation’).
Cheo Chai-Hiang
Singapore b.1946
Fei Chang Ku 2007
Stainless steel, perspex, neon / 3 parts: 53 x 55 x 13cm
(each) / Image courtesy: The artist and NAFA, Singapore