The Resurrection of Christ, according to Bartholomew the Apostle

Something like the last book of the apostolic tradition of Gospels. Some sort of witness to the miracle of the resurrection by a man sold into slavery, Bartholemew.

the Life of Saint Bartholomew the Apostle CHAPTER ONE Divisions 1-19 Prefixed to the Book of the Ressurection LIFE OF BARTHOLEMEW 1. 1st day of Maskarram 2. And on this day died the holy Apostle Bartholomew, who was [one] of the 12 Apostles. 3. Now the lot fell upon this Apostle to go to the city of Al-Wsih, and he and Peter went together to them (to the people of Al-Wah), and they preached to them, and they called them to the knowledge of God, and afterwards they worked signs and great wonders before them, that terrified their hearts. 4. And after this Peter made a pretence that he was going into the country, and straightaway he sold Bartholomew as a slave, and Bartholomew laboured in a vineyard with his master, and as soon as they had trained up the vine branches in the vineyard [on poles], they bore fruit immediately. 5. When the son of the governor of that city died, the apostle Bartholomew raised him from the dead, and all [the people] believed, and he confirmed them in the knowledge of God. 6. And after this our Lord Jesus Christ commanded him to go to the country of the Barbarians, and He sent to him Andrew the Apostle, with his disciple, that he might help him. 7. And the men of that city were of an exceedingly evil disposition, and they would not receive the Apostles, [although] they worked signs and wonders before them. 8. And God commanded one of the man-eating Dog-Faces to make submission to the Apostles, and to obey them in everything which they commanded him; and they took him with them to that country. 9. And the men of that country brought out savage beasts against the Apostles so that they might devour them. 10. And straightway that Dog-Face rose up against those beasts, and tore them to pieces, moreover, he slew many of the people of that country. 11. Because of this deed all [the people] were afraid, and they prostrated themselves at the feet of the Apostles, and they were subject unto them, and they entered into the Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, to Whom be praise! 12. And [the Apostles] appointed priests for them, and they built churches for them, and they departed from them praising God. 13. And Bartholomew the Apostle departed to the countries along the sea-shore, whereof the people knew not God. 14. And he preached to them, and turned them to the knowledge of God, and they believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, and did the works that are well pleasing to Christ. 15. And Bartholomew the Apostle used to command the people to be pure, and to keep remote from adultery. 16. Now when Agrippa the king heard about him he was very angry, and he commanded [his people] to put the apostle Bartholomew in a hair sack, and to fill it with sand, and to cast him into the sea. 17. And they did even as he commanded. And Bartholomew finished his testimony and his striving on this day. 18. Peace be to Bartholomew, whom they rolled up in a sack; then they cast him into the deep sea, in the presence of the assembled peoples. 19. The doctrine of this righteous man, that appeared in his hand, was like the rich full fruit of an old vine that a cluster has been cut off from. the Book of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ CHAPTER ONE by Bartholomew the Apostle Divisions 1-30 5 leaves missing from another lost document introducing the Book of the Resurrection, plausibly the Life of Bartholemew RESURRECTION 1 1. 2. Introduction prayer the peace of the Father. Amen. 3. Now when they had crucified the Saviour, they laid Him in a tomb, [and] He rose from the dead upon the 3rd day, [and] He carried the soul of the holy man Apa Anania with Him into heaven forthwith, and he ate and drank with our Saviour at the table of His kingdom. 4. And Joseph of Arimathea made ready for burial the body of the Son of God, and when large quantities of most precious scents and unguents had been poured out upon it, he laid it in a new sepulchre. 5. Then Death came into Amente (Hades) saying, 'Where is this soul that hath come forth from the body newly? 6. It hath not been brought unto me to Amente. For behold, I have sought for it for 2 days, yet have not found it. 7. What then is [the meaning of] this mighty and wonderful thing? 8. I know not, neither do I know what is [the meaning of] this terrible disturbance [on] this day. 9. The whole world, and everything which is therein, is in a state of violent commotion. 10. Never before have I known anything like unto this. 11. And Death called his minister and said unto him, 'Let us go unto every place, and see if we can find this newly dead body, and this new soul that hath hidden, for I know not whither it hath departed. 12. Then Death came into the tomb of the Saviour, and he found it lighted up with the light of life, and he went into the back of the tomb, and seated himself there with his ministers. 13. Now Abbaton, who is Death, and Gaios, and Tryphon, and Ophiath, and Phthinon, and Sotomis, and Komphion, who are the 6 sons of Death, wriggled into the tomb of the Son of God on their faces in the form of serpents, wriggling in with their great thief in very truth. 14. These robbers and evildoers were lying in wait for the moment wherein the Saviour would go down into Amente, so that they might enter with Him, and know what it was that He would do. 15. And the Saviour made Himself manifest unto them in the form of a dead body, and in the hinder part of the tomb He was lying upon the ground in their midst. 16. Now it was the second day that He was in the heart of the Earth and there was a napkin bound round His face, and another round round His head. 17. Gaze thou thyself, O my Son, at what His eye doth gaze at, how that the sun doth stand still, and doth not rise upon the earth, for He hath covered His face with a napkin. 18. And Death said unto his son, that is to say, the Pestilence (or Plague), 'Hath this soul which hath died recently been brought unto thee to Amente? 19. Hath any one brought it to thy mind, (hath anyone mentioned it) to thee? 20. Hast thou numbered it in the great number? 21. Shew me, for I am disturbed greatly by this terrible quaking, and I do not know what hath happened this day. 22. The place here hath quaked under me, the atmosphere hath been agitated, the foundations of the heavens are disturbed, the hours have been shortened, the nights are put out of course, the days have lengthened. 23. 11 lines unreadable 24. The rest of the speech of Death seems to goes on to complain that the door-keepers of Hell have ceased to guard the doors, that the fires have become extinguished, that Gehenna has gone cold, that the servants, and ministers, and envoys of Hell are unoccupied, that the angels thereof are scattered abroad, and that his power has passed into the hands of strangers. 25. 26. 27. Addressing the dead body of Jesus Death saith, 'Who art Thou? What art Thou ? 28. '[There is none] stronger than Thou. Thou hast disturbed me greatly. 29. 'I who am wont to destroy every one [hast Thou] destroyed. And now behold, I do not know what Thou are in this form.' 30. Then Jesus removed the napkin that was on His face, and He looked in the face of Death, and laughed at him. the Book of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ CHAPTER TWO Divisions 31-60 RESURRECTION 1 31. Now as Death gazed on the Saviour as He was laughing at him, he became greatly disturbed; and he fled away back, and fell down upon the earth, with his 6 sons. 32. And again Death rose up, and walked towards the dead body of Jesus, and he was greatly afraid and trembled and shook; now his little ones went away back. 33. And again Jesus looked in the face of Death, and laughed. 34. And again Death said unto Him, 'Who art Thou? Shew me. 35. Is it possible that Thou art the first-born of the Father, the Holy Lamb? 36. Surely Thou art not He! I know Thee' 37. A few missing lines 38. The words that remain suggest that Death believes he has found out to whom the dead body belongs, for he says 39. 40. ' I know Who Thou art, Thou art He to Whom those who are in Amente cry out, saying: 'O thou Good God, Merciful and Compassionate, have mercy upon us who are shut up in prison. 41. Send Thou to us Thy beloved Son, so that He may shew compassion upon us, and be merciful unto us. 42. Do this, O God, and take us into Thy kingdom. 43. Tell me, who art Thou? For Thou art not that I should be ashamed before it. 44. Thou art not a mighty man that I should hold Thee in fear. 45. And Thou are not an old man. that I should be ashamed before Thee because of Thy honourable grey hairs, and Thou are not a child that I should be ashamed before Thee because of Thy tender years, 46. and Thou are not a person whose life hath been brief that I should be ashamed because of Thy tender age, and Thou are not a bridegroom that I should be in fear of Thy bridal state. 47. Of such as these I am master.' 48. These things did Death say to the dead body of the Son of God, and he certainly did not know that It was the Great King, our Saviour, Who was more (greater) than all the kings upon the Earth, and Who had come to us out of Heaven, and had given us life again. 49. For he had said, Thou are not a mighty man,' yet he did not know that the dead body was the Power that was stablished firmly, and that It had come in littleness for our salvation. 50. He was not a mere child, [yet had arrived] at manhood, for the sake of the [world]. ureadable fragments of lines 51. 'He passed 30 years in the world until He received baptism; 52. 'He gave us His [holy Body and His] precious Blood '. 53. Death then looked again in the face of Jesus, and said, 'Who art Thou that laughest?' 54. ...I ask, I speak … 55. ...6 sons. 56. Tell me... [ ] ...that we may cease to quake.' 57. Wherefore dost Thou refuse to answer me in this manner? 58. Behold, it is 2 days since a token came to me, saying, 'Watch over thee, permit none to rob thee,' for I keep this voice in my memory ; yet behold, Thou humblest me, and dost make a mock of me. 59. I will not depart from Thee, yet I will cleave unto Thee until thou makest Thee manifest, and declarest Who Thou art. 60. Now I am absolutely all-powerful in my might, and Thou wilt never be able to deceive me. the Book of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ CHAPTER THREE Divisions 61-95 In the Book of the Resurrection, Jesus is referred to as Harpokrates, the Horus the child (son) RESURRECTION 1 61. And these were the things which the angel Abbaton, who is Death, spake unto the dead body of the Son of God. 62. Then the Saviour, the Living [Lord], [a god], went up into the mighty chariot of the Cherubim, and the whole of it was fire, and it shot forth rays of the [light] of life. 63. And there was a mighty multitude of angels and archangels [standing] by the door of the tomb, and the Cherubim, and the Seraphim, and the 24 Elders, and the Powers, and multitudes [of angels that no man could number]. 64. The latter halves of 9 lines are missing, yet it's clear from the words remaining that this portion of the text described the destruction that Jesus wrought in Amente. 65. He broke in pieces the doors, and smashed their bolts, and dragged away and destroyed the door-posts and frames. 66. He overthrew the blazing furnaces of brass and extinguished their fires, and, removing everything from Amente, left it like a desert. 67. He put in fetters the shameless one' (Satan) and bound the ministers of Satan. 68. He also bound a fiend, 69. and He tied up the devil called Melkhir with an iron chain. 70. So Jesus went down [into Amente, and] scattered [the fiends], and cast chains on the Devil, and redeemed Adam and all his sons; 71. He delivered man, and He shewed compassion upon His own image; 72. He set free all creation, and all the world, and He treated with healing medicine the wound that the Enemy had inflicted on his (Adam's) son. 73. He brought back into His fold the sheep which had gone astray-- He the holy and faithful Shepherd. 74. And He brought back Adam again to the state wherein he was at first, and forgave them (his sons) their sins. In peace. Amen. 75. Then the Saviour turned to the man who had betrayed Him, that is to say, to Judas Iscariot, and He said unto him, 'Tell Me, Judas, in what way didst thou profit by betraying Me, [thy Lord,] to the Jewish dogs? 76. Assuredly I only endured sufferings of all kinds in order to fulfil [the will] of My Father, and to redeem [and set free] My creatures that I had fashioned. 77. As for thee, woe be unto thee, with twofold woes. and rebukings innumerable, and cursings most terrible. 78. Moreover, the lot of Judas is with his father the Devil. 3 lines unreadable 79. [His name (Judas) hath been blotted out] from the Book a of Life, his name hath been removed from the [roll] of the Saints, his inheritance hath been taken away from among the living, 80. his tablet hath been broken in pieces, the oil of his jar hath been poured away to waste, his garment hath been rent asunder, 81. Satan hath entered into judgment with him, and he hath come forth condemned utterly, his bishopric hath been taken out of his hands, 82. his crown hath been snatched away, strangers have seized upon the [fruits of] his labours speedily, 83. he is arrayed in cursing as with a garment, he is poured out like water, his glorious apparel hath been snatched away from him, 84. the light of his lamp hath been extinguished, his house hath been left a desert, his day was shortened and the period of his life was diminished, and was without permanence. 85. Suffering came upon him, the light departed and left him, and darkness came upon him, the worm inherited his substance, lice covered him over like a garment. 86. The angels who are in the train of the Lord hurled him down headlong, his tongue hath been cut out, the light in his eye hath been destroyed, the hair of his head hath been plucked out. 87. His mouth was filled with 30 snakes so that they might devour him, and these were their names: 88. 1st, Remoteness from [God], 2nd, Evil jealousy, 3rd, , 4th, , 5th, Envy, 6th, Want of compassion, 89. 7th, Haughtiness of heart, 8th, Constant strife, 9th, Vain chatter, 10th, , 11th, Slander, 12th, Hypocrisy, 90. 13th, , 14th, , 15th, Gluttony, 16th, Cursing, 17th, Wrath, 18th, Treachery, 91. 19th, Leading [men] astray, 20th, the Lying tongue, 21st, Arrogance, 22nd, Contempt, 23rd, Falsehood, 24th, Insidiousness, 92. 25th, Want of sense, 26th, Carelessness, 27th, Stubbornness in respect of the truth, 28th, Cunning, 29th, Excessive greed, 30th, Godlessness. 93. These are the 30 snakes [that were sent] to devour Judas Iscariot. 94. These are the 30 terrors... 2 lines unreadable The words preserved mention the Jews, and state that Judas received something in his face, that he was cast forth into outer darkness, that he shall never more be remembered, that none shall enquire after him, and that he shall never ever more be kept in remembrance. ] 95. These are the curses that the Saviour pronounced upon Judas in Amente. the Book of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ CHAPTER FOUR Divisions 96-120 RESURRECTION 1 96. Now the Saviour rose from the dead on the 3rd day. 97. And Abbaton, who is Death, rose up, and did not see the dead body of Jesus the Son of God, Who spake with him. 98. And he said to his son the Pestilence, 'Make haste, get thee down into Amente, and take care to protect thy life thoroughly well. 99. Shut tight the doors of Amente, until I can discover who it is that hath deceived me when I knew [it] not. For we would have talked with him, yet he hid from us. 100. Perhaps he is the Son of God, Who destroyeth all men. 101. And as for this being, I have not found a way to overcome him, neither have my 6 sons.' 102. Then Death went into Amente, and his 6 sons were with him, and he found the place swept bare, and it was like unto a desert, and there was not one soul therein. 103. All the doors thereof were smashed in pieces, and the door-frames were thrust out of their places, their bolts were shattered, and the brazen fiery furnaces had been over-thrown. 104. Nothing whatsoever was found in that place except 3 voices [that cried out in fear, and with fearful screams, and were full of anguish of heart] and trouble, and suffering. 105. In [that] place there was weeping and gnashing of teeth, it was a place of sighing and trouble, and there was there the worm that never sleepeth. 106. Woe be unto them! 107. And [meanwhile] the angels were singing the hymn of blessing which the Seraphim are wont to sing at the hour of dawn on the Lord's Day over His Body and His Blood. 108. And early in the morning of the Lord's Day, whilst [it was] still [dark], the holy women came forth to the tomb, [and their names are these]: 109. Mary Magdalene, (the temptress) and Mary the mother of James, whom [Jesus] had delivered out of the hand of Satan, and Salome the temptress, (the nurse) 110. and Mary who ministered [unto Him], and Martha [her] sister, 111. and Susannah Joanna the wife of Khousa, the steward of Herod, who had refused to share his bed, and Berenice, the fountain of whose blood [Jesus] had stopped for her in Capernaum, 112. and Leah, the widow, whose son God had raised from the dead [in Nain], and the woman who was a sinner, unto whom the Saviour said, 'Thy sins, that are many, are remitted unto thee. Go in peace.' 113. [These women] were standing in the garden of Philogenes, the gardener, whose son the Saviour had healed, and Simon, at the time when He was coming down from the Mount of Olives and all His Apostles. 114. And Mary said unto Philogenes, 'If thou art really he [I know thee].' 115. Philogenes said unto her, 'Thou art Mary, the mother of Tharkahari[amath] the interpretation of that is 'the joy, the blessing, and [the gladness]'. 116. Mary said unto him, ' [If it be thou who hast taken away the Body of my Lord, tell] me where thou hast laid It, and I myself will carry It away.' 117. Philogenes said unto her, 'O my sister, what is [the meaning of] these words thou speakest, O thou holy Virgin, the mother of the Christ? 118. For at the moment when the Jews crucified Jesus, they set out seeking a safe sepulchre wherein they might lay Him, so that His disciples might not come and carry Him away secretly by night. 119. And I said unto them, There is a tomb quite close to my vegetable garden, carry Him thither and lay Him in it, and I will keep watch over it. 120. Now I thought in my heart saying: When the Jews have gone away [from the tomb] and have entered their houses, I will go into the tomb of my Lord, and I will carry Him away, and I will give Him spices, and a large quantity of sweetsmelling unguents. the Book of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ CHAPTER FIVE Divisions 121-155 RESURRECTION 1 121. And [the Jews] brought Him, and laid Him in the tomb, and they set a seal upon it, and they departed to their houses. 122. Now in the middle of the night I rose up, and I went to the door of the tomb of my Lord, and I found all the armies of the angelic host drawn up there. 123. In the 1st row were the Cherubim, who were 12,000 in number. 124. In the 2nd row were the Seraphim, who were 13,000 in number. 124. In the 3rd row were the Powers, who were 20,000 in number. 125. In the 4th row were the Virgins, who were 30,000 in number. 126. And thousands of thousands [of angels] were round about it, and tens of thousands of tens of thousands were [the angels] who were gathered together to it. 127. And there was a great chariot standing there, and it was formed of fire [that sent forth bright flames]. 128. And there were also there 12 [Virgins, who stood upon the fiery chariot], and they were singing hymns in the language of the Cherubim, who all made answer unto them, 'Amen. Hallelujah!' 129. Moreover, I saw the 7 firmaments [open] one beyond the other. 130. And the Father came forth out of the height with His tabernacle of light, and He came to the tomb of the Saviour, and raised Him up from the dead. 131. All these glorious things did I see, O my sister Mary. 132. Moreover, I saw Peter there, the great interpreter of Jesus, [and had he not] laid hold upon me, and helped me, I must have fallen into despair and died by reason of [these great] mysteries, and this great glory that I saw. 133. O Mary, my sister, what shall I do until I enter that place ?' 134. These were the things which Philogenes spake unto Mary. 135. And the Saviour appeared in their presence mounted on the chariot of the Father of the Universe, and He cried out in the language of His Godhead, saying, 'Mari Khar Martath,' whereof the interpretation is, ' Mary, the mother of the Son of God.' 136. Then Mary, who knew the interpretation of the words, said, 'Hramboune Kathiathari Mioth,' whereof the interpretation is, 'The Son of the Almighty, and the Master, and my Son. 137. And He said unto her, ' Hail, My mother. Hail My holy ark. 138. Hail, thou who hast sustained the life of the whole world. 139. Hail, My holy garment, wherein I arrayed Myself. 140. Hail, My water-pot, that is full of holy water. 141. Hail, My mother, my house, my place of abode. 142. Hail, My mother, my city, my place of refuge. 143. [Hail, thou who hast received within thee the 7 Aeons in one intermixture. 144. Hail, thou who art the table which is set in the Paradise of the 7th heaven, the name of which is ''Khomthomakh', [that is to say],] the whole of Paradise is glad because of her. 145. I say unto thee, O My mother, "He who loveth thee loveth life.'' 146. Hail, thou who didst sustain the Life of the Universe in thy womb. 147. O My mother, [go thou] and say unto My brethren [that I have risen from the dead]. 148. Say thou unto them: [I shall] go [unto My Father], Who is your Father, and unto My God and Lord, Who is your Lord. 149. Keep in remembrance all our words that I have spoken to you. For I will come to you at the hour of dawn to-morrow morning, that is also the hour wherein I am wont to stretch out My right hand of light, when the sun riseth upon the Earth, 150. and when also I am wont to shake out My spiritual garments, and to take My seat on the right hand of My Father, and when the dew of the Paradise of the 7th heaven descendeth upon the whole Earth, that drinketh therewith, and yieldeth the fruits of life. 151. I will come to you at that hour, and I will give unto you My peace that I have received from My holy Father. 152. And He gave it to Me, and I brought it into the world, and I will give it unto you My disciples [and unto] every one who shall believe in My name, and [in the name of] Mary My mother, the Virgin in very truth. 153. My spiritual womb. My treasure of pearl, the ark [of the salvation] of the sons of Adam, who sustained the Body of the Son of God, and the Blood of Him that indeed took away the sin of the world, 154. the light of [our]... 2 lines missing 155. the Book of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ CHAPTER SIX Divisions 156-175 RESURRECTION 1 156. Then the Saviour, the Life, our salvation, our King . . . our Helper, our [Hope], opened His mouth and cried out, saying: 157. [Thou shalt take thy seat] in My kingdom in blessing [O my brethren] the Apostles, believe me, [I Bartholomew,] the Apostle of Jesus, saw the Son of God, standing upon the chariot of the Cherubim. 158. And round and about Him there were standing thousands of thousands of Archangels, and thousands of thousands of the Cherubim, and tens of thousands of tens of thousands of the Seraphim, and tens of thousands of tens of thousands of the Powers, 158. and their heads were bowed, and they made answer to the blessing, saying, 'Amen, Hallelujah, to that what the Son did speak with His mouth to Mary. 159. Then our Saviour stretched out His right hand, that was full of blessing, and He blessed the womb of Mary His mother. 160. I saw the heavens open together, and the 7 firmaments were opened. 161. I saw a man of light shining brightly, like unto a pearl, on whom it would be impossible to make any man look. 162. And [I saw] also a hand of fire that was of the colour of snow, and it rested upon the belly of Mary and [upon her] breast. 163. Now this hand was the hand of the Father, and the right hand of the Son, and the right hand of the Holy Ghost. 164. And He blessed [the womb of Mary and said,]... 6 and 1/2 lines missing 165. 166. ...and all [the angels said 'Amen. 167. [And He said], 'They shall call thee the fountain of life . . . . blood of God . . . [Amen.] Hallelujah. 168. And He made to drink the . . . . . . . . sinless. Amen. Hallelujah. 169. . . . . . . . . the Powers of heaven . . . . because of her fruit. Hallelujah. 170. Thou shalt be called [in Heaven] the 'Pearl of the Father' and men call thee upon Earth, 'She who brought forth God' and 'our salvation'. 171. The blessing of the Father shall be with thee always. Amen. Hallelujah. 172. The might of the Son shall overshadow thee. Amen. Hallelujah. 173. The joy of the Holy Spirit shall continue to remain with thee at all times. Amen. Hallelujah. 174. And when thou shalt come forth from the body I will come with My Father, and Michael, and all the angels, and thou shalt be with Us in My kingdom. 175. And over thy body I will make the Cherubim, having a sword of fire, to keep watch, and 1,200 angels also shall watch over it until the day of My appearance, and of My [kingdom]. the Book of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ CHAPTER SEVEN Divisions 176-200 RESURRECTION 1 176. [These were the things which the Saviour spake unto Mary His mother. 177. And Mary departed and made known to the Apostles that the Lord had risen from the dead, and had said to her, Come ye to] Galilee [at dawn to-morrow], and I will give unto you My peace [that My Father] gave unto Me as I came into the world. 178. [Then] Mary [came and found the Apostles about to offer up the Offering], the Body and the Blood of Christ, and Mary [partook of the sacrifice] with them. 179. [Then] . . . the great bishop [said], . . . [Hail] O Mary, thou art the first [among women] . . . 180. . . . the angel brought Him out of thy [womb] . . . until thou didst give birth to Him on the Earth. 181. He chose us to be His disciples, and thou also wast the first unto whom He revealed, as He was departing to His Father. 182. O blessed be the womb that thou didst hold in thee until thou did produce for us the King of Glory. 183. And all the Apostles rejoiced with exceedingly great joy when they heard from Mary His mother that the Lord had risen from the dead. 184. Now the Saviour went away to ascend into the heavens, having mounted the chariot of the Father of the Universe, and the whole of the captivity of the sons of Adam followed after Him, after the manner of a king who hath waged war successfully, and hath vanquished his enemy, and hath captured much booty. 185. And thou shalt find it . . . . . . for the sake of His men whom He had [redeemed]. 186. 1 line missing 187. [And as] the Saviour Jesus our Lord went on His way He . . . . . . and the angels were going with Him, . . . the whole world from their sins and the Seraphim were singing hymns to Him until He reached the 7th heaven. 188. And moreover [there was] the tabernacle of the Father, that cannot be described. 189. And the Father, Who was upon His throne, saluted His beloved Son, and He placed upon His head the great crown of glory and blessing, that illumined the whole world with brilliant light at that moment. 190. O my brethren the Apostles, believe me Bartholomew the apostle [of Jesus], if I were to undertake to describe in the smallest manner the works that took place at the moment when the Father placed the crown on the head of His Son, I should not be able to write them down in all the time that I shall pass on the Earth. 191. Not only this, yet do not let this book come into the hand of any man who is an unbeliever and a heretic. 192. Behold, [this] is the 7th time that I have commanded thee, O my son Thaddaeus, concerning these mysteries. 193. Reveal not thou them to any impure man, yet keep them safely. For I [give thanks] unto our Saviour Who made Michael to remain continually with me, until I saw these mysteries. 194. 1 line missing 195. . . . for I have not the power to [invent things] of this kind. For what I saw [was] on the 15th day of [the month] Parmoute, at . . . during Pentecost, in peace. . . . 196. [And when] the Father placed the crown upon the head of His beloved Son, He said unto Him -now all [the hosts of the angels] were listening- 197. 'Peace be unto Thee . . . . . . for Thou art the King of [Peace], and [Thou art made perfect] by the Will of Thy Father.' 198. And He said unto the angels, Sing ye joyfully glorious hymns of every kind to My Son, for this is the day of joy, this is the day of gladness, this is the day of exultation, the day of happiness, 199. the day of immortality, the day of brightness, the day of freedom unto salvation, the day of the remission of sin. 200. For this is the day of My Son, Who is the Lord of you all, the Redeemer of the whole world from their sins. the Book of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ CHAPTER EIGHT Divisions 201-220 RESURRECTION 1 201. And the Father also said unto Him, 'Come, sit Thou down upon My right hand, My beloved Son, and I will give Thee My blessing, My beloved Son, on Whom hath been My desired son. 202. I am Thy Father, and there is no other god besides Thee in Heaven and in the Earth. 203. I will set Thine enemies beneath Thy feet, and Thou shalt reign from the wood of the Cross. 204. 2 and 1/2 lines missing 205. . . . shall abide forever . . . . 206. [Thou art] My beloved Son, . . . . through My blessing. 207. Thou are the . . . . . 208. Thou are the Strength . . . . . . Thou are the Bridegroom. 209. Thou are the . . . . . the Father. the trinity 210. Thou are the . . . . . 211. Thou are the Holy Paraclete. Amen. scribe note of Amen written 99 212. . . . . . to the Father of [mercy]. 213. Sit Thou upon the throne of the pearl of light.' 214. I saw also the Saviour sitting on the right hand of His Father, and thousands of thousands of Archangels, and of the Cherubim, and of the Seraphim, and of the Powers, and of the Dominions, 215. and the 12 Virtues of the Holy Spirit, and the 24 Elders, and the 7 Aeons, 216. and the Patriarchs, and the Prophets, and all the Righteous, advanced all together, and they worshipped the Son of God, saying, 'He is holy. He is holy. 217. He is holy, the King, the Son of God, the Son of the King, and His Good Father, and the Holy Spirit. 218. The Earth is full of the mercy of the Lord and His lovingkindness, and He hath delivered the man whom He hath made. 219. He hath forgiven his sins, and the sins of all his children. In peace. Amen 220. . . . . . . . and his children. the Book of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ CHAPTER NINE Divisions 221-245 RESURRECTION 1 221. 1 lines missing 222. Glory be unto Thee, O Holy Spirit . . . . . all His blessing. Amen. 223. '[Glory be unto Thee] . . . . Thou art the Shepherd of the sheep . . . . . of life. Amen. 224. Thou art the . . . . . 225. Again, Thou art He Who did redeem . . . . . . of all His blessing. Amen. 226. [Thou art He] . . . . . of life. Amen. 227. 'Glory be to Thee . . . . . Amen. 228. 'Glory be to Thee . . . . . . 229. 'Glory be to Thee, Propitiator. Amen. 230. 'Glory be to Thee, Undying [Lord]. Amen. 231. 'Glory be to Thee, King of Peace. Amen. 232. 'Glory be to Thee, Who wast not born. Amen. 233. 'Glory be to Thee, the Incorruptible. Amen. 234. 'Glory be to Thee, King of Glory. Amen. 235. 'Glory be to Thee, the Head of the Universe. Amen. 236. 'Glory be to Thee, Holy and Perfect [Lord]. Amen. 237. 'Glory be to Thee, Thou Treasury of Glory. Amen. 238. 'Glory be to Thee, Thou true Light. Amen. 239. 'Glory be to Thee, Deliverer of the Universe. Amen. 240. 'Glory be to Thee, Thou Who art indeed the Good [Lord]. Amen. 241. 'Glory be to Thee, Alpha of the Universe. Amen. 242. 'Glory be to Thee, Life of the Universe. Amen. 243. O Sweet Name. Amen. 244. O Thou Who art at the head of the Universe. Amen. 245. [Thou] Beginning [and] End of everything. Amen.' the Book of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ CHAPTER TEN Divisions 246-265 RESURRECTION 1 246. The 1st Hymn of the Angels that all the Saints said (sang) because of the forgiveness [of the sins] of Adam and all his sons. 247. The Son of God forgave the sins of the whole world. In peace. Amen. 248. [The 2nd Hymn of the Angels] . . . . . rejoicing . . . . . . ' Amen. 249. 'Glory be to Thee, the Shepherd. Amen 250. 'Glory be to Thee, . . . . Amen. 251. 'Glory be to Thee, Steward of the Father, Jesus. Amen. 252. 'Glory be to Thee, Light-giver, Jesus. Amen. 253. 'Glory be to Thee . . . . . of Life. Amen. 254. 'Glory be to Thee, Apparel of the [Saints]. Amen. 255. 'Glory be to Thee, Shelterer of those who are [needy]. Amen. 256. 'Glory be to Thee, the . . . . . of those who are . . . . . Jesus. Amen. 257. 'Glory be to Thee, O true Bridegroom, Jesus. Amen. 258. 'Glory be to Thee . . . . . . salvation, Jesus. Amen. 259. 'Glory be to Thee, Thou Blessing of Sabaoth, Jesus. Amen. 260. 'Glory be to Thee, Thou Joy of the Ages, Jesus. Amen. 261. 'Glory be to Thee, Exultation of Eloi, Jesus. Amen.' 262. And again with all his sons. 263. 'In peace. Amen. 264. Come ye to the joy of our King. Amen. 265. Let the angels come, one by one with fruit, and let them all rejoice over the forgiveness of Adam and all his sons, for he hath been brought back to his former estate, [and he is] as he was at first. In peace. Amen.' the Book of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ CHAPTER ELEVEN Divisions 266-300 RESURRECTION 1 266. The 3rd Hymn of the Angels. In peace. Amen. 267. Then the Father commanded them to bring Adam into the midst, and Eve, his wife. 268. And straightway Michael went to Paradise, and brought back Adam and Eve, and he set them in the presence of the Father. 269. Now Adam was 4 score (80) cubits in height, and Eve was 50 cubits. 270. Believe me, my brethren the Apostles, I Bartholomew, an Apostle [of Jesus], never, from the time when I was born into the world, have I seen the image of any man that resembled the image of Adam, either in Heaven, or on the Earth. 271. 1 line missing 272. There was a girdle of pearls [round about his loins], and a great multitude of angels [were singing to him] songs of heaven. 273. [Rays of light shot] forth out of [his] eyes of diamonds that were like unto [the splendour] that I saw in the tabernacle of the Father. 274. And characters and signs were written upon his forehead, the which flesh and blood were unable [to read]. 275. And the Name[s] of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit were written upon his body in 7 [symbolic signs]. 276. And the thongs of the sandals that were on the feet of the father shone brighter than the sun and the moon twice 7 times. 277. Eve herself was adorned with the adornments of the Holy Spirit, and the Powers and the Virgins sang hymns to her in the celestial language, calling her 'Zoe', the mother of all the living. 278. And the Father answered [and said], 'O Adam, My son, although thou didst thrust My commandment behind thee, because of thy wife, 279. and didst not keep it, behold, Jesus My Son hath suffered all these pains; thy sins shall be forgiven to thee, and thou, even thou, shalt be a son to Me even as He is. 280. And as for Mary, in whom My Son sojourned, with her Eve shall be a mother in My kingdom.' 281. And the Father answered and said unto all the angel-host, 'Let them come with their sweet tidings, and with their sweet odours, and lay them down before Me, because I am again at peace with My own image.' 282. Then Michael [sang] this hymn for Adam at that time . . . 283. 2 lines missing 284. . . . . in peace. Amen. 285. . . . [and his] glad tidings. Amen. 286. Raphael [and his] . . . . . Amen 287. . . . . . and his fruit. Amen 288. . . . . . and his lighted lamp. Amen. 289. . . . . . and the holy oil. Amen. 290. Asouel with [his] . . . . . Amen. 291. Aphouel with his psaltery. Amen. 292. . . . . . with his robe. Amen 293. . . . . . with his virginity. Amen. 294. Harmosiel with the trumpet of the Spirit. Amen. 295. Sareiou[el] with his sweet scent. Amen. 296. Kadiel with his drum. Amen. 297. Uriel with the light of the sun. Amen. 298. These are the angels of light. 299. 'Come ye to the joy of our King Jesus. Amen. 300. We all rejoice over the forgiveness of Adam and all his sons. In peace. Amen. Hallelujah. the Book of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ CHAPTER TWELVE Divisions 301-320 RESURRECTION 1 301. The 4th Hymn of the Angels. 302. 'We bless Thee, O King of the Ages. Amen. 303. We bless Thee, O Thou Who art incomprehensible. Amen. 304. El, El, Abba, King. Amen. 305. Abriath the Redeemer Who liveth. Amen. 306. Thou Who art our Life-giver. Amen. 307. Thou Who art the fulfilment of all things. Amen.' 308. The 5th Hymn of the Angels who were ascribing blessing to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Amen. 309. 'Bless us, O Father. Amen. 310. Bless us, O Son. Amen. 311. Bless us, O Holy Spirit. Amen. 312. Let Paradise say with us 'Amen'. 313. Let the Cherubim say with us 'Amen '. 314. Let [the Seraphim say with us 'Amen'.] 315. Let those who dwell in the heavens say [with us] 'Amen'. 315. Let the Virgins say with us "Amen". 316. Remember us, O [our] . . . . . [and] our . . . . . . 317. for Thou art the Object of our glorifyings, and our Pride, and our Salvation, 318. and our Life, and our Refuge, and our . . . . , 319. and our Helper, our Strength, and our [Redeemer]. 320. May His mercy be upon everybody. Amen. Hallelujah.' the Book of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ CHAPTER THIRTEEN Divisions 321-355 RESURRECTION 1 321. the 6th Hymn of the Angels 322. Then when Adam saw the great honour and this gift that was to be to him and to all his sons, namely that the Son of God had forgiven them their sins, he sang this hymn, saying, 323. 'I will ascribe blessing to God Who hath remembered me. 324. O ye Angels of joy, come ye, and rejoice with me, for the Son of God hath set me free. 325. He hath delivered me and my wife, and He hath saved me and all my sons also. 326. O all ye righteous who are on the Earth, come ye, and make rejoicing with me, for Christ, the Son of God, hath made me to be without sin. 327. This is the day, and this is the hour of joy, that my father Michael the Archangel, and all the Angel-host made entreaty for on behalf of all my seed until God, the Almighty, had compassion upon me and upon all my sons, and made peace with my clay, that He had fashioned. 328. For this is His form and image. In peace. 329. And Michael, and Gabriel, and Raphael, and [Aso]uel, and Sarouphouel, [and , and ], his 6 fellow [Archangels], cast themselves down, and worshipped the Father, and [the Son, and the Holy Ghost, saying,] 330. 3 lines misssing 331. [the 7th Hymn of the angels of] . . . God. 332. Thou didst have compassion . . . . . 333. Adam also . . . . . Thou didst save . . . . . . the way of salvation. Amen 334. Adam in the joy of thy King Jesus. 335. Amen for thy sake until He should deliver all . . . . . In peace. Amen. 336. The 8th Hymn of Adam, the form of God, Who is Most High. In peace. Amen. Hallelujah. 337. And there also came the righteous whom Adam had invited to rejoice with him in gladness, and these were they: 338. The first was Abraham, the companion of God, and Isaac, who was without sin, and Jacob the saint of the Almighty, 339. and Job the patient, and Moses the Arch-prophet, and Noah the righteous man, and all the righteous who had performed the will of God. 340. And they all saluted Adam, and they worshipped him, saying, Blessed art thou, O Adam, for Jesus Christ hath forgiven thee thy sins, and to us also, thy sons, hath He given freedom. Amen.' 341. Then all the righteous rejoiced and were glad, and they ascribed blessing to God, saying, 'All the righteous shall shine in the kingdom of their Father 7 times brighter than the sun. 342. The light of the righteous . . . . . . shall shine before them. 343. 1 line missing . . . . . all the . . . . . who have pleased God . . . . . the living, the Body and the Blood . . . . whereof all partake . . . . sins. 344. Glory be to Thee, Jesus our King. 345. Glory be to Thee, Jesus, the True Bridegroom. 346. Glory be to Thee, O . . . . . 347. Glory be to Thee, Jesus, the Father of all souls. 348. And when the righteous had finished [singing] their hymn, they departed and went into the city [the heavenly Jerusalem], wherein they abide always, [and wherein they shall be] for ever. Amen. 349. And to all the angels also, when they had finished [singing] their hymn, and had [said] their Amen, the Father gave His peace, and dismissed them, and each one went to the place that he had rule over. In peace. Amen. 350. These are the hymns that the angels sang when they were all gathered together, and when all of them were rejoicing because the Son of God had risen from the dead, 351. and had redeemed the captivity of the sons of Adam, and had taken them into Heaven, and had made them gifts to His Father. 352. In great peace, for ever and ever. Amen. 353. Then the Father set Adam at the Gate of Life, so that he might be the first to salute all the righteous as they were entering into Jerusalem, the city of Christ. 354. And He stationed Eve over all the women who had done the will of God, that she might be the first to salute them as they entered the city of Christ... 355. 2 lines missing the Book of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ CHAPTER FOURTEEN Divisions 356-380 RESURRECTION 1 356. O my brethren the Apostles, I have told you concerning the mysteries that I have seen; rejoice ye because of the forgiveness of sins that our Saviour hath [bestowed on Adam] and on all his sons. 357. And [all] the Apostles [answered Bartholomew and said, 'It is seemly so to do], O our beloved brother Bartholomew, [thou treasury] of the mysteries of Christ. 358. Verily, worthy of the things which the Son of God [hath told thee, and to see the great and] unspeakable mysteries that thou hast seen. 359. Verily, O Bartholomew, [thou shalt be called] the bearer of the mysteries of Christ to the end of the world. 360. Thy name shall not cease in heaven or upon Earth. 361. They shall call thee Bartholomew, the keeper of the mysteries of the Son of God.' 362. And Bartholomew answered, saying, Forgive me, O my brethren the Apostles, I am of no use in [your] midst, and I am of no account before all men. 363. I am a poor man in respect of my handicraft, and I justify [my existence] by my manner of life. 364. The multitudes who are in the city are accustomed to see it, and they say, 'Is not this Bartholomew, the man of Italy, the gardener and the dealer in vegetables? 365. Is not this the man who liveth in the garden of Hierokes, the governor of our city? 366. 2 lines missing 367. . . . . the words of poverty , he wrote . . . . the mighty works of the Son of God. 368. O my beloved brethren, ye are [the shepherds and] bishops whom the Saviour hath appointed [over] the whole world. 369. O our father Peter.' 370. When the Saviour took us up on the Mount [of Olives], the Saviour spake unto us [in a language] that we did not understand, yet straightaway He revealed it unto us. 371. [He said unto us . . . ] Atharath Thaurath, and [straightway] the 7 Firmaments [were opened] . . . . our bodies saw . . . . , and we looked and we saw our Saviour. 372. His body was going up into the heavens, and His feet were firmly fixed upon the mountain with us. 373. He stretched out His right hand and sealed us, the 12, and we ourselves also went up with Him into the height, into the tabernacle of the Good Father, into the 7th heaven. 374. Then the Saviour cast Himself down at the feet of His Father, saying, 'Shew Thou compassion upon My brethren the Apostles, and bless them with the blessing that is without end. 375. And the Father blessed thee, saying, 'I and My Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, are those Who lay hands on thee. 376. Whatsoever thou shalt loose on the earth We will loose; and again, whatsoever thou bindest on earth, We will bind. 377. 5 lines missing 378. 379. [He who is ordained by any authority except] that of thy hand and thy throne [shall be repulsed and shall not prosper]. 380. Thy [breath shall be filled] with My breath, and with the breath of [My Son], and with the breath of the Holy Spirit, so that every man whom thou shalt baptize . . . . shall receive a portion of the Holy Spirit, in [the Name of] the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.' the Book of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ CHAPTER FIFTEEN Divisions 381-405 RESURRECTION 1 381. [Then the Cherubim, [and the Seraphim], and the Archangels, and [all] the angels answered [and said, 'Amen. Hallelujah.'] 382. And He blessed Andrew, saying, 'Thou shalt be a pillar of strength in Jerusalem, My beloved city, in My kingdom. Amen.' 383. And He blessed James [saying], 'In every town and village, thou shalt see [Me] entering into them before thou enterest them, and afterwards they shall believe on thee. Amen. 384. And thou, John, the beloved of My Spirit and of My Son Jesus, there being no division whatsoever between them and thee, thou shalt be blessed in My kingdom forever. Amen. 385. And thou, Philip, in every place wherein thou shalt go and shalt preach therein, in the Name of My beloved Son, and His Cross of Light, He shall continue to go with thee until [the people there] shall have believed thee, forever. Amen. 386. And thou My chosen one, Thomas, thy faith shall be like that of an eagle [of light] that [shall fly over] all [countries] until [the people thereof] shall have believed [in Me] through thee for ever and ever. Amen.' 387. And thou, Bartholomew, thy soul shall be a sojourner among the mysteries of My Son. 388. And thou, O Matthew, thy strength shall increase to such a degree that thy shadow shall be able to make to stand up multitudes of those who have been buried. And straightaway thy shadow shall be in great power. 389. And [thou,] James, the son of Alphaeus, no power of the Devil shall have dominion over thy body [or over thy preaching] in any place; nay, whatsoever shall be planted by thee, shall never be uprooted. Amen. 390. [And thou, Simon] Zelotes, no concerning the joining of the Spirit the holy produce. Amen. 391. And thou . . . . , the son of James, on whatsoever place the sole of thy foot shall rest, I will forgive all the sins of the people of that place, and they shall believe on My Name through thee [and through] thy patience. In peace. Amen. 392. And thou, Thaddeus, My beloved one, to every place wherein thou shalt establish the Word of My Son, no thought of the Devil shall be able to approach because of the purity of thy soul. Amen. 393. And [thou Matthias, the blessed Apostle, the sweet odour of thee shall go about through all the world, and through all heaven. 394. For thou wast a rich man as this world goeth, and thou didst forsake everything for the sake of My Son Jesus, [ the companion of] My side, and the spring . . . . of My heart, and the [string] of My tongue. In peace. Amen.' 395. And the Angels, and the Archangels, and the Cherubim, a and the Seraphim, and [the Powers], and the 24 Elders, heard the blessings that the Father pronounced over [the Apostles]. 396. And we ourselves, all of us, made answer 'Hallelujah'. 397. Now therefore, O my brethren the Apostles, forgive me. I, Bartholomew, the Apostle, am not a man to be honoured.' 398. Then all the Apostles rose up, and they saluted (kissed) Bartholomew on the head, and said to him, 'Well done, our beloved brother Bartholomew, and [noble] is the humility wherewith thou hast abased thy honor.' 399. When the Apostles had said these things, they offered up the Offering. 400. And Mariyam was with them, she whom the Saviour Jesus had sent unto them, saying, 'Call them to Me tomorrow morning [at dawn] in Galilee, in order that I may give you My peace.' 401. Now when they had partaken of the Body and the Blood of Christ Jesus, the Son of the Living God, they were full of joy, and they [blessed] God, the lover of mankind. 402. And the smoke of the sacrifice produced a sweet smelling savour before the throne of the Father. 403. And the Father smelled the sweet odour of the Apostles, and shewed compassion on their supplication, and hearkened to their prayers. 404. And the Father answered and said to His Son, 'Rise up, My beloved Son, and get Thee down to Thy disciples, and comfort Thou them, and Thou shalt give them strength, and shalt [encourage] them, that they [despair not] and say, 405. ['Our Saviour hath risen from the dead], and hath departed [into the heavens in the Glory of His Father], and hath left us in the midst of the cities [and villages].' the Book of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ CHAPTER SIXTEEN Divisions 406-435 RESURRECTION 1 406. Then the Son of God rose up and departed into Galilee, and He found His disciples and Mary, who were gathered together. 407. And Jesus made Himself visible to them, and said unto them, 'Hail, Peter, My Bishop, the crown of the Apostles. 408. Hail, My noble companions, whom I have chosen one by one. 409. Hail, My brethren and My children. 410. Let there be with you the peace of My Father, that is Mine, that I received from My Father, so that I might make it to remain with you for all time.' 411. And He breathed on their faces and said, 'Receive ye the Holy Spirit. 412. Those whose sins ye forgive, I will forgive; and those whom ye hold fast, I will hold fast.' 413. And He shewed them the [nail marks] that were in His hands and feet, and the [mark of] the wound [made by] the spear [in His side], and the spittle on His face, and the . . . . that were in His eyes, and the marks of the wounds caused by the points of the crown of thorns that were in His head. 414. And He lifted up His hand above their heads, and He blessed them, saying, 'O My holy members, be of good cheer, fear not. 415. My Father shall give you the wages of [your] . . . . , that is to say the . . . . that the Saviour . . . . His disciples 416. . . . . He rose from the dead . . . . all the Apostles . . . . 417. 2 and 1/2 lines missing 418. . . . . they wept exceedingly. 419. Then Jesus raised them up, saying, 'Rise up, weep not for Me, for I have already risen from the dead, and am going to My Father. . . . 420. O Peter, knowest thou not that even goeth into a far country, and hath sons (?).' 421. And they wept for Him saying, '. . . . . to whom wilt Thou commit us?' 422. And He answered and said, 'Behold your great brother [Peter]. 423. I have set him over you. 424. Obey ye him even as ye would Me. 425. When ye obey him, it is I whom ye are obeying. 426. And thou, O Peter, My beloved one, behold, I have set thee as a father over all thy brethren. 427. And do thou comfort and console thy younger brethren, the Apostles, and thou shalt encourage them until they shall have finished their course in the world. 428. And I and My Father will be with you at all times. Amen. 429. I say unto you, O My blessed disciples, that your names are written upon My right hand; at all times do I keep you in remembrance. 430. And Mariyam also I have committed unto your care, and ye shall not cast her forth from your companionship.' 431. And when the Saviour had said these things, the Apostles rose up and saluted the side of Jesus, and [they took] of His living Blood that flowed forth from it, and He sealed them therewith. 432. [And He said unto them, ' O] My holy members, behold now... 1 and 1/2 lines missing ...the shadow of strength. 433. Ye shall raise the dead, the blind shall see, the lame shall walk, and the dumb shall speak, [and the deaf] shall hear, and the poor [shall be loved]. 434. Ye shall do all My mighty works that I did when I was with you in the world. 435. For when I shall have departed [to My Father], ye shall do the things more excellent than these until ye have gathered together My sheep that have gone astray.' the Book of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ CHAPTER SEVENTEEN Divisions 436-4 RESURRECTION 1 436. When the Saviour had said these things, He blessed them, and went up into heaven, and the angels of glory sang to Him as He passed on His way. 437. And the Apostles rejoiced exceedingly because the Son of God had blessed them. 438. Now Thomas, who was called Didymos, was not with them when the Lord came, yet had departed to his city, for they had brought him news saying, 'Thy son is dead.' 439. And Thomas departed, and he found that it was the 7th day since he had died. 440. And he departed straightway to the place wherein they had buried him, and he cried out, 'Siophanes, my beloved, rise up in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God; rise up, stand upon thy feet, that I may speak with thee/ 441. And straightaway Siophanes rose up, and the glory of Jesus [Christ] was upon his face, and he made obeisance to his father . . . . joyfully. 442. And . . . . made answer . . . . 2 lines missing . . . because the gift of Jesus had reached the whole city on his account. 443. And Siophines answered his father and said, 'Blessed art thou, O my father, through the Lord, for thou hast believed on the Lord, the Son of God. 444. At the moment when they came after me to separate my soul from my body, there came a great and mighty angel with a cloth of byssus, and multitudes of angels also, all of whom were girt with belts of gold about their loins, [bearing] incense. 445. Now they called that angel 'Michael, the angel of mercy '. 446. All these [angels] stood round about me, and their faces, wreathed in smiles, were towards me. And Michael made a sign over my mouth in the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 447. Then straightaway my soul sprang out from my body, and alighted on the hand of Michael, and he wrapped it up in the cloth of byssus, and they went with it into heaven, [the angels] singing hymns [before it]. 448. Now when we arrived at the river of fire, Michael set me down from off his hand, and I entered the river, and it seemed to be like unto a river of water. 449. After . . . the river of fire, so to say . . . the place that I saw was blazing with fire . . . . coal . . . . the river . . . . [we] passed over . . . . 450. 2 lines missing . . . and it was the light of Michael that lighted me on my way until we had passed over. 451. After we had passed over it we went up into Heaven, [and Michael] took me into the Lake Akherousia, and plunged me under its waters 3 times. 452. Afterwards a voice proceeded forth from the height, [that said], 'O ye angels who bear glad tidings, take ye this soul to the place of immortality, and [to] the Paradise of the life that is celestial, and let it see the places of the Apostles, and their crowns, and their thrones.' 453. And straightway Michael took me to the place that they call the "tabernacle of the Father" and I saw your 12 thrones that are [made of] pearls of light, your 12 thrones that are set with real stones (stones of price), and topazes and emeralds, that light up brilliantly the whole city of Christ. 454. And I saw also 12 white robes lying upon the thrones of the spirit, and there were also 12 trees that were laden with fruit at all times, and each one overshadowed one of the thrones. 455. And there were 12 eagles, each with the face of a man, and their wings were outstretched, a pair of wings over each throne; and a name of the 12 Apostles was inscribed upon each one of the thrones; 456. and there were 12 veils, drawn over the thrones, to each throne a veil; and there was a canopy set with precious stones spread over the upper part of each throne; and 1,000 angels sang hymns [before] each throne. 457. And I Siophanes worshipped, and I said unto Michael the Archangel, 'Unto whom do these thrones [belong?' 458. And Michael the Archangel answered and said to me, 'These] 12 thrones [belong] to the 12 Holy Disciples who followed after Jesus, the Son of God, in the world. 459. For this reason God hath appointed these thousands of angels to sing hymns to them until they should finish their course, and should come and sit on the thrones, being kings with the Son of God in His kingdom." 460. I answered and said unto Michael, 'My lord, shew thou to me the throne of my father, for I am not able to read the writing that is written on the thrones'. 461. Then Michael took me into the midst of the thrones, and he shewed it to me. 462. And when I drew nigh unto it, straightaway, the light of the pearl, and of the thousand of angels, and their glory remaining fixed in their faces, I wished to seat myself upon it. 463. Yet the angels prevented me, saying, "No one can sit upon this throne except thy father. 464. It is not permitted unto any being of flesh and blood to sit down on these thrones, with the exception of His Apostles.' 465. And I went away, and [I left behind me] the thrones. And the thousand angels blessed me with a mighty blessing of heaven. In peace. Amen. the Book of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Divisions 466-495 RESURRECTION 1 466. [Then] Michael brought me to Paradise, [and the beings of] Paradise made supplication unto me saying, 'Come O, the first of the Apostles' 467. and I and Michael the Archangel [went there, and as we walked we heard] that thou wast praying to God, Jesus Christ. 468. Then Michael took my soul, and he placed it in my body again, and I rose up, being alive, and I have just now talked with thee.' 469. And Thomas answered and said to his son, 'Blessed art thou, O my son, for the grace of God hath come unto thee, and thou hast seen this great glory.' 470. And when Thomas had said these things he departed with his son into the city, and straightway he went into his house. 471. And when those who were in the house saw him, they fell down upon their faces, and they became like them who were dead. 472. And they went to them and raised them up. And he spake with them, and he shewed them how his father had talked with him, and had raised him from the dead, and how he had seen the glory and the honour of those who are in heaven. 473. For Thomas did not enter into his house, because of the mighty deeds that he had done, yet continued outside the city, and the multitude believed upon God. 474. Now the rumour spread abroad throughout the whole city that Siophanes, the son of Thomas, had risen from the dead. And the whole multitude gathered together at the door of the house where the young man was. And they looked on him and marvelled. 475. And they [spake to] the young man, and they [asked] him, 'Who... 2 lines missing 476. When I was dead they carried me out to the tomb and buried me. And they carried my soul up into heaven, and they shewed me the habitations of immortality. 477. And I passed 7 days beneath the trees of Paridise of the heavenly Jerusalem, and I sheltered under the shadow of their branches. 478. As for my body, the Archangel Michael sealed it with his finger, in the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost. 479. It did not suffer corruption, neither did it stink, nor did it rot away during those 7 days, yet every part of it was well preserved; and it was red like these roses, for it was wholly necessary that I should return to it once more, for the salvation and the deliverance of my city. 480. Now after 7 days my father heard that I was dead, and he came and raised me up from the dead in the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. In peace. Amen.' 481. And when the multitude heard these things, the people cast themselves down, and they worshipped him with their faces on the ground, saying, 'We beseech thee to shew us the place wherein is the servant of Christ, so that we also may believe in Him.' 482. And when the multitude had said these things, the son ran before them on the road, and brought them to the . . . and he took them to the place where the Apostle was. 483. And when they had looked upon him, they cast themselves [down upon the ground at his feet, and cried out, saying], 'Blessed art thou in thy coming [to our city]. There is none except thee. Jesus, the Son of the Living God.' 484. And when the whole multitude had cried out these things, the Apostle blessed them, and he baptized 12,000 men of their number that day. 485. And he marked out for them the foundations of a church, and he appointed Siophanes the bishop of the church. And he dismissed them, and sent them away in peace. Amen. 486. And Thomas the Apostle rejoiced in the Spirit, and he blessed God, saying, 'My Lord Jesus Christ, I thank Thee at all times that Thou didst bestow upon me Thy peace, and that I departed to the city, and ended my journey, and put into the haven of peace, my ship being safe. 487. I found the haven with the demons working their vexatious plans therein, [yet] afterwards I endured patiently, and I overcame them by means of Thy power. 488. I drew them into my fishing nets as of the King Jesus. 489. Very many were found to be polluted with sin, [yet] I made them white in the blood of Jesus Christ. 490. Behold, Jesus Christ set me upon the ship of salvation, and brought me into the haven of peace. 491. I rejoiced and was glad in my heart, and I summoned the multitude into His marriage chamber.' 492. And when the blessed Apostle was saying these things, he mounted upon a cloud, and it brought him to the Mount of Olives, where he found the Apostles looking out for him. 493. He said 'The inheritance of my Lord Jesus Christ; who] gathered them together in the peace of the Father. 494. Hail, my brethren the Apostles, the crown of life!' And the Apostles also answered, 'Hail, thou servant of Jesus the Christ! 495. Thou didst go, and didst raise up a man that was dead, and didst raise up a multitude of cities in the baptism and seal of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost.' the Book of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ CHAPTER NINETEEN Divisions 496-525 RESURRECTION 1 496. Then Peter said unto Thomas, 'O my brother, the invited guest to the marriage of my Lord Jesus the Christ, I say unto you, O our brother, that our Lord Jesus hath shewn His [face] to us since thou didst depart from us, having risen from the dead, when as yet He had not departed, until He departed. 498. He gave unto us His peace, and we saluted Him, and He blessed us, and departed into heaven from us. 499. He said to us, " I am with you at all times, I and My Father, and the Holy Spirit." ' 500. And when the blessed Apostle Peter had said these things [to] Thomas, Thomas grieved exceedingly, and he wept many tears, saying, 'So then, O my Lord, having raised Thyself from the dead, Thou didst shew Thyself to the Disciples. 501. As for me. Thou didst separate me from my brethren, [ for] Thou didst not wish to shew Thy face to me... 1 line missing 502. that I might see Thee before Thou didst depart to [Thy Father]. 503. Yet as the Name of my Lord Jesus, the Christ, liveth, unless I can drop my finger on the nail marks, and can lay my hand upon the mark [made by] the spear, I will never believe that He hath risen from the dead. 504. For I cannot believe that He will rise [from the dead] and not shew Himself unto me. 505. Moreover, He will not grieve me [by such an act], for He said to us, 'I will not separate you from one another; yet one and the same inheritance shall be unto each one of you in My kingdom.' 510. And having said these things in the presence of the 11 disciples, Thomas the Apostle wept. 511. Then the Apostles answered in the presence of Thomas saying, 'O our lord brother, be not an unbeliever concerning the resurrection of our Saviour, yet believe that He hath risen, and hath departed to His Father. 512. And we are the first unto whom He shewed His face, and Mariham His mother.' 513. And again Thomas answered, saying, I believe that He hath risen, and He is the Deathless One, for He tasted death for the salvation of us all. 514. And it was because of [my] great grief that I doubted ' 3 lines missing 515. 516. [Then Bartholomew answered and said unto him], 'Hear me, O my brother Thomas. 517. Remember the word which the Saviour spake in the Gospel, saying, If thou hast faith like a grain of mustard seed, and ye shall say to this mountain, remove from this place to that, it shall be given unto you, and nothing shall be impossible unto you. 518. And everything that ye shall ask in prayer, ye believing, ye shall receive. 519. Now therefore, O Thomas, God hearkeneth to the supplication of everybody who believeth on Him. 520. God is the Good One, and He heareth every one who calleth upon Him. 521. Mighty and long-suffering is God, He heareth at all times the supplication of those who seek after Him.' 522. And when Bartholomew had said these things unto Thomas, the Saviour came into their presence, and He shewed His face unto them, saying, 'Hail, Thomas, thou little man! Hail, flower of Paradise in the 7th heaven. 523. I have made the faith to be stablished firmly in heaven and upon the earth, [and] none shall be able to remove it. 524. I have made Peter the great crown of the Apostles... 2 lines missing ...fellow heirs. 525. My peace [be] with you all. [Amen].' the Book of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ CHAPTER TWENTY Divisions 526-560 RESURRECTION 1 526. And when the Saviour had said these things to the Apostles, straightaway they went and worshipped Him, [falling] upon the ground and saying, 'Let Thy grace and Thy peace be with us, Jesus. Amen.' 527. Then Jesus answered and said unto Thomas, 'Bring hither thy finger to this spot and lay it upon My hand, and look upon the nail marks, 528. and again look upon the marks of the blows wherewith they smote Me in the face, and the spittle that they cast into My face and eyes, and the marks of the thorns of the crown of thorns that were in the crown that they fastened to My head, and the [marks of] the blows of the reeds wherewith they smote My head. 529. And come and look upon the vinegar, and the spear, and the gall which they gave Me to drink, instead of the little water for which I entreated, saying, "Give Me to drink; thou shalt not be an unbeliever, yet a believer, and thou shalt believe througbly/__ 530. And Thomas answered and said, 'I believe, my Lord and my God, that Thou art the Father, Thou art the Son, and Thou art the Holy Spirit, and that Thou didst rise from the dead, and that Thou hast saved every man by Thy holy resurrection. 531. Yet I did say to my brethren the Apostles, "Unless I see Him [after] He hath risen I will not believe." 532. And the Saviour answered and said unto him, 'Verily I say unto thee, O Thomas, thou little man, in every place wherein thou shalt preach My name, I, and My Good Father, will be with thee. 533. And thou shalt not enter into any city, or any village, except that I will follow thee with My Good Father and the Holy Ghost. 534. For that that thou shalt plant My Father shall bless, and I will cause it to increase, and the Holy Spirit shall be the director thereof.' 535. Then Thomas put forth his finger and took out [some] of His blood that flowed down from the side of the Son of God, and he signed himself therewith. 536. And the Saviour answered and said to all the Apostles, 'Behold, My blood of God hath joined to your bodies, and ye yourselves have become divine, even as I. 537. Behold, I am with you until the end of the world.' 538. When the Saviour had said this, He departed into heaven in great glory, saying, 539. 'Be not careless, Peter, thou and thy brethren, pasture them... 1 line missing 540. ...until ye have gathered the whole world into My glorious Church, and they live a life that is indestructible, and partake of the Body of God and My glorious Blood, and live in peace. Amen.' 541. [Then] He opened the eyes of the Apostles, and they passed many days marvelling at His departure into the heavens. 542. This is the second time that the Saviour shewed Himself to His disciples, after that He had risen from the dead. 543. This is the Book of the Resurrection of Jesus the Christ, our Lord, in joy and gladness. In peace. Amen. 544. And Peter answered and said, 'O my brethren the Apostles, arise and offer up the Offering before we separate one from another.' 545. Then the Apostles answered and said unto him, 'Thou art our father and our bishop. 546. The power is thine to do that that thou art pleased in everything.' 547. And the Apostles arose, and made preparation for the Offering. 548. They brought bread carefully chosen, and a cup of pure wine, and a censer of sweet-smelling incense. 549. And Peter stood by the Sacrifice, and all the Apostles formed a crown round the table. 550. And the Apostles awaited... 4 and 1/2 lines missing 551. 552. ...table their hearts rejoiced worshipped the Son of God. 553. He took His seat __ His Father. 554 His Body was on the table [about] which they were gathered together; and they divided it. 555. They saw the Blood of Jesus pouring out as living blood down into the cup. 556. And Peter answered [and said], ' Hear me, my fathers and brethren. 557. God hath loved us more than all the peoples on the earth, [for] He hath made us see these great honours. 558. And our Lord Jesus Christ hath allowed us to behold, and hath revealed to us the glory of His Body and His divine Blood.' 559. Having said these things, afterwards they partook of the Body and Blood of Jesus, and glorified the Treasury of Life. 560. Afterwards they separated, and they preached in the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Who [form] the Holy Trinity, consubstantial from now and for ever and ever. Amen. Appendix The latter fragments of the Book of the Resurrection from another longer manuscript. Most situations of 2 manuscripts were addressed by a merging of the 2 versions of the document. . . . . [Bejliar, he trampled Melkhir under foot, and he bound him with a chain of iron and steel. Now whilst Death was talking with the shroud of Jesus in the tomb, Jesus set free the whole race of mankind, He healed the sons of Adam whom the Enemy had smitten, He brought back into the fold again the sheep which had strayed, He brought back again Adam to his former state, and He forgave him his sins. In peace. Amen. Then Jesus turned Himself towards the man who had betrayed Him ; it was Judas Iscariot, and He said unto him, ' In what way didst thou profit, O Judas, by betraying Me into the hands of the chief priests, seeing that I only endured every kind of suffering in order that I might save (or, redeem) My image? As for thee, woe be unto thee, woe twofold, and rebukings innumerable, and cursings most terrible. Now moreover, the lot of Judas is with his father the Devil. His name hath been blotted out from the Book of Life, and his portion hath been removed from the number of the living. His tablet hath been broken in pieces, his memorial tablet hath been smashed. Satan hath entered into judgement with him, and he hath come forth therefrom condemned utterly. His office hath been taken away from him, his crown hath been snatched away. Those who were strangers unto him have made a mock of his sufferings. He hath put on cursing as a garment. He hath been polluted like water. His glorious raiment hath been snatched away from him. The light of his lamp hath been put out. His house hath been forsaken, and it hath become a desert. His days have become few, his term of life hath drawn towards its close. The rest which refresheth is far from him, [and] affliction hath drawn nigh unto him. The darkness hath taken possession of him, [and] the worm hath gotten him as an inheritance. Lice cover him as a garment. The angels who are gathered together about the Lord have driven him forth [These are the things which the] Saviour spake concerning Judas when He went down into Amente. And the Saviour rose from the dead on the third day. Then Abbaton, who is himself Death, rose up from his fall on the shroud of Jesus, with which he had been speaking in the tomb. He said unto his Power,' the Plague, ' Get thee down quickly into Amente, and set a very strong guard for thyself therein ; shut the doors of Amente until I am able to see who it is that hath deceived me in this manner, whom I know not. We will speak with him; he hath hidden himself from us, and we do not know whither he hath gone. Peradventure this is the Son of God. If it be not He, I am he who will destroy every one. Him, however/ I am not able to gain the mastery over, neither I nor my Powers.' Then Death descended into Amente, and his 6 Dekans also were with him, [and] he found Amente desolate, [and] it was like a desert, and there was not one souH in it, but it was in a state of dire disorder and confusion. The doors thereof were smashed in pieces, the door-frames were thrust out of position, and the bolts were snapped asunder, and the blazing brazen furnaces had been choked. He found nothing whatsoever in that place except three voices, which cried out in fear, and with tearful screams, and were full of anguish of the heart and trepidation. In [that] place there were weepings and gnashings of the teeth, it was a place of sighing and of tribulation, and of quaking, and of the worm which never sleepeth. Woe unto them, the wretched, the miserable, and the poor in God. These [voices] belonged to the three [men whose names] have been blotted out of the Book of Life, and removed from the _roll_ of the Saints, and from the knowledge of salvation, that is to say, Judas, and Cain, and Herod, These were there, and they were like unto a three-headed kelos; and because of the cruelty which is on them' {sic)__ men shall not keep their memory in remembrance. Judas betrayed the Lord of that which is in the heavens, and of that which is on the earth. Herod smote Jesus on His face a blow of insult. Cain rose up against his brother, and slew him with his own hand. And Death with his Dekans cried out, saying, ' This is the Son of God Who hath risen from the dead, Who hath redeemed Adam, and delivered all his sons, and hath forgiven unto them their sins, in the peace of His Father. Amen. Thus the Saviour rose from the dead, [and] He brought out into freedom those who were in captivity. He came to the tomb, He found the angels [there] at the hour of dawn on the day of the Lord, and they were singing the hymn of benediction, which the angels are wont to sing at the hour of dawn on the day of the Lord, over the Body and the Blood of Christ. Now in the early morning, when it was still dark, the holy women came forth to the tomb, and their names are these: Mary Magdalene, and Mary, the mother of James, whom Jesus had delivered out of the hand of Satan, and Salome who had tempted Him, and Mary who ministered unto Him, and Martha her sister, and Joanna, the wife of Khouza, the steward of Herod, and Berneice, whom he healed of a flow of blood in Capernaum, and Leah the widow, whose son the Saviour raised from the dead in Naein, and the sinful woman unto whom the Saviour said, 'Thy sins which are many are forgiven thee. These women stood in the garden of Philoges, the gardener, whose son the Saviour had healed at the time when He came down from the Mount of Olives with His apostles. Mary said unto Philoges, 'If thou art really he, I know thee. Philoges said unto her, ' Thou art Mary, the mother of Thalkamarimath,' which is being interpreted, 'the joy, the blessing, and the gladness.' Mary said unto him, 'If it be thou who hast taken away the Body of my Lord, tell me where thou hast laid It; for whether thou afraid [to carry It away or not] I myself will bear It away Philoges said unto her, ' My sister, Mary, Virgin Mother of the Christ, what are these words which thou art saying unto me? From the very moment when the Jews crucified Him, they have persisted in seeking out an exceedingly safe sepulchre wherein they might lay Him, so that the disciples might not come by dark and carry Him away secretly. Now I said unto them, 'There is a tomb" quite close to my vegetable garden; bring Him, lay Him in it, and I myself will keep watch over Him.' I thought in my heart saying : 'When the Jews shall have departed and entered into their houses, I will go into the tomb of my Lord, I will carry Him away, I will give Him spices, and sweetsmelling unguents and scents.' Now they brought Him, they laid Him in the tomb, they set a seal on the stone, and, after [setting] a watch, they went into their houses. And in the middle of the night I rose up, I went into the tomb of my Lord, and I found the whole of the host of the angels marshalled in order therein. The first row consisted of Cherubim, who were in number twelve thousand. The second row consisted of Seraphim, who were in number twenty thousand. The third row consisted of Powers, who were in number thirteen thousand. The fourth row consisted of Virgins, who were in number 30,000. Thousands of thousands [of angels] sang hymns to Him, tens of thousands of tens of thousands [of angels] ascribed glory unto Him. And a great chariot stood there, which was like unto a blazing fire which sent forth from it flashes of bright flame. And twelve virgins stood upon the chariot, and they sang a hymn in the language of the Cherubim, who made answer unto them, Amen. Hallelujah. I saw the seven heavens open, one after the other, and the Father came forth from the high place, together with His tabernacle of light, [and] He raised Him (Jesus) from the dead. O my sister Mary, I have seen all these glories, and had it not been that I found there the Rock, the great interpreter, who laid hold upon my hand, and supported me, I should certainly have fallen into despair, and have died by reason of the great glory which I had seen. And now, O my sister Mary, what ought I to do until I enter that place? These were the things which Philoges said unto Mary. Then the Saviour came before them, mounted upon the great chariot of the Father of the Universe, and he cried out in His divine language, 'Marikha. Marima Thiath,' which is, being interpreted, 'Thou Mary, the mother of the Son of God.' And Mary, who understood the meaning [of these words], turned herself and said, 'Rabonnei, Kathiath. Thamioth, which is, being interpreted, 'Thou Son of God, the Almighty, and my Lord and my Son.' And the Saviour said unto her, 'Hail to thee, who hast sustained the life of the whole world. Hail, My mother, My holy ark. Hail, My mother, My city, My dwelling-place. Hail, My garment of glory wherein I did array Myself when I came into the world. Hail, My water-pot, which is full of holy water. Hail, thou who hast sustained the life of the universe in thy womb. Hail, thou who hast received in thyself the Seven Aeons in one composition. Hail, thou __ at the table which is set in the Paradise of the seventh heaven, the interpretation (or, the name) of which is 'Khomthomakh' [that is to say,] 'the whole of Paradise is glad because of her." I say unto thee, O Mary, My mother, that he who loveth thee loveth life.' And the Saviour said unto her, 'Go thou unto My brethren, and tell them that I have risen from the dead. Say thou unto them, 'I shall ascend unto My Father, Who is your Father, and unto My God, Who is your God. And keep ye in remembrance the words which I spake unto you saying, I will come unto you at the hour of dawn tomorrow, at the time when I am wont to stretch out My right hand of God, when the sun riseth upon the whole earth, when I am wont to shake out My garment of the Spirit, and to take My seat on the right hand of My Father, when the dew of the seventh heaven and the dew of Paradise descend upon the earth to make the fruits of life to flourish. I will come unto you at that hour, and I will give unto you My peace, which I have received from My Father. It was this peace which My Father gave unto Me when I came into the world. I gave it unto you. My disciples, unto you and unto every one who believeth in My Name, and in [that of] Mary, My mother, My Virgin __2 jj ygj-y truth, My womb of the Spirit, My treasure of pearl, the ark of salvation for all the sons of Adam. She it was who sustained the Body of the Son of God, and the Blood which was His in very truth.' And Mary said unto her Son, 'My Lord, bless Thou my womb wherein Thou didst dwell before Thou goest to Thy Father. Then the Saviour, our life, our salvation, our hope answered her and said, 'Thou shalt take thy seat on My right hand in My kingdom. Believe me, O ye Apostles my brethren, I Bartholomew, the Apostle of the Son of God, I say, I saw the Son of God seated upon the chariot of the Cherubim. And round about Him stood thousands upon thousands of angels, and tens of thousands of tens of thousands of Archangels, and tens of thousands of the Cherubim, and Seraphim, and Powers. Their heads were bowed, and they were ready to respond 'Amen' to the blessing that the Saviour pronounced over His mother [and] over her virgin womb the head of Peter. The Father blessed him, saying, 'Thou shalt have thy place in the corners of My kingdom, thou shalt be exalted at the right hand of My Son. Him upon whom thou shalt lay thine hand upon the earth, I, and My Son, and the Holy Spirit will lay Our hands upon him. Him whom thou shalt loose upon earth will We loose; and him whom thou shalt bind will We bind. None shall be more exalted than thou and thy throne. And he who shall not be ordained according to thy throne, his hand shall be rejected, and shall not be accepted. And thy breath shall be filled with the breath of My Son, and with the breath of the Holy Spirit, so that every man whom thou shalt baptize and in whose face thou shalt breathe, shall receive the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.' And the Cherubim, and the Sei-aphim, and all the angels ° made answer, ' Amen.' And He blessed Andrew, saying, 'Thou shalt be a pillar in My kingdom, in Jerusalem, My beloved city. Amen. O James, in every city and in every village wherein thou shalt enter, thou shalt see Me and My Son before thou beginnest to preach the Gospel unto them. Amen. And thou thyself, O John, My beloved one, who art the bond which is bound wholly about the heart of My Son, thy spirit, and the Spirit of My Son, and My own Spirit, are intermingled inseparably, but thou shalt be blessed in My kingdom. Amen. And thou, O Philip, in every city wherein thou shalt enter, and wherein thou shalt preach the Word of My Beloved [Son], His cross shall go before thee ceaselessly until all the people thereof shall believe'' in thee. Amen. And thou, 0 My chosen one, Thomas, thy faith shall be like unto an eagle of light, which shall spread out its wings over all countries, until they believe'' in Me, and believe'' on the Name of My Son through thee. Amen. 0 Bartholomew, thy souP shall be a habitation and a place of sojourning of the mysteries of My Son. Amen. And thou thyself, Matthew, thy ' B i ' [the peace] which I have received from My Father. This is the peace which My Father gave unto Me when I came into the world, and I will give it unto you, O ye who are My disciples. Mary said unto her Son, 'Jesus, my Lord, and my only Son,' bless Thou me, for I am Thy mother who gave birth unto Thee, before Thou departest into the heavens to Thy Father, if indeed Thou wilt not allow me to touch Thee. Then"' Jesus, the Life of all of us, answered and said unto her, ' Thou shalt take thy seat with Me in My kingdom.' Believe me, O' my brethren the holy Apostles,' I Bartholomew saw the Son of God mounted upon the chariot' of the Cherubim, and thousands of thousands [of angels] stood round about ready to cry out 'Hallelujah'. Then our Saviour stretched out His right hand, and blessed the Virgin. I saw the heavens open, and the 7 firmaments, and I saw a finger of a shining hand like unto that of a man, which laid itself on the head of the Holy Virgin. Now this was the hand of the Almighty.' And He blessed her, saying, ' Thou shalt be blessed in heaven and upon earth, and thou shalt be called by the Seraphim " the city'' of the Great King"'; and all the hosts of heaven made answer ' Amen \ And He said unto her, ' When thou shalt come forth from the body I, even I, will come unto thee with Michael and Gabriel. We will not permit thee to feel fear before Death, whom the whole world is wont to hold in dread. I will take thee into the place of immortality, and thou shalt be with Me in My kingdom. I will set thy body under the Tree of Life, and Cherubim having a sword of fire shall watch over it, and shall bear (?) it [there] until the day of My kingdom.' These were the things which the Saviour spake unto His mother. Then [Mary] departed and made known to the Apostles that the Lord had risen from the dead, and had said, ' Come ye to Galilee at dawn to-morrow, and I will give unto you My peace which My Father gave unto Me.' Then Mary came and found the Apostles, who were on the Mount of Olives, and were about to offer up a sacrifice' to the Lord, and she took part in the sacrifice with them.'' And the great archbishop made answer, 'Seraphim of the Father, come ye and rejoice over the forgiveness which Adam hath obtained, for he shall be brought back to his former state. Then the Father commanded Michael to bring Adam, and his wife, and his children, and to set them in the presence of God. Believe ye me, O my brethren the Apostles, I Bartholomew have never seen the figure of a man, from the time when I was born into this world, which was like unto the figure of Adam, if it were not that of the Saviour. He was girded about with a tunic of pearls, and rays of light shot out from his face as they do from the sun when he is about to rise. Characters' in writing [and] symbols' were inscribed upon his forehead, which no man was able to read ; among them was the Name of the Father, and the Name of the Son, and the Name of the Holy Spirit. And' Eve herself was adorned' with adornments' of every kind of the Holy Spirit,' and the spirits who were virgins ' sang ' hymns to her, and they called her ' Life ', the mother of all living. Then the Good' Father answered and said unto Adam, ' Since thou didst transgress the commandment which I gave unto thee, and didst not keep it, behold, My Son Himself hath come forth on thy behalf to bring thee back. Mary is she who gave birth to My Son, and Eve too shall become even as she is, a mother in My kingdom. Then the Saviour answered and said unto Michael, ' Gather thou together all the angelic 2 [hosts] so that they may worship Me this day, for I have made peace between Myself and My imaj-e/ And Adam, seeing the great gift which had come to him, rejoiced and was glad, and he blessed God, saying, ' Come, O all ye angelic [hosts], and rejoice with me, for He Who created me hath pardoned my sins/ And straightway all the angelic [hosts] cried out to Jesus, the Son of the Living God, Thou hast shewn mercy unto Adam Thy creature/ Then all the righteous came, from the time of Abraham, the friend (or, companion) of God, and Isaac the sinless one, and Jacob the righteous, and Job the man of patience, and Moses the chief prophet, and all the righteous who have performed the will of God. Now I Bartholomew passed many days without eating or drinking, and the glory of the things which I had seen served me for food/ Behold, O my brethren the Apostles, I have told you concerning the things which I saw with my eyes, rejoice ye with me concerning the gift which God hath graciously bestowed upon Adam and his children. And they all answered, '[It is] seemly [so to do], O our beloved brother; people call thee Bartholomew, the Apostle of the Mysteries of God.' Bartholomew answered, 'Forgive me, I am the least among you, and I am poor in respect of my house. When the people of my city see me they are wont to say, " Is not this Bartholomew the gardener ? Is not this the man who liveth in the garden of Hierokrates, the governor " of our city, and who selleth the garden produce which we buy ? Whence hath he acquired this magnificence ? for [the knowledge of] his poverty is spread wide among us.'' Nevertheless I perform the mighty works of God.' At the time when the Saviour brought us on the Mount of Olives He spake unto us in a language which we knew not and 2 at that very time He revealed it unto us, saying, ' Anetharath/ And straightway the heavens opened, one after the other, and the interior shone brightly like unto snow, and the Saviour passed onwards into the heavens whilst we followed Him with our gaze. Then the Saviour cast Himself down before His Good" Father, saying, 'My Father, shew Thy mercy to My brethren the Apostles, and bless Thou them with an everlasting blessing/ Then the Father (with the Son, and with the Holy Spirit) stretched out His hand over the head of Peter, and consecrated him Archbishop of the whole world/ And He blessed him, saying, ' Thou shalt be the chief and head in My kingdom, and thou shalt be the chief and head over the whole world likewise, for I and My beloved Son, and the Holy Spirit have laid Our hands on thy head. Whomsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven ; whomsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven ; nothing shall be exalted above thee and thy throne ; and the hand of him that is ordained by any authority save thine shall be repulsed. Thy breath shall be filled with the breath of the Holy Spirit, so that every man whom thou shalt baptize shall receive a portion of the Holy Spirit. And all the hosts of the heavens answered, Amen, Hallelujah.' And He blessed Andrew, saying, ' Thou shalt be a pillar of light in the Jerusalem of heaven. And thou, James, in every town'' and village wherein thou shalt come, thou shalt see Me and My Son before thou shalt enter into them. And John, My beloved, and the beloved of My Son, thou shalt be blessed in My kingdom. And thou, Philip, in every city and in every village into which thou shalt come, the Cross ' of My Son shall go before thee continually, until all the people thereof shall have believed on thee. And thou, Bartholomew, My son, thy soul shall be a sojourner in the Mysteries of My Son. And thou, O" Matthew, thy might shall increase to such a degree that thy shadow shall raise the dead. And thou, O James, the son of Alphaeus, no power whatsoever of the Devil shall have dominion over thy body, or over thy preaching in any place, nay, on the contrary, that which is planted by thee, whatever it may be, shall never be rooted up. And thou, Simon Zelotes, no power of the Adversary 3 shall be able to force a way into any place wherein thou hast stablished firmly the word of My Son. And thou, O" My blessed Mathias, the sweet odour of thee shall go through the world, for thou wast a rich man according " to the things of this world, and yet thou didst forsake everything and follow Me. And when all the hosts of heaven saw these blessings which the Father pronounced on the Apostles, they answered, 'Amen.' And now, O"' my brethren the Apostles, forgive me — Bartholomew. Then all the Apostles rose up and embraced (or, saluted) Bartholomew. Now when the Apostles had said these things, they rose up and offered the Offering, and the Holy Virgin was present with them at that time. When Jesus had spoken with them, saying, ' Come ye into Galilee, I will give you My peace at that time/ and when they had received the Body and the Blood of the Son of God, the sweet perfume of their sacrifice ascended unto the seventh heaven. And the Father answered and said unto His beloved Son, ' My Only-begotten Son, arise, get Thee down into the world to Thy companions the Apostles, and comfort Thou them, and give them strength lest their heart become afflicted, and they fall into despair, and they cease to preach [the Gospel] in the whole world in Thy Name, and in My Name, and in the Name of the Holy Spirit Arise, O My beloved Son, and get Thee to Thy brethren and Thy Apostles, and bestow upon them joy, lest they say, ' Our Saviour hath risen from the dead, and hath departed into the heavens in the glory of His Father. He hath left us in the cities, and in the villages, and hath not given us joy in the place of the sufferings which we have endured in the world.'' Then the Son of God rose up and came down into the world, and found His disciples, and Mary the Virgin, for they were gathered together. And He appeared unto them, and said unto them, Hail, My Apostles, who have been chosen above all the world. Hail, My brethren and My companions, the peace ' of My Father be unto you, the peace which is Mine I give unto you. And He breathed in their faces, and said unto them, ' Receive unto you the Holy Spirit. Those whose sins ye remit to them, their sins shall be remitted to them; and those whose sins ye retain, their sins shall be retained to them. And He shewed us His feet...