Annual Report - DCR


Tannins reduction in cashew apple juice by techno-economically potent food grade materials. Seminar on process intensification in chemical, food and allied industries (


ICAR-Directorate of Cashew Research, Puttur has the mandate to carry out research and extension activities on cashew. During 2018-19, the research activities were carried out under five major programmes i.e. management of genetic resources, crop improvement, crop management, crop protection and post harvest technology. A total of 21 institute projects and three externally funded research projects are being undertaken at this directorate and three institute projects were concluded during the year.

The cashew germplasm database was enriched with 700 images belonging to 80 germplasm accessions to better equip the users of decision support system on cashew germplasms. Under the evaluation of cashew hybrids, 2 hybrids were found promising for nut yield (6 to 8.5 kg tree -1 ) and one hybrid for both nut yield (4.60 kg tree -1 ) and apple quality (10°Bx) during 7 th harvest. The evaluation of bold nut genotypes showed that a seedling selection of VTH-30/4 had high yield and sweeter apples (16°Bx). A draft genome sequence of cashew cv. Bhaskara has been developed. Crosses viz. NRC-492 × Vengurla-7, Vengurla-7 × NRC-492, NRC-492 × H-130, and NRC-492 × Taliparamba were made to develop populations to assay the potential utility of the new molecular markers being developed. To develop mapping populations for nut yield and Cashew Nut Shell Liquid (CNSL) content, crosses between Bhaskara × NRC-188 and Vengurla-7 × NRC-116 were made and a total 632 and 366 pseudo-F 1 nuts were produced. In the breeding trials to develop dwarf and compact hybrids, the lowest height was observed in the cross between Dhana × NRC-492 with 4.3 m height and 5.4 m average canopy spread. At 5 th year after planting of back cross progenies, 16 plants found to be promising with respect to yield and cluster bearing ability. In interspecific hybridization (Ullal- 1 x A. microcarpum), one of the progeny was found to be consistently escaping Tea Mosquito Bug (TMB) damage. An effort is being made to improve the nut size in cluster bearing genotypes by crossing cluster bearing cultivars with the bold nut types. The evaluation of 14 cashew germplasm accessions for high nut yield and larger and better apple characteristics showed that larger apple was in NRC-389 and the apples with more appealing colour and fragrance were found in NRC-301.

A total of 138 SSR primers (from cashew and related trees) were screened in parents Ullal-3 and NRC-492 for identification of 39 polymorphic primers but were found insufficient to carry out the association analysis. In the genetic diversity study, eight polymorphic cashew SSRs (CSSRs) were used for genotyping 48 core accessions of cashew. Further, three of the CSSRs viz. CSSR5, CSSR8, and CSSR18 showed parental polymorphism and could identify the genetic purity of the interspecific hybrids. The rate of transferability of the newly designed MiEST-SSRs ranged from 24.2% in A. microcarpum to 69.7% in A. pumilum.

In phenological studies of cashew, seven major principal phenological stages were identified and described using Biologische Bundesantalt Bundessortenamt und Chemische Industrie (BBCH) scale and susceptible stages to foliar pest attack were delineated. The evaluation of soil nutrient status with respect to major and micronutrients in major cashew growing regions viz. Puttur, Vengurla, Bhubaneswar, Bapatla, Pilicode and Vridachalam showed the soils were low in nitrogen and phosphorus, medium to low in potassium. Further, micronutrient deficiencies were observed for zinc and copper. Diagnostic norms were established for cashew using Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS). A new project was initiated to assess the nutrient requirement under high density planting.

The chemical composition of female sex pheromone released by TMB has been identified through GC-MS at ICAR-Directorate of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Research (ICAR-DMAPR), Anand. The analysis of feeding sounds of Cashew Stem and Root Borer (CSRB) grubs at C-DAC, Kolkata showed that the sounds are discontinuous and feeble indicating the need for sensors with higher sensitivity to precisely locate feeding grubs for CSRB management. Among inflorescence insect pests of cashew, two species of unidentified mirids and two species of unidentified flower beetles were observed to damage the calyx and feed on the pollen, which needs to be identified. Spraying Thiamethoxam at the rate of 0.2 g L -1 was on par with the recommended insecticide, λ-cyhalothrin in inducing mortality of the pest, TMB, which can be recommended as an alternate insecticide for the management of TMB. To control CSRB through chemical means, swabbing with fipronil (2.0 ml L -1 ) on the cashew tree trunk was on par with the recommended insecticide chlorpyriphos (10.0 ml L -1 ) and can be recommended for the management of CSRB. In addition, the two entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) viz. Heterorhabditis and Steinernema which induce mortality in the CSRB grubs were found to survive up to 150 days in the shaded ecosystem and maintained the virulence.

Empirical models were developed involving shelling percentage in terms of outturn, moisture content and nut count to assess the quality of raw cashewnuts. Modified vertical rotary disc blade and horizontal rotary disc mechanical slicers were developed in association with ICAR-Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal for processing the cashew apples, and its performance was evaluated. A non-destructive moisture meter was developed in collaboration with M/S Environment Measurement and Control, Kochi, and calibrated for the on-site measurement of moisture content in raw cashewnuts of domestic varieties. Diagnostic investigation of cashewnut processing industries indicated that the cost of processing varied with the quantum of processing, degree of mechanization, Kernel Percent Recovery and Whole Kernel Recovery (KPR and WKR) in packaging, labour wages and perks, and optimization of technical parameters at all stages of processing is needed for the success of these industries. The analysis of quality parameters in the sprouts at different stages of germination showed that the cashew sprouts 8-10 days after sowing (i.e. just before the chlorophyll formation in the cotyledons and which are easily separable) recorded increased fibre, total phenols and minerals such as calcium, iron, manganese, zinc and copper, and lower fat content compared to the cashew kernel. A mouth freshener was prepared from cashew apple and is being evaluated for biochemical characteristics, acceptance and storage life.

Under the project funded by RKVY-RAFTAAR, fifty-nine farmer participatory field research trials/ demonstrations were conducted in three districts of Karnataka viz. Dakshina Kannada, Udupi and Uttara Kannada and training and field exposure visits to the demonstration plots were undertaken. During the year DCR participated in Krishi Mela and Agri Expo -2018 conducted at ICAR-Central Plantation Crops Research Institute, Regional Centre, Kidu and 'Yantra Mela-2019' conducted at Vivekananda College of Engineering and Technology (VCET), Puttur, Karnataka. Farmers visiting the Directorate were given exposure to activities of different sections of ICAR-DCR and field and nursery visits were arranged. An android mobile app on "Cashew Cultivation" is being developed with funding support from Directorate of Cashewnut and Cocoa Development, Kochi. A software and mobile app on nutrient management were developed and launched with funding support from RKVY-RAFTAAR. Offline software on soil health card generator was also developed. To showcase the advanced technologies in cashew production and processing to visiting farmers a modern museum is being developed with funding support from RKVY-RAFTAAR and phase I work was completed during 2018-19. During the year four M.Sc. students' projects were guided. The Annual Group Meeting (AGM) of Scientists of AICRP on Cashew was organized at the Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology (OUAT), Bhubaneswar from 6 to 8 December 2018.

The technology "Dual mode dryer for raw cashewnuts" developed at this Directorate was given non-exclusive licensing for commercialisation. Collaborative research was initiated with M/S Environment Measurement and Controls (EMCON), Kochi, Kerala for developing moisture meter for cashew.

The Quinquennial Review Team (QRT) reviewed the work done by the ICAR-Directorate of Cashew Research, Puttur and All India Coordinated Research Project (AICRP) on Cashew for the period 2013-2018 and submitted its report to ICAR. The Directorate organised various events such as Foundation day, International day of yoga, Swachhata Hi Sewa campaign, Vigilance awareness week, World soil day, Annual cashew day, Webcasting of Mann Ki Bath and launching of Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) and International women's day. The Directorate conducted one workshop on intellectual property rights and two interface meetings with scientists, farmers, officials of the department and exporters of cashew. The Hindi cell of the Directorate conducted Hindi week and also quarterly and half-yearly Hindi workshops.

During the year, the Directorate generated Rs. 141.23 Lakhs revenue and supplied 1 lakh cashew grafts to farmers. The Soil Science laboratory of the Directorate was upgraded with purchase and installation of modern instruments such as Micro-wave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometer (MP-AES, Agilent 4210), UV-Visible Spectrophotometer (Shimadzu, UV-1900) and eight minor equipments.



The main campus of ICAR-DCR is situated 5 km away from Puttur town at Mottethadka village of Kemminje (12.45°N latitude, 75.15°E longitude and 90 m above MSL). The main campus has an area of 68 ha with field experiments and Laboratorycum-Administrative Block. Experimental Station at Shantigodu, which also forms part of the Directorate is 13 km away from the main campus and has an area of 80 ha. The institute is conducting and coordinating research on all aspects of cashew germplasm collection, conservation and improvement, production, protection, post harvest technology and transfer of technology.

Vision, Mission and Mandates


Accomplishing self-sufficiency in raw cashewnut production and maintaining premier position as the largest producer, processor and exporter at the global level.

To undertake strategic, basic and applied research for enhancing productivity, quality, processing efficiency and value addition of cashew.

• To serve as a national repository of genetic resources and scientific information on cashew.

• To coordinate All India Coordinated Research Project on Cashew for addressing location and region-specific problems.

• To promote capacity building through the transfer of technology and consultancy services to stakeholders.

To evaluate the already existing mapping population (F 1 ) for important traits (Phenotyping)

• To identify markers linked to economic traits

To document the diversity of insect pollinators of cashew and their natural enemies.

• To record the bio-ecology of prominent insect pollinators of cashew.

• To document the pollinator flora in cashew ecosystem and their importance.

• To examine the efficiency of pollinators in increasing cashew yield.

• To devise methods to conserve pollinators of cashew.


• To promote overall growth through the enhancement of production and productivity in cashew.



The Director is the administrative head of the directorate. The Institute Management Committee (IMC), Research Advisory Committee (RAC) and Institute Research Committee (IRC) assist the Director in the matters relating to the management and research activities of the directorate (Fig. 2.1). The research and extension on various aspects of cashew are conducted in five divisions, namely, crop improvement, crop management, crop protection, post-harvest technology and transfer of technology. The institute also has different laboratories for sections of Horticulture, Soil Science, Plant Breeding, Plant Physiology, Biotechnology, Plant Protection and Post Harvest Technology. The other facilities available at the directorate include Audio Visual Laboratory, PME Cell, ITMU, AKMU and Museum. The Directorate also functions as headquarter for the All India Coordinated Research Project on Cashew.

Figure 2


The Directorate has got a well-established library in the field of cashew research. The library is serving as an Information Centre on all aspects of cashew research and development in the country. The CD database viz., CABHORT, CABPEST, AGRICOLA and AGRIS, SOIL CD, CROP CD, PLANTGENE CD and TROPAG CD and online CAB database, are also available. The library is equipped with automation software and barcoding facility. The library has 1938 books and 2030 back volumes of various journals. The library subscribes 35 national and 2 international journals. The library is a member of Consortium of Electronic Resources on Agriculture (CeRA), New Delhi. Tech-Focuz digital library software is also available for CD Database search.


The Institute has a sanctioned strength of 17 scientific, 19 technicals, 15 administrative, 38 skilled support staff and 1 canteen staff, of which 13 scientists, 11 technicals, 9 administrative and 19 skilled support staff are in position and the remaining positions are vaccant (Table 2.1).

Table 2

During 2018-19, the total budget allotted to the Directorate was Rs. 1306.41 Lakhs of which Rs. 1287.11 Lakhs were utilised (Table 2.2). Under externally funded projects, the total receipts were Rs. 106.5 Lakhs, of which Rs. 86.82 Lakhs was utilised (Table 2.3). The revenue generation during 2018-19 was Rs. 141.23 Lakhs (Table 2.4).


Production of planting materials

ICAR-DCR has cashew nurseries at both of its campuses: Kemminje and Shantigodu, accredited by National Horticulture Board (NHB) to cater the need of planting material. Softwood grafts of varieties like Bhaskara, NRC Selection-2, Ullal-3, Ullal-1, VRI-3, Vengurla-7, Vengurla-4, Dhana etc. are produced in the two nurseries between June and August every year for supplying to the farmers. During the year 2018-19, about 1 lakh cashew grafts (61,952 from Kemminje campus and 38,052 from Shantigodu campus) were supplied to farmers.

Infrastructure and assets

The major infrastructures developed during 2018-19 are provided in Table 2.5. During the period, instrumental facilities of the Soil Science section was strengthened with the purchase of modern equipments through the project funded by RKVY.

Germplasm conservation

A new block of unique germplasm types has been established ( Fig. 3.1.1) and four unique types viz. purple mutant, H-130 and two wild relatives of Semecarpus pranuii have been planted and grafts of some more unique types have been prepared.

Figure 3

5 acres under high density planting. The field was prepared and fenced and made ready for planting with the onset of monsoon. To demonstrate the usefulness of precision agricultural activities installation of drip systems is also planned. Also, a storeroom was constructed. Field preparation activities for establishing demonstration plots Diagnostic field visits in Dakshina Kannada Diagnostic field visits in Uttara Kannada Diagnostic field visits in Udupi Front line demonstration in the farmer's field and training

Germplasm database enrichment

The cashew germplasm database (https:// was enriched with 700 images belonging to 80 germplasm accessions. The database has been visited 565 times from April 2018 to March 2019.

Maintenance of core collections

The core collection of 61 cashew germplasm accessions established during 2017 was maintained following the recommended agronomic practices.

Genetic improvement of cashew for yield and quality traits

Evaluation of cashew hybrids from the closely planted block for growth characters

Among the hybrids selected from the closely planted block, 2 hybrids were found promising with respect to yield and nut weight. Among them, the tree number 130 (NRC-100 × NRC-185) recorded the highest raw cashewnut yield of 8.5 kg followed by No.163 which recorded 6 kg nut yield (Table 3.1.2) during 7 th harvest. Another hybrid (tree No. 186) (NRC-239 × VTH-711/4) with good apple character of good edible quality was also identified. The hybrid produced big apples (90-100 g) which were sweet (10°Bx) and juicy (80% juice content). The big apple hybrid also produced bigger nuts (9.68 g). The yield of this hybrid was estimated at 4.60 kg tree -1 . The apples were free from astringency, rich in pulp content with less fibrous matter which makes the apples highly palatable as table fruit ( Fig. 3.1.2).

Table 3


Evaluation of bold nut genotypes for their performance

Among the different genotypes, the highest annual nut yield of 4.23 kg tree -1 was recorded in the 4-year old plants of tree no. 480 (a seedling selection of VTH-30/4). This genotype also recorded high shelling percentage of 30.85%. The apples of this tree recorded 16°Bx which was higher compared to other cashew genotypes. The yield of H-32/4 was 0.69 kg tree -1 , while the yield of NRC-493 was 0.56 kg tree -1 which was below the yield of the local check. The lowest yield (0.42 kg tree -1 ) was recorded by the accession no. NRC-270.

Development of dwarf and compact cashew hybrids

Out of 27 trees selected in the previous year, seven trees were shortlisted for further observations. During the fruiting season of 2018-19, seven trees were selected based on fruit bearing. Observations such as stem girth, tree height, tree spread and yield per tree were recorded in the selected trees. The list of selections and observations is given in Table 3.1.3. Tree no. 29 belonging to Dhana x NRC-492 was found semi-tall with 4.3 m height and 5.4 m average tree spread (Fig. 3.1.3-A). Yield observations for this year are under progress in selected trees. However, tree no. 122 of the cross Vengurla-4 x NRC-492 and tree no. 102 of the cross Madakathara-2 x NRC-492 appears to the promising with their nut-bearing potential (Fig. 3.1


This year, a 5-year old tree viz. BDB-626-58 was selected in addition to the 15 trees selected during the previous years which appears to be promising with cluster bearing ability (Fig. 3.1.4). Observations such as stem girth, tree height, tree spread and yield per tree were recorded in the selected trees (Table 3.1.4). Yield observations for this year are under progress. The objective of this project is to identify promising accessions with very high and low CNSL content. The CNSL extraction with hexane solvent was done for 192 accessions during 2015-18. During 2018-19, the CNSL content of 128 accessions has been estimated. The work is under progress to evaluate remaining germplasm accessions. The CNSL content of the genotypes assayed during the year ranged from 0 to 36.48% (Table 3.1.5).

Mutation Breeding

One hundred and thirteen seedlings and grafts (from gamma-ray treated seeds and scion sticks) of two popular varieties i.e. Bhaskara and Ullal-3 were field planted during the year. In sum of these seedlings, variations such as puckering of leaves, dwarfness and excessive branching were seen ( Fig. 3.1.5 and 3.1.6). Further, 50 seeds each from Bhaskara, H-130 and Ullal-3 varieties were exposed to gamma rays of dosage 700 Gray (more than the LD-50 dose i.e. 600 Gray) and sown in the nursery. The seedlings will be planted and the next generation seedlings (M 2 ) from all these trees will be screened for TMB tolerance in the nursery.

Interspecific hybridization

A progeny of the Ullal-1 x A. microcarpum cross has been observed for two years and found to be almost free from TMB damage in inter-specific progeny plot at the Directorate (Fig. 3.1.7). This location is a hotspot for TMB occurrence. The TMB damage score was recorded on this particular progeny during the year by taking the TMB damage score on 8 lateral shoots each in four directions. The data on TMB damage recorded on 32 shoots is given in Table 3.1.6. It is observed that the progeny which seem to be tolerant to TMB has recorded an average damage score of 0.06 compared to Ullal-3 and Vengurla-4 which recorded the damage score of 1.22 and 1.38 respectively. This shows that the progeny seems to be tolerant to TMB and hence, can be utilized in breeding programmes. Accordingly, this tolerant tree was used as male to cross with Vengurla-4 to generate 79 progenies, and with Ullal-3 to generate 17 progenies. These progenies will be subjected to TMB tolerance screening in the nursery and promising ones will be planted in the field during the next season.

Breeding for improvement of nut size in cluster bearing genotypes

A total of 274 seedlings of nine crosses made between cluster bearing and bold nut types were planted in the field in augmented block design. Among them, 254 seedlings were established in the field and 20 seedlings failed to survive due to transplanting shock, low vigour and high temperature (Table 3.1.7). In addition, 183 seedlings of six crosses including medium × bold nut types and bold x bold types were planted in the field. Among them, 161 seedlings were established in the field.

Morphological characterization of different cashew accessions

Among the fourteen cashew accessions along with the check (Vengurla-8), the maximum mean height was recorded in NRC-493 (4.91 m), while minimum height was recorded in Vengurla-8 (2.9 m) (Table 3.1.9). The mean height ranged from 2.9 to 4.9 m, however, the difference was not significant. The mean tree girth among the accessions was the highest in NRC-389 (73.97 cm). The check Vengurla-8 recorded the least plant girth (43.9 cm). The maximum canopy spread was recorded in NRC-301 (6.6 m) across North-South, while NRC-112 recorded maximum canopy spread across East-West direction (6.76 m).

Organoleptic evaluation of fresh cashew apple

The organoleptic evaluation of fresh cashew apples was carried out using 9 point hedonic scale. The cashew apples of NRC-301 were appealing based on colour and fragrance, and the overall acceptability of this accession was found better, while the check Vengurla-8 scored the highest reading with respect to overall acceptability (Table 3.1.10).

Development of morphological descriptors and DUS test guidelines for cashew

A plot of thirty reference varieties of cashew established for the purpose of DUS testing was maintained during 2018.

Development of microsatellite markers, linkage analysis and population structure studies in cashew

De novo genome and transcriptome sequencing

A draft genome sequence of cashew cv. Bhaskara was generated using the Nanopore and Illumina sequencing technologies. Currently, efforts are being made to make a hybrid assembly using both the long and short reads generated by the two next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies. Further, the transcriptome sequencing of cashew shoot of Bhaskara (tall genotype) and NRC-492 (dwarf genotype) and developing nuts of H-130 (bold nut and high Cashew Nut Shell Liquid (CNSL) genotype) and NRC-188 (medium size nut and CNSL free genotype) is being carried out to identify the gene-based markers and to investigate the molecular mechanisms and key genes governing the traits like tree height and CNSL content. In addition, crosses between NRC-492 × Vengurla-7, Vengurla-7 × NRC-492, NRC-492 × H-130, and NRC-492 × Taliparamba were made to develop populations needed for assaying the potential utility of the new molecular markers being developed in this study for selection of tree height and yield traits in cashew. A total of 146 pseudo-F 1 nuts were harvested in these crosses and more of these crosses are planned during the next flowering season.

Transferability of 60 Mango EST-SSRs (MiEST-SSRs) in cashew and related species of Anacardium

The newly designed MiEST-SSRs were evaluated for the transferability in cashew and its three related species. The rate of cross-species amplification of MiEST-SSRs varied from 24.2% in A. microcarpum to 69.7% in A. pumilum. The utility of these MiEST-SSRs as genetic markers need to be evaluated.

Genotyping of core accessions with Cashew SSRs (CSSR)

Eight polymorphic cashew SSRs were used for genotyping 48 core accessions of cashew (Fig. 3.1.8). With the completion of cashew draft genome assembly, novel SSRs would be designed and tested for polymorphism detection and genetic diversity analysis.

Identification of SSR markers for testing genetic purity of interspecific hybrids of cashew

A total of 21 cashew SSRs (CSSRs) were screened for polymorphism detection in the parents of interspecific hybrids (ISH). Three of these SSRs viz., CSSR5, CSSR8, and CSSR18 showed parental polymorphism and could identify the true hybridity. CSSR5 could identify true hybridity of ISH816 derived from A. occidentale cv. Bhaskara × A. microcarpum cross ( Fig. 3.1.9). Another SSR marker, CSSR13, could identify true hybridity of ISH706 derived from A. occidentale cv. Ullal-3 × A. microcarpum cross and ISH794 derived from A. microcarpum × A. occidentale cv. Ullal-3 crosses. Further, CSSR18 could identify true hybridity of ISH816 derived from A. occidentale cv. Bhaskara × A. microcarpum cross. In this study, two crosses viz., Bhaskara × NRC-188 and Vengurla-7 × NRC-116 were made for developing two mapping populations. The two female parents used in the crosses are high nut yielders with high levels of CNSL, whereas the male parents are low nut yielders and CNSL free types. In the cross Bhaskara × NRC-188, a total of 1720 flowers were cross-pollinated and 632 pseudo-F 1 nuts were produced which accounts for 36.7% nut set. Likewise, in the cross Vengurla-7 × NRC-116, a total of 1154 flowers were cross-pollinated and 368 pseudo-F 1 nuts were produced which accounts for 31.9% nut set. The cross-pollinated nuts will be sown and mapping population will be raised.

Evaluation of CNSL content of parents

CNSL contents in the nuts belonging to the eight phenological stages of nut development and maturity (stages between 701-819 of recently developed cashew specific BBCH scale) collected from 6 cashew genotypes (which included 4 parents used in the crossings of this study) were evaluated ( Fig. 3.1.10A). In four of the cashew genotypes assayed, the CNSL content in the nuts increased with the passing of phenological stages, whereas in two CNSL free genotypes, NRC-116 and NRC-188, no CNSL was found confirming the true to type for CNSL free trait ( Fig. 3.1.10B). Further, in the CNSL containing genotypes, significantly higher CNSL content was detected at the 70% nut development stage (BBCH scale: 707) and later stages of nut development suggesting that the CNSL biosynthesis in cashewnuts appears to be in the log phase after 50% nut development stage i.e. 705 ( Fig. 3.1.10B). However, the rate of CNSL biosynthesis decreases after the 90% nut development stage (709). Among the assayed genotypes, the maximum CNSL content of 35% was observed in the cashew hybrid, H-130. In the cashewnut shell, the CNSL is present in the spongy pith having honeycomb-like structures. The cross-section evaluation of cashewnut shell showed that the honeycomb-like structures in the spongy pith were large and filled with shiny liquid in H-130, a high CNSL containing genotype, whereas, in NRC-188, a CNSL free genotype, the honeycomblike structures were relatively smaller and compact without shiny liquid ( Fig. 3.1.11). for ultra-high density planting and salt and cold tolerant varieties.

• Development and utility of genomics/omics resources and tools for application of molecular breeding to improve productivity, quality and stresses tolerance in cashew.

Studies on pruning and phenology in cashew

Principal phenological stages and their characteristics in cashew

The phenological studies were carried out using Biologische Bundesantalt Bundessortenamt


und Chemische Industrie (BBCH) scale. The phenological stages exhibited a similar trend as that of the previous year. One stage, senescence stage was dropped based on extended BBCH scale guidelines. The principal phenological stages and their characteristics are given Table 3.2.1. Principal phenological stages and their characteristics 1.

Principal growth stage 0: Vegetative bud development

After a quiscent phase, the vegetative buds start swelling and burst to form leaf primordia which differentiate into leaves through a series of developmental stages. The bud initiation starts after the rainy season (September -October). However, the flushes occur two or more times during the annual growth of cashew.

Principal growth stage 1: Leaf development

Leaf primordia visible after withering of bud scales develop into leaves by passing through sequential developmental stages. Further, leaf development occurs parallel to the shoot development. Distinct shoot visibility occurs towards the end of the leaf development.

Principal growth stage 3: Shoot development

Shoot elongation and development continues along with leaf development. Finally, the leaves turn into leathery green and shoot become woody in 5-7 weeks.

Principal growth stage 5: Inflorescence development

In cashew, inflorescence emerges terminally from current season shoots during winter. Reproductive buds develop into inflorescence. During inflorescence development, panicle expansion occurs with the formation of laterals and sub-laterals in a sequential manner to form a complete panicle in 4-6 weeks. Shoot development continues in parallel with inflorescence development (BBCH code: 311-317). The inflorescence emergence begins in November and more than 80% inflorescences emerge between the third week of November and the third week of December. The inflorescence development stages were redefined with codes 516A, 517A and 519 A for better clarity in defining stages with codes ( Fig. 3.2.1).

Principal growth stage 6: Flowering

Flowering begins in the second week of November and the peak flowering occurs during January and February months. In cashew, two types of flowers are found viz., hermaphrodite and staminate flowers. The freshly opened flowers are white in colour and turn into pink after a few hours of opening. The Inflorescence development also continues with flowering and in a panicle, about 600-800 flower buds formed and opened sequentially. The secondary flowering stages were defined on the basis of percentage of flowers opened viz., 10% of flowers opened and so on till 90% flower opened. The flowering stages were redefined with codes 610A, 611A, 613 A, 615A, 617A and 619A for better clarity in defining stages with codes ( Fig. 3.2.2).

Principal growth stage 7: Nut and apple development

In cashew, along with true fruit (cashewnut), flower pedicel swells and develops into the false fruit called 'cashew apple'. In the initial phase, nut develops at a faster rate and attains the maximum size whereas apple develops slowly and attains about 10% of its final size by the end of nut development. After fertilization, the nut develops slowly up to 30% of its final size (i.e. lag phase) and later grows rapidly (log phase of growth) to attain the maximum size. Both nut and apple developments follow a simple sigmoidal growth pattern. For describing the secondary stages, growth characteristics of both nut and apple (percentages of final size) were taken into account.


Principal growth stage 8: Nut and apple maturity

After nut attaining the maximum size, nut undergoes desiccation and shrinks and colour changes from dark green to grey in 8-10 days. At the same time, apple rapidly develops to reach the final size and reaches maturity. The secondary stages of nut and apple maturity were assigned taking into account the growth (size in percentages) and maturity (colour changes) characteristics of both.

The response of cashew variety Bhaskara to pruning

The pruning treatments were imposed on 8 year old Bhaskara trees in the months of June, July, August and September. The pruning response of Bhaskara was better when pruning was done in September (Table 3. 2.3). Pruning of laterals @25% level led to the production of the highest number of panicles per tree (80.5) leading to highest raw nut yield (6.76 kg tree -1 ), closely followed by pruning of laterals at @50% level (71.5 panicles and raw nut yield of 6.01 kg tree -1

Optimisation of mineral nutrition to cashew under high density planting

High density planting (HDP) is a technique which is capable of increasing the productivity per unit area by accommodating more number of plants per unit area. Conventionally cashew is planted at 7.5 m × 7.5 m which accommodates 177 plants per hectare and the plants takes 7-8 years to cover the allotted space and to give potential yields of 2 tonnes per hectare with proper management practices. Therefore, high density or ultra density planting appears to be the most appropriate solution to overcome the low productivity and initial long waiting period for early returns. Under the high density systems the plants being placed adjacent to each other completes for nutrients. Proper nutritional management is important for realizing higher productivity from high density orchards. No information is available for the nutrient requirement and fertilizer schedule for high density planting. This project is undertaken to assess the nutrient requirement of cashew under high density planting. The project also aims to develop a fertilizer nutrient management package for HDP in cashew.

Experimental details and soil characteristics

To standardise the fertiliser recommendation under high density planting in cashew, the experiments were carried out in the existing ultra high density plots of ICAR-DCR in which plants are planted at 2.5 x 2.5 m spacing. The plantation was established during the year 2013. As per the response surface function approach of statistical analysis, 20 treatments comprising different combinations of N, P 2 O 5 and K 2 O were imposed. The analysis of initial soil samples showed that soil pH ranged from 5.5 to 5.92, electrical conductivity from 0.053 to 0.056 dSm -1 , organic carbon from 0.59 to 0.69% in the surface 0 to 30 cm layer. The available nitrogen content in the surface layer varied from 275 to 325 kg ha -1 . In the subsurface layers, the soil pH decreased (5.66 at 30-60 cm layer and 5.62 at 60-90 cm layer). Similarly, there was a depthwise decrease in electrical conductivity, soil organic carbon and available nitrogen content. The treatmentwise plant samples were collected and processed for analysis. The cashewnut yield is being monitored.

Future areas of thrust for research in the field of crop management

• Standarization of leaf nutrient based nutrient management for cashew.

• Estimating the carbon sequestration capabilities of cashew plantations, and carbon and nutrient cycling.

• Crop management based on phenological stages.

Investigations on semiochemicals for management of Tea Mosquito Bug (TMB) and Cashew Stem and Root Borer (CSRB)

Sex pheromone trials for TMB

The project envisages the identification of semiochemical activity of sex pheromone volatiles through in-vivo evaluation followed by GC-MS analysis, with the objective of developing sexpheromone traps for monitoring and decimating the pest populations of TMB in the field situations.

Earlier studies indicated that live virgin females of TMB, as well as whole body extracts (WBE) of live virgin females, could elicit field response from males of TMB. However, the WBE when analysed at ICAR-Directorate of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Research (ICAR-DMAPR), Anand, Gujarat indicated significant contamination of body compounds, especially lipids in the extracts, thereby making it difficult to segregate the sex pheromone compounds. Hence, an alternate method of volatile collection i.e. use of adsorbents was adopted to trap the volatiles from virgin TMB females under laboratory conditions. The laboratory-reared


populations of TMB were utilized for the collection of sex pheromone volatiles, using effective and universally accepted adsorbents viz., Porapak ® and Tenax ® . The live virgin females of TMB aged 4 to 5 days after emergence were placed in a net cage and secured in the field and the calling females were later transferred to a glass desiccator (wiped well internally with di-chloromethane) containing 0.5 to 0.6 mg of the activated adsorbents placed in an autoclaved watch glass.

The females were allowed for 8 to 12 h in the set-up and the adsorbents were later transferred to glass stopper vials. The same were evaluated for their chemical composition at ICAR-DMAPR in the GC-MS with EAD; the results were compared to the GC library and the chemicals having >90% matching were recorded. The elution peaks indicated that all samples had similar and consistent elution time peaks between 8.2 to 10.5 min after sample injection (Fig. 3.3.1). The possible group of organic compounds in the samples were identified as carenes, diethyl-esters, pthalic acid derivatives, naptha derivatives, pinenes, acetophenones etc. During 2018-19, the maximum number of TMB males trapped by a single female was 51 males/trap when a 4 days old virgin female TMB was used as bait and 43 males/trap when a 5 days old virgin female TMB was used as live bait (Table 3.3.1).

Evaluation of fresh frass extract-synthetic baits for CSRB

As the attraction of CSRB females and males to the fresh frass in infested trees was confirmed earlier, the fresh frass was collected and extracted. The components of fresh frass from CSRB infested cashew trees, viz., phenols, ketones, polyphenols, naptha-derivatives and aldehydes were identified and formulated using synthetic formulations. Later synthetic baits prepared from the identified These compounds were tested by placing them in a physical trap that has been designed and fabricated at this Directorate (Fig. 3.3.2). However, no trap catches were obtained either due to non-attraction by synthetic frass formulation or escape of attracted CSRB beetles. Further trials are being planned in collaboration with ICAR-NBAIR, Bengaluru. It was observed through field trials that tracing the location of the CSRB grubs in infested trees is a big hurdle in the physical removal of the pest stages. In this context, it was contemplated to record the feeding sounds through acoustic sensors to locate the grub position inside the tree. For this purpose, the laboratory-reared CSRB grubs aged <45 Days After Emergence (DAE), 45-90 DAE, 90-120 DAE and >120 DAE were tracked for their feeding sound through acoustic sensors at C-DAC, Kolkata in a soundproof chamber. It was noticed that the sound produced by the feeding CSRB grubs was not continuous and feeble necessitating future testing with sensor-devices having enhanced sensitivity levels.

Evaluation of newer molecules for their efficacy against Tea Mosquito Bug (TMB) and Cashew Stem and Root Borers (CSRB)

Keeping in view of the need for alternate insecticides which were ecologically safer and not harmful to the non-target organisms; this study was envisaged to evaluate the efficacy of neonicotinoids, carbamates, pyrazoles, synthetic pyrethroids and an Insect Growth Hormone (IGH) against the two major pests of cashew viz., TMB and CSRB.

The following parameters viz., a) mortality and b) feeding deterrence have been recorded using the test insecticides, namely, thiamethoxam

For CSRB, the nascent grub mortality has been recorded with test insecticides; fipronil (2.0 ml/L) and imidacloprid (2.0 ml/L), with chlorpyriphos (10 ml/L) as a check.

Laboratory and field evaluation of test insecticides versus TMB

The tender shoots of cashew were collected and placed in glass vials containing water to maintain their turgidity. The test insecticides were initially sprayed on all the shoots as a fine mist with no dripping. These were later air-dried and used at different intervals after spraying for testing the efficacy against the TMB adults and nymphs. The lab trials were done for up to 5 DAT (Days After Treatment). As the tender cashew shoots did not retain their turgidity after 5 days the residual toxicity of the test insecticides beyond 5 DAT was done by spraying the test insecticide onto tagged flushing branches and evaluating those treated tender cashew shoots at regular intervals of 10 DAT, 15 DAT and 30 DAT. Five insects of TMB either adults or nymphs were allowed on the treated cashew shoots and the mortality and damage score were recorded after 12 h and analysed.

It was observed that thiamethoxam (0.2 g/L) was on par with the recommended insecticide, Fig. 3.3

.3. Mean mortality (%) of TMB adults & nymphs in different treatments

L-cyhalothrin in inducing mortality of TMB as well as feeding deterrence, and it was closely followed by acetamiprid (0.5 g/L) ( Fig. 3.3.3 and 3.3.4). Buprofezin did not induce mortality of TMB nymphs or adults even on 1DAT.

Laboratory and field evaluation of insecticides against CSRB

For laboratory evaluation, the stout twigs of cashew were collected and sprayed with test insecticides till they were well drenched and these were shade-dried. Later a soft cotton tape (2 cm wide) was snugly wound around them. Well developed fertile eggs of CSRB, collected from laboratory cultures were placed below the tape while winding. The hatching of the eggs and entry of the nascent grub into the bark were recorded 7 days after release. Fine powdery frass exudation indicated the successful entry of the nascent CSRB grub into the twig; while the nascent grubs which died on nibbling the bark did not show any frass exudation (Fig. 3.3.5).


Similarly, field evaluation of these test insecticides was also done by placing the eggs by slight scooping of the outer bark of the treated branch. The eggs of CSRB were protected with a cotton tape covered by cellophane strip. The hatching and mortality of the CSRB grubs were recorded on the 7 th day after egg placement. The same branch was utilized for residual toxicity for 3 DAT, 5 DAT, 10 DAT, 15 DAT, 30 DAT AND 45 DAT. The details were later statistically analyzed to find the most effective insecticide which induced mortality of the nascent CSRB grubs before damage was inflicted.

The mortality percentage of nascent grubs of CSRB indicated that fipronil (2.0 ml/L) was on par with the recommended insecticide chlorpyriphos; but induced lesser mortality of nascent CSRB larvae (Fig. 3.3.6).

Investigations on inflorescence pests of cashew and their management

Hitherto, the inflorescence pests were considered as minor pests of cashew. However, the incidence of inflorescence pests considerably reduces the total nut yield. During the current cropping season the populations of semi-loopers, Apple and Nut Borer (ANB) caterpillars, mirid bugs and thrips was comparatively lower than the previous years. Two species of unidentified mirids and two species of unidentified flower beetles were noticed to damage the calyx region and feed on pollen, which needs further studies in relation to flower drying. The occurrence of inflorescence pest on different cashew varieties is illustrated in Fig. 3.3.7. The commonly observed micro-lepidopterans pest of cashew inflorescence are Gyrtona sp. viz., Heterorhabditis and Steinernema were maintained in aerated aqueous medium and regularly cultured on Galleria mellonella (greater wax moth larvae); and were utilized for the field evaluations. The few cashew trees having initial incidence of CSRB have been treated in the experimental plots at ICAR-DCR, with M.anisopliae spawn 250 g/tree and 500 g/tree and identified strains of EPN i.e., Steinernema and Heterorhabditis @10 Larvel equivalents (LE)/infested tree and @ 10 LE/healthy tree in comparison with treated check i.e., chlorpyriphos 0.2%. The survival of the infective juveniles (IJs) of these EPN has been confirmed up to 150 days in the shaded ecosystem and they maintained their virulence and could also induce mortality in the CSRB grubs. None of the treated healthy cashew trees showed any signs of reinfestation by the pest and did not have any residual infestation of CSRB.

Future areas of thrust for research in the field of crop protection

• Studies on TMB management through pheromone, and CSRB management through kairomone technology shall be intensified for synthesis, characterization and evaluation of sex pheromones/kairomones.

• Cashew-TMB interactions and defensive responses.

• Influence of major insect pollinators on pollination and fruit set in cashew.

Developing quality standards for raw cashewnuts

Developing an empirical model for assessing the quality of raw cashewnuts A protocol has been developed to assess the quality of raw cashewnuts. Major factors considered for the development of empirical relationship are i) shelling % in terms of out turn (OT), ii) nut count (NC), iii) moisture content (MC), iv) spatial dimensions of raw cashewnuts viz., nut length (RL), nut width (RW), nut effective width (REW), nut thickness (RT), v) nut weight (NW), vi) sinkers count (SC) and sinkers weight (SW). On the other hand, kernel quality is assessed based on its surface characteristics such as i) good kernel, ii) shrivelled kernel, iii) speckled or black spotted kernel, iv) oily kernels, v) kernel with brown patches and vi) rejected kernels. Its yield is calculated accounting ruling price for specific grades. Basic data generated for raw cashewnut samples of 34 varieties were subjected to multiple linear regression analysis to develop an empirical relationship. An empirical model, thus developed expresses quality index i.e. the kernel yield in terms of nut count, moisture content and outturn. Another model also worked out involving a spatial dimension of the raw cashewnuts viz., length (L) and width (W), nut count (NC), sinkers (S), moisture (MC) and outturn (OT) with higher R 2 value. These models aids in assessing the quality and fix up the price based on the market value of cashew kernels.

Validation of empirical model with locally available raw cashewnuts

Developed empirical models have been validated with freshly harvested nuts of different


varieties viz., VTH-30/4, Ullal-4, Bhaskara, Ullal-1, NRCC Sel-1, K-22-1, and H-126 and the correlation coefficient between model values and computed values found to be in the range of 0.92 to 0.94.

Design and development of mechanized slicer for cashew apple

Incorporating modification in the developed slicer and evaluating its performance

Multi-string slicing of cashew apples leads to improper shearing due to the presence of waxy coat (0.2 mm thick) surrounding the fruit and blunt edges of the string. Alternatively, staggered disc blades slicer designed, but encountered the problem of positioning the halves of the cashew apples after first slicing and distortion of cut apples. Later, a modified multi-blade rotary mechanical slicer was developed and its performance was evaluated. Certain modifications in the present design are to be incorporated to overcome the problems of fracture in the cut slices, optimum rotational speed to guide the cut slices into an outlet, increasing the strength of support plate with grooves for complete slicing, change in the size of the disc blade and its bevel angle. Although juice loss is minimized, due to increased centrifugal force, cut slices struck the arrestor, converting slices into pieces. Trials conducted with a prototype of vertical feed rotary slicer and the resultant data indicated that the operational capacity ranged between 60-72 kg h -1 and the whole slice recovery was in the range of 75-78%. The major problem associated with this mechanized slicer was the accumulation of fibrous pulpy materials in the space between the curved blade and peripheral end of the disc.

Studying drying characteristics of cashew apple slices in a vacuum dryer

Experiments carried out at the University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS), GKVK, Bengaluru indicated that cashew apple slices of ~2 mm size could be dried under vacuum environment maintained at 40°C, retained its original colour and nutrients, requiring 6-7 h amenable for grinding.

Its drying effect has been tested by rehydration technique and found to regain original size. Besides, the drying of cashew apple carried out using radial flow convection dryer indicated that it could be dehydrated within 12 h with air temperature maintained at 40°C.

Calibration of moisture meter for raw cashewnuts

A moisture meter based on parallel plate capacitance principle has been designed and developed accounting the spatial dimensions of the raw cashewnuts, range of moisture in whole nut and irregular shape of the nuts. It is developed by M/S Environment Measurement and Control (EMCON), Kochi. It is a non-destructive moisture meter for onsite measurement of moisture content in cashewnuts. Two moisture meters have been developed for different nut holding capacities. Due to non-availability of the nuts (off-season), moisture infused raw cashewnuts were used for its development and its calibration. Later on, moisture meter was calibrated with freshly harvested raw cashewnuts of specific variety representing the size and moisture level and mixed variety nuts. Data analyzed and moisture meter refined for more accuracy and repeatability. Coefficient of correlation found to be in the range of 0.92 to 0.94 between meter reading and original moisture in the nuts. This technology is ready for commercial utility.

Studying the comparative performance of cashewnut processing systems in India

Industry oriented technical problems were identified based on the diagnostic study conducted with two units representing labour oriented and semi-mechanized mode of processing. Optimization of processing parameters influencing the quality of the end product found to be the prime issue of the industry. Efficient utilization of human, thermal and electrical energy is the secondary issue to be tackled to minimize the cost.

Stage-wise problems have been identified in the line of fully mechanized processing and probable solutions suggested. Contamination of cashew kernels with CNSL during shelling is one of the major problems to be addressed. As the moisture plays a vital role at all stages of processing, moisture based technique need to be optimized for better qualitative and quantitative efficiency. Accounting labour wages, cost of raw materials and overhead charges in the highly energy intensive processing, cost of production found to be lower in fully mechanized mode than labour oriented system.

Development of dehydrated products from cashew apple and sprouts

Physical modulation during sprouting of cashewnuts

The cashewnuts of different varieties were sprouted under the protected condition to assess the biochemical and micronutrient status of cashew sprouts of different stages. Five stages of sprouts were identified to create baseline data on suitable drying temperature, biochemical and nutritional status (Fig. 3.4.1). The physical modulation of cashew sprouts was also recorded (Table 3.


As the sprouting progressed, the weight, moisture content, length of plumule and radical increased gradually.

Moisture loss pattern of cashew sprouts at different temperatures

The cashew sprouts are exposed to different temperature (45°C, 55°C and 65°C) to find out the suitable drying temperature. The moisture loss pattern indicated significant moisture loss during the initial four hours of drying irrespective of drying temperature (Fig. 3.4.2).

Quality parameters of cashew sprout and cashew kernel

The micronutrient contents of sprouts dried under different temperature did not differ significantly. However, sprouted nuts showed increased contents of mineral nutrients compared to the cashew kernel (Table 3.4.2). The quality parameters of stage 1 cashew (the cashew sprouts 8-10 days after sowing, just before the chlorophyll formation in the cotyledons and are easily separable) were compared with cashew kernel for biochemical and other quality parameters. The fat content was drastically reduced by 45-50% in sprouted cashew kernel compared to the content in cashew kernel, whereas the fibre content was increased by 24% in sprouted kernel compared to cashew kernels. Similarly, the total phenolic content was also increased by 50% in sprouted kernel compared to cashew kernels. Minerals such as calcium, iron, manganese, zinc and copper were increased during the process of sprouting (Table 3.4.3).

Mouth freshener from cashew apple

Well-ripened freshly harvested cashew apples were washed and air dried for 5 to 10 min. Cashew apples (500 g) were cut into 0.5 cm 3 sized slices and mixed thoroughly with spice mixture (cumin -40 g, clove -4 Nos, cardamom -5 Nos, cinnamon -small piece) and sugar (50 g). The mixture was kept under 28-30°C for 3-4 days for moisture removal (Fig. 3.4.3). The products are to be subjected to biochemical analysis and storage life assessment under ambient and refrigerated storage. • Innovative approaches to minimize the contamination of cashew kernels in mechanized shelling.

• Value addition of cashew apple.


Rapid crop improvement is difficult in cashew owing to its perennial nature and the conventional approaches of tree improvement take long time to achieve the set objectives. Advances in molecular biology and DNA markers have opened new opportunities in recent years. Although phenotypic markers are important, molecular markers have distinct advantages as they are many and unaffected by the environmental factors, and with these markers, it is possible to select plants possessing economically desirable characters at the seedling stage itself without waiting for the plant to attain reproductive phase. Because of their advantages, DNA markers have been used widely in phylogeny, genetic diversity assessment, gene tagging and mapping studies. This study was undertaken with the following objectives.

Cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.), is an important cash crop, grown in Asian countries, East African countries, Brazil and in some packets of Sri Lanka, Australia, etc. Cashew is andromonoecious plant with staminate and hermaphrodite flowers appearing in the same inflorescence. Though its hermaphrodite flowers are self-fertile, they are not self-pollinating because of the arrangements of style and stamen. Besides, the pollen grains are sticky in nature that makes pollinating agents as quite obligatory for pollination. Fruit set in cashew is mainly influenced by the activity of pollinators and it has been confirmed that insects are main agents for pollination and a very less extent of pollination occurs by geitonogamy. In India, very few studies have been conducted on the foraging behaviour of selected pollinators, especially wild bees. Through previous studies, it has been confirmed that insects, mainly bees play a major role in cashew pollination. But, detailed documentation of pollinators including wild bees, insects other than bees involving in pollination, their seasonality, foraging behaviour and other pollinator flora has to be carried out for particular locality to understand the success of pollination ecology. In the same way, the possibility of increasing fruit set of cashew by augmenting pollinators in field has to be attempted. Conservation of pollinators in the field condition and timing of insecticidal spray to ensure their safety are some aspects that need intervention. Hence, the present project was taken up with the following objectives.


• To diagnose the soil and plant nutritional factors limiting the productivity of cashew in major cashew growing regions of India.

• To establish soil nutrient diagnostic norms for major cashew growing regions.

• To establish leaf nutrient diagnostic norms for cashew.


To start with, 21 SSR markers available in cashew were used for assessing the parental polymorphism in Ullal-3 and NRC-492, and it was found that only 6 markers could differentiate the parents. Since the number of polymorphic markers was less, SSR markers from pistachio, almond and mango were deployed. Among them, many markers seem to be polymorphic between parents. In this way, a total of 138 primers were screened in parents Ullal-3 and NRC-492 for identification of 39 polymorphic primers (Table 3.5.1). These polymorphic primers were screened in 89 individuals of Ullal-3 × NRC-492 to generate banding patterns or genotyping. Further, phenotyping was done in this population with respect to 11 vegetative and reproductive characters (Table 3.5.2).

However, the data generated with 39 polymorphic markers were not sufficient to carry out the association analysis and more SSR markers need to be generated for screening the parents and then the F 1 population, to generate the marker data. Efforts for developing SSR markers in cashew are under progress in one of the projects and once they are generated, they shall be deployed for generating the marker data.

The preliminary analysis with chi-square test indicated the co-segregation of markers such as AL-29 (from almond) with stem girth, nut weight and kernel weight (Table 3. 5.3). Similarly, markers like IM-21 (from mango) seem to co-segregate with characters such as stem girth, nut weight, kernel weight, mean tree spread and, IM-28 with stem girth and intermodal length. The strength of this association will be clear upon analysis of mapping population with more SSR markers.

Soil and leaf nutrient status of major cashew growing regions and establishment of nutrient Introduction

Cashew growing soils are generally deficient in N, P, K, S, Mg, Zn, B and Mo. The yield gap analysis revealed that the optimum production potential of cashew is yet to be tapped. Poor nutrition is likely to be one of the major factors contributing to low nut yield and quality. Optimization of cashew productivity and quality requires an understanding of the nutrient requirements of the tree, the factors that influence nutrient availability and the methods used to diagnose and correct deficiencies. Leaf analysis is a powerful tool in mineral nutrition research with perennial horticultural crops, not only to determine response to various nutrients but also as a diagnostic technique in assessing the deficiency symptoms and making fertilizer recommendations. The critical nutrient norms for agricultural and fruit crops are very well established. However, the information available on cashew is very limited. Absence of suitable soil and plant test norms in relation to optimum nut yield further jeopardizes the timely diagnosis of causes for low productivity in cashew. The project was taken up to collect the information on soil nutrient status in different cashew plantations in the country and to establish nutrient diagnostic norms with the following objectives.

Soil and leaf nutrient status of major cashew growing regions

Regional surveys were carried out in cashew plantations of Puttur, Vengurla, Bhubaneswar, Bapatla, Pilicode and Vridachalam. Soil and leaf samples were collected from 70 orchards in each location. In Puttur, the soil pH ranged from 4.7 to 6.9, electrical conductivity from 0.01 to 0.23 dSm -1 , available nitrogen from 63 to 376 kg ha -1 , available P from 4.5 to 30.7 kg ha -1 , available K from 45 to 373 kg ha -1 . In Vengurla, the soil pH ranged from 4.35 to 5.87, electrical conductivity from 0.01 to 0.06 dSm -1 , available nitrogen from 150 to 534 kg ha -1 , available P from 7.4 to 29.2 kg ha -1 and available K from 20.8 to 432.1 kg ha -1 . In Bhubaneswar, the soil pH varied from 3.72 to 6.02, electrical conductivity from 0.03 to 0.29 dSm -1 , available nitrogen from 100 to 351 kg ha -1 , available P from 5.3 to 31.9 kg ha -1 and available K from 48.6 to 445.8 kg ha -1 . In Bapatla, the soil pH ranged from 5.19 to 6.18, electrical conductivity from 0.02 to 0.79 dSm -1 , available nitrogen from 62.6 to 401 kg ha -1 , available P from 7.3 to 35.5 kg ha -1 and available K from 47.4 to 474.1 kg ha -1 . In Pilicode, the soil pH ranged from 4.7 to 5.7, electrical conductivity from 0.02 to 0.13 dSm -1 , available nitrogen from 324.6 to 738.6 kg ha -1 , available P from 25.0 to 47.4 kg ha -1 and available K from 62.0 to 580.6 kg ha -1 . In Vridachalam, the soil pH ranged from 4.06 to 7.19, electrical conductivity from 0.02 to 0.51 dSm -1 , available nitrogen from 100 to 350 kg ha -1 , available P from 5.8 to 66.6 kg ha -1 and available K from 50.2 to 300.2 kg ha -1 . The percentage of samples under low, medium and high soil test category in different locations is provided in Table 3.5.4. Iron and manganese content were generally sufficient at all sampling locations. Among micronutrients, the deficiency was noticed for zinc and copper. The details on percentage samples deficient/sufficient with respect to zinc and copper are depicted in Fig. 3.5.1 and 3.5.2. Leaf samples i.e. index leaves (4 th leaf from tip of the shoots) were collected during the regional survey. The collected leaf samples were washed, dried, ground and processed for analysis of various nutrient contents. The leaf nutrient status in different cashew orchards across the country is given in Table 3.5.5.

Nutrient diagnostic norms in cashew

For establishing the nutrient diagnostic norms, the leaf sampling was carried at flushing, flowering and fruit setting stages (October 2017, December 2017 and January 2018) from 100 trees of cashew variety Bhaskara. About 15 leaves were collected from different branches from all four sides. The leaves were immediately transported to the laboratory and washed using tap water, followed by 0.2% detergent solution, 0.1N hydrochloric acid and double distilled water. After washing, the leaves were allowed to dry under room temperature, followed by drying in a hot air oven at 60°C for 48 hours. The dried leaves were then powdered to pass through 0.5 mm sieve and stored in paper bags for analysis. These samples were analysed in the laboratory for N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, B and Mo using standard methods.

Nutrient diagnostic norms have been developed using the Diagnosis and Recommendation

Integrated System (DRIS) approach. The deficiency and sufficiency ranges of nutrients in cashew for interpreting leaf tissue analysis are given in Table 3.5.6.

Diversity and bio-ecology of insect pollinators and their efficiency in increasing the yield of

Materials and methods

The documentation of pollinators was done by conducting random field surveys at fortnight intervals in the cashew plantations of Puttur and Shantigodu region. The flower visitors were collected with fine mesh sweep nets and got identified. The diversity, seasonal incidence, relative abundance of pollinators of cashew were recorded by random surveys. Bee flora was also recorded. The foraging behaviour of pollinators was recorded by recording time spent by individual forager per flower, the number of flowers visited per plant per unit time, movement patterns, number of trips made etc. The importance and the efficiency of pollinators were assessed by controlled exposure of inflorescence to bees. Honey bee colonies were established at Shantigodu and bee activities were observed and the quality of honey was assessed.

Pollination potential of certain pollinators was assessed by single bee visits. The nesting biology, behaviour and natural enemies of predominant wild bees were also documented. Artificial nesting sites comprising drilled wooden blocks and dried sticks of selected plants including cashew were tested for their occupancy of wild bees. The safety of common insecticides against honey bees and wild bees was also tested in laboratory using dry film method besides field observations.

Diversity of pollinators

Cashew flowers are reported to be visited by insects of 40 species belonging to 13 families of three insect orders. Hymenopterans were major floral visitors comprising of bees (belonging to Apidae and Halictidae), ants and wasps followed by dipterans. Species visiting cashew flowers with less frequency without collecting pollen grains were considered as flower visitors but not pollinators. Among the 40 species, only 13 are considered as pollinators of cashew, in which eight species belong to Apidae and five species belong to Halictidae (Fig. 3.5.3). Diversity indices were worked out (Table 3.

Relative abundance

Among the two bee families, Apidae was the most abundant with eight species contributing 75.6% of the bee abundance. And within Apidae, the highest species abundance was recorded for Braunsapis picitarsus (20%) followed by Apis cerana-indica (16.7%). Halictidae bees comprising of five species constituted 24.4% of the total bee abundance, among which Pseudapsis oxybeloides was the most abundant species (17.6%).

Foraging behaviour

During morning hours between 8.00 and 9.00 am, only three bee species were noticed foraging on cashew inflorescences, in which Tetragonula sp. was the abundant (80%) followed by A. c. indica. The stingless bees were actively moving over the panicles mostly for EFN. The peak bee activity was noticed from 11.00 am to 1.00 pm for most of the bees. During 10.00 am to 1.00 pm, B. picitarsus was the most abundant species (22-31%) followed by P. oxybeloides (18-25%). Later, a drastic decrease in bee abundance was observed during afternoonevening hours.

Foraging rate in terms of the number of flowers visited/trip was more for A. c. indica (6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20) followed by A. florea (3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11) and B. picitarsus (4)(5)(6)(7), while most of the other bees visited 2-5 flowers per trip (Table 3. 5.8). Foraging speed varied between bee species. Whenever pollen was collected, the time spent on a flower was the minimum for collection of either pollen or nectar than the collection of both. Time spent by A. c. indica for nectar and P. oxybeloides for pollen was short (i.e. 1 to 4 s), while it was 3 to 21, 8 to 16 and 5 to 11 s for A. florea, B. picitarsus and Tetragonula sp., respectively. Since pollen was the foraging reward for most of the bee species, fresh male flowers were mostly preferred. Most bees collected pollen followed by nectar in the same male flower or nectar followed by pollen. Nevertheless, it was observed that the same hermaphrodite flower was visited by multiple bee species consequently, thus effecting pollination. The need of pollinators for fruit set

Controlled exposure of bees during different periods on panicles has a difference in nut set percentage. Nut set was more when flowers were exposed to bees during 11.30 am -1.30 pm followed by 9.30 -11.30 am. There was no nut set in flowers exposed for insect visit after 4.00 pm. Similarly, no nut set was recorded in caged inflorescences, while maximum nut set was recorded under combined hand and open pollination confirming that increased pollination is required for cashew yield enhancement.

Nesting behaviour of wild bees

Nests of B. picitarsus and C. hieroglyphica were noticed inside burrows of tiny dried sticks of cashew with clear roundish entrance hole (Fig. 3.5.4). Tetragonula bees nested inside holes in lamp posts, tubes and bamboo culms. Interestingly, nests of P. oxybeloides were noticed in barren soil exposed to sunlight as well as in the hard lateritic stones. These nests were deep inside beyond 40 cm in the hard lateritic stones. The life cycle of B. picitarsus and C. hieroglyphica was studied (Table 3.5.9).

Natural enemies of bees

Natural enemies recorded on Apis cerana hives include wasps viz., Vespa sp., greater wax moth larvae (Galleria mellonella) and unidentified beetles. The grubs of B. picitarsus were found to be parasitized by Neochalcis group of parasitoids (Chalcididae), while, grubs of C. hieroglyphica were parasitized to the extent of 2 -5%. During the rainy season, mummified adults of C. hieroglyphica were also noticed to the extent of 3 -4%.

Bee flora

During flowering periods of cashew, most bee species foraged on cashew, but during the nonflowering period, bees also foraged on surrounding tree species. Weed species visited by bees include Leucas aspera, Wedelia trilobata, Mimosa pudica, Melas tomamalabathricum, Spermacoce hispida, Blumea sp., Antigonon leptopus, Tridax procumbens, Passiflora foetida, Alternanthera sp., Gompherena sp., Lantana camara, Ixora sp., Terminalia sp. and Caesalpinia spp. which are common in the study location. A. leptopus was found very favourable to several bee species.

Single bee visits

Freshly opened hermaphrodite flowers were confined with a small tissue paper cover after a single visit of bees and covers were removed after two days. Preliminary observations revealed that single successful visits of B. picitarsus, A. cerana, Pseudapis oxybeloides and C. Hieroglyphica bees could result in 10-35% nut set, which needs to be studied further. But, important factors like pollen load on the bees, the position of bee touching the stigma of flower significantly influence the nut set in this case.

Artificial bee nests

Attempts have been made to design artificial bee nests for wild bees . Wooden blocks made with neat circular holes (1.5 to 5 mm diameter and 7-9 cm length) and thin sticks of bamboo, Lantana camara, Cenchrus sp., and cashew were arranged. Bigger holes in wooden blocks were occupied by Megachilids, Ceratina sp. and Tetragonula sp. Braunsapis bees occupied mainly the medium sized holes (60%) and only 5-7% of tiny holes. The tiny sticks, especially of bamboo were also well occupied by Braunsapis sp. Hence, such artificial bee nests could help in conserving the wild bees.

Pesticide poisoning

The activity of pollinators including wild bees was very less during the first two days of spraying.

After spraying, few dead bees were noticed on the leaves which could be the ones that came in direct contact with the sprayed pesticides. Nut set was low (10.6%) during the 1 st week of spraying than the later period (36.3%). The insecticides namely lambda cyhalothrin, carbosulfan and acetamiprid were tested at field doses as well as half the dose by dry film method. Among which lambda cyhalothrin was highly toxic to bees followed by carbosulfan and acetamiprid. The mortality percentage of A. cerana and A. florea was high compared to B. picitarsus and C.hieroglyphica for all three insecticides.


Among the 40 species recorded as flower visitors of cashew in the study location, 13 species are considered as pollinators of cashew including wild bees. Nesting sites of different bee species and the common bee flora in the study area were also recorded. Observations revealed that bees are very important in the pollination of cashew, and this study highlights the systematic documentation of various bee species important for cashew, helping the researchers, cashew farmers and beekeepers to plan for proper management and conservation of bee species. Though pollination is a free service provided by bees including several wild bees, they need to be conserved and protected from insecticidal sprays to enhance cashew pollination and productivity. Knowledge on bee flora in and around the cashew plantations, especially during non-flowering periods of cashew, is also important for the conservation of bees.


Farmer participatory soil and plant health management -An attempt for improving the livelihood of cashew farmers of coastal Karnataka under RKVY-RAFTAAR

The dissemination of agro-techniques related to nutrient management was slow due to non-involvement of farmers in the technology dissemination programmes. Farmers remained reluctant to adopt the new technologies primarily due to lack of awareness and poor socio-economic conditions. One of the major bottlenecks in realizing the potential yield from cashew is the poor fertility status of soil where cashews are grown and less attention is given to the nutrient management by growers. Technologies developed at research institutes show that 50 to 100% yield increase is possible in cashew by providing timely nutrition. The situation is alarming and will have a deteriorating effect on soil quality as well. This project has been formulated to create a centre for excellence in nutrient management with state of art laboratory facilities and demonstration plot to showcase the usefulness of improved technologies to realize higher yield and income to cashew growers of Karnataka in particular and other regions in general. The demonstration with farmer's participation will benefit the growers to appreciate the impact of technologies in the field.

On-farm demonstration

For establishing a demonstration plot on improved production technology for the visiting farmers, an additional plot area of 4.5 acres was made ready for planting. In those 4.5 acres, 3 acres will be used for establishing demonstration plots at normal density planting and 1. Farmers fields in the coastal districts of Karnataka viz. Udupi, Dakshina Kannada and Uttara Kannada were surveyed and need-based advice on cashew cultivation was given. Farmers meeting were carried out in all the three districts. Based on exploratory survey 60 farmers were selected for conducting adaptive research trials and front line demonstrations. Of these 59 farmers responded well to the trials and carried out activities on advanced plant health management.

Training on advanced cashew production technology at Kundapura, Udupi


Trainings were conducted in the selected districts for the benefit of farmers on advanced cashew production technology.

In addition, exposure visits of farmers to the demonstration plots were carried out for lateral spread of scientific knowledge.

Field exposure visit

A field exposure visit was conducted on 5 December 2018 at Udupi district, Karnataka. During this programme, farmers were taken to the cashew demonstration plots being undertaken by ICAR-DCR, Puttur in Udupi district under the RKVY-RAFTAAR project. The farmer's queries on various aspects of cashew production technology were addressed by Dr. Shamsudheen Mangalassery. Farmers interacted with their queries and also shared their experiences about the field visit. A total of 60 farmers participated in the field exposure visit.

Plant health clinic cashew museum

Cashew is a seasonal crop which flowers and fruits in a definite season. To illustrate different aspects of cashew cultivation throughout the year to the visiting farmers & others a museum was proposed to be established under the project. The work involved right from designing to completion. The design was approved after a series of meetings and consultations. During the financial year 2018-19, the phase I activities of the museum has been completed. This includes the development of models, showcases and interactive kiosks. The phase II will cover wall panelling, providing designer ceiling, wall painting, wooden flooring, lighting, making glass enclosures, making special frames, fascia gate, murals, digital printing, digital translates with backlit, digital printing of foldable rollup banners, press button information board, storytelling board, LED flow sheets/move signs display, hologram fan display and standing translites.


Krishi Mela and Agri Expo -2018: ICAR-DCR, Puttur participated in Krishi Mela and Agri Expo-2018 conducted at ICAR-Central Plantation Crops Research Institute, Regional Centre, Kidu from 10 to 11 November 2018. The directorate put up an exhibition stall showing the technologies developed by ICAR-DCR, Puttur. The stall was visited by more than 3000 diverse group of beneficiaries such as farmers of Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu, students, researchers, processors

E-extension through social media / mobile app/website

Development of an exclusive Android application for cashew cultivation

During the year, an Android app named 'Cashew Cultivation' was developed using the latest IT technologies. The app gives comprehensive information on various aspects of cashew cultivation, marketing and stakeholders involved in cashew. The unique features of this app are as follows.

➢ Farmer/user can upload and store his own cashew images and videos in "My cashew" sub-section of "Cultivation" section. It is also possible to record the expenditure, observations and data of the cashew farm.

➢ It is possible to order for the requirements of cashew grafts online in "Planting Material" section with the research stations near to farmers in each state.

➢ Users can give their buy/sell requirements in "Market info" section. ➢ User can contact experts through "Ask Expert" section.

➢ Real-time chatting is possible in "Chat

Room" with the users who are using the app at a given point of time.

➢ E-speak button enables the app to read the text for users in different sections.

The app is being saturated with data sets and cashew cultivation information from different AICRP centres in different languages which will be released soon for public use via google play store. One of the major constraints in realizing the potential yield in cashew was limited attention given by growers on nutrient management. The application of the right quantity of required fertilizer at the right time is important for the judicious management of resources for achieving the maximum benefit and income. In this regard, a software for nutrient management in cashew was prepared under the project funded by RKVY-RAFTAAR. This is available in both English and Kannada. It is available on the ICAR-DCR website for calculating fertilizer requirement, lime requirement, foliar application of major and micronutrients. The deficiency symptoms of major and micronutrients commonly observed in the field also included in the software. The farmers can click on the images and understand the symptoms and find out the options to correct the deficiency. The software also lets the farmers to download the soil health card issued by ICAR-DCR, Puttur. The link of the software is

The landing page of the nutrient management software on DCR website

The mobile app version of the software was also prepared under RKVY-RAFTAAR. This has got bilingual functionality (English and Kannada). The app can be downloaded from the Google play store at store/apps/details?id=com.icarcashew.dcr_ cashewnutrientmanager

Software showing deficiency symptoms and corrective measures

Offline software in both English and Kannada was prepared to generate the soil health card, under RKVY-RAFTAAR. It enables to generate error-free soil health card from the analytical results as single and multiple pdf files.

Radio/TV talk/lectures

The details of radio talk, TV talk/interview and lectures by the scientists of ICAR-DCR, Puttur is given below. • Supervised the research projects and thesis writing of two M.Sc. students of Mangalore University on the topics "Molecular characterization of interspecific hybrids and genetic diversity analysis in cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.)" and "Transferability of mango EST-based SSRs and genetic diversity analysis in Cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.)".

• Supervised the project and thesis writing of two M.Sc. students of SDM College, Ujire on the topic "Genetic diversity assessment in selected germplasm accessions of cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) based on SSR markers". The Presidential address was delivered by Prof. S. Pashupalak wherein he mentioned that cashew is a prominent cash crop and focused on public-private partnership for market intervention. The Chief Guest address was delivered by Dr. W.S. Dhillon, ADG (Horti.), ICAR, and he mentioned that one-third total export earnings from horticultural crops were contributed by the cashew alone which suggests the great economic importance of this crop.


During the meeting a proposal for revised standards for variety release in cashew was presented. On this occasion, H-130, the cashew hybrid of ICAR-DCR was released and recommended for cultivation in farmer's field.

Efforts to popularise commercialisable technologies

All commercialisable technologies of this Directorate have been displayed in the web portal To assess the problems and requirements of processors, the QRT also interacted with different cashew processing industries and office bearers of Karnataka Cashew Manufacturers Association (KCMA), Mangaluru. Based on the consultations the reports were prepared and submitted to ICAR. The major recommendations of QRT include enhancing the production and supply of cashew grafts, the establishment of additional field gene banks, one powerful tools of truth and non-violence. Two power point presentations on Swachhta Pakhwada and Gandhian thoughts were presented on the occasion. Towards the end of the function, an elderly guest from Haveri district spoke about the greatness of Mahatma Gandhi and he appreciated grand function organized to pay fitting tributes to Mahatma Gandhi on his 150 th birth anniversary. In the end, cultural programmes were held in which staff, students and guest took part enthusiastically and the programme was attended by 40 people.

Vigilance Awareness Week

Vigilance Awareness Week was observed at ICAR-DCR, Puttur between 29 October and 3 November 2018. The Vigilance Awareness Week was started with a pledge administered as per the directives of Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) and ICAR, New Delhi, and was ended after a week. The valedictory function was organised at the Directorate in association with Taluk and District Legal Service Committee, Dakshina Kannada district and the Bar Association, Puttur. In the inaugural address, the chief guest, Shri. Manjunath, Principal Senior Civil Judge and Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate, Puttur narrated the corruption status during pre and post-independence in India. He stressed the need for everyone to join hands to eradicate corruption. The Honorary Guest of the programme Mr. A. Uday Shankara Shetty, Advocate and member, District Legal Services Authority, Mangaluru, spoke about civic duty in the eradication of corruption. Shri. K. Bhaskar, Kodimbala, President, Bar Association, Puttur expressed his concern over the corruption in the country and its removal. Mr. P. Prashanth Rai was the resource person to speak on "Eradication of Corruption in India -Build India". The Acting Director of ICAR-DCR, Puttur, Dr. M.G. Nayak, presided over the function and expressed his opinion about corruption free India. The staff of the Directorate, local school students and teachers, members of parents and teachers association and local representatives participated in the meeting. The legal advisory committee along with the honourable judge answered the queries of the participants on corruption free India.

World Soil Day

World Soil Day was celebrated on 5 December 2018 at Bharatiya Kisan Sangha Hall, Kundapura, Udupi, Karnataka. The programme was attended by 76 participants including farmers from various villages in the Udupi district of Karnataka. Welcoming the gathering Mrs. Vidyasree, ICAR-DCR, Puttur briefed about World Soil Day programme and soil health card scheme. Dr. Shamsudheen Mangalassery (Senior Scientist, Soil Science) briefed about the soil health card programme of Govt. of India and he emphasized on the judicious application of nutrients including micronutrients, based on the soil test report. He also briefed about the project on Farmer participatory soil and plant health management being undertaken by ICAR-DCR, Puttur with funding support from Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY), Govt. of Karnataka. One of the components of the project is to demonstrate the good agricultural practices in the farmer's field in three districts viz., Uttara Kannada, Udupi and Dakshina Kannada. Chief Guest, Mr. Satyanarayana Udupa, District Secretary, Bharatiya Kisan Sangha, emphasized on the importance of cashew as a climate resilient crop for dry areas. Mr. Venkateswara Rao, President, Coconut Producers Federation indicated the need for farmers organization for effective marketing and processing of products. Mr. Sitaram, Taluk Secretary, Bharatiya Kisan Sangha opined that the farmers should take advantage of soil health card scheme and other schemes of state and central governments and to be proactive. Mr. Ramachandra Alsey, Vice President, Bharatiya Kisan Sangha also felicitated during the occasion. The progressive cashew farmer, Mr. Chandra Shekhar Udupa explained about his farming practices and how cashew can be made a profitable enterprise by adopting modern technologies. Later soil health cards were distributed to farmers. The use of soil health cards was also explained to the farmers.

Annual Cashew Day -2019

The annual cashew day was celebrated on 22 January 2019 at the ICAR-Directorate of Cashew Research, Puttur, Dakshina Kannada. The cashew day was inaugurated by Smt. J. Mercykutty Amma, Hon'ble minister for fisheries, harbour engineering and cashew industry, Government of Kerala. On the occasion, she released the first cashew hybrid of ICAR-DCR, H-130 by distributing it to Horticultural department officials from Karnataka and Kerala. She said that there is a shortage of raw cashewnuts for processing in Kerala and different parts of the country. There is an urgent need to increase the production and productivity of cashew. She stressed the need for adopting the ultra high density planting system in cashew for higher yields in less space. During the program, the guest of honour, Mr. Shirish, K., Special Officer (Cashew) and Managing director, Kerala State Agency for the expansion of Cashew Cultivation opined that cashew planting material is of utmost importance in the present condition to efforts of ICAR-Directorate of Cashew Research in developing modern technologies for improved cashew cultivation. On this occasion, Dr. M.G. Nayak, Director (Acting), ICAR-Directorate of Cashew Research, Puttur announced the formation of Cashew Growers Association of India. In the event, an exhibition on cashew production technologies, different cashew varieties and cashew apple products was organized. Farmers were taken to the experimental fields to show the various cashew research plots. More than 200 cashew farmers participated besides nurserymen, representatives of KVK, development departments and scientists.

Farmer's Fair during the inaugural programme of Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi

The inauguration of Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) scheme by Honourable Prime Minister of India, Shri. Narendra Modi at Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh was webcasted by organizing a farmers' fair at ICAR-Directorate of Cashew Research, Puttur, on 24 February 2019. Under PM-KISAN scheme, Rs. 6,000 will be given per year to small and marginal farmer families having combined land holding/ownership of up to 2 hectares by direct benefit transfer (DBT) mode. On this occasion, expand the cashew cultivation in Kerala. Dr. Anitha Karun, Director (Acting), ICAR-Central Plantation Crops Research Institute, Kasargod lauded the Raviprasad, Principal Scientist, ICAR-DCR, Puttur. It was followed by brief speeches of M.P., M.L.A. and the minister present on the occasion who talked about the motive of this unique programme i.e. welfare of farmers. Then at about 11.00 A.M. the Mann Ki Bath programme of PM was webcasted to the assembled audience in which PM spoke on sacrifices of armed forces of India, birth anniversaries of Birsa Munda and Jemshedji Tata, Padmashri awards to the persons rendering social and national services without expecting rewards, especially, the 12 farmer awardees and PM health scheme. It was followed by web telecasting of the inauguration of PM-KISAN scheme and laying foundations for the Kanga (Gujarat)-Gorakhpur (Uttar Pradesh) gas pipeline connection project and AIIMS hospital at Gorakhpur.

Then interaction session of PM with the beneficiary farmers from different parts of the country through live webcasting organized at different research institutes of ICAR was telecasted. Among these few interactions, PM interacted with one of the farmers of Puttur Shri. Janardhana Bhat, a farmer identified by ICAR-DCR, Puttur. The farmer's opinions about PM-KISAN programme were translated to Hindi for PM by Dr. T.N. Raviprasad, Principal Scientist, ICAR-DCR, Puttur. It was followed by a short film on PM-KISAN scheme and the speech of PM who spoke at length about the importance of this scheme and how it is going to benefit 12 crores farmers of the country. The total attendance of the gathering was 430.

International Women's Day

The for Change". In her talk, she highlighted the way the girls and women have grown up in the society and the achievements they have made in all fields. Web telecast of Hon'ble PM's address was arranged on the occasion of International Women's Day and mass interaction was held among the women staff for the betterment in the working place and other places of interest.


Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights

One-day Workshop on "Importance of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and its relevance in agriculture" was organized by

Table 2 .5. Infrastructure and assets developed during 2018-19 Sl. No. Infrastructure/ Assets/ Equipment name Amount Budget head (Rs. in Lakhs)Directorate of Cashew Research Director ICAR-Directorate of Cashew Research Scientific Crop Improvement Crop Management Crop Protection Post Harvest Technology Transfer of Technology Kemminje (172.5 Acres) Shanthigodu (200 Acres) Quinquennial Review Team Institute Management Committee Research Advisory Committee Institute Research Committee Administration Establishment Finance and Accounts Stores and Purchase Cash and Bills Estate Unit Research Farm Library and Documentation PME Cell AKMU Hindi Cell ITMU Centralized Unit PC Cell Centres AICRP on Cashew Darisai (Jharkhand) Jhargram (West Bengal) Jagdalpur (Chhattisgarh) Old Goa (Goa) Barapani (Meghalaya) Hogalagere (Karnataka) PME -Prioritization, Monitoring and Evaluation AKMU -Agricultural Knowledge Management Unit ITMU -Institute Technology Management Unit PC Cell -Project Coordinator Cell Bapatla (Andhra Pradesh) Bhubaneswar (Odisha) Madakkathara (Kerala) Paria (Gujarat) Pilicode (Kerala) Vengurla (Maharashtra) Vridhachalam (Tamil Nadu) Arabhavi (Karnataka)

Table 3 .1.1. Details of accessions characterized during the fruiting season in the year 2018 Data field Descriptor Descriptor state No. of accessions 7

Table 3 .1.2. Performance of promising hybrids from the closely planted block for yield and shelling percentageFig. 3.1.2. Comparison of the apple of H-186 (middle) with VTH-174 genotype (left and right)

Table 3 .1.3. Growth characters of promising selections in direct and reciprocal crosses Sl. No. Cross Tree

Table 3 .1.4. Growth characters of promising selections in backcross hybrids.4. Identification and evaluation of cashew genotypes for cashew nut shell liquid content (CNSL)

Table 3 .1.5. CNSL content of 129 cashew germplasm accessions Sl.5. Mutation breeding and interspecific hybridization in cashew for Tea Mosquito Bug (TMB) tolerance with high yield

Table 3 .1.8. Cashew apple morphology and nut weight

Table 3 .1.9. Morphometric parameters of different cashew accessions in 2018-19 Acc. No. Growth parameters

Table 3 .1.10. Hedonic scale evaluation of fresh cashew apples

Table 3 .2.1. Principal phenological stages and their characteristics in cashew Sl. No.

Table 3 .3.1. Mean TMB male catches using live virgin TMB females as bait

Table 3 .4.1. Physical modulation of cashewnut during sprouting

Table 3 .4.2. Micronutrient status of cashew sprouts and cashew kernel

Table 3 .4.3. Biochemical and nutritive status of cashew sprouts (stage 1) compared with cashew kernel

Table 3 .5.2. Descriptive statistics of F 1 progenies (N=84)

Table 3 .5.4. Percentage of samples falling under low, medium and high soil test category for different nutrients at cashew orchards in different locations

Table 3 .5.5. Range in leaf nutrient status in different cashew growing areas in India Parameter Cashew growing regions

Table 3 .5.6. Sufficency ranges of cashew leaf nutrients

Table 3 .5.7. Diversity indices of Hymenopteran bee pollinators of cashew Diversity indices Value

Table 3 .5.8. Foraging behaviour of certain bees in cashew plantations Insect pollinator Foraging rate Peak foraging Foraging Pollen

Table 3 .5.9. Duration of different stages of C. hieroglyphica and B. picitarsus