Books by Siddanna Savadi
Management of Wheat Barley Diseases, 2018
This new volume, Management of Wheat and Barley Diseases, presents the latest literature on manag... more This new volume, Management of Wheat and Barley Diseases, presents the latest literature on management technology of diseases that affect the production of wheat and are capable of reducing grain yields as well as grain quality. These diseases include rusts, smuts, other foliar diseases such as blight, spots, blotch, powdery mildew, bunts etc., as well as diseases such as Karnal bunt of wheat, which is of importance in international trade. Both wheat and barley are two of the most important food and industrial crops in world. Wheat and barley cultivation has experienced changes in practices due to factors such as methods of conservation agriculture, cropping systems, wheat varieties, changes in weather patterns, and international trade, necessitating new and different approaches for the successful management of emerging diseases and new pathotypes of pathogens. This valuable volume explores a multitude of new approaches and techniques for the effective management of emerging wheat diseases. Key features: This book will be highly valuable to researchers, students, teachers, farmers, seed growers, traders, and other stakeholders dealing with wheat and barley. It also advances our knowledge in the field of plant pathology, plant breeding, and plant biotechnology, agronomy, and grain quality and pesticide industries. The book will serve as a reference on disease management technologies for the containment of losses in wheat and barley yields and will assist in maintaining wheat quality, reducing the cost of cultivation, increasing yield, and thus helping to ensure food security on a global level. • Presents topics on disease identification • Explores integrated disease management practices • Examines diseases in diverse agroecological conditions • Considers pathogenic variabilty and its management • Includes case studies of successful management of diseases in different countries • Covers a broad range of diseases that affect wheat, including leaf, stripe and stem rusts, powdery mildew, Karnal bunt, smuts, foliar blight, as well as new emerging diseases and pathotypes • Presents information on a new generation of fungicides, botanicals, and biocontrol agents
Papers by Siddanna Savadi
Not AvailableNot AvailableNot Availabl
Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Feb 28, 2023
Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) is emerging as one of the high-valued fruit crops in India. Rece... more Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) is emerging as one of the high-valued fruit crops in India. Recently, demand for avocados is increasing due to the high nutritional value of the fruits. Currently, avocados are not grown on large commercial scale and there is a need of good high yielding varieties for commercial cultivation. Hence knowledge on genetic diversity of avocado is essential for selection of superior genotypes. Currently, the information on genetic diversity of Indian avocados is limited. Therefore, an intensive survey was carried out in major avocado growing areas of India to collect 83 diverse accessions. The collected accessions were characterized for 27 characters using IPGRI, avocado descriptors. Among the characters studied, 2 characters were dimorphic and remaining 25 were polymorphic. The maximum accessions showed the presence of rough trunk surface (48.19%), oval leaf shape (44.58%), acute leaf base (86.75%) and leaf apex (72.29%). The dominance of light green fruit colour (38.55%) with smooth peel surface (54.22%) was noticed. The wide variability for pulp and seed characters was also documented. The principal component analysis and cluster analysis showed the existence of wider variability among the collected accessions. The existence of huge diversity helps to conserve trait specific accessions and varietal improvement through selections and hybridizations.
Tannins reduction in cashew apple juice by techno-economically potent food grade materials. Semin... more Tannins reduction in cashew apple juice by techno-economically potent food grade materials. Seminar on process intensification in chemical, food and allied industries (
Tree Genetics & Genomes, Aug 5, 2020
Cashew is the second most important edible tree nut crop after almonds. It is cultivated in more ... more Cashew is the second most important edible tree nut crop after almonds. It is cultivated in more than 30 countries due to economic and nutritional importance. The global demand for cashew is increasing rapidly every year. Like in other perennial tree species, genetic improvement of cashew by traditional breeding is slow and unpredictable due to the long juvenile phase, high degree of heterozygosity, lack of juvenile-mature traits correlations and large size of the mature plant. Additionally, most of the yield and agronomic traits are genetically complex which complicate its breeding. Recently, the next-generation sequencing (NGS) and high-throughput genotyping technologies have expedited the pace of development of genomic tools and resources for genomicsorphan crops like cashew. The genomics advancements allow designing novel molecular breeding technologies with the potential for enhancing genetic gains and accelerating crop improvement, which is of utmost importance in the breeding of long juvenile species like cashew. In this review article, we describe the breeding objectives, advances in construction of linkage map, QTL dissection and development of genomic sequence resources in cashew. It is followed by a description of designing different genomics-based tools and strategies for accelerating the cashew breeding to quickly develop superior cultivars.
National Academy Science Letters-india, Jun 22, 2023
Scientific Reports
Cashew is the second most important tree nut crop in the global market. Cashew is a diploid and h... more Cashew is the second most important tree nut crop in the global market. Cashew is a diploid and heterozygous species closely related to the mango and pistachio. Its improvement by conventional breeding is slow due to the long juvenile phase. Despite the economic importance, very little genomics/transcriptomics information is available for cashew. In this study, the Oxford nanopore reads and Illumina reads were used for de novo assembly of the cashew genome. The hybrid assembly yielded a 356.6 Mb genome corresponding to 85% of the estimated genome size (419 Mb). The BUSCO analysis showed 91.8% of genome completeness. Transcriptome mapping showed 92.75% transcripts aligned with the assembled genome. Gene predictions resulted in the identification of 31,263 genes coding for a total of 35,000 gene isoforms. About 46% (165 Mb) of the cashew genome comprised of repetitive sequences. Phylogenetic analyses of the cashew with nine species showed that it was closely related to Mangifera indic...
Management of Wheat and Barley Diseases
Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology
Aim: To identify putative molecular markers linked to some useful traits in cashew using SSR mark... more Aim: To identify putative molecular markers linked to some useful traits in cashew using SSR markers in the F1 population. Place and Duration of the Study: Study conducted at ICAR-Directorate of Cashew Research, Puttur, Karnataka, India during 2013-17. Methodology: Population for the study comprised of 83 F1 plants developed through crossing tall variety Ullal-3 as female parent with dwarf accession NRC-492 as male parent which was planted in the field at 6m x 6m spacing during the year 2009. It was phenotyped along with parents during the year 2017 for the 13 growth and yield related traits and genotyped using 32 polymorphic SSR markers from cashew, almond, pistachio and mango. Single marker analysis was deployed to identify the markers linked to traits by SPSS software. Results: results revealed three markers such as AL 29, IM 31 and IM 28 to be significantly associated with some traits. Marker AL 29 from Almond species was linked to traits stem girth, nut weight and kernel weight...
Not AvailableNot AvailableNot Availabl
Not AvailableNot AvailableRKVY-RAFTAAR, Karnatak
Journal of Plant Interactions
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Frontiers in Microbiology
Stem rust caused by Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici (Pgt) is a devastating disease of wheat worl... more Stem rust caused by Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici (Pgt) is a devastating disease of wheat worldwide since time immemorial. Several wheat stem rust outbreaks have been reported worldwide including India. Approximately 7 mha wheat area in central and peninsular India is highly vulnerable to stem rust epidemics. In this study, a repository of 29 single genotype uredospore pathotypes, representing five geographical regions, was characterized by investigating their virulence phenotype and simple sequence repeat (SSR) genotypes using 37 reproducible polymorphic SSR markers, 32 of which had ≥ 0.50 polymorphic information content (PIC) value. Virulence phenotypes were used to evaluate the virulence frequency (VF) and construct a hypothetical evolutionary hierarchy of these pathotypes. We projected seven lineages to explain the evolutionary pattern of the Pgt population. The VF of these pathotypes ranged between 0% and 100%. The virulence-based neighbor-joining (NJ) cluster analysis group...
ICAR-Directorate of Cashew Research, Dec 1, 2019
Books by Siddanna Savadi
Papers by Siddanna Savadi