Throughout human history, there have been numerous diasporas, which are related to food in various ways. Diaspora in the modern context of globalization refers to the dispersal of a population or ethnic group beyond its place of origin, spreading to different regions or countries around the world. This phenomenon has been facilitated and amplified by globalization, which is characterized by the increasing interconnectedness of economies, cultures and societies globally. Diaspora has occurred and continues to occur for various reasons, such as political conflicts, persecutions, search for economic opportunities, migratory movements, among others. People who are part of a diaspora often maintain cultural, social and economic ties to their place of origin, and at the same time integrate into host societies. Globalization has accelerated migratory movements and allowed for greater mobility of people around the world. Modern diasporas are often connected through media, social media, and information technologies, making it easier to preserve cultural identity and maintain ties with the community of origin, even over long distances. In this context, diasporas not only represent a demographic phenomenon, but also play a significant role in the cultural diversity and global interconnectedness of contemporary societies. Keywords: cuisine, gastronomy, migrations, identity, gastronomic transnationalism, forced migrations, globalization, fertile lands. food. From an overview of the history of diasporas from the earliest times of humanity and its relationship with food, we can define it in 5 aspects of studies: the prehistoric diaspora, the agricultural diaspora, the diaspora of food and spices, the diaspora due to social conflicts and persecutions and the modern diaspora in the 20th and 21st centuries.

THE IMPACT OF THE DIASPORA ON HUMAN HISTORY AND GASTRONOMY Jorge Yeshayahu Gonzales-Lara, Sociologist MBA, Marketing. Throughout human history, there have been numerous diasporas, which are related to food in various ways. Diaspora in the modern context of globalization refers to the dispersal of a population or ethnic group beyond its place of origin, spreading to different regions or countries around the world. This phenomenon has been facilitated and amplified by globalization, which is characterized by the increasing interconnectedness of economies, cultures and societies globally. Diaspora has occurred and continues to occur for various reasons, such as political conflicts, persecutions, search for economic opportunities, migratory movements, among others. People who are part of a diaspora often maintain cultural, social and economic ties to their place of origin, and at the same time integrate into host societies. Globalization has accelerated migratory movements and allowed for greater mobility of people around the world. Modern diasporas are often connected through media, social media, and information technologies, making it easier to preserve cultural identity and maintain ties with the community of origin, even over long distances. In this context, diasporas not only represent a demographic phenomenon, but also play a significant role in the cultural diversity and global interconnectedness of contemporary societies. Keywords: cuisine, gastronomy, migrations, identity, gastronomic transnationalism, forced migrations, globalization, fertile lands. food. From an overview of the history of diasporas from the earliest times of humanity and its relationship with food, we can define it in 5 aspects of studies: the prehistoric diaspora, the agricultural diaspora, the diaspora of food and spices, the diaspora due to social conflicts 1| and persecutions and the modern diaspora in the 20th and 21st centuries. The prehistoric Diaspora can be characterized by the first hominids, our oldest ancestors, who lived in specific regions and fed mainly on what they could find in their environment, such as fruits, vegetables, game meat and fish. Over time, population pressure and climatic changes led to the dispersal of human groups to different geographical areas in search of food and resources. The Agricultural Diaspora is one of the most significant milestones in the history of the Diaspora, it occurred with the development of agriculture about 10,000 years ago. Agriculture allowed human societies to settle in one place and grow their own food, leading to greater stability and population growth. However, it also resulted in the expansion of human groups into new lands in search of fertile land and agricultural opportunities. The Diaspora of food and spices, food has played an important role in the life and survival of human beings. Throughout history, the search for exotic foods and spices played an important role in the diaspora. Trade routes such as the Silk Road and the Spice Road facilitated the exchange of food and spices between different cultures and regions. This resulted in the spread of foods and culinary techniques, enriching diets and culinary traditions around the world. The Diaspora due to conflicts and persecutions; Because throughout history, many communities have been forced to leave their homes due to conflict, religious or political persecution. These diasporas brought their food traditions with them and contributed to the culinary diversity in their new places of settlement. For example, the Jewish diaspora and the African diaspora due to the slave trade had a significant impact on the cuisines of the regions where they settled. The Modern Diaspora, in the Modern Era, and Globalization; It has led to greater interconnectedness between cultures and greater mobility of people. This has resulted in an even more diverse mix of culinary traditions around the world. Today, it is common to find restaurants and foods from various parts of the world in many cities, reflecting the influence of diasporas on food. The global connection has allowed for the rapid dissemination of recipes and culinary 2| trends through media and social networks, creating a constant interaction between different food traditions. Taken together, these aspects highlight how diasporas throughout history have been important agents in the dissemination and evolution of food practices, contributing to the richness and diversity of global gastronomy. Globalization and diasporas have developed transnational and transmigrational practices that have contributed significantly to the diversity and evolution of gastronomy globally. Globalization has facilitated the transmission of culinary practices across national borders. Communication networks, migration, tourism, and the media have allowed food trends to spread rapidly. International restaurants, fast food chains, and the availability of ingredients from around the world in local markets are examples of how transnational practices are shaping the gastronomic offering in different regions. Transmigration practices involve the migration of people who take their food traditions with them to new places. These migrants often introduce their own recipes, ingredients, and cooking techniques into their host communities. Transmigrational communities often maintain and adapt their food practices in a different environment, resulting in the creation of unique culinary fusions that combine elements from diverse cultures. Diasporas in Human History Throughout human history, diasporas have influenced the shaping of societies and cultures around the world. These population movements have been motivated by a variety of factors, most notably from historical diasporas: The Jewish Diaspora, which began with the dispersion of the Jewish population of Judea after the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 A.D. Jews dispersed throughout Europe, Africa, and Asia, taking their culture and religion with them. The African diaspora with the African slave trade during the 15th to 19th centuries resulted in a significant diaspora. Millions of Africans were taken as slaves to the Americas, Europe and other parts of the world, contributing to the formation of diverse communities of African descent around the planet. The Armenian diaspora, after the Armenian genocide of 1915, Armenians scattered around the world in search of refuge and opportunities. This led to the formation of Armenian communities in various parts of Europe, 3| North America, and the Middle East. The Chinese diaspora, throughout history, Chinese have migrated to different parts of the world for economic, political, and social reasons. The Chinese diaspora has resulted in communities in countries in Asia, North America, Europe, and Oceania. The Indian diaspora, with the migration of the Indian population has been a historical phenomenon; the Indian diaspora spread around the world with the emigration of Indian workers, as well as the dispersion of Hindu and Sikh communities, has contributed to the global presence of the Indian diaspora. Diasporas that have influenced the history and configuration of communities in different regions of the world. Each of these diasporas has left its cultural, social, and economic mark on the societies of origin and in the host countries. The Impact of the Diaspora on the Modern History of Gastronomy In human history, the diaspora has had a significant impact on the food and gastronomy of the regions to which they have moved. These migratory movements have brought with them culinary traditions, ingredients, and cooking techniques that have enriched and diversified food cultures around the world. We can highlight the Diaspora, African, Chinese Diaspora, Italian Diaspora, Jewish Diaspora, Indian Diaspora, and Mexican Diaspora. African Diaspora. The African diaspora, the result of the slave trade and forced migration, has left a deep imprint on the cuisine of many regions, especially in Latin America and the Caribbean. Ingredients such as rice, yams, plantains, and African spices influenced the creation of iconic dishes such as arroz con gandules in Puerto Rico, gumbo in Louisiana, and sancocho in the Dominican Republic. Chinese Diaspora. The Chinese diaspora is one of the largest in the world and has brought Chinese cuisine to virtually every corner of the globe. Dishes such as fried rice, dim sum, wonton, and tofu have become common elements in many international cuisines due to Chinese migration. 4| Italian Diaspora. The Italian diaspora, especially in the United States and South America, has influenced the creation of dishes such as pizza and pasta, which have become staples of global cuisine. In addition, Italian wine culture has left its mark on wine production around the world. Jewish Diaspora. The Jewish diaspora has carried with it a rich culinary tradition over the centuries. Dishes such as bagel, hummus, falafel, and knish are examples of the Jewish influence on food from various regions, from Europe to the Middle East to North America. Indian Diaspora. The Indian diaspora has contributed to the rise in popularity of Indian cuisine around the world. Curry, tandoori, biryani, and other Indian dishes have become common choices in many countries due to migration and the Indian diaspora. Mexican Diaspora. The Mexican diaspora has influenced the spread of Mexican cuisine, including dishes such as tacos, enchiladas, and guacamole, which are appreciated around the world. Diasporas have enriched food and gastronomy around the world. Migration has not only brought with it ingredients and recipes, but also stories, traditions, and a sense of cultural identity that is reflected in the food being prepared and consumed in the new lands. Transnational and transmigration practices in global gastronomy highlight how cultural interactions, population mobility, and accessibility to information have contributed to the creation of an ever-evolving culinary diversity. Food has become a medium through which people can share, experience, and celebrate the richness of cultural diversity in the contemporary world. 5| References Ann. Gibbons. The Evolution of Diet. • Douglas. Broom. A history of the world in five foods • An Evolutionary Timeline of Homo Sapiens • How humanity has changed the food it eats. • Heather Whipps. How the Spice Trade Changed the World. • The History of Mexican Food in The United States: From Immigrants to Popular Cuisine. • 6|