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Throughout human history, there have been numerous diasporas, which are related to food in various ways. Diaspora in the modern context of globalization refers to the dispersal of a population or ethnic group beyond its place of origin, spreading to different regions or countries around the world. This phenomenon has been facilitated and amplified by globalization, which is characterized by the increasing interconnectedness of economies, cultures and societies globally. Diaspora has occurred and continues to occur for various reasons, such as political conflicts, persecutions, search for economic opportunities, migratory movements, among others. People who are part of a diaspora often maintain cultural, social and economic ties to their place of origin, and at the same time integrate into host societies. Globalization has accelerated migratory movements and allowed for greater mobility of people around the world. Modern diasporas are often connected through media, social media, and information technologies, making it easier to preserve cultural identity and maintain ties with the community of origin, even over long distances. In this context, diasporas not only represent a demographic phenomenon, but also play a significant role in the cultural diversity and global interconnectedness of contemporary societies. Keywords: cuisine, gastronomy, migrations, identity, gastronomic transnationalism, forced migrations, globalization, fertile lands. food. From an overview of the history of diasporas from the earliest times of humanity and its relationship with food, we can define it in 5 aspects of studies: the prehistoric diaspora, the agricultural diaspora, the diaspora of food and spices, the diaspora due to social conflicts and persecutions and the modern diaspora in the 20th and 21st centuries.
Gastronomic transnationalism involves the movement and integration of food practices, ingredients, and cuisines across national borders. It reflects the ways in which food serves as a cultural bridge and a means of maintaining connections across different regions. People from diasporic communities often bring their culinary traditions to new locations, influencing local food cultures. The globalization of food markets and the availability of diverse ingredients contribute to the blending of culinary traditions from distinct parts of the world. As food practices from one culture encounter and interact with those of another, there is often a process of fusion or hybridization. This can lead to the creation of new and unique culinary styles that incorporate elements from multiple cultural traditions. Gastronomic transnationalism highlights the interconnectedness of cultures through the medium of food. Transmigration refers to the movement of people across borders, involving both physical relocation and the transfer of cultural elements. This concept encompasses not only the physical act of migration but also the broader idea of cultural exchange and transformation. Transmigrations can occur for several reasons, including economic opportunities, political instability, or environmental factors. The exchange of cultural practices, beliefs, and traditions is an integral part of transmigrations. Transmigrations can lead to the hybridization of cultures as people adapt to new environments while retaining elements of their original identity. In summary, diasporas involve the dispersal of communities from their homeland, gastronomic transnationalism explores the movement of culinary traditions across borders, and transmigrations encompass both physical and cultural movements of people. Together, these concepts highlight the dynamic and interconnected nature of human experiences across different regions and cultures. Gastronomic transnationalism is a dynamic process that reflects the fluid nature of cultural interactions, particularly in the realm of food and cuisine.
El transnacionalismo gastronómico implica el movimiento y la integración de prácticas alimentarias, ingredientes y cocinas a través de las fronteras nacionales. Refleja las formas en que la comida sirve como puente cultural y medio para mantener conexiones entre diferentes regiones. Las personas de comunidades de la diáspora a menudo llevan sus tradiciones culinarias a nuevos lugares, lo que influye en las culturas alimentarias locales. La globalización de los mercados de alimentos y la disponibilidad de diversos ingredientes contribuyen a la mezcla de tradiciones culinarias de distintas partes del mundo. A medida que las prácticas alimentarias de una cultura se encuentran e interactúan con las de otra, suele producirse un proceso de fusión o hibridación. Esto puede conducir a la creación de estilos culinarios nuevos y únicos que incorporen elementos de múltiples tradiciones culturales. El transnacionalismo gastronómico destaca la interconexión de las culturas a través de la comida. La transmigración se refiere al movimiento de personas a través de fronteras, que implica tanto la reubicación física como la transferencia de elementos culturales. Este concepto abarca no sólo el acto físico de la migración sino también la idea más amplia de intercambio y transformación cultural. Las transmigraciones pueden ocurrir por varias razones, incluidas oportunidades económicas, inestabilidad política o factores ambientales. El intercambio de prácticas, creencias y tradiciones culturales es una parte integral de las transmigraciones. Las transmigraciones pueden conducir a la hibridación de culturas a medida que las personas se adaptan a nuevos entornos conservando elementos de su identidad original. En resumen, las diásporas implican la dispersión de comunidades de su tierra natal, el transnacionalismo gastronómico explora el movimiento de tradiciones culinarias a través de fronteras y las transmigraciones abarcan movimientos tanto físicos como culturales de personas. Juntos, estos conceptos resaltan la naturaleza dinámica e interconectada de las experiencias humanas en diferentes regiones y culturas. El transnacionalismo gastronómico es un proceso dinámico que refleja la naturaleza fluida de las interacciones culturales, particularmente en el ámbito de la comida y la cocina.
Migration beyond transits: territories, familiar food and globalization, 2024
Globalization: migrants and their "diverse" national identity Migrants are a social product that has been homogenized in global discourses. This unique migrant identity is "the expression of the power relations intrinsic to this social-political-economic model" in which we live. The phenomenon of food migration and globalization become intertwined once the globalization of food begins in 1970, when we can enjoy "any" food from another country in a big city. This constructs an idea of what the foods of the other are. In current global migration, the locals, build this identity of the other through the products or dishes that are offered on the mainstream market: Arepa - Venezuela Tacos / Tajin : Mexico Pao de queijo: Brazil Curry: India And just as a reminder, these are countries that have been lucky to get recognition for their food while others remain invisible; such as Guatemala, Honduras, Ecuador.... Finding these foods in the new territory that identify migrants as a nation is necessary, this “founds the migrant's food identity”. It’s true that to build a national gastronomy in a foreign territory is a very complex task and if it were not for the food that identifies us as a nation, it would be impossible to make known. However, it can also erase the lines of our individual identity, our particular experience and of course,our intimate relationship with food, our territory and our family.
The theory of gastronomic transnationalism focuses on the study of the migration of culinary practices, foods, and flavors across cultural and national boundaries. It explores how food acts as a vehicle for the transmission of identity, culture, and connections between communities scattered around the world. The theory of gastronomic transnationalism offers a comprehensive perspective on how food becomes a crucial element in understanding cultural diversity and global connections in an increasingly interconnected world. This theoretical framework helps scholars and researchers explore the complex interplay between food, migration, and cultural identity. This interdisciplinary approach combines elements of anthropology, sociology, and food studies to understand how gastronomy travels and adapts in contexts of human mobility. Studies in this area examine the diffusion of culinary dishes and traditions, the connection between food and cultural identity, the opening of migrant-led food businesses, the establishment of transnational food networks, and how gastronomy influences tourism and the global economy. The theory of gastronomic transnationalism provides a comprehensive perspective on how food becomes a crucial element in understanding cultural diversity and global connections in an increasingly interconnected world. Keywords: transnationalism, transmigrations, cuisine, gastronomy, transmigrations, diaspora, international migrations, identity, gastronomic transnationalism, cuisines, globalization.
Studies in Media and Communication, 2024
Food has traversed across boundaries with the advent of globalization. Food from various countries is now accessible to people across the globe, irrespective of the vast difference in culture or taste. Exposure to new kinds of food has become commonplace since migration, food trade and marketing expanded. Diasporic groups who migrate for different reasons carry their culture along, that they either spread the same in the immigrant country or seek nostalgic relief through food, lifestyle, relationships etc. Nonetheless, the mother culture and corresponding food habits do travel with people, more so if their occupation is related to food. While that happens, there's always the burning question of authenticity of food. Some believe that a dish cooked by a native of a particular cuisine is authentic, some others consider use of traditional ingredients makes a dish authentic. In the context of globalisation, culinary ways, recipes and ingredients are borrowed and integrated across cultures. Due to these transactions, presuppositions on culinary authenticity are plenty and dynamic among stakeholders of the food industry, be it an immigrant consumer, culinary expert, food critic or a restaurateur. This paper attempts to study the various aspects concerning culinary authenticity and diaspora, analysing viewpoints of the stakeholders.
This article develops a "migrant marketplace" model for globalizing histories of migrant foodways. It defines migrant marketplaces as transnational urban centers constituted by physical and imagined linkages between mobile people and the traveling foods and culinary experiences that follow them. The article first identifies variables that have shaped the establishment, growth, and nature of migrant marketplaces. It then traces key moments in the history of migrant and food trade connections during which mobile people emerged as facilitators of global foods. It also considers the social and cultural consequences such intertwined mobilities of migration, and food have had on migrant foodways, on the larger food cultures in which migrants are situated, and on wider transnational commodity networks. As this article demonstrates, the trade routes in foodstuffs created and maintained by migrant eaters and entrepreneurs reveal histories of migrant cuisines that cannot be contained solely within nation-centric perspectives. As producers and consumers of foods, migrants create global commercial spaces defined by physical and imagined links between themselves and their traveling foods and culinary experiences. These are the "migrant marketplaces" that are the focus of this special issue. Foods and culinary cultures do not simply diffuse or spread across the world, disconnected from mobile people and the time-and place-specific political, legal, and economic policies that allow for or discourage such mobility. 1 Instead, migrants' expectations, initiatives, and desires drive histories of global integration, and they do so within larger, often inequitable national and international structures that constrain what, where, and how people eat. A focus on migrants and the trade routes in foodstuff they create tells a different story about globalization, one characterized just as much by the movements of everyday people and their food cultures as about top-down processes initiated by politicians and business elites. Global connections between mobile people and mobile foods have shaped migrants' consumer identities and experiences, the larger foodways in which they are enmeshed, and wider transnational commodity and labor networks. Through their demand for homeland foods, it is the global migrant who makes place matter in the migrant marketplace. Migrant desire for homeland tastes has made possible the transfer of ingredients, food knowledge, and culinary nostalgia across national and regional
in Science, 2020
The article analyzes scientific views, the concept of "diaspora", classification of diasporas, modern and classical diasporas, a description of existing scientific views as an object of a transnational community. The conclusion is made about the absence of a single generally accepted definition of the concept of “diaspora”, which is necessary both theoretically and practically. n the conclusion, the author's views on improving research on the history of diasporas are presented.
Food culture and dining patterns can, in any society, be read with regard to the history of food, social structures, economic choices, culinary techniques, food knowledge and even identities, habits and perception of comfortableness of its members and time. How then do migrants and diaspora communities translate the culinary practice into which they were socialized in their home communities into their new lifestyles and ways of eating? This article starts from the idea that autonomy over food is a major issue for migrants and their integration into new contexts. It is argued that through looking at the materially and culturally shaped body, at bodily practices of dining as well as at their becoming entangled in a new social and technical space, the preservation andlor transformation of habits may be studied and literally read as expressions of migrants' search for new identities and orientation. Food knowledge and culinary practice is revealed as the repertoire of migrants in th...
This essay delves into the fascinating role of gastronomy as a cultural bridge that facilitates the exchange and preservation of identities in a globalized world. Through the concept of transnationalism, it explores how migratory and commercial flows, such as those originated by the historic Silk Road, have left an indelible mark on Latin American culinary traditions, especially in Peruvian cuisine. From the historical point of view, the diffusion of ingredients and culinary techniques is traced, which traveled from Asia to Europe and then to Latin America, first through colonization and, later, by significant migrations. The essay shows how these foreign elements, when integrated with indigenous ingredients and customs, gave rise to new forms of gastronomic expression that enriched the cultural diversity of the region. In addition, the essential role of migrant communities in the adaptation and preservation of their culinary traditions in a foreign context is highlighted, using food as a tool to maintain their cultural identities and promote interculturality. Through a qualitative approach that includes case studies and ethnographic analysis, a detailed vision of how globalization has impacted Latin American gastronomy is presented, turning it into a space for fusion and dialogue between diverse cultures. Gastronomy, beyond being an act of consumption, is argued here as a symbol of cultural resistance and a testimony to the human capacity to find meeting points through food. In this context, the influence of the Silk Road is presented not only as a means of commercial exchange between East and West, but as a gastronomic channel that transformed the cuisines of the world, including Latin American and, particularly, Peruvian. Over centuries of interaction, flavours, techniques, and products crossed continents, enriching the food heritage of various regions. A Channel of Flavors and Connections The Silk Road, by connecting China, India, Persia, the Arab world, and Europe, facilitated the circulation of spices, fruits, cereals, and culinary techniques that transformed the world's cuisines. Ingredients such as ginger, cinnamon and cloves came from Asia to enrich global gastronomy. This trade not only marked the beginning of an early globalization, but also significantly influenced the culinary habits of the cultures connected by this vast network of exchanges. The Impact on Latin America and Peruvian Cuisine With the arrival of Europeans in Latin America, many of the products that had crossed the Silk Road found a new space to integrate and evolve. Asian spices were fused with indigenous ingredients such as corn, chili peppers and potatoes, giving rise to a new amalgam of flavors that defined regional cuisines. Asian influence was further consolidated with the migrations of Chinese and Japanese to countries such as Peru, Mexico, and Brazil in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Peruvian gastronomy is a paradigmatic example of this culinary miscegenation. The arrival of Chinese immigrants in the 19th century and Japanese immigrants in the early 20th century led to the creation of new culinary styles, such as chifa and nikkei. Chifa, for example, fuses Chinese techniques with Peruvian products, such as the yellow chili pepper in chaufa rice. Nikkei, on the other hand, adapts Japanese sushi techniques with local ingredients, such as ceviche with hints of shoyu and kion (ginger). These examples show how the products and ideas from the Silk Road not only arrived in Peru, but also adapted and transformed, merging with the country's biodiversity and pre-Hispanic traditions. The Legacy of the Silk Road in Contemporary Cuisine Today, the influence of the Silk Road is still alive on the tables of Latin America and Peru. Peruvian cuisine, widely recognized for its diversity, continues to integrate techniques and flavors that refer to this historical exchange. The use of ingredients such as soy, kion, and noodles in modern Peruvian gastronomy is a direct legacy of this intercultural dialogue. In addition, contemporary culinary movements, such as the sustainable use of ingredients and the revaluation of native products, reflect a connection to this historical past, demonstrating how the meeting of cultures continues to redefine what we consume and how we do it. Reflection The journey of the Silk Road to the tables of Latin America and Peru reveals the transformative power of gastronomy as a cultural bridge, which transcends borders. This exchange not only modified ingredients and techniques, but also contributed to the creation of gastronomic identities that reflect a rich history of miscegenation and globalization. Cuisine, like the Silk Road, continues to be a space for meeting and creation where the local and the global are intertwined to shape new cultural expressions.
The article analyzes scientific views, the concept of "diaspora", classification of diasporas, modern and classical diasporas, a description of existing scientific views as an object of a transnational community. The conclusion is made about the absence of a single generally accepted definition of the concept of “diaspora”, which is necessary both theoretically and practically. n the conclusion, the author's views on improving research on the history of diasporas are presented.
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