Polymorphism as a Model for
Ambiguity: the Case of Nominal
Walid S. Saba
We suggest modeling concepts as types in a strongly-typed ontology that reflects our commonsense view of the
world and the way we talk about it in ordinary language. In such a framework, certain types of ambiguities in
natural language are explained by the notion of polymorphism. In this paper we suggest such a typed compositional
semantics for nominal compounds of the form (Adj Noun) where adjectives are modeled as higher-order polymorphic
functions. In addition to (Adj Noun) compounds our proposal seems also to suggest a plausible explanation for well
known adjective ordering restrictions.
1 Introduction
Over two decades ago a "quite revolution", as Charniak
(1995) once called it, overwhelmingly replaced knowledgebased approaches in natural language processing (NLP) by
quantitative (e.g., statistical, corpus-based, machine learning) methods. In recent years, however, the terms ontology,
semantic web and semantic computing have been in vogue,
and regardless of how these terms are being used (or
misused) we believe that this ’semantic counter revolution’
is a positive trend since corpus-based approaches to NLP,
while useful in some language processing tasks - see (Ng
and Zelle, 1997) for a good review - cannot account for
compositionality and productivity in natural language, not
to mention the complex inferential patterns that occur in
ordinary language use. The inferences we have in mind here
can be illustrated by the following example:
(1) P ass that car will you.
a) He is really annoying me.
b) T hey are really annoying me.
Clearly, speakers of ordinary language can easily infer that
’he’ in (1a) refers to the person driving [that] car, while ’they’
in (1b) is a reference to the people riding [that] car. Such
inferences, we believe, cannot theoretically be learned (how
many such examples will be needed, and what exactly would
constitute a negative example in this context?), and are thus
beyond the capabilities of any quantitative approach. On the
other hand, and although it is our firm belief that purely
quantitative approaches cannot be the only paradigm for
NLP, dissatisfaction with purely engineering approaches to
the construction of large knowledge bases for NLP (e.g.,
Lenat and Ghua, 1990) are somewhat justified. While language ’understanding’ is, for the most part, a commonsense
’reasoning’ process at the pragmatic level, as example (1) illustrates, the knowledge structures that an NLP system must
utilize should have sound linguistic and ontological underpinnings and must be formalized if we ever hope to build
scalable systems (or, as John McCarthy once said, if we ever
hope to build systems that we can actually understand!). As
we have argued elsewhere (Saba, 2007), therefore, we believe
that both trends are partly misguided and that the time has
come to enrich logical semantics with an ontological structure that reflects our commonsense view of the world and
the way we talk about in ordinary language. Specifically, we
argue that very little progress within logical semantics have
been made in the past several years due to the fact that
these systems are, for the most part, mere symbol manipulation systems that are devoid of any content. What we suggest
instead is a semantics that is grounded in a strongly-typed
ontology - an ontology that reflects our commonsense view
of reality and the way we talk about it in ordinary language.
In this paper we suggest exactly such a semantics and
we subsequently demonstrate the utility of this approach by
tackling one particular challenge in the semantics of natural language. Specifically, in this paper we will first introduce
the notions of intersective vs. non-intersective adjectives, as
well as the notion of adjective-ordering restrictions. In section 2 we will introduce a strongly typed system that reflects our commonsense view of the world and the way we
talk about it in ordinary spoken language. In the rest of the
paper we will suggest how such a strongly-typed compositional system can possibly utilize such information to explain
the adjective-ordering restriction phenomenon as well as the
type of ambiguity that occurs in nominal modification.
2 Ambiguity in Nominal Modification
The ambiguity in nominal modification we are concerned
with here can be illustrated by the sentence in (2), which
could be uttered by someone who believes that: (i) Olga
is a dancer and a beautiful person; or (ii) Olga is beautiful
as a dancer (i.e., Olga is a dancer and she dances beautifully).
(2) Olga is a beautif ul dancer.
As suggested by Larson (1998), there are two possible
routes to explain this ambiguity: one could assume that a
noun such as dancer is a simple one place predicate of type
e, t and ’blame’ this ambiguity on the adjective; alterna-
Auszug aus: Künstliche Intelligenz, Heft 2/2009, ISSN 0933-1875, BöttcherIT Verlag, Bremen, www.kuenstliche-intelligenz.de/order
tively, one could assume that the adjective is a simple one
place predicate and blame the ambiguity on some sort of
complexity in the structure of the head noun (Larson calls
these alternatives A-analysis and N-analysis, respectively).
In an A-analysis, an approach predominantly advocated
by Siegel (1976), adjectives are assumed to belong to two
classes, termed predicative and attributive, where predicative
adjectives (e.g. red, small, etc.) are taken to be simple functions from entities to truth-values and are extensional, and
thus intersective: Adj N oun = Adj ∩ N oun . Attributive adjectives (e.g., f ormer, rightf ul, etc.), on the other
hand, are functions from common noun denotations to common noun denotations - i.e., they are predicate modifiers
of type e, t , e, t, and are thus intensional and nonintersective (but are subsective: Adj N oun ⊆ N oun ).
On this view, the ambiguity in (2) is explained by posting
two distinct lexemes (beautif ul1 and beautif ul2) for the
adjective beautif ul, one of which is an attributive while
the other is a predicative adjective. In keeping with Montague’s (1970) edict that similar syntactic categories must
have the same semantic type, for this proposal to work,
all adjectives are initially assigned the type e, t , e, t
where intersective adjectives are considered to be subtypes obtained by triggering an appropriate meaning
postulate. For example, assuming the lexeme beautiful1 is marked as +INTERSECTIVE, the meaning postulate
∃P ∀Q∀x[Beautif ulQ)x) ↔ P x) ∧ Qx)] would then yield
an intersective meaning when P is beautif ul1; and where a
phrase such as ’a beautiful dancer’ is interpreted as follows1 :
promising alternative to the A-analysis of the ambiguity in
(2) has been proposed by Larson (1995, 1998), who suggests
that ’beautiful’ in (2) is a simple intersective adjective of
type e, t and that the source of the ambiguity is due to a
complexity in the structure of the head noun. Specifically,
Larson suggests that a deverbal noun such as dancer should
have a Davidsonian representation such as
∀x)Dancerx) ≡ ∃e)Dancinge) ∧ Agente, x)))
That is, any x is a dancer iff x is the agent of some dancing
activity (Larson’s notation is slightly different). In this analysis,
the ambiguity in (2) is attributed to an ambiguity in what
’beautiful’ is modifying, in that it could be said of Olga or
her dancing activity. That is, (2) is to be interpreted as follows:
Olga is a beautif ul dancer
⇒ ∃e)Dancinge) ∧ Agente, Olga)
∧Beautif ule) ∨ Beautif ulOlga)))
In our opinion, Larson’s proposal is plausible on several
grounds. First, in Larson’s N-analysis there is no need for
impromptu introduction of a considerable amount of lexical
ambiguity. Second, and for reasons that are beyond the
ambiguity of beautiful in (1), there is ample evidence that
the structure of a deverbal noun such as ’dancer’ must admit
a reference to an abstract object, namely a dancing activity;
as, for example, in the resolution of ’that’ in (3).
(3) Olga is an old dancer.
a beautif ul1 dancer
⇒ λP [∃x)Dancerx) ∧ Beautif ulx) ∧ P x))]
a beautif ul2 dancer
⇒ λP [∃x)Beautif ulˆDancerx)) ∧ P x))]
While it does explain the ambiguity in (2), several reservations have been raised regarding this proposal. As Larson
(1995; 1998) notes, however, this approach entails considerable duplication in the lexicon as this means that there are
‘doublets’ for all adjectives that can be ambiguous between
an intersective and a non-intersective meaning. Another
objection, raised by McNally and Boleda (2004), is that in
an A-analysis there are no obvious ways of determining
the context in which a certain adjective can be considered
intersective. For example, they suggest that the most natural
reading of
Look at Olga dance. She is beautif ul
is the one where beautiful is describing Olga’s dancing,
although it does not modify any noun and is thus wrongly
considered intersective by modifying Olga. While valid in
other contexts, in our opinion this observation does not
necessarily hold in this specific example since the resolution
of ’she’ must ultimately consider all entities in the discourse,
including, presumably, the dancing activity that would be
introduced by a Davidsonian representation of ’Look at
Olga dance’ (this issue is discussed further below). A more
Note that as an alternative to meaning postulates that specialize intersective adjectives to e t, one can perform a type-lifting operation
from e t to e t e t (see Partee, 2007).
She has been doing that f or thirty years.
Furthermore, and in addition to a plausible explanation
of the ambiguity in (2), Larson’s proposal seems to provide
a plausible explanation for why ’old’ in (4a) seems to be
ambiguous while the same is not true of ’elderly’ in (4b):
’old’ could be said of Olga or her teaching; while ’elderly’ is
not an adjective that is ordinarily said of objects that are of
type activity
(4) a. Olga is an old teacher.
b. Olga is an elderly teacher.
With all its apparent appeal, however, Larson’s proposal
is still lacking. For one thing, and while it presupposes that
some sort of type matching is what ultimately results in rejecting the subsective meaning of ’elderly’ in (4b), the details
of such processes are more involved than Larson’s proposal
suggests. For example, while it explains the ambiguity of
’beautiful’ in (2), it is not quite clear how an N-Analysis can
explain why ’beautiful’ does not seem to admit a subsective
meaning in (5).
(5) Olga is a beautif ul street dancer.
In fact, ’beautiful’ in (5) seems to be modifying Olga for
the same reason the sentence in (6a) seems to be more
natural than that in (6b).
(6) a. M aria is a clever young girl.
b. M aria is a young clever girl.
Auszug aus: Künstliche Intelligenz, Heft 2/2009, ISSN 0933-1875, BöttcherIT Verlag, Bremen, www.kuenstliche-intelligenz.de/order
The sentences in (6) exemplify what is known in the literature as adjective ordering restrictions (AORs). However, despite numerous studies of AORs (e.g., see Wulff, 2003; Teodorescu, 2006), the slightly differing AORs that have been suggested in the literature have never been formally justified.
What we hope to demonstrate below however is that the apparent ambiguity of some adjectives and adjective-ordering
restrictions are both related to the nature of the ontological
categories that these adjectives apply to in ordinary spoken
language. While the general assumptions in Larson’s (1995;
1998) N-Analysis seem to be valid, it will be demonstrated
here that nominal modification seems to be more involved
than has been suggested thus far. In particular, it seems that
a proper semantics for nominal modification requires a much
richer type system than currently employed in formal semantics. Before we proceed, therefore, in the next section we will
briefly introduce a type system akin to that suggested by
Sommers (1963); a system that forms the foundation of a
semantics that is grounded in an ontology that reflects our
commonsense view of reality.
3 Ontological Concepts as Types
ordinarily said of objects that must be of type Human, and
where Bex, y) is true when x and y are the same objects:
(8) sheba is a thief
⇒ ∃ sheba :: Thing)∃x)T hief x :: Human)
∧Bex, sheba))
That is, there is a unique object named sheba (which
could be any Thing) and some x such that x is a T hief (and
must therefore be of type Human) and such that sheba is that
x. Note now that sheba is associated with more than one
type in a single scope, and this necessitates a type unification, where a type unification (s t) between two types
s and t, and where Q ∈ {∃, ∀} is defined (for now) as follows:
(9) s ≺ t) ⊃ Qx :: s t))P x)) ≡ Qx :: s)P x))
t ≺ s) ⊃ Qx :: s t))P x)) ≡ Qx :: t)P x))
¬s ≺ t) ∧ ¬t ≺ s)
⊃ Qx :: s t))P x)) ≡ Qx :: ⊥)P x))
where P x :: ⊥) = ⊥ and t ⊥) = ⊥ t) = ⊥. Since Human
≺ Thing the type unification rquired in (8) now proceeds as
We assume a Platonic universe that includes everything that
can be spoken about in ordinary language, in a manner
akin to that suggested by Hobbs (1985). However, in our
formalism concepts belong to two distinct categories: (i)
ontological concepts, such as Animal, Substance, Entity,
Artifact, Event, State, etc., which are assumed to exist
in a subsumption hierarchy, and where the fact that an
object of type Human is ultimately an object of type Entity
is expressed as Human ≺ Entity; and (ii) logical concepts,
which are the properties (that can be said) of and relations
(that may hold) between ontological concepts. Since adjectives are our immediate concern, consider the following
illustrating the difference between ontological and logical
7) a. Dedicatedx :: Human)
b. Cleverx :: Animal)
c. Imminentx :: Event)
d. Oldx :: Entity)
e. Beautif ulx :: Entity)
These predicates are supposed to reflect the fact that, in
ordinary spoken language, Dedicated is a property that is
ordinarily said of objects that must be of type Human (7a);
that Clever could be said of objects of type Animal (7b);
Imminent is a property that is said of objects that must
be of type Event (7c), etc. In addition to logical and ontological concepts, there are also proper nouns, which are
the names of objects; objects that could be of any type.
A proper noun such as sheba is interpreted as sheba ⇒
λP [∃ x)N oox :: Thing, sheba) ∧ P x))] where N oox ::
Thing, s) holds between some x (which could be any thing),
and some s if (the label) s is the name of x, and t is
presumably the type of objects that P applies to (to simplify notation we often write sheba ⇒ λP [∃ sheba ::
Thing)P sheba))]).
Consider now the following, where we have assumed
that T hief x :: Human), i.e., that T hief is a property that is
sheba is a theif
⇒ ∃ sheba :: HumanThing))∃x)T heif x)∧Besheba, x))
⇒ ∃ sheba :: Human)∃x)T heif x) ∧ Besheba, x))
Finally, and since Besheba, x) we could replace x by
sheba obtaining the following:
sheba is a theif
⇒ ∃ sheba :: HumanThing))∃x)T heif x)∧Besheba, x))
⇒ ∃ sheba :: Human))
T heif sheba) ∧ Besheba, sheba))
⇒ ∃ sheba :: Human)T heif sheba) ∧ T rue)
⇒ ∃ sheba :: Human)T heif sheba))
In the final analysis, therefore, ’Sheba is a thief’ is interpreted as follows: there is a unique object named sheba, an
object that must be of type Human, and such that sheba is a
thief2 . Finally, note the clear distinction between ontological
concepts (such as Human), which Cocchiarella (2001) calls firstintension concepts, and logical (or second-intension) concepts, such as T hief x). That is, what ontologically exist are
objects of type Human, not thieves, and T hief is a mere
property that we have come to use to talk of objects of
type Human. Moreover, logical concepts such as T hief are
assumed to be defined by virtue of some logical expression,
such as ∀x :: Human)T hief x) ≡ φ) where the exact nature of φ might very well be susceptible to temporal, cultural,
and other contextual factors, depending on what, at a certain
point in time, a certain community considers an T hief to be.
The removal of Besheba x) essentially means that the copular ‘is’
was in this case interpreted as the ‘is’ of identity. This was due to the
fact that in this case a subsumption relation exists between the types
of the relevant objects. In other contexts, such as ‘Liz is aging’, ‘Sheba
is angry’, etc., where it seems that we are dealing with the ‘is’ of predication, removing Besheba x) involves introducing some implicit relation between the different types that do not unify (Human/Process,
Human/State), essentially resulting in interpretations such as ‘Liz isgoing-through-the-process-of aging’, and ‘Sheba is-in-a-state-of anger’
Auszug aus: Künstliche Intelligenz, Heft 2/2009, ISSN 0933-1875, BöttcherIT Verlag, Bremen, www.kuenstliche-intelligenz.de/order
What is of particular interest to us here is that logical concepts such as T hief (or Dancer, W riter, etc.), are defined by
logical expressions that admit abstract objects such as activities, processes, states, etc., each of which could be the object
of modification.
4 Types and Nominal Modification
In this section we use the type system described above and
the notion of type unification to properly formalize the intuitions behind Larson’s proposal for nominal modification.
Subsequently we show that our formalism explains the relationship between intersective/non-intersective adjectives
and adjective-ordering restrictions.
4.1 Formalizing Larson’s Proposal
First we begin by showing that the apparent ambiguity of
’beautiful’ in (2) is due to the fact that beautiful applies to
a generic type that subsumes many others. Consider the
following, where we assume Beautif ulx :: Entity); that is,
Beautif ul is a property that can be said of any Entity:
Olga is a beautif ul dancer
⇒ ∃e :: Activity)∃olga :: Human)
Dancinge) ∧ Agente, olga)
∧Beautif ule :: Entity) ∨ Beautif ulolga :: Entity)))
Note now that, in a single scope, e is considered to be
an object of type Activity as well as an object of type
Entity, while Olga is considered to be a Human and an
Entity. This, as discussed above, requires a pair of type
Olga is a beautif ul dancer
⇒ ∃e :: Activity)∃olga :: Human)
Dancinge) ∧ Agente, olga :: Human)
∧Beautif ule :: Activity Entity))
∨Beautif ulolga :: Human Entity)))
Since (Activity ≺ Entity) and (Human ≺ Entity), all
the type unifications succeed, resulting in the following:
Olga is a beautif ul dancer
⇒ ∃e :: Activity)∃olga :: Human)
Dancinge) ∧ Agente, olga)
∧Beautif ule) ∨ Beautif ulolga)))
In the final analysis ’Olga is a beautiful dancer’ is interpreted as follows: Olga is the agent of some dancing
Activity, and either Olga or her dancing is Beautif ul (or
both, of course). However, consider now the following:
(10) Olga is an elderly teacher
⇒ ∃e :: Activity)∃olga :: Human)
T eachinge) ∧ Agente, olga)
∧Elderlye :: Activity Human))
∨Elderlyolga :: Human Human))))
Note now that e is considered to be an object of type
Activity as well as an object of type Human. Since
Activity Human) = ⊥ the type unification in this
case fails resulting in the following:
Olga is an elderly teacher
⇒ ∃e :: Activity)∃olga :: Human)
T eachinge) ∧ Agente, olga)
∧⊥ ∨ Elderlyolga :: Human)))
⇒ ∃e :: Activity)∃olga :: Human)
T eachinge) ∧ Agente, olga) ∧ Elderlyolga))
The exercise we have just gone through clearly shows
that a classification of adjectives as intersective (extensional)
and non-intersective (intensional) is not necessary. Instead, it
seems that the embedding of an ontological type structure
- a structure that reflects our commonsense view of reality
and the way we talk about it in ordinary language - along
with type unification can systematically provide a proper
explanation for nominal modification without unnecessarily
complicating our logical formalisms.
4.2 Adjective Ordering Restrictions
Consider again the logical concepts given in (7). Note that
Beautif ul can be said of objects of type Entity, and thus
it can be said of a Cat, a Person, a City, a Movie, a Dance,
an Island, etc. Therefore, Beautif ul can be thought of as
a polymorphic function that applies to objects at several
levels and where the semantics of this function depend
on the type of the object, as illustrated in figure 1 below.
Thus, and although Beautif ul applies to objects of type
Entity, in saying ’a beautiful car’, for example, the meaning
of Beautif ul that is accessed is that defined in the type
Physical(which could in principal be inherited from a supertype). Moreover, and as is well known in the theory of
programming languages, one can always perform type casting upwards, but not downwards (e.g., one can always view
a Car as just an Entity, but the converse is not true)3 . Thus,
assuming Redx :: Physical) and Beautif ulx :: Entity);
that is, assuming that ’red’ can be said of Physical objects and ’beautiful’ can be said of any Entity, and using
the notation A1A2x :: t2) :: t1) to represent adjectives
A1 and A2 that are assumed to apply to objects of type
t1 and t2, respectively, then, for example, the type casting
that will be required in (11a) is valid, while that in (11b) is not
(11) a. Beautif ulRedx :: Physical) :: Entity)
b. RedBeautif ulx :: Entity) :: Physical)
This, in fact, is precisely why ’Jon owns a beautiful red
car’ is more natural than ‘Jon owns a red beautiful car’. In
general, a sequence A1A2x :: t2) :: t1) is a valid sequence
iff t2 ≺ t1). Note that this notion of type casting is independent from that of type unification, in that the unification
does indeed succeed here in both cases in (11). However,
before we perform type unification, the direction of the type
casting must be valid. The importance of this interaction will
become apparent below.
4.3 How an Ambiguous Adjective gets one Meaning
Let us explain the example in (5), where we argued that
Larson’s proposal cannot explain why ’beautiful’, which is
Technically, the reason we can always cast up is that we can always
ignore additional information. Casting down, which entails adding information, is however undecidable.
Auszug aus: Künstliche Intelligenz, Heft 2/2009, ISSN 0933-1875, BöttcherIT Verlag, Bremen, www.kuenstliche-intelligenz.de/order
5 Concluding Remarks
Figure 1: Adjectives as higher-order functions
considered to be ambiguous in (1), does not admit a subsective meaning in (5).
Consider the following:
(12) Olga is a beautif ul young dancer
⇒ ∃e :: Activity)∃olga :: Human)
Dancinge) ∧ Agente, olga :: Human)
∧Beautif ulY ounge :: Activity) ::
Physical) :: Entity)
∨Beautif ulY oungolga :: Human) ::
Physical) :: Entity))
Note now that the casting required is valid in both cases. In
other words, the order of adjectives is valid. This means that
we can now perform the required type unifications. We first
note however that since Activity Physical) = ⊥, the
term involving this type unification in (12) is reduced to ⊥,
and the term ∨ ⊥) to , hence:
(13) Olga is a beautif ul young dancer
⇒ ∃e :: Activity)∃olga :: Human)
Dancinge) ∧ Agente, olga :: Human)
∧Beautif ulY oungolga))))
Note here that since beautiful was preceded by young,
it could have not been applicable to an abstract object of
type Activity, but was instead reduced to that defined at
the level of Physical, and subsequently to that defined at
the type Human. A valid question that comes to mind here
is how then do we express the thought ’Olga is a young
dancer and she dances beautifully’. The answer is that we
usually make a statement such as this:
(14) Olga is a young and beautif ul dancer.
In this case we are essentially overriding the sequential
processing of the adjectives, and thus the adjective-ordering
restrictions (or, the type-casting rules!) are no more applicable. That is, (14) is essentially equivalent to two sentences
that are processed in parallel:
Olga is a young dancer ∧ Olga is a beautif ul dancer
Note now that ’beautiful’ would again have an intersective and a subsective meaning, although ’young’ will only
apply to Olga due to type constraints.
If the main business of semantics is to explain how linguistic constructs relate to the world, then semantic analysis of
natural language text is, indirectly, an attempt at uncovering the semiotic ontology of commonsense knowledge, and
particularly the background knowledge that seems to be
implicit in all that we say in our everyday discourse. While
this intimate relationship between language and the world
is generally accepted, semantics (in all its paradigms) has traditionally proceeded in one direction: by first stipulating an
assumed set of ontological commitments followed by some
machinery that is supposed to, somehow, model meanings
in terms of that stipulated structure of reality. With the gross
mismatch between the trivial ontological commitments of
our semantic formalisms and the reality of the world these
formalisms purport to represent, it is not surprising therefore that challenges in the semantics of natural language are
rampant. However, as correctly observed by Hobbs (1985),
semantics could become nearly trivial if it was grounded in
an ontological structure that is "isomorphic to the way we
talk about the world". The obvious question however is ’how
does one arrive at this ontological structure that implicitly
underlies all that we say in everyday discourse?’ One plausible answer is the (seemingly circular) suggestion that the
semantic analysis of natural language should itself be used
to uncover this structure. In this regard we strongly agree
with Dummett (1991):
We must not try to resolve the metaphysical questions
first, and then construct a meaning-theory in light of the
answers. We should investigate how our language actually functions, and how we can construct a workable
systematic description of how it functions; the answers
to those questions will then determine the answers to
the metaphysical ones.
What this suggests, and correctly so, in our opinion, is that
in our effort to understand the complex and intimate relationship between ordinary language and everyday commonsense knowledge, one could, as also suggested in (Bateman,
1995), "use language as a tool for uncovering the semiotic
ontology of commonsense" since ordinary language is the
best known theory we have of everyday knowledge. To avoid
this seeming circularity (in wanting this ontological structure that would trivialize semantics; while at the same time
suggesting that semantic analysis should itself be used as
a guide to uncovering this ontological structure), we suggested here performing semantic analysis from the ground
up, assuming a minimal (almost a trivial and basic) ontology,
in the hope of building up the ontology as we go guided by
the results of the semantic analysis. The advantages of this
approach are: (i) the ontology thus constructed as a result of
this process would not be invented, as is the case in most approaches to ontology (e.g., Lenat, and Guha (1990) and and
Sowa (1995), but would instead be discovered from what is
in fact implicitly assumed in our use of language in everyday
discourse; (ii) the semantics of several natural language phenomena should as a result become trivial, since the semantic
analysis was itself the source of the underlying knowledge
structures (in a sense, the semantics would have been done
before we even started!) In this paper we have shown that
nominal modification can be adequately treated in a semantics embedded in such a strongly-typed ontology; an ontol-
Auszug aus: Künstliche Intelligenz, Heft 2/2009, ISSN 0933-1875, BöttcherIT Verlag, Bremen, www.kuenstliche-intelligenz.de/order
ogy that reflects our commonsense view of the world and
the way we talk about it in ordinary language. While our
concern in this paper was the semantics of [Adj N oun] nominals, our proposal seems to also provide an explanation for
some well-known adjective-ordering restrictions.
[12] Partee, B. (2007), Compositionality and Coercion in Semantics - the
Dynamics of Adjective Meanings, In G. Bouma et al (Eds.), Cognitive Foundations of Interpretation, Amsterdam: Royal Netherlands
Academy of Arts and Sciences, pp. 145-161.
6 Acknowledgements
[14] Seigel, E. (1976), Capturing the Adjective, Ph.D. thesis, University of
I am grateful to the valuable feedback of the reviewers and
participants of KI-2008, as well as that of two anonymous
reviewers of this journal and those of Romeo Issa of PRAGMATECH.
[15] Sowa, J.F., 1995. Knowledge Representation: Logical Philosophical and Computational Foundations. PWS Publishing Company,
Charniak, E. (1995), Natural Language Learning, ACM Computing
Surveys, 27(3), pp. 317-319.
Bateman, J. A. (1995), On the Relationship between Ontology Construction and Natural Language: A Socio-Semiotic View, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 43, pp. 929-944.
Cocchiarella, N. B. (2001), Logic and Ontology, Axiomathes, 12, pp.
Dummett. M. (1991), Logical Basis of Metaphysics, Duckworth, London.
Hobbs, J. (1985), Ontological Promiscuity, In Proc. of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pp.
61-69, Chicago, Illinois, 1985.
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Dr. Walid S. Saba
PRAGMATECH/United Development Corp
Doha, Qatar, P.O.Box 7256
Phone: +974 44 63 444
Walid Saba currently the Chief Information Officer of Pragmatech, a technology company that
specializes in human language technologies and
business intelligence solutions, received his PhD
in Computer Science from Carleton University in
1999. He spent over 16 years in industry where he
was a principal software engineer at the American
Institutes for Research, a knowledge engineer at
Bell Labs, and a consulting software engineer at
Metlife, Nortel Networks and Cognos, Inc. He has
also taught Computer Science at the University of
Windsor, the New Jersey Institute of Technology
(NJIT), the American University of Beirut, and the
American University of Technology. His research interests are in computational semantics, ontology
and intelligent agents.
Auszug aus: Künstliche Intelligenz, Heft 2/2009, ISSN 0933-1875, BöttcherIT Verlag, Bremen, www.kuenstliche-intelligenz.de/order