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2023, Who Invented the 'Wheelgun'?
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Enciclopedia del automóvil.
Dispatches from the Field, 2020
Conservation of a wheellock firearm in the collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Department of Arms and Armor. Encrusted in highly raised silver, with preserved traces of gold, the firearm is by the so-called Master of the Animal-Head Scroll, or "Meister der Tierkopfranke".
wheel armoured vehicle
Descriptions of a modern heavy haul North American locomotive, its capability, and advanced adhesion levels are outlined. A ten-year history of locomotive wheel failures as observed by GE's customers demonstrates the need for quality improvements in wheels. Study methods were developed to attack these reliability issues. GE Transportation in concert with our CRD organization began a study of shattered rim wheel failures via the use of an ultrasonic microscope. Details of the method, our findings, and resulting images are presented. Additional studies of forged wheel ultrasonic soundness have been carried out to characterize populations of various suppliers' wheels. The studies were on wheels that had passed AAR specifications, and represent the level of ultrasonic soundness within wheel populations under locomotives in service. As a result of these studies some comments and recommendations are presented.
Anuario Colombiano de Historia Social y de la Cultura, 2014
The Journal of Mind and Behavior, 2023
Engineering Today, 2024
Security, Development and Nation-Building in Timor-Leste: A Cross-Sectoral Assessment - Harris and Goldsmith (eds), 2011
Contemporary materials, 2019
International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies
Planta Daninha, 2017
Fertility and Sterility, 2003
Molecular Endocrinology, 1995
Investigaciones Fenomenológicas, 2010
Mobile Information Systems, 2011
Synthesis lectures on engineers, technology, and society, 2024
Photochemistry and Photobiology, 2020