Lima L., Novais P., Bulas Cruz J., A Process Model For Group Decision Making With Quality Evaluation, in Distributed Computing,
Artificial Intelligence, Bioinformatics, Soft Computing and Ambient Assisted Living, Omatiu S., et al. (Eds.) LNCS 5518,
Springer-Verlag, ISBN 978-3-642-02480-1, pp. 566-573, (Proceedings of the International Symposium on Distributed Computing
and Artificial Intelligence (DCAI 2009), Salamanca, Spain, 2009), 2009.
A Process Model for Group Decision Making with
Quality Evaluation
Luís Lima1, Paulo Novais2 and José Bulas Cruz3
College of Management and Technology - Polytechnic of Porto, Felgueiras, Portugal
Departamento de Informática/CCTC, Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal
University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro,Vila Real, Portugal;;
Abstract. In this work it is addressed the problem of information evaluation
and decision making process in Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS). A
Multi-valued Extended Logic Programming language is used for imperfect
information representation and reasoning. A model embodying the quality
evaluation of the information, along the several stages of the decision making
process, is presented. This way we give the decision makers a measure of the
value of the information that supports the decision itself. This model is
presented in the context of a GDSS for VirtualECare, a system aimed at
sustaining online healthcare services. Reasoning with incomplete and uncertain
knowledge has to be dealt with in this kind of environment, due to the particular
nature of the healthcare services, where the awful consequences of bad
decisions, or lack of timely ones, demand for a responsible answer.
Keywords: Group decision support systems, Process model, Quality evaluation
1 Introduction
One of the components of VirtualECare [1] is a knowledge-based GDSS. In this paper
we define the architecture of such a GDSS and present a process model that permits to
reason with uncertain knowledge. The critical factor that affects de decision making
process in contexts similar to VirtualECare is this uncertainty, consequence of the
imperfect information about the real world [2]. Several methods for representing and
reasoning with imperfect information have been studied [2-5]. We present a method
to evaluate the quality of information, in presence of imperfect information, and to
control the decision making process itself. The decision must be made only when the
quality of information reaches a given threshold or, if the group is compelled by time,
at least the participants know the knowledge conditions it was made.
In this paper, we start by briefly presenting the overall architecture of the GDSS,
the representation of imperfect information and the method to evaluate its quality. In
section 4 we elaborate about the decision process model embodied in the GDSS and
how to control the decision progress. Finally, in section 5 we draw some conclusions
and future work.
Lima L., Novais P., Bulas Cruz J., A Process Model For Group Decision Making With Quality Evaluation, in Distributed Computing,
Artificial Intelligence, Bioinformatics, Soft Computing and Ambient Assisted Living, Omatiu S., et al. (Eds.) LNCS 5518,
Springer-Verlag, ISBN 978-3-642-02480-1, pp. 566-573, (Proceedings of the International Symposium on Distributed Computing
and Artificial Intelligence (DCAI 2009), Salamanca, Spain, 2009), 2009.
2 The VirtualECare Project
The VirtualECare project [1] embodies an intelligent multi-agent system aimed to
monitor and interact with its users, targeted to elderly people and/or their relatives.
These systems will be used to interconnect healthcare institutions, training facilities
and leisure centres, shops and patients relatives, on a common network, i.e., the
VirtualECare architecture stands for a distributed one with its different nodes
answering for a different role, either in terms of a call centre, a group decision support
system or a monitoring device, just to name a few.
Figure 1- Top-level architecture of VirtualECare GDSS
The VirtualECare GDSS (Figure 1) has a rather traditional architecture. The User
Interface module incorporates a Language System (all messages the GDSS can
accept) and a Presentation System (all messages the GDSS can emit). The Data
Management, Model Management and Knowledge Management modules, along
with the respective representations, make up the overall Knowledge System, i.e., all
the knowledge de GDSS has stored and retained. The Problem Processing module is
the GDSS software engine, the active component of the system. It’s activity can be
triggered by events that are detected outside de system or inside the system. The
Problem Processing module incorporates the ability to evaluate the quality of
knowledge available for a decision process.
3 Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
In a logic program, the answer to a question is only of two types: true or false. This is
a consequence of the limitations of the knowledge representation in a logic program,
because it is not allowed explicit representation of negative information. The
generality of logic programs represents implicitly negative information, assuming the
Closed-World Assumption (CWA) [6].
An extended logic program (ELP), on the other hand, is a finite collection of rules
of the form [7]:
Lima L., Novais P., Bulas Cruz J., A Process Model For Group Decision Making With Quality Evaluation, in Distributed Computing,
Artificial Intelligence, Bioinformatics, Soft Computing and Ambient Assisted Living, Omatiu S., et al. (Eds.) LNCS 5518,
Springer-Verlag, ISBN 978-3-642-02480-1, pp. 566-573, (Proceedings of the International Symposium on Distributed Computing
and Artificial Intelligence (DCAI 2009), Salamanca, Spain, 2009), 2009.
A Process Model for Group Decision Making with Quality Evaluation
q ← p1 ∧ ... ∧ pm ∧ not pm +1 ∧ ... ∧ not pm + n
? p1 ∧ ...∧ pm ∧ not pm +1 ∧ ...∧ not pm + n
where ? is a domain atom denoting falsity, the pi, qj, and p are classical ground
literals, i.e. either positive atoms or atoms preceded by the classical negation sign ¬.
We need to represent explicitly negative information, as well as directly describe
the CWA for some predicates. Three types of answers to a given question are then
possible: true, false and unknown. We consider two types of null values: the first will
allow for the representation of unknown values, not necessarily from a given set of
values, and the second will represent unknown values from a given set of possible
values. In the following, we consider the extensions of the predicates that represent
some information about the user home environment, wittingly simple:
env_temp: Room x Value
env_humidity: Room x Value
env_lux: Rom x Value
The first argument denotes the room and the second represents the value of the
property (e.g., env_temp(bedroom, 20) means that the environment
temperature in the bedroom has the value 20).
env_temp(bedroom, 20)
¬ env_temp(E,V)←
not env_temp(E,V),
not exception(env_temp(E,V))
V ≥ 15 ∧ V ≤ 25
Program 1 - Representation of knowledge about the user environment
The symbol ¬ represents the strong negation, denoting what should be interpreted
as false, and the term not designates negation-by-failure. The second clause represents
the environment temperature of another room, the living_room, has not, yet, been
established. The symbol ⊥ represents a null value of an undefined type. It is a
representation that assumes any value as a viable solution. It is not possible to
compute, from the positive information, the value of the environment temperature of
the living_room. The fourth clause of Program 1 (the closure of predicate env_temp)
discards the possibility of being assumed as false any question on the specific value of
environment temperature for living_room.
The value of the environment temperature for dining_room is foreseen to be 20,
with a margin of mistake of 5. It is not possible to be positive, concerning the
temperature value. However, it is false that the environment temperature has a value
of 14 or 27, for example. As a different case, let’s consider the environment
Lima L., Novais P., Bulas Cruz J., A Process Model For Group Decision Making With Quality Evaluation, in Distributed Computing,
Artificial Intelligence, Bioinformatics, Soft Computing and Ambient Assisted Living, Omatiu S., et al. (Eds.) LNCS 5518,
Springer-Verlag, ISBN 978-3-642-02480-1, pp. 566-573, (Proceedings of the International Symposium on Distributed Computing
and Artificial Intelligence (DCAI 2009), Salamanca, Spain, 2009), 2009.
temperature of the dining_room, that is unknown, but one knows that it is specifically
22 or 25.
The Quality of Information (QK) with respect to a generic predicate P is given by
QKP = 1/Card, where Card denotes the cardinality of the exception set for P, if the
exception set is disjoint. If the exception set is not disjoint, the quality of information
is given by the inverse of the sum of the possible combinations of exceptions.
QK P =
+ L + CCard
Vi ( x) = ∑ j =1 wij ∗Vij ( x j )
is a card-combination subset, with Card elements.
The next element of the model to be considered is the relative importance that a
predicate assigns to each of its attributes under observation: wij stands for the
relevance of attribute j for predicate i (it is also assumed that the weights of all
predicates are normalized. It is now possible to define Vi as a scoring function for a
value x = (x1, ..., n) in the multi dimensional space defined by the attributes domains.
Figure 2 - A measure of the quality of knowledge for a logic program or theory P
It is now possible to measure the QK that occurs as a result of a logic program, by
posting the Vi(x) values into a multi-dimensional space and projecting it onto a two
dimensional one, as we see in Figure 2, for five predicates [8].
4 Group Decision Support Systems
Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS), also called Multiparticipant Decision
Support Systems (MDSS), have been the subject of much research, have matured over
a period of many years and there are many examples of their successful application
[9-11]. The main characteristic of many GDSS implementations is a ProblemProcessing System (PPS) [9] with the ability to provide strong coordination for
handling or even guiding participant interactions, linked with abilities of knowledge
acquisition from participants, incorporating this knowledge into the Knowledge
System (KS), which serves as group memory.
The VirtualECare GDSS is a knowledge-driven or intelligent DSS [12] based on an
inference engine with rules, although it also relies on database and model
representations. The use of an inference engine with rules is the most common
development environment for knowledge-driven decision support systems [11]. Rules
Lima L., Novais P., Bulas Cruz J., A Process Model For Group Decision Making With Quality Evaluation, in Distributed Computing,
Artificial Intelligence, Bioinformatics, Soft Computing and Ambient Assisted Living, Omatiu S., et al. (Eds.) LNCS 5518,
Springer-Verlag, ISBN 978-3-642-02480-1, pp. 566-573, (Proceedings of the International Symposium on Distributed Computing
and Artificial Intelligence (DCAI 2009), Salamanca, Spain, 2009), 2009.
A Process Model for Group Decision Making with Quality Evaluation
are easy for managers and domain experts to understand and it is easier to provide
explanations to users of the DSS. Also, it can combine information about uncertainty
in conclusions with rules.
Figure 3 – Use Case view of VirtualECare GDSS
4.1 Context of Decision Making in VirtualECare
We make the distinction between non-cooperative multi-member decision making and
cooperative group decision making [12]. In VirtualECare the context of decision
making is the cooperative group decision one. Another characteristic of decision
making in VirtualECare is that there is not a hierarchic team structure decision. No
individual participant has the authority to make a specific decision. In contrast, all the
participants share the same interest in the decision outcome and have an equal say in
the decision formation.
The decision model of the VirtualECare GDSS is the rational model, based on
objectives, alternatives, consequences and search of optimal. This model assumes that
the decision maker knows all (or most of) the alternatives, their associated
information and the consequences of every choice, at least the short term ones. The
alternative that provides the maximum utility, i.e. the optimal choice, is then selected.
It is also assumed that the participants assess the pros and cons of any alternatives
with specific goals and objectives in mind. It is not new that, besides improving group
communication activities, a GDSS must provide a group centered problem solving
environment, aimed for helping decision makers consider uncertainty, form
preferences, make judgments and take decisions [13]. Figure 3 depicts a Use Case
view of the VirtualECare GDSS, showing a central use case “Quality evaluation”.
Lima L., Novais P., Bulas Cruz J., A Process Model For Group Decision Making With Quality Evaluation, in Distributed Computing,
Artificial Intelligence, Bioinformatics, Soft Computing and Ambient Assisted Living, Omatiu S., et al. (Eds.) LNCS 5518,
Springer-Verlag, ISBN 978-3-642-02480-1, pp. 566-573, (Proceedings of the International Symposium on Distributed Computing
and Artificial Intelligence (DCAI 2009), Salamanca, Spain, 2009), 2009.
4.2 Problem Solving
The staged nature of decision making processes is established by several studies [14,
15]. The models of real-world decision procedures includes time-divided and / or
single time decision periods, where content homogeneous and content heterogeneous
operations are performed [15]. The VirtualECare GDSS follows this procedural
staged nature, as we can see in Figure 4.
Figure 4 – Staged decision process model
Traditionally, Rational Choice Theory (RCT) is applied to decision support
systems which follows the prescription of Herbert Simon [16], where the agent only
“satisfices” its expected utility, rather than optimizing or maximizing it. Either way,
Simon prescribes a linear decision making process, moving through three stages:
intelligence, design and choice. Intelligence involves the perception and diagnostic of
the problem, searching for the conditions that call for decisions. Design concentrates
upon inventing, developing and analyzing possible courses of action, defining goals
and criteria. Finally, the Choice stage concentrates upon selecting an alternative
identified in the previous phase.
Figure 5 – In-meeting stage: design and choice phases separated by quality evaluation
The underlying process model of the VirtualECare GDSS follows Simon’s
empirical rationality. The intelligence stage occurs continuously, as the GDSS
interacts with other components of VirtualECare system. Identified problems that call
for an action triggers the formation of a group decision. This group formation is
conducted in the pre-meeting phase, when a facilitator must choose the participants.
The design and choice phases occur in the in-meeting stage (see Figure 4). The inmeeting stage cycles through several iterations, similarly to the circular logic of
choice of Nappeelbaum [17]. In Nappelbaum model a sharpening spiral of the
description of the problem cycles through option descriptions, value judgments and
instrumental instructions towards a prescribed choice. We further extend this with
Jones and Humphreys model of the Decision Hedgehog [14]. Instead of constructing
Lima L., Novais P., Bulas Cruz J., A Process Model For Group Decision Making With Quality Evaluation, in Distributed Computing,
Artificial Intelligence, Bioinformatics, Soft Computing and Ambient Assisted Living, Omatiu S., et al. (Eds.) LNCS 5518,
Springer-Verlag, ISBN 978-3-642-02480-1, pp. 566-573, (Proceedings of the International Symposium on Distributed Computing
and Artificial Intelligence (DCAI 2009), Salamanca, Spain, 2009), 2009.
A Process Model for Group Decision Making with Quality Evaluation
and prescribing the solution to the decision problem within a procedural context of a
single decision path, we suggest the exploration of potential different pathways to
develop contextual knowledge, enabling collaborative authoring of outcomes.
Figure 6 – In-meeting stage with several iterations
This way, the quality of information is evaluated within each iteration, for every
possible pathway. The knowledge system is scanned for the needed information with
a previously agreed threshold of measured quality [8]. If the quality of information
does not reach the necessary threshold, new information and/or knowledge is acquired
to the knowledge system and the process restarts. Figure 5 illustrates this process for a
single iteration and Figure 6 depicts the situation when the quality threshold is not
reached until the nth iteration, when the decision is made.
Even when time compels the group to make a decision before the quality threshold
is reached, the quality evaluation is useful to assess and record the context in which
the decision was made.
5 Conclusions
As a result of this work, we present a process model for group decision making where
the quality evaluation of information plays a central role. We use an Extended Logic
Programming language for the representation and reasoning with imperfect
information. We also present an architecture of a Group Decision Support System in
the context of VirtualECare project, a system aimed at sustaining online healthcare
The decision process model is a staged one, with several interactions, with the
progress being controlled by the quality evaluation of the available information. If the
quality of information does not reach a previously defined threshold, the system
advises to collect more accurate information before progressing.
In a future development, the system will be able to make recommendations on how
to progress in the decision making, using a Case Based Reasoning (CBR) approach.
The case memory will represent past decision making situations, where we can find
the most adequate types of information and origin.
Lima L., Novais P., Bulas Cruz J., A Process Model For Group Decision Making With Quality Evaluation, in Distributed Computing,
Artificial Intelligence, Bioinformatics, Soft Computing and Ambient Assisted Living, Omatiu S., et al. (Eds.) LNCS 5518,
Springer-Verlag, ISBN 978-3-642-02480-1, pp. 566-573, (Proceedings of the International Symposium on Distributed Computing
and Artificial Intelligence (DCAI 2009), Salamanca, Spain, 2009), 2009.
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