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2011, Cadernos de Pesquisa Interdisciplinar em Ciências Humanas
2 pages
1 file
A partir da obra de Pierre Bourdieu e de Antônio Augusto Cançado Trindade, o presente trabalho tem como objeto os impactos na proteção das vítimas de direitos humanos causados pela disputa entre os atores do sistema regional americano de direitos humanos. Diante do atual processo de “fortalecimento” do Sistema Interamericano de Direitos Humanos, faz-se necessário um olhar crítico das reformas ocorridas desde a segunda metade do século XX. Analisando este âmbito de proteção como um campo em que diferentes agentes disputam o poder enunciativo, compreende-se que os Estados ocupavam uma posição central neste espaço e gradativamente outras instituições e operadores jurídicos passaram a concorrer com o mesmo. Assim, através da revisão bibliográfica, do estudo das normas e, subsidiariamente, da discussão de julgados da Corte Interamericana, procura-se identificar as mudanças ocorridas para definir a trajetória do Sistema Interamericano de Direitos Humanos, as diferentes configurações de força que apresentou no decorrer da história, e como os operadores do direito exercem suas influências neste universo delimitado. Por fim, será avaliado se as constantes reformulações impactaram numa ampliação ou restrição do acesso à justiça e da proteção dos indivíduos que se utilizam destes mecanismos. O trabalho foi desenvolvido no âmbito da pesquisa de mestrado da autora.
Pure mucinous breast carcinoma is a very rare histopathological type of breast cancer. Despite its invasive nature, mucinous carcinoma is most often described as a benign lump. It can be misdiagnosed as a phyllode tumor, which has certain similarities both clinically and radiologically. Surgery is the cornerstone of therapeutic management: lumpectomy or mastectomy depending on the size of the tumor, associated with axillary lymph node dissection or with sentinel lymph node biopsy procedure for early stage tumors. The treatment is often associated with adjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy. We describe an uncommon case of pure mucinous breast carcinoma, which clinical and radiological characteristics, occurred as a benign phyllode tumor presenting a real diagnostic challenge.
Bearing in mind the legislation that sets out the principles of sound financial management, a good understanding of the internal control mechanisms and how they work in practice is necessary. The established level of financial management and control among users of public funds is of unequal quality and has not sufficiently contributed to reducing weaknesses in internal control and raising management responsibility to the optimum level. Modern management concepts require public companies a large range of internal control mechanisms, or "tools" to assist management. Integrated management systems with their modern process approach in business organization and comprehensive and fast processing of information on business changes can significantly contribute to the quality of business control. Research on this issue is based on the fact that the introduction of control standards increases the orderliness and documentation of the system, which significantly contributes to the control of business processes. The aim of this paper is to show that the mutual interdependence of integrated management systems through the overall organization structure with the system of financial management and control, as their final outcome, ensure financial integrity and compliance with policies and procedures and promote effective management processes. Keywords: financial management and control, integrated management systems, risk management, control standards Jel clasiffication: M14, M21,G32, H83
St. Anselm Journal 6.2, 2009
This paper considers three modern objections to Anselm’s argument on atonement in book I of Cur Deus Homo. The objections are from Friedrich Nietzsche, R. C. Moberly, and Hastings Rashdall. Each one makes the case that Anselm’s argument is fallacious. Each interprets Anselm’s position as requiring that someone innocent suffer punishment in order to acquit guilt. I contend that these objectors do not offer a strong case against Anselm’s argument, principally because they have not examined it completely and have misunderstood his reasoning. In brief, Anselm’s case is (a) the Son’s obedience to the Father suffices for atonement, (b) the Son is an advocate for Adam and his heirs and stands in for them because of his blood ties to humanity, and (c) the Son is the advocate for the Father in the latter’s attempt to end human estrangement from justice. Being both an advocate of the Father and an heir to Adam, the Son’s Incarnation itself prepares the way of reconciliation and the life of the upright will resolves estrangement. The fact that the Son suffers pain and death is due not to the Father’s will but to our resistance to the justice of the Son’s upright will. In the paper I provide an outline of Anselm’s original argument and attempt to show through analyzing its various parts how Anselm avoids the objections made against him. The basic assumptions that Anselm has about the motivation for redemption—the role of sin and suffering in humanity—and the resolution through love and justice is not alien to the modern critic.
Influenced by educational, societal and political developments democratic citizenship education in schools has received growing attention since the early 1990s. This has led to formulation of stricter educational policy in many countries, often based on standardized assessment of democratic knowledge, skills and attitudes. But what counts as ‘democratic citizenship’? How should key values like freedom, equality and solidarity be operationalized in educational settings? At which level should this be done and who has the democratic authority to decide on this? Once debate about democratic citizenship moves beyond good intentions and abstract ideas, it becomes a site for political, scholarly and educational contestation. The recent rise of ‘evidence-based’ democratic citizenship education raises questions about democratic citizenship as an educational goal and the role of the educational sciences in educational policy and curriculum making. To better understand and evaluate the current entanglement of educational science and policy making on democratic citizenship education this dissertation provides a historical and comparative perspective. It investigates how democratic citizenship education has been studied scientifically, in interaction with policy and practice, in the United States and the Netherlands over the last hundred years. It presents analyses of theories and practices of democratic education at the experimental schools of Teachers College, New York during the Interbellum; the rise and fall of research traditions in the scientific debate on democracy and education in Pedagogische Studiën since 1920; and the interaction between educational and political discourses in American Civics and Dutch Maatschappijleer textbooks in the second half of the twentieth century.
The journal of happiness and well-being, 2024
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Advances in Materials Science
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