Position paper

We live in an era of great human mobility. Migrations has emerged as one of the key global issues and it is the heart of all government policies these days.

- Spain Honorable chair person, We live in an era of great human mobility. Migrations has emerged as one of the key global issues and it is the heart of all government policies these days. Spain has been known as a country of immigrants, because it has received many immigrants from neighboring countries Portugal, as well as from other countries such as Romania, Italy and Colombia, then followed by the arrival others immigrants from the Middle East, Chile, Cuba and other South American countries. Considering the great challenges we face with migration and its effects, it is important to cooperate worldwide to fight this problem. It must be understood that migration is not happening tomorrow, it started yesterday. This means that our strategy must not only include measures to stop this but achieve a reduction of its effects. If we want to prevent dangerous consequences of migration, the EU must take the initiative and lead the debate on further measures to deal with it. We, the Kingdom of Spain, must admit with great regret, that migration was never high on our political agenda in the last decades. For that lack of interest we have to pay a high price as its results that migration will affect Spain to a great extend.These consequences will include affections of our country´s background, a significant decrease in society. We, in collaboration with UNDP, IOM will ensure that all asylum seekers, immigrants and displaced persons can access all the necessary assistance. We also believes that refugees and displaced persons have the right to maintain their culture and also rebuild their social identities in the new place as a part of themselves. The Kingdom of Spain is all too aware of the urgency to act. At the same time it must be understood that there is no need for a new convention to combat migration, we rather need to improve existing mechanisms. Thank You!