Jika kita berbicara tentang if clause atau Conditional Clause, kita berbicara tentag kalimat pengandaian yang terdiri dari 2 bagian:

IF CLAUSE / CONDITIONAL CLAUSE Jika kita berbicara tentang if clause atau Conditional Clause, kita berbicara tentag kalimat pengandaian yang terdiri dari 2 bagian: Main Clause and If Clause Present Real Menyatakan sesuatu yang mungkin terjadi sekarang (present) atau waktu mendatang (future) jika suatu kondisi tertentu terlaksana/ terpenuhi. If + S + V1 (If Clause) dan S + will/can/may + V1 (Main Clause) Contoh: If she comes, I will go with her (probably she comes) If it rains, the children can play at home. ( probably it rains) Present Unreal Menyatakan sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan keadaan sekarang. Kita menggunakan: If + S + V2 dan S + would/could/might +V1 Contoh: If she came, I would go with her (she doesn’t come, so I will not go with her) If it rained, the children could play at home ( It doesn’t rain, so the children can’t play at home) Pada conditional ke 2 ini kita menggunakan were untuk to be (berlaku untuk semua S) Contoh: If I were you, I would go with him (I’m not you, so I will not go with him -> kita bisa menghilangkan if dan memindahkan were ke depan kalimat. Contoh: If I were a bird, I cuold fly Atau Were I a bird, I could fly (I’m not a bird, so I could not fly) Were I Afgan, I could sing ( Im not Afgan, so I can not sing) Past Unreal Menyatakan sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan keadaan di waktu lampau If + S + Had + V3 dan S + would have/could have/might have + V3 Contoh: If she had studied english, she could have got a good career in her job (She didn’t study english, so she could not a good career in her job) Kita bisa menghilangkan If dan memindahkan had ke depan kalimat Contoh: If she had studied english, she could have got a good career. atau Had she studied english, she could have got a good career ( She didn’t study english, so she couldn’t get a good career.) GERUND Gerund adalah kata kerja (verb) yang ditambahkan bentuk ing dan berfungsi sebagai kata benda (noun) Contoh: swimming, reading, cahtting, etc Gerund sebagai Subject contoh: Swimming makes me healthy. Collecting stamps is fun Swimming and dancing are good for refreshment. * Gerund tersebut diatas berfungsi sebagai subject Gerund sebagai Object Kata kerja (verb) yang biasa diikuti gerund adalah: Enjoy, appreciate, avoid, delay, mind, quit, postpone, keep, consider, like, finish, can’t stand (tidak tahan), suggest, regret, admin. Contoh: She enjoys dancing. Do you mind helping me? They have finished writing. Dari ke 3 kalimat tersebut, dancing, helping, dan writing adalah gerund yang berfungsi sebagai noun (kata benda), sehingga bisa ditambahkan possesive adjctive (my, your, his, her, our, their) Contoh: She enjoys Alis dancing She enjoys his dancing They have finished their writing Gerund sebagai Object of Preposition Preposition adalah kata depan (in, on, at, up, for, after, before, with, without, of, to. Preposition) harus diikuti oleh Gerund. Contoh: Thank you for coming for: preposition; coming: gerund How about going to the cinema about: preposition; going: gerund After studying english, we went home after: preposition; studying: gerund Ada beberapa verb + preposition yang harus diikuti Gerund Approve of (setuju) Afraid of (takut) Interested in (tertarik) Think about (memikirkan) Tired of (lelah) Look forward to (mengharap) Depend on (tergantung) Insist on (mendesak) Give up (menyerah) Worry about (khawatir) Fond of (suka) Object to (keberatan) Get used to (terbiasa) Get accustomed to (terbiasa) INFINITIVE Bentuk kata kerja dasar (verb 1). Infinitive dibagi menjadi 2 bagian, yaitu infinitive with to ( to sleep, to come) dan infinitive without to (sleep, come) Infinitive with to Infinitive with to bisa berfungsi sebagai: Adjective adjective menerangkan Noun Contoh: The motivation to work is important N Adj I know the answer to solve my problem N Adj 2.Noun to infintive disini berfungsi sebagai S atau O Contoh: To swim in the sea alone is dangerous. N (S) to be They want to study english S V N (O) Do you like to read in the library. S V N (O) 3.Subjective Complement (SC) Complement berarti pelengkap. Disini to infinitive bwefungsi sebagai subjective complement (pelengkap Subject) yang biasanya muncul setelah linking verb to be (is, am, are, was, were) Contoh: One way we ca do now is to talk to our boss. S to be SC My intention of coming here is to meet you. S to be SC Adverb Disini infinitive to berfungsi sebagai adverb yang menerangkan verb atau adjective. Contoh: She is too young to get merried Adj Adv This exercise is needed to sharpen our knowledge V adv I am glad to see you Adj Adv Adjective yang diikuti oleh infinitive to sebagai adverb Glad, happy, eager, useful, wonderful, pleased, easy, useless, comfortable, ashamed, lucky, boring, interesting, anxious, possible, imposible, dissapointed, surprised, difficult Contoh: I am happy to meet you It is easy to say that Infinitive without to Setelah modal auxiliary; can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, ought to, must Contoh: Ikara must sleep before 10 o’clock Bus Dewanto should make a presentation tomorrow. 2. Setelah verb of perception (kata kerja yang berhubungan dengan panca indera) : see, hear, feel, smell, make, help, have, observe, let, listen to Contoh: They saw him cry Please let me go Review (gerund & Infinitive) Ada beberapa kata kerja yang bisa diikuti oleh gerund atau infinitive, tapi mempunyai arti yang berbeda. Stop Stop +Ving berarti berhenti melakukan kegiatan. contoh: They stop reading. Zulfiar has stopped working. 2. Stop + to +V1 berarti berhenti kegiatan lain untuk melakukan kegiatan berikut. Contoh: After driving for 3 hours, I stop to take a rest. We stop to go home at 5 p.m Forget and Remember Jika menunjuk future, forget, dan remember diikuti to + V1 Contoh: They remember to buy sugar tomorrow. 2. Jika menunjukkan past tense, forget dan remember diikuti Ving Contoh: They forgot inviting us to their party last week. Need Need diikuti to + V1 jika subject nya adalah manusia Contoh: You need to wash your car now. 2. Need diikuti Ving atau to + be + V3 jika subjectnya adalah benda. (untuk passive) Contoh: - The car needs washing - The car needs to be washed