Exacerbations in COPD Patients with Bronchiectasis
Jordan Minov 1, *, Saso Stoleski 1 , Dragan Mijakoski 1 , Kristin Vasilevska 2 and
Aneta Atanasovska 1
Institute for Occupational Health of R. Macedonia—WHO Collaborating Center, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia; (S.S.); (D.M.); (A.A.)
Institute for Epidemiology and Biostatistics, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia;
Correspondence:; Tel.: +389-2-3110-491; Fax: +389-2-2621-428
Academic Editor: Eva Polverino
Received: 7 February 2017; Accepted: 8 April 2017; Published: 11 April 2017
Abstract: There is evidence that coexisting bronchiectasis (BE) in patients with chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD) aggravates the course of the disease. In this study, we aimed to evaluate
the frequency and severity of bacterial exacerbations in COPD patients with BE. The frequency
and duration of bacterial exacerbations treated in a 12-month period, as well as the duration of
the exacerbation-free interval, were evaluated in 54 patients with COPD (Group D) who were
diagnosed and assessed according to official recommendations. In 27 patients, BE was diagnosed by
high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT), whereas an equal number of COPD patients who
were confirmed negative for BE by HRCT, served as controls. We found a significantly higher mean
number of exacerbations in a 12-month period in COPD patients with BE (2.9 ± 0.5), as compared
to their mean number in controls (2.5 ± 0.3) (p = 0.0008). The mean duration of exacerbation, i.e.,
the mean number of days elapsed before complete resolution of the symptoms or their return to
the baseline severity, was significantly longer in COPD patients with BE as compared to their mean
duration in controls (6.9 ± 1.8 vs. 5.7 ± 1.4; p = 0.0085). In addition, the mean exacerbation-free
interval expressed in days, in patients with COPD with BE, was significantly shorter than in COPD
patients in whom BE were excluded (56.4 ± 17.1 vs. 67.2 ± 14.3; p = 0.0149). Overall, our findings
indicate that coexisting BE in COPD patients may lead to more frequent exacerbations with a
longer duration.
Keywords: Bronchiectasis; COPD; exacerbation; HRCT
1. Introduction
Bronchiectasis (BE) is characterized by irreversible widening of the medium-sized airways, along
with inflammation, chronic bacterial infection, and destruction of the bronchial walls. BE represents a
final common pathway for a large number of disorders, such as development of BE following severe
pneumonia, infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, or with non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM),
and allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA). BE may be associated with connective tissue
diseases (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), or with inhaled foreign bodies,
lung tumors, and other obstructive lesions. In addition, there are a number of congenital or inherited
causes of BE, most of which are rare. A large percentage of all BE cases (20%–60%) have unknown
causes, and are considered to be idiopathic [1].
With the widespread availability of high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT), many patients
with BE have been detected. It has been estimated that at the beginning of this century, there have
been at least 110,000 adults in the USA with BE [2]. However, the current incidence and prevalence of
BE is still not clear, and existing evidence indicates a huge variability in BE prevalence, depending
on the geographic area considered. In countries as Korea, which has a high tuberculosis incidence
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rate, the prevalence of BE in the general population is high, i.e., in a study on 1409 Korean adults,
Kwak et al. [3] diagnosed BE in 9.1% of the study subjects based on findings from chest computed
tomography (CT) scans. In addition, Weycker et al. [2] estimated the prevalence of BE to be 52.3 cases
per 100,000 adults in the US from a study with a retrospective cohort design which included more than
56 million patients from multiple US health plans. More recently, Quint et al. [4,5] reported an increase
in point prevalence of BE in the UK in women, from 350.5 cases per 100,000 in 2004 to 566.1 per 100,000
in 2013, and in men from 301.2 cases per 100,000 in 2004 to 485.5 per 100,000 in 2013.
Similar to the clear overlap between chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma,
termed the asthma-COPD overlap syndrome (ACOS), there is also a clear overlap between BE and
COPD [5,6]. According to some findings, up to 50% of patients with moderate to severe COPD had
coexisting BE [7,8]. Furthermore, in a population-based study performed in the UK, Quint et al. found
that 42.5% of patients with BE had a coexisting diagnosis of asthma, and 36.1% had a coexisting
diagnosis of COPD [4,5].
COPD and BE share many pathophysiological and clinical characteristics. In addition, findings
of BE from HRCT scans in patients with COPD indicates the presence of more advanced airway
dysfunction, bacterial colonization and frequent exacerbation [9,10]. In the 2014 Global Initiative
for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) guidelines, BE was for the first time defined as a
comorbidity of COPD, and this change was retained in the 2015 update [11,12].
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the frequency and duration of bacterial exacerbations,
as well as the duration of the exacerbation-free interval in COPD patients with coexisting BE.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Design and Setting
The study was designed as a comparison of frequency and duration of bacterial exacerbations, as
well as comparing the duration of exacerbation-free intervals between a group of COPD patients with
BE and a group of COPD patients who were confirmed negative for BE. The study was performed
from December 2015 to December 2016 by the Institute for Occupational Health, R. Macedonia, Skopje
(a referral institution with five pulmologists working with outpatients, approximately 6000 respiratory
patients per year).
2.2. Study Subjects
The study population included 27 patients with COPD group D (15 males and 12 females, aged 43
to 61 years) with BE diagnosed by HRCT, and an equal number of Group D COPD patients with similar
demographic characteristics (16 males and 11 females, aged 44 to 62 years), who were confirmed
negative for BE through HRCT. We opted to investigate COPD patients from Group D as the existing
evidence indicates that a greater severity of functional impairment in COPD patients is accompanied
by a higher prevalence of BE [5,7,10].
Patients with a history of asthma, lung cancer, or other significant respiratory disease, as well as
those unable to complete diary cards, were excluded from the study. All study subjects were recruited
in the stable phase of the disease, i.e., without any evidence of exacerbation for at least three weeks.
Daily stable respiratory symptoms (baseline symptoms), medication use, and history of
exacerbations, were noted in all subjects before they commenced the study. All study subjects
underwent baseline and post-bronchodilator spirometry, according to the official recommendations of
the European Respiratory Society (ERS) and the American Thoracic Society (ATS) [12,13]. In addition,
in all study subjects a microbiological evaluation of sputum was performed, according to official
recommendations [14].
The Body Mass Index (BMI), a measure of body fat based on adult height and weight, was
determined in all study subjects by computed calculation using a BMI calculator [15].
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Classification of smoking status was conducted according to World Health Organization (WHO)
recommendations [16]. Passive smoking or exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) was
defined as an exposure to tobacco combustion products from smoking by others (at home, workplace,
etc.), i.e., a presence of at least one smoker in the household and/or in the workplace [17,18].
2.3. Ethics Statement
All study subjects were informed about the study and their written consent was obtained.
The Ethical Committee of the Institute of Occupational Health of R. Macedonia, Skopje—WHO
Collaborating Center and GA2LEN Collaborating Center gave signed approval for performing the
study and publishing the results obtained (03-714/31.08.2015).
2.4. Diagnosis and Assessment of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
According to the official GOLD recommendations, COPD was considered by identifying
a post-bronchodilator ratio between forced expiratory volume in one second, and a forced vital
capacity (FEV1 /FVC ratio) less than 0.70, in symptomatic subjects (with dyspnea, chronic cough,
or sputum production) with a history of exposure to risk factors for the diseases (noxious particles
and gases).
Subjects with diagnosed COPD were classified according to the combined COPD assessment
which included the assessment of symptoms, degree of airflow limitation, and risk of exacerbations.
COPD patients classified as a Group D were characterized by frequent symptoms (overall score of the
COPD Assessment Test (CAT) equal or higher than 10), severe or very severe airflow limitation (FEV1
value ranging from 30% to 50% of its predicted value, or less than 30% of its predicted value) and
high risk of exacerbation (two or more exacerbations per year, or one or more exacerbations requiring
hospitalization per year).
During the study period, all study subjects were given regular treatment for stable disease status
in accordance with official GOLD recommendations [11,12].
2.5. Diagnosis of Bronchiectasis
Diagnosis of BE was based on the findings of HRCT as it is currently considered to be the best
tool for diagnosis of BE. All study subjects underwent the same HRCT scan procedure. In addition,
all scans were interpreted independently by both a radiologist and a member of the study team.
According to the actual recommendations, the main diagnostic features for BE were a bronchus
internal diameter that was wider than its adjacent blood vessel, a failure of the bronchi to taper, and
visualization of the bronchi in the outer 1–2 cm of the lung fields [7,19–21]. BE was scored in each
lobe by consensus, using the grading system proposed by Smith et al. [22] as follows: 0 if no BE
was present; 1 if less than 25% of the bronchi were bronchiectatic; 2 if 25%–49% of the bronchi were
bronchiectatic; 3 if 50%–74% of the bronchi were bronchiectatic; and 4 if 75% or more of the bronchi
were bronchiectatic. As previous studies showed that more than 50% of healthy volunteers may
have at least one dilated bronchus on HRCT [23], only patients with a total BE score of 2 or more
were considered to have changes consistent with clinically significant disease, for the purposes of the
study objectives.
2.6. Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Exacerbation
According to the actual GOLD recommendations, COPD exacerbations were considered as acute
events characterized by a worsening of the patient’s respiratory symptoms that was beyond normal
day-to-day variations, and led to a change in medication. As the most common causes of exacerbations
are viral and bacterial respiratory infections, and because there is currently no biomarker allowing
precise etiologic diagnosis, the diagnosis of exacerbation was defined by the patient’s symptoms, using
the criteria described by Anthonisen et al. [24]. Probable bacterial aetiology was established when the
exacerbation was Anthonisen Type I (presence of three cardinal symptoms: increased dyspnea, sputum
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volume, and purulence), or Type II (presence of two cardinal symptoms), if increased purulence of
sputum was one of the two symptoms.
The treatment of exacerbations with antibiotics was commenced empirically, following the official
GOLD recommendations. In cases with a positive result from microbiological evaluation of sputum,
the treatment was continued following the identification of bacterial sensitivity to certain antibiotics.
Oral corticosteroids were given as needed (a dose of 40 mg oral prednisone per day for five days).
The course of exacerbation was evaluated as a function of resolution of symptoms, and the treatment
was considered to be successful if cure or clinical improvement was achieved. ‘Cure’ was defined as
complete resolution of the cardinal symptoms, whereas ‘clinical improvement’ was defined as a return
of symptoms to their baseline severity [11,12,24].
2.7. Data Collection (Daily Diary Card)
Similar to the study on BE and exacerbation indices carried out by Patel et al. [7], all study
subjects maintained daily diary cards where they noted any appearance of increase in the intensity
of major symptoms (dyspnea, sputum amount, and sputum purulence) or minor symptoms (nasal
discharge/congestion, sore throat, wheezing, cough, etc.) over their chronic (stable) symptoms.
A member of the study team met with study subjects within 48 hours of the detection of deterioration
in symptoms, and diagnosis was confirmed for each case. Exacerbation and its resolution were defined
as mentioned above. Exacerbation number, their duration, and the duration of exacerbation-free
intervals (i.e., a period of time between two exacerbations) were calculated for each of the study
subjects, based on data from diary cards for a 12-month period of follow-up.
2.8. Statistical Analysis
Statistical analysis was performed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS)
version 11.0 for Windows (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Continuous variables were expressed as mean
values with standard deviation (SD), and the nominal variables as numbers and percentages. Analyses
of the data included testing the differences in prevalence and comparison of the means by chi-square
testing (or Fisher’s exact test where appropriate), and the t-test for independent-samples. A p-value
less than 0.05 was considered to be statistically significant.
3. Results
In 64 outpatients referred from primary care to the Institute for Occupational Health of R.
Macedonia, Skopje, in the period September–November 2015, the diagnosis of COPD was established
and they were classified as Group D according to the combined disease assessment. Fifty-four of these
newly diagnosed COPD patients were enrolled in the study. Four patients refused to participate in
the study, three did not complete the daily diary card adequately, in two patients an exacerbation
occurred at the start of the study period, and in one patient there was no consensus in the interpretation
of HRCT.
Demographic characteristics of the study subjects are shown on Table 1.
Over the study period, 151 exacerbations were documented, 84 (55.6%) from COPD patients with
BE, and 67 (44.4%) from COPD patients without BE. A total of 123 out of 151 exacerbations (81.4%) met
criteria of bacterial exacerbations being treated with oral antibiotics, 67 (54.5%) from COPD patients
with BE (79.7% of all exacerbations in these patients) and 56 (45.5%) from COPD patients without
BE (83.5% of all exacerbations in these patients). In addition, 36 bacterial exacerbations (23.8%) from
COPD patients with BE were treated with oral prednisolone, 22 (26.1%) from COPD patients with BE,
and 14 (20.9%) from COPD patients without BE. Exacerbation from 14 COPD patients (9.3%) required
hospital treatment, eight (9.5%) from the COPD patients with BE, and six (8.9%) from COPD patients
without BE.
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Table 1. Demographics of the study subjects.
COPD patients with BE
(n = 27)
COPD Patients without
BE (n = 27)
M/F ratio
M (%)
Mean age (years)
Mean BMI (kg/m2 )
Mean duration of COPD (years)
15 (55.5%)
53.3 ± 4.1
26.1 ± 2.8
9.2 ± 3.1
16 (59.2%)
52.5 ± 4.8
25.7 ± 2.1
8.9 ± 3.4
70.6 ± 5.4
46.3 ± 3.9
0.65 ± 0.01
11 (40.7%)
9 (33.3%)
2 (7.4%)
1 (3.7%)
4 (14.8%)
18 (66.7%)
3 (11.1%)
24 (88.9%)
20 (74.1%)
4 (14.8%)
15 (55.5%)
12 (45.5%)
25 (92.6%)
19 (70.4%)
5 (18.5%)
9 (33.3%)
15 (55.5%)
3 (11.1%)
12 (44.4%)
8 (29.6%)
14 (51.8%)
5 (18.5%)
10 (37.1%)
8 (29.6%)
5 (18.5%)
5 (18.5%)
3 (11.1%)
7 (25.9%)
6 (22.2%)
4 (14.8%)
3 (11.1%)
p-Value *
Mean values of spirometric parameters (% predicted)
FEV1 /FVC ratio
68.3 ± 7.8
44.1 ± 4.2
0.64 ± 0.02
Microbiological evaluation of sputum in stable patients
Negative result
Haemophylus influenzae
Moraxella catarrhalis
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Treatment of stable COPD
LA β2 -agonist + ICS
LA anticholinergic
Oral theophyline
Bronchiectasis type
Smoking status
Active smokers
Never smokers
Exposed to ETS
Arterial hypertension
Musculoskeletal disorders
Ischemic heart disease
Diabetes mellitus type 2
Numerical data are expressed as mean value with standard deviation; frequencies as number and percentage of
study subjects with certain variable. * Tested by Chi-square test (or Fisher’s exact test where appropriate) and
Independent-samples t-test. BE: bronchiectasis; COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; M: male; F: female;
BMI: body mass index; kg: kilogram; m: meter; % pred.: % of the predicted value; FVC: forced vital capacity;
FEV1 : forced expiratory volume in one second; LA: long-acting; ICS: inhaled corticosteroid; ETS: environmental
tobacco smoke.
A mean number of exacerbations over the study period were significantly higher in COPD patients
with BE (2.9 ± 0.5; ranging from two to four) as compared to their number in COPD patients without
BE (2.5 ± 0.3; ranging from two to three) (p = 0.0008) (Figure 1).
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COPD patients with bronchiectasis
COPD patients with bronchiectasis
COPD patients without bronchiectasis
COPD patients without bronchiectasis
Study groups
Figure 1. Mean number of exacerbations in the study groups.
The mean duration of exacerbations (expressed in days needed for cure or clinical improvement,
i.e., complete resolution of symptoms or return of symptoms to their baseline severity) in the COPD
patients with BE (6.9 ± 1.8 days; ranging from 5–10 days) was significantly longer than the mean
duration of exacerbations in the COPD patients without BE (5.7 ± 1.4 days; ranging from 4–8 days,
p = 0.0085) (Figure 2).
COPD patients with bronchiectasis
COPD patients with bronchiectasis
COPD patients without bronchiectasis
COPD patients without bronchiectasis
Study groups
Figure 2. Mean duration of exacerbations in the study groups.
The mean duration of exacerbation-free
interval (expressed in days) in the COPD patients with
BE (56.4 ± 17.1; ranging from 37–82 days) was significantly shorter than the COPD patients without
BE over the same time period (67.2 ± 14.3; ranging from 49–88 days, p = 0.0149) (Figure 3).
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Mean duration of exacerbation-free interval
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COPD patients with bronchiectasis
COPD patients without bronchiectasis
Study groups
Figure 3. Mean duration of exacerbation-free
interval in the study groups.
4. Discussion
As mentioned earlier, there is a clear association between BE and COPD, termed the BE-COPD
overlap syndrome (BCOS) [5,25]. In addition, the results of several studies indicate that BE is more
frequent in COPD patients with more severe airflow limitation [26]. However, some studies with a
large number of COPD patients, such as the Evaluation of COPD Longitudinally to Identify Predictive
Surrogate Endpoints (ECLIPSE) cohort (more than 2000 study subjects), reported a frequency of BE
of 5% among study subjects with severe COPD and a frequency of 7% among study subjects with
very severe COPD, although the fact that patients with other pulmonary conditions were excluded
may have affected the results [27]. Patients with COPD are prone to exacerbations, which account for
significant morbidity and mortality, as well as significant worsening of quality of life. Lower airway
bacterial colonization is a common clinical finding in COPD, and is increasingly being recognized
as an independent stimulus for airway inflammation. Patients with COPD and coexisting BE have
greater bronchial inflammation and greater chronic colonization of bronchial mucosa by a potentially
pathogenic microorganism, this can lead to more frequent exacerbations with longer duration [28,29].
In addition, there is evidence for significant increase of the incidence of hospital admissions for patients
with BE as a secondary diagnosis (the most frequent primary diagnosis was COPD) in a 10-year period
‐ of BE as the primary diagnosis [30].
(2004–2013), as opposed to cases
In the present study, we compared the frequency and duration of exacerbations and
exacerbation-free intervals between a Group D COPD patients with BE as confirmed by HRCT,
and Group D‐ COPD patients who were confirmed negative for BE. Both study groups had similar
demographic characteristics. Similar to results from previous studies on COPD patients in both study
groups, we found a high prevalence of active smokers, a low proportion of ex-smokers, and a high
proportion of subjects exposed to ETS [31,32].
As mentioned earlier, exacerbations are important events in the course of COPD because they
have a negative impact on all aspects of the disease. The most common cause of COPD exacerbations
is believed to be bacterial respiratory infection. In addition, some patients with COPD are particularly
prone to exacerbations, and they are defined as ‘frequent exacerbators’ [33]. One of the reasons for
more frequent exacerbations in COPD patients may
be due to the coexisting
BE in these patients.
We registered a higher frequency of exacerbation, as well as a higher frequency of exacerbations which
met criteria for bacterial exacerbation, in the COPD patients with BE than in the COPD patients without
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BE. Our findings indicated a significantly higher mean number of exacerbations, and a significantly
higher mean duration, as well as a significantly shorter exacerbation-free interval in COPD patients
with BE than in COPD patients without BE. Results from a meta-analysis of fourteen observational
studies comparing COPD characteristics in patients with or without coexisting BE, indicated a two-fold
higher risk of exacerbations in COPD patients with comorbid BE, than in COPD patients without
BE [34]. Conversely, results by Martinez-Garcia et al. indicated that factors independently associated
with the presence of BE in patients with moderate to severe COPD were severe airflow obstruction,
isolation of potentially pathogenic microorganisms from sputum, and at least one hospital admission
for exacerbation in the previous year, i.e., that the number of exacerbations and bacterial colonization
in the airways were not related to BE [35].
The reasons why the presence of BE in COPD can be related to more frequent and longer durations
of exacerbations are speculative. The presence of bacteria in the lower airways in COPD patients
impairs host defense mechanisms, which results in epithelial cell integrity disruption and inflammation,
impaired mucociliary clearance, further airway structural damage, which could be the mechanism
for more frequent, and more severe COPD exacerbations [36]. In addition, incomplete resolution of
bacterial infection or bacterial colonization is considered as a risk for relapse; appropriate antibiotic
treatment of bacterial infection in COPD exacerbation should be important for the prevention of
relapses and the delay of subsequent exacerbations [37,38].
The present study must be interpreted within the context of its limitations. First, the relatively
small number of the subjects in the study groups could have certain implications on the data obtained
and its interpretation. Second, the study groups included only Group D COPD patients, which could
also have certain implications on data obtained and its interpretation. Third, a 12-month period is a
relatively short follow-up period, and this may also have impacted the study results. The strength
of the study is in its detailed approach to identifying the characteristics of exacerbations (frequency
and duration of exacerbation and duration of exacerbation-free interval) in COPD patients with and
without BE.
5. Conclusions
In conclusion, in a study aimed at comparing the frequency and duration of bacterial exacerbation,
as well as the duration of the exacerbation-free interval, between Group D COPD patients with BE
and Group D COPD patients who were confirmed negative for BE, we found non-significantly higher
mean numbers, significantly higher mean durations, and significantly shorter mean exacerbation-free
intervals in COPD patients with BE. Our findings support the theory that early identification of
patients with COPD and BE would be an important advance, as it will provide opportunities to start
an appropriate treatment.
Author Contributions: Jordan Minov participated in the study design, writing the protocol, data collection,
managing the analyses of the study, and writing all versions of the manuscript. Saso Stoleski, Dragan Mijakoski
and Aneta Atanasovska participated in the data collection and in the managing of the analyses of the study.
Kristin Vasilevska participated in statistical analysis and its interpretation. All authors read and approved the
final manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest: All authors hereby have declared that no competing interests exist.
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