A Catallactic Market for Data Mining Services
L. Joitaa , Omer F. Ranaa , Felix Freitagb , Isaac Chaob , Pablo Chacinb , Leandro Navarrob and Oscar
School of Computer Science, Cardiff University, UK
Computer Architecture Department, Technical University of Catalonia Jordi Girona 1-3, Campus
Nord D6 Barcelona, Spain
Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Public University of Navarra, Campus de Arrosadia,
Pamplona, Spain
We describe a Grid market for exchanging data mining services based on the Catallactic market mechanism
proposed by von Hayek. This market mechanism allows selection between multiple instances of services based
on operations required in a data mining task (such as data migration, data pre-processing and subsequently
data analysis). Catallaxy is a decentralized approach, based on a “free market” mechanism, and particularly
useful when the number of market participants is large, or conditions within the market change often. It is
therefore particularly suitable in Grid and Peer-2-Peer systems. The approach assumes that the service provider
and user are not co-located, and require multiple message exchanges to carry out a data mining task. A market
of J48-based decision tree algorithm instances, each implemented as a Web Service, is used to demonstrate our
approach. We have validated the feasibility of building catallactic data mining grid applications, and implemented
a proof-of-concept application (Cat-COVITE) mapped to a Catallactic Grid Middleware.
centralized broker.
The Catallaxy approach is a coordination mechanism for systems consisting of
autonomous decentralized service users and
providers (agents), and based on negotiation and
price signalling between such agents [4]. Catallaxy makes use of a “free market” approach, allowing prices for services to be altered based on
demand. The use of Catallaxy therefore leads
to the development of self-organizing individuals
(agents) that are highly dynamic, thereby leading
to systems which behave in a Peer-2-Peer fashion.
Such an approach is particularly suited to “Open
Systems”, where detailed knowledge about particular agents may not be known apriori.
We propose the use of such a Catallactic market
for exchanging data mining services, previously
described in [16]. These services constitute algorithms that are part of the WEKA toolkit [14],
and which we have converted to Web Services.
Approximately 75 different algorithms (primarily classifiers, clustering algorithms and association rules) are provided. Additional capability to
1. Introduction
In a service rich environment where multiple
instances of a given service are available, identifying how a selection can be made has been a
topic of significant research – especially in Grid
computing [15]. Generally, such a discovery is
supported by the availability of specialist registry
services, which allow metadata about a particular service to be recorded. As an alternative,
economic models allow the selection of Web/Grid
Services based on a market mechanism (such as
auctions), and become useful as a greater number of such services become available [3]. Most
existing approaches generally rely on a centralized broker that coordinates resource access in a
market [18]. We propose an approach based on
the Catallaxy mechanism of von Hayek [6], which
is decentralized and therefore does not require a
∗ This
work has been supported in part by the European
Union under Contract CATNETS EU IST-FP6-003769,
and the Spanish Government under Contract TIC200204258-C03-01
support attribute search and selection within a
numeric data set is also provided, with 20 different approaches to achieve this (such as the use
of a genetic search operator). We describe how
a market for data mining service may be established, by the use of a Catallactic middleware that
can interact with computational resources hosting
these services. Existing Grid users can therefore
utilize our approach without significant modifications to their existing applications, through the
use of a market access point – described further
in section 4. As a key contribution in this work,
we map the market concept to operations supported in data mining, and demonstrate the feasibility of building a Catallactic data mining market. Subsequently, a proof-of-concept application
(Cat-COVITE), mapped to a Catallactic Grid
Middleware, is used to demonstrate our ideas.
2. Data Mining Grid Markets
We consider a Grid environment to consist of
a “resource” and a “service” market. In a resource market, providers sell processor capacity,
storage, or bandwidth. Such a market involves
physical resources which can host one/more services. Conversely, in a service market providers
sell application services. A collection of such services composed together may constitute an application. A given service may be hosted on different resources, and each service instance would
have a different price (for instance, a service executed on a single processor machine may cost less
than one hosted on a parallel machine). If a large
number of service sellers and buyers exist, market
mechanisms may be used to chose between them.
Moreover, service providers can buy resources at
the Grid resource market to provide services in
the Grid service market. Both markets are therefore dependant on each other, but can operate autonomously applying Catallactic mechanisms as
has been shown by simulations in [2].
The basic problem addressed by the data mining process is one of mapping low-level data
(which are typically too voluminous to understand) into other forms that might be more compact (for example, a short report), more abstract (for example, a descriptive approximation
or model of the process that generated the data),
or more useful (for example, a predictive model
for estimating the value of future cases). At the
core of the process is the application of specific
data-mining methods for pattern discovery and
extraction. This process is often structured into
a discovery pipeline/workflow, involving access,
integration and analysis of data from disparate
sources, and to use data patterns and models generated through intermediate stages. A particular
use of Grid computing in this context would be to
combine services that implement specific phases
in the discovery pipeline, which includes:
• Selection of a data set. The data set may
be in a variety of different formats (such as
Comma Separated Values, Attribute Relation File Format, etc), and often converters
may be necessary. Let Tc (ds) represent the
time to achieve this conversion and any preprocessing required on the data – such as
support for selection of attributes that are
part of the data set. This time is a function
of the size of the data set (represented by
variable ds). This task may be undertaken
at the client or at the service provider.
• Selection of a data mining algorithm. This
selection depends on the nature of the data
and knowledge to be extracted from the
data set. The selection process could be
automated through the use of pre-defined
rules, or based on the past experience of
a user. This stage may be skipped if the
user already knows which algorithm is required. Making this choice is often a difficult decision to make, and generally little
support is provided in existing tools – a user
is often presented with available algorithms,
and has to make a choice manually. Let
Tas (n) represent the time to find a suitable
algorithm from n possible algorithms.
• The third stage involves the selection of the
resources on which the data mining algorithm needs to be executed. The choice may
be automated by the underlying resource
management system, if multiple instances
of the same algorithm can be found, or the
user needs to manually request access to a
particular algorithm on a specific resource.
Let Trs (m) represent the time to find a suitable resource from m possible resources or
resource bundles.
• The data mining algorithm is now executed
- by checking security constraints on the remote resource, and often the data set may
need to be migrated to the remote resource.
Let Tmd
(ds) represent the time for data migration, Tc represent the time to configure
the service instance on a particular resource
(such as checking of security credentials),
and Te represent the time to execute the
• The generated model from the data mining algorithm is now presented textually or
graphically to the user. The model may now
be verified through the use of a test set. Let
Tpp (ds) represent the time to achieve this
post processing on the data, and Tmd
the time to migrate the data back to the
Hence, the total time required to undertake a particular data mining task is:
τ = Tc (ds) + Tas (n) + Trs (m) + Tmd
(ds) (1)
+Tc + Te + Tpp (ds) + Tmd (ds)
assuming Tc (ds) ≈ Tpp (ds), Tmd
(ds) ≈
Tmd (ds) = Tmd (ds), and Tc ≪ Te , then (Tc +
Te ) ≈ Te – hence we can simplify τ to:
τ = 2(Tc (ds)+Tmd (ds))+Tas (n)+Trs (m)+Te (2)
The use of the Catallactic market is primarily intended to associate a cost with Tc (ds), Tmd (ds)
and Te . A service provider that has a high bandwidth is able to provide a fast pre- and post- processing service. Similarly, having a low execution
time for the analysis algorithm would have the
highest cost in the market. The times Tas (n)
and Trs (m) are associated with the service and
resource markets respectively. The Catallactic
middleware is intended to mimic the behaviour
of a Catallactic market, and needs to be efficient
enough to be able to reduce these times compared
to other market mechanisms.
We have assumed that pre- and post-processing
of data is undertaken by the client or service
provider, although it is also possible for such
processing to be undertaken by a different service. Assuming that there are k services in a
pipeline, with each stage being undertaken by different service and resource providers (representing data pre-processing and transformation, analysis, post-processing and visualization) we can
represent, as an upper bound, a time of (k × τ ) to
represent the total time for the data mining task.
It would now be necessary to engage the Catallactic middleware k times to find suitable service
instances in the market.
3. Cat-COVITE Prototype
To demonstrate our ideas, an existing application called the Catallaxy COllaborative VIrtual
TEams (Cat-COVITE) [9] has been extended.
Cat-COVITE is based on a Service-Oriented architecture, and consists of three main elements:
(i) one or more user services; (ii) a “Master Grid
Service” (MGS) – responsible for interacting with
a Catallactic middleware to find an end point
reference for a service instance, and (iii) one or
more service instances that are being hosted on
a particular resource. Cat-COVITE currently
supports searching through distributed product
catalogues (each being a database wrapped as
a Web Service), achieved by launching multiple
concurrent searches. This database search has
been extended with data analysis services which
may operate on data sent by a client service, or
data already available where the analysis service
is hosted.
Previous work has involved translating data
mining algorithms supported in the WEKA
toolkit into Web Services – a number of classification and clustering algorithms have been converted [16]. The Catallaxy COllaborative VIrtual
TEams (Cat-COVITE) prototype makes use of
classifier services that implement a J48 decision
tree classifier, based on the C4.5 algorithm [5].
The J48 service has two options: classify, and
classify graph. The classify option is used to apply the J48 algorithm to a data set specified by
the user. The data set must be in the ARFF format, which essentially involves a description of a
list of data instances sharing a set of attributes.
The result of invoking the classify operation is a
textual output specifying the classification decision tree. The classify graph option is similar to
the classify option, but the result is a graphical
representation of the decision tree created by the
J48 service. We therefore have a market of J48
services, each being hosted on different resources.
3.1. Use of WS-Agreement
Web Service Agreement (WS-Agreement) by
the Grid Resource Allocation and Agreement
Protocol Working Group (GRAAP WG) provides
a protocol for specifying an agreement between a
resource/service provider and a consumer [12]. It
is generally aimed to be a one-shot interaction,
and does not support negotiation. However, it
can form a useful basis for describing an agreement once negotiation has been conducted using
other approaches (negotiation support is also currently being investigated as an extension).
WS-Agreement is used in Cat-COVITE, and
forms the basis for choosing between multiple service and resource providers. The service provider
acts as the agreement provider, while the service
consumer as the agreement initiator. When using WS-Agreement in our prototype, several parts
need to be specified [12]: agreement name, the
agreement context – parties to the agreement, reference to the service(s) provided in support of
the agreement, and the lifetime of the agreement.
Agreement terms, which describe the agreement
itself, can contain: the service description terms,
which provide information needed to instantiate
or otherwise identify a service to which this agreement pertains. Finally, guarantee terms which
specify the service levels that the parties are
agreeing to. An example of an Agreement and
Offer template used by Cat-COVITE is provided
in the appendix.
4. Catallactic Grid Middleware
The implementation of Catallaxy in real world
Grids requires the design of Catallactic middleware which offers a set of generic negotiation
mechanisms, allowing specialized strategies and
policies to be dynamically added as plugins. It
is intended that the middleware offers a set of
high level abstractions and mechanisms to locate and manage resources, locate other trading
agents, engage agents in negotiations, and adapt
to changing conditions. A detailed description
of middleware design process, including requirements analysis, layered architecture and implementation details can be found in [17].
At the middleware layer, a set of agents provide
the capabilities to negotiate for services and the
resources needed to execute them. We differentiate between a “Complex” service and a “Basic”
service – to determine how the resulting market
should be structured. A Complex service is essentially composed of other services, and may not be
available on a computational resource. A user
application is an example of a Complex service
– which may involve services directly owned by
the user, and those that may be acquired from
elsewhere. A Basic service may be hosted on a
particular resource, and is made available on the
Catallactic market. A Basic service is therefore
the key element that is traded on the Catallactic
market – although a Basic service can have various instances when hosted on different resources.
A Complex Service agent acting on behalf of the
application initiates the negotiation. Basic Service and Resource agents manage the negotiation
for services and resources, respectively
4.1. Data Mining Cat-COVITE Services
and Catallactic Grid Markets
Figure 1 shows the prototype components and
related Catallactic agents as buyers and seller in
the Grid service market and Grid resource market. The prototype is composed of three main
components, the MasterGridService (MGS) – as
a type of Complex Service, the Data Mining Services – as types of Basic Services, and job execution resources - as computational resources. The
MGS Complex Service is the buyer entity in the
Figure 1. Logical Components in the Cat-COVITE market for Data Mining services
service market, and the Basic Service is the seller
entity in the service market. A MGS forms the
key element in the Cat-COVITE prototype, and
undertakes the following activities:
• Translates a request to a Basic Service – in
this instance such a service is a data mining
• Starts multiple sessions with a number of
agents that are responsible for finding Basic Services. Each session involves a negotiation to find a suitable Basic Service.
• Passes an end point reference of the Basic
Service to the client for invocation.
The Basic Service involves data mining job execution and consists of a data mining Job Execution Environment, which offers the deployment
of multiple “slaves” able to execute the data mining task. Within the Cat-COVITE prototype, the
data mining Basic Service needs to be able to provide a response time as an important characteristic – this is equivalent to a sum of parameters
Tc (ds) + Tmd (ds) + Te from equation 1 in Section 2. With this goal the data mining Basic Service buys resources in the resource market. Resource seller entities are able to provide a set of resources via the Local Resource Manager (LRM).
The Resource Agents act on behalf of these Local Resource Managers (LRMs), and provide an
interface to the physical resources they manage.
The data mining Basic Service is the buyer entity in the resource market, and the Resource Local Managers are the seller entity on the resource
market. The main functionalities of Basic Service
agent at the resource market are: (i) co-allocation
of resources (resource bundles) by parallel negotiation with different resource providers (local resource manager entities); (ii) informing the Complex Service about the outcome of resource negotiation.
The Cat-COVITE data mining scenario involves an MGS which needs to run a data mining job. The MGS sends an AgreementOffer
(AO), based on the AgreementTemplate (AT)
downloaded from the CatallacticAccessPoint
(CAP), to the CAP to find a data mining service. The CAP is a Web Service located on a machine providing a catallactic market access point,
acts as a WS-Agreement provider for the application and as a factory for Complex Service Agents
which will start the negotiation process. The CAP
therefore provides an entry point into the market, and can allow existing Grid applications to
make requests directly to it. The Complex Service Agent, acting on behalf of the MGS (as a complex service) chosen by the CAP, negotiates with
the Basic Service Agents (in the Cat-COVITE
markets environment) for data mining services.
The AT specifies the service properties that are
necessary to create an instance of a service using
a factory service. The AT and AO are provided
in the Appendix. The DecisionMaker, which is
part of the CAP, takes the decision of accepting
or rejecting the agreement offer sent by the MGS.
There are multiple factors involved in this decision, such as: the parameters in the agreement
offer that are part of the agreement template, and
the possibility of finding the available Basic Service(s) within the Catallactic market at the budget specified by the MGS as service requestor.
4.2. Implementation
Figure 2 shows the placement of logical components along the three layers: the application
layer, the Catallactic middleware layer and the
base platform layer. At the application layer, an
interface must be provided to issue the requests
for services to the middleware, and use the references to service instances provided in response.
At the middleware layer, a set of agents provide
the capability to negotiate for services and resources. The Complex Service agent acts on behalf of the application and initiates the negotiation. Basic Service and Resource agents manage the negotiation for services and resources respectively. A Service Factory is provided to instantiate the service on the hosting platform selected during the negotiation process. Finally, at
the Base Platform layer, a Resource is created to
manage the allocation of resources to the service.
This resource represents the “state” of the service
from the perspective of the middleware (however
this does not mean the service is stateful from
the perspective of the application). The flow of
information among the logical components can be
summarized as follows: a Client issues a request
to the application (1), which builds a data mining
job and requests the execution of this job to the
MGS (2). The MGS contacts a CAP asking for a WSAgreement template for such a service. The MGS
fills in the template and sends back an AO (3). The
Complex Service Agent initiates the Catallactic
mechanism to find appropriate Basic Services and
Resources. The Complex Service Agent uses the
discovery mechanisms implemented in the middleware to locate Basic Service Agents providing
the J48 Service. When a number of Basic Service Agents are discovered, it starts negotiations
with one of them (4). In turn such Basic Service
Agent must discover and negotiate with a Resource Agent for resources(5). Negotiations are
implemented by the Economic Framework Layer,
where different protocols can be used depending
on the agent’s strategy. When an agreement with
a Basic Service Agent is reached, the Resource
Agent instantiate a Resource to keep track of the
allocated resources and returns to the Basic Service Agent a handle for this resource (6). Consequently Basic Service Agents use the service Factory to instantiate the J48 service on the selected
GT4 container (7). Basic Service Agent returns
to the Complex Service Agent the End Point Reference (EPR) to this J48 service instance (8), forwarded to the MSG (9), which uses it to invoke the
service (10). The CAP therefore provides an interface between an application wishing to discover
suitable services, and the underlying resources
that host those services.
4.3. Physical Deployment on GT4 containers
The logical architecture from the previous section can be implemented in different ways depending on the base platform used. We describe
a specific implementation using Globus Toolkit 4
(GT4). We assume the services are previously
deployed on a set of GT4 containers. The only
resource properties considered in the negotiation
are the access rights to execute the service on
a specific container. Finally, the service can be
instantiated on a container using a generic fac-
Figure 2. Interaction between application, Catallactic middleware and computational resources
tory. The user application resides in a host (or
series of hosts), which also provide the MGC and
the Complex Service Agent, which represents the
application in the negotiation process. On each
Grid Container (GT4) where the Data Mining
Job Execution Service is deployed, resides the
corresponding Basic Service Agent, which negotiates with the Complex Service Agent for access to
the Data Mining Job Execution Service. In this
container also resides the Resource Agent, which
negotiates with the Basic Service Agent for the
rights to execute the Data Mining Job Execution
Service in this container. Finally, a Resource is
created as result of the negotiation process, which
represents the rights to execute the service in this
5. Evaluation
Our experimental testbed consists of a WinXP
machine at Cardiff and Linux RedHat 7.3 at
UPC (Barcelona) and Pamplona. Each site
also provide a GT4.0 installation and an Apache
Axis 1.2/Tomcat 5.0.28 installation at UPC
(Barcelona). Each of these machines also host
a GT4.0 container. The application prototype
settings are as follow: there are 10, 20 and 30
instances of a Cat-COVITE application, each of
which requires access to a data mining service
(a J48 Web Service) and one CAP. The Master
Grid Service is hosted in Cardiff, and the CAP in
Barcelona. J48 service instances are made available in Cardiff, Barcelona and Pamplona – via
GT4.0 containers. We assume in this case that
the user knows that they want to make use of the
J48 service, but multiple instances of this service
exist. There is a simulation agent environment
acting on behalf of services and resources.
Figures 3 and 4 illustrate the time distribution
for exchanging the agreements between the instance applications (via MGS) and CAP (labelled
TEA in the figures), the time for job execution
(labelled as TJE in the figures), as well as the
time for executing the user application (labelled
as TAE in the figures) – all of these are measured
at the application level. It may also be useful
to note that: TJE is represented by the time between events (10) and (11), TEA by time between
events (3) and (9), and TAE by time between
events (2) and (12) in figure 2.
In figure 3, the time to discover a service
(equivalent to Tas (n) + Trs (n) – in Section 2) is
represented by TEA-20/*. This experiment in-
Figure 3. TEA, TJE and TAE (see text) with 1, 10 and 20 second delay between requests to the CAP –
with 20 clients making requests
Figure 4. TEA, TJE and TAE (see text) with 1, 10 and 20 second delay between requests to the CAP –
with 30 clients making requests
volved a data set obtained from the UCI machine
learning repository [19], and as the data was already converted into the right format, the conversion time Tc (ds) is zero. We can see that for all
requests made to the CAP, this time is less than
the time required to execute the service, equivalent to 2Tmd (ds)+Te in Section 2 – represented by
TJE-20/* in the figure. This time represents an
invocation made via the GT4.0 container to the
J48 Web Service. Our results indicate the advantage of using the market mechanism for discovering suitable services, even with moderate sized
data sets. Figure 4 demonstrates the execution
with 30 clients – here we can see that our approach is scalable as the number of clients are increased. The peaks in the graph occur due to the
workload (arising from execution of other Web
Services) on the machines on which the J48 service is being hosted.
cess to the market is provided through an access
point (implemented as a Web Service), to prevent
significant modifications to an existing application making use of the market.
Our approach integrates several properties important for “Open Systems”, such as being able
to work with partial knowledge and support for
decentralization. The approach presented here is
therefore general in scope, and may be applied
in a number of different scenarios. The distinction between a Complex and Basic service also allows the existence of Complex Service providers
(essentially, intermediaries who do not own any
computational resources or services themselves,
but primarily aggregate services provided by others). Such provides may dynamically modify Basic service instances based on price fluctuations
in the market – thereby maintaining the price offered to some external user. This aspect of the
work needs further investigation.
6. Conclusions
A Grid market for exchanging data mining
services has been described. The market offers
Catallactic (“free-market”) market mechanisms
for trading of basic services and resources. The
data mining tasks are considered to be Complex
services, which may have varying resource requirements during their execution. To identify
Basic service and resource requirements, a data
mining task was divided into specific phases. A
key assumption in this work is the existence of
a service rich environment – i.e. there will be
a large number of service providers able to offer
services for use by others. This is already beginning to happen, with the availability of public
domain registry services – such as xmethods.net.
The adoption of the “service-oriented” approach
by the Grid community also indicates that this
assumption is more widely shared.
To demonstrate the approach, an implementation of a Grid Catallactic market has been
achieved, which consists of three layers: The CatCOVITE application, the Catallactic middleware
layer for the negotiation of services and resources,
and the base platform using GT4. The descriptions of the service and resource requirements are
achieved through the use of WS-Agreement. Ac-
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Agreement Offer