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Mycotic diseases are global in distribution, but maximum cases are recorded from tropical and subtropical countries. Mycoses are important from public health and economic point of view. Globally, 800 million people in world have suffered from one or other types of fungal diseases. Aspergillus, Candida, Cryptococcus and Pneumocystis are important opportunistic fungi responsible for high mortality, especially in immunocompromised hosts. The source of infection is exogenous, and infection is mainly acquired by inhalation of infectious fungal spores from the saprobic environment. The demonstration of fungal agent and its isolation from clinical specimens is still considered the gold standard the diagnosis of mycotic disease. Several topical and systemic drugs are available for the management of disease. Continuous public health education programme about the growing role of fungi in human diseases is recommended. It is emphasized that routine application of Pal's sunflower seed medium and Narayan stain will help the mycologists in the study of fungal infections. The development of safe, potent, and cheap chemotherapeutic agents are imperative for the management of mycoses, which cause life threatening disease. There is a need to undertake more comprehensive and systematic studies on the growing role of fungi in human health.
Bangladesh Journal of Medicine
Fungal diseases are an important determinant of survival in immunocompromised patients and in patients with chronic illnesses. Fungal infections in Bangladesh are diverse, and many studies have documented their frequency. A better understanding of the epidemiology, clinical features, and diagnostic method of fungal infection is integral to improving outcomes. In this review, we discuss the emergence of fungal infection along with the clinical pictures, diagnosis, and treatment of different fungal infections that are prevalent in our country. It is hoped that this article will create greater awareness of the burden of fungal infections on public health and promote effective diagnosis and therapy. Bangladesh J Medicine 2022; 33: 235-240
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 2019
In everyday life, human fungal infections (Mycoses) are not uncommon. Right from dandruff to deep invasive infections are caused by fungi present in the environment around us. Damp and moist environment, excessive sweating in skin folding, armpits, groin favors the fungal growth on human body. Based on the site of infection, mycoses are classified as superficial, subcutaneous and deep mycoses. Opportunistic infections and deep mycoses usually occur in immune compromised host. Despite prevalent mold infections, invasive Candida infections are most common. Candidaa spp. are human commensal flora but many a times cause opportunistic infection once the host immune system goes down. There are more than hundred Candida species knowntill date. Among the human mycoses, fungi like Aspergillus
Pathogenicity and Drug Resistance of Human Pathogens, 2019
Fungal infections are one of the most common infections in humans and other animals. Fungal diseases are more common in tropical and subtropical countries. Worldwide more than a billion people suffer from fungal infections annually. Fungal pathogens (yeasts and molds) are diverse in their pathogenesis and they can cause mild infections to life-threatening fungal diseases. For the treatment of fungal infections, only a few classes of antifungal drugs are available because there are many similarities between fungal and human cells. Treatment of fungal infections is becoming more challenging because of the emergence of resistance to currently available drugs. Azole drug is the most common class of antifungal drug which is widely used for the treatment of superficial to systemic infections but unfortunately, many fungal pathogens (e.g., Candida, Aspergillus, Histoplasma, and Paracoccidioides etc.) have developed resistance. Most of the azole resistant fungi also develop resistance against the echinocandin class of drugs. The most common drug-resistance mechanisms include hyphal switching, alteration of drug targets, increased drug efflux by transporter proteins (ABC transporters or Facilitated diffusion superfamily transporter), and permeability barriers associated with biofilms. Thus, this area is in need of some outstanding work to control drug resistant fungal infections. Recently some new therapeutic approaches such as new formulations for antifungal agents, nanoparticle based drugs and immunotherapy (such as vaccines) are under trial to prevent and treat fungal diseases and inducing the production of host antimicrobial molecules. In this book chapter, we describe common fungal diseases, fungal pathogens, disease-causing factors, drug resistant fungal pathogens, mechanisms involved in the emergence of drug resistance, epidemiology of
Journal of Bacteriology & Mycology: Open Access
The incidence of fungal infections is increasing at an alarming rate, presenting an enormous pressure and challenge to healthcare professionals for their diagnosis and treatment. Emerging fungal infections is also cause of significant morbidity and mortality. This emergence is directly related to the growing population of immunecompromised individuals. Patient with condition such as Granulocytopenia, advanced HIV infection, bone marrow and solid organ transplantation, cancer, diabetes mellitus, severe burn and trauma and severe malnutrition are among many others predisposing factor for low immunity. Demographics changes, Microbial adaptation and Technological advances are few factors which promote these emergences. Infection may be caused by various types of fungi such as yeast and mould including hyaline as well as dematiaceous mould. Populations which are not exposed to endemic fungi and are healthy may also are at risk by dimorphic fungi. Increase in surveillance, availability of rapid noninvasive diagnostic test, monitoring of development of resistance to antifungal agents, research on pathogenesis, prevention, and control of fungal infection are few steps we may put together to cope up with these emerging health problems.
Background: Many comprehensive epidemiological studies have been done about fungal infections, which are one of the public health and therapeutic problems in different communities. Since prevalence rate of fungal diseases and their etiological agents are changing over time, the aim of this study was to provide additional information about visceral fungal infections (VFIs) in order to understand the ways of their dissemination, to prevent disease transmission, to eliminate contamination sources and predisposing factors, and to provide effective ways for their treatment. Materials and Methods: Samples were taken from the lesion of patients referred to medical mycology laboratory of Tehran University of Medical Sciences from 2014 to 2015. After providing direct wet mount of Potassium hydroxide (KOH) smears from these samples and samples sent from other medical centers, culturing on Sabouraud Dextrose agar with chloramphenicol (SC) and brain heart infusion agar (BHI) media was performed. After growth, species were identified. Results: From a total of 295 suspected samples, VFI was proved in 69 cases (23%). Aspergillosis was the most prevalent infection among VFIs. Candidiasis, cryptococcosis and mucormycosis were in the late orders, respectively. Two patients were also infected by Trichosporon. The predominant species in aspergillosis infections was Aspergillus flavus, and the predominant species in candidiasis infections was Candida albicans. Conclusion: According to the obtained results on the prevalence rate and incidence of VFIs between male and female patients in different age groups and also by taking into account the prevalent type of fungi and infectious site of patients' bodies, it is possible to take appropriate action for the prevention and treatment of these kinds of diseases by using the important keys of these results to research and study etiological and underlying factors involved in these diseases.
Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi 39/1, 2024
Öz Eski Mezopotamya'nın çivi yazılı metinleri tıbbi hastalıkların nedenleri ve iyileşmeleri olgusu ile tanrısal müdahale arasında doğrudan bağlantı kurar. Öte yandan tanrı ya da tanrıçaların sakatlanmış bedeni iyileştirmelerindeki rolleri çoğu kez göz ardı edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada Sumer tanrıçası Nintinuga'nın sonradan edinilmiş geçici fiziksel sakatlık hallerini iyileştirmedeki rolü incelenmiştir. Böylece sakatlanmış bir insan bedeni karşısında Mezopotamyalı tanrıçadan beklenen şifanın sosyo-kültürel ve dini tutumları ve bağlantıları daha iyi anlaşılmaya çalışılmıştır.
Memoria Americana. Cuadernos de Etnohistoria, 2000
La historia de los conflictos sociales provocados por la consolidación del sistema de reducciones jesuitas durante el siglo XVII, nos permite abordar una perspectiva casi inexplorada para los investigadores, la historia de las relaciones interétnicas hispano-guaraníes. El presente trabajo despliega a partir de consideraciones teóricas metodológicas, el análisis efectuado por la autora para comprender un conflicto social de gran envergadura que enfrentó, por más de una década, a un sector poderoso de Asunción con los jesuitas y los guaraníes de las reducciones.
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