Research Progress of Cold Resistance Genes in Winter Wheat


Integración de las ciencias fundamentales y aplicadas en el paradigma de la sociedad post-industrial  Volumen 1 .

88  Integración de las ciencias fundamentales y aplicadas en el paradigma de la sociedad post-industrial  Volumen 1 . SECCIÓN II. CIENCIAS AGRICOLAS DOI 10.36074/24.04.2020.v1.30 RESEARCH PROGRESS OF COLD RESISTANCE GENES IN WINTER WHEAT Qiaoyan Chen Ph.D. student Sumy National Agrarian University UKRAINE Wenhui Wie Professor Henan Institute of Science and Technology PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Kandyba Nataliya Ph.D., Аssociate Professor Sumy National Agrarian University UKRAINE Cold resistance refers to the adaptability of plants to low-temperature environments formed by domestication and genetic variation for a long period of time . Cold resistance is regulated by multiple genes, and the cold resistance gene is a type of inducible gene. Only under the induction of low temperature and short sunlight, can it be expressed in large quantities and then show cold resistance . The cold resistance genes of wheat were first proposed by Kaperperska when studying the cold resistance of wheat seedlings. Since then, various genes related to cold resistance in wheat have been continuously discovered. At present, there are more than 450 cold resistance genes in wheat. It was isolated and identified. The expression of cold-resistant genes in plant cells means the synthesis of new coldresistant proteins. These cold-resistant proteins play an important role in improving the cold resistance of plants. Many studies have confirmed that, due to the huge genetic background of wheat, cold resistance in wheat is controlled and exerted by micro-effects of multiple genes. Researchers have located alleles related to cold resistance in wheat on more than 10 pairs of chromosomes such as 1B, 1D, 2B, 2D, 4D, 5A, 5D, and 7A. Among them, 5A and 5D chromosomes are related to wheat. Cold resistance is most closely related. In recent years, with the rapid development of modern biotechnology, researchers have used various methods such as isozyme labeling, protein labeling, DNA molecular labeling, and Several types of genes with multiple cold resistance genes were isolated and identified in wheat . Fridovich research suggested that the cold resistance genes of wheat are located on 4D, 5D and 7A of the chromosome, and their effects have additive effects. Cahalan's freeze tolerance test in hexaploid and tetraploid wheat showed 24 de abril de 2020  Barcelona, España  89 . that the alleles on the 5A and 5D chromosomes of the Chinese spring variety had weak cold-resistance genes, while the variety Chanizhong Both the 5A and 5D alleles in Hope are closely related to freezing tolerance . The mRNA of the cold-treated wheat variety "Shixin 828" and the control material was detected by differential display technology. A gene regulating the coldregulated protein wpebp of wheat was found. After quantitative quantitative PCR analysis, the expression level of this gene changed with the low-temperature treatment time. The increase is increasing, indicating that this gene is related to the cold resistance of wheat . High cold-tolerant wheat varieties Dongnong Dongmai 1 and normal winter wheat Jimai 22 were treated at low temperature of 4 ℃, -10 ℃ and -20 ℃. According to the expression of Ta EXPA5, Ta EXPA6, Ta EXPA7 in wheat root tissue, These genes are associated with resistance to low temperature stress. Studies by Feng Yulei and others show that the root system of Dongnong Dongmai 1 is more developed and has a certain resistance to low temperature and other stresses, becoming the key to the successful wintering of winter wheat in high and cold regions . The low temperature sensitive wheat anti-white line and the control variety Aibian No. 1 were used as materials. Four chloroplast genes pet N, trn C, pet D, and rrn 16S that were different under low temperature conditions and promoters of these genes (TaMET1, TaDRM) were found , TaCMT). The expression levels of these four genes were detected by fluorite quantitative PCR using sulfite sequencing method. The results showed that the expression of pet N was sensitive to low temperature and the gene expression was down-regulated. TaMET1 and TaCMT genes in Dwarf No. 1 Expression is down-regulated . Chen Lu concluded that TSOD-3, HAPX-2 and HAPX-3 genes are important genes involved in low-temperature response. Among them, TSOD-3 gene plays a major role in the early stage of cold stress, and HAPX-2 and HAPX-3 genes play a major role under continuous freezing. The yellow crane study showed that the relative expression of TPS2, TPS3, and TPS6 genes reached the highest during freezing, and then decreased. It is speculated that the accumulation of trehalose is regulated by temperature, but it is not that the lower the temperature, the higher the expression of TPS, and the stronger the cold resistance, but there is a certain threshold value. If the temperature is too low, it will interfere with the normal metabolism of trehalose in wheat. Lu Yan concluded through research that ABA is positively regulating the expression of the TabZIP1 gene and is helpful to improve the cold resistance of winter wheat . The TaHD2C gene improved the cold resistance of Arabidopsis thaliana and could be stably inherited in the offspring. The expression level of wcor14a was significantly higher than that of the control under low temperature stress, which is consistent with previous research results, further verifying the sensitivity of the gene to low temperature Sex. Glutathione Stransferase (GST) is a multifunctional protease. The three GST genes are significantly up-regulated in roots and leaves in response to low temperature stress . After low temperature stress at 4 ℃, the expression of Ta CIPK8 gene in wheat leaves decreased and reached the lowest value at 8 h; while in the root, the expression of Ta CIPK8 gene was induced up to 12 h. Wheat Ta Di19ATa Di19A may improve cold tolerance of transgenic plants by regulating downstream cold stress response-related genes expression . A total of 19 cold-resistant genes were screened using Chinese spring as materials. Among them, significant correlations of AA changes in CBF-A3, CBF-A15, VRN-A1, VRN-B3, PPD-B1, and PPD-D1 were 90  Integración de las ciencias fundamentales y aplicadas en el paradigma de la sociedad post-industrial  Volumen 1 . found to assist cold-resistant wheat Breeding . Hsp90, BBI and REP14 may play important roles in conferring cold tolerance in bread wheat. References: [1] He, Zhonghu, Zhuang, Qiaosheng, Cheng, Shunhe. (2018). China's wheat industry development and scientific and technological progress. Journal of agronomy. [2] Yi, Ying, Guo, Zhifu, Zhang, Yulong. (2013). Re, 52(12).search Status and Prospect of Winter Wheat Frost Resistance. Hubei Agricultural Science. [3] Yang, Chunling, Song, Zhijun, Chen, Yuxiang. (2008). Study on Mechanism of Cold Resistance in Wheat. Shanxi Agricultural University, 2008 (1). DOI 10.36074/24.04.2020.v1.31 THE INFLUENCE OF THE MINERAL FERTILIZATION LEVEL ON THE PRODUCTIVITY OF BUCKWHEAT IN THE CONDITIONS OF WESTERN FOREST STEPPE Parkhuts B.I. Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Acting Associate Professor of the Department of Agrochemistry and Soil Science Lviv National Agrarian University UKRAINE The absorption of nutritive elements by buckwheat plants is largely determined by their chemical composition and taking of nutrients with the crop. Research has shown that buckwheat is much better able to absorb nutrients from the soil than other crops. It is demanding on living conditions and including mineral nutrition [1, 4]. A large amount of fertilizer is required to form a high buckwheat yield. With a yield of 20 centners/ha and 60 centners/ha of straw, buckwheat absorbs 90 kg of nitrogen, 60 kg of phosphorus and more than 150 kg of potassium from the soil, while wheat with the same grain yield absorbs about the same amount of nitrogen, twice less phosphorus and in three times less potassium [3]. Scientists set recommended norms of mineral fertilizers in the forest steppe zone on gray forest soils of N30-60P45-60K30-60 [2]. Researches on the study of the effect of different norms of mineral fertilizers on the yield and quality of buckwheat varieties conducted during 2018–2019 on dark gray podzolized soil in the conditions of Zhovkva district of Lviv region under the following scheme: 1) control (without fertilizers), 2) N35P35K35; 3) N50P50K50; 4) N65P50K50; 5) N50P65K50; 6) N50P50K65; 7) N65P65K65. Forms of fertilizers – ammonium nitrate, double superphosphate, kalimagnesia. Placement of plots – consecutive, repetition – four times. The area of the experimental field – 54 m2, the accounting area – 30 m2. Field experiment was conducted in accordance with conventional methods. Agrotechnics in the experiment corresponded to what was recommended at the time of its realization for this area.