Living In Your Zone - Where Work Becomes Delight

Where Work Becomes Delight! John B. Samuel © 2024 Talent Research Foundation, USA ABOUT ‘LIVING IN YOUR ZONE ‘ ▪ This book is based on the research findings of the author John B Samuel, who since 1983 was seeking for evidence related to an individual's in-born talent and the repertoire of default capabilities embedded in each person. ▪ During the course of his professional practice in the field of executive search and recruitment, he interviewed and analyzed more than 10,000 individuals over three decades and this acquired data-base helped him in 2004 to discover and test the veracity, validity and empirical reliability of the Zone framework. ▪ He authored this book in 2011 with the editorial assistance of his client, Dr Skip Moen, a gifted writer. John also trained Skip in the Zone framework, to enable him to teach people in his circles of influence. The content of this presentation is based on the book: LIVING IN YOUR ZONE Where Work Becomes Delight By John B. Samuel 2 To have a better understanding of the 7 Zones, we recommend you read our book "Living In Your Zone - Where Work Becomes Delight" available on at this link: 1 Introduction: What’s Wrong With Work? 5 The Key Absolutes 2 6 The Question(s) of a Lifetime The Natural Productive Zones 3 The Productivity DNA 4 7 The Key Aptitudes 8 The Mechanics Of The Phenomenon Conclusion © 2020 Talent Research Foundation, USA CONTENT 3 o “I just don’t like my job, I do it because I have to. o I need to pay the bills” o The number of people who are well paid for doing o So we save for vacation. what they love are few and far between. o We endure work in order to go o We envy them. But we don’t have any idea how to bring about the happy marriage of economic advantage and passionate fulfillment. © 2020 Talent Research Foundation, USA INTRODUCTION: What’s Wrong With Work? do something we love when we are not working. 4 INTRODUCTION: What’s Wrong With Work? II o It is time to re-examine the fundamentals of work. o So work is some thing that has to be done, not something that I love to do. o Work has been divorced from who I really am, and in this divorce, everyone suffers. o It’s time to see work as an expression of my identity, not just the application of my skills! © 2020 Talent Research Foundation, USA o The problem isn’t really work. It’s the wrong normal! - a view of life that sees work as a production rather than fulfillment. o As part of the cogs of industry – a function of the mechanism of commerce. 5 THE QUESTION(S) OF A LIFETIME o Is it possible to determine where an individual will be optimally productive during the entire course of o Can we determine in advance where an individual will enjoy the greatest economic premium and the most personal fulfilment at the same time? o In other words, can we have clarity and specificity about where an individual will make the most contribution and most difference to the world over © 2020 Talent Research Foundation, USA a lifetime? a lifetime of endeavor? 6 "YES….HOWEVER,” o Recent research and analysis o It is now possible to determine the place where work is right for an YES individual - and good for the world at the same time! HOWEVER, o The answers to these related questions are not found in categorized personality profiles or psychometric propensities. o In spite of their continued use and © 2020 Talent Research Foundation, USA produces an unqualified "YES". popularity, psychometric tests provide only a snapshot of the real you – and attempts to fit you to the job rather than fitting the job to you. 7 BUT, THERE IS ANOTHER WAY o It has been discovered that there are innate ‘absolutes’ that define where the individual will be most productive. o Specific and definitive lifetime optimal productivity can be revealed, targeted and understood. 1 2 o Engaging these 'absolutes' has direct, positive benefits and consequences for career or vocation decisions. 4o Knowing how you are pre-wired lets you work according to your o in-born passion code. © 2020 Talent Research Foundation, USA 3 8 PRODUCTIVITY DNA o These in-born ‘absolutes’ are verifiable and demonstrable. ethnic background and opportunity can enhance these absolutes, they nevertheless remain consistent and endure during the lifetime of an individual. o They are innately embedded in the person, and not added to the person. They define and determine the individual’s scope of optimal productivity. © 2020 Talent Research Foundation, USA o While education, training, experience, culture, family upbringing, 9 THE MECHANICS OF THIS PHENOMENON o The Optimal Productive Function of an individual can be uncovered and defined individual. o This is not a multiple choice, fill-in-the-circle, psychometric method. o It is an interactive and reflective process that carefully examines the uniqueness of the individual, not the common categories of multiple individuals or groups. o Embedded absolutes can be uncovered by using a diagnostic methodology that empirically and rigorously investigates the collected evidence, wherein the © 2020 Talent Research Foundation, USA through a phenomenological diagnosis of the prior ‘productive’ engagements of the individual has consistently demonstrated optimal effectiveness. 10 THE MECHANICS OF THIS PHENOMENON II o The diagnostic procedure begins by asking the candidate to relate a significant contribution in value and benefit to others. o The focus of the diagnostic method in not on the personal results to the individual but rather on the external consequences to others. The diagnosis continues by examining these data points in a one-on-one session with the person. o The absolutes that emerge through this interactive diagnosis are compiled and presented in the form of a Productivity Compass which © 2020 Talent Research Foundation, USA few activities and engagements in the past where he or she made a points to the ‘definitive range’ where the individual is innately equipped and best fitted to contribute and function. 11 THE KEY ABSOLUTES Research reveals the presence of Two Key Absolutes innately embedded in any individual. They are: NATURAL PRODUCTIVE ZONE KEY APTITUDE © 2020 Talent Research Foundation, USA These two in-born absolutes are foundational and pivotal to sustained productivity. 12 ABSOLUTE NO. 1 – NATURAL PRODUCTIVE ZONE o Research demonstrates that each individual will function optimally and exceptionally in only one of 01 02 o There are seven (7) these seven zones during his or her lifetime. o While they can function in all the other six Zones, distinct natural zones. consistently occur only in the area of their in-born Zone. o There is no evidence to support the 04 03 suggestion that the definitive zone can o Like the definitive nature of blood be altered or fundamentally changed types where every individual belongs as a result of education, socialization, to either blood group A, B, O or AB, specialized training the natural zone of an individual is extrinsic factor. or any other definitive and unchangeable. © 2020 Talent Research Foundation, USA their X-Factor and exceptional performance will 13 ABSOLUTE NO. 1 – NATURAL PRODUCTIVE ZONE While individuals can hone, develop and enhance their in-born capabilities within the arena of their natural zone, they cannot substitute or replace their definitive natural It is also important to note that… These Productive Natural Zones do not define the best-suited job or profession as much as it defines the scope of activities or outcomes in which the person will © 2020 Talent Research Foundation, USA zone with another zone of their choice or preference. experience purpose, passion and deep fulfillment 14 ABSOLUTE NO. 1 – NATURAL PRODUCTIVE ZONE o This natural zone represents the range of engagements in which the individual is optimally productive and useful to others by effectively searching, exploring and uncovering knowledge, understanding or a phenomenon and to announce or expound what is otherwise hidden, concealed or latent. o Individuals innately endowed with this natural productive zone, will seek to perceive, interpret, articulate and/or be the spokesperson for events or a phenomenon that to others may be unclear, obscure or abstruse © 2020 Talent Research Foundation, USA ZONE ONE [ 1] : TO SEARCH – UNRAVEL – EXPOUND 15 ABSOLUTE NO. 1 – NATURAL PRODUCTIVE ZONE o This natural zone represents the range of engagements in which the individual will be optimally productive and useful to others by effectively taking on a role, getting the job done and/or carrying out the instructions or commands of another or others. o Individuals endowed with this natural zone will in a hands on way ensure the full and complete execution of the task entrusted and meet the expressed need, even at the cost of personal sacrifice. © 2020 Talent Research Foundation, USA ZONE TWO [ 2] : TO EXECUTE – IMPLEMENT – BE HANDS ON 16 ABSOLUTE NO. 1 – NATURAL PRODUCTIVE ZONE o This natural zone represents the range of engagements in which the individual will be optimally productive and useful to others by effectively teaching and imparting knowledge, understanding or skills in a structured and coherent manner. o Individuals endowed with this natural zone will in a systematic way explain, teach and impart factual knowledge and ensure complete comprehension of the subject matter. © 2020 Talent Research Foundation, USA ZONE THREE [ 3] : TO TEACH – IMPART - EXPLAIN 17 ABSOLUTE NO. 1 – NATURAL PRODUCTIVE ZONE o This natural zone represents the range of engagements in which the individual will be optimally productive and useful to others by being supportive, available and affect change in another or others. o Individuals endowed with this natural zone are likely to ensure they stand by another – by being supportive, encouraging and motivating them to grow, develop and become stronger. © 2020 Talent Research Foundation, USA ZONE FOUR [ 4 ] : TO ENABLE – SUPPORT - EMPOWER 18 ABSOLUTE NO. 1 – NATURAL PRODUCTIVE ZONE o This natural zone represents the range of engagements in which the individual will be optimally productive and useful to others by effectively regulating, imparting or bestowing resources equitably and develop what is available, to its optimal potential. o Individual’s endowed with this natural zone, will seek to apportion, manage and care for resources (be it people, time, talents or opportunities, etc.) and facilitatively ensure what is available is carefully used, invested or deployed for the best returns. © 2020 Talent Research Foundation, USA ZONE FIVE [ 5] : TO REGULATE – APPORTION - COORDINATE 19 ABSOLUTE NO. 1 – NATURAL PRODUCTIVE ZONE o This natural zone represents the range of engagements in which the individual will be optimally productive and useful to others by effectively marshaling people and resources to accomplish a certain task, vision or endeavor. o Individual endowed with this natural zone will seek to preside over, delegate and/or deploy people and resources in a determined and decisive way by engaging an efficient method or approach, to achieve a goal or accomplish a mission. © 2020 Talent Research Foundation, USA ZONE SIX [ 6] : TO BUILD – MARSHAL – ESTABLISH 20 ABSOLUTE NO. 1 – NATURAL PRODUCTIVE ZONE o This natural zone represents the range of engagements in which the individual will be optimally productive and useful to others by effectively meeting needs, address what is missing and take care of difficulties and/or deficiencies in people, systems or situations. o Individuals endowed with this productive zone will in a focused way seek to address what is missing, alleviate or ameliorate the pain or handicap that is present in a person, situation or context. © 2020 Talent Research Foundation, USA ZONE SEVEN [ 7] : TO AID - PROBLEM SOLVE - MEET IMMEDIATE NEEDS 21 PLEASE NOTE ..... The aforementioned definitions of these seven Natural Productive Please refer to a certified Zone Diagnostician/Practitioner for a comprehensive understanding and appreciation of each natural Zone and its productive expressions. Each Zone defines the scope (and parameters) of where the individual during their lifetime can be optimally productive, useful, contributive – and also deeply fulfilled! © 2020 Talent Research Foundation, USA Zones are only indicative and not exhaustive. 22 Copyright © 2020 Talent Research Foundation, USA ABSOLUTE NO: 2 KEY APTITUDE ( OR KEY DRIVER) Aptitude (or Key Driver). ▪ It is what the individual is naturally ‘fitted with’, ‘is designed for’, ‘constituted with’, ‘appropriate for’ or ‘has an uncanny capability for’. ▪ It is not an acquired skill or competence. It is the principal in-born strength through which the individual functions optimally in their natural zone. It is also a source of inexhaustible energy resident in the individual, which when harnessed and developed, enables the person to demonstrate exceptional edge and acumen. © 2020 Talent Research Foundation, USA ▪ The second innate absolute embedded in each individual is best defined as the Key 23 ABSOLUTE NO: 2 (Cont.d) KEY APTITUDE ( OR KEY DRIVER) ▪ The innate Key Aptitude embedded in each individual the individual, allowing him/her to optimally function in the natural zone. ▪ It is the default methodology that the individual falls back on when required to handle or accomplish any critical task or mission. ▪ Understanding and engaging the Key Aptitude within the Natural Zone allows an individual to become a self-renewing source of © 2020 Talent Research Foundation, USA represents the most uncanny and potent ‘tool’ or ‘weapon’ of energy and productivity. This is the experience of “being in flow” and often described as “I could do this for hours and never get tired”. 24 ABSOLUTE NO: 2 (Cont.d) KEY APTITUDE (OR KEY DRIVER) ▪ Defining the individual’s Key Aptitude is pivotal to determining the person’s competitive edge. ▪ When a person understands and employs the Key Aptitude and Natural Zone in tandem, he or she ▪ It helps define what he or she is exceptionally good at doing. will ▪ The engagement of the individual’s Key Aptitude allows the productivity while, at the same time, finds deep individual an edge and effectiveness that is unique, specific joy and fulfilment in being of use, value or and exclusive to the individual. benefit to others. demonstrate exceptional acumen and 25 ABSOLUTE NO: 2 (Cont.d) o Similar to the Natural Zone, the Key Aptitude innately embedded in the individual remains fundamentally unchanged during a lifetime, is essentially consistent and not altered by external factors or environmental changes. Action 01 Abstraction 02 Emotion 03 © 2020 Talent Research Foundation, USA o An individual’s Key Aptitude falls into one of these three major categories: 26 ABSOLUTE NO: 2 – KEY APTITUDE (EXAMPLES) ABSTRACTION o The innate aptitude to plan, visualize, conceptualize or mentally process data or facts (amongst other abstraction aptitudes) will fall ACTION EMOTION o The innate aptitude to investigate, or o The innate aptitude to sense, create or organize and classify resources empathize, woo or influence is an or communicate (amongst other action example of those aptitudes in the aptitudes) can be defined as an “Action- “Emotion-Aptitude” category. Aptitude”. . © 2020 Talent Research Foundation, USA under the “Abstraction-Aptitude” category 27 ABSOLUTE NO: 2 ▪ An individual will be optimally productive in any ▪ Therefore, deploying individuals in roles given task or endeavor if the activity substantially that demand optimal engagement of engages and requires the expression of the their Key Aptitude is an essential pre- individual’s Key Aptitude as a critical need or requisite requirement to discharge that responsibility. productivity. for personal optimized © 2020 Talent Research Foundation, USA EACH APTITUDE HAS A PRODUCTIVE AND CONTRIBUTIVE VALUE 28 ▪ Engaging people in roles aligned with their ▪ If you want optimal performance, you Natural Zones and Key Aptitudes provides must discover and engage the Natural the greatest source of productivity for the Zone and Key Aptitude of your people. company, organization and society. ▪ Unless you consciously take this step, you will limit the productive potential of © 2020 Talent Research Foundation, USA IN CONCLUSION… an individual, waste what they are otherwise capable of contributing and ensure mediocrity! 29 SO WHAT ARE SOME MAJOR CONSEQUENCES IF THE ZONE AND KEY APTITUDE OF AN INDIVIDUAL IS NOT GIVEN EXPRESSION? BURN-OUT and Key Aptitude is not given expression over an extended period of time, burn out is inevitable, if not guaranteed. o Hence those suffering burn-out need to undertake a due diligence exercise to examine and evaluate how much their role and responsibilities on any given day, is out of alignment with their in-born Zone and Key Aptitude. o We have several case studies that prove when an individual undertakes those corrective steps based on their Zone diagnostics, they bounce back to a work life that is vibrant, fulfilling and purposeful. © 2020 Talent Research Foundation, USA o We now have empirical evidence that if an individual's Zone 30 CAREER MIS-DIRECTION o Educational or career pursuits which are not on the bedrock of an individual's Zone and Key Aptitude will flounder and fail in the long run. o Pursuing a career that is mis-aligned to an individual's Zone design, will at best make the person a mediocre performer who is void of passion or purpose, in much of what they do on any given workday. o We have observed that when career mis-direction is addressed by intentionally redirecting one's pursuits to be in sync with their Zone design, the individual will begin to "tap dance to work", sooner than later! © 2020 Talent Research Foundation, USA SO WHAT ARE SOME MAJOR CONSEQUENCES IF THE ZONE AND KEY APTITUDE OF AN INDIVIDUAL IS NOT GIVEN EXPRESSION? 31 SO WHAT ARE SOME MAJOR CONSEQUENCES IF THE ZONE AND KEY APTITUDE OF AN INDIVIDUAL IS NOT GIVEN EXPRESSION? PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Zone mis-alignment rather than incompetence or ineptitude. o Striving to perform well by sheer determination or by relentlessly driving oneself while ignoring or denying his or her Zone design, almost always results (inadvertently) in burn-out, psychosomatic illnesses, emotional instability, amongst other dysfunctional outcomes. o On the other hand, when we study every high performer in any organization, (knowingly or otherwise), their success is tied to their Zone design. o It is now empirically demonstrable that the correlation between peak performance and one's Zone design is a given and a proven reality. © 2020 Talent Research Foundation, USA o We have observed poor work performance is often more related to 32 © 2020 Talent Research Foundation, USA 33 Copyright © 2020 Talent Research Foundation, USA For more information or to schedule a diagnostic, teaching or consulting session, contact us: Talent Research Foundation, USA Talent Research Institute, Singapore Talent Research Centre, Sweden Talent Research Foundation is a 501(C)3 not-for-profit research Foundation based in Boston, Massachusetts, USA © 2020 Talent Research Foundation, USA Copyright © 2024 Talent Research Foundation, USA © 2020 Talent Research Foundation, USA "If we never succeed in finding ourselves, it doesn't much matter what else we find along the way." – Dr. Mardy Grothe