Federicomaria Muccioli (1965–2020)

2021, Electrum

Federicomaria Muccioli, professor of Greek history in the Alma Mater Studiorum-Università di Bologna, passed by in Rimini on May 14th, 2020. Although he was only 54 years old, he leaves a deep legacy of learned and innovative research: above all, his masterwork Gli epiteti ufficiali dei re ellenistici (Historia-Einzelschriften, vol. 224, Stuttgart 2013). Federico mastered all the sources and the scientific literature of Greek history: his information was amazingly detailed and updated. His main area of interest was the Hellenistic period: his last book, Storia dell'Ellenismo (Bologna 2019), is a first-rate introduction to this period. He primarily focused on the image and the historiography of power in the Hellenistic age, from his first book Dionisio II. Storia e tradizione letteraria (Bologna 1999). His monograph La storia attraverso gli esempi. Protagonisti e interpretazione del mondo greco in Plutarco (Milano 2012) is a milestone of Plutarch studies (Federico was an active member of the International Plutarch Society). One of his last books, Le orecchie lunghe di Alessandro Magno. Satira del potere nel mondo greco (IV-I secolo a.C.) (Rome 2018), is an original contribution to the history of Hellenistic culture. A sincere lover of his patria, he wrote valuable essays on the medieval and contemporary history of Rimini.

ELECTRUM * Vol. 28 (2021): 7–8 doi:10.4467/20800909EL.21.001.13359 Federicomaria Muccioli (1965–2020) Naxos, September 2017. Photo by Dr. Irene Nicolino Federicomaria Muccioli, professor of Greek history in the Alma Mater Studiorum—Università di Bologna, passed by in Rimini on May 14th, 2020. Although he was only 54 years old, he leaves a deep legacy of learned and innovative research: above all, his masterwork Gli epiteti ufficiali dei re ellenistici (Historia-Einzelschriften, vol. 224, Stuttgart 2013). Federico mastered all the sources and the scientific literature of Greek history: his information was amazingly detailed and updated. His main area of interest was the Hellenistic period: his last book, Storia dell’Ellenismo (Bologna 2019), is a first-rate introduction to this period. He primarily focused on the image and the historiography of power in the Hellenistic age, from his first book Dionisio II. Storia e tradizione letteraria (Bologna 1999). His monograph La storia attraverso gli esempi. Protagonisti e interpretazione del mondo greco in Plutarco (Milano 2012) is a milestone of Plutarch studies (Federico was an active member of the International Plutarch Society). One of his last books, Le orecchie lunghe di Alessandro Magno. Satira del potere nel mondo greco (IV–I secolo a.C.) (Rome 2018), is an original contribution to the history of Hellenistic culture. A sincere lover of his patria, he wrote valuable essays on the medieval and contemporary history of Rimini. He offered to Electrum some of his best papers: “Il problema del culto del sovrano nella regalità arsacide: appunti per una discussion” (vol. 15, 2009: 83–104); “Antioco III e la politica onomastica dei Seleucidi” (vol. 18, 2011: 81–96); “La testa mozza di Crasso” (Plut., Crass. 32–33). A proposito di un libro recente sulla battaglia di Carre” (vol. 19, 2012: 167–178); “Le ambizioni del filosofo. Le tradizioni sulla morte di Eraclide Pontico” (vol. 21, 2014: 9–19); “Peucesta, tra lealismo macedone e modello persiano” (vol. 24, 2017: 75–91). These papers give evidence of his broad meaning of the Hellenistic world. For this reason too, we are particularly glad to dedicate this volume of Electrum to his memory. Federico loved to share generously his scholarship with students and colleagues. His erudite approach to scholarship did not prevent him to be clever, curious, and witty. Above all, he was a good friend and we deeply miss him. Εἴη σοι κατὰ γῆς κούφη κόνις. Edward Dąbrowa Giusto Traina