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2023, Aramazd: Armenian Journal of Near Eastern Studies…
7 pages
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This paper presents a comprehensive prosopographic study of the Urartian Onomasticon, focusing on the names and titles that reveal insights into the societal structures, cultural practices, and historical context of the Urartian civilization. The analysis draws on various sources, establishing connections between names and the broader historical narratives of the region during the first millennium BCE.
Abstract: (1) ENGLISH, (2) TÜRKÇE, (3) български (1) It is a well-known fact that the Sogdians were in close contact with various peoples in Central Asia. The traces of their relations with various peoples can also be seen very well in the onomastics of Central Asia. The present study provides a small cross-section with regard to the traces of these relations in onomastics. The study gives a brief overview on the traces of the Sogdian denominal adjective suffixes +’k and +īk (i.e. -’k and -īk) in the onomastics of Central Asia as well as introduces the onomastic material derived with these Sogdian suffixes. The greater part of this material concerns Tocharians, but there are also Turkic and Mongolian names among them. At the end of the study, a map is also given that is based on Tocharian ethnotoponyms and ethnohydronyms formed with these Sogdian suffixes, which point to the former factual geographical distribution of Tocharians in and around Afghanistan. The study analyzes the following ethnonyms, ethnotoponyms and ethnohydronyms in Central Asia: Sogdak / Sugdak, Tograk / Tugrak, Tugarak, Tokarak / Tukarak, Toghārak, Tūkrīk, Sartak(tay), Ogrāk / Ugrāk. (2) Soğudların, Orta Asya’nın çeşitli halklarıyla geçmişte yakın ilişkiler kurdukları çok iyi biliniyor. Çeşitli halklarla kurdukları bu ilişkilerin izlerini Orta Asya onomastiğinde de çok iyi görebilmekteyiz. Bu çalışmada, bu ilişkilerin onomastikteki yansımalarına ilişkin ufak bir kesit sunuluyor. Çalışma, So-ğudcadaki addan sıfat yapan +’k ve +īk (yani: -’k ve -īk) eklerinin Orta Asya onomastiğindeki izleri üzerine kısaca bilgi vererek bu eklerle türemiş onomastik malzemeyi tanıtıyor. Bu malzemenin büyük bir bölümü Toharlara ilişkin, fakat aralarında Türkçe ve Moğolca olanlar da var. Çalışmanın sonunda, Toharların geçmişte Afganistan ve çevresindeki gerçek coğrafi dağılımlarını gösteren, sözü edilen Soğudca eklerle türetilmiş Tohar boy adı kökenli yer ve su adlarının gösterildiği bir harita da veriliyor. Çalışmada, Orta Asya’daki şu boy adları, boy adı kökenli yer ve su adları inceleniyor: Sogdak / Sugdak, Tograk / Tugrak, Tugarak, Tokarak / Tukarak, Toghārak, Tūkrīk, Sartak(tay), Ogrāk / Ugrāk. (3) български (by Ж. Войников):
Historical monuments are numerous in the Armenian Highland and present an enormous period-14,000 years, according to the archeological material recently excavated and evaluated. These are different layers of civilizations and cultures, the linkage between which is virtually not visible. The least explored and perhaps the most ancient among these monuments are petroglyphs, dragon-stones and rock-cut structures with stone doors. I devoted 30 years of my life to the research of these three groups of monuments. Only after field and cameral research of decades I came to the belief that through these monuments it will be possible to reveal the linkage between the civilizations and cultures created by Indo-European nations and detached at a first glance, as well as to reveal the problem of transferability and heritage of cultural values that is currently still disputable. ¶Çï³Ï³Ý ٻݳ•ñáõÃÛáõÝáõÙ Ý»ñϳ۳óí³Í »Ý Ñ»ÕÇݳÏÇ 25 ï³ñÇÝ»ñÇ ³ß˳ï³ÝùÝ»ñÇ ³ñ¹ÛáõÝùÝ»ñÇ ÙÇ Ù³ëÁ: ¶ñùáõÙ ½»ï»Õí³Í, гÛÏ³Ï³Ý É»éݳß˳ñÑÇ Å³Ûé³å³ïÏ»ñÝ»ñÇÝ Ë áñÑñ¹Ýß³ÝÝ»ñÇÝ í»ñ³μ»ñíáÕ ÝÛáõûñÁ ï³ñμ»ñ ï³ñÇÝ»ñÇÝ Ññ³ï³ñ³Ïí»É »Ý Ðݳ•»ïÝ»ñÇ ÙÇç³½•³ÛÇÝ ÙÇáõÃÛ³Ý (WAC-6) ¨ ø³ñ³ÝÓ³í³•»ïÝ»ñÇ ÙÇç³½•³ÛÇÝ ÙdzíáñÙ³Ý (UIS) ÏáÝ•ñ»ëÝ»ñáõÙ, ºíñáå³ÛÇ ù³ñ³ÝÓ³í³•»ïÝ»ñÇ ÙdzíáñÙ³Ý (FSIU) •Çï³ÅáÕáíÝ»ñáõÙ, Ö³ñï³ñ³å»ïáõÃÛ³Ý ß Çݳñ³ñ³Ï³Ý ï»ËÝáÉá•Ç³Ý»ñÇ ae»ñÙáõÏÇ ÙÇç³½•³ÛÇÝ ÏáÝý»ñ³ÝëÇ ÝÛáõûñÇ ÅáÕáí³ÍáõÝ»ñáõÙ, ÇÝãå»ë ݳ¨ §Ð³Û³ëï³ÝÇ Ð³Ýñ³å»ïáõÃÛáõݦ ¨ ³ÛÉ å³ñμ»ñ³Ï³ÝÝ»ñáõÙ:
Armen Petrosyan has joined Armenian, Indo-European and ancient Oriental Studies in his late 30's, a phenomenon not quite usual in our field, coming from diametrically opposite direction. Perhaps, when at some point a desire to deal with Armenian prehistory prevailed, his excellent knowledge of natural sciences (physics, biology and related fields), gained at the Yerevan State University played a significant role in his humanitarian scholarship. Within several years he achieved so much first in linguistic matters then in mythology.
Pinhasi wishes to recognize the fi nancial support provided by the Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences (IRCHSS) and the Science Foundation of Ireland (SFI). The geoarchaeological survey is supported by funds from the British Academy awarded to Pinhasi and Wilkinson and funds secured by Adler and Pinhasi. Finally, thanks are due to the numerous students and volunteers who participated in the fi eldwork and laboratory analyses, and to our Armenian colleagues who provided their great expertise and energy to our survey of the Hrazdan Gorge.
Historical and Cultural Heritage of Armenia, Yerevan, 2022, 120 pages., 2022
The most significant elements of prehistoric human mentality have been reflected in artefacts, which in pre-literate era included Rock-art. Petroglyphs are historical and cultural sources, representing the main spheres of our ancestors’ activity in the frames of a complete system displaying their life realities and worldview. They are closely and harmoniously intertwined with the surrounding natural and historical environment, forming the cultural landscape. Rock-art in Armenia began in the Neolithic period, reaching its peak during the Bronze Age. Its role is very important for revealing the historical realities of the Armenian Highland in 7th‑1th millennia BC. As a specific form of expressing emotion and information, rock-carvings represent a means of communication. In the past, Rock-art had the functions of Recording, Storage and Conveying; for us now it has great cognitive and aesthetic functions. The petroglyphs of Armenia, by their great number, variety of style and rich content occupy a unique place in cultural heritage оf the Ancient World. In adjacent to the Armenian Highland regions ancient petroglyphs are not much, while in the Highland a high concentration of them is observed, as well as thematic and typological diversity. The ancient inhabitants of Armenia have created huge galleries, mountain sanctuaries, consisting of thousands of drawings. Conclusions. Thus, the creators of Rock-art had unified ethno-cultural identity, as it is evidenced by the thematic, stylistic and technical uniformity of the known monuments of the Armenian Highland. The thematic connection between Rock-art and other spheres of Armenian culture is obvious, particularly with fine arts and decorative-applied arts (weapons, ceramics, garment, carpet weaving, miniature), dance, theater, types of combat, vehicles, architecture, as well as calendar, writing, folklore, and mythology. The traditions of Rock-art are preserved among Armenians up to our days. Extension in time, continuity of this sphere of culture is obvious. A striking evidence of this are the close similarities by thematics, technique and style between Rock-art and other fields of culture (sculpture, lapidary inscriptions, construction and architecture) at different ages. Commonality of petroglyphs indicates to the presence of a united worldview, of the same linguistic thinking, of beliefs system and pantheon, as well as of the beginning of centralized government – the elements of statehood. Culture, in all spheres of its manifestations, is distributed in the Armenian Highland almost equally, so it is presented as one entity of anthropological and cultural context that has never been interrupted in the course of the time (hundreds of millennia) and space (about 400.000 km2). The creators of petroglyphs led sedentary life for many millennia, that helped to create for further generations. Accumulation and transmission of information by petroglyphs have provided viability and effectiveness of the individual and society through the preservation of knowledge, skills and traditions. This, in its turn, contributed to the preservation of the natural environment, the mentality of the society, and as a result, the security and the very existence of the people. Petroglyphs were created by the millennia old, indigenous ethnos – by Armenians. Rock-art was an original and primary creation, and inherent to Armenians, native and traditional, and also exclusive in its time. Powerful ethnocultural impulses spread out from the Armenian Highland. The tradition of Rock-art, its semantics and mastery of performance demonstrate radial distribution, i.e. there has been a dissemination of worldview from this ancient center of civilization in the form and by means of petroglyphs. Linguistic localization of the Indo-European homeland in the Armenian Highland, theories systematizing numerous credible extralinguistic facts (archaeological, ethnographical, astronomical, calendar, etc.) are evidences of the leading role of the Armenian culture in Ancient World civilization.
Abstract: This paper offers an assessment of some of the central aspects of Edith Stein’s conception of intentional acts proposed in Potency and Act. Studies Towards a Philosophy of Being. Her account hinges upon a combination of Thomistic and Husserlian concepts. She borrows from Aquinas two conceptual pairs that are central to his metaphysics and theory of knowledge: the actuality-potency dichotomy; and the distinction between sensible and intelligible species. The distinction and relevant articulation between sensible and intelligible species provide Stein with the basis to present her own conception of intentionality (with special focus on perception): the sensible species is regarded as the correlate of the object’s Gestalt; by contrast, the intelligible species is mobilized to account for what Husserl labels noesis-noema correlation. But Stein’s ambition is also to inscribe her account of the species sensibilis within an overall (critical) interpretation of Husserl’s transcendental idealism.
Caramella, L.A.R. (ed.) Dall’acqua alla terra: cambiamenti nell’occupazione del territorio, Sibrium – Atti, 1. Varese, Centro di Studi Preistorici e Archeologici: 26-61, 2023
Palù di Livenza is a wetland that extends into the Municipalities of Caneva and Polcenigo in the Pordenone Piedmont Zone at the foot of the Cansiglio plateau. Archaeological research directed by the Superintendency and conducted since 1981 has made it possible to identify an important Neolithic settlement. Thanks to its potential, Palù di Livenza is inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage list in the transnational serial site “Prehistoric pile-dwelling sites in the Alpine arc”. In 2013, the Superintendency resumed research in the area called Sector 3, with the aim of outlining a stratigraphy of the deposit with its various stages of attendance, of having short-lived samples available to define a reliable chronology and of collecting new data on the material culture. This paper presents the preliminary results of the five excavation campaigns in Sector 3 completed during the summer of 2021.
Journée d'Etude, ENS de Lyon, 26-27 novembre, 2021
Si l'on accepte de considérer l’hypothèse que l'influence de Descartes dans l’édification de notre société moderne ait été majeure, y compris en dehors de son champ originel métaphysique et épistémologique ou même moral ; alors on peut se demander en quoi l'onde de choc du cartésianisme et ses répliques potentiellement édulcorées ont façonné la théorisation et la pratique du droit.
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Bullettino della Commissione Archeologica Comunale di Roma, Supplementi 28., 2022
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