Trends in the Firm's Organization and Management


In firm exist different Workgroups plicate from functional and working place. Their activities, as well as arrangements are controlled, that stands for, that are limiting a regulation. Their regulation rate and restriction into decision is different, depend from position in organization structure. Control worker activities myself succeed results, which could not reach individual worker, or working group. Combine here worker accomplishment and exploitage other source and resources in firm. Structuralism organization organizational structure forms stability element in firm. Organization helps worker understand purposes and business target and also their mission in firm. Also solve alternatively, eventually crisis situations, to those is able to get the business. Organization simplification and solve in the long-term business survival, competence gain new sources, increase marketer business value.

14th International Research/Expert Conference ”Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology” TMT 2010, Mediterranean Cruise, 11-18 September 2010 TRENDS IN THE FIRM’S ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT Igor Liberko Unviersity of Prešov in Prešov. Faculty of management, Department of Economic Sciences and Economy ul. 17 novembra 1, Prešov, 080 01 Slovak Republic Lucia Bednárová Unviersity of Prešov in Prešov. Faculty of management, Department of management ul. 17 novembra 1, Prešov, 080 01 Slovak Republic ABSTRACT In firm exist different Workgroups plicate from functional and working place. Their activities, as well as arrangements are controlled, that stands for, that are limiting a regulation. Their regulation rate and restriction into decision is different, depend from position in organization structure. Control worker activities myself succeed results, which could not reach individual worker, or working group. Combine here worker accomplishment and exploitage other source and resources in firm. Structuralism organization organizational structure forms stability element in firm. Organization helps worker understand purposes and business target and also their mission in firm. Also solve alternatively, eventually crisis situations, to those is able to get the business. Organization simplification and solve in the long-term business survival, competence gain new sources, increase marketer business value. Keywords: Firms, company's organizational structure, control, control methods 1. ORGANIZATION Behind ground performance chart organizational structure regard gadgetry, through those forms and downloadable organization, so as possible rule and coordination. Between these gadgetry range: • Division of labor rate, Style division organization on organizational units, Delegation of powers, Range control, Coordination activities. For individual performance chart organization reign various input. For external and internal factor choose these most frequently: • Company largeness and branches of trade • Control mood, • Technology, progress, know - how for product production, • Area, • Series production, • Largeness and availability firm sources, • Legal personality and firm position on market. Listed factors work by various intensity, which in time change. Management, as framer organizational structure in firm, is responsible for analyses and prognosis these factor. Classifieds structure is 205 possible implement according to a few criteria. Most application is decision authority and association activities. 2. CONTROL Near controlled business are still retrieval new ways, style and methods control, which make possible effective achieve set targets business, in condition always-different changes in environs.[5] Term style, process, procedure conform use on identification of what look like operative activity concrete carry out her administrator, allowing manager. In order to businesses manager could, or businessman successfully business rule business, or. Its finite organizational branch is important proper style selection (mood), according as control methods. Factors, which influence formations style and options of managerial system, are representation in the picture 1. Come out from object control stage - lonely businesses, which effects on term control – entrepreneur, alternatively manager. FIRM ( Firm organizational structure) Stage object control and idea development Area,environment where firm work Area next to manager Adjusting potention personal classified financial information BUSINESSMAN (manager) Set of methods and control style Investigation Showing term control Adjustovanost a jej development preliminary organizational data operational inteligencny Firm Goals Golas, (manager) set-up of parts in manger activities from view there confidence Option Option form and manager system Style, style jobs direction alleged near solution tangible incident. Figure 1. Design actor affecting option managerial system Near develop conform cannot concentrate only on spacious region control, however above on style control, which carry out each manager. Problem look like carry out operative activity, resp. operative activities so, so as succeed results control object, process, alternatively activities be good, perfect and more efficient feeler not only control object, process whether activities, perfect and effective feeler not only control object, process whether activities, concerning them specialty, facilities, decision and other symbols, but also spectrum style and method control. 206 Classification form, style and method control in firm: • Form term control – individual, associated and collective, team form term control - who manages? • Dominant middle control - control wherewithal? • Sort sliding ways control – control according to of what? • Exercitation style control – look like myself manages? · a/ Control by imperative This managerial style myself mostly join with directive style control. Statement is uniform information for recipient about, which it shall make, what time, what style inclusive another appurtenances, which multi on fulfillment imperative and statement, which come into being about his executed. Statement advantages (on the proviso that is couched in clearly, comprehensive, comprehensive), be quick regulation object control term control. [4]. b/ Control by democratization Release creative worker forces so term, as well as object sequencing. Compile atmosphere relative trust, co-operation and understanding. Goes about most progressive evolutionary tendency formation system and control style. c/ Control by planning Control idea exercise project as middle, which shows style, as reach layout goal. Flexible project is resources so for myself-regulation object as well as term control inclusive them relative communication. d/Control norm (recipe) Have wide application near solving problems organizational structure, however isn't meet look like select managerial style. Records ad hoc control is working-out norm, normative station to solve mixed work development engineering management system. Organizational specification form normative model management system business, so vision o tom, what is to be business ordered as a it shall work, so as myself in due course fulfill all the functions business and there element. e/ Management by motivation Be that system as well as managerial style. Spirit rest v tom, that term control make use of all available stimulus, which effects on object control, so as was motivate into policy, look like is it needed from view right behavior and conduct object control. Management by motivation stands for dead myself orientate on human operator object control. Make use of myself near those above knowledge from psychology. f/ Control centralization Centralization is resources control, near alleged that’s myself all critical and important activities from process control concentrative in subject control forming governmental center. Object control is only executive element governmental ideas center, which uses stream recipe, imperative, project, delimited even sanctions at it, so as object control force in appropriate behavior. Defiance listed negative cannot control centralization sentence. g/ Control by decentralization To designate scattering decision authority and liabilities from center at low organizational articles. Decentralization raise, centralization reduces separateness object control and there structural element. Decentralization enlarges activity object control. Control decentralization is serious then control centralization, as loll about trust and spontaneity discipline self-contained unit, as well as common endeavor successfully reach layout purposes. h/ Control by delegation Control delegation myself exercise too near transition from control centralization into control decentralization. This process change refill activities term and object control, inclusive division of labor between them, form data bond inclusive backward bond 207 i/ Control by participation Express turnout of those, which control under the control of, on controlled. Style and volume participate it is advisable specify agreement, so as argument neither risk from deceleration decision, from flexible policy. j /Control innovation System and control style innovation introduce control continued change. As changes they shall biggies measure turbulent nature, give out in situation, on the proviso that process control overshoot at very environs. Possible respond inactive, so meet and face his showing process, alternatively possible non respond actively, so make use of accomplishment, preventative myself you-move shoal. System and style control innovation is perspective, so far indeed isn't digestedly correctly model. k/ Control by crisis (crisis control) Control in crisis repudiates about theses, according to which appropriate regulation behavior member working parties, allowed eventuate in growth working activities. In frame of this methods allowed look like simulative actor feature too conscious presentation given working parties whether organizational units to crisis situations. l/ Control by communication Process conform sometimes characterize look like process communication information, administration, registration, alternatively look like process compensating data surface. Controlled communication laying emphasis on information free-heartedness, information speed and complete information. m/ Control agreement Claims are adoption relative attitudes and suggestion interim term and object control and generation consent (conventions) between them. A Genesis convention lives oftentimes too complex. Be independent theories, which describe practices, look like only form agreement and minimalisms misunderstanding. 3. CONCLUSION Determine on second-hand selection methods depend to operative worker. Seasonableness selection methods depend too from sufferance test, those definition is influence several input - knowledge, competence and twist of the wrist worker, technical equipment of work. Some ground test selection system indeed designate we can (applicable especially in controlled at low stage of management). Are those: tenacity solution, little up to date fastidiousness, and limpidity results solution, mean pretension to capital cost, operations service. Correctness selection and service methods find out near comparison await results with actuality. Each technique and style control it shall other fall on working atmosphere too on financial efficiency. Managers, which use managerial style, which yea-saying influence working atmosphere, succeed result 4. REFERENCES [1] Dedina, J.: Podnikové organizační štruktúry: Teorie a praxe. Praha: Victoria Publishing, 1996. [2] Ferencová, M.: Konflikty v komunikácii a kvalita manažovania. In: Psychológia práce a organizácie – 2008. Košice: Spoločenskovedný ústav SAV, 2009. S. 80-86. ISBN 978-80-969628-9-1 [3] Majerník, M., Maňko, M., Hricová, B.: Koncept procesne integrovaného systému manažérstva kvality, bezpečnosti a environmentu, In: Bezpečnosť, kvalita, spoľahlivosť : 2.medzinárodná vedecká konferencia : Košice 2005. - Košice : TU, 2005. - ISBN 80-8073-258-2. - 6 s. [4] Mihok, J., Engel, J.: Podnik vo vyrovnávaní a jeho efektívne manažovanie. 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