Assessment of fetal brain abnormalities
Ritsuko K. Pooh
Recent advanced ultrasound imaging technologies such as
high-frequency transvaginal scanning and three-dimensional
(3D) sonography have been remarkably improved, and
introduction of those technologies in clinical practice has
contributed to prenatal evaluation of fetal central nervous
system (CNS) development and assessment of CNS abnormalities in utero.
Sonographic assessment of the fetal brain in the sagittal and
coronal sections requires an approach through anterior/
posterior fontanelle and/or the sagittal suture. Transvaginal
sonography of the fetal brain opened a new field in medicine,
“neurosonography” (1). Transvaginal approach to the normal
fetal brain during the second and third trimesters was
introduced in the beginning of 1990s. It was the first practical
application of 3D CNS assessment by two-dimensional (2D)
ultrasound (2). Transvaginal observation of the fetal brain
offers sagittal and coronal views of the brain (3–6) through the
fontanelles and/or the sagittal suture as ultrasound windows.
Serial oblique sections (1) via the same ultrasound window
reveal the intracranial morphology in detail. This method has
contributed to the prenatal assessment of congenital CNS
anomalies and acquired brain damage in utero. Furthermore,
the brain circulation demonstrated by transvaginal power
Doppler was first reported in 1996 (7,8); brain vascularity and
blood supply have become clearly detectable afterward.
Three-dimensional ultrasound is one of the most attractive
modality in a field of fetal ultrasound imaging. Automatic scan
by dedicated 3D transducer produces motor-driven automatic
sweeping and is called as a fan scan. With this method, a shift
and/or angle change of the transducer is not required during
scanning and scan duration needs only several seconds. After
the acquisition of the target organ, multiplanar imaging analysis
and tomographic imaging analysis are possible. Combination
of both transvaginal sonography and 3D ultrasound (9–19) has
been a great diagnostic tool for evaluation of 3D structure of
fetal CNS. Recent advanced 3D ultrasound equipments have
several useful functions as follows:
Surface anatomy imaging
Bony structural imaging of the calvaria and vertebrae
Multiplanar imaging of the intracranial structure
Tomographic ultrasound imaging of fetal brain in
the any cutting section (Fig. 1)
Thick slice imaging of the intracranial structure
Simultaneous volume contrast imaging of the same
section or vertical section of fetal brain structure
Volume calculation of target organs such as
intracranial cavity, ventricle, choroid plexus, and
intracranial lesions (20–25)
Three-dimensional sono-angiography of the brain
circulation (3D power Doppler) (8)
Fetal neuroimaging with advanced 3D technology is an
easy, noninvasive, and reproducible method. It produces not
only comprehensible images but also objective imaging data.
Easy storage/extraction of raw volume data set enables easy
off-line analysis and consultation to neurologists and
ventriculomegaly and hydrocephalus
“Hydrocephalus” and “ventriculomegaly” are both the terms
used to describe dilatation of the lateral ventricles. However,
those two should be distinguished from each other. Hydrocephalus signifies dilated lateral ventricles resulted from
increased amount of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) inside the
ventricles and increased intracranial pressure, while ventriculomegaly is the dilatation of lateral ventricles without increased
intracranial pressure, due to cerebral hypoplasia or CNS
anomaly such as agenesis of the corpus callosum (26,27). Of
course, ventriculomegaly can sometimes change into hydrocephalic state. In sonographic imaging, those two intracranial
conditions can be differentiated by visualization of subarachnoid space and appearance of choroid plexus. In normal
condition, subarachnoid space, visualized around both the
cerebral hemispheres, is well preserved during pregnancy.
Choroid plexus is a soft tissue and is easily affected by
intracranial pressure. Obliterated subarachnoid space and
dangling choroid plexus are observed in the case of
hydrocephalus. By contrast, the subarachnoid space and
choroid plexus are well preserved in cases of ventriculomegaly.
It is difficult to evaluate subarachnoid space in the axial plane
because the subarachnoid space is observed in the parietal side
of the hemispheres. It is suggested that the evaluation of
enlarged ventricles should be done in the parasagittal and
coronal views by transvaginal approach to the fetal brain or 3D
multidimensional analysis (Fig. 2). As a screening examination, the measurement of atrial width (AW) is useful with a
cutoff value of 10mm (28,29). In normal fetuses, blood flow
waveforms of dural sinuses, such as the superior sagittal sinus,
vein of Galen, and straight sinus have pulsatile pattern (30).
However, in cases with progressive hydrocephalus, normal
pulsation disappears and blood flow waveforms become flat
pattern (30). Intracranial venous blood flow may be related to
increased intracranial pressure.
Variety of Mild Ventriculomegaly with AW 10–15mm
Mild ventriculomegaly is defined as of a width of the atrium
of the lateral cerebral ventricles of 10 to 15mm. It has been
reported that mild ventriculomegaly with AW 10 to 15mm
resolves in 29%, remains stable in 57%, and progresses in
14% of the cases during pregnancy (31). In cases of
5.7cm / 1.6 /28Hz
0000521 GA=20w2d
TIs 0.1
–4 –3
2010/10/04 9:01:37 PM
Qual high2
3D Static
2005/06/27 05:40:36 PM
TIs 0.1
Qual max
3D Static
3.0 mm
Figure 1 Tomographic ultrasound imaging by three-dimensional transvaginal sonography. Normal brain at 20 weeks (left) and 31 weeks (right) on the coronal
cutting sections. Note the changing cortical development between those two different gestational stages.
Qual max
B147°/V 120
3D static
Qual max
B118°/V 120
3D static
Figure 2 Hydrocephalus (left) and ventriculomegaly (right). Tomographic ultrasound imaging of X-linked hydrocephalus at 21 weeks (left) and ventriculomegaly
at 25 weeks (right). Note the obliterated subarachnoid space in the hydrocephalic case compared with normal subarachnoid space in the ventriculomegaly case.
ventriculomegaly with AW of 10 to 13mm at referral, the
ultimate fetal outcome and prognosis depends on associated
Generally, in cases of mild fetal ventriculomegaly with a
normal karyotype and an absence of malformations, the
outcome appears to be favorable (32). Pilu and his colleagues (33) reviewed 234 cases of borderline ventriculomegaly
including an abnormal outcome in 22.8% and concluded that
borderline ventriculomegaly carries an increased risk of cerebral
maldevelopment, delayed neurologic development, and, possibly, chromosomal aberrations. Isolated mild ventriculomegaly
with AW of 10 to 12mm may be normal variation. Signorelli
and colleagues (34) described that their data of normal
neurodevelopment between 18 months and 10 years after birth
in cases of isolated mild ventriculomegaly (AW of 10–12mm)
should provide a basis for reassuring counseling. Ouahba
and colleagues (35) recently reported the outcome of 167
cases of isolated mild ventriculomegaly and concluded that
in addition to associated anomalies, three criteria are often
associated with an unfavorable outcome: AW greater than
12mm, progression of the enlargement, and asymmetrical and
bilateral ventriculomegaly.
Moderate to Severe Ventriculomegaly and Hydrocephalus
with AW>15mm
The term of “hydrocephalus” does not identify a specified
disease, but is a generic term that means a group of pathologic
conditions due to abnormal circulation of CSF. Treatment
method of hydrocephalus should be selected according to age
of onset and symptoms. Congenital hydrocephalus is classified
into three categories by causes that disturb CSF circulation
pathway: simple hydrocephalus, dysgenetic hydrocephalus,
and secondary hydrocephalus (15,26).
1. Simple hydrocephalus
Simple hydrocephalus, caused by developmental abnormality that is localized within CSF circulation pathway, includes
aqueductal stenosis, atresia of foramen Monro, and maldevelopment of arachnoid granulation.
2. Dysgenetic hydrocephalus
Dysgenetic hydrocephalus indicates hydrocephalus as a result
of cerebral developmental disorder in early developmental stage
and includes hydranencephaly, holoprosencephaly, porencephaly, schizencephaly, Dandy–Walker malformation, dysraphism, and Chiari malformation.
Figure 3 Encephalocele. Tomographic ultrasound imaging (upper) and MR imaging (lower) in a case of encephalocele at 28 weeks of gestation.
3. Secondary hydrocephalus
Secondary hydrocephalus is a generic term indicating
hydrocephalus caused by intracranial pathologic condition,
such as brain tumor, intracranial infection, and intracranial
In cases with progressive hydrocephalus, there may be
seven stages of progression: (i) increased fluid collection of
lateral ventricles, (ii) increased intracranial pressure, (iii)
dangling choroid plexus, (iv) disappearance of subarachnoid
space, (v) excessive extension of the dura and superior
sagittal sinus, (vi) disappearance of venous pulsation, and
finally (vii) enlarged skull (24). In general, both hydrocephalus and ventriculomegaly are still evaluated by the
measurement of biparietal diameter and AW in transabdominal axial section.
Although all cases have similar ventricular appearance, the
causes of ventriculomegaly vary, such as Chiari type II
malformation, aqueductal obstruction, and amniotic band
syndrome (ABS). In the case of ABS, amniotic band attached
to the scalp resulted in partial cranial bone defect and a small
cephalocele, which may have caused Monro obstruction and
enlarged ventricles.
From our data of 23 ventriculomegaly cases with AW>15
mm (27), 9 cases (39.1%) had no other CNS abnormality, but
2 out of those 9 were complicated with chromosomal
aberration. Four cases out of seven without any complication
had favorable postnatal prognosis after ventricular–peritoneal
shunting procedure. Among the rest of 14 cases with other
CNS abnormalities, holoprosencephaly was detected in 5 cases
and myelomeningocele in 5 cases (27).
neural tube defects
Cranium Bifidum
Cranium bifidum is classified into four types of encephaloschisis (including anencephaly and exencephaly), meningocele, encephalomeningocele, encephalocystocele, and cranium
bifidum occultum. Encephalocele occurs in the occipital
region in 70% to 80%. Acrania, exencephaly, and anencephaly
are not independent anomalies. It is considered that dysraphia
(absent cranial vault, acrania) occurs in very early stage and
disintegration of the exposed brain (exencephaly) during the
fetal period results in anencephaly. Encephalocele (Fig. 3) is
often observed in the median section and in the parietooccipital part. ABS should be differentiated from acrania
during early pregnancy, because ABS has completely different
pathogenesis from acrania/exencephaly. In cases of ABS,
cranial destruction occurs secondary to an amniotic band;
similar appearance is often observed.
Spina Bifida
Spina bifida aperta, manifest form of spina bifida, is classified
into four types: meningocele, myelomeningocele, myelocystocele, and myeloschisis. In myelomeningocele, the spinal cord
and its protective covering (the meninges) protrude from an
opening in the spine. In meningocele, the spinal cord develops
normally but the meninges protrude from a spinal opening.
The most common location of the malformations is the
lumbar and sacral areas of the spinal cord. Chiari type II
malformation and secondary hydrocephalus/ventriculomegaly
are mostly, and scoliosis or kyphosis occasionally, associated
with open spina bifida. Surface anatomy of the fetus and
appearance of clubfoot, which occasionally manifests early in
0.5/ 8.8
Figure 4 Myelomeningocele. Two-dimensional (2D) ultrasound of myelomeningocele (upper left) and myelomeningocele with kyphosis (lower left), 3D
ultrasound (middle), and MRI (right). Right upper MRI shows Chiari type II malformation (arrows). Clear visualization of spinal cord protrusion is obtained by
2D ultrasound and MRI. The 3D ultrasound images show the bony structure that helps to determine the level of spina bifida and lower extremity appearance.
mid-gestation as a complication of spinal bifida, are easily
demonstrable by using 3D ultrasound. The 3D ultrasound
with maximum mode can demonstrate bony structure (Fig. 4)
and is helpful to detect the spinal levels of lesion and to
predict neurologic prognosis. Although most myelomeningoceles are demonstrated as a protruding swelling, fetal back
appears flat in the type of myeloschisis; therefore, open spina
bifida may be often overlooked. Because more than 80% of
cases of open spina bifida are associated with ventriculomegaly due to Chiari type II malformation, demonstration of
ventriculomegaly is usually the first observable sign leading to
the detailed examination of spine and the subsequent
diagnosis of spinal bifida.
prosencephalic developmental disorder
Holoprosencephalies are classified into three varieties: alobar,
semilobar, and lobar types. Facial abnormalities such as
cyclopia, ethmocephaly, cebocephaly, flat nose, cleft lip, and
palate are invariably associated with holoprosencephaly and
extracerebral abnormalities. Facial abnormalities are often
associated with holoprosencephaly.
Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum
Absence of the corpus callosum (AOCC) is divided into
complete agenesis, partial agenesis, or hypogenesis. Chromosomal aberration or syndromic diseases may occasionally be
related to agenesis of the corpus callosum. Colpocephalic
ventriculomegaly with disproportionate enlargement of trigones, occipital horns and temporal horns, and superior
elongation of the third ventricle is usually observed. Interhemispheric cyst is often associated with AOCC and some
cases are with pericallosal lipoma. Complete AOCC is
demonstrated in the coronal and sagittal sections by
sonography and fetal MRI. Typical shape of enlarged ventricles
associated with AOCC is colpocephaly with large occipital
horns. Typical radiated formation of brain vessels in the
sagittal section is demonstrated by color Doppler study. As the
corpus callosum is depicted after 17 or 18 weeks of gestation
by ultrasound, it is impossible to diagnose agenesis of the
corpus callosum prior to this age (36).
posterior fossa anomaly
Chiari Malformation
Chiari classified anomalies with cerebellar herniation in the
spinal canal into three types by contents of herniated tissue:
contents of type I is a lip of cerebellum; type II part of
cerebellum, fourth ventricle and medulla oblongata, and
pons; and type III large herniation of the posterior fossa.
Thereafter, type IV with just cerebellar hypogenesis was
added. However, this classification occasionally leads to
confusion in neuroimaging diagnosis. Therefore, at present,
the classification as below is advocated: type I not associated
with myelomeningocele, type II (schematic picture is shown
in Fig. 5 upper left) associated with myelomeningocele, type
III associated with cephalocele or craniocervical meningocele,
and type IV associated with marked cerebellar hypogenesis
and posterior fossa shrinking. Chiari malformation occurs
according to i) inferior displacement of the medulla and the
fourth ventricle into the upper cervical canal, ii) elongation
and thinning of the upper medulla and lower pons and
persistence of the embryonic flexure of these structures, iii)
inferior displacement of the lower cerebellum through the
foramen magnum into the upper cervical region, and iv) a
variety of bony defects of the foramen magnum, occiput, and
upper cervical vertebra (37). Hydrocephalus is caused by
IIIrd ventricular
Elongation of
Elongation of
IVth ventricle
Medullary kink
c Ritsuko
K. Pooh, 2004
Herniation of cerebellar
tonsil into vertebral column
Figure 5 Chiari type II malformation. Schematic picture of Chiari type II malformation (upper left). Elongation and stenosis of the aqueduct and fourth ventricle
in the specimen from aborted fetus at 21 weeks (upper middle) are shown. Lower brain images are lemon sign and banana sign from the left. Arrowheads indicate
indentations of lemon-shaped skull and banana-shaped cerebellum. Lower middle picture shows the lemon sign on the autopsy of an aborted fetus. Right sagittal
ultrasound images show normal cerebrospinal structure, Chiari type II malformation without kink, and Chiari II with medullary kink from above.
obstruction of fourth ventricular outflow or associated
aqueductal stenosis. Eighty-eight percent of fetuses with open
spina bifida develop ventriculomegaly, by 21 weeks of
gestation in the majority of cases (38). As prenatal
neuroimaging of Chiari malformation, lemon and banana
signs (39) are circumstantial evidences of Chiari malformation, which are easily demonstrated in the early second
trimester. Lemon sign indicates deformity of the frontal bone,
and banana sign indicates abnormal shape of cerebellum
without cisterna magna space (Fig. 5, lower). Herniation of the
cerebellar tonsil and medulla oblongata and medullary kink
are demonstrable (Fig. 5, right). Small clivus–supraocciput
angle is seen in cases of Chiari malformation (40).
dandy walker malformation, dandy walker
variant, megacisterna magna
During development of the fourth ventricular roof, a delay or
total failure of the foramen of Magendie to open occurs,
allowing a buildup of CSF and development of the cystic
dilation of the fourth ventricle. Despite the subsequent
opening of the foramina of Luschka (usually patent in
Dandy–Walker malformation), cystic dilatation of the fourth
ventricle persists and CSF flow is impaired. At present, the
term “Dandy–Walker complex” by Barkovich et al. (41) is
used to indicate a spectrum of anomalies of the posterior
fossa that are classified by axial CT scans as it follows.
Dandy–Walker malformation, Dandy–Walker variant, and
megacisterna magna seem to represent a continuum of
developmental anomalies of the posterior fossa (41). Figure 6
(upper) shows the differential diagnosis of hypoechoic lesion
of the posterior fossa, and typical sonographic images of
Dandy–Walker malformation are shown in the lower part of
Figure 6.
(Classic) Dandy–Walker malformation: cystic dilatation of fourth ventricle, enlarged posterior fossa,
elevated tentorium, and complete or partial agenesis
of the cerebellar vermis.
Dandy–Walker variant: variable hypoplasia of the
cerebellar vermis with or without enlargement of the
posterior fossa.
Megacisterna magna: enlarged cisterna magna with
integrity of both cerebellar vermis and fourth
neuronal proliferation disorder
Microcephaly is defined as a head circumference that is more
than two standard deviations below the normal mean for age,
sex, race, and gestation. Infections such as with rubella,
cytomegalovirus, varicella (chicken pox) virus, and toxoplasmosis, radiation, medications, chromosome abnormalities,
and genetic diseases may cause microcephaly. Occasionally,
microcephaly occurs with late onset during pregnancy (42).
neuronal migration disorders
Neuronal migration disorders are caused by the abnormal
migration of neurons in the developing brain and nervous
system. Neurons must migrate from the areas where they are
born to the areas where they will settle into their proper neural
Cystic dilataion of IVth ventriclev
Arachnoid cyst
arachnoid cyst
DW variant
DW malformation
Figure 6 Differential diagnosis of hypoechoic lesion of the posterior fossa (upper) and typical sonographic images of Dandy–Walker malformation (lower).
Abbreviation: C, cerebellum. Asterisks indicate cystic dilatation of the fourth ventricle.
circuits. Neuronal migration, which occurs as early as the
second month of gestation, is controlled by a complex
assortment of chemical guides and signals. When these signals
are absent or incorrect, neurons do not end up where they
belong. This can result in structurally abnormal or missing
areas of the brain in the cerebral hemispheres, cerebellum,
brainstem, or hippocampus, including schizencephaly, porencephaly, lissencephaly, agyria, macrogyria, pachygyria,
microgyria, micropolygyria, neuronal heterotopias (including
band heterotopia), agenesis of the corpus callosum, and
agenesis of the cranial nerves. Symptoms vary according to the
specific disorder and the degree of brain abnormality and
subsequent neurologic losses, but often feature poor muscle
tone and motor function, seizures, developmental delays,
mental retardation, failure to grow and thrive, difficulties with
feeding, swelling in the extremities, and a smaller than normal
head. Most infants with a neuronal migration disorder appear
normal, but some disorders have characteristic facial or skull
Lissencephaly is very rare and characterized by a lack of gyral
development and divided into two types.
Lissencephaly type I shows a smooth surface of the brain
and cerebral wall is similar to that of an approximately
12-week-old fetus (43). Isolated lissencephaly (Fig. 7) or Miller–
Dieker syndrome is associated with additional craniofacial
abnormalities, cardiac anomalies, genital anomalies, sacral
dimple, creases, and/or clinodactyly. Lissencephaly type II
shows cobblestone appearance. Walker–Warburg syndrome
with macrocephaly, congenital muscular dystrophy, cerebellar
malformation, and retinal malformation or Fukuyama congenital muscular dystrophy with microcephaly and congenital
muscular dystrophy has been proven.
20 w
25 w
31 w
Figure 7 Changing appearance of Sylvian fissure in the anterior coronal section (upper) and abnormal Sylvian fissure in cases of migration disorder (lower). At 20
weeks of gestation, bilateral Sylvian fissures (arrowheads) appear to be indentations (left). With cortical development, Sylvian fissures are formed during the latter
half of second trimester (middle) and become as lateral sulci. Sylvian fissure appearance is one of the most reliable ultrasound markers for the assessment of
cortical development. Lower MR images show coronal cutting sections of various migration disorders after 30 weeks of gestation: Isolated lissencephaly,
cobblestone lissencephaly, and pachygyria from left.
Recently, classification has been made based on associated
malformations and etiologies.
- Classic lissencephaly (previously known as type I lissencephaly)
Lissencephaly due to LIS1 gene mutation
Type I isolated lissencephaly
Link to chromosome 17p13.3 and chromosome
Miller–Dieker syndrome link to chromosome 17p13.3
Lissencephaly due to doublecortin gene mutation
Lissencephaly type I, isolated, without other genetic defects
- Lissencephaly X-linked with AOCC (ARX gene)
- Lissencephaly with cerebellar hypoplasia
Norman–Roberts syndrome (mutation of reelin gene)
- Microlissencephaly (lissencephaly and microcephaly)
- Cobblestone lissencephaly (previously known as type II
Walker–Warburg syndrome, HARD(E) syndrome
Fukuyama syndrome linked to chromosome 9q31,
fukutin (44)
Muscle–eye–brain disease
A few reports of prenatal diagnosis of lissencephaly have
been published (45–47). It was described that without
previous history of an affected child, lissencephaly probably
cannot be reliably made until 26 to 28 weeks of gestation (48).
However, from recent study in the assessment of Sylvian
fissure appearance during pregnancy, there might be a
potential of earlier diagnosis of migration disorders (49).
Schizencephaly is a disorder characterized by congenital
clefts in the cerebral mantle, lined by pia-ependyma, with
communication between the subarachnoid space laterally and
the ventricular system medially. Of that 63% is unilateral and
37% bilateral. Frontal region is 44% and frontoparietal is 30%
(43). Schizencephaly is associated with ventriculomegaly,
microcephaly, polymicrogyria, gray matter heterotopias,
dysgenesis of the corpus callosum, absence of the septum
pellucidum, and optic nerve hypoplasia.
other congenital anomalies
Arachnoid Cyst, Interhemispheric Cyst
Congenital or acquired cyst, with prevalence of 1% of
intracranial masses in newborns, is lined by arachnoid
membranes and filled with fluid collection, which is of the
same characteristic as the CSF. The number of cysts is mostly
single, but two or more cysts can be occasionally observed.
Location of arachnoid cyst is various, and it is said that
approximately 50% of cysts occurs from the Sylvian fissure
(middle fossa), 20% from the posterior fossa, and 10% to
20% each from the convexity, suprasellar, interhemisphere,
and quadrigeminal cistern in the pediatric field. Interhemispheric cysts are commonly associated with agenesis or
hypogenesis of the corpus callosum. Callosal agenesis with
interhemispheric cyst is classified as two types (50). Type I
cysts appear to be an extension or diverticulum of the third
or lateral ventricles, whereas type 2 cysts are loculated and do
not communicate with the ventricular system. Prenatal
neuroimaging examples of interhemispheric cyst, middle
fossa arachnoid cyst, and suprasellar arachnoid cyst are
shown in Figure 8. As intrauterine spontaneous resolution or
changing cyst size is often seen during fetal period, serial
scanning is important. Detection in the first trimester was
G (EDC)=5 M3D
Figure 8 Prenatal neuroimaging of interhemispheric cyst, middle fossa arachnoid cyst, and suprasellar arachnoid cyst. Abbreviations: USG, ultrasonography;
MRI, magnetic resonance imaging.
reported (51). Prognosis is generally good. Many are
asymptomatic and remain quiescent for years, although
others may expand and cause neurologic symptoms by
compressing adjacent brain, development of ventriculomegaly, and/or expanding the overlying skull.
Brain Tumors
Brain tumors are divided into teratomatous, most are the
commonly reported brain tumors, and nonteratomatous.
Nonteratomatous tumors includes neuroepithelial tumor, such
as medulloblastoma, astrocytoma, choroid plexus papilloma,
choroid plexus carcinoma, ependymoma, ependymoblastoma,
and mesenchymal tumor such as craniopharyngioma, sarcoma,
fibroma, hemangioblastoma, hemangioma, and meningioma,
and others such as lipoma of the corpus callosum, subependymal giant-cell astrocytoma associated with tuberous sclerosis
(often accompanied by cardiac rhabdomyoma) (52). Depending on the site and vascularity, these tumors may lead to
macrocrania or local skull swelling, epignathus, secondary
hydrocephalus, intracranial hemorrhage, intraventricular hemorrhage, polyhydramnios, and heart failure by high-cardiac
output (53) or hydrops. Intracranial masses with solid, cystic,
or mixture pattern with or without visualization of hypervascularity can be detected by ultrasound and fetal MRI. Brain
tumor should be considered in cases with unexplained
intracranial hemorrhage.
Craniosynostosis is the premature closure of cranial suture,
which may affect one or more cranial sutures. Simple sagittal
synostosis is most common. Various cranial shapes depend on
affected suture(s).
Sagittal suture
Bilateral coronal suture
Unilateral coronal suture
Metopic suture
Lambdoid suture
Unilateral lambdoid suture
or squamous/sagittal suture
Total cranial sutures
Scaphocephaly or dolichocephaly
Anterior plagiocephaly
Posterior plagiocephaly
Cloverleaf skull
Craniosynostosis due to specific syndromes (syndromic
craniosynostosis) is usually associated with additional specific
features and therefore correct differentiation between these
conditions is possible. Examples include Crouzon syndrome
(acrocephaly, synostosis of coronal, sagittal and lambdoid
sutures and ocular proptosis, maxillary hypoplasia), Apert
syndrome (brachycephaly, irregular synostosis, especially
coronal suture and midfacial hypoplasia, syndactyly, broad
distal phalanx of thumb, and big toe), Pfeiffer syndrome
(brachycephaly, synostosis of coronal and/or sagittal sutures
3D B flow
Power Doppler
Figure 9 Three-dimensional B-flow detection, color Doppler image, and MRI of vein of Galen aneurysmal malformation.
and hypertelorism, broad thumbs and toes, and partial
syndactyly), and Antley–Bixler syndrome (brachycephaly,
multiple synostosis, especially of coronal suture and maxillary
hypoplasia, radiohumeral synostosis, choanal atresia, arthrogryposis). Abnormal craniofacial appearance can be detected
prenatally by 2D/3D ultrasound (26,54–56).
vein of galen aneurysmal malformation
It is a congenital malformation of blood vessels of the brain.
The main structure is direct arteriovenous fistulas in which
blood shunts from choroidal and/or quadrigeminal arteries
into an overlying single median venous sac. Vein of Galen
aneurysm is not “aneurysm” but “arteriovenous malformation (AVM).” Vein of Galen aneurysmal malformation
(VGAM) is a choroidal type of AVM involving the vein of
Galen forerunner. This is distinct from an AVM with
venous drainage into a dilated, but already formed, vein of
Galen (57). Associated anomalies are cardiomegaly, high
cardiac output, secondary hydrocephalus, macrocrania,
cerebral ischemia (intracranial steal phenomenon), and
subarachnoid/cerebral/intraventricular hemorrhages. The
3D B-flow detection, color Doppler image, and MRI of
VGAM are shown in Figure 9.
Pericallosal Lipoma
Intracranial lipomas are congenital malformations composed
of mature adipocytes. They are usually located in the midline,
particularly in the pericallosal region, a hemispheric location
accounting for only 3% to 7% of cases. Two morphologic
types of pericallosal lipoma have been described (58,59).
Tubulonodular type with generally greater than 2cm in
diameter (often smaller than 2cm in fetal period) has a high
incidence of corpus callosum dysgenesis, frontal lobe anomalies, and frontal encephaloceles. Curvilinear type, which
comprises thin, posteriorly situated lipomas curving around
the splenium, is generally associated with a normal corpus
callosum and otherwise has a low incidence of associated
anomalies. High echogenic mass can be easily demonstrated by
ultrasound. Several reports on prenatal diagnosis have been
published (60–62).
acquired brain abnormalities in utero
In terms of encephalopathy or cerebral palsy, “timing of brain
insult, antepartum, intrapartum, or postpartum?” is one of
the serious controversial issues including medico-sociolegal-ethical problems (15). Although brain insults may relate
to antepartum events in a substantial number of term infants
with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, the timing of insult
cannot always be certain. It is a difficult task to provide a
precise prediction of subsequent development of cerebral palsy
after a given antepartum event or complication. Fetal heart
rate monitoring cannot reveal the presence of encephalopathy,
and neuroimaging by ultrasound and MR imaging is the most
reliable modality for disclosure of silent encephalopathy.
In many cases with cerebral palsy with acquired brain insults,
especially term-delivered infants with reactive fetal heart
rate tracing and good Apgar score at delivery, recent
imaging studies have confirmed the presence of brain insult
in utero, suggesting that the majority of cerebral palsy are
of antepartum rather than intrapartum in origin.
7.9cm / 1.5 / 13Hz
0004111 GA=32w4d
–5 –3
TIs 0.1
2010/10/27 8:15:55 PM
Qual max
3D static
3.0 mm
Figure 10 Intracerebral hemorrhage at 32 weeks of gestation. Transvaginal three-dimensional tomographic ultrasound images show unilateral ventriculomegaly
due to cerebral hemorrhage and fresh intracerebral hemorrhage (arrows), which is going to change into porencephaly.
Intracranial Hemorrhage
Intracranial hemorrhage includes subdural hemorrhage,
primary subarachnoid hemorrhage, intracerebellar hemorrhage, intraventricular hemorrhage, and intraparenchymal
hemorrhage other than cerebellar hemorrhage (63). Hydrocephalus, hydranencephaly, porencephaly, and/or microcephaly are possible secondary complications, which are often
detectable by imaging studies. Unilateral ventriculomegaly due
to cerebral hemorrhage and fresh intracerebral hemorrhage is
shown in Figure 10. The hyperechoic lesion is changing into
porencephaly in a short period.
Porencephaly or porencephalic cyst is defined as fluid-filled
spaces replacing normal brain parenchyma and may or may
not communicate with the lateral ventricles or subarachnoid
space. The causes may be ischemic episode, trauma (64),
demise of one twin, Intracerebral hemorrhage, and infection
of cytomegalovirus (65). Some cases in utero have been
reported (66,67). Porencephalic cyst never causes a mass
effect, which is observed in cases with arachnoid cyst or
other cystic mass lesions. This condition is acquired brain
insult and differentiated from schizencephaly of migration
fetal periventricular leukomalacia
Multifocal areas of necrosis are found deep in the cortical
white matter, which are often symmetrical and occur
adjacent to the lateral ventricles. Periventricular leukomalacia (PVL) represents a major precursor for neurologic and
intellectual impairment, and cerebral palsy in later life. About
25% to 75% of premature infants at autopsy are complicated
with periventricular white matter injury. However, clinically,
incidence may be much lower. About 5% to 10% of infants
have less than 1500g birth weight. In term infants, PVL is
very rare.
Recent advances of imaging technology have provided us
objective neuroimaging diagnosis as shown in this article.
Longitudinal and careful evaluation of neurologic short-term/
long-term prognosis should be required according to precise
prenatal diagnosis, for proper counseling and management
based on accurate evidence.
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