Ten demystified folios from Ablai-kit

2024, Alexander Zorin, Charles Ramble “Ten demystified folios from Ablai-kit”, Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines, no. 71, June 2024, pp. 33-92.

The authors discuss ten folios from Ablai-kit that contain texts typically localized in the Tengyur. A closer analysis, however, reveals that this was not the case with these folios, dismantling the initial hypothesis that this part of the Tibetan Buddhist canon might have been kept along with the Kangyur in the Oirat monastery. Nevertheless, the analysis does add further support to the argument that Ablai-kit possessed a unique version of the Kangyur that has no parallels with any other known versions. The appendix to the article contains the full list of 250 folios of the Ablai-kit Kangyur so far identified in twelve Russian and Western European collections.

 Ten demystified folios from Ablai-kit1 Alexander Zorin (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Charles Ramble (Ecole pratique des hautes études) And then there were none. he ten folios that are the subject of this article are part of the assortment of Tibetan and Mongolian manuscript material brought to Saint Petersburg and Western Europe from two abandoned Gelukpa monasteries in the north of the Dzungar Khanate, as a result of the Russian expansion along the Irtysh River in the 1710s. The collection of examples of exotic scripts was part of the project of Tsar Peter the Great to enhance Russia’s standing in the international – that is to say, European – sphere as a center of scientific knowledge and culture. One of the main sources for the manuscripts that were collected by imperial administration, Saint Petersburg academics, and Swedish captives of the Great Northern War (1700–1721), was the abandoned Gelukpa monastery of Ablai-kit, in what is now Eastern Kazakhstan, from where these folios were obtained starting from  The majority of Tibetan manuscripts from Ablai-kit are in large pothi format, with texts written in silver or golden and silver ink on paper with black edges. Currently, the edges may appear brown in some cases. These folios contain fragments of various canonical texts, and we may be quite sure, due to the common source of acquisition and unmistakable paleographic, codicological, and text-critical similarities, that they belonged to the same manuscript copy of the Tibetan Buddhist canon. So far, 250 folios of this type have been identified in various Russian and European collections, with the majority (four-fifths) housed at the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences (IOM RAS), in Saint Petersburg. The biggest share of the remaining part is almost evenly distributed among the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF) in Paris, the Uppsala U 1 2 Acknowledgements. This research was partly carried out within the project supported by RFBR and CNRS (project number 21-512-15001), but accomplished after it was over. On the circumstances of this discovery, see Zorin 2020: 15–18. Alexander Zorin, Charles Ramble “Ten demystified folios from Ablai-kit”, Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines, no. 71, June 2024, pp. 33-92. 34 Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines University Library (UUL), and the British Library (BL) in London, with eight other institutions holding one to three items each. The full list of the folios is presented in the Appendix. It is an enlarged and corrected version of the table compiled by Alexander Zorin in 2015 and partly published as a result of the first stage of the study of the Ablai-kit folios in Helman-ny, Kriakina, Zorin 2015: 73–76. The full list comprised 235 folios, including all those kept in Saint Petersburg and some kept in Western European collections, but not all of the latter were then properly identified (ibid.: 64, no. 7). It was clear, however, that the majority of the folios definitely belonged to the Kangyur, and the set was labeled ‘the Ablai-kit Kangyur’, while five were tentatively considered as texts from the Tengyur (ibid.: 65– 66). In the following years, the Kangyur list was expanded to 240 items, and that of the hypothetical Ablai-kit Tengyur to ten. All the conclusions were drawn on the basis of two criteria: 1. the identifications of the fragments mostly by carrying out a search in the Dpe bsdur ma (PDM) edition of the Tibetan Buddhist canon in the TBRC (now BDRC) online library; 2. numbers of volumes provided in the marginalia of the folios. No titles of sections of the canonical structure are provided in any of the folios. Thus, we could only reconstruct them by comparison with other versions of the canon. The existence of six sections of the Ablaikit Kangyur was assumed to be as follows: 1) Vinaya; 2) Prajñ p ramit ; 3) Avatasaka; 4) Ratnaka; 5) Stra; 6) Tantra. The arrangement of texts within them has no exact parallels with other versions of the Kangyur (see the final part of this article). As for the Tengyur folios, they remained a mystery until the authors of this paper decided to critically examine the initial hypothesis, armed with a much more eleborated database on the Tibetan Buddhist canon developed since then by the Tibetan Manuscript Project Vienna and presented online as “Resources for Kanjur and Tanjur Studies” (rKTs). Below follows the list of the ten folios arranged according to the presumed sequence of the volumes, with the first four “belonging” to the Tantra section and the others to the Stra section. The second column kills the intrigue, providing the numbers in the final list that show where they actually belong, in the Ablai-kit Kangyur (AK). Thus, there was in fact no Tengyur copy in the Ablai-kit library. Nevertheless, the narration of how we came to this conclusion may be of interest. Ten demystified folios from Ablai-kit N o. AK No. 1 194 2 244 3 245 4 246 5 167 Host, shelf mark IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 175 Vol., fol. Text Ka, 180 British Library: Sloane 2837e Bibliothèque nationale de France: Tibétain 464: f. 8 Uppsala University Library: O Tibet 1(5) IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 176 Pa, 324 Mañju rkrti. Rang gi lta ba’i ’dod pa mdor bstan pa yongs su brtag pa Zla ba’i khyim brtsi ba dang rgyu skar brtsi ba’i mdo las ’byung ba zla ba’i bam brtsi ba Pa, 325 Pa, 326 Ma, 18 6 168 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 186 Ma, 25 7 169 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 177 Ma, 75 8 181 Za, 162 9 182 10 183 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 178 Uppsala University Library: O Tibet 2(2) IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 179 Za, 206 Za, 276 The first two folios have significant similarities with: Rig sngags kyi rgyal mo rma bya chen mo’i mdo’i ’bum ’grel, by Karmavajra Sa bcu pa Large fragments are quoted in: Sa bcu pa’i rnam par bshad pa (ryada abh mivykhyna), by Vasubandhu Rgyu gdags pa, ascribed to Maudgalyāyana Las gdags pa, ascribed to Maudgalyāyana ’Jig rten gzhag pa, ascribed to Maudgalyāyana 35 Identification Bstan ’gyur PDM:vol. 42, 619(21)–622(1) PDM: — Stog Kanjur, mdo, sa, 353b(5)–355a(3) PDM: — Stog Kanjur, mdo, sa, 355a(3)–356a(7) PDM: — Stog Kanjur, mdo, sa, 356a(7)–357b(4) PDM:— Stog Kanjur, mdo, ga, 50b(3)–51b[7] PDM:— Stog Kanjur, mdo, ga,  ()–60b(4) PDM:— Stog Kanjur, mdo, ga, 126b(6)–128a(4) Bstan ’gyur PDM:vol. 78, 1006(12)–1009(9) Bstan ’gyur PDM:vol. 78, 1134(14)–1137(5) Bstan ’gyur PDM:vol. 78, 712(5)–715(9) 36 Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines The list may be divided into four groups: 1. One folio from vol. ka, which belongs to a text by Mañju r k rti found exclusively in all available versions of the Tengyur. 2. Three folios from vol. pa initially associated with a text from the Tengyur by Karmavajra, later safely identified with a text from the Kangyur missing in the PDM. 3. Three folios from fol. ma initially associated with a text from the Tengyur by Vasubandhu, later safely identified with a texf from the Kangyur missing in the PDM. 4. Three folios from a set of three texts ascribed to Maudgaly yana found in all available versions of the Tengyur but sometimes also found in the Kagyur. The last three folios, right from the outset, appeared to be promising candidates for undergoing the demystification procedure, while the first one presented a compelling argument in favor of the Tengyur hypothesis. Our recent reconsiderartion of the two groups in between was predicated on the same key factor (the discovery of the texts to which they actually belong, within the largely unexplored manuscript Kangyurs), leading us to focus on deciphering the puzzle presented by the first folio. Consequently, we will present these groups in reverse order of their sequence in the table. We also include the edition of one folio for each group, to provide both illustrations for our paper and samples of the catalogue of the AK folios before this work is completed and published. The diplomatic transliteration based on the Wylie system with several extensions is supplied with lists of meaningful discrepancies with the PDM and, in two cases, with other versions of the Kangyur such as the Stog (S), Hemis (H), and Phug Brag (F) manuscripts. The following sigla are used to designate block printed Kanjur editions: D — Sde dge; Y — Yongle Kangyur, L — Lithang, Q — Peking (Kangxi Kangyur), N — Narthang, C — Cone, U — Urga, Zh — Zhol (Lhasa). The absence of a siglum means that the text of the manuscript differs from all the editions represented in PDM. When two or more syllables have discrepancies with the latter these syllables are underscored. 1 (10–8). AK181183 Each of these three folios belongs to separate texts ascribed to Maudgalyyana, one of the main disciples of the Buddha. It is evident that in AK they were grouped together, which led to the assumption that they might have belonged to the hypothetical Ablai-kit Tengyur, Ten demystified folios from Ablai-kit 37 as only in the Tengyur editions are they included as a set. 3 On the contrary, none of the sixteen known versions of the Kangyur that contain these texts arrange them in this manner, as clearly seen from the table compiled on the basis of the rKTs material. Canonical versions ’Jig rten gzhag pa (AK183) Rgyu gdags pa (AK181) Las gdags pa (AK182) A5560 N4376 D4086 C4053 GT3590 Q5587 A5561 N4377 D4087 C4054 GT3591 Q5588 A5562 N4378 D4088 C4055 GT3592 Q5589 Cz107-001 Dk059-001 Dm21.1 F230a, F403 Go31,03 Gt053-001 — He75.03 L229 — Ng20.1 Np037-001 S313 Ty055-001 V359 Z323 Cz107-004 Dk059-004 Dm12.11 — Cz105-006 Dk057-006 Dm20.8 — — Gt053-004 — He63.1 — — Ng12.4 Np037-004 S316 Ty055-004 V362 Z326 — Gt051-006 H290 He75.02 — N787 Ng19.7 Np035-006 S286 Ty053-005 V332 Z296 Tengyur A (Dpe bsdur ma) NT (Narthang) DT (Derge) CT (Cone) GT (Golden) Q (Peking) Kangyur Cz (Chizhi) Dk (Dongkarla) Dm (Drakmar) F (Phugbrag) G (Gondhla) Gt (Gangteng) H (Lhasa) He (Hemis I) L (London) NK Ng (Namgyal) Np (Neyphug) S (Stog) Ty (Tashiyangtse) V (Ulaanbaatar) Z (Shey) 3 See more on this group of texts, which are, as a matter of fact, three parts of one text, in Dhammadinnā 2020: 44–47. Unlike Indian and Tibetan versions, which ascribe it to Maudgalyāyana, the Chinese version attributes it to Mahākātyāyana, another eminent disciple of the Buddha (ibid.: 45). 38 Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines In several cases (Cz, Dk, Gt, Np, S, Ty, V, Z), ’Jig rten gzhag pa and Rgyu gdags pa are located in the same volume with two other texts put between them, and Las gdags pa is placed in a different volume. In one case (He), it is Las gdags pa that is found in the same volume with ’Jig rten gzhag pa. In one case (Ng), all the three texts are placed in separate volumes; in three cases (F, G, L), only ’Jig rten gzhag pa is represented, and in one case (H) only Las gdags pa is represented. Thus, none of the Kangyur versions could serve as a reliable model for identifying the Ablai-kit folios as belonging to the Kangyur. It is noteworthy that AK places ’Jig rten gzhag pa at the end of the sequence, but this discrepency did not look significant. We considered that this group might belong to the AK only after it became clear that the folios from groups 2 and 3 did not belong to the Tengyur. As an illustration of these three folios, we publish AK181, which is a fragment of Rgyu gdags pa. AK181: vol. za, fol. 162 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 178. See fig. 1 (A, B) Cf.: 1) PDM Bstan ’gyur: vol. 78, pp. 1006(12)–1009(9) 2) Hemis Kanjur: mdo, vol. dza, fols. 81a4–82b7 Recto za__brgya_regnyis @#|__’__|gzhidang|gsergyigzhidang|dngulgyigzhidang| btsaggigzhidang|sagar 1 gyigzhichebadedagni|char pa’ithigspachenpobabkyangthubtu2lcang3parmi’gyur te|_saphyogsdedagnimthobargyurto|_|rgyudesnasa chenpo ’dilasaphyogskhacigmthola|khacigdma’bargyurto 4|_| ci’iphyirri5khacigmthola|_khacigdma’bargyur6ce7na| smraspa|_’jigrten’chags8pana|rlungpoche9dang|khams chenpogangdaggisbsduspadedagni›mtholarlung chungngudang|_khamschungngugangdaggisbsduspade dagnidma’bargyurto|_|gzhanyangrigangdaglasa’i khamschebadedagcharba’ithigspachenpobabbasthurtu gshongs10padedagnidma’bar’gyur11la|rigangdaglade mayinba’i_ gzhi’diltaste|_lcagskyigzhidang|khrochu’igzhidang|zangs kyigzhi›dang|_tshonmo12stenggigzhidang|_ronye’i13gzhi dang|satshur14gzhidang|gsergyigzhidang|dngulgyi gzhidang|btsaggigzhidang|sagar15gyigzhichebadedag 1 2 3 4 Ten demystified folios from Ablai-kit ni|char ba’ithigspachenpobabkyangthurtulcong16barmi’gyurte| dedagnimthobargyurto||rgyudesnarikhacigmthola| khacigdma’bargyur17to||ci’iphyirri18khaciglashingmang badang|rtswa 19mangbar’gyur 20la 21khacigla 22shingmi mangbadang|rtswa23mi mang bargyur24cena|smraspa|rigangdaglaklu’ignasmangpo yodpadedaglani25shingmangba26dang|_rtsa27mangbar gyurto28|_|rigangdaglaklu’ignasmangpomedpadedag la29nishing30podang|_rtswamangpomeddo|_|gzhanyang rigang)daglasa31snaggikhams_ chebadedaglani32shingmangpodangrtswamangpoyod do|_|rigangdaglademayinpa’igzhi’diltaste|_lcagsgyi33 gzhi›dang|_khrochu’igzhidang|_zangskyigzhidag34|tshon mo 35stenggigzhidang|_ronye’igzhidang|36gsergyigzhi dang|_dngulgyigzhidang btsaggigzhidang|_sagar37gyigzhichebadedaglanishing mangpodang|rtsa38mangpomeddo||gzhanyangri39dag40 ’ogna|nyirtse41ba’isemscandmyalbarnamsyodpadedag lani|shingmangpodangrtswa42mangpomedla|ri43daggi ’ognanyertse44ba’isems candmyalbamedpa45dedaglani|shingmangpodang|rtsa46 mangpoyoddo47||rgyudesnarikhacigla48shingmangpo dang|rtsa49mangpoyodla|rikhaciglashingmangpodang| rtsa50mangpomeddo||ci’iphyirshingkhacigchela|khacig chungbargyurcena|| 39 5 6 7 8 9 Notes  1 dkar (H: idem); 2 thur du (H: idem); 3 DYLCUZh: lcong, QN: bcong, H: gshod; 4 ’gyur ro; 5 QN: —; 6 H: ’gyur; 7 H: zhe; 8 DYLCUZh: chags (H: idem); 9 chen po (H: idem); 10 bshongs; 11 H: gyur; 12 H: mtshan mo’i; 13 H: nye ba’i; 14 +gyi (H: idem); 15 dkar, H: kar; 16 QN: gcong; H: gshong; 17 N: ’gyur; 18 H: —; 19 QN: rtsa; 20 H: ’gyur; 21 H+ri; 22 H: +ni; 23 QN: rtsa; 24 H: ’gyur; 25 QN: —; 26 po; 27 DYLCUZh: rtswa; 28 H: ro; 29 H: —; 30 +mang (H: idem); 31 H: la+sa; 32 DYLCUZh: ni, QN: la na; 33 kyi; 34 dang; 35 H: tshan mo’i; 36 +sa tshur gyi gzhi dang| (H: idem); 37 dkar, H: kar; 38 QN: rtsa; 39 +gang (H: idem); 40 +gi (H: idem); 41 nyi tshe, H: nye; 42 QN: rtsa; 43 +gang (H: idem); 44 nyi tshe, H: nye tshe; 45 rnams yod, H: med pa’i ri; 46 rtswa (H: idem); 47 de; 48 H: —; 49 QN: rtsa; 50 rtswa.  40 Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines Verso smraspa|shinggangdaglasa’ikhamskyimthuchenpo› 51 yo›dpadang|chu’ikhamschebadang|_me’ikhams52ranpa dang|rlunggikhams53rnyoms54padedagniche’o55||shing gangdaglasa’ikhamskyimthuchenpomedpadang|_chu’i khamschungbadang|me’i khamsma56ranpadang|rlunggi57khamsma58snyomspade dagnichungste|_rgyudes59ni60shingkhacigchela|khacig chungbar’gyur61to||ci’iphyirshingkhaciggiloma62che la 63 | 64 khaciggi 65 chungbargyurcena|_smraspa|_shing gangdaglasa’ikhamskyi mthuchenpo66yodpadang|_chu’ikhamschebadang|_me’i khamsranpadang|rlunggikhamsrnyoms67padedaggilo manI68chela69|shinggangdaglasa’ikhamskyimthuchen pomedpadang|chu’ikhamschungbadang|_me’ikhams ma70ranbadang|rlung gikhamsma 71 snyomspadedagni 72 lomanichungste|_ rgyudesnashingkhaciggi73lomache74la|_khacig75loma chungngo||ci’i·phyir·shing·kha·cig·la·me·tog·yod·la||kha·cig lametogmedpargyurcena|_|smraspa76|shinggangdag la77khamsbzangpo’Isha-s chebadedaglanimetogyoddo|_|shinggangdaglakhams bzangpa’i 78 shasmichebadedaglani 79 metogmedde|_ rgyudesnashingkhaciglametogyodla|_khacigla80me togmeddo|_|ci’iphyirshingkhacigla’brasbuyodla|_kha cigla’brasbu medpargyurcena|_|smraspa|_ 81shinggangdaglaro’i› khamskyishaschebadedaglani’brasbuyodla||shinggang dagla 82ro’Ikhamskyishaschungbadedaglani’brasbu meddo83|_|rgyudes84shingkhacigla’brasbuyo›dla|kha cigla’brasbumeddo ci’i·phyi›r·me›·to›g·kha·cig·dr‹i·zhim·la|kha·cig·dri·85mi·zhim· par·gyur· 86 ce·na|_|smras·pa|_me·tog·gang·dag·la·khams· bzang·po·yod·la|_me’i·khams·kyis·87ma·tshig·88de·dag·ni·dri›·zhi›m·mo ||me·tog·gang·dag·la·khams·bzang·po·yod·la|89_me’i·khams·kyis·90 tshig padedagn‹idr‹im‹izhim91ste|rgyudesnametogkhacig drizhimla|_khacigdri92zhimpargyurto|_|ci’iphyir’bras 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Ten demystified folios from Ablai-kit 41 bukhacigrodangldanla|khacigrodangmildanbargyurce na|_|smraspa|_’brasbugangdagla 93ro’ikhamsyodla| me’ikham-s kyismatshigpadedagniro›dangldanno|_|’brasbugang 9 daglaro’i›khamsyodla|_me’ikhamskyis94tshigbadedag nirodangmi95ldante96|rgyudes+na’brasbukhacigrodang ldanla|khacigrodangmildanpargyurto97||khadogdang ldanbadang|khadogdangmildanba Notes: 51 che bo; 52 DYLNCUZh: +ma; 53 +ma; 54 snyoms (H: idem); 55 H: gi lo ma che la; 56 Q: — (H: idem); 57 H: kyi; 58 H: —; 59 QN: de; 60 na(H: idem); 61 gyur (H: idem); 62 Q: —; 63 H: +bar gyur; 64 +shing (H: idem); 65 DYLCUZh: — , H: +lo ma; 66 H: che bo; 67 snyoms (H: idem); 68 H: —; 69 DYLCUZh: ba; 70 H: —; 71 H: —; 72 gi, H: gis; 73 QN: —; 74 H: che+ba; 75 + gi, H: +ni; 76 H: pas; 77 DYLCUZh: —; 78 po’i (H: idem); 79 DYLCUZh: —; 80 H: +ni; 81 H: +me tog gang la khams bzang po yod la|me’i khams kyis ma tshig pa de dag ni dri zhim mo; 82 H: —; 83 de; 84 +na (H: idem); 85 DYLCUZh: —; 86 H: ’gyur; 87 QN: kyi; 88 +pa; 89 H: —; 90 QN: kyi; 91 H: +pa; 92 +mi (H: idem); 93 H: —; 94 QN: kyi; 95 H: +dang; 96 H: to; 97 H: te. An assessment of the differences between these versions shows that AK181 does share certain variants with Hemis that it does not have in common with PDM’s sources, but the disparities remain too great to justify a suggestion that Hemis and AK belong to a common tradition. Since this, and other two folios, are represented in many variants, there remain a chance that a better match will be found. We will delay further text-critical analysis until the future.  42 Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines Fig. 1 (A, B). AK181 — za: f. 162 (IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 178)     Ten demystified folios from Ablai-kit 43 2 (7–5). AK167–169 These three folios from vol. ma belong to the text ’Phags pa sa bcu pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po’i mdo, which is not included in the PDM. Therefore, it was impossible to identify the AK fragments with this stra in the TBRC/BDRC online library. Nevertheless, they were partially found in Vasubandhu’s Sa bcu pa’i rnam par bshad pa (it is natural that the commentary quotes large fragments of the main text), and this identification was suggested initially (Helman-ny, Kriakina, Zorin 2015: 65). This mistake immediately became evident after we attempted to locatethe stra itself and easily found it in ten manuscript versions of the Kangyur available in the rKTs database. Initially, the text-critical analysis of these folios was based on their comparison with Vasubandhu’s text. It is no surprise that significant omissions and commentarial passages were detected. Thus, AK167 (which is only half of the folio that has survived) does not have a large commentarial passage that appears in PDM, accounting for approximately 670 syllables, that runs from PDM vol. 65, p. 1135, line 14 to p. 1137, line 12. In AK167, this “omission” was detected in line 5 of the recto side. One had to read the PDM text to understand that this is nothing but a commentarial insertion, as indicated by the opening formula zhes bya ba, referring to the end of the citation to which the following commentary applies. In the other two folios, AK168 and AK169, the passages in question were not just a single block of text but a series of shorter passages, reworked in such a way that in each case a quantity of text that occupied several pages in the PDM seemed to be trimmed down to occupy a single folio. However, most of them are also followed by the expression zhes gsungs pa’o that one would expect in a commentary. Thus, their apparent omission was simply a sign that AK168 belonged to the stra itself, not to its commentary. There is no point, of course, in providing the full comparison with Vasubandhu’s text in the edition of the first of the two complete folios, AK168, which we have selected for inclusion below. However, a representation of the recto side, with the main text highlighted in bold and the commentarial remarks made by Vasubandhu in plain font, may serve as a good and sufficient illustration. The relevant fragment is found in the PDM Tengyur: vol. 65, pp. 1176(10)–1178(18). The discrepancies between AK168 and PDM in the main text, and the discrepancies between three editions used for the PDM in the commentarial fragments are provided in brackets (Q signifies the Peking Tengyur, N the Narthang Tengyur). 44 Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines rab kyi mig sgrib pa med pa(par) rnam par sbyang bar bya’o 1 zhes gsungs pa’o| |tshe rabs gzhan kun du tshol ba na legs par spyad pa la zhugs pa rnams kyi nyes pa ni lam ya nga bar zhugs pa yin te| gang gi phyir kye ma sems can ’di dag ni ’khor ba’i lam ya nga(yang) bar zhugs pa (QN : —) zhes gsungs pa ste| lam ya nga ba de ni rang bzhin dang| gegs(QN: bgegs)dang| chud za bar (QN: ba) bstan par rig par bya’o| |rang bzhin ni phongs pa’i gzhir gyur pa’i phyir ’khor ba’o| |de la (QN: las) nges par ’byung ba’i gegs (QN: bgegs) ni rnam pa brgyad do| |ngan song dang mthun pa’i phyir g.yang sa la mngon du phyogs pa ste| gang gi phyir sems can dmyal ba dang| dud ’gro’i skye gnas dang| gshin rje’i ’jig rten gyi g.yang sa la mngon du phyogs pa zhes gsungs 2 pa’o| |’bras bu sdug bsngal ba bde bar lta ba la gnas pas rgya’i nang du zhugs pa ni gang gi phyir (N: +ro)| lta ba ngan pa’i rgya nyam nga bar zhugs pa zhes gsungs pa’o| |de’i rgyu gti mug gi (QN: —) bag la nyal gyis khebs pa’i phyir thibs po’i (QN: pos) kun nas yogs (QN: g.yogs) pa’o| |des (QN: de) na brjod du zin kyang sdug bsngal de khong du mi (QN: —) chud pa ste| gang gi phyir gti mug thibs (thigs) pos kun nas yogs6 (yog; QN: idem) pa zhes gsungs pa’o| |don dam pa’i bde ba la lam log par zhugs pa’i phyir| log pa’i (QN: par) lam du zhugs pa ni gang gi phyir lam log par gol (par ’gal) ba’i lam du zhugs pa zhes gsungs pa’o| |thob (N: ’thob) pa’i ’bras bu yongs su spyod pa la ’dod chags kyis ldongs pa’i phyir| |ldongs par gyur pa ni gang gi phyir ldongs par gyur pa zhes gsungs pa’o| |mi khom par skyes pa dang| bag med pa’i nyes pa gnyis kyis sangs rgyas ’byung ba mnyes par mi byed pas ston pa dang bral ba ni gang gi phyir yongs su ’dren pa med pa zhes gsungs pa’o| |bram ze la sogs pa tshangs 3 pa’i ’jig rten la sogs pa la nges par ’byung bar lta bas| gang du ’gro bar bsams pa de las de’i blo gzhan du gyur pa ni nges par ’byung ba ma yin pa la| nges par ’byung bar lta ba zhes gsungs pa’o| |bdud kyi yul ’dod pa la kun du chags pa ni bsod nams zad pa dang| mi sogs pa gnyis kyis (QN: kyi) bcom pa’i phyir chom pos zin pa ni gang gi phyir bdud kyi lam gyi (QN: gyis) chom pos zin pa zhes gsungs pa’o| |chud (QN: +mi) za ba ni rnam pa gsum ste| sa ngan pa la gnas pa’i phyir ston pa mkhas pa med pa ni gang gi phyir| yongs su ’dren pa mkhas pa dang bral ba zhes gsungs pa’o| |dgra’i sa na gnas pa ni gang gi phyir bdud kyi bsam pa’i (ba) thibs por zhugs pa zhes gsungs pa’o| |zun gyi sa las ring du gyur pa ni gang gi phyir sangs rgyas la Ten demystified folios from Ablai-kit bsams12 (bsam; QN: idem) pa las ring du gyur pa yin gyis (QN: gyi) zhes gsungs pa’o| |de dag dang thun pa’i gnyen po ni ’khor ba las bsgral ba dang| thams cad mkhyen pa nyid la dgod pa ste gang gi phyir de dag bdag gis (QN: gi) rnam pa de (—) lta bu’i ’khor ba’i (+’khor ba’i) nags khung (N: khungs) ya nga (yang) ba bgrod par dka’ ba las bsgral (QN: sgral) bar bya| ’jigs pa med pa’i gnas thams cad mkhyen pa nyid kyi grong khyer chen por dgod par bya’o zhes gsungs pa’o| |’gro ba’i sgo nas srid pa tshol ba ni klung chen por bying ba nyid kyi nyes pa ste gang gi phyir kye ma sems can ’di dag ni klung (dba’) rlabs chen po’i nang du bying ba zhes gsungs pa’o| |de ni rang bzhin dang| gnod pa ’byung bar byed pa dang| chud za bas bstan par rig par bya’o| |de la rnam pa lngas rang bzhin bstan te| chu bo’i klung che ba’i phyir| zab pa ni gang gi phyir (QN: —) ’dod pa dang| srid pa dang| ma rig pa dang| lta ba’i chu bor zhugs pa zhes gsungs pa’o| |’khor ba’i rgyun gyis rjes su bdas (QN: ’das) pa’i phyir| bdas pa ni gang gi phyir ’khor ba’i rgyun gyis bdas pa (QN: gyi bdas pa’o) zhes gsungs pa’o| | sred (QN: srid) pa zhes bya ba’i phyir| ming ni gang gi phyir sred pa’i chu klung du zhugs pa zhes gsungs pa’o| |skad cig tsam yang mi sdod pa dang| ’gram blta (QN: pa lta) bar mi nus pa’i phyir| shugs drag pa ni gang gi phyir shugs drag pos bdas te lta (blta) ba’i mthu med pa zhes gsungs pa’o| |’dod pa la sogs pa’i rnam par rtog pa mang po’i rjes su ’gro bas rgyas pa nyid ni gang gi phyir ’dod pa dang| gnod sems dang| rnam par ’tshe ba’i rnam par rtog pa mang po’i rjes su rgyu ba zhes gsungs pa’o| |gnod pa ’byung bar byed pa yang (QN: dang) rnam pa bzhi ste| ngar ’dzin pa dang| nga yir ’dzin pa gnyis kyis khyim gyi (N: gyis) gnas las mi ’phags pa’i phyir| chu srin gyis (QN: gyi) zin pa ni gang gi phyir ’jig (QN: ’jigs) tshogs la (pa) lta ba’i chu’i srin pos zin pa zhes gsungs pa’o| |bor nas kyang ’dod pa rjes su dran pas ’dod pa rnams su skor (N: bskor) ba’i phyir| klong du chud pa ni gang gi phyir ’dod pa’i thibs po’i (pos) klong du zhugs pa zhes gsungs pa’o| |yongs su spyod pa’i dus na dga’ ba can dang| ’dod chags kyis (QN: kyi) bde ba’i ’dam du thogs pa’i phyir| dkyil du thogs pa ni gang gi phyir dga’ ba can dang| ’dod chags kyi dkyil du kun du thogs pa zhes gsungs pa’o| |tha snyad kyi dus na nga drag go snyam pa la sogs pa nga rgyal rnam pa gsum gyis (QN: gyi) khengs par gyur pa’i phyir| gling gi thang la thon (QN: ’thon) pa ni gang gi phyir nga’o snyam pa’i nga rgyal gyi thang la (las) ’thon (’khyams) pa zhes gsungs pa’o| |chud za ba yang rnam pa gsum ste| ngan song rnams na skyabs med 45 4 5 6 7 46 Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines pa’i phyir ’chi bas chud za ba ni gang gi phyir dpung gnyen med pa (QN: pa’o) zhes gsungs pa’o| |bde ’gror mi ’phags pa’i phyir| mi ’gro bas (QN: ba) chud za ba ni gang gi phyir skye mched kyi grong nas ma ’phags pa zhes gsungs pa’o| |mi khom par skyes te sangs rgyas ’byung ba dang bral ba’i phyir| gzhan du ’gro bas chud za ba ni gang gi phyir sgrol ba (+la) mkhas pa dang bral ba yin gyi (gyis) zhes gsungs pa’o| |de 8 rnams las bzlog pa de dag dang mthun pa’i gnyen po ni thams cad mkhyen pa nyid kyi gling la dgod pa ste gang gi phyir de dag bdag gis (QN: gi) snying rje chen po dang| dge ba’i rtsa ba’i stobs kyis (QN: kyi) bton te| thams cad mkhyen pa nyid kyi gling ’tshe ba med pa| rdul med pa| ’jigs pa dang skrag pa thams cad med pa  Once the correct identification had been made we compared AK168 with the corresponding fragments found in the abovementioned ten Kangyur manuscripts. Almost all of them exhibit several significant discrepancies with AK168. We chose the Stog Kangyur as representative of this lineage (note that there are minor discrepancies between it and other eight variants). Only one Kangyur, namely Phug brag, contains a version that is essentially closer to AK168, although in some minor points it is closer to the Stog Kangyur. Ten demystified folios from Ablai-kit 47 Fig. 2 (A, B). AK168 — ma: f. 25 (IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 186)         48 Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines AK168: vol. ma, fol. 25 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 186. See fig. 2 (A, B) PDM:  Stog Kanjur: mdo, vol. ga, fols. 59b(1)–60b(4) Phug Brag: mdo, vol. gi, fols. 31b(6)–33a(1) Recto ma__nye-r lnga @#|__|rabkyimigsgribpamedparrnampar1sbyang2bar bya’o||kyemasemscan’d‹idagni’khorba’ilamyangbar3 zhugspa4|semscandmyalbadang|dud’gro’iskyegnasdang| gshinrje’i ’jigrtengyig.yang5salamngontuphyogspa|_ltabangan ba’‹irgya6nyamngabarzhugspa|gtimug7thigs8poskun nasyog 9 palamlogpa’gol 10 ba’ilamduzhugspa|ldongs 11 pargyurpa|yong-su ’drenpamedpa|ngespar12’byungbamayinbalangespar13 ’byungbarltababdudkyilamgyichompos14zinba|yongsu’drenpamkhaspadangbralba| 1 5 bdudkyibsamba thibs16porzhugspasangsrgyasla17__ bsambalasringdugyurbay‹ingyis|dedagbdaggisrnam pa18ltabu’i’khorba’i’khorba’‹inagskhungyangba19bgrodpar dka’balasbsgralbarbya|’jigs 20 pamedpa’ignasthams cadmkhyen panyidkyi21grongkhyerchenpor22dgodparbya’o||kyema semscan’d‹idagnidba’23rlabschenpo’inangdubyi›ngba ’dodpadangsridpadangmarigpadangltaba’‹ichubor zhugspa||’khorba’irgyunkyisbdas24pa_ sred25pa’ichu26klungduzhugspa|shugsdragposbdaste bltaba’imthumedpa|’dodpadanggnodsemsdang|rnam par’tshe27ba’irnamparrtog28pamangpo’irje-surgyuba29 ’jigtshogspaltaba’ichu’isrinpo-szinpa; ’dodpa’i 30 thi›bspos 31 klong 32 duzhugspa|dga’ 33 bacan dang|’dodchagskyidkyiltukuntuthogspanga’osnyam ba’ingargyalgyithanglas34’khyams35pa|dpunggny<e>n medpa|_skyemchedkyigrong36nasma’phagspa|sgrolba_ lamkhaspa37dangbralbayingyis|dedagbdaggissnying rjechenpodangdgeba’‹irtsaba’istobskyisbton38tethams cadmkhyenpanyidkyIgling’tshebamedpa|rdulmedpa39 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Ten demystified folios from Ablai-kit 49 ’jigspadang||skragpathamscadmedpa_ Notes 1 F: —; 2 F : sbyangs; 3 F: lam du, S: mya ngan gyi lam du; 4 S: pas; 5 dbyangs; 6 F: rgyun, S: rgyu; 7 F: +gi; 8 FS: thibs; 9 F: g.yogs; 10 S: —; 11 F: ldangs; 12 S: —; 13 S: —; 14 F: po’i; 15 FS: —; 16 F: thigs; 17 S: kyi; 18 FS: +de; 19 F : idem but nag, S: ’brog dgon pa; 20 F: ’jig; 21 S: pa’i; 22 S: +rab tu; 23 F: rba; 24 F: brdas, S: ’das; 25 S: srid; 26 S: —; 27 F: tshe; 28 F: rtogs; 29 FS: zhugs pa; 30 F: pa; 31 FS: po’i; 32 F: gling; 33 S: dka’; 34 FS: la; 35 F: thon; 36 F: +khyer; 37 F: —; 38 F: ston, S: gton; 39 S: par.  Verso la 40 dgodparbya’o;kyemasemscan’didagni’khorba’i brtsonrarbcugpa|sdugbsngaldangyidmibdebadang| ’khrugpamangpomangbabsdugpadang|misdugpar’brel ba|41myangandangsmresngags’don padangbcaspa’Irje-surgyuba|sred 42 pa’isgrogtubcug pa|khamsgsumpa’‹i43thibsposkunnaskhebspayingyis| dedagbdaggiskhamsgsumpa44thamscadlasdbenba’jigs pamedpa’‹igrongkhyer sdugbsngalthamscadnyebarzhibasgribpamed 4 5 pa| 4 6 myanganlas’daspala47dgodparbya’o||kyemasemscan ’didagnibdagtumngonbarzhenapa|phungpo’Ignas la-s48’phagspa|phyincilogbzhis49_ ’groba;skyemcheddruggi 50 grongstongpanagnaspa ’byungbachenpobzhi’isprulgyisgtsespa|phung__po’i51 gshedma’ichompos52bcompasdugbsngaldpagtumedpa myong53bargyur54bayingyis||dedag_ bdaggismchogtubdeba 55 dang 56 |gnaspathamscaddang bralba|’d‹iltaste|sgribpathamscadspangspa’imyangan las’daspala57dgodparbya’o||kyemasemscan’didagn‹i58 zhumzhingzhan59pasmos padman60bathamscadmkhyenpa’iyeshesmchoggisems mibdogpa 61 |thegpachenpo’I 62 ngespar 63 ’byungbayod bzhindu 64 nyanthosdang|rangsangsrgyaskyithegpar lhung65bayingyis|dedaggis66__ bdaggissangsrgyaskyichosrgyachenpos67blo68grosrnam parrgyaspasdmigspala 69dgodparbya’osnya-mo||kye rgyalba’‹israsdagdeltartshulkhrimskyistobsbskyedpade ltabudangldanbabyabamngonba-rbsgrub70_ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 50 Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines palamkhaspa’‹ibyangchubsemsdpa’i 71 sadrimamedpa 8 lagnaspadelamthongbargyachenpodangsmonlamgyi stobskyissangsrgyasmangposnangbar’gyurte|mthong ba72chenpodang|smonlamgyistobskyi73sangs_ Notes: 40 S: +rab tu; 41 F: dang, S: mang po mang ba dang sdug pa dang|mi sdug par ’brel ba; 42 S: srid; 43 FS: +ma rig pa’i; 44 S: pa’i gnas; 45 S: —; 46 F: pa’i; 47 S: +rab tu; 48 FS: +ma; 49 S: bzhir; 50 F: kyi; 51 F: po lnga’i; 52 F: po’i; 53 F: myung; 54 F: ’gyur; 55 S: —; 56 FS: —; 57 S: +rab tu; 58 S: +mos pa chung bas; 59 F: zhen; 60 S: —; 61 S: pas; 62 F: pos; 63 S: — ; 64 S: kyang; 65 F: ltung; 66 FS: —; 67 FS: po ; 68 S: blos; 69 S: +rab tu; 70 S: sgrub; 71 F: byang chub sems dpa’ sems dpa’ chen po S: byang chub sems dpa’| byang chub sems dpa’i; 72 FS: +rgya; 73 FS: kyis.  3 (4–2). AK244–246 The three folios from vol. pa were added by Alexander Zorin to the list of the hypothetical Ablai-kit Tengyur material after 2015 since all of them are kept outside of Russia, and it took time to obtain access to them. Just as with the previous group, the text represented by these folios, Zla ba’i khyim brtsi ba dang rgyu skar brtsi ba’i mdo las ’byung ba zla ba’i bam brtsi ba, is not included in the PDM. Similar fragments were, however, located in another canonical text, Rig sngags kyi rgyal mo rma bya chen mo’i mdo’i ’bum ’grel by Karmavajra. The section contained in the first two folios (kept in London and Paris respectively) is, essentially, a repeating list of the twenty-eight lunar mansions. Since there are thirty days in each month, the list simply begins again on the twenty-ninth day. The months in each case are named according to the old Tibetan system that follows a tripartite division of each season. Thus the spring (dpyid), summer (dbyar) autumn (ston) and winter (dgun) are each divided into a first (ra ba), middle (’bring po) and final (tha chung[s]), month. The first month of spring (dpyid zla ra ba) may correspond either to the first month of the Hor calendar or of the agricultural (so nam) year, which precedes it by a month. There are certain notable differences between the lists given in the AK folios and the PDM. To begin with relatively minor disparities, we may note that, unlike the PDM, AK divides its months into a first (‘upper’) part (yar ngo) and a second (‘lower’) part (mar ngo). Thus the PDM’s list opens with “…on the first day of the first month of spring…” (…dpyid zla ba ra ba’i tshes gcig la…), whereas the corresponding point in AK244 is “In the upper part of the first month of spring, on the first day…” (dpyid zla ra ba yar gyi ngo la tshes gcig la…); and while PDM continues with an unbroken sequence of lunar Ten demystified folios from Ablai-kit 51 mansions until the next month, in AK244 the fifteenth day is followed by the heading “In the lower part of the first day of spring, the sixteenth day” (dpyid zla ra ba mar gyi ngo la tshes bcu drug). Another minor point in AK’s list that may be mentioned concerns the name of Rohin: both AK and PDM usually use the Tibetan name snar ma, but on just two occasions AK uses the alternative, and more unusual, name be’u ded. A curious feature of both lists is that except in one case in PDM the names of the consecutive mansions Dhani and atabhia, respectively mon gre and mon gru, have been systematically reversed. Apart from these relatively minor discrepancies, the really significant difference between the two lists is that they do not agree on the point in the repeating sequence of lunar mansions at which each month begins. The sequence in the PDM begins (logically) with the first month of spring, for which the lunar mansion is byi bzhin (Sk. Abhijita). The first spring month does appear in the first line of AK244, but it is preceded by five lunar mansions that must belong to the preceding month, presumably the last month of winter (dgun zla tha chung). The PDM’s list ends (as one would expect) with the last day of the last winter month, thereby completing the full annual cycle. In AK245 – which immediately follows AK244 – by contrast, the list ends with the last day of the first half of the last autumn month (ston zla tha chung[s]). If the folios available to us do contain part of a full annual cycle, then we would have to conclude that the beginning of the cycle, which would be on the folio that preceded AK244, must be the second half of the last autumn month.  The discrepancies between the two lists are clearly too great to justify considering them as different witnesses of the same work. Moreover, after the third folio kept in Uppsala came to our attention it turned out that ts fragment has no textual parallels with Karmavajra’s treatise. It was a clear sign that the identification was wrong. Perhaps, these folios would have remained a mystery if AK245 did not have an intermediate colophon:                                      Zla ba’i khyim brtsi ba dang rgyu skar brtsi ba’i mdo las ’byung ba zla ba’i bam brtsi ba in the rKTs database. This is not a long text (in the Stog Kangyur it covers fewer than 14 folios), and very soon, our insistence was rewarded. The text is found in nine manuscript Kangyurs, but they seem to represent the same textual version, slightly different from the one found in AK. We used the Stog Kangyur for our comparison. The 52 Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines corresponding passages of the three works – AK, PDM and Stog – are presented below in tabular form for convenience of comparison. Numbers in parentheses in the left and right columns refer to folio numbers of AK244–245 and the Stog version respectively, while those in the middle column denote page numbers in vol. 36 of the PDM Bstan ’gyur.  AK244  PDM: vol. 36 Stog Kanjur [dgun zla tha [dgun zla tha chung] chung] tshes 1–25 on missing tshes 1–25 on fol. 353b(2–5) preceding folio [nyi shu drug] (recto nyi shu drug la chu 1) la chu smad smad the winter months are nyi shu bdun la byi nyi shu bdun la byi placed at the end of the bzhin bzhin list nyi shu brgyad la gro nyi shu brgyad la zhin gro bzhin nyi shu dgu la mon nyi shu dgu la mon gru gru tshes sum bcu la mon tshes sum cu la mon gre dbang gre dbang dpyid zla ra ba yar (1462, line 7) de nas dpyid zla ra ba yar gyi ngo dpyid zla ra ba’i gyi ngo la tshes gcig la khrums tshes gcig la ni skar tshes gcig la khrums stod ma byi bzhin no stod gnyis la khrum (2) gnyis la gro bzhin tshes gnyis la smad khrums smad gsum la mon gre tshes gsum la nam gsum la nam gru (QN: dre) gru bzhi la tha skar bzhi la mon gru’o tshes bzhi la tha skar lnga la khrums (N: lnga la bra nye lnga la bra nye khrum) stod drug la khrums (N: drug la smin drug drug la smin drug khrum) smad do bdun la be’u ded bdun la nam gru’o bdun la be’u ded brgyad la ’go brgyad la tha skar ro brgyad la mgo dgu la lag dgu la bra nye’o dgu la lag bcu la nam so bcu la smin drug bcu la nab so bcu gcig la rgyal bcu gcig la snar ma bcu gcig la rgyal bcu gnyis la skag bcu gnyis la mgo bcu gnyis la skag Ten demystified folios from Ablai-kit AK244  bcu gsum la mchu bcu (3) bzhi la gre PDM: vol. 36 bcu gsum la lag bcu bzhi la nab (QN: nabs) so bco lnga la dbo bco lnga la rgyal lo dbang (QN: —) dpyid zla ra ba mar gyi ngo la tshes bcu drug la me bcu drug la skag bzhi tshes bcu bdun la bcu bdun la mchu nag pa bco brgyad la sa ri bco brgyad la gre bcu dgu la sa ga bco dgu la dbo nyi shu la lha nyi shul la me bzhi ’tshams nyi shu gcig la snron nyi shu gcig la nag pa nyi shu (4) gnyis la nyi shu gnyis la sa ri snums nyi shu gsum la chu nyi shu gsum la sa ga stod nyi shu bzhi la chu nyi shu bzhi la lha smad mtshams nyi shu lnga la byi nyi shu lnga la snron zhin nyi shu drug la ’gro nyi shu drug la zhin snrubs (Q: snrus) nyi shu bdun la mon nyi shu bdun la chu gru stod nyi shu brgyad la nyi shu brgyad la mon gre chu smad nyi shu dgu la nyi shu dgu la byi khrum stod bzhin tshes sum bcu la gnam stong la gro khrum smad dbang bzhin no (5) dpyid zla ’bring dpyid zla ’bring po’i po yar gyi ngo la tshes gcig la nam gru tshes gcig la mon gru 53 Stog Kanjur bcu gsum la mchu bcu bzhi la gre bco lnga la dbo dbang dpyid zla ra ba mar (354a) gyi ngo la tshe bcu drug la me bzhi bcu bdun la nag pa bco brgyad la sa ri bcu dgu la sa ga nyi shu la lha mtshams nyi shu gcig la snron nyi shu gnyis la snrubs nyi shu gsum la chu stod nyi shu bzhi la chu smad nyi shu lnga la byi bzhin nyi shu drug la gro bzhin nyi shu bdun la mon gru nyi shug brgyad la mon gre nyi shu dgu la khrums stod tshes sum cu la khrums smad dbang dpyid zla ’bring po yar gyi ngo la tshes gcig la nam gru 54 AK244  gnyis la tha skar Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines PDM: vol. 36 gnyis la mon gre (Q: dre, N: bre) gsum la bra nye gsum la khrums stod bzhi la smin drug bzhi la khrums smad lnga la be’u ded lnga la nam gru drug la ’go drug la tha skar bdun la lag bdun la bra nye brgyad la nam so brgyad la smin drug dgu la rgyal dgu la snar ma bcu la skag bcu la mgo bcu (6) gcig la mchu bcu gcig la lag bcu gnyis la nab bcu gnyis la gre (QN: nabs) so bcu gsum la dbo bcu gsum la rgyal bcu bzhi la me bzhi bcu bzhi la skag bco lnga la nag pa bco lnga la mchu dbang dpyid za ’bring po mar gyi ngo la bcu drug la sa ri bcu drug la gre bcu bdun la sa ga bcu bdun la dbo bco brgyad la lha (1463) bco brgyad la mtshams me bzhi bcu (7) bcu (sic) dgu bcu dgu la nag pa la snron nyi shu la snums nyi shu la sa ri nyi shu gcig la chu nyi shu gcig la sa ga stod nyi shu gnyis la chu nyi shu gnyis la lha smad mtshams nyi shu gsum la byi nyi shu gsum la zhin snron nyi shu bzhi la gro nyi shu bzhi la zhin snrubs nyi shu lnga la mon nyi shu lnga la chu gru stod nyi shu drug la mon nyi shu drug la chu gre smad Stog Kanjur nyis la tha skar gsum la bra nye bzhi la smin drug lnga la be’u ded drug la mgo bdun la lag brgyad la nab so dgu la rgyal bcu la skag bcu gcig la mchu bcu gnyis la gre bcu gsum la dbo bcu bzhi la me bzhi bco lnga la nag pa dbang dpyid zla ‘bring po mar gyi ngo la bcu drug la sa ri bcu bdun la sa ga bco brgyad la lha mtshams bcu dgu la snron nyi shu la snrubs nyi shu gcig la chu stod nyi shu gnyis la chu smad nyi shu gsum la byi bzhin nyi shu bzhi la gro bzhin nyi shu lnga la mon gru nyi shu drug la mon gre Ten demystified folios from Ablai-kit AK244  nyi shu bdun la khrum stod nyi shu brgyad la (8) <khrums smad> nyi shu dgu la nam gru tshes sum bcu la tha skar dbang PDM: vol. 36 nyi shu bdun la byi bzhin nyi shu brgyad la gro (QN: dro) bzhin nyi shu dgu la mon gru gnam stong la mon gre’o (Q: dre’o, N: bre’o) zla tha dpyid zla tha dpyid chungs yar gyi ngo chungs kyi la tshes gcig la bra nye tshes gcig la khrums stod gnyis la khrums gnyis la smin drug smad gsum la snar ma gsum la nam gru bzhi la dbyu (QN: bzhi la ’go dbyug) gu lnga la lag lnga la bra nye drug la nab so drug la smin drug (verso, 1) <bdun la bdun la snar ma rgyal> brgyad la skag brgyad la mgo dgu la mchu dgu la lag bcu la nab (Q: nabs) bcu la gre so bcu gcig la dbo bcu gcig la rgyal 55 Stog Kanjur nyi shu bdun la khrums stod nyi shu brgyad la khrums smad nyi shu dgu la nam gru tshes sum cu la tha skar dbang dpyid zla tha chung yar gyi ngo la tshes gcig la bra nye tshes gnyis la smin drug gsum la snar ma bzhi la mgo lnga la lag drug la nab so bdun la rgyal brgyad la skag dgu la mchu bcu la gre bcu gcig (354b) la dbo bcu gnyis la me bzhi bcu gnyis la skag bcu gnuis la me bzhi bcu gsum la nag pa bcu gsum la mchu bcu gsum la nag pa bcu bzhi la (QN: —) bcu bzhi la sa ri bcu bzhi la sa ri gre bco lnga la sa ga bco lnga la dbo bco lnga la sa ga dbang dbang dpyid zla tha chung dpyid zla tha chungs mar gyi ngo gi mar gyi ngo la la 56 Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines AK244  PDM: vol. 36 tshes <bcu> (2) bcu drug la me bzhi <drug> la lha ’tshams bcu bdun la nag bcu bdun la snron (QN: lag) pa bco brgyad la snums bco brgyad la sa ri bcu dgu la chu stod bcu dgu la sa ga nyi shu la chu smad nyi shu la lha mtshams nyi shu gcig la byi nyi shu gcig la snron zhin nyi shu gnyis la gro nyi shu gnyis la zhin snrubs nyi shu gsum la mon nyi shu gsum la chu gru stod nyi shu bzhi la mon nyi shu bzhi la chu gre smad nyi shu lnga la (3) nyi shu lnga la gro khrum stod bzhin nyi shu drug la nyi shu drug la byi khrums smad bzhin nyi shu bdun la nam nyi shu bdun la mon gru gru nyi shu brgyad la tha nyi shu brgyad la mon gre (Q: dre, N: skar bre) nyi shu dgu bra nye nyi shu dgu la khrums stod sum bcu la smin gnam stong la drug dbang khrum smad do dbyar zla ra ba yar dbyar zla ra ba’i gyi ngo la tshes gcig la snar ma tshes gcig la nam gru tshe gnyis la dbyu gnyis la ’go (QN: dbyug) gu tshes gsum la bra gsum (4) la lag nye’o bzhi la nam so bzhi la smin drug lnga la rgyal lnga la snar ma drug la skag tshes drug la mgo Stog Kanjur tshes bcu drug la lha mtshams bcu bdun la snron bco brgyad la snrubs bcu dgu la chu stod nyi shu la chu smad nyi shu gcig la byi bzhin nyi shu gnyis la gro bzhin nyi shu gsum la mon gru nyi shu bzhi la mon gre nyi shu lnga la khrums stod nyi shu drug la khrums smad nyi shu bdun la nam gru nyi shu brgyad la tha skar nyi shu dgu la bra nye tshes sum cu la smin drug dbang dbyar zla ra ba yar gyi ngo la tshes gcig la snar ma tshes gnyis la mgo gsum la lag bzhi la nab so lnga la rgyal drug la skag Ten demystified folios from Ablai-kit AK244  bdun la mchu brgyad la gre PDM: vol. 36 tshes bdun la lag tshes brgyad la nab (Q: nabs) so dgu la dbo tshes dgu la rgyal bcu la me bzhi tshes bcu la skag tshes bcu gcig la bcu gcig la nag pa mchu bcu gnyis la sa ri tshes bcu gnyis la gre tshes bcu gsum la bcu gsum la sa ga dbo bcu bzhi la lha bcu bzhi la me bzhi ’tshams bco (5) lnga la snron bco lnga la nag pa dbang dbyar zla ra ba mar gyi ngo la bcu drug la snums bcu drug la sa ri 57 Stog Kanjur bdun la mchu brgyad la gre dgu la dbo bcu la me bzhi bcu gcig la nag pa bcu gnyis la sa ri bcu gsum la sa ga bcu bzhi la lha mtshams bco lnga la snron dbang dbyar zla ra ba mar gyi ngo la tshes bcu drug la snrubs bcu bdun la chu stod bcu bdun la sa ga bcu bdun la chu stod bco brgyad la chu bco brgyad la lha bco brgyad la chu smad mtshams smad bcu dgu la byi zhin bcu dgu la snron bcu dgu la byi bzhin [nyi shu omitted, gro nyi shu la snrubs nyi shu la gro bzhin bzhin] nyi shu gcig la mon nyi shu gcig la chu nyi shu gcig la mon gru stod gru nyi shu gnyis la mon nyi shu gnyis la chu nyi shu gnyis la mon gre smad gre nyi shu gsum la nyi shu gsum la byi nyi shu gsum la khrum stod bzhin khrums stod (6) nyi shu bzhi la nyi shu bzhi la gro nyi shu bzhi la khrum smad bzhin khrums smad nyi shu lnga la nam (1464) nyi shu lnga la nyi shu lnga la nam gru mon gru gru nyi shu drug la tha nyi shu drug la mon skar gre (N: bre) nyi shu bdun la bra nyi shu bdun la nye khrums stod nyi shu drug la tha skar nyi shu bdun la bra nye 58 Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines AK244  PDM: vol. 36 nyi shu brgyad la nyi shu brgyad la khrums (QN: smin drug khrum) smad nyi shu dgu la snar nyi shu dgu la nam ma gru tshes sum bcu la ’go gnam stong la dbyu dbang (QN: dbyug) gu dbyar zla ’bring po dbyar zla ’bring po’i yar gyi ngo la tshes gcig la (7) lag tshes gcig la bra nye gnyis la nam so gnyis la smin drug gsum la rgyal bzhi la skag lnga la mchu drug la gre bdun la dbo brgyad la me bzhi dgu la nag pa bcu la sa ri bcu gcig la sa ga bcu gnyis la lha ’tshams bcu gsu (8) la snron bcu bzhi la snums bco lnga la mchu stod dbang dbyar zla ’bring po mar gyi ngo la tshes bcu drug la chu smad bcu bdun la byi zhin Stog Kanjur nyi shu brgyad la smin drug nyi shu dgu la snar ma tshes sum cu la mgo dbang dbyar zla ’bring po yar gyi ngo la tshes gcig la lag tshes gnyis la (355a) nab so gsum la bi rdzi gsum la rgyal bzhi la mgo bzhi la skag lnga la lag lnga la mchu drug la nab (QN: drug la gre nabs) so bdun la rgyal bdun la dbo brgyad la (N: +la) brgyad la me bzhi skag dgu la mchu dgu la nag pa bcu la gre bcu la sa ri bcu gcig la dbo bcu gcig la sa ga bcu gnyis la me bzhi bcu gnyis la lha mtshams bcu gsum la nag pa bcu gsum la snron bcu bzhi la sa ri bcu bzhi la snrubs bco lnga la chu stod bco lnga la sa ga dbang dbyar zla ’bring po mar gyi ngo la bcu drug la lha tshes bcu drug la mtshams chu smad bcu bdun la byi bcu bdun la snron bzhin bco brgyad la snrubs bco brgyad la gro bzhin bco brgyad la gro zhin [mon gru omitted] bcu dgu la mo gre bcu dgu la chu stod bcu dgu la mon gru Ten demystified folios from Ablai-kit AK244  PDM: vol. 36 AK245 nyi shu (recto 1) gcig la khrum smad nyi shu gnyis la nam gru nyi shu gsum la tha skar nyi shu bzhi la bra nye nyi shu lnga la smin drug nyi shu drug la snar ma nyi shu bdun la ’go PDM (1464 contd.) nyi shu gcig la byi bzhin nyi shu gnyis la gro bzhin nyi shu gsum la mon gru nyi shu bzhi la mon gre (N: bre) nyi shu lnga la khrums stod nyi shu drug la khrums smad nyi shu bdun la nam gru nyi shu brgyad la tha skar nyi shu dgu la bra nye gnam stong la smin drug go dbyar zla tha chungs kyi tshes gcig la snar ma tshes gnyis la mgo tshes gsum la lag tshes bzhi la nab (QN: nabs) so tshes lnga la rgyal tshes drug la skag tshes bdun la mchu tshes brgyad la gre tshes dgu la dbo tshes bcu la me bzhi tshes bcu gcig la nag pa 59 Stog Kanjur [mon gre omitted] nyi shu la khrum tshes nyi shu la chu nyi shu la khrums stod smad stod  nyi shu brgyad la lag nyi shu dgu la nam so (2) sum bcu la rgyal dbang dbyar zla tha chungs yar gyi ngo la tshe gcig la skag gnyis la mchu gsum la gre bzhi la dbo lnga la me bzhi drug la nag pa bdun la sa ri brgyad la sa ga dgu la lha ’tshams (3) bcu la snon bcu gcig la snums Stog Kanjur nyi shu gcig la khrums smad nyi shu gnyis la nam gru nyi shu gsum la tha skar nyi shu bzhi la bra nye nyi shu lnga la smin drug nyi shu drug la snar ma nyi shu bdun la mgo nyi shu brgyad la lag nyi shu dgu la nab so sum cu la rgyal dbyar zla tha chung yar gyi ngo la tshes gcig la skag tshes gnyis la mchu gsum la gre bzhi la dbo lnga la me bzhi drug la nag pa bdun la sa ri brgyad la sa ga dgu la lha mtshams bcu la snron bcu gcig la snrubs 60 Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines AK245 bcu gnyis la mchu stod bcu gsum la chu smad bcu bzhi la byi bzhin PDM tshes bcu gnyis la sa ri tshes bcu gsum la sa ga tshes bcu bzhi la lha mtshams bco lnga la gro zhin tshes bco lnga la dbang snron dbyar zla tha chungs mar gyi ngo la tshes bcu drug la tshes bcu drug la mon gru snubs (QN: snrubs) bcu bdun la (4) mon tshes bcu bdun la gre chu stod bco brgyad la khrum tshes bco brgyad la stod chu smad bcu dgu la khrum tshes bcu dgu la byi smad bzhin tshes (QN: —) nyi nyi shu la nam gru shu la gro bzhin nyi shu gcig la tha nyi shu gcig la mon skar gru nyi shu gnyis la bra nyi shu gnyis la mon nye gre (Q: dre, N: bre) nyi shu gsum la smin nyi shu gsum la drug khrums stod nyi shu bzhi la snar nyi shu bzhi la ma khrums smad nyi shu lnga la nam nyi shu lnga la ’gro gru nyi shu drug la dbyu nyi shu drug la lag (QN: dbyug) gu nyi (5) shu bdun la nyi shu bdun la bra nam so nye nyi shu brgyad la nyi shu brgyad la rgyal smin drug nyi shu dgu la snar nyi shu dgu la skag ma tshes sum bcu la gnam stong la mgo’o mchu dbang Stog Kanjur bcu gnyis la chu stod bcu gsum la chu smad bcu bzhi la byi bzhin bco lnga la gro bzhin dbang dbyar zla tha chung mar gyi ngo la tshes bcu drug la mon gru bcu bdun la mon gre bco brgyad la khrums stod bcu dgu la khrums smad nyi shu la nam gru nyi shu gcig la tha skar nyi shu gnyis la bra nye nyi shu gsum la smin drug nyi shu bzhi la snar ma nyi shu lnga la mgo (355b) nyi shu drug la lag nyi shu bdun la nab so nyi shu brgyad la rgyal nyi shu dgu la skag tshes sum cu mchu dbang la Ten demystified folios from Ablai-kit AK245 PDM ston zla ra ba yar gyi (1465) ston zla ra ba’i ngo la tshes gcig la gre tshes gcig la lag tshes gnyis la nab gnyis la dbo (QN: nabs) so gsum la me bzhi gsum la rgyal bzhi la nag pa bzhi la skag lnga la sa ri lnga la mchu drug (6) la sa ga drug la gre bdun la lha mtshams bdun la dbo brgyad la snon brgyad la me bzhi dgu la snums dgu la nag pa bcu la chu stod bcu la sa ri bcu gcig la chu smad bcu gcig la sa ga bcu gnyis la gro zhin bcu gnyis la lha mtshams [byi zhin omitted] bcu gsum la mon gru bcu gsum la snron bcu bzhi la mon gre bco lnga la khrum stod dbang (7) ston zla ra ba mar gyi ngo la tshes bcu drug la khrums smad bcu bdun la nam gru bcu bzhi la snrubs bco lnga la chu stod bcu drug la chu smad bcu bdun la byi bzhin bco brgyad la tha bco brgyad la gro skar bzhin bcu dgu la bra nye bcu dgu la mon gru nyi shu la smin drug nyi shu la mon gre nyi shu gcig la snar nyi shu gcig la ma khrums stod nyi shu gyis la nyi shu gnyis la ’go khrums smad nyi shu gsum la nam nyi shu gsum la lag gru 61 Stog Kanjur ston zla ra ba yar gyi ngo la tshes gcig la gre gnyis la dbo gsum la me bzhi bzhi la nag pa lnga la sa ri drug la sa ga bdun la lha mtshams brgyad la snron dgu la snrubs bcu la chu stod bcu gcig la chu smad bcu gnyis la gro bzhin bcu gsum la byi bzhin bcu bzhi la mon gru bco lnga la mon gre dbang ston zla ra ba mar gyi ngo la tshes bcu drug la khrums stod bcu bdun la khrums smad bco brgyad la nam gru bcu dgu la tha skar nyi shu la bra nye nyi shu gcig la smin drug nyi shu gnyis snar ma nyi shu gsum la mgo 62 Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines AK245 PDM nyi (8) shu bzhi la nyi shu bzhi la dbyu nam so (QN: dbyug) gu nyi shu lnga la rgyal nyi shu lnga la bra nye nyi shu drug la skag nyi shu drug la min drug nyi shu bdun la nyi shu bdun la snar mchu ma nyi shu brgyad la gre nyi shu brgyad la mgo nyi shu dgu la dbo nyi shu dgu la lag sum bcu la me bzhi gnam stong la nab dbang (QN: nabs) so ston zla ’bring po yar gyi ngo la tshes gcig la nag pa gnyis la sa ri (verso, 1) gsum la sa ga bzhi la lha ’tshams lnga la snron drug la snums bdun la chu stod brgyad la chu smad dgu la gro zhin|byi zhin| (adds byi zhin) bcu la mon gru bcu gcig la mon gre bcu gnyis la khrum stod bcu gsum la khrum (2) smad bcu bzhi la nam gru Stog Kanjur nyi shu bzhi la lag nyi shu lnga la nab so nyi shu drug la rgyal nyi shu bdun la skag tshes gcig la rgyal gnyis la skag gsum la mchu nyi shu brgyad la mchu nyi shu dgu la gre tshes sum bcu la dbo dbang [me bzhi omitted] ston zla ’bring po yar gyi ngo la tshes gcig la nag pa gnyis la sa ri gsum la sa ga bzhi la gre lnga la dbo drug la me bzhi bdun la nag pa brgyad la sa ri dgu la sa ga bzhi la lha mtshams lnga la snron drug la snrubs bdun la chu stod brgyad la chu smad dgu la gro bzhin bcu la lha mtshams bcu gcig la snron bcu gnyis la srubs bcu la byi bzhin4 bcu gcig la mon gru bcu gnyis la mon gre ston zla ’bring po’i bcu gsum la chu stod bcu gsum la khrums stod bcu bzhi la (N: +la) bcu bzhi la khrums chu smad smad [nam gru omitted] bco lnga la tha skar bco lnga la byi bzhin bco lnga la tha skar dbang dbang 4 Note the difference between AK and Stog here and the following four entries. Ten demystified folios from Ablai-kit AK245 ston zla ’bring po mar gyi ngo la tshes bcu drug la bra nye bcu bdun la smin drug bco brgyad la snar ma bcu dgu la ’go nyi shu la lag nyi shu gcig la nam so (3) nyi shu gnyis la rgyal nyi shu gsum la skag nyi shu bzhi la mchu nyi shu lnga la gre nyi shu drug la dbo nyi shu bdun la me bzhi nyi shu brgyad la nag pa nyi shu dgu la sa ri sum bcu la sa ga dbang ston zla tha (4) chungs yar gyi ngo la tshes gcig la lha ’tshams gnyis la snon gsum la snums bzhi la chu stod lnga la chu smad drug la byi zhin bdun la gro zhin PDM bcu drug la gro bzhin bcu bdun la mon gru bco brgyad la mon gre (N: bre) bcu dgu la khrums stod nyi shu la khrums smad nyi shu gcig la nam gru nyi shu gnyis la tha skar nyi shu gsum la bra nye nyi shu bzhi la smin drug nyi shu lnga la snar ma nyi shu drug la mgo nyi shu bdun la lag 63 Stog Kanjur ston zla ’bring po mar gyi ngo la tshes bcu drug la bra nye bcu bdun la smin drug bco brgyad la snar ma bcu dgu la (356a) mgo nyi shu la lag nyi shu gcig la nab so nyi shu gnyis la rgyal nyi shu gsum la skag nyi shu bzhi la mchu nyi shu lnga la gre nyi shu drug la dbo nyi shu bdun la me bzhi nyi shu brgyad la nyi shu brgyad la nab (QN: nabs) so nag pa nyi shu dgu la rgyal nyi shu dgu la sa ri gnam stong la skag sum cu la sa ga go dbang ston zla tha chungs ston zla tha chung kyi (QN: chung gi) yar gyi ngo la tshes gcig la mchu gnyis la gre gsum la dbo bzhi la me bzhi lnga la nag pa drug la sa ri bdun la sa ga tshes gcig la lha mtshams gnyis la snron gsum la snrubs bzhi la chu stod lnga la chu smad drug la byi bzhin bdun la gro bzhin 64 AK245 brgyad la mon gru Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines PDM brgyad la lha mtshams dgu la mon gre dgu la snron bcu la khrum stod bcu la snrubs (5) bcu gcig la khrum bcu gcig la chu stod smad bcu gnyis la nam gru bcu (1466) gnyis la chu smad bcu gsum la tha skar bcu gsum la byi bzhin bcu bzhi bra nye bcu bzhi la gro bzhin bco lnga la smin bco lnga la mon gru drug dbang (list ends here in the bcu drug la mon gre middle of ston zla tha (etc. to end of dgun zla tha chung) chungs) Stog Kanjur brgyad la mon gru dgu la mon gre bcu la khrums stod bcu gcig la khrums smad bcu gnyis la nam gru bcu gsum la tha skar bcu bzhi bra nye bco lnga la smin drug dbang (list ends here in the middle of ston zla tha chungs) As will be apparent from this table, the lists of lunar mansions given in AK and in Stog are generally similar, though a few variants may be mentioned. AK omits tshes (“date”) before the number more often than Stog does, although there are two instances, in the second half of the first spring month (dpyid zla ra ba mar), where AK has tshes and Stog does not. The names of certain lunar mansions differ consistently from one list to the other. Thus AK regularly renders the names of Anurādhā and Mṛgaśīrṣa respectively as lha ’tshams and ’go, while Stog has lha mtshams and mgo. For Mūla, usually snubs in Tibetan, AK systematically has snums whereas Stog has snrubs. For Punarvas – usually nabs so – AK has nam so instead of Stog’s nab so. There are also certain irregularities in the sequence of lunar mansions that are worth noting. In AK, the second half of the second spring month (dbyar zla ’bring po’i mar ngo), the sequence passes directly from gro zhin (< gro bzhin) on the eighteenth day to mo gre (< mon gre) on the nineteenth, omitting mon gru, which should precede it according to the conventions of this version. At the same point in the sequence Stog also omits a lunar mansion – in this case mon gre, rather than mon gru – thus also passing directly from gro bzhin to khrums stod. The two lists subsequently remain in unison until the twelfth day of the first half of the first autumn month (ston zla ra ba yar), after which AK omits byi zhin, passing directly from gro zhin to mon gru. The discrepancy continues until the end of the second half of the first autumn month, when Stog omits me bzhi from the sequence. The result is that the two lists coincide again from the beginning of the first half of the middle Ten demystified folios from Ablai-kit 65 autumn month (ston zla ’bring po yar). Then, in the first line of AK245v, the ninth day of the middle autumn month inexplicably subsumes both gro zhin (< bzhin) and byi zhin (< bzhin), again putting the two lists out of step. The mismatch continues until the thirteenth day of the first half of the middle autumn month, when Stog omits nam gru, thereby bringing the two into alignment again until the end of the sequence of lunar mansions. As an illustration of this group, we reproduce AK245 as it contains the element that allowed us to identify the text. AK245: vol. pa, fol. 325 Bibliothèque nationale de France: Tibétain 464: f. 8. See fig. 3 (A, B) PDM: — Stog Kanjur: mdo, vol. sa, fols. 355a(3)–356a(7) Recto pa_sum·brgya·_nye-r·lnga· @#|___|gcig·la·khrum·smad|nyi·shu·gnyis·la·nam·gru|nyi· shu·gsum·la·tha·skar·|nyi·shu·bzhi·la·bra·nye|nyi·shu·lnga·la· smin·drug|nyi·shu·drug·la·snar·ma|nyi·shu·bdun·la·’go|nyi· shu·brgyad·la·lag|nyi·shu·dgu·la·nam·so|_ sum·bcu·la·rgyal·dbang|_|dbyar·zla·tha·chungs·yar·gyi·ngo· la|tshes·gcig·la·skag|gnyis·la·mchu·|gsum·la·gre|bzh‹i·la·dbo| lnga·la·me·bzhi|drug·la·nag·pa|bdun·la·sa·ri|brgyad·la·sa·ga| dgu·la·lha·’tshams| bcu·la·snon|bcu·gcig·la·snums|_bcu·gnyis·la·mchu·stod|bcu· gsum·la·chu·smad|_bcu·bzhi·la·byi·bzhin|_bco·lnga·la·gro·zhin· dbang|_|dbyar·zla·tha·chungs·mar·gyi·ngo·la|tshes·bcu·drug· la·mon·gru|bcu·bdun·la mon·gre|_bco·brgyad·la·khrum·stod|bcu·dgu·la·khrum·smad| _nyi›·shu·la·nam·gru|nyi·shu·gcig·la·tha·skar|nyi·shu·gnyis·la· bra·nye|nyi·shu·gsum·la·smin·drug|nyi·shu·bzhi·la·snar·ma|_ nyi·shu·lnga·la·’gro|nyi·shu·drug·la·lag|nyi· shu·bdun·la·nam·so|nyi·shu·brgyad·la·rgyal|_nyi·shu·dgu·la· skag|tshes·sum·bcu·la·mchu·dbang|_|ston·zla·ra·ba·yar·gyi· ngo·la|tshes·gcig·la·gre|gnyis·la·dbo|gsum·la·me·bzhi|bzhi· la·nag·pa|lnga·la·sa·ri|drug_ la·sa·ga;bdun·la·lha·mtshams|brgyad·la·snon|dgu·la·snums|_ bcu·la·chu·stod·|bcu·gcig·la·chu·smad|bcu·gnyis·la·gro·zhin|_ bcu·gsum·la·mon·gru|_bcu·bzhi·la·mon·gre|bco·lnga·la·khrum· stod·dbang|| ston·zla·ra·ba·mar·gyi·ngo·la|tshes·bcu·drug·la·khrums·smad| bcu·bdun·la·nam·gru|bco·brgyad·la·tha·skar|bcu·dgu·la·bra· 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 66 Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines nye|_nyi·shu·la·smin·drug·|nyi·shu·gcig·la·snar·ma|nyi·shu· gnyis·la·’go|nyi·shu·gsum·la·lag|nyi_ shu·bzh‹i·la·nam·so|nyi·shu·lnga·la·rgyal|nyi·shu·drug·la·skag| 8 nyi·shu·bdun·la·mchu|nyi·shu·brgyad·la·gre|nyi·shu·dgu·la· dbo|sum·bcu·la·me·bzhi·dbang·|_|ston·zla·’bring·po·yar·gyi· ngo·la|tshes·gcig·la·nag·pa|gnyis·la·sa·ri· Verso gsum·la·sa·ga|bzhi·la·lha·’tshams|lnga·la·snron|drug·la· snums|bdun·la·chu·stod|brgyad·la·chu·smad|dgu·la·gro· zhi›n|byi·zhin|bcu·la·mon·gru|bcu·gcig·la·mon·gre|bcu·gnyis· la·khrum·stod|bcu·gsum·la·khrum_ smad|bcu·bzhi·la·nam·gru|bco·lnga·la·tha·skar·dbang|_|ston· zla·’bri›ng·po·mar·gyi·ngo·la|tshes·bcu·drug·la·bra·nye|_bcu· bdun·la·smi›n·drug|bco·brgyad·la·snar·ma|_bcu·dgu·la·’go|_ nyi·shu·la·lag|nyi·shu·gcig·la·nam·so| _nyi·shu·gny‹is·la·rgyal|nyi·shu·gsum·la·skag|nyi·shu·bzhi·la· mchu|_nyi·shu·lnga·la·gre|nyi·shu·drug·la·dbo|nyi·shu·bdun· la·me·bzhi|nyi·shu·brgyad·la·nag·pa|_nyi·shu·dgu·la·sa·ri| sum·bcu·la·sa·ga·dbang|_|ston·zla·tha·_ _chungs·yar·gyi·ngol|tshes·gcig·la·lha·’tshams|gnyis·la·sno›n| gsum·la·snums|_bzhi·la·chu·stod|lnga·la·chu·smad|drug·la· byi›·zhin|_bdun·la·gro·zhi›n|brgyad·la·mon·gru|dgu·la·mon· gre|bcu·la·khrum·stod _bcu·gcig·la·khrum·smad|_bcu·gnyis·la·nam·gru|bcu·gsum·la· tha·skar|bcu·bzhi·bra·nye|bco·lnga·la·smin·drug·dbang|| _______||’j‹ig·rten·ston·pa’i·le’u·las|__sa·g.yo·ba·la+stsogs·1 pa’i·ltas_ _kyi·le’u·nyi·tshe·logs·shi›g·du·phyung·ba|_rgyu·skar·nyi· shu’i·gnas·bstan·pa·mdo·sde·rtag·rna·chen·po·legs·so|2_|dgun·zla· tha·chungs· 3tshes·bcu·drug·gam|_bcu·dgu·la|nyi·ma·’char· kar·du·ba·lta·bu·’am|char·pa·’bab_ _par·snang·ngam|_sprin·gyi·nang·nas·glog·’byung·ba·snang· na|’dzangs·4shing·mkhas·pa·rnams·’gyur·bar·shes·par·gyi›s· shig|_|gza’·nyi·ma·dang·skar·ma·tha·skar·la|_du·ba·lta·bu· byung·ste|nam·mkha’·khebs·na|lo·bcu·gnyis_ tshang·bar·then·5pa·’byung·bar·shes·par·bya’o|_|dgun·zla·tha· chungs·6skar·ma·bra·nye’i·tshe|_nyi·ma·ser·por·snang·na|kho· ra·khor·yug·du·gsod·par·’gyur·zhing·dbus·su·ltogs·te·7’ch‹i·bar· ’gyur·ro|_|dpyid·zla·ra·ba·la|gza’·ny‹i·ma·dang| Notes: 1 sogs; 2 —; 3 chung; 4 mdzangs; 5 than; 6 chung; 7 par. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Ten demystified folios from Ablai-kit Fig. 3 (A, B). AK245 — pa: f. 325 (BnF: Tibétain 464: f. 8) 67 68 Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines 4 (1). AK 194 These discoveries left only one folio that looked like a natural part of the Tengyur. There were no doubts regarding its identification as the text Rang gi lta ba’i ’dod pa mdor bstan pa yongs su brtag pa by Mañjuśrīkīrti, included in all the Tengyur editions, with no connection to any versions of the Kangyur. However, by that time, we did not believe the initial hypothesis had any validity anymore. Our first thought was that its belonging to vol. ka might have meant that the AK was supplied with one or several additional volumes, like the Narthang Kangyur that has a kha skong volume with the number ka. While this hypothesis is not to be discarded completely, it seems to be more plausible that this folio, in fact, belonged to the first volume of the Tantra section. Our explanation will consist of two parts: 1) an ideological one, aimed to show that the Tengyur text could be interpreted as suitable for the Kangyur collection; and 2) a spatial one, aimed to show that it does not contradict the structure of this volume as far as we can reconstruct it. The ideological proof This is based on John Newman’s argument that the name of the author of the text should not be reconstructed as Mañjuśrīkīrti, but as “*Mañjughoṣa *Narendra *Yaśas, indicating the Sambhala emperor Kalkin Yaśas, an emanation of Mañjughoṣa/Mañjuśrī” (Newman 2023: 16, no. 24). The attribution of the treatise to such a figure might have allowed the unknown codifiers of AK to include it in the Kangyur. The spatial proof The AK folio number 180, its fragment of the text corresponds with pp. 619–622 of the PDM Tengyur where this text covers pp. 570–633 of vol. 42. The AK has two folios that definitely belonged to vol. Ka of the Tantra section (see the Appendix): 1) no. 192 that contains a fragment of the text Dpal sangs rgyas thams cad dang mnyam par sbyor ba mkha’ ’gro ma sgyu ma bde ba’i mchog that covers pp. 426–526 in vol. 77, the first volume of the Rgyud ‘bum section of the PDM Kangyur; the AK fragment corresponds with pp. 437–440; 2) no. 349 containing a fragment of the text Mngon par brjod pa’i rgyud bla ma that covers pp. 708–1005 in the same vol. 77; the AK fragment corresponds with pp. 829–832. Vol. 77 of the PDM Kangyur has 6 texts that preceded Dpal sangs rgyas thams cad…5In all, these texts cover 352 pages (of which the first 5  ’Jam dpal ye shes sems dpa’i don dam pa’i mtshan yang dag par brjod pa — pp. 3–31; Dbang mdor bstan pa — pp. 37–53; Mchog gi dang po’i sangs rgyas las phyung ba rgyud kyi rgyal po dpal dus kyi ’khor lo — pp. 57–311; Dpal dus kyi ’khor lo’i rgyud kyi phyi ma Ten demystified folios from Ablai-kit 69 and last pages in these texts are partly blank). Each standard AK folio normally corresponds with 2–2.5 pages of the PDM. It means that if these texts also preceded Dpal sangs rgyas thams cad… in vol. Ka of AK, they would have covered approximately 160 folios. Using the same process of calculation we can get the initial folio of Dpal sangs rgyas thams cad…: 437 (the page of PDM where the fragment of AK starts) minus 426 (the initial page of the text) gives about 13 pages that correspond with 5–6 AK folios; thus, the text in AK started somewhere near f. 186. This means we have a lacuna of about 26 folios. Could it be filled with Rang gi lta ba’i ’dod pa mdor bstan pa yongs su brtag pa? The answer is yes, because this text covers about 63 pages (570– 633) of PDM that roughly corresponds to 25–30 AK folios. To check the plausibility of these calculations, we can see if they would be true of the next folio from vol. ka in AK that belongs to Mngon par brjod pa’i rgyud bla ma. AK had 156 folios between it (no. 349) and the previous one, from Dpal sangs rgyas thams cad… (no. 192). In the PDM, the number of pages that separate the two fragments is as follows: • p. 441–526 of Dpal sangs rgyas thams cad…, • two more texts: 1) Rtog pa thams cad ’dus pa… — pp. 550–596; 2) Rgyud kyi rgyal po dpal bde mchog nyung ngu — pp. 604– 689. • The beginning of Mngon par brjod pa’i rgyud bla ma: pp. 708– 828. Together, they give us about 340 pp., which corresponds roughly to 150 AK folios. We must emphasize that all the numbers are approximate and we cannot be absolutely sure that the AK did not have any additional minor texts, but what seems to be clear is that Rang gi lta ba’i ’dod pa mdor bstan pa yongs su brtag pa really could be a part of vol. ka of the AK Tantra section, concluding its part dedicated to Kālacakratantra. This seems much more plausible than the existence of a special volume ka containing this and some other Tengyur texts. Therefore, we have placed it at the head of the Tantra section in the list of folios of AK presented in the Appendix. The edition of this “royal” folio, which, upon reconsideration, severs the last thread with our initial Ablai-kit Tengyur hypothesis, is provided below. There are no serious discrepancies between AK and PDM in this fragment. rgyud kyi snying po — pp. 361–396; Dpal dus kyi ’khor lo zhes bya ba’i rgyud kyi snying po — pp. 407–411; Dbang gi rab tu byed pa — pp. 414–423. (The lacunas between the texts are covered by lists of discrepancies between various editions of the Kangyur.) 70 Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines AK 194: vol. ka, fol. 180 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 175. See fig. 4 (A, B) PDM Bstan ’gyur: vol. 42, pp. 619(21)–622(1) Recto ka_ brgya·___brgya[sic]·bcu @#|___|dri·med·’gyur;phyogs·gcig·la·ni·brten·pa·yi|_|shes·la· gnyis·med·yongs·su·grags1|_|phyogs·gnyis·rnam·par·grol·ba· yis2|_|sangs·rgyas·ye·shes·gnyis·med·do|_|nag·dangdkar·po ’gags·3pa·gang;_sems·can·yun·ring·bag·chags·rnams|_|sad·4 dus·la·yang·de·bzhin·na5| (mi·rtagskad·gcig·6ji·ltar·yin|)|bag· chags·dang·ni·bag·chags·kyang·|_|sad·pa·na·ni·’byung·bar· ’gyur|_|de·ltar·gnyid·’thug·song·pa·na||rnam par·shes·pa·nyams·par·’gyur|__|rnam·shes·kun·bzhi·7rnam· shesrnams|_|gang·tshe·lus·dang·lus·la·gzhan|_|mchog·gi· bdag·nyid·de·bzhin·’grub|__|thams·cad·rnams·kyikun·bzhi›r·8 grags||rnam shes·kun·gzhi·rnam·shes·rnams|_|rtag·pa·tshangs·pa·de·ci· min|_|skye·dangrgyu·ni·de·dag·kyang·|_|mkha’·gzhan·de· yi·9mi·10nam·ci||shing·gi·dbus·kyi·me·ji·bzhin|_|bye·brag· pa<y>i<·>lugs·la·grub||de·ni_ byed·po·rgyu·gcig·pu|_|mu·stegs·rnams·kyi·lugs·gzhan·yin|| bzhi·pa’i·dusdang·gnyid·’thug·dang·|_|rmi·lam·sad·par·gnas· pa·y‹is 11 |_|lus·can·zhag· 12 la·srog·’jug·pa|_|nyi·khri·chig· stong·drug·rgya’o13 gnyid·’thug·gnas·la·gsal·14ba·dang·|_|rnam·shes·med·pa·las· byung·ba’i|_|rabsangs·rgyas·kyi›·15skye·bo’I›·tshad|_|srog· de·srog·chags·kyis·shes·bya|_|ma·rig·pa·las·skyes·payis|__| blun·min·’gro_ ba·blun·por·’gyur|_|mi·shes·skye·bo·ji·lta·ba|_|de·ltar·ye·shes· mig·canmin|_|nam·mkha’·rig·pa·las·skyes·pas|_|blun·po’i›· ’gro·ba·blun·min·’gyur|_|sna·tshogs·ri›g·pa·las·skyespa’i|_| blun· min·rnams·ni·blun·med (’gyur·)|_|rnal·’byor·rig·pa·las·skyes· pas|_|sa·yi·bzh‹i·16la·bstan·17par’jug|_|sa·min·dbang·du·byas· nas·ni|_|sems·can·rnams·la·snying·rje’i·bdag|_|nam·mkha’· rig·pa·las·skye-s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Notes: 1 bsgrags; 2 yi; 3 ’gag; 4 sang; 5 no; 6 cig; 7 gzhi; 8 gzhir; 9 yis; 10 min; 11 yi; 12 zhig; 13 brgya’o; 14 Q: bsal; 15 kyis; 16 gzhi; 17 brtan. Ten demystified folios from Ablai-kit 71 Verso pas;myur·bar·mig·’phrul·du·ni·’gro|_|mkha’·dang·ri·bo·med· byas·nas|_|pha·rol·rnams·su·rtag·slong·ba’o|_|’khor·lo·ri›g· pa·las·byung·bas|_|’khor·lo’i›·rI›g·pa·’dzin·par·’gyur|_|rin· chen·rig·pa·la-s·byung bas;_ri›n·chen·r‹ig·pa·’dz‹in·par·’gyur|_|pa+dma’i·rig·pa·las· byung·bas|_|pa+dma’‹i·rig·pa·’dzin·par’gyur|__|ral·gri’I·rI›g· pa·las·byung·bas|_|ral·gri’i·rig·pa·’dz‹in·par·’gyur|_|rdo·rje·18 rig·pa_ las·byungbas;rdo·rje’i·rig·pa·’dzin·par·’gyur·|_|dngos·po· rnams·kyi·nus·pa·ni||tshad·sogs·bsam·mi·khyabbsgrub·bya|_| skye·ba·med·pa·’gag·med·pa|_|chad·pa·med·pa·rtag·med·pa|_| sna·tshogs·do-n min·dongcig·min|_|’ong·ba·med·pa·’gro·med·pa|_|gang· zhig·rten·cing·’brel·par·’byung·|_|spros·pa·nye·bar·zhiston· pa|_|rdzogs·pa’i·sangs·rgyas·smra·rnams·kyi·|_|dam·pa·de· la·phyag·’tshal·lo|_|rang·la-s ma·yin·gzhanlas·min|_|gnyis·las·ma·yin·rgyu·med·min|__| dngos·po·gang·dang·gang·la·yang·|_|skye·ba·nam·yangyod· ma·yin||rkyen·rnams·bzhi·ste·rgyu·dang·ni|_|dmigs·pa· dang·ni·de·ma·thag; bdag·po·dang·19ni·de·bzhin·ste20||rkyen·lnga·pa·ni·yod·ma· yI›n|_|yod·pa·min·las·rkyen·med·de|_|ji·ltar·nam·mkha’· 21 me·tog·bzhin|_|yod·pa’ang·mngon·sum·nyid·kyi›·phyi›r·|_| dngos·po’i›·rkyen·ni·ji›·ltar·yin rnam·rtog·las·byung’j‹ig·rten·ni|_|rnam·rtog·sems·las·yang· dag·byung·|_|sems·ni·lus·las·yang·dag·byung·|_|de·phyir·lus· la·rnam·par·spyod|_|gzugs·ni›·dbu·ba·lta·bur·gsungs|_|tshor· ba·chu· bur·lta·bu·ste|_|’du·shes·smigsgyu·lta·bu·dang·||’du·byed· chu·shing·lta·bu’o|_|rnam·shes·sgyu·ma·lta·bu’o|_|zhes·pa· gang·rnams·phung·por·bstan||sems·can·bsam·pa’i·dbang·g‹is· gsungs|_|skad·cig·mi·rta-g Notes: 18 rje’i; 19 yang; 20 te; 21 mkha’ yi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 72 Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines Fig. 4 (A, B). AK194 — ka: f. 180 (IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 175) Ten demystified folios from Ablai-kit 73 Concluding remarks The hypothesis that the Ablai-kit library could have possessed a set of the Tengyur in addition to AK turned out to be erroneous. It would not have arisen at all if etexts of all the canonical works, and not only those included in the PDM, had been available. At the same time, it is astonishing to see the progress in this field of Tibetan studies, and we are very grateful to colleagues who have dedicated so much time and effort to making access to the canonical corpus easy and comprehensive. Thanks to the completely random selection of the folios of AK by people who had taken them from the abandoned monastery in the 1720s and 1730s (these being a drop in the ocean of writings that were doomed to disappearance), we were provided a chance to propose a broad reconstruction of the structure of this version of the Tibetan Buddhist canon. It turned out to have no clear parallels with any other version recorded in the rKTs database, something that may be seen in many examples, especially in regard to the Sūtra section. Note, for instance, the presence of the text ’Phags pa rab kyi rtsal gyis rnam par gnon pas zhus pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa bstan pa in volume pha (no. 166 of the list in the Appendix) that must have belonged to the Sūtra section, not the Prajñāpāramitā section, where the other Kangyurs put it. Two noteworthy discrepancies are detected in the Ratnakūṭa section, where two texts are apparently assigned completely different places (see nos. 132, 138). Discrepancies are also found in the material of the folios examined in this paper. AK is the only known version of the Kangyur that places the three texts ascribed to Maudgalyāyana together, and in a sequence different from that of the Tengyur where such grouping is attested. AK also included at least one text which normally belongs to the Tengyur. Its presence in the AK is presumably connected with the fact that its authorship might be ascribed to the King of ambhala. Text-critical comparison of the AK fragments with those attested in either the PDM or manuscript Kangyurs has not yet allowed us to find at least one version that could have clearly belonged to the same textual tradition. However, our work in this regard is not complete, and there is a chance that, along with the final catalogue of the AK folios, new meaningful text-critical observations will be published. 74 Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines Abbreviations AK BDRC PDM rKTs TBRC Ablai-kit Kangyur Buddhist Digital Resource Center dPe bsdur ma Resources for Kanjur and Tanjur Studies Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center The list of sigla of the versions of the Tibetan canon see on p. 37. The list of institutions that host folios see on p. 76–77. Bibliography Tibetan texts PDM Kangyur: Bka’ ’gyur dpe bsdur ma. Pe cin: Krung go’i bod rig pa’i dpe skrun khang, 2006–2009. PDM Tengyur: Bka’ ’gyur dpe bsdur ma. Pe cin: Krung go’i bod rig pa’i dpe skrun khang, 1994–2008. Online libraries: BDRC: rKTs: Researches Dhammadinnā, Bhikkhunī. “Sūtra and Abhidharma Sources on the Pārijāta Tree in Śamathadeva’s Abhidharmakośopāyikā-ṭīkā”, Journal of Buddhist Studies. Volume XVII. Centre for Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka & The Buddha-Dharma Centre of Hong Kong, December 2020, pp. 35–58. Helman-Ważny, Agnieszka, Liubov Kriakina and Alexander Zorin. “The First Tibetan Leaves Acquired by the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences: Conservation Issues, Contents and Paper Analysis”, Written Monuments of the Orient, 2(2), 2015, pp. 61–76. Knüppel, Michael. Vom Irtysch nach Kassel. Zum Problem der ersten mongolischen und tibetischen Handschriften in Deutschland. Kassel University Press, 2014. Ten demystified folios from Ablai-kit 75 [Mencke, Johann Burckhardt?]. “Nova literaria de msptis codicibus in Tartaria repertis”, Acta eruditorum. Lipsiae, 1722, pp. 374–376. Newman, John. “On Nāropāda, the Bṛhatkāśmīrapañjikā, and the Anupamarakṣita Kālacakra ṣaḍaṅgayoga lineage”. Version 2.0 — Published on 24 July 2023. On_Nāropāda_the_Bṛhatkāśmīrapañjikā_and_the_Anupamarakṣita_ Kālacakra_ṣaḍaṅgayoga_lineage Sizova, Alla. 2021 “O pervoi popytke perevoda v istorii tibetologii: metod bratiev Furmon” [On the First Attempt at Translating in the History of Tibetan Studies: Fourmont Brothers’ Method], Tibetologiia v Sankt-Peterburge [Tibetology in St. Pertersburg]. Issue 2. Saint Petersburg: Peterburgskoe vostokovedenie, 2021, pp. 135–194. Wahlquist, Håkan. “Karl XII:s karoliner i Sibirien och vad de förde med sig hem”, Med världen i kappsäken. Samlingarnas väg till Etnografiska museet. Stockholm: Etnografiska museet, 2002, pp. 24–29. Zorin, Alexander. Tibetan Studies in Russia: A Historical Sketch. Tokyo: The International Institute for Buddhist Studies of The International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies, 2020. (Studia philologica Buddhica. Monograph Series, XXXVIII.) Zorin, Alexander, and Anna Turanskaya. “Listy iz Ablai-khita v sobranii Rossiiskoi Natsional’noi biblioteki” [The Ablai-kit folios preserved in the Russian National Library], Oiraty i Tibet. Istoricheskoe nasledie i perspektivy [The Oirats and Tibet. Historical heritage and modern perspectives]. Ed. by Alexander Zorin, Anna Turanskaya. St. Petersburg, 2023, pp. 249–281. 76 Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines APPENDIX Alexander Zorin The list of so far identified folios from the Ablai-kit Kangyur in Russian and European collections At the moment, 250 unique folios, complete or in fragments, that belonged to the Ablai-kit manuscript copy of the Tibetan Buddhist Canon are identified in twelve institutions in Saint Petersburg and Europe. The list of these collections may be divided into two parts, as one of them preserves the majority of the extant folios. 1. IOM RAS: Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg — 202,5 (one folio is divided between IOM RAS and BnF, see below).6 2. Other collections — 47,5 BnF: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris — 11 (nos. in the table below: 15, 36, 125, 138, 177, 178, 218, 223,7 224, 241, 244) + 0,5 (no. 249) UUL: Uppsala University Library — 11 (nos. 7, 24, 29, 97, 112, 143, 182, 197, 204, 205, 245)8 BL: British Library, London — 10 (Sloane coll.: nos. 133, 136, 148, 237, 243; Stowe coll.: nos. 43, 116, 131, 175, 176)9 RNL: Russian National Library, St. Petersburg — 3 (nos. 91, 92, 134)10 LUL: Lund University Library — 3 (nos. 109, 113, 201)11 6 7 8 9 10 11 In addition to the extant folios, IOM RAS has ten small packs with remnants of burnt folios (found by Olga Lundysheva during her work with the IOM Serindia Collection in the 2010s). Judging by the few letters that can be seen on some of them, these remnants are likely to have belonged to the Ablai-kit batch. These folios might have been destroyed by the fire in the Kunstkamera that took place in 1747. We are not aware of any other fires that could have damaged these manuscripts. It is the famous folio published in Mencke 1722 and ‘translated’ by the Fourmont Brothers for Peter the Great. See its recent edition in Sizova 2021: 138–145, fig. 7. We are grateful to Mathias von Wachenfeldt and Stina Brodin (the Linköping City Library), Emil Lundin (the Uppsala University Library), Håkan Wahlquist (the Sven Hedin Foundation), Staffan Rosén (professor emeretus, Stockholm University), Anna Schottländer (Etnografiska Museet, Stockholm), and Jenny Bonnevier (the Lund University Library) for their help in obtaining information about the Swedish collections. We are grateful to Burkhard Quessel (British Library) for his help in getting access to these folios. The folios are published in Zorin, Turanskaya 2023: 258–265, fig. 23–25. There is also a drawing copy of one more folio: see add. after no. 93. Ten demystified folios from Ablai-kit 77 FS: Franckesche Stiftungen, Halle — 3 (nos. 45, 160, 250)12 HAB: Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel — 2 (nos. 6, 222)13 Kassel, Universitätsbibliothek — 1 (no. 40)14 Berlin, Staatsbibliothek — 1 (no. 200)15 Linköping, Stadsbibliotek — 1 (no. 120)16 EM: Etnografiska Museet, Stockholm — 1 (no. 135)17 The list of the folios presented below provides all the major information about each of them, including: • provisional numbers from 1 to 250 (they may change in the future if new folios will be found somewhere); • the hosting institutions and their shelf marks; • the volume and folio numbers provided left to the text on the recto side of the manuscripts; since some folios lack this part, the identifications were made according to the contents and, in regard to two folios from the Sūtra section it turned out to be impossible, hence they are simply placed at the end of the section; • identification of the text made with use of the BDRC and rKTs online libraries; the titles are provided in short form (to spare place) but supplied with numbers according to the Derge edition and rKTs catalogue by which it is very easy to find complete information about each text using the rKTs website; • identification of the fragments according to the Dpe bsdur ma (PDM) edition of the Kangyur: page numbers are supplied with superscribed numbers of lines (normally—in brackets, but when the original folios lack left or right edges and we had to suggest the correct number of line, square brackets were used); in ten cases (nos. 167–169, 181–183, 194, 243–245), we provide identifications according to the Stog Kangyur and the Dpe bsdur ma edition of the Tengyur. 12 13 14 15 16 17 We are grateful to Claus Veltmann (Frankesche Stiftungen, Halle) and Hartmut Walravens (Berlin State Library) for their help in obtaining information about the Halle collection. The folios are published in Knüppel 2014: Taf. 11–13. The folio is published in Knüppel 2014: 15–18, Taf. 5–8. We are grateful to Anna Turanskaya (Russian National Library) for providing us with its digital copy. See its edition in the paper by A. Zorin, A. Turanskaya, V. Borodaev in this issue of RET. The recto side of the folio was published in Wahlquist 2002: 28. 78 Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines ABLAI-KIT BKA’ ’GYUR Vinaya (12 vols: ka–da, a) No. Host, shelf mark 1 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 1 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 180 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 2 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 3 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 181 HAB: Cod. Guelf. 9 Extra vV UUL: O Tibet 1(3) IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 4 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 5 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 6 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 7 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 8 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 9 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 10 BnF: Tibétain 464: f. 2 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 11 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 12 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 13 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 14 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Vol., fol. Ka, 84 Text vol. 1: 173(20)–176(5) vol. 1: 282(3)–284(7) vol. 1: 384(3)–386(6) vol. 1: 705(5)–707(11) vol. 1: 714(7)–716(12) vol. 2: 197[15]–198[17] Ka, 135 Ka, 189 Ka, 322 Ka, 327 [Kha?], ? 1 side, right pt. Kha, 39 Kha, 195 Ga, 106 Ga, 115 Ga, 1?8 Ga, 154 Nga, 1 Nga, 106 Nga, 149 Nga, 210 Nga, 213 Nga, 240 [Nga], 243 PDM ’Dul ba gzhi (D1/K1) vol. 2: 238(2)–240(5) vol. 2: 589(20)–592(6) vol. 3: 378(10)–380(10) vol. 3: 396(18)–399(5) vol. 3: 427(1)–429(7) vol. 3: 485(15)–487(18) vol. 4: 86(19)–87(1) vol. 4: 335(5)–337(16) vol. 4: 437(4)–439(8) vol. 4: 568(10)–570(11) vol. 4: 575(8)–577(15) vol. 4: 639(3)–641(10) vol. 4: 646(6)–648(15) Ten demystified folios from Ablai-kit 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 15 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 16 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 17 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 18 UUL: O Tibet 1(1) IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 19 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 20 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 21 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 22 UUL: O Tibet 2(3) IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 23 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 24 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 25 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 26 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 27 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 28 BnF: Tibétain 464: f. 4 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 29 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 30 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 31 Kassel, UB: Ms. orient. Anhang 4[1 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 32 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 33 Ca, 16 left pt. Ca, 47 Ca, 117 Ca, 267 Cha, 43 Cha, 146 Cha, 154 Cha, ? Cha, 305? [Cha or Ja, ?] Ja, 204 ’Dul ba rnam par ’byed pa (D3/K3) Ja, 207 Ja, 222 [Ja], ? right pt. Ja(?), 290 Nya, 72 Nya, 100 Nya, 119 Nya, 181 Nya, 227 Nya, 243 Dge slong ma’i ’dul ba rnam par ’byed pa (D5/K5) 79 vol. 5: 97(13)–100[5] vol. 5: 172(14)–175(17) vol. 5: 339(21)–342(12) vol. 5: 703(13)–706(4) vol. 6: 285(19)–288(5) vol. 6: 531(5)–534(3) vol. 6: 552(6)–554(19) vol. 6: 652(13)–654(16) vol. 7: 239(12)–241[18] vol. 7: 315(6)–317(11) vol. 8: 142(4)–144(18) vol. 8: 149(20)–152(9) vol. 8: 185(4)–187(11) vol. 8: 308[9]–310(13) vol. 8: 345(11)–347(17) vol. 8: 562(7)–564(13) vol. 8: 623(13)–625(16) vol. 9: 105(5)–107(11) vol. 9: 255(8)–257(17) vol. 9: 366(12)–368(13) vol. 9: 403(4)–405(9) Nya, 294 vol. 9: 503(8)–505(12) Nya, 330 vol. 9: 583(6)–585(14) 80 Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 18 BL: Stowe Or 32/8 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 34 FS: R.-Nr. 41 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 35 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 36 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 37 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 38 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 39 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 40 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 41 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 42 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 43 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 44 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, Nos. 45 & 46 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 47 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 48 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 49 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 50 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 51 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 52 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 53 Nya, 389 Nya, 409 [Ta], ? [Ta], ? right pt. [Ta], ? right pt. [Ta], ? right pt. [Ta], ? right pt. [Ta], ? right pt. [Ta], ? right pt. [Ta], ? right pt. [Ta], ? right pt. [Ta], ? right pt. Ta, 204 Dge slong ma’i ’dul ba rnam par ’byed pa (D5/K5) ’Dul ba phran tshegs kyi gzhi (D6/K6) Ta, 303 Tha, 178 left pt. Da, 46 [Da], [1]14 Da, 122 Da, 210 Da, 233 [Da], 243 ’Dul ba’i gzhung dam pa (D7a/K739) vol. 9: 725(3)–727(6) vol. 9: 767(14)–769(18) vol. 10: 73(4)–75[12] 18 vol. 10: 389[5]–391(7) vol. 10: 391(7)–393(16) vol. 10: 393(16)–395(19) vol. 10: 398[3]–400(8) vol. 10: 400(8)–402(10) vol. 10: 402(10)–404(18) vol. 10: 404[19]–407(6) vol. 10: 407(6)–409(13) vol. 10: 409(13)–411[17] vol. 10: 453(17)–456(2) vol. 10: 672(5)–674(15) vol. 11: 342(14)–345[5] vol. 12: 355(3)–357(11) vol. 12: 489(5)–491(14) vol. 12: 530(10)–532(16) vol. 12: 734(3)–736(3) vol. 13: 24(12)–26(21) vol. 13: 48(1)–50(9) A small fragment at the edge where one syllable could have been written is missing, and it is unclear whether the folio contained it. If it did not, the final line of the fragment in the PDM must be 11. Ten demystified folios from Ablai-kit 64 65 66 67 68 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 54 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 55 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 56 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 57 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 58 Da, 269 left pt. Da, 289 Da, 328 left pt.19 A, 35 ’Dul ba’i gzhung dam pa (D7a/K739) A, 211 81 vol. 13: 110(16)–113[5] vol. 13: 161(5)–163(18) vol. 13: 256(11)–257(10) vol. 13: 325(10)–327(16) vol. 12: 3(1)–5(15) Prajñāpāramitā: ’Bum (12 vols.: ka–[na]); Khri brgyad pa (2 vols.: ka–kha)20 No. 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 19 20 Host, shelf mark IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 59 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 60 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 182 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 61 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 62 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 63 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 64 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 65 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 66 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 67 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 68 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 69 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 70 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 71 Vol., fol. Ka, 26 Text Ka, 27 Ka, 87 Ka, 120 Ka, 311 Ka, 326 Ka, 333 Ka, 341 Ka, 377 Kha, 197 Kha, 215 Kha, 238 Kha, 265 Kha, 288 Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa stong phrag brgya pa (D8/K8) PDM vol. 14: 49(12)–51(11) vol. 14: 51(11)–53(12) vol. 14: 175(17)–177(18) vol. 14: 237(19)–239(20) vol. 14: 695(18)–698(7) vol. 14: 731(2)–733(7) vol. 14: 746(11)–748(13) vol. 14: 763(12)–765(17) vol. 14: 799(8)–801(15) vol. 15: 399(12)–401(14) vol. 15: 441(13)–443(21) vol. 15: 495(6)–497(10) vol. 15: 556(14)–559(2) vol. 15: 611(16)–614(4) It was the last folio in its volume. See no. 166 for a small text on Prajñāpāramitā included in the Sūtra section. It means that AK probably did not have a volume of minor Prajñāpāramitā texts. 82 Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 ad d22 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 21 22 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 72 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 73 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 74 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 75 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 76 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 77 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 78 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 79 RNL: Dorn 857(1) RNL: Dorn 857(2) IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 80 LUL: Jarring Prov. 486 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 81 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 82 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 83 UUL: O Tibet 1(8) IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 84 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 85 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 86 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 87 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 88 Kha, 326 Ga, 119 Ga, 122 Ga, 276 Ga, 277 Nga, 2 Nga, 123 Nga, 211 [Ca?], ?21 Cha, 55 Cha, 165 Cha, 280(?): verso Ja, 85 Ja, 217 Ja, 224 Ja, 227 [Nya], ? right pt. Nya, 182 Nya, 199 left pt. Nya, 239 Nya, 273 Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa stong phrag brgya pa (D8/K8) vol. 15: 708(13)–710(20) vol. 16: 203(2)–205(8) vol. 16: 209(20)–212(4) vol. 16: 573(4)–575(9) vol. 16: 575(9)–577(16) vol. 16: 734(21)–735(13) vol. 17: 191(19)–194(7) vol. 17: 397(3)–399(10) vol. 18: 765[7]–767(11) vol. 19: 17(20)–20(4) vol. 19: 253(7)–255(13) vol. 19: 537(9)–539(16) vol. 20: 91(17)–94(1) vol. 20: 344(20)–347(4) vol. 20: 361(1)–363(6) vol. 20: 367(16)–370(1) vol. 21: 73[3]–75(10) vol. 21: 329(19)–332(6) vol. 21: 386(11)–388(15) vol. 21: 476(6)–478(10) vol. 21: 569(19)–573(6) Only the edge with the folio number is missing. It is not a Tibetan manuscript but a drawing copy of it made by one of the Swedish captives in Siberia. Ten demystified folios from Ablai-kit 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 89 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 90 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 91 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 183 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 92 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 93 LUL: Jarring Prov. 486 (2) IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 184 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 94 UUL: O Tibet 1(2) LUL: Jarring Prov. 486 (3) IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 95 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 96 BL: Stowe Or 32/6 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 97 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 98 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 99 Linköping, SB: Ol 4 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 185 Ta, 5 Ta, 154 Ta, 346 Ta, 351 Tha, 19 Tha, 146 Tha, 268 Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa stong phrag brgya pa (D8/K8) Da, 13 Da, 193 Da, 284 Ka, 35 Ka, 292 Kha, 107 Kha, 109 vol. 21: 778(15)–780(13) vol. 22: 280(13)–283(2) vol. 22: 704(7)–706(17) vol. 22: 715(19)–718(1) vol. 23: 8(4)–10(8) vol. 23: 297(5)–299(11) vol. 23: 592(10)–594(14) vol. 23: 788(7)–790(11) vol. 24: 166[19]–169(5) vol. 24: 392(19)–395(6) vol. 24: 412(20)–415(8) [Da], ? right pt. Da, 185 Kha, 108 83 Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa khri brgyad stong pa (D10/K10) Kha, 315 or 318 Kha, 358 left pt. vol. 24: 628(2)–630(11) vol. 29: 67(10)–69(13) vol. 29: 654(21)–657(7) vol. 30: 446(8)–448(5) vol. 30: 448(5)–450(7) vol. 30: 450(7)–452(4) vol. 31: 221(4)–223(9) vol. 31: 311(11)–313(21) Avataṃsaka (5 vols: ka–ca) No. Host, shelf mark 122 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 101 Vol., fol. Kha, 106 Text Sangs rgyas phal po che zhes bya PDM vol. 36: 23(10)–25(16) 84 Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines 123 124 125 126 127 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 102 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 103 BnF: Tibétain 464: f. 11(2) IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 187 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 104 Kha, 127 Ga, 283 ba shin tu rgyas pa chen po’i mdo (D44/K44) Nga, 50 Nga, 187 vol. 36: 71(10)–73(15) vol. 37: 132(11)–134(18) vol. 37: 400(9)–402(10) vol. 37: 346(13)–348(17) vol. 38: 516(3)–518(3) Ca, 190 Ratnakūṭa (5 vols: ka–[ca]) No. Host, shelf mark 128 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 105 129 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 106 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 108 130 Ka, 161 Ka, 166 131 BL: Stowe Or 32/7 132 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 107 Ka, 311 (312?) 133 BL: Sloane 2837b Kha, 36 134 RNL: Dorn 857(3) EM: SR 100 Kha, 151 left pt. [Kha, 156?]: recto Kha, 159 135 136 137 23 Vol., fol. Ka, 109 BL: Sloane 2837c IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 188 [?], ? Kha, 385 Text PDM Sgo mtha’ yas pa rnam par sbyong ba bstan pa’i le’u (D46/K46) De bzhin gshegs pa’i gsang ba bsam gyis mi khyab pa bstan pa (D47/K47) ’Od dpag med kyi bkod pa (D49/K49) ’Od srung gi le’u (D87/K87)23 vol. 39: 202(7)–204(12) Go cha’i bkod pa bstan pa (D51/K51) vol. 40: 256(16)–258(19) ’Od zer kun du bkye ba bstan pa (D55/K55) Byang chub sems dpa’i sde snod (D56/K56) vol. 39: 391(2)–393(2) vol. 39: 401(9)–403(13) vol. 39: 771(21)–773(21) vol. 44: 358(14)–360(15) vol. 40: 567(20)–570[5] vol. 40: 579(3)–581(6) vol. 40: 585(18)–588(1) vol. 41: 82(16)–84(20) This folio and no. 138 show that the Dkon brtsegs section had some unique features in regard to the sequence of texts in it. Ten demystified folios from Ablai-kit 138 139 140 141 BnF: Tibétain 464: f. 11(1) IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 109 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 110 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 111 Ga, 238 Ga, 308 Ga, 411 Nga, 99 142 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 112 Nga, 132 143 UUL: O Tibet 1(7) IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 189 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 190 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 191 Nga, 293 147 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 192 Nga, 376 148 BL: Sloane 2837a Nga, 398 144 145 146 Nga, 307 Nga, 321 Nga, 323 Gtsug na rin po ches zhus pa (D91/K91) Yab dang sras mjal ba zhes (D60/K60) Yul ’khor skyong gis zhus pa (D62/K62) Khyim bdag drag shul can gyis zhus pa (D63/K63) Byams pa’i seng ge’i sgra chen po (D67/K67) ’Dul ba rnam par gtan la dbab pa’i nye bar ’khor gyis zhus pa (D68/K68) Lag bzangs kyis zhus pa (D70/K70) Des pas zhus pa (D71/K71) 85 vol. 44: 654(8)–656(9) vol. 42: 313(9)–315(13) vol. 42: 341(7)–343(9) vol. 42: 684(19)–687(4) vol. 42: 778(20)–781(3) vol. 43: 255(14)–257(17) vol. 43: 287(6)–289(11) vol. 43: 341(7)–343(10) vol. 43: 345(14)–347(17) vol. 43: 473(18)–475(19) vol. 43: 529(7)–531(5) Sūtra (? vols: ka–la, <…?>, a) No. Host, shelf mark 149 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 193 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 194 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 195 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 196 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 113 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 114 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 115 150 151 152 153 154 155 Vol., fol. Ka, 19 Text Ka, 122 Ka, 183 Ka, 268 Ka, 295 Ka, 306 Ka, 413 Bskal pa bzang po (D94/K94) PDM vol. 45: 32(3)–34(1) vol. 45: 227(13)–229(13) vol. 45: 348(7)–350(6) vol. 45: 503(9)–505(5) vol. 45: 553(3)–555(2) vol. 45: 574(13)–576(10) vol. 45: 783(5)–785(4) 86 156 157 Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 197 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 116 Kha, 11 Nga, 207 158 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 199 Cha, 36 159 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 119 Cha, 221 160 FS: R.-Nr. 40 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 120 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 121 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 122 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 123 Cha, 219 161 162 163 164 Cha, 259 Nya, 207 Nya, 249 Na, 4 165 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 124 Na, 256 166 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 100 Pha, 100 167 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 176 Ma, 18 left pt. 168 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 186 Ma, 25 169 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 177 Ma, 75 170 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 198 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 125 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 126 [Tsa], 19 171 172 Rgya cher rol pa (D95/K95) Khye’u snang ba bsam gyis mi khyab pas bstan pa (D103/K103) Khye’u bzhi’i ting nge ’dzin (D136/K136) Las kyi sgrib pa rgyun gcod pa (D219/K219) Klu’i rgyal po rgya mtshos zhus pa (D153/K153) Dam pa’i chos dran pa nye bar gzhag pa (D287/K287) Blo gros rgya mtshos zhus ba (D152/K152) Sangs rgyas kyi dbu rgyan (D274/K274) Rab kyi rtsal gyis rnam par gnon pas zhus pa (D14/K14) Sa bcu pa (D3993/T3333) Tsa, 57 Tsa, 67 Lang kar gshegs pa’i mdo (D107/K107) vol. 46: 19(1)–21(2) vol. 48: 731(1)–733(11 vol. 56: 453(5)–455(11) vol. 62: 817(21)–820(8) vol. 58: 347(6)–349(10) vol. 58: 441(4)–443(8) vol. 68: 706(5)–708(12) vol. 69: 40(19)–43(6) vol. 58: 6(13)–8(16) vol. 68: 91(15)–94(1) vol. 34: 79(11)–81(21) — Stog Kanjur, mdo, ga, 50b(3)–51b[7] — Stog Kanjur, mdo, ga, 59b(1)–60b(4) — Stog Kanjur, mdo, ga, 126b(6)–128a(4) vol. 49: 178(21)–181[6] vol. 49: 266(19)–269(6) vol. 49: 290(10)–292(17) Ten demystified folios from Ablai-kit 173 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 200 Tsa, 280 174 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 118 BL: Stowe Or 32/5 BL: Stowe Or 32/5a BnF: Tibétain 464: f. 9(1) BnF: Tibétain 464: f. 9(2) Tsa, 325 175 176 177 178 179 Tsha, 168 Tsha, 187 Dza, 124 Dza, 125 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 202 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 127 Wa, 86 left pt. Zha, 198 181 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 178 Za, 162 182 UUL: O Tibet 2(2) Za, 206 183 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 179 Za, 276 184 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 128 ’A, 115 185 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 133 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 134 Ya, 16 180 186 Ya, 27 Ltung ba sde lnga’i dge ba dang mi dge ba’i ’bras bu brtag pa’i mdo(D304/K304) Don rgyas pa (D318/K318) Rgyan stug po bkod pa’i mdo (D110/K110) Chos thams cad kyi rang bzhin mnyam pa nyid rnam par spros pa ting nge ’dzin gyi rgyal po (D127/K127) Sangs rgyas bgro ba (D228/K228) ’Dus pa chen po rin po che tog gi gzungs (D138/K138) Rgyu gdags pa, ascribed to Maudgalyāyana (—/K1125; D4087/T3425) Las gdags pa, ascribed to Maudgalyāyana (—/K1126; D4088/T3426) ’Jig rten gzhag pa, ascribed to Maudgalyāyana (—/K1124; D4086/T3424) Thabs mkhas pa chen po sangs rgyas drin lan bsab pa’i mdo (D353/K353) Phung po gsum pa (D284/K284) 87 vol. 72: 349(2)–351(9) vol. 72: 537(14)–539(19) vol. 50: 63(8)–65(13) vol. 50: 108(16)–111(5) vol. 55: 279(16)–282(1) vol. 55: 282(1)–284(11) vol. 63: 536(21)–539[5] vol. 56: 649(21)–652(7) Bstan ’gyur: vol. 78: 1006(12)–1009(9) Bstan ’gyur: vol. 78: 1134(14)–1137(5) Bstan ’gyur: vol. 78: 712(5)–715(9) vol. 76: 493(1)–495(4) vol.  : 191(9)–1 3(9) vol.  : 24(16)–216(20) 88 Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines 187 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 129 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 130 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 131 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 132 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 201 Ya, 162 192 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 117 ?, 1(?)37 193 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 135 [?], ? 188 189 190 191 Ra, 9 Yongs su mya ngan las ’das pa chen po’i mdo (D119/K119) La, 279 La, 282 A, 232 Las brgya tham pa (D340/K340) Chos thams cad kyi rang bzhin mnyam pa nyid rnam par spros pa ting nge ’dzin gyi rgyal po (D127/K127)24 Dgongs pa nges par ’grel pa (D106/K106) Tshangs pa’i dra ba’i mdo (D352/K352) vol. 52: 312(13)–315(2) vol. 53: 16(4)–18(3) vol. 73: 659(17)–662(4) vol. 73: 667(2)–669(9) vol. 55: 13(11)–15(17) vol. 68: 106(1)–108(14) vol. 76: 216(20)–219(13) Tantra (?) vols: ka–ba, <…?>, a) Vol., fol. Text IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 175 Ka, 180 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 136 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 203 Ka, 192 197 UUL: O Tibet 1(6) Ka, 349 198 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 137 Kha, 96 Mañjuśrīkīrti. Rang gi lta ba’i ’dod pa mdor bstan pa yongs su brtag pa (—/T2609) Sangs rgyas thams cad dang mnyam par sbyor ba mkha’ ’gro ma sgyu ma bde ba’i mchog (D366/K366) Mngon par brjod pa’i rgyud bla ma (D369/K369) Rgyud kyi rgyal po chen po dpal rdo rje mkha’ ’gro No Host, shelf mark 194 195 196 24 Ka, 230 PDM Bstan ‘gyur: vol. 42: 619(21)–622(1) vol. 77: 437(18)–440(1) vol. 77: 518(20)–521(2) vol. 77: 829(17)–832(1) vol. 78: 216(18)–219(2) Two fragments of the same text are documented above as belonging to vol. Da. It is difficult to explain why the text was dubbed in a separate volume. Ten demystified folios from Ablai-kit 89 (D370/K370) 199 200 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 138 Berlin, SB: Inv. 1381 Ga, 84 Ga, 92: recto 201 LUL: Jarring Prov. 486 (1) [Ga?, ?] 202 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 140 Ga, 170 203 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 173 [Ga], ? right pt. 204 UUL: O Tibet 1(4) UUL: O Tibet 2(1) [Nga, ?] 205 Nga, 100 206 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 139 Ca, 111 207 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 204 Ca, 142 208 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 141 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 142 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 143 Cha, 37 left pt. Cha, 43 209 210 Cha, 45 Yang dag par sbyor ba (D381/K381) Nam mkha’ dang mnyam pa’i rgyud kyi rgyal po (D386/K386) 1) Stobs po che’i rgyud kyi rgyal po (D391/K391); 2) Ye shes gsang ba’i rgyud kyi rgyal po (D392/K392) 1. Ye shes gsang ba’i rgyud kyi rgyal po (D392/K392); 2. Ye shes phreng ba’i rgyud kyi rgyal po (D393/K393) Gdan bzhi pa’i rnam par bshad pa’i rgyud kyi rgyal po (D430/K430) Dgongs pa lung bstan pa (D444/K444) Rnal ’byor chen po’i rgyud dpal rdo rje phreng ba mngon par brjod pa rgyud thams cad kyi snying po gsang ba rnam par phye ba (D445/K445) Rgyud kyi rgyal po chen po sgyu ’phrul dra ba (D466/K466) vol. 79: 342(16)–345(3) vol. 79: 364(5)–365(8) vol. 79: 575(17)–576(20) 1) vol. 79: 630(20)–632(14); 2) vol. 79: 635(1)–636(5) 1) vol. 79: 638[13]–(17); 2) vol. 79: 641(1)–643(15) vol. 80: 834(19)–837(9) vol. 80: 848(3)–850(15) vol. 81: 707(11)–709(21) vol. 81: 802(8)–804(14) vol. 83: 380(12)–382[20] vol. 83: 394(13)–396(21) vol. 83: 399(6)–401(13) 90 Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines 211 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 144 Cha, 123 212 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 145 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 146 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 147 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 148 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 149 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 150 BnF: Tibétain 464: f. 3 Cha, 134 219 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 15 Nya, 110 left pt. 220 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 15 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 15 Nya, 128 HAB: Cod. Guelf. 9 Extra v IV BnF: Tibétain 464: f. 5 BnF: Tibétain 464: f. 6 [Nya], ? right pt. 213 214 215 216 217 218 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 Cha, 148 Cha, 152 Ja, 22 left pt. Ja, 105 Ja, 127 Nya, 67 Nya, 135 Nya, 188 Nya, 249 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 15 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 15 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 172 Nya, 389 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 15 Ta, 141 Nya, 421 Nya, ??8 Gshin rje’i gshed dmar po zhes bya ba’i rgyud kyi rgyal po (D474/K474) Gshin rje gshed dmar po’i rgyud kyi rgyal po (D475/K475) Gsang ba rnal ’byor chen po’i rgyud rdo rje rtse mo (D480/K480) Rdo rje snying po rgyan gyi rgyud (D451/K451) Gsang ba nor bu thig le (D493/K492) De bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi sku dang gsung dang thugs kyi gsang ba rgyan gyi bkod pa (D492/K491) Rnam par snang mdzad chen po mngon par rdzogs par byang chub pa rnam par sprul ba byin gyis rlob pa shin tu rgyas pa (D494/K493) Lag na rdo rje dbang bskur ba’i rgyud chen po (D496/K495) Rdo rje snying po rgyan (D490/K489) Dam tshig gsum bkod pa’i rgyal po vol. 83: 663(4)–665(9) vol. 83: 773(2)–775(8) vol. 83: 806(13)–809(3) vol. 83: 816(2)–818(9) vol. 84: 476(6)–478[10] vol. 84: 684(3)–686(8) vol. 84: 737(1)–739(18) vol. 86: 131(15)–134(1) vol. 86: 389(14)–392[2] vol. 86: 250(15)–253(5) vol. 86: 268(14)–270(18) vol. 86: 471[16]–473(20) vol. 86: 496(10)–498(17) vol. 86: 640(8)–642(20) vol. 87: 285(1)–287(14) vol. 87: 360(2)–362(5) vol. 86: 39(10)–41(14)  vol. 87: 669(6)–671(14) Ten demystified folios from Ablai-kit 229 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 15 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 15 Ta, 147 (D502/K501) Ta, 26(?)8 231 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 15 Tha, 155 232 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 1 Tha, 250 Dpa’ bo gcig bu grub pa (D544/K542) ’Jam dpal gyi rtsa ba’i rgyud (D543/K541) Gser ’od dam pa mchog tu rnam par rgyal ba’i mdo sde’i rgyal po (D555/K550) 233 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 1 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 1 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 1 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 1 BL: Sloane 2837d [Da?], ? right pt. Da, 68 238 FS: R.-Nr. 42 Da, 190 239 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 1 Da, 286 240 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 1 Da, 332— 33325 230 234 235 236 237 25 Da, 91 Gser ’od dam pa mdo sde’i dbang po’i rgyal po (D556/K551) Da, 96 Da, 118 The folio has a double number. Kun nas sgor ’jug pa’i ’od zer gtsug tor dri ma med par snang ba de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi snying po dang dam tshig la rnam par lta ba (D599/K593) Rig pa’i rgyal mo so so ’brang ba chen mo (D561/K556) De bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi gtsug tor nas byung ba gdugs dkar po can (D590/K584) ’Od zer dri ma med pa rnam par dag pa’i ’od (D510/K509) 91 vol. 87: 685(3)–687(9) vol. 89: 14(8)–16(19) vol. 88: 733(16)–736(6) vol. 89: 117(19)–120(10) vol. 89: 472[20]–475(6) vol. 89: 603(8)–605(17) vol. 89: 660(9)–662(18) vol. 89: 672(18)–675(6) vol. 90: 844(4)–846(13) vol. 90: 366(1)–368(8) vol. 90: 683(14)–685(19) vol. 88: 84(9)–86(16) 92 Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines 241 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 1 Na, 261 242 BnF: Tibétain 464: f. 7 243 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 1 BL: Sloane 2837e Ba (=Pa), 235 Pa, 285 244 Spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug gi rtsa ba’i rgyud kyi rgyal po pad ma dra ba (D681/K675) Don yod pa’i zhags pa’i cho ga zhib mo’i rgyal po (D686/K680) Pa, 324 245 BnF: Tibétain 464: f. 8 246 UUL: O Tibet 1(5) [Pa], 326 247 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 170 Pha, 258 248 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 19 Ba, 06 249 IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 171 A, 94 250 1) IOM RAS: Tib. 959, No. 174 (right pt.); 2) BnF: Tibétain 464: f. 10 (left pt.) A, 190(?) Zla ba’i khyim brtsi ba dang rgyu skar brtsi ba’i mdo las ’byung ba zla ba’i bam brtsi ba (—/K922) Pa, 325 Ral pa gyen brdzes kyi rtog pa chen po (D724/K718) Rig pa mchog gi rgyud chen po (D746/K740) 1. Rdo rje mchu zhes bya ba klu’i dam tshig (D759/K753); 2. Rdo rje gnam lcags mchu zhes bya ba’i gzungs (D760/K754) Gnod sbyin nor bu bzang po’i rtog pa (D765/K759)  vol. 91: 892(16)–895(10) vol. 92: 578(17)–581(1) vol. 92: 695(18)–698(3) — Stog Kanjur, mdo, sa, 353b(5)–355a(3) — Stog Kanjur, mdo, sa, 355a(3)–356a(7) — Stog Kanjur, mdo, sa, 356a(7)–357b(4) vol. 94: 373(5)–375(16) vol. 95: 436(3)–438(7) 1) vol. 96: 147(6–20); 2) vol. 96: 162(1)–164(2) vol. 96: 208(20)–211(3)