arXiv:2003.07935v1 [math.CO] 17 Mar 2020
Abstract. Previously, Erdős, Kierstead and Trotter [5] investigated the dimension of random height 2 partially ordered sets. Their research was motivated primarily by two goals: (1) analyzing the relative tightness of the
Füredi-Kahn upper bounds on dimension in terms of maximum degree; and
(2) developing machinery for estimating the expected dimension of a random
labeled poset on n points. For these reasons, most of their effort was focused
on the case 0 < p ≤ 1/2. While bounds were given for the range 1/2 ≤ p < 1,
the relative accuracy of the results in the original paper deteriorated as p
approaches 1.
Motivated by two extremal problems involving conditions that force a poset
to contain a large standard example, we were compelled to revisit this subject,
but now with primary emphasis on the range 1/2 ≤ p < 1. Our sharpened
analysis shows that as p approaches 1, the expected value of dimension increases and then decreases, answering in the negative a question posed in the
original paper. Along the way, we apply inequalities of Talagrand and Janson,
establish connections with latin rectangles and the Euler product function,
and make progress on both extremal problems.
1. Introduction
This paper is concerned primarily with the combinatorics of finite partially ordered sets, also called posets, but to motivate our line of research, we start with a
brief discussion of analogous questions for graphs. For a graph G, let ω(G) denote
the clique number of G, the maximum number of vertices in a complete subgraph
of G. Also, let χ(G) denote the chromatic number of G, the least number of colors
required for a proper coloring of G. Let N denote the set of positive integers, and
when n ∈ N , we write [n] for {1, ..., n}.
Let n ∈ N , and let G be a graph on n vertices. Then we have the trivial
inequality ω(G) ≤ χ(G) ≤ n. Furthermore, if χ(G) = n, then ω(G) = n. We then
ask whether these statements are “stable,” i.e., if G is a graph on n vertices and
χ(G) is close to n, must ω(G) also be close to n? More formally:
Question 1.1 (Question 1 for Graphs). Does there exist a function f : N → N
such that for every c ∈ N , if n > f (c), G is a graph on n vertices, and χ(G) ≥ n−c,
then ω(G) ≥ n − f (c)?
The answer to Question 1 for graphs is easily seen to be yes, since we may take
f (c) = 2c. To see that this function satisfies the desired property, we simply carry
out the following iterative process: While G is not a complete graph, choose two
Date: February 21, 2020.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 06A07, 05C35.
Key words and phrases. Poset, bipartite poset, dimension, standard example.
non-adjacent vertices and remove them. Each such operation decreases the size of
the graph by 2 but lowers the chromatic number by at most 1. So the operation
must halt in at most c steps.
Here is a second question of a related nature.
Question 1.2 (Question 2 for Graphs). For integers k and n with k ≥ 2 fixed
and n → ∞, what is the maximum value g(k, n) of χ(G) among all graphs G on n
vertices with ω(G) < k?
For example, when k = 3, a graph G with ω(G) < 3 is said to be triangle-free,
and it is well known that g(3,
p n), the maximum chromatic number of a triangle-free
graph on n vertices, is Θ( n/ log n).
The primary goal of this paper is to investigate analogous questions for posets.
We assume that readers are familiar with basic notation and terminology for posets,
including comparable and incomparable pairs of points; chains and antichains; minimal and maximal elements; and linear extensions. Beyond these basics, we will
include all essential notation and terminology for the results presented in this paper.
To develop the poset analogue of chromatic number, we have the following definitions. Let P be a poset. A non-empty family F = {L1 , . . . , Ld } of linear extensions
of P is called a realizer of P when x ≤ y in P if and only if x ≤ y in Lj for
each j ∈ [d]. Dushnik and Miller [4] defined the dimension of a poset P , denoted
dim(P ), as the least positive integer d for which there is a realizer F = {L1 , . . . , Ld }
of P . Analogies between dimension for posets and chromatic number for graphs
have been widely studied, and indeed the book chapter [14] is devoted entirely to
this topic.
For the poset analogue of a clique, we have the following construction. For an
integer d ≥ 2, let Sd be the height 2 poset with Min(Sd ) = {a1 , . . . , ad }, Max(Sd ) =
{a′1 , . . . , a′d } and ai < a′j in Sd if and only if i 6= j. Clearly, dim(Sd ) = d, and posets
in the family {Sd : d ≥ 2} are called standard examples. For a poset P , we define the
standard example number of P , denoted se(P ), as follows. Set se(P ) = 1 if P does
not contain a subposet isomorphic to the standard example S2 ; otherwise se(P )
is the largest d ≥ 2 for which P contains a subposet isomorphic to the standard
example Sd . We then have the trivial inequality dim(P ) ≥ se(P ). As is well known,
for every d ≥ 2, there is a poset P with se(P ) = 1 and dim(P ) = d. Nevertheless, it
is of interest to study classes of posets where large dimension requires large standard
example number.
When n ∈ N and G is a graph on n vertices, the inequality χ(G) ≤ n is trivial,
as is the assertion that the inequality is tight only when G is a complete graph on
n vertices. The analogous results for posets are more substantive. Hiraguchi [9]
proved that if n ≥ 2 and P is a poset on 2n+1 points, then dim(P ) ≤ n. Kimble [11]
proved1 that if n ≥ 4, this inequality is tight only when P contains the standard
example Sn . For the poset analogue of Question 1 for graphs, we then have:
Question 1.3 (Question 1 for Posets). Does there exist a function sa : N → N such
that for every c ∈ N , if n > sa(c), P is a poset on 2n+1 points, and dim(P ) ≥ n−c,
then se(P ) ≥ n − sa(c)?
In stating Question 1 for posets, we use the notation sa(c) to remind readers
that we are discussing “stability analysis.” Unlike the situation with graphs, we
1We refer the reader to the discussion in [14] about subtleties of this proof, and we note that
it does not hold when n = 2 or when n = 3.
know of no elementary argument to show that the function sa(c) is well defined,
ignoring any issue of how fast sa(c) would have to grow in terms of c. However,
in [3], Biró, Hamburger, Pór and Trotter showed the function sa(c) is well defined
and satisfies sa(c) = O(c2 ). Also, they gave a construction using finite projective
planes to show that sa(c) = Ω(c4/3 ). The research for this paper began with the
challenge of finding the correct exponent on c in the function sa(c), knowing that
the answer is in the interval [4/3, 2]. In this paper, we will raise the lower bound
on this interval to 3/2.
For the poset analogue of Question 2 for graphs, we have:
Question 1.4 (Question 2 for Posets). For integers d and n with d ≥ 2 fixed and
n → ∞, what is the maximum value f (d, n) of dim(P ) among all posets P on n
points with se(P ) < d?
Question 2 for posets was first posed in [13], and then referenced again in [5].
Here we obtain a better result, and we remove the requirement that d be large.
For historical reasons, the value of f (2, n) has been studied—albeit with different
notation and terminology—for many years. No doubt this results from the fact
that the class of posets with standard example number 1 is the class of interval
orders. Combining results of several authors (see the discussion in [3]), the value
of f (2, n) can be determined to within an additive error of at most 5. However, as
a crude estimate, we have
f (2, n) = lg lg n + (1/2 + o(1)) lg lg lg n.
For a fixed value of d ≥ 3, Biró, Hamburger and Pór [2] proved that f (d, n) =
o(n), but this leaves open the possibility that f (d, n) behaves in the same slowgrowing manner as f (2, n). However, we will show in Section 6 that there is a
positive constant αd so that f (d, n) = Ω(nαd ).
1.1. Links with Random Bipartite Posets. Working on Question 1 for posets
led us to revisit the following model for a random bipartite poset, introduced and
studied by Erdős, Kierstead and Trotter [5]. Let n ∈ N and fix disjoint sets A and
A′ , each of size n. Then Ω(n, p) denotes the probability space consisting of posets
P such that (1) the ground set of P is A ∪ A′ with A ⊆ Min(P ) and A′ ⊆ Max(P );
and (2) for a pair (a, a′ ) ∈ A × A′ , set P(a < a′ in P ) = p, (in general, p is a
function of n) with events corresponding to distinct pairs independent.
To place this work in historical perspective, we give here a brief overview of key
results, beginning with a discussion of upper bounds on dimension. For a poset
P (of arbitrary height), let ∆U (P ) denote the maximum size of sets of the form
UP (x) = {y ∈ P : x ≤ y in P } taken over all elements x ∈ P . Analogously, ∆D (P )
is the maximum size of sets of the form DP (x) = {z ∈ P : z ≤ x in P }. Then set
∆(P ) = max{∆U (P ), ∆D (P )}. In [8], Füredi and Kahn proved that if ∆(P ) = k,
then dim(P ) < 50k log2 k.
The first inequality in the following theorem is due to Füredi and Kahn [8]. The
second is a quite recent result of Scott and Wood [12] improving the bound from [8]
cited immediately above. Readers may note that the Lovász local lemma [6] was
used in both [8] and [12].
Theorem 1.5. If u = ∆U (P ), k = ∆(P ) and |P | = n, then
dim(P ) < 1 + 2(u + 1) log n
dim(P ) < k log
Continuing with upper bounds, as is well known, almost all labeled posets on n
points have the following structure: P is the union Min(P ) ∪ A ∪ Max(P ) of three
disjoint antichains; the size of A is (1/2 ± o(1))n; both Min(P ) and Max(P ) have
size (1/4 ± o(1))n; and x < y in P whenever x ∈ Min(P ) and y ∈ Max(P ). It is
then straightforward to show that there is a constant c1 > 0 such that almost all
labeled posets on n points have dimension at most n/4 − c1 n/ log n.
Turning to lower bounds, it is more challenging to find good lower bounds in
either of these two settings. For example, no explicit construction is known for a
poset P with ∆(P ) = k and dim(P ) > k + 1 for any value of k. Also, simple
counting only shows that almost all labeled posets on n elements have dimension
Ω(n/ log n).
The following lower bounds are proved in [5]. In stating these bounds, we use
the standard abbreviation a.a.s. for asymptotically almost surely.
Theorem 1.6. For every ǫ > 0, there exists positive constants δ1 , δ2 , δ3 so that
δ1 pnnlog pn
< p ≤ 1/ log n, and
o if n
dim(P ) >
max δ2 n, n − δ3 n/(p log n)
if 1/ log n ≤ p < 1 − n−1+ǫ .
The first inequality in Theorem 1.6 shows that the two upper bounds in Theorem 1.5 are essentially best possible—although there remains an o(log k) multiplicative gap for the second. The second inequality in Theorem 1.6 was used in [5]
to show that is a positive constant c2 > 0 so that almost all labeled posets on n
elements have dimension greater than n/4 − c2 n/ log n.
When n−1 log2 n < p ≤ 1/ log n, good upper bounds on the expected value of
the dimension of a poset P ∈ Ω(n, p) are provided by Theorem 1.5, since ∆(P ) and
∆U (P ) are sharply concentrated around pn. For the range 1/ log n ≤ p < 1, the
following upper bound is given in [5].
Theorem 1.7. If ǫ > 0 and 1/ log n ≤ p < 1, then a.a.s.,
dim(P ) ≤ n −
n log(1/p)
(2 + ǫ) log n
The improvements we make here will all be for the range p ≥ 1/2. Accordingly,
we extract the following upper and lower bounds from Theorems 1.7 and 1.6 for
this range. Note that the modest improvement in the upper bound results from
the narrowing of the range on p. Note also that p is bounded away from 1 for the
lower bound.
Corollary 1.8 (Old Upper and Lower Bounds). Suppose 1/2 ≤ p < 1, then a.a.s.,
dim(P ) < n −
n log(1/p)
2 log n
Furthermore, for every ǫ > 0, there exists δ > 0 so that p < 1 − n−1+ǫ , then a.a.s.,
dim(P ) > n −
log n
In discussing the merits of our new results, the old upper and lower bounds given
in Corollary 1.8 will be the basis of comparison.
To make the connection with Question
. If
√ 1 for posets concrete, let p = 1−n
P ∈ Ω(n, p), then a.a.s., se(P ) = O( n log n). Furthermore,
in Corollary 1.8 implies that a.a.s., dim(P ) ≤ n− n/(2 log n). It is easy to see that
if this upper bound is tight, up to a poly-log multiplicative factor on the difference
n − dim(P ), then the exponent 2 on c in the function sa(c) is correct.
However, the old lower bound in Corollary 1.8 only asserts that there is a constant
δ such that a.a.s., dim(P ) ≥ n − δn/ log n. This inequality is enough to prove that
sa(c) = Ω(c log c), but we already had a constructive proof of an even better lower
bound. This shortcoming was the launching point for revisiting the subject of
dimension for random bipartite posets, but now with the specific goal of obtaining
better bounds when p ≥ 1/2.
The bridges to Question 2 for posets were not clear at the outset of our research
but came into view as better bounds and connections to Question 1 unfolded. These
details will become clear later in the paper.
1.2. Statement of Improved Bounds for Random Bipartite Posets. To
avoid sporadic effects when p is very close to 1, we assume p ≤ 1 − n−1 log2 n.
Consistent with modern research in combinatorics, we will typically treat a quantity
like (1 − p)n/ log n as if it is an integer when it tends to infinity with n. The minor
errors this approach introduces can be easily repaired.
For the range 1/2 ≤ p ≤ 1 − n−1 log2 n, many of the results and arguments
are more naturally phrased in terms of the complementary parameter q = 1 − p.
Accordingly, for the balance of the paper, the symbol p will be used exclusively
as a quantity (usually a function of n) from the interval [0, 1], while q will always
be 1 − p. Some of the proofs of our new results are extensions and refinements
of arguments appearing in [5] and [3], but most of our results require entirely new
approaches. In particular, we will apply some second moment methods, Talagrand’s
inequality and Janson’s inequality. None of these tools were used in [5] or in [3].
Our improved upper bounds, stated below
Q∞in comprehensive form, involve the
well-studied Euler product function φ(q) = i=1 (1 − q i ).
Theorem 1.9. Suppose n−1 log2 n ≤ q ≤ 1/2, 0 < ǫ < 1 and z = n2 q log(1/φ(q)).
Then a.a.s.,
if n−1 log2 n ≤ q ≤ n−1/2 log n.
n − (2 − ǫ) log(qn)/q
dim(P ) < n − qn/(2 log(qn))
if n−1/2 log n < q ≤ n−1/3 .
n − n log(1/φ(q))/ log z if n−1/3 < q ≤ 1/2.
In the discussion to follow, we will refer to these three inequalities as New Upper
Bounds (1), (2), and (3). New Upper Bounds (2) and (3) are minor improvements relative to the old upper bound. For example, when q = 1/2, the old upper bound asserts that a.a.s., dim(P ) < n − 0.346n/ log n. On the other hand,
New Upper Bound (3) improves this to a.a.s., dim(P ) < n − 0.621n/ log n. When
q = n−1/2 log n, the old upper bound asserts that a.a.s., dim(P√) < n − n/2, while
New Upper Bound (2) improves this to a.a.s., dim(P ) < n − n.
New Upper Bound (1) is substantially better than the old bound. For example,
when q = n−α and 0 < α < 1/2, the old upper bound asserts that a.a.s., dim(P ) <
n − n1−α /2 log n, while New Upper Bound (1) improves this to a.a.s., dim(P ) <
n − (1 − α)nα log n.
Here is a statement, again in comprehensive form, of our improved lower bounds.
Theorem 1.10. Suppose n−1 log2 n ≤ q ≤ 1/2 and 0 < ǫ < 1. If q ≥ n−1/4 log3 n,
set z = log n + 4 log q − 8 log log n. Then a.a.s.,
n − (2 + ǫ) log(qn)/q if n−1 log2 n ≤ q ≤ n−4/5 .
n − 32 n log n/q
if n−4/5 ≤ q ≤ (32)1/3 n−1/3 log1/3 n.
dim(P ) >
n − 8qn
if (32)1/3 n−1/3 log1/3 n ≤ q ≤ 18 n−1/4 log3 n.
n − 24qn/z
if 18 n−1/4 log3 n ≤ q ≤ 1/2.
In the discussion to follow, we will refer to these inequalities as New Lower
Bounds (1) through (4). In the range n−1 log2 n ≤ q ≤ 1/2, our bounds show that
a.a.s., dim(P ) ≥ (1−o(1))n. So the accuracy of our upper and lower bounds should
be judged on the quantity n−dim(P ). For this quantity, our upper and lower bounds
differ by a multiplicative factor that is 1+o(1) when n−1 log2 n ≤ q ≤ n−4/5 , and by
O(log n) when n−1/3 ≤ q ≤ 1/2. In [5], it was asked whether the expected value of
dim(P ) behaves monotonically as a function of p. Our results answer this question
negatively. In particular, when q = n−1/4 , we have a.a.s., dim(P ) ≥ n − 8n3/4 and
when q = n−4/5 , we have a.a.s., dim(P ) ≤ n − n4/5 .
In the range n−4/5 ≤ q ≤ n−1/3 , the ratio of our two bounds on n − dim(P )
deteriorates. In particular, for the special value of q = n−1/2 , we are only able to
show that (roughly speaking) n1/2 ≤ n − dim(P ) ≤ n3/4 .
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In the next section, we provide essential background material. In the following three sections, we give proofs
of our new bounds, grouping arguments according to the underlying scheme. The
setup for the application of the inequalities of Talagrand and Janson will be given
just before the results are needed. We return to the motivating extremal problems
in Section 6, and we close with some brief comments on remaining problems in
Section 7.
2. Essential Background Material
For a poset P , we use the compact notation a <P a′ when a < a′ in P . Similarly,
we write a kP a′ when a is incomparable to a′ in P . However, to avoid double
subscripts, when Lj is a linear extension of P , we will use the long form a < a′ in
Lj .
We will be concerned (almost exclusively) with the class B of bipartite posets
whose ground set is the union of two disjoint antichains A and A′ with A ⊆ Min(P )
and A′ ⊆ Max(P ). Bipartite posets have been studied extensively in the literature,
and we will follow here the conventions that have emerged in this research. We will
write B(n) for the class of bipartite posets with |A| = |A′ | = n.
For a poset P ∈ B, we let IP consist of all pairs (a, a′ ) ∈ A × A′ with a kP a′ . Let
d ∈ N , and let F = {L1 , . . . , Ld } be a family of linear extensions of P . We abuse
notation slightly and call F a realizer of P if for every (a, a′ ) ∈ IP , there is some
j ∈ [d] with a > a′ in Lj . We then define the dimension of P , denoted dim(P ),
as the least positive integer d such that P has a realizer of size d. It is easy to
see that this altered notion of dimension never exceeds the original Dushnik-Miller
definition, and the difference is at most 1. In our work, an additive error of this
magnitude can be safely ignored.
2.1. Matchings, Independence Number, and Clique Number. The following proposition, which holds for posets in general, is nearly self-evident. It is stated
for emphasis.
Proposition 2.1. Suppose that (x, y) is an ordered pair of distinct points in a poset
P with x kP y. Then there exists a linear extension L = L(x, y) of P such that:
(1) If w ∈ P and w kP x, then x >L w.
(2) If z ∈ P and z kP y, then z >L y.
When P ∈ B and (a, a′ ) ∈ A × A′ with a kP a′ , we let L(a, a′ ) denote the set
of linear extensions of P satisfying the requirements of Proposition 2.1 for the pair
(a, a′ ).
Let P ∈ B and let d ∈ [n]. A matching (of size d) in P consists of a pair (T, T ′ )
of d-element subsets of A and A′ , respectively, and labelings T = {a1 , . . . , ad } and
T ′ = {a′1 , . . . , a′d } such that aj kP a′j for every j ∈ [d]. There are obvious notions of
maximal and maximum matchings. Also, when T ⊆ A, T ′ ⊆ A′ , and d = |T | = |T ′ |,
we say that T and T ′ can be matched if such labelings of T and T ′ exist.
Lemma 2.2. Let P ∈ B. Then dim(P ) is at most the minimum size of a maximal
matching in P .
Proof. Let T = {a1 , . . . , ad } and T ′ = {a′1 , . . . , a′d } be labelings determining a
matching (T, T ′) of size d in P . If this matching is maximal, we show that dim(P ) ≤
d. For each j ∈ [d], let Lj be any linear extension in L(aj , a′j ). Clearly, F =
{L1 , . . . , Ld } is a realizer of P .
The following elementary lemma is implicit in [5] and explicit in [3].
Lemma 2.3. Let P ∈ B. If IP 6= ∅, and dim(P ) = d, then there is a realizer
F = {L1 , . . . , Ld } of P for which there is a matching (T, T ′ ) with T = {a1 , . . . , ad }
and T ′ = {a′1 , . . . , a′d } in P such that Lj ∈ L(aj , a′j ) for each j ∈ [d].
Proof. Given a realizer F = {L1 , . . . , Ld }, we note that for every j ∈ [d], the highest
element of A is over the lowest element of A′ . If this assertion failed for some j ∈ [d],
then F −{Lj } would be a realizer for P . Now carry out the following modifications,
in an iterative manner, to the linear extensions in F . For each j =∈ [d], let aj be
the highest element of A. Since d = dim(P ), loss of generality, we may assume that
aj > a′ in Lj for every a′ ∈ A′ with aj kP a′ . If not, simply move all such elements
from above aj to the gap immediately below it. An analogous remark holds for
the lowest element a′j of A′ in Lj . Then for all k with j < k ≤ d, move aj to the
bottom of Lk and move a′j to the top of Lk . After these steps have been taken, the
resulting family is a realizer satisfying the requirements of the lemma.
Throughout this paper, we will exploit connections between posets and graphs,
and we have already discussed the clique number of a graph G, denoted ω(G). Here
is the analogous concept for bipartite posets. Let P ∈ B. We call a pair (V, V ′ ) a
clique pair when V ⊆ A, V ′ ⊆ A′ , and v <P v ′ for all (v, v ′ ) ∈ V × V ′ . A clique pair
(V, V ′ ) is balanced if |V | = |V ′ ). In turn, we define the balanced clique number of P ,
denoted bcn(P ), as the largest integer r such that P contains a clique pair (V, V ′ )
with |V | = |V ′ | = r. By convention, bcn(P ) = 0 if there is no pair (a, a′ ) ∈ A × A
with a <P a′ .
Let G be a graph. A set I of vertices in G is said to be independent if there
are no edges in G with both endpoints in I. In turn, the independence number
of G, denoted α(G), is the maximum size of an independent set of vertices in G.
Analogously, when P ∈ B, we will refer to a pair (U, U ′ ) as an independent pair,
when U ⊆ A, U ′ ⊆ A′ , and u kP u′ for all (u, u′ ) ∈ U × U ′ . An independent
pair (U, U ′ ) is balanced if |U | = |U ′ |, and the balanced independence number of P ,
denoted bin(P ), is the largest integer s such that P contains an independent pair
(U, U ′ ) with |U | = |U ′ | = s. Now bin(P ) = 0 if there is no pair (a, a′ ) ∈ A × A′
with a kP a′ .
The following lemma is implicit in [3].
Lemma 2.4. Let P ∈ B and suppose that bin(P ) < 2. If IP 6= ∅, then dim(P ) is
the minimum size of a maximal matching in P .
Proof. Let d = dim(P ). We know from Lemma 2.3 that d is at most the minimum
size of a maximal matching. We now show that this inequality is tight. Let F =
{L1 , . . . , Ld } be a realizer of P satisfying the requirements of Lemma 2.3. Then let
T = {a1 , . . . , ad } and T ′ = {a′1 , . . . , a′d } be the matching associated with F . Set
M = A − T and M ′ = A′ − T ′ .
We claim that the matching evidenced by T and T ′ is maximal. Suppose this
assertion fails and there is a pair (x, x′ ) ∈ M × M ′ with x kP x′ . Since F is a
realizer, there is some j ∈ [d] with x > x′ in Lj . This implies that both elements
of U = {aj , x} are incomparable with both elements of U ′ = {a′j , x′ }. In turn, this
implies that (U, U ′ ) is a balanced independent pair in P , so that bin(P ) ≥ 2. The
contradiction completes the proof.
3. Matchings, Clique Number, Independence Number and Talagrand’s
In this section, we prove New Upper Bound (1) and New Lower Bound (1).
The proofs have the same flavor, and where their ranges overlap, we are able to
determine a.a.s., the expected value of n − dim(P ) to within a multiplicative ratio
that is at most 1 + o(1).
The arguments for these bounds require preliminary lemmas, some of which may
be of independent interest. Let s ∈ [n]. Also let S and S ′ be s-element subsets of
A and A′ , respectively, with s = |S| = |S ′ |. We say the defect of the pair (S, S ′ )
is s if (S, S ′ ) is a clique; otherwise, the defect of (S, S ′ ) is the least non-negative
integer δ such that there are subsets T ⊆ S and T ′ ⊆ S ′ with s − δ = |T | = |T ′ |
such that T and T ′ can be matched.
Lemma 3.1. Suppose that n−1 log2 n ≤ q ≤ n−1/2 log n. Then a.a.s., the following
statement holds: If n/2 ≤ s ≤ n, S ⊆ A, S ′ ⊆ A′ , and s = |S| = |S ′ |, then the
defect of the pair (S, S ′ ) is at most 24/q.
Proof. Set δ = 24/q. There are at most 22n pairs of the form (S, S ′ ) where S ⊆ A,
S ′ ⊆ A′ and |S| = |S ′ | ≥ n/2. The lemma follows if we can show that for any such
pair, the probability that there is no matching of size |S| − δ between S and S ′ is
o(2−2n ). Fix such a pair and let s = |S| = |S ′ |.
For each non-empty subset W ⊆ S, let N (W ) consist of all elements of S ′ that
are incomparable with at least one element of W . If |N (W )| ≥ |W | − δ, for all
subsets W ⊆ S, then a matching of the desired size exists. So we consider the event
F that holds if there is some subset W ⊆ S with |N (W )| < |W | − δ.
Trivially, the inequality |N (W )| ≥ |W | − δ holds when |W | ≤ δ. Also, if F
fails for all sets W ⊂ A with |W | = s − δ, then it fails for all sets W ⊂ A with
|W | > s − δ. It follows that F ⊆ ∪i=δ
Fi , where event Fi holds when there is an
i-element subset W ⊆ S such that |N (W )| < |W | − δ.
Now suppose that δ ≤ i ≤ s/2. Then there are at most si choices for the set
W . For each choice of W , there are at most si choices for an i-element subset W ′
of S ′ such that W ′ ∩ N (W ) = ∅. It follows that
P(Fi ) ≤
(1 − q)i(s−i)
< exp(2i log n)(1 − q)in/4
since s − i ≥ n/4.
< exp(−iqn/8)
since qn/4 > 4 log n.
< exp(−δqn/8)
since i ≥ δ.
< exp(2i log n) exp(−iqn/4)
= exp(−3n)
= o(2
substituting for δ.
A symmetric calculation shows P(Fi ) = o(2−2n /n) when s/2 ≤ i ≤ s − δ. It
follows that
P(F ) ≤
= o(2−2n ).
This completes the proof of the lemma.
For the proof of the next lemma, we follow (essentially) the notation and terminology of Corollaries 4.3.3, 4.3.4 and 4.3.5 in Alon and Spencer [1]. For a random
variable X, we denote the expected value of X as E[X].
Lemma 3.2. Suppose n−1 log2 n ≤ q ≤ n−1/2 log n. Let X be the random variable
counting the number of balanced independent pairs of size 2. Then E[X] → ∞ and
a.a.s., X ∼ E[X].
Proof. Set m = n2 . Then let {(U1 , U1′ ), . . . , (Um , Um
)} be a listing of pairs such
that for each i ∈ [m], Ui and Ui are 2-element subsets of A and A′ , respectively. For
each i ∈ [m], we have an event Ei that holds if (Ui , Ui′ ) is a balanced independent
pair. Also, we let Xi be the associated indicator random variable. Then X =
X1 + · · · + Xm , and we note that the random variables X1 , . . . , Xm are symmetric.
We note that since q ≥ n−1 log2 n,
E[X] =
q 4 ≥ n4 q 4 /5 ≥ log8 n/5 → ∞.
We write Ei ∼ Ej when i, j are distinct elements of [m] and the events Ei and
Ej are dependent. Clearly, Ei ∼ Ej when Ui × Ui′ and Uj × Uj′ intersect. When
they intersect, the number of common pairs is either 1 or 2. We fix an index i and
then calculate the quantity ∆∗ defined by
P[Ej |Ei ].
∆∗ =
There are 4(n − 2)2 choices for the index j so that Ui × Ui′ and Uj × Uj have exactly
one common pair. For each such j, the value of P[Ej |Ei ] is q 3 . Similarly, there
are 4(n − 2) choices for the index j so that Ui × Ui′ and Uj × Uj′ have exactly two
common pairs. For each such j, the value of P[Ej |Ei ] is q 2 .
Using first that q ≥ n−1 log2 n and then that q ≤ n−1/2 log n, we have
∆∗ = 4q 3 (n − 2)2 + 4q 2 (n − 2) < 4q 5 n4 / log4 n + 4q 5 n4 / log6 n = o(E[X]).
Now the conditions of Corollary 4.3.5 from [1] are satisfied and we conclude that
almost always, X ∼ E[X].
The next lemma is a straightforward application of Markov’s inequality.
Lemma 3.3. Suppose n−1 log2 n ≤ q ≤ n−1/2 log n and 0 < ǫ < 1. Then a.a.s.,
bcn(P ) < (2 + ǫ) log(qn)/q.
Proof. Set r = (2 + ǫ) log(qn)/q and let X count the number of balanced clique
pairs of size r in P . Then
E[X] =
(1 − q)r < n2r exp(−qr2 ) = exp(−2ǫ log(qn)) = o(1).
Since E[X] = o(1), it follows that a.a.s., bcn(P ) < r.
The elementary inequality in Lemma 3.3 is essentially best possible. However,
this assertion is considerably more challenging to prove2.
There are several different forms of Talagrand’s inequalities in the literature. We
will use the version given in [10, Theorem 2.29]. Let R and R+ denote, respectively,
the set of real numbers and the set of positive real numbers. When (Λ1 , . . . , Λn )
is a sequence of subsets of R, we denote by Λ the product Λ1 × · · · × Λn . When
i ∈ [n], z ∈ Λ, we denote by z(i) the value of coordinate i of z.
Theorem 3.4 (Talagrand Inequality). Let X = f (Z1 , . . . , Zn ) be a random variable
determined by n independent trials Z1 , . . . , Zn , where f : Λ → R and each Zi takes
on values in a finite set Λi . Suppose c1 , . . . , cn ∈ R+ and ψ : R → R. If for all
z, w ∈ Λ, both
(1) for all i ∈ [n], if z(j) = w(j) for all j ∈ [n] − {i}, then |f (z) − f (w)| ≤ ci ,
(2) for all
if f (z) ≥ α, then there is J ⊆ [n] such that both
Pα ∈ R,
ψ(α), and
(b) if z(j) = w(j) for all j ∈ J, then f (w) ≥ α,
then for every γ ∈ R and every β ≥ 0,
P(X ≤ γ − β)P(X ≥ γ) ≤ e− 4ψ(γ) .
Lemma 3.5. If n−1 log2 n ≤ q ≤ n−1/2 log n and 0 < ǫ < 1, then a.a.s., bcn(P ) ≥
(2 − ǫ) log(qn)/q.
Proof. Before we begin calculations, we explain how Theorem 3.4 will be applied.
Label the elements of A and A′ arbitrarily (no assumptions about matchings) as
A = {a1 , . . . , an } and A′ = {a′1 , . . . , a′n }. For each i ∈ [n], let Λi be the family of
2 We are grateful to Tomasz Luczak who greatly assisted us in this effort, especially the use of
Talagrand’s Inequality, and the setup using a vertex martingale.
all subsets of A′ . Then it is natural to view Λ as just a coding of the posets in Bn ,
i.e., a poset P ∈ B(n) uniquely determines for each i ∈ [n] the set of all a′ ∈ A′
with ai <P a′ . In turn, the random variables Zi with i ∈ [n] then capture the space
Ω(n, p).
We define a function f : Λ → N by setting f (P ) = bcn(P ). Then we have a
random variable X = f (P ). We note that if P and Q are posets in B(n), and there
is some ai ∈ A such that the only differences between P and Q involve pairs from
{ai } × A′ , then |f (P ) − f (Q)| ≤ 1, i.e., we take ci = 1 for all i ∈ [n]. Furthermore,
whenever we have f (P ) ≥ α, this can be certified by a set J of size α. So we simply
take ψ(α) = α.
With ǫ fixed, we want to show that P X > (2 − ǫ) log(qn)/q tends to 1. Set
δ = ǫ/2. It is enough to prove that P X > (2 − ǫ) log(qn)/q ≥ 1 − δ. Set
k = γ = (2 − δ) log(qn)/q and β = δ log(qn)/q. Note that γ − β = (2 − ǫ) log(qn)/q.
Substituting these values into Talagrand’s inequality, we obtain:
2 (qn)
− δ log
4q2 k
P X ≤ (2 − ǫ) log(qn)/q P X ≥ k ≤ e
Substituting for k in the right hand side of the last inequality, we obtain
P X ≤ (2 − ǫ) log(qn)/q P X ≥ k ≤ e−ck
where c =
4(2 − δ)2
This implies that either (1) P X ≤ (2 − ǫ) log(qn)/q ≤ δ or (2) P(X ≥ k) ≤
e−ck /δ. To complete the proof, we need only show that statement (2) cannot hold.
This will be accomplished by showing that
P(X ≥ k) ≥ e−o(k) .
Now let Y be the random variable counting the number of balanced clique pairs
(V, V ′ ) of size k. Then X ≥ k if and only if Y > 0. Then from [10, Remark 3.1],
we have
(E[Y ])2
P(Y > 0) ≥
E[Y 2 ]
Accordingly, we want to show that P(Y > 0) ≥ e−o(k) . Working with the
reciprocal, which simplifies the analysis, we then want to show that:
E[Y 2 ]
≤ eo(k) .
(E[Y ])2
We have:
E[Y ]
E[Y 2 ]
(E[Y ])
k X
i=0 j=0
n−k k
n 2
(E[Y ])2
(1 − q)k −ij
(1 − q)−ij .
There are (k + 1) terms in the sum, so it suffices to show that every term has
size at most exp(o(k)). Clearly, this holds whenever i = 0 or j= 0. So we are
concerned only with terms where i, j ≥ 1. Trivially, we have ki n−k
k−i ≤ k , so
k n−k
≤ 1.
A symmetric inequality holds for j.
Using only the elementary bound in (5), we observe that if i ≤ k/ log2 (qn), then
the term for the pair (i, j) is at most
(1 − q)−ij ≤ exp(qk 2 / log2 (qn))
2 log(qn)
/ log2 (qn))
= exp(2k/ log(qn))
≤ exp(qk
= exp(o(k)).
A symmetric statement holds when j ≤ k/ log2 (qn).
Now we focus on the terms when i, j ≥ k/ log2 (qn). For such terms, we have the
following improved bound.
k n−k
3k 2
k k−i
A symmetric inequality holds for j. Accordingly, when k/ log2 (qn) ≤ i, j ≤ k, we
have the following upper bound on the term for (i, j):
3k log2 (qn)
We assume without loss of generality that i ≤ j. We then take the logarithm of
the expression in (6) to obtain:
(i + j) log 3 + log k + 2 log log(qn) − log n + qij
Considering j fixed, this is a linear function of i, defined on the interval [k/ log2 (qn), j].
So it achieves its maximum value either at i = k/ log2 (qn) or at i = j. The choice
depends on the sign of the coefficient of i, which is
log 3 + log k + 2 log log(qn) − log n + qj =
log 3 + log(2 − δ) + 3 log log(qn) − log(qn) + qj.
Case 1. j ≤ log(qn) − 3 log log(qn) − log 3 − log(2 − δ) /q.
In this case, the coefficient of i is negative, so the maximum value is achieved
when i = k/ log2 (qn). The term associated with (i, j) is less than exp(qij), and for
j, we use the generous upper bound bound j ≤ log(qn)/q. It follows that the term
for (i, j) is at most:
= exp(k/ log(qn) = exp(o(k)).
log (qn)
Case 2. j > log(qn) − 3 log log(qn) − log 3 − log(2 − δ) /2.
In this case, the maximum value is achieved when i = j, and the term associated
with (i, j) is at most:
9k 2 log4 (qn) 2
In (9), we note that
exp(qj) ≤ exp(qk) = (qn)2−δ .
Using this inequality and substituting for k, the expression in (9) becomes:
9 log6 (qn)
= o(1).
With this observation, the proof of the lemma is complete.
Lemma 3.6 (New Upper Bound (1)). Suppose n−1 log2 n ≤ q ≤ n−1/2 log n and
0 < ǫ < 1. Then a.a.s., dim(P ) ≤ n − (2 − ǫ) log(qn)/q.
Proof. Let ǫ1 = ǫ/2. Then set r = (2 − ǫ1 ) log(qn)/q. Using Lemma 3.5, it follows
that a.a.s., the following two statements hold: (1) the balanced clique number of P
is at least r, and (2) for every pair (S, S ′ ), with S ⊆ A, S ′ ⊆ A′ and |S| = |S ′ | ≥ n/2,
the defect of (S, S ′ ) is less than 24/q.
Set δ = 24/q, and let (V, V ′ ) be a balanced clique pair of size r in P . Set
S = A − V and S ′ = A′ − V ′ . Note that |S| = |S| > n/2. Let (T, T ′ ) be a maximum
matching in S∪S ′ . Then |T | = |T ′ | ≥ |S|−δ. Let Q be the subposet of P determined
by the points in the matching together with the points in V ∪ V ′ . Then (T, T ′ ) is
a maximal matching in Q. It follows from Lemma 2.2 that dim(Q) ≤ |T | ≤ n − r.
We note that
2δ < 48/q < ǫ1 log(qn)/q.
The removal of a point from a bipartite poset decreases dimension by at most 1,
and Q is obtained from P by removing at most 2δ points. It follows that a.a.s.,
dim(P ) ≤ dim(Q) + 2δ ≤ (n − r) + ǫ1 log(qn)/q = n − (2 − ǫ) log(qn)/q.
Readers will note that the proof of the next result uses the “alteration” method
(see Chapter 3 in Alon and Spencer [1]) first used by Erdős in his probabilistic
proof of the existence of graphs with large girth and large chromatic number.
Lemma 3.7 (New Lower Bound (1)). Suppose 0 < ǫ < 1. If n−1 log2 n ≤ q ≤
n−4/5 , then a.a.s., dim(P ) > n − (2 + ǫ) log(qn)/q.
Proof. Set ǫ1 = ǫ/2 and r = (2 + ǫ1 ) log(qn)/q. Using Lemma 3.3, we know that
a.a.s., the balanced clique number of P is less than r.
Let X be the random variable counting the number of balanced independent pairs
(U, U ′ ) with |U | = |U ′ | = 2. Using Lemma 3.2, we know that a.a.s., X ∼ E[X].
Since E[X] = n2 q 4 ∼ q 4 n4 /4, we will settle for the weaker inequality a.a.s.,
X ≤ n4 q 4 /2. When q ≤ n−4/5 , this implies that a.a.s., X < ǫ1 log(qn)/q.
It follows that there are subsets S ⊂ A and S ′ ⊂ A′ with |S| = |S ′ | = n −
ǫ1 q −1 log(qn) such that a.a.s., the subposet Q of P with ground set S ∪ S ′ has
balanced clique number less than r and balanced independence number less than 2
Then a.a.s.,
dim(P ) ≥ dim(Q)
> n − ǫ1 log(qn)/q − (2 + ǫ1 ) log(qn)/q
= n − (2 + ǫ) log(qn)/q.
4. Lower Bounds and an Application of Janson’s Inequality
In this section, we prove New Lower Bounds (2), (3) and (4). All three proofs
require concepts developed in [5], starting with a good bound on the expected value
of the balanced independence number. The following elementary lemma uses only
Markov’s inequality.
Lemma 4.1. Suppose n−1 log2 n/n ≤ q ≤ 1/2 and 0 < ǫ < 1. Then a.a.s.,
bin(P ) < t := ⌈2[log n + log log(1/q)]/ log(1/q)⌉.
Proof. Let Y count the number of balanced independent pairs of size t. Then
E[Y ] =
q t < exp(t(2 log n − t log(1/q))) = o(1).
With this lemma in mind, for the balance of this section, whenever the value of
q is specified, we set:
t = ⌈(2 log n + log log n)/ log(1/q)⌉.
Fix a value of q, with t then determined by (10). A short pair is a pair (σ, σ ′ )
where σ is a linear order on a (t − 1)-element subset of A, and σ ′ is a linear order
on a (t − 1)-element subset of A′ . Let d ∈ [n] and let Σ = {(σj , σj′ ) : 1 ≤ j ≤ d} be
a family of short pairs. With the family Σ fixed, we make the following definitions.
For a pair (a, a′ ) ∈ A × A′ and an integer j ∈ [d],
(1) Event Rj (a, a′ ) holds if a ∈ σj and b kP a′ for all b ∈ σj with hj (b) < hj (a).
(2) Event Rj′ (a, a′ ) holds if a′ ∈ σj′ and b′ kP a for all b′ ∈ σj′ with h′j (b′ ) <
h′j (a′ ).
We note that Rj (a, a′ ) holds whenever a is the highest element of σj . Also, Rj′ (a, a′ )
holds whenever a′ is the lowest element of σj′ .
For a pair (a, a′ ) ∈ A × A′ , let (a < a′ ) be the event that holds when a <P a′ .
Also, let (a k a′ ) be the event that holds when a kP a′ . Now set
R(a, a′ ) = (a < a′ ) ∨ ∨j∈[d] Rj (a, a′ ) ∨ ∨j∈[d] Rj′ (a, a′ ) .
We say that Σ realizes the pair (a, a′ ) when R(a, a′ ) holds
In turn set
R(P ) = ∧(a,a′ )∈A×A′ R(a, a′ ).
We say Σ is a short realizer for P when R(P ) holds. Then we define the short
dimension of P , denoted sdim(P ), as the least positive integer d such that there is
a family Σ = {(σj , σj′ ) : j ∈ [d]} of short pairs such that Σ is a short realizer of P .
We observe that a.a.s., sdim(P ) ≤ dim(P ). To see this, let F = {L1 , . . . , Ld } be
a realizer of P . Then for each j ∈ [d], let σj be the linear order consisting of the
highest t − 1 elements of A in Lj . Also, let σj′ be the linear order consisting of the
lowest t − 1 elements of A′ in Lj . Since a.a.s., the balanced independence number
of P is less than t, it follows that a.a.s., Σ = {(σj , σj′ ) : j ∈ [d]} is a short realizer
for P . Accordingly, a lower bound on sdim(P ) is also a lower bound on dim(P ).
The next step in the argument for all three lower bounds is to fix a short family
Σ = {(σj , σj′ ) : 1 ≤ j ≤ d} and consider the event R(P ) that holds when Σ is a
short realizer
for P . We will determine a reasonably accurate upper bound p0 on
P R(P ) . The number of short families is less than n2(t−1)d and d ≤ n, so we can
say that a.a.s., sdim(P ) > d if n2tn p0 = e2tn log n p0 = o(1).
With Σ fixed, let T consist of those elements a ∈ A such that there is at least one
j ∈ [d] with a the highest element of A in σj . Then set M = A − T . Analogously,
let T ′ consist of those elements a′ ∈ A′ such that there is at least one j ∈ [d] with
a′ the lowest element of σj′ . Then set M ′ = A′ − T ′ . Also, set s = t − 2.
We note that R(a, a′ ) holds whenever a ∈ T or a′ ∈ T ′ . Accordingly,
R(P ) = ∧(x,x′ )∈M×M ′ R(x, x′ ).
Our next goal will be to determine a bound on d that forces P(R(P )) to be
exponentially small. Some additional notation and terminology is required. We
describe this notation in full detail for M . The notation for M ′ is dual.
When j ∈ [d], x ∈ M , and x ∈ σj , we let hj (x) count the number of elements
y ∈ σj with y higher than x in σj . By convention, we set hj (x) = ∞ if x 6∈ σj . It is
natural to view the quantity hj (x) as the height of x in σj . For an integer i ∈ [s],
we then let µi (x) count the number of j ∈ [d] with hj (x/W ) = i. We view µi (x) as
the multiplicity of x for height i. Then define the quantity w(x) by setting
w(x) =
µi (x)21−i .
We view the quantity w(x) as the weight of x. Note that
w(x) < 2d.
Since d ≤ n, there is a subset M0 ⊂ M with |M0 | = m/2 such that w(x) < 4d/m
for every x ∈ M0 .
The preceding discussion is followed in a dual manner to determine a subset
M0′ ⊂ M ′ with |M0′ | = m/2 so that w(x′ ) < 4d/m for every x′ ∈ M0′ . Set I =
M0 × M0′ . In the analysis to follow, we will need the following elementary fact. It
is stated formally, as we will need it again in the following section.
Proposition 4.2 (Weight-Shift). If 0 ≤ q ≤ 1/2 and i ∈ N , then 1 − q i <
(1 − q i+1 )2 .
For an event E in a probability space Ω, we use the notation E to denote the
event that holds when E fails. Let (x, x′ ) ∈ I. We consider the events in the family
{Rj (x, x′ ) : j ∈ [d]}. As explained in [5], these events are positively correlated, i.e.,
when j and k are distinct integers in [d],
P(Rj (x, x′ )|Rk (x, x′ )) ≥ P(Rj (x, x′ ))).
With the convention that 1 − q ∞ = 1, it follows that:
(1 − q hj (x) )
Using correlation.
P(∧j∈[d] Rj (x, x′ ) ≥
(1 − q i )µi (x)
≥ (1 − q)w(x)
≥ (1 − q)
Definition of multiplicity.
Using Proposition 4.2.
Analogously, we have:
P ∧j∈[d] Rj (x, x′ ) ≥ (1 − q)4n/m .
It follows that
P R(x, x′ )) ≤ 1 − q(1 − q)8n/m .
4.1. Applying the Janson Inequality. We will use the Janson inequality in the
proofs of New Lower Bounds (2) and (3). Here is the set up for this result, following
(essentially) the presentation in Chapter 8 of Alon and Spencer [1]. The text [10]
by Janson, Luczak and Rucinski is cited for the proof.
Let I be a finite set and let {Fi : i ∈ I} be a finite family of events in a
probability space Ω. When i and j are distinct elements of I, we write Fi ∼ Fj
when Fi and Fj are dependent. Also, we set
{P(Fi ∧ Fj ) : (i, j) ∈ I × I, Fi ∼ Fj },
P(Fi ).
Here is the statement of the Janson inequality we will apply.
Theorem 4.3 (Janson Inequality). Let {Fi : i ∈ I} be a finite family of events
with P(Fi ) ≤ 1/2 for all i ∈ I. If ∆ ≤ µ, then
P ∧i∈I Fi ≤ exp(−µ/2).
Lemma 4.4 (New Lower Bounds (2) and (3)). If n−4/5 ≤ q ≤ 18 n−1/4 log3 n, then
n − 32(n log n/q)1/2 if n−4/5 ≤ q ≤ (16)1/3 n−1/3 log1/3 n.
dim(P ) >
n − 8qn
if (16)1/3 n−1/3 log1/3 n ≤ q ≤ 18 n−1/4 log3 n.
Proof. For this range, we note that t ≤ 9. For every (x, x′ ) ∈ I, we have an
event F (x, x′ ) that holds when Σ fails to realize the pair (x, x′ ). Note that for
F (x, x′ ) to hold, we need x kP x′ , so P(F (x, x′ )) ≤ q ≤ 1/2. We also observe that
P(F (x, x′ )) ≥ q(1 − q)8n/m . Set m = qnz where z ≥ 8. In general, we will have
z → ∞, but the restriction z ≥ 8 is enough to imply that (1 − q)8n/m ≥ 1/4. It
follows that µ, the exected number of pairs that fail, is at least m2 q/16.
When x, y ∈ M0 and x′ , y ′ ∈ M0′ , we observe that F (x, x′ ) ∼ F (y, y ′ ) if and
only if |{x, x′ } ∩ {y, y ′ }| = 1. Furthermore, when F (x, x′ ) ∼ F (y, y ′ ), and event
F (x, x′ ) ∧ F (y, y ′ ) holds, we must have x kP x′ and y kP y ′ . These two events are
independent and each has probability q. It follows that
P F (x, x′ ) ∧ F (y, y ′ ) ≤ q 2 .
There are are 2(m/2)(m/2) such pairs so ∆ ≤ m2 q 2 /2. To apply the Janson
inequality, we need ∆ ≤ µ, but this simply requires q ≤ 1/8. We conclude that
P R(Σ) ≤ P ∧(x,x′ )∈I F (x, x′ ) ≤ exp(−µ/2) ≤ exp(−m2 q/32).
Recall that the number of short families is less than n2tn ≤ exp(18n log n), since
t ≤ 9. Noting that 18 · 32 = 576 < 210 , can conclude that a.a.s., dim(P ) > d if
210 n log n ≤ m2 q. Since m = qnz, this becomes 210 log n ≤ q 3 nz 2 . This requires
z ≥ 32 log n/(q 3 n)
When z = 8, this inequality holds when q ≥ (16)1/3 n−1/3 log1/3 n, and this completes the proof of New Lower Bound (3).
Now we assume that q ≤ (16)1/3 n−1/3 log1/3 n. Now we treat inequality (12)
as an equation, i.e., we set z = 32 log n/(q 3 n)
. The equation m = qnz is
equivalent to m = 32(n log n/q)1/2 , and with this observation, the proof of New
Upper Bound (2) is complete.
4.2. A Family of Independent Events. To obtain a proof of New Lower Bound (4),
we simply update the original argument in [5] as given on pages 262–268. We have
elected not to repeat the details of this argument. Instead, we will provide only an
outline of the steps to be taken, with notational changes made to agree with our
treatment here
(1) We identify a subset J of M × M ′ with |J | = m3 /(72ns2 ).
(2) For each (x, x′ ) ∈ I, we determine an event E(x, x′ ) such that R(x, x′ ) ⊆
E(x, x′ ) and Pr(E(x, x′ )) ≥ q(1 − q)24n/m .
(3) Events in the family {E(x, x′ ) : (x, x′ ) ∈ J } are independent.
Since the events in J are independent, it follows that
i m3
24n/m 72ns2
P(R(P )) ≤ 1 − q(1 − q)
Inequality (13) provides an upper bound on p0 , the maximum value of P(R(P )).
To show that a.a.s., dim(P ) > d = n − m, it suffices to require that:
m3 /72ns2
= o(1)
e2tn log n 1 − q(1 − q)24n/m
In the range we consider, it will always be the case that q(1 − q)24n/m = o(1). With
this restriction, the preceding inequality holds if:
n2 t3 log n = o q(1 − q)24n/m m3 .
In the proof of the next lemma, we will refer to (14) as the “master inequality.”
Lemma 4.5 (New Lower Bound (4)). If 81 n−1/4 log3 n ≤ q ≤ 1/2 and z = log n +
4 log q − 8 log log n, then a.a.s., dim(P ) ≥ n − 24qn/z.
Proof. Set m = 24qn/z. The lower bound on q implies qn4 ≥ log11 n. It follows
that z ≥ 3 log log n so that m = o(qn). With this value of m, we can safely
approximate (1 − q)24n/m as e−z . Accordingly, the master inequality becomes
n2 t3 log n = o(qe−z q 3 n3 /z 3 ), which is equivalent to t3 z 3 ez log n = o(q 4 n). We
note that ez = qn4 / log8 n. So the master inequality holds if t3 z 3 log n = o(log8 n).
However, t ≤ 3 log n. Furthermore, z < log n. It follows that t3 z 3 log n = O(log7 n),
so that the master inequality holds.
We observe that there is a threshold occurring when q ∼ n−1/4 . When q is below
this threshold, the Janson inequality approach gives a better result, and when q is
above this threshold, the original approach using a family of independent events is
5. Generalized Latin Rectangles and the Euler Product Function
In this section, we prove New Upper Bounds (2) and (3). The arguments require
a “one-sided” reformulation of dimension, using the same approach (at least one
half of it) taken in the last section. Let P ∈ B and let F = {σ1 , . . . , σd } be a nonempty family of linear orders such that for each j ∈ [d], σj is a linear order on a
non-empty subset of A. Now there is no restriction on the size of these linear orders.
For a pair (a, a′ ) ∈ A × A′ , we say that F realizes (a, a′ ) if either (1) a <P a′ or
(2) there is some j ∈ [d] with a ∈ σj and b kP a′ for all b′ ∈ σj with hj (b) < hj (a).
In turn, we say F is a one-sided realizer for P when F realizes (a, a′ ) for all pairs
(a, a′ ) ∈ A × A′ .
Clearly, dim(P ) is the least d ≥ 1 for which P has a one-sided realizer of size d.
Our strategy for proving New Upper Bounds (1) and (2) will be to design a single
candidate family F = {σ1 , . . . , σd } and show that a.a.s., this family is a one-sided
realizer of a poset P . To implement this strategy, we must pause to establish a
connection with a classic concept in combinatorics.
5.1. Generalized Latin Rectangles. Recall that when m and s are integers with
1 ≤ s ≤ m, an s × m array (matrix) R is called a latin rectangle when (1) each row
of R is a permutation of the integers in [m], and (2) the entries in each column of
R are distinct. As is well known, if 2 ≤ s ≤ m, an (s − 1) × m latin rectangle R
can always be extended to an s × m latin rectangle by adding a new row.
Now let (m, r, s) be a triple of positive integers. An s × (rm) array R of integers
from [m] will be called an (m, r, s) − GLR (where GLR is an abbreviation for
generalized latin rectangle) when the following conditions are met:
(1) In each row of R, each integer in [m] occurs exactly r times.
(2) In each column C of R, the s integers occuring in column C are distinct.
(3) For each distinct pair i, j ∈ {1, 2, . . . , m}, there is at most one column C in
R for which i is below j in column C.
Note that when r = 1, the third requirement is not part of the traditional
definition for a latin rectangle. However, it will be soon be clear why we want this
additional restriction in place.
Here is an example of a (9, 2, 3)-GLR.
1 1
8 9
3 6
2 2
9 1
4 7
3 3
1 2
5 8
4 4
2 3
6 9
5 6
4 4
1 8
6 7
5 5
2 9
7 8
6 6
3 1
8 9
7 7
4 2
The reader may note that it is impossible to extend this array to a (9, 2, 4) − GLR.
More generally, we have the following natural extremal problem: For a pair (m, r)
of positive integers, find the the largest integer s = f (m, r) for which there is an
(m, r, s) − GLR. Trivially, f (m, r) ≥ 1.
Lemma 5.1. Let m, r, s be positive integers with s ≥ 2. If f (m, r) ≥ s, then
rs(s − 1) ≤ 2(m − 1).
Proof. Suppose that R is an (m, r, s) − GLR. There are rm columns in R and for
each column C in R, there are s(s − 1)/2 ordered pairs (i, j) where i is below j
in column C. The last two conditions in the definition of an (m, r, s)-GLR force
rms(s − 1)/2 ≤ m(m − 1), so that rs(s − 1) ≤ 2(m − 1).
Lower bounds on this extremal problem are more challenging, but we will give an
explicit construction which is sufficient for our purposes. If R is an (m, r, s) − GLR,
we say R is resolvable if it consists of r latin rectangles placed side by side, i.e., each
row partitions into r blocks of consecutive elements and each block is a permutation
of [m]. The following lemma is an elementary extension of the classical result for
latin rectangles, and we only outline the proof, leaving the details as an exercise
for students.
Lemma 5.2. Let m, r and s be positive integers with s ≥ 2. If m > 2rs3 , then
there is an (m, r, s) − GLR.
Proof. Consider the problem of adding a last row to a resolvable (m, r, s−1)−GLR.
Proceeding block by block, we have a balanced (m, m) bipartite graph G with
positions 1 through m on one side of G and sets of allowable choices for each of the
m positions on the other side. Clearly, the most challenging case in completing the
last row is the last block.
Consider one of the m columns in the last block, and let x be one of the s − 1
integers that already occurs in this column. Then x is over (r − 1)s(s − 1)/2 other
integers in the first r − 1 blocks, and x is over (s − 1)(s − 2)/2 other integers in
the last block. When x is the lowest element in the column, then x itself is not
allowable. It follows that the number of allowable choices is:
m − (r − 1)s(s − 1)2 /2 − (s − 1)2 (s − 2)/2 − 1
Note that the inequality 2rs3 < m implies that the quantity in inequality (15) is at
least m/2. A parallel argument shows that each of the integers in [m] belongs to at
least m/2 of the sets of allowable choices. It is an immediate consequence of Hall’s
theorem that a balanced bipartite graph G with 2m vertices and minimum degree
δ(G) ≥ m/2 has a complete matching. Futhermore, a matching in G provides a
legal way to complete the last row.
Let m, r, s be integers, and let R be an (m, r, s) − GLR. We set d = mr and
n = d + m. We fix an arbitrary d-element subset T = {a1 , . . . , ad } of A and set
M = A−T = {x1 , . . . , xm }. We construct a family F = {σ1 , . . . , σd } of linear orders
on (s + 1)-element subsets of A as follows. For each j ∈ [d], we set hj (aj ) = 0.
Then for each pair (i, j) ∈ [s] × [d], we set hj (xα ) = i when the integer in row i and
column j of R is α.
When (a, a′ ) ∈ A × A′ , it is obvious that F realizes (a, a′ ) if a ∈ T . Let X be
the random variable counting the number of pairs (a, a′ ) ∈ A × A′ for which F fails
to realize (a, a′ ). Since a must belong to M , the expected value of X is given by:
E[X] = nmq
(1 − q i ) .
Note that the Q
expression i=1 (1 − q ) is a partial product of the Euler product
function φ(q) = i=1 (1 − q i ). Using the weight-shift propososition 4.2 from the
preceding section, it follows that
(1 − q s )
(1 − q i ) < φ(q) <
(1 − q i ).
Lemma 5.3 (New Upper Bound (3)). If n−1/3 ≤ q ≤ 1/2 and z = n2 q log(1/φ(q)),
then a.a.s., dim(P ) < n − n log(1/φ(q))/ log z.
Proof. We will only consider values of m = n − d with m ≥ qn/ log10 n. With this
restriction r = d/m = n/m − 1 ≤ log11 n/q. The requirement for the existence of
a (m, r, s) − GLR is m > 2rs3 . With the restrictions on q and m, the requirement
is met when s = n1/10 . For such a large value of s, we are safe if we estimate
i=1 (1 − q ) by φ(q). Accordingly, we can conclude that a.a.s., dim(P ) ≤ d if
E[X] = nmq φ(q) → 0.
We note that φ(q) < 1, r = d/n = n/m − 1 and p = 1 − q ≤ 1/2. It follows that
inequality (17) is equivalent to:
nmq = o en log(1/φ(q))/m .
With z set at n2 q log(1/φ(q), we note that z and log z tend to infinity with
n. Now set m = n log(1/φ(q))/ log z. Since elog z = z = n2 q log(1/φ(q)), inequality (18) is equivalent to:
n2 q log(1/φ(q)) = o n2 q log(1/φ(q)) log z .
Clearly, this last inequality is satisfied.
We are reasonably confident that New Upper Bound (3) is asymptotically correct.
Lemma 5.4 (New Upper Bound (2)). If n−1/2 log n < q ≤ n−1/3 , then a.a.s.,
dim(P ) < n − qn/(2 log(qn)).
Proof. We note that for all pairs (m, r), there is a (m, r, 1) − GLR. Of course, this
simply means that we put every element of M in second position d/m = r times.
Setting s = 1 in equation (16), we can conclude that a.a.s., dim(P ) ≤ d if
nmq(1 − q)d/m → 0.
Again, we note that (1 − q)d/m = (1 − q)n/m /(1 − q) ≥ (1 − q)n−m /2. Now set
m = qn/(2 log(qn)). Noting that 2 log(qn) → ∞, we have
(1 − q)n/m = e−qn/m = e2 log(qn) = n2 q 2 .
Therefore, inequality (20) is equivalent to:
n2 q 2 = o log(qn)n2 q 2 .
This last equation holds since qn ≥ log2 n so that log(qn) → ∞.
6. Applications to the Extremal Problems
We now return to Question 1 and the problem of finding the correct exponent
on the function sa(c). Previously, we reported that we had been able to use the
asymmetric form of the Lovász local lemma to raise the lower bound on the exponent
of c in sa(c) from 4/3 to 3/2. This unpublished result was presented at several
conferences and seminars and was proved by using the local lemma to find a rare
poset with independence number less than 2 and only moderately large standard
example number. Lemma 2.3 was then used to determine the dimension of such a
However, our new bounds allow us to obtain a simple proof of this same improvement. Consider the value q = n−1/3 . If a bipartite poset P ∈ B(n) contains
the standard example Sd , then its clique size is at least d/2. Since the clique size
of P ∈ Ω(n, p) is a.a.s., less than 3q −1 log(qn) = 2n1/3 log n, it follows that a.a.s.,
se(P ) < 4n1/3 log n. On the other hand, with q = n−1/3 , we know that a.a.s.,
dim(P ) ≥ n − 32 n log n/q)1/2 = n − 32n2/3 log1/2 n.
Setting c = 32n2/3 log1/2 n, the upper bound on se(P ) forces f (c) = Ω c3/2 / log3/4 c .
6.1. Progress on Question 2 for Posets. We begin with the following elementary result, for which we only outline the proof. Ironically, when applied it will be
for p < 1/2.
Lemma 6.1. Suppose n−1 log2 n ≤ q ≤ 1/2. Then a.a.s., A and A′ can be matched.
Proof. Clearly, it is enough to prove the lemma when q = n−1 log2 n. The basic
idea is to show that a.a.s., Hall’s matching condition is satisfied. For a subset
W ⊂ A, let N (W ) consist of all elements of A′ that are incomparable with at least
one element of W . We want to show that a.a.s., |N (W )| ≥ |W | for every subset
W ⊆ A. First, we take care of the case when W is very small or very large.
Set r = log n/5. Consider the events E1 that holds if there is some a ∈ A
incomparable with fewer than r elements of A′ . Dually, event E2 holds if there
is some element a′ ∈ A′ incomparable with fewer than r elements of A. Simple
counting shows that P(Ei ) = o(1) for i = 1, 2.
Now consider the event F that holds if there is some set W with r ≤ |W | ≤ n − r
such that |(N (W )| < |W |. Then we show that P(F ) = o(1). Readers will note that
this part of the proof is very similar to the proof (which is provided) of Lemma 3.1.
Once we have shown that P(E1 ) = P(E2 ) = o(1) and P(F ) = o(1), the proof is
Recall that f (d, n) is the maximum value of dim(P ) among all posets on n points
with standard example size less than d.
Theorem 6.2. For all d ≥ 3,
n1− d(d−1)
f (d, n) ≥
8 log n
Proof. Fix a value of d ≥ 3. We work in the space Ω(n, p) with
p = n− d(d−1) .
We note that p < 1/2. Now set
2d(d − 1)
2d − 1
and t = 2 log n/p.
We note that ǫ > 0.
Using Lemma 6.1, we know that a.a.s., the sets A and A′ can be matched.
Furthermore, the following claim is just Lemma 3.3 stated in complementary form.
Claim 1.
For every ǫ with 0 < ǫ < 1, a.a.s., bin(P ) < (2 + ǫ) log(pn)/p.
Therefore, a.a.s.,
bin(P ) < (2 + ǫ) log(pn)/p = (2 + ǫ)
(2d − 1) log n
= 2 log n/p = t.
(d − 1)p
Next, we need the following technical claim.
Claim 2. If P is a poset in B(n) and bin(P ) < t, then P does not contain
a bipartite subposet Q = V ∪ V ′ with |V | = |V ′ | = 2t satisfying the following
condition: The elements of V and V ′ can be labeled as V = {v1 , . . . , v2t } and
V ′ = {v1′ , . . . , v2t
} such that there is a linear extension L of Q with vi > vi′ in L for
each i ∈ [2t].
Proof. We argue by contradiction. After a relabeling, we may assume that v1 >
· · · > v2t in L. However, this implies that vi > vj′ in L whenever 1 ≤ i ≤ t and
t + 1 ≤ j ≤ 2t, which implies that bin(P ) ≥ t.
Next, we let X be the random variable that counts the number of copies of the
standard example Sd in P . Then the expected value of X is given by
n2d d2 −d
= n/6.
E[X] =
d!(1 − p)d pd(d−1) <
Let E be the event that occurs when X > n/4. Then P(E) < 2/3. It follows that
there is a poset P ∈ Ω(n, p) such that (1) A and A′ can be matched; (2) bin(P ) < t;
and (3) the number of copies of the standard example Sd in P is at most n/4.
Let A = {a1 , a2 , . . . , an } and A′ = {a′1 , a′2 , . . . , a′n } be labelings that evidence a
matching between A and A′ . Without loss of generality, we may assume that any
copy of Sd contained in P (there are at most n/4 of them) contains some point
in {ai : n/2 < i ≤ n} ∪ {a′i : n/2 < i ≤ n}. Hence there are no copies of
Sd in the bipartite subposet Q = B ∪ B ′ where B = {ai : 1 ≤ i ≤ n/2} and
B ′ = {a′i : 1 ≤ i ≤ n/2}. Note that we have |Q| = n.
Now let F be any family of linear extensions of Q which is a realizer of P . Then
F must reverse the pairs in {(ai , a′i ) : 1 ≤ i ≤ n/2}. However, in view of the claim,
no linear extension can reverse 2t of these pairs. we conclude that
n1− d(d−1)
dim(P ) ≥ dim(Q) ≥
8 log n
8 log n
7. Some Comments on Open Problems
We view the problem of determining the expected value of dim(P ) for posets in
Ω(n, p) when n−4/5 < q ≤ n−1/3 to be a real challenge. We suspect that our New
Upper Bounds are near the truth, but we cannot rule out the possibility that for
almost all P , if the short
dimension of P is d as evidenced by a short realizer Σ of
size d, then P Σ(R) is very small.
Second, although we believe we know the expected value of n − dim(P ) to within
a 1+o(1) multiplicative factor when 1/2 ≤ p < 1−n−1/3 as specified by New Upper
Bound (1), the challenge is that there are other constructions besides generalized
latin rectangles that achieve the same bound.
For the first extremal problem, stability analysis, we continue to think it likely
that the correct exponent for c in the function sa(c) is 2. As we have noted, this
would be verified if the upper bound on dim(P ) when q = n−1/2 is correct to within
a poly-log multiplicative factor on n − dim(P ). Alternatively, one could revisit the
proof given in [3] and try to lower the exponent in the inequality sa(c) = O(c2 ).
Success in this effort would of course imply that our upper bounds on dim(P ) are
not as good as we think.
For the second extremal problem, it would be very interesting to show that for
each d ≥ 3, there is a constant cd , with 0 < cd < 1, such that f (n, d) < ncd ,
although it is not clear that such a constant exists, even when d = 3.
8. Acknowledgment
The authors would like to thank Noga Alon, Alan Frieze, and Tomasz Luczak
for very helpful communications concerning second moment methods, the concept
of defect, and Talagrand’s inequality. As noted previously, the heart of the proof
of Lemma 3.5 was provided by Luczak in a personal communication.
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