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AFDUC, 2012
Recepción: 15 de junio de 2012 Aprobado por el Consejo de Redacción: 15 de julio de 2012 RESUMEN: La corrupción electoral (ambitus) constituye un fenómeno que fue manifestándose desde la época central de la República romana y alcanzó su máxima cota en el siglo I a. C. La ambición de la nobleza por el poder y las necesidades económicas de una gran parte de la ciudadanía convirtieron el soborno electoral en una práctica muy extendida que provocó la degradación de las instituciones políticas.
Analisa Kapasitas jalan di Indonesia dibedakan untuk: jalan perkotaan, jalan luar kota dan jalan bebas hambatan. Sebagai panduan untuk membedakan antara jalan perkotaan dan jalan luar kota, buku MKJI
Miscellanea Oeconomicae, 2017
This essay analyzes the development of academic security studies in Poland. Security is a new field of studies in this country. "Security studies" have been a separate field of study since 2011. Such a field of studies is absent from OECS classifications. This is why researchers come from other fields of science, such as sociology, management, law and political science. This affects the security studies programme. In my opinion, it is now dominated by a political studies approach. Nevertheless, the importance of economy is growing. In the text, I analyze the issues addressed in the Polish scientific discourse. In the conclusion, I will try to point out the consequences of the current state of development of security studies in Poland.
JIET (Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi Terapan), 2024
This study aims to analyze the effect of foreign direct investment and inflation on economic growth in ASEAN countries. The analytical method used is a quantitative approach with multiple linear regression panel data method based on secondary data from foreign direct investment, inflation, and economic growth variables in 2009-2020. The analysis results show that FDI has no significant impact on the economic growth variable, and the inflation rate has a significant positive impact on the economic growth variable.
Preposition+noun, 2023
Preposition+noun (idiomatic meaning) Here are some Preposition+noun in their idiomatic meanings. There are also the Turkish and English meanings together with examples given for each.
SHS web of conferences, 2018
At this time, small and medium enterprises play an important role in improving the economy of Indonesia, in terms of business number, job creation, and growth of national Economy. At this time many small, and medium enterprises are still in the manual recording process of financial transactions and financial reporting. The objective of this study is to develop an accounting information system method with Rapid Application Development (RAD) for SME as to answer whether there is an increased quality of information system in SME. The results of this research are as follows: 1) The small business enterprises are dominated by human resources. 2). Many of the owners of the small business enterprises do not understand the accounting and financial report system well. They operate with manual and conservative descriptions with a simple book noted. They have not known or have not been accustomed to computerized accounting system as well as have not known whether or not it is useful to support their business continuity. 3) Personal expenses and operational expenses paid by using the same sources.
A response to Craig Blomberg's new NT theology. Paper given at SBL 2018.
, in: V.T. van Vilsteren, J.R. Beuker, P.W. van den Broeke & E.M. Theunissen (red.) 2020: Overpeinzingen op een vuilnisbelt ─ liber amicorum aangeboden aan Wijnand van der Sanden ter gelegenheid van zijn afscheid als conservator bij het Drents Museum. Groningen: Barkhuis, 144-151., 2020
Exploring the Role of Cultural Intelligence in International Banking Operations , 2024
Thesis, 2021
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 2010
Presses universitaires de Paris Nanterre eBooks, 2020
African Development Review, 2002
Regular Issue, 2020
Biota Human Technology, 2023
Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2005
The Milky Way Galaxy, 1985
Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam (Journal of Islamic Education Studies), 2018