MTA-KDD'19: A Dataset for Malware Traffic Detection


MTA-KDD’19: A Dataset for Malware Traffic Detection∗ Ivan Letteri1 , Giuseppe Della Penna1 , Luca Di Vita1 , and Maria Teresa Grifa1 Dept. of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics, University of L’Aquila Abstract In the present paper we describe a new, updated and refined dataset specifically tailored to train and evaluate machine learning based malware traffic analysis algorithms. To generate it, we started from the largest databases of network traffic captures available online, deriving a dataset with a set of widely-applicable features and then cleaning and preprocessing it to remove noise, handle missing data and keep its size as small as possible. The resulting dataset is not biased by any specific application (although specifically addressed to machine learning algorithms), and the entire process can run automatically to keep it updated. 1 Introduction In the recent years, the growing number of cyber attacks motivated an intense research in the field of malware detection, and nowadays cyber security professionals can rely on increasingly effective and efficient detection techniques which, however, need to be constantly updated. Indeed, malware detection itself presents a number of inherent challenges, first of all the ability of maintaining an up-to-date knowledge base containing distinctive features of all the current classes of malware. Most of the research is currently focusing on the use of machine learning techniques for malware detection. This approach presents a number of advantages, first of all its capability to automatically identify the malware characteristics by observing a set of training samples, and generalise these results to detect new variants without having actually seen them before. Since network-based malware, such as botnets, is currently one of the most common kind of malware, in this paper we focus on malware traffic analysis, which tries to detect malware by analysing its behaviour in terms of data sent and received through a network. However, the quality of such classifiers is largely determined by the quality of the underlying training dataset, and having a high-quality dataset requires to collect real malware traffic data, keep it updated, and make this data actually usable by a machine learning algorithm. Unfortunately, publicly available malware traffic databases are few, and mostly outdated. In the present paper we describe a complete process that creates an updated malware traffic dataset suitable to train and evaluate machine learning based malware traffic classifiers. To this aim, we apply a Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) process, starting from the largest databases of network traffic captures available online, deriving a dataset with a set of widely-applicable features and then cleaning and preprocessing it to remove noise, handle missing data and keep its size as small as possible. The resulting dataset is not biased by any specific application (although specifically addressed to machine learning algorithms), and the entire process can run automatically to keep it updated. It is worth noting that this process requires the right use of a number of different data manipulation techniques and algorithms such as profiling, imputation and scaling, which in ∗ Copyright c 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). MTA-KDD’19: A Dataset for Malware Traffic Detection Letteri, Della Penna, Di Vita and Grifa turn require a good knowledge of many different machine learning, data analytics and statistics issues to be effectively applied. As a part of our contribution, we try to make all these steps completely transparent to the researchers who just want to develop and effectively test a new malware traffic classifier. We evaluate the dataset quality by measuring the presence of malware through anomaly detection and present an experiment where the dataset is used to build a simple deep neural network classifier which reaches a very high detection rate. Of course, both the current dataset and its generation algorithm have been made available to the research community. 2 Related work Malware features extraction and selection is a largely addressed topic in the literature. As an example, Cabau et al. [6] extract malware features by dynamically executing malware in a controlled environment and monitoring three types of actions: filesystem writes, registry operations and network access operations. arkac et al. [43] address the specific problem of feature extraction for metamorphic malware, whereas Zhao et al. [42] focus on feature extraction and selection from Android applications. Zhang et al. [40] perform feature selection for malware detection introducing the novel Ensemble Feature Selection technique, which aims at reducing the number and size of the selected features in order to obtain datasets easier to handle. Finally, Arora et al. [3] also address the issue of android malware detection, but to this aim they use features extracted from the network traffic generated by malware apps coming from the Android Malware Genome Project, which makes this approach slightly more similar to our malware traffic analysis context. However, a common characteristic of all such kind of works is that they present feature extraction and selection techniques and examples of features extracted using the proposed methodologies, but never provide the researchers with a full, realistic dataset created through their approach. Moreover, when a malware detection technique is also proposed, it is often evaluated on a specifically-tailored dataset, making any comparison difficult. The majority of the publicly-available malware detection datasets, like Android PRAGuard [23], the Android Malware Dataset [38] or EMBER [2] are devoted to malware detection in executable files, in particular Android applications. Indeed, the current literature presents few works concerning the creation of public datasets for malware traffic detection purposes. Therefore, most papers presenting malware traffic analysis algorithms usually carry on their experiments using some classical, although outdated, datasets like CTU13 [10], UGR’16 [21], CCC09 [13] or KDD99 [37]. However, while these datasets can be a suitable benchmark to compare different approaches, they cannot give realistic information about the quality of a malware detector, since they do not take into consideration current malware and its novel attack mechanisms. 3 The MTA-KDD’19 Dataset The traffic data used to build our dataset was extracted from two distinct sources: • legitimate traffic comes from pcap files marked as Normal in the Malware Capture Facility Project (MCFP) belonging to the Stratosphere project. In particular, the traffic collected so far from the MCFP project is composed of 15 pcap files with a total size greater than 7 GByte. 2 MTA-KDD’19: A Dataset for Malware Traffic Detection Letteri, Della Penna, Di Vita and Grifa • malicious traffic comes from the MTA [9] repository, which offers a collection of over one thousand four hundred zip files, each containing one or more pcap files. Every binary file in these pcaps has been recognised as malicious by IDS and Antivirus softwares (Suricata [26], VirusTotal [8]). It is worth noting that the pcap files provided by MTA are password protected, so we developed an ad-hoc scraping algorithm that automates their download and decompression. The currently collected MTA traffic is made up of 2112 pcap files, with a total size of than 4.8 GB. These observations cover a time span from June 2013 to August 2019. The MTA repository receives almost daily new traffic logs. Our framework performs periodic downloads of these data, so our dataset is constantly growing and is constantly updated. However, since the frequency of malware traffic updates is much higher than the legitimate one (from MCFP), balancing the two parts is not trivial. 3.1 Dataset Features The typical approach to build detection models is to run a bot in a controlled environment and monitor its outgoing network connections. Unfortunately, this process is not as easy as it seems: for example, bots often open a large number of additional connections to legitimate sites to create some “noise” so, to identify the real command and control (C&C), it is necessary to observe all the network traffic produced by a bot in a long period of time. The traffic features to be observed must take in account this issue, and try to ”summarise” the bot behaviour throughout time with a set of meaningful measures. Moreover, since network connections (especially for malicious traffic) are nowadays always encrypted, it is not possible to analyse the packet payload. Therefore, features must be extracted from observable characteristics of the traffic like the packet ratio, length or protocol. Such characteristics are typically aggregated in time windows to extract statistical measures that actually represent the features. In this approach, the packets present in each pcap file are split in subsets spanning a fixed amount of time (e.g., 15 minutes as used in [19]). However, timebased aggregation requires an arbitrary choice, i.e., the window size, which may have a great impact in the dataset quality, since different attack types often require different windows sizes to be captured. Moreover, since pcap files are varying in size, time-based aggregation always leads to discarding a certain amount of information at the end of each pcap. Therefore, in our approach, we adopted a different strategy, by aggregating packets in each pcap having the same source address (i.e., coming from the same host) in segments, even if they are not sequential in time. This allows us to have a different point of view on the traffic, that takes into account the hosts involved in the traffic rather than the packet flow itself. Moreover, common attacks such as DDoS are much more easily identified if features like the packet ratio are calculated relative to the hosts, and not to the overall traffic: indeed, in the latter case, the overall background traffic, interleaving the attack packets, may make the attack less evident. We extracted a total of 50 features, which are reported in Table 2 together with their formulas. Note that, for sake of simplicity, unless otherwise specified from now on with packets we refer to the packets present in a specific segment, i.e., packets in a particular pcap file having all the same source address. Moreover, we summarise in Table 1 some meaningful sets and functions that will be used to simplify the feature formulas. These selected features have been inspired by several best practices in the field of malware detection, as well as by the observation of the current malwares. The relevance of each feature is briefly discussed in the following. In particular, each feature in the table has an associated relevance note in the ”rel” column. 3 MTA-KDD’19: A Dataset for Malware Traffic Detection S = {p0 , . . . , pn } S DN S S T CP S U DP SH S HR S DQ S DR S ACK S SY N S F IN S P SH S U RG S RST S ACKSY N S small Dp Da U R dom(p) len(p) nchar(s) ndot(s) nhyph(s) ndigit(s) ndnsque(p) ndnsans(p) ndnsadd(p) ndnsaut(p) occur(s) t(p) ttl(p) valid(s) Letteri, Della Penna, Di Vita and Grifa the sent packets sent packets using the DNS protocol sent packets using the TCP protocol sent packets using the UDP protocol sent packets using the HTTP protocol sent packets containing an HTTP request sent packets containing a DNS question record sent packets containing a DNS resource record sent TCP packets with the ACK flag set sent TCP packets with the SYN flag set sent TCP packets with the FIN flag set sent TCP packets with the PSH flag set sent TCP packets with the URG flag set sent TCP packets with the RST flag set sent TCP packets ith both the ACK and SYN flags set sent packets with payload length < 32 (small packets) distinct packet destination ports distinct packet destination addresses distinct user agents in the HTTP sent packets the received packets number of domains referred in DNS packet p payload length of packet p number of characters in s number of dots in s number of hyphens in s number of digits in s number of items in question section of DNS packet p number of items in answer section of DNS packet p number of items in additional section of DNS packet p number of items in authority section of DNS packet p number occurrences of each distinct value in the set s arrival time of packet p TTL reported in DNS packet p true if all the domain names th set s are valid Table 1: Functions and sets used in the feature definition formulas. 1. Features {Ack,Syn,Fin,Psh,Urg,Rst}FlagDist: have been chosen since it has been empirically shown (see, e.g., [1], [17], [39]) that the presence many packets with of certain TCP flags set may indicate malware traffic. 2. Features {TCP,UDP,DNS}OverIP: have been chosen since many attacks exploit specific characteristics of these protocols. As an example, trojans and other remote access issue a large number of DNS requests to locate their command and control server, so an high DNSOverIP ratio may indicate malicious traffic [25]. 3. Features MaxLen, MinLen, AvgLen, StdDevLen, MaxIAT, MinIAT, AvgIAT, AvgDeltaTime, MaxLenRx, MinLenRx, AvgLenRx, StdDevLenRx, MaxIATRx, MinIATRx, AvgIATRx,StartFlow, EndFlow, DeltaTime, FlowLen, FlowLenRx: have been chosen since packet number, size and inter-arrival times are useful to detect flooding-style attacks [16, 17]. 4. Feature PktIORatio: has been chosen since in DDoS-style attacks the number of sent packets is much higher than the received ones [36]. 5. Feature FirstPktLen: has been chosen since many times the first sent packet reveals useful characteristics of the traffic (see, e.g., [14], [28]). 4 MTA-KDD’19: A Dataset for Malware Traffic Detection feature formula f FlagDist |S T CP | |S| pOverIP AvgDeltaTime AvgDistinctUALen AvgDomainChar AvgDomainDigit AvgDomainDot AvgDomainHyph AvgTTL DeltaTime DistinctUA DNSADist DNSQDist DNSRDist DNSSDist EndFlow FirstPktLen FlowLen FlowLenRx HTTPpkts MaxIATRx, MinIAT, MaxIAT, AvgIAT MinIATRx, AvgIATRx MinLen, MaxLen, AvgLen, StdDevLen MinLenRx, MaxLenRx, AvgLenRx, StdDevLenRx NumConnections NumDstAddr NumPorts PktIOratio RepeatedPktLenRatio SmallPktRatio StartFlow SynAcksynRatio UrgFlagDist ValidURLratio notes · |S f | |S p | |S| t(pn )−t(p0 ) |S| P u∈U nchar(u) PDistinctU A nchar(dom(pj )) pj ∈S DQ P |dom(pj )| DQ pj ∈S P ndigit(dom(pj )) pj ∈S DQ P |dom(pj )| pj ∈S DQ P ndot(dom(pj )) pj ∈S DQ P |dom(pj )| pj ∈S DQ P nhyph(dom(pj )) pj ∈S DQ P |dom(pj )| pj ∈S DQ P ttl(pj ) pj ∈S DR |S DR | ∈ un- rel rem (1) - (2) - (3) (1) NaN if |S HR | = 0 (12) (3) NaN if |S DQ | = 0 (8) (3) NaN if |S DQ | = 0 (8) (3) NaN if |S DQ | = 0 (8) (3) NaN if |S DQ | = 0 (8) (3) - (9) (3) zero if |S| = 1 - (3) (12) (3) ndnsans(pj ) - (6) (1) ndnsque(pj ) - (6) - ndnsadd(pj ) - (6) (1) ndnsaut(pj ) - (6) (1) len(pj ) - (3) (5) (3) (1) - len(pj ) j Ppj ∈S with f {Ack, Syn, F in, P sh, Rst}. available if not TCP with p ∈ {T CP, U DP, DN S} zero if |S| = 1 t(pn ) − t(p0 ) |U | |S DN S | P · p ∈S D |S| j |S DN S | P · pj ∈S D |S| |S DN S | P · p ∈S D |S| j |S DN S | P · p ∈S D |S| t(pn ) len(p P 0) Letteri, Della Penna, Di Vita and Grifa - (3) - |S | min of {(t(pj ) − t(pj−1 ))|pj ∈ R} min, max, avg of {(t(pj ) − t(pj−1 ))|pj ∈ S} min, avg of {(t(pj ) − t(pj−1 ))|pj ∈ R} min, max, avg, stddev of {len(pj )|pj ∈ S} min, max, avg, stddev of {len(pj )|pj ∈ R} zero if |R| < 2 zero if |S| < 2 (12) (3) (3) (1) - zero if |R| < 2 (3) - StdDevLen is NaN if |S| < 2 (3) - StdDevLenRx is NaN if |R| < 2 (3) - |S ACKSY N | |Da | max{|Dp |} unavailable if not TCP unavailable not TCP or UDP - (10) (11) (11) (4) - - (7) - - (7) (3) - unavailable if not TCP, NaN if |S ACKSY N | = 0 (10) (3) unavailable if not TCP (1) (2) (8) (3) pj ∈R H |R| |S| max occur({len(pj )|pj ∈S}) |S| |S small | |S| t(p0 ) |S S | |S ACKSY N | |S T CP | · |S U RG | n |S| o | pj ∈S DQ |valid(dom(pj )) | DQ |S | NaN if |S DQ |=0 Table 2: Dataset features. 6. Features DNSQDist,DNSADist,DNSRDist,DNSSDist: have been chosen since, as already described, malwares often send DNS requests with specific characteristics [25]. 7. Features RepeatedPktLenRatio, SmallPktRatio: has been chosen since in DDoS-style 5 MTA-KDD’19: A Dataset for Malware Traffic Detection Letteri, Della Penna, Di Vita and Grifa attacks it is often possible to observe a large number of (automatically generated) small packets sent in sequence [14]. 8. Features AvgDomainChar, AvgDomainDot, AvgDomainHyph, AvgDomainDigit, ValidUrlRatio: have been chosen since often the domains involved in malicious traffic have names with specific characteristics like unusual length or presence of dots and hyphen characters [24]. 9. Feature AvgTTL: has been chosen since it is known that setting TTL values to very low values can help the malware to change the C&C server rapidly or, on the other hand, there are some advanced malware domains setting very high TTL values [41]. 10. Features NumConnections, SynAcksynRatio: have been chosen since, in DDoS attacks, the target is unable to satisfy all the connection requests, which become much higher than the actually established connections (identified by the SynAcksynRatio: see, e.g., the DDoS attack principle as described in [7]). 11. Features NumDstAddr, NumPorts: has been chosen since, especially in DDoS-style attacks, all the attackers are connected to the same victim, whereas the victim has open connections with a large number of different hosts (the attackers) [22]. 12. Features DistinctUA, AvgDistinctUALen, HTTPPkts: have been chosen since the user agent field can be exploited to inject malicious code in the request, and of course HTTP requests are the most common for malwares. Actually, almost one malware out of eight uses a suspicious UA header in at least one HTTP request [11]. 4 MTA-KDD’19 Generation Process Figure 1: Overview of MTA KDD’19 generation process. In this section we describe the automatic process that generates the MTA-KDD’19 dataset, with the features listed in Section 3.1. The overall process is depicted in Figure 1. 6 MTA-KDD’19: A Dataset for Malware Traffic Detection Letteri, Della Penna, Di Vita and Grifa In particular, we try to apply a minimal preprocessing on the data, limited to the manipulations needed to make the dataset suitable to be used in machine learning applications and optimise its performances, e.g. by removing unnecessary data. Therefore, we are confident that the resulting dataset is not biased by any particular application. 4.1 Feature extraction As introduced in the previous section, to build the initial dataset, i.e., to extract the traffic features, for each distinct pcap file, we group the contained packets based on the source address (segmentation), and then compute the features in Table 2 on these groups. The set of features related to a specific segment become a row of our dataset, that we shall call dataset sample. Stating from the pcap files described in Section 3, we obtain a dataset with the characteristics shown in Table 3. It is worth noting that the dataset is balanced, i.e., the distribution of malware and legitimate samples is very similar. Sample Type Malware Legitimate Total Sample Count 39544 31926 71470 Percentage 55.3% 44.7% 100% Table 3: Composition of the MTA-KDD’19 dataset. 4.2 Profiling In the profiling phase we analyse the dataset features in order to detect and remove certain low-complexity issues that may affect the data and influence the next phases. In particular, we perform the following steps. Duplicates Duplicate samples may influence the classifiers and cause overfitting. Even if the source dataset showed a very low number of duplicates, we remove them all. Highly-correlated features During the profiling phase we also extract useful information about the feature correlation, which is measured using the Pearson method [29]. Features with a high correlation, ≥ 0.95 in our case, are removed from the dataset since they do not convey additional information and, if preserved, would only increase the amount of resources needed to process the dataset in the following phases. Therefore, we randomly select a feature in each high-correlation pair and remove it. In particular, the removed features are AvgDeltaTime (correlated to AvgIATRx with ρ = 0.96199), MaxIATRx (correlated to MaxIAT with ρ = 0.99853), DNSADist (correlated to DNSQDist with ρ = 0.99564), DNSRDist (correlated to DNSADist with ρ = 0.97725), DNSSDist (correlated to DNSRDist with ρ = 0.9981), EndFlow (correlated to StartFlow with ρ = 1). In table 2 the features removed for high correlation are marked with the number (1) in the ”rem” column. Zeros, Unavailable Values, and Missing Values Some features may have zero values for different reasons. ”Real” zeroes are those that are useful to classify the traffic, but sometimes a zero may be used to represent an unavailable value, which has a very different meaning, i.e., in some sense, it must be ignored by classifiers, since it does not convey any information (e.g., TCP-specific features are unavailable in UDP traffic). Finally, since traffic data tend to be 7 MTA-KDD’19: A Dataset for Malware Traffic Detection algorithm standardized scaler minmax scaler maxabsolute scaler robust scaler quantile transformer power transformer GNB 75.96% 75.96% 75.96% 69.36% 78.07% 80.69% Letteri, Della Penna, Di Vita and Grifa LogReg 90.64% 85.93% 85.91% 48.21% 91.97% 97.31% RF 94.20% 94.41% 94.41% 94.20% 94.20% 94.20% Table 4: Weighted average precision metrics after scaling evaluated with three different classifiers. incomplete and noisy, as we already noticed in the formulas, some features may have missing values indicated by a Not a Number (NaN) value. Based in this, we first remove the URGFlagDist feature that is set to zero in all the samples, so it seems to not convey any information about the traffic. In table 2 this feature is marked with the number (2) in the ”rem” column. Then, we remove any sample that contains an unavailable feature value. With this filter, we drop 6828 samples, whereas the remaining dataset has still 64554 samples, 53.21% of which represent malware and 46,79% legitimate traffic, so the dataset is now even more balanced. Finally, features with many NaN (≥ 50%, so with a small number of real values), are removed from the dataset since they do not convey enough information. In particular, the removed features are AvgDomainChar (97.6% missing values), AvgDomainDot (97.6%), AvgDomainHyph (97.6%), AvgDomainDigit (97.6%), AvgTTL (99.7%), SynAcksynRatio (96.5%), ValidURLratio (97.6%), DistinctUA (96.6%), AvgDistinctUALen (96.6%). In table 2 the features removed for high correlation are marked with the number (3) in the ”rem” column. 4.3 Imputation In the previous phase we removed the features containing too much missing values. However, all the remaining NaN (still present in the two features StdDevLen and StdDevLenRx) must be replaced with real(istic) values in order to fed the dataset to a classifier. The imputation phase compensates these missing values based on the other, concrete values of the same feature. To this aim, we selected the Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equation (MICE) algorithm, which has high performance and efficiency. This type of imputation works by filling the missing data multiple times. Multiple imputations are better than a single imputation as they measure the uncertainty of the missing values more precisely. The chained equations approach is also very flexible and can handle different variables of different data types (i,e., continuous or binary) as well as bounds or skip patterns [4]. 4.4 Scaling The dataset contains features highly varying in magnitudes, units and range. Since most machine learning algorithms use the Eucledian distance between two data points in their computations, it is necessary to scale the data with appropriate methodologies. However, feature scaling may heavily influence the results of some algorithms. Therefore, we first select three affine transformers and two nonlinear transformers i.e., MinMaxScaler [31], MaxAbsScaler [30], StandardScaler [35], RobustScaler [34], QuantileTransformer [33] and PowerTransformer [32], and try to scale the features with each of them. Then, to have a raw idea of the impact of such scaling on a machine learning algorithm, we use 70% of the scaled dataset to train three classifiers, namely Gaussian Naive Bayes (GNB), Random Forest (RF), 8 MTA-KDD’19: A Dataset for Malware Traffic Detection Letteri, Della Penna, Di Vita and Grifa and Logistic Regression (LogReg), and then evaluate the reached classifier quality by computing its weighted average precision (i.e., the ratio between correctly predicted positive observations and total predicted positive observations) on the remaining 30%. The results in Table 4 show that the PowerTransformer makes two of the three classifiers reach the highest precision, so our dataset generation process will adopt this scaling methodology. 5 Dataset Evaluation Once the dataset is correctly setup, we can apply some further techniques to evaluate its quality and suitability for machine learning algorithms. In particular, we first want to understand if it actually contains an adequate amount of outliers, which can be seen as not-normal traffic samples and can be detected by a ML classifier as anomalies, i.e., possible malware. Then, we will also verify the detection accuracy that a more powerful (w.r.t. the GNB used for scaler evaluation) classifier can reach using this dataset. 5.1 Outlier Detection The basic assumptions for anomaly detection in network traffic are that “The majority of the network connections are normal traffic, only a small percentage of traffic are malicious” [27] and that “The attack traffic is statistically different from normal traffic” [15]. Given the size of our dataset, we cannot apply such an outlier detection to all the features in all the samples. Therefore, we estimated the feature importance based on the Gini index of each feature on the entire dataset through a random forest (RF) classifier [5], and selected the six features with the highest score (the most informative ones), i.e., DNSQDist, StartFlow, MinIATRx, MaxLen, DeltaTime and AvgIAT. Then, we selected the largest malware pcap from Figure 2: Distribution of the six features with highest importance. MTA (258.5 MB) and extracted the dataset samples corresponding to its packets. Finally, we identified the outliers following the commonly-used rule that marks a data point as an outlier if it is more than 1.5 · IQR above the third quartile or below the first quartile, where IQR is the Inter Quartile Range. To this aim, we used the WEKA framework [12] on the selected features of this reduced dataset. 9 MTA-KDD’19: A Dataset for Malware Traffic Detection Letteri, Della Penna, Di Vita and Grifa The results clearly indicate a large number of outliers, which are also graphically shown in Figure 2 as red dots. To further check if such outliers can be actually associated to malware traffic, we identified the IP addresses corresponding to the packets generating an outlier and discovered that all these packets were marked as part of a malware attack in the source files. 5.2 Classification Experiment The last quality measure for our final dataset is derived from a classification experiment realised using a multilayer perceptron. In previous papers [20] we showed that this kind of classifier, if correctly set-up and fed with a ”good” dataset, can reach a very high accuracy. However, the dataset used in [20] was smaller and not updated with respect to the one we present here. We used a multilayer perceptron with a quite trivial rectangle-shaped fully connected network, trained for 10 epochs, with two hidden layers of 2f neurons each without dropout among them, where f = 34 is the number of features in our final dataset. We performed a 5-cross fold validation, by splitting the dataset in five segments and then performing five experiments, each of which uses a different segment (thus 20% of the dataset) as test set and the rest (80%) as the training set. In all the experiments the network performed in a very similar way: as an example, Figure 3 shows the confusion matrix taken from one of the experiments, with an accuracy of 99.74%. Actually, the average accuracy of all the experiments was 99.69% with a standard deviation of 0.24%. Also the other metrics, i.e., specificity, precision and recall, have very good values. This clearly shows that the dataset offers a good source of information to detect current malware using a neural network classifier. Figure 3: Confusion matrix and metrics of experiment #5. 6 Conclusions In this paper we presented new dataset, namely MTA-KDD’19, built to ease testing and comparison of machine learning-based malware traffic analysis algorithms. The data sources used are up-to-date, i.e. they contain the most recent malware traffic, and are continuously updated, making the dataset quite realistic. Moreover, we performed an accurate feature selection and data preprocessing in order to make the dataset as small as possible and effectively usable in a ML classifier, without introducing any experiment or algorithm-specific bias. Indeed, some preliminary quality measures on the final dataset show that it constitutes a good source of information to train any kind of ML classifier. The complete dataset is publicly available [18], and we will soon publish as open source on the same site the algorithm that can be used to build and update it. As a future work, we plan to apply more complex feature selection strategies in order to further reduce the number of features to the most informative ones. Moreover, we are studying 10 MTA-KDD’19: A Dataset for Malware Traffic Detection Letteri, Della Penna, Di Vita and Grifa how to better handle unavailable feature values, in order to reduce the dataset samples excluded due to this issues, and evaluating the impact of the imputation phase on the dataset quality. Of course, we will further validate our dataset by evaluating its performances on different neural network architectures and other machine learning models. References [1] Raihana Abdullah, Zaki Masud, Mohd Abdollah, Shahrin Sahib, and Y. Robiah. Recognizing p2p botnets characteristic through tcp distinctive behaviour. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, 9, 12 2011. [2] Hyrum S. Anderson and Phil Roth. EMBER: an open dataset for training static PE malware machine learning models. CoRR, abs/1804.04637, 2018. [3] A. Arora, S. Garg, and S. K. Peddoju. Malware detection using network traffic analysis in android based mobile devices. 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