Mexico´s National Map of Small Watersheds
Miguel A. Domínguez1., Eusebio Ventura, Jr.1*,
Fernando Valdez2., Valentino Sorani2
Raul F. Pineda1
University of Querétaro, Querétaro, México
University of Morelos, Cuernavaca, México
In agreement with policies for rural development, the National Program of Micro
Watersheds (NPMW) was created in Mexico at the Federal level by the current
administration. The NPMW uses the small watershed for the integrated
management of natural resources. For each watershed, the basic instrument is
a management and conservation plan known as Plan Rector de Producción y
Conservación (PRPC) or Rector Plan for Production and Conservation.
However, each PRPC requires the generation of the Micro Watershed National
Map for the Mexican Republic (MWNM-MR), and a GIS-based consultation
management system. The objective of this paper is to present the automated
methodology for the elaboration of the MWNM-MR and the GIS-based
consultation management system (GCMS). The GCMS was developed in
ArcView and Avenue and it contains a national database of micro watersheds.
* Corresponding author. School of Engineering, University of Queretaro. C.U. Cerro de las
Campanas, Queretaro, Mexico. 76010. Tel. 52-442-192 1264 ext. 159, e-mail:
Watersheds have been managed hydrologically – frequently in a fractionated
form rather than as an integrated unit – for the control of flooding and as a
source of water for irrigation or for improving river navigation. Most of the world
rivers have been modified by the construction of channels, dams, or drainage
systems in wetlands, often with a great benefit for society.
However, watersheds are not seen or managed as units. Integrated
management of both economical and ecological attributes of a watershed is
very difficult because its boundaries often are not the same as the economical
and administrative boundaries and, in some cases, international limits.
Sectarian, regional and cultural crossover is essential for the management of
watersheds in order to maintain their ability to provide, in a sustainable way,
ecological, hydrological and economical services.
In order to provide a quantitative basis for the integrated management
approach, it is required to be able to characterize the watersheds and to
measure the nature and patterns of the risks in a quantitative way. Human
population, plants and animals distribution, the patterns of economical activities
and other relevant variables have not been managed, neither analyzed, in an
integrated way for each watershed, which makes the goals in a management
plan difficult to achieve. Therefore, the very first step in a management plan has
to be a precise and exact delimitation of boundaries for the study area, in this
case, the small or micro watersheds. Counting on a Micro Watershed National
Map for the Mexican republic (MWNM-MR) is a key element in the planning
process at the national level. For this reason, it is very important to carry out a
project like this one.
General Methodology for the Delimitation of Micro Watersheds
Without any doubt, the main input to delineate a hydrological unit, such as a
watershed, sub-watershed or micro watershed, using a Geographical
Information Systems (GIS) is a Digital Elevation Model (DEM).
Generation of the Digital Elevation Model
A DEM can be defined as a regular grid of terrain elevation values that
represent the form of the Earth surface. In a more generic way, there exists the
Terrain Digital Models (TDM). According to Felicimo (1994), a terrain digital
model is a numerical structure of data representing the spatial distribution of a
quantitative and continuous variable (for example soil pH, precipitation,
evaporation, etc). When this variable is terrain elevation then we are referring
more specifically to a Digital Elevation Model (DEM). Following the
consideration of Felícimo (1994), these models have some requirements that
other models lack, such as:
Do not have ambiguity
Do have the possibility of modeling processes.
They can be verified
There is repeatability in the results
Traditionally, watershed delineation has been done using conventional
cartography with elevations in a topographical map, mostly in the form of
contour lines. However, with digital cartography it is possible, in addition to that,
to create a set of models derived or elaborated from the information contained
in a DEM. The simplest derived models can be created exclusively with
information from a DEM and they can reflect simple morphological features
such as slope, orientation and shadowing of the relief. Incorporating extra
information, such as terrain morphology and numeric simulations of physical
processes, allows the elaboration of more complex models.
Input of topographical information is the first step in the process of constructing
a DEM. This process includes transforming geographical reality into a digital
data structure. This is a very important step forward since the main limiting
factor for later analysis is the quality of data.
On the other hand, utilization of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) is a
more efficient way to create a DEM. The firs element needed in this case is the
availability of cartographical information in digital format and in a structure such
that can be interpreted by the GIS. We will now consider the creation of the
DEM and from there, how to delineate a hydrographic watershed, starting from
the fact that the original available information is a topographical map with
contour lines in paper.
Transformation from paper to digital format requires of a digitizing process of
contour lines contained in the topographical map. This is a slow and time
consuming process. Fortunately, in the case of Mexico this process has been
done already by INEGI, the Mexican Institute for Statistics, Geography and
Informatics. This information is commercially available in CAD format and
covers all the country at a 1:250,000 scale. For Central Mexico, approximately
1/3 of the national territory, the same digital topographical information is
available at a 1:50,000 scale. Some areas, but not all, in the North and the
South have also 1:50,000 digital topographical maps.
For the purpose of this work 1:50,000 vector topographical maps for Central
Mexico and 1:250,000 for the rest of the country were used. Then, Arcview 3.2
(ESRI, 1999) was used to create the DEM’s. The process consisted of an
interpolation of vector points from the digitized contour lines.
The final result of this process is a grid file with terrain elevation data in every
point interpolated or known. Therefore, it is necessary to define the cell size,
which depends on the scale of the original information, and the area to be
covered. The cell size will define how detailed the grid will be in the DEM. In
general terms, and for a Pentium III-type computer, GIS such as ArcView
execute the operations very quickly with a grid of up to 10000 cells (for
example: 500 rows and 200 columns grid). Some more modern and powerful
computers can operated at higher speeds with grids up to 1,000,000 cells.
Under these considerations, and depending of the study region, Maidment
(ESRI, 1999) suggest the following classification of scale application based on
for the size of cell (Table 1).
Table 1. Size of Cell and Scale of Application
Size of Cell (meters)
Scale of Application
1-10 m
Ecological or Industrial Areas
10-30 m
City or Micro Watershed Scale
30-100 m
Small of Medium Size Watershed
100-500 m
State or National Level
1 km
Continental or World Scale
The selection of cell size also depends on the type of process that will be
studied. For example, if a terrain surface is to be studied, it is known that this
property has a great spatial variability and a smaller cell size is needed. In
climatic studies (temperature, precipitation, etc.) the level of variability,
especially on small areas, is smaller, and bigger cells can be used. For the
purpose of delineating micro watersheds, a 25-m cell size for the 1:50,000
topographical maps and a 100- m cell size for the 1:250,000 same type of map
were used. Obviously, due to the size of the area to cover (area extension of
Mexico is approximately 1.95 x 106 km2), it is almost impossible to create only
one digital elevation model for the whole country using the scales mentioned
above. Because of this, digital elevation models were obtained at the
Hydrological Regions level. Figure 1 is an example of the DEM created for a
portion of Hydrological Model Region No. 12.
(in meters)
2891.111 - 3160
2622.222 - 2891.111
2353.333 - 2622.222
2084.444 - 2353.333
1815.556 - 2084.444
1546.667 - 1815.556
1277.778 - 1546.667
1008.889 - 1277.778
740 - 1008.889
Figure 1. DEM generated for a portion of Hydrological Region No. 12
Pre-processing of DEM
In this part of the study, the analysis and processing of DEM’s is presented,
taking advantage of the potential capabilities of the GIS system used for the
hydrological analysis, with the purpose of doing an automated delineation of
micro watersheds. The idea of this work was to let the GIS do all operations in
an automated way. However, the process requires other calculations such as
the preprocessing of the DEM and determination of flow direction and
For the delineation of watersheds, it is very uncommon to execute all operations
without doing modifications before. The idea is to adjust the DEM for later
processing and be certain that the data will be reliable. This modification do not
implies the distortion of reality contained in the DEM, instead, is a way to get
closed to it. The reason for this is that the same process of creating DEM’s
introduces deviations in the relief that do not correspond to the natural
conditions. These deviations can also be produced from the conversion of
primary sources (aerial photographs, classic cartography, etc) of data, previous
to the elaboration of the DEM and therefore these deviations have to be
eliminated in the preprocessing step of making the DEM. Among these
deviations are the so called “depressions”, which are elements that in reality
correspond to areas of reservoirs or water retention structures. Such “accidents”
make difficult or limit the correct calculation of parameters, due to the fact that
they stop the correct water flow advance along hill slopes, affecting all later
calculations. This water flow advance towards maximum slope direction is the
base for many, if not all, of the most important hydrological and related
The most classical and used solution to this problem consists in refilling the
depressions. This process is known as “pit-filling”, which generates flat surfaces
on which calculations can be done forcing the flow direction according to
different theories. It is important to mention that, generally, assignation of flow
directions over flat surfaces is based on establishing a distance from the main
stream from higher to lower elevations areas. There is many new algorithms for
this purpose, such as the algorithm of Garbretch and Martz (1997),
implemented in the powerful analysis software called TOPAZ (TOpographic
PArametriZation). Refilling the depressions and sinks is therefore a previous
step for later hydrological calculations, which are the basis for watershed
In this work, this process was carried out using Arcview, which adapts Jenson
and Domingue (1988) algorithm for the modification of elevations that
correspond to the depressions. The functioning of this algorithm is based on the
natural behavior that a water stream will do if it finds in its course a depression.
Initially, the stream will filling up such depression, then drain the excess into the
lowest elevation end.
Once the DEM has been processed, and all artificial depressions of the terrain
have been filled up, there is a possibility to delineate the boundaries of
hydrological watersheds. However, this process has to be taken in steps. First,
it is required to determine flow directions. This aspect will be considered next.
The basis for this step s very simple and consists on the evaluation of the
existing slopes between the analyzed cell and the eight neighboring cells. This
process is known as D8 or Deterministic eight (Jenson and Domingue, 1988).
Calculating flow directions means determining the direction of runoff in each of
the cells that made up the DEM. Following the D8 model the flow can take any
of the 8 possible directions, as shown in Figure 2. The selected direction will be
the one with the stepper slope between the cell in consideration and the
neighbor cell where runoff flows into. In Figure 2 it can be appreciated as an
example, that number 1 means flow directions to the East, number 64
represents the North, 4 represents the South and so on. The algorithm to do the
above procedure comes included in many of the GIS programs and Arcview is
not the exception.
Figure 2. Determination of water flow directions
Flow Accumulation Calculation
Next step in watershed delineation is the calculation of what is known as flow
accumulation. The idea is to get the corrected cells connected following the flow
direction. The procedure involves counting the number of cells upstream that
drain into the cell of interest. To understand this process, in Figure 3(a) all the
cells located in the first row and first column have a zero (0) as indicator. This
means there is no more cells upstream draining into them. Cell (2,3), for
example, has an attribute of 2, which means there is two cells training into it
located upstream: cells (1,2) and (1,3). The result of this calculation is then a
new grid that contains as attributes the number of draining cells. Obviously, the
cell representing the outlet in the watershed will have as attribute the total
number of cells that cover the watershed under consideration.
(a) Flow Accumulation
(b) Drainage Network
Figure 3. Sequence of flow accumulation (Taken from Maidment, 1999)
Drainage Network
By using the layer of flow accumulation, the drainage network can be obtained
for the whole watershed. The concept of current cell is used for this purpose. A
current cell is the one that has an attribute equal or greater than a given limit.
This limit represents the minimum amount of cells upstream that will contribute
with runoff. Under this consideration, a limit of 100 means that for the
generation of runoff in a given cell, so it can be considered a current cell, it
needs to have a minimum attribute equal or greater than 100 in the layer of flow
accumulation. In this way, drainage network is constructed by connecting all the
current cells in accordance to the layer of flow direction. For example, if we take
5 as limit for the case in Figure 3a, only cells with a value equal or greater than
5 will appear as part of the drainage network. This can be appreciated clearly in
Figure 3b with the cells (3,3), (4,4), (5,3) and (5,4). All the resulting current cells
will have an attribute of 1 for their identification, while the rest of the cells will not
have any attribute.
To delineate the watershed boundary, the drainage network is segmented in
sections of streams, known in Arcview as “stream links”. For each of them, the
end point is identified, and the “watershed” function in the Hydro menu of
ArcView is applied. This leads to the delineation of watersheds and subwatersheds, defined to the end points of each stream links. For this, a previous
definition of the limit or threshold is very important, since this value will
determine the size of watersheds, sub-watersheds or micro-watersheds to be
delineated. The greater the value of the limit is the bigger the size of the defined
hydrological units will be. Therefore, a small limit value will be used for defining
micro-watersheds, while a big value will be useful in delineating watersheds. As
an example and for the same part of DEM shown in Figure 1, the drainage
network and the limits of micro-watersheds for the limit of 50,000 are shown in
Figure 4.
Figure 4. Boundaries of microwatersheds obtained for the DEM presented in
Figure 1.
Delineation of watersheds does not end at this point, since the development of
the NMMW requires also preparing a table of attributes where important
characteristics of watershed morphometry are specified. Morphometry of
watersheds may include area, perimeter, axial distance, shape factor, average
slope, and drainage density. Calculations of these elements can be done by
using a GIS. In consideration to the space given for this paper, the algorithms
for such calculations are not presented in this paper. It is important to mention
however, that the attributes table in the NMWM has a minimum amount of these
characteristics that will be complemented in future versions with the idea of
including both physical and socioeconomic information for each microwatershed.
The coordinate system utilized in the delineation of this work is projected to the
“Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area” system, with the idea of maintaining a
precision in the calculation of micro-watersheds areas.
Results for the Micro Watersheds Delineation
Using the methodology explained above, the final NMWM obtained for Mexico
is shown in Figure 5. For a more detailed display, Figure 6 shows the micro
watersheds delineated for the State of Colima, a small Mexican state located in
West Central Mexico near the Pacific Ocean. For the whole country, the total
number of micro watersheds in the national map was, for this first version,
15391 hydrographic units, with surface areas ranging from 2500 to 15000
hectares (see frequency histogram in Figure 7). Some micro watersheds are
above the superior limit, but this is mostly because of the presence of big water
bodies such as the Chapala Lake, the biggest in Mexico, and other big
reservoirs used for the generation of hydroelectric power.
Figure 5. National Micro Watersheds Map (NMWM) for Mexico
Figure 7. Micro watersheds for the State of Colima, Mexico.
Figure 7. Histogram of micro-watershed areas.
Consulting System
To use de NMWM, an interface in ArcView that works as a consulting system
for user was developed. The search of micro-watersheds in the NMMW can be
done at the hydrological region, watershed, or sub-watershed level defined for
the country. Also, the system allows a search of micro-watersheds by State or
Municipality. The system was defined and thought to be an instrument to
facilitate the planning activities of the micro-watershed offices at the state
agencies of FIRCO (An organization for sharing the risk in productive activities
that is under the Mexican Department of Agriculture (SAGARPA).
The consulting system for the micro-watersheds map of Mexico is based on
Arcview 3.2 as operating base platform. Arcview 3.2 is software that allows
visualization, editing, analysis and processing of geographical information
spatially. The computer minimum requirements for this software are listed in
Table 2.
Table 2. Minimum requirements for ARCVIEW 3.2*.
RAM Memory
Conventional Memory
Selection device
Operating System
Intel (based) 800 MHz
32 MB
150 MB
Microsoft Windows 98/98E, Windows ME,
Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP
Home Edition and Professional
* Information contained in the consulting system requires more advanced hardware
since it displays raster images and vector databases of big size.
Spatial information is always associated to a database (attributes table).
Working on a spatial environment allows a better comprehension of the existing
relationships between the characteristics of the object and the processes
occurring around it, so the decision making process to solve problems is fast
and accurate.
The consulting system in Arcview was programmed in Avenue, which is an
object oriented language based on sub routines or procedures that operate with
names of generic variables that fit into any format and content of the active
documents inside an Arcview project. This language allows customizing and
editing of tools and standard commands.
By being programmed in Avenue, databases can be consulted directly in the
main screen (shown in Figure 8). Once in the system, options in the screen
allow to search for micro-watersheds at the hydrological regions, watersheds, or
sub watersheds level. Also, a search can be performed by state or municipality
(See search screen in Figure 9). Once a selection is chosen, the interface
displays the selected area and opens the thematic layers associated to the
selected micro watershed.
Figure 8. Welcoming screen in the consulting system.
Figure 9. Search screen in the consulting system.
A report can also be generated from the same search screen for the set of
micro-watersheds in the area selected (See Figure 10). The elements
considered in the report may include: number of micro-watersheds per
municipality, micro-watersheds with a Rector Plan for Production and
Conservation (PRPC), amount of investment in conservation practices for each
micro-watershed, etc. The user has the option of previewing a sheet with all the
layers of the selected area before printing out the report. Then make a decision
of whether to print or not the information obtained.
Finally, the integrated databases allow the following tasks:
Rapid consulting of databases, spatially or numerically, in the system.
Make quick analytical tests and repeat conceptual models in spatial
Make analysis that otherwise will be tedious and complicated.
Integrate, in the near future, complementary and relevant information
related to the original database.
Figure 10. Print out example from the system.
The elaboration of the National Map of Micro Watersheds (NMMW) allows
defining the most detailed level of classification for terrestrial units of
hydrological type, the micro-watershed. On top of this level the sub-watershed,
watershed and hydrological region levels can also be defined. Making the
NMMW required a lot of efforts to generate DEM’s from 1:250,000 and 1:50,000
scale topographical maps of Mexico. Pre-processing and data analysis for the
definition of hydrological units with areas often smaller than 15000 hectares was
a challenge. A total of 15,391 micro watersheds were obtained. Consulting
micro-watersheds in Mexico is now possible with a dynamic consulting system
in ArcView and programmed using Avenue. The system will allow the use of
tools to increase the design and evaluation of planning instruments, such as the
Rector Plan for Production and Conservation (PRPC), used by the Mexican
agency for shared risk in productive activities (FIRCO) under the supervision of
the Mexican Department of Agriculture (SAGARPA).
This work was made possible thanks to the financial support of the National
Program of Micro Watersheds and FIRCO, both under the supervision of the
Mexican Department of Agriculture (SAGARPA).
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