Problems of Youth: Effective Response from Social Work Profession

Among the major vulnerable sections of society, youth is one of them. Women, child, Senior citizens, all socially and economically deprived people, has considered as a major vulnerable group, but actually 'Youth' is a vulnerable section of society within this group on several grounds. Youth is an unfocused, unseen, and not much significant/considered for all, from family to experts and govt. didn't understand their level of vulnerability. The paper discusses broadly on nature of youth problems with the help of available literature. Special focus is on problems of postgraduate Youth from all faculties of Mumbai colleges. These all evidence has been collected from 250 postgraduate Youth (for the Ph.D. purpose). It also discussed interlink between these arising problems and youth social development. This paper has suggested professional social workers to concentrate on the new upcoming area for work and practical, logical and possible solutions to Socialization agents, Institution like NGO, Govt., and thinkers.

ISSN(Online) : 2319-8753 ISSN (Print) : 2347-6710 International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology ( An I SO 3 2 9 7 : 2 0 0 7 Ce rt ifie d Org a n iz a t ion ) Vol. 5 , I ssue 7 , July 2 0 1 6 Problems of Youth: Effective Response from Social Work Profession Dr. Tajoddin Ladaf 1, Dr. Prashant Vaidande2 Asst. Professor, Dept. of Economics, SSA’s Arts and Commerce College, Solapur, Maharashtra, India1 Independent Researcher and Consultant, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India 2 ABSTRACT: Among the major vulnerable sections of society, youth is one of them. Women, child, Senior citizens, all socially and economically deprived people, has considered as a major vulnerable group, but actually ‘Youth' is a vulnerable section of society within this group on several grounds. Youth is an unfocused, unseen, and not much significant/considered for all, from family to experts and govt. didn't understand their level of vulnerability. The paper discusses broadly on nature of youth problems with the help of available literature. Special focus is on problems of postgraduate Youth from all faculties of Mumbai colleges. These all evidence has been collected from 250 postgraduate Youth (for the Ph.D. purpose). It also discussed interlink between these arising problems and youth social development. This paper has suggested professional social workers to concentrate on the new upcoming area for work and practical, logical and possible solutions to Socialization agents, Institution like NGO, Govt., and thinkers. KEYWORDS: Problems of Youth, Social Development, Social Work Response I. INTRODUCTION As youth is a very Unique & Special stage of human development. Many enjoy it by out of range with the conscious mind, were as most of them don’t get to sense out of it & instead of enjoying it in the natural & fruitful manner they enjoyed it with own dreams in their world, without guidance and support. Children are one of the major vulnerable sections of society. Women, Old age people, all socially and economically deprived people, has considered as a major vulnerable group, but actually ‘Youth' is a vulnerable section of society within this group on several grounds. Youth is an unfocused, unseen, and not much significant for all from family to experts and govt. didn't understand their level of vulnerability. When we are talking about the vulnerability of youth, then we should not focus on specific gender vulnerability. Gender specific vulnerability is there on the basis of certain differences in the 'Youth' category. Some common problems that are discussed here which has faced by both gender. With the reference of printed and non-printed literature, many authors’s who are keenly interested in the issue of Youth, they have given their view on youth problems as per their own experience and evidence. These all problems of youth have discussed here in this paper, at the same time its gravity, nature and how it gets change according to period. II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE The problem is a universal phenomenon which is far easy to understand but at the same time to much hard to resolve it. The problem means something that causes the difficulty. According to (Bottamore, 1962) the problems, “A Social Problem exists when organized society’s ability to order relationships among people seems to be failing; when its institutions are flattering, its laws are being flouted, the transmission of its values from one generation to the next is breaking down, and the frame work of expectations is being shaken”. It is seen, in other words, as a breakdown in society itself. Some of the major problems listed below with the help of available literature. Copyright to IJIRSET DOI:10.15680/IJIRSET.2016.0507086 13201 ISSN(Online) : 2319-8753 ISSN (Print) : 2347-6710 International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology ( An I SO 3 2 9 7 : 2 0 0 7 Ce rt ifie d Org a n iz a t ion ) Vol. 5 , I ssue 7 , July 2 0 1 6 Problems faced by Youth in Family: Rao has raised a very important point related to the child parent’s relationship, parent’s role in the upbringing of children. Because of not paying attention, unnecessary habits are getting inculcated in children, which lead to creating uncertainty in the society (Rao, 2001). According to (Singh, 1977) family system has shown high flexibility in India in terms of its role and structure. It has undergone functional changes keeping its structure largely intact. It has adapted constructively to new demands of social and economic changes in society. “The nuclear family becomes like an overloaded electrical circuit” reported by (Sachdeva, 1995). In India, the institution of joint family has started disintegrating rapidly due to recent changes in social values, social structure and economy resulting from industrialization, urbanisation and consequent mobility. The generation gap is widening. Familial and emotional problems are mainly concerned with neglect and poor upkeep, and give rise to emotional and psychological problems. (Kapadia, 1966) Mentioned due to education and economic independence, young people have become equipped with democratic ideas. Now they demand that elders should stop imposing their views on them. They also expecting not only their views & opinion should receive adequate attention & recognition, but also, they should be consulted in the important family matter. From the above mentioned all authors pointed out the kind of alteration that taking place in Indian family system on the basis of favourable and possible reasons that has happened. This is an alarming situation for all. Problems of Modern life: (Coleman James, 1988) Has reported due to the effect of modern life each person faces the pressures of competing with others, meeting educational, occupational, and marital demands, and coping with the complexity and rapid pace of modern life. The mere complexity and pace of modern living tend to “overload” the human organism; the stress of living under such highly complicated and demanding conditions can play havoc on both biological and psychological levels. This is one of the major kinds of depression youth have in this modern life. Alcoholism: The issue of alcoholism, until a few decades age, was considered a moral issue and a sign of social irresponsibility. In the present day, however, it is considered by some scholars more as a complicated, chronic and immensely costly disease than a type of deviant behaviour. (Nair, Vemuri, & Ram, 1989) The Ministry of Welfare (1990) found that the prevalence rate of alcohol intake was highest in Mumbai (15.1%) and lowest in Hyderabad (9.0%). Eysenck, Mohan & Virdi (1994) found that among university student 31% consume or had consumed alcohol. In Mumbai, demographically the second largest metro in India, the number of addicts stood at 1, 54,888 at the end of 1988 according to research. Kolkata has the highest concentration of drug addicts in the country. Research also indicates that 60% of the students take to drugs on the suggestion of friends, 5% at the suggestion of family members or kin, 10% on the suggestion of a physician and 25% on their own accord. Today, five drug-related deaths occur in Mumbai alone every day. Suicide Tendency in Youth: Suicide is an individual’s most personal action, but there are many social factors that play a significant role in the onset of suicide behaviour. The suicides were the highest in the age-group 20-24 years for both males and females, followed by the age- groups 25-29 and 15-19. This shows that the suicide rate is highest among youth. Emotional causes such as quarrel with parents, issues in love affairs, quarrel with a spouse, etc. constituted 70% of the causes of all suicides below 30 years and followed by economic causes 11%. The causes are expected to aggravate in the future because of the economic development and increase in urbanization. If enough efforts are not made, the problem of suicide may become more serious in the coming years, particularly in metropolitan and urban areas reported by (Pandey, 1985). Youth and Common reasons for divorce: Divorce has today become the easiest solution for issues that people have in marital life. The slightest tension and smallest argument are enough reasons for married couples to go their separate ways. Till recently Very few studies have gone beyond the facts and tried to understand the causes for the surging divorce rates. Some of the common reasons for couples seeking to separate are: infidelity, (Indulging in the extramarital affair), problems with mother-in –law, inability to adjust (financially, personally, ego, status etc.), unreasonable expectations, lack of physical intimacy etc (http:// High Divorce Rates among the Newly Married: Many young people have unrealistic expectations of marriage and dream of their relationship to be the perfect union. Their parents were poor role models and thus, they were not prepared to work at their relationship. Today’s young couples are products of the “Me generation”. They are self-absorbed, focused on getting “my needs” met, but are often Copyright to IJIRSET DOI:10.15680/IJIRSET.2016.0507086 13202 ISSN(Online) : 2319-8753 ISSN (Print) : 2347-6710 International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology ( An I SO 3 2 9 7 : 2 0 0 7 Ce rt ifie d Org a n iz a t ion ) Vol. 5 , I ssue 7 , July 2 0 1 6 insensitive to the particular needs of their partner ( A study conducted by Dr.Sujata Chavan (2011), Marriage Counsellor at the Family Court, Mumbai, revealed that most couples were found from the age group of 25-30 years, which were 27.6% and 30-35 years (24.8%) cases. The notable aspect of the study was high expectations and ego played a big role in pushing couples to annul their marriages. Problem of Dilemmas in relationship: (Raghuram, 2012) Throw light on very important evidence that Youth needs the right guidance about family relationship. He also said that school or college-going youth often do not get appropriate guidance from their families as a result of which they set unrealistic expectations. Failure to realise the expectations lead to aggressive and violent behaviour. Such incidences are increasing daily. Parents in nuclear families are often not sure of how to nurture and bring up their children. The support system that joint families offer is not available. Without both parents support, children often grow up with little emotional support in the crucial years of their lives. Thus, youth grows into adulthood without understanding the meaning and importance of relationships, how to set and respect the boundaries of relationships and how to live. Youth and Health (Sex and Sexuality): Coping with sex and sexuality is an issue for growing young people. In some societies, parents give their sons and daughters information about sex. But sex is taboo in many societies and parents have difficulty in communicating about it to their young children. (Bharat & Aggletan, 1999) examine that today’s youth face new challenges with health issues such as the risk of early pregnancy, HIV/AIDS, substance abuse, conflicts, stress arising from unemployment, political instability and social uncertainties. Parents, families and communities are responsible for providing their children with the necessary lifeskills. Several studies have shown that parents are reluctant to talk to their children about sex. They find it difficult to identify with their children's concerns and, hence, have little understanding of their needs. As (Audinarayana, 2008) also commented on the same issue that the problems of Youth through the dimension of health, their high-risk behaviours affecting society in a large extend. Parshuraman, S., Kishor, and Vaidhehi (2009) depicted that Sex education, including family planning and reproductive health management, should be the corner-stone of youth programmes. Education and counselling in this respect should be provided to young people of both the sexes. The social, psychological and emotional consequences of early sexual involvement need to be carefully explained. This new challenge requires immediate and effective responses from not only a socially responsible system of education but the other system’s like all agents of socialization also. Youth and Unemployment: Youth are generally unskilled and inexperienced, and they enter into the labour market immediately after completion of their education. It is a transition phase for them. Unemployment creates a sense of vulnerability, a feeling of uselessness and idleness among young people; and consequently heightens the attraction of engaging in illegal activities. Youth unemployment is an obstacle to economic well-being and poverty reduction. Unemployment among youth creates a number of socio-economic issues. The issue of youth unemployment was recognized as an important aspect of ‘National Unemployment Issue’ (Visaria, 1998). The policy document recognizes that growth rate of the labour force has been higher than the growth rate of population. The growth of employment has not been in proportion to the growth of the gross domestic product. In India, the growth rate of the labour force is 2.5 per cent per annum whereas the growth rate of employment is 2.3 percent per annum, mentioned by (Acharya, Acharya, & Patra, 2010). (Nair, Vemuri, & Ram, 1989) Find that Unemployment and under-employment are the most serious issues confronting youth today. In the queues of people waiting for jobs, 67 percent in India, 70 percent in Syria and 60 percent in Ghana in the age group of 15-24 years are unemployed. Youth and Media: (Samantroy, 2009) Made comment on Media such as television and especially the internet, which allows for instant communication with any place in the world, play an important part in developing a global identity. Yet, along with this new global identity, people continue to retain and develop their local identity for daily interactions with their family, friends and community. Although developing a bicultural identity means that a local identity is retained alongside a global identity, there is no doubt that local cultures are being modified by globalization. Copyright to IJIRSET DOI:10.15680/IJIRSET.2016.0507086 13203 ISSN(Online) : 2319-8753 ISSN (Print) : 2347-6710 International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology ( An I SO 3 2 9 7 : 2 0 0 7 Ce rt ifie d Org a n iz a t ion ) Vol. 5 , I ssue 7 , July 2 0 1 6 Present education system and skills development in youth: (Nair, Vemuri, & Ram, 1989) Commented on the present education system, is not capable of providing the muchneeded skills to the student. The present education system only encourages rote learning. It does not help the students to progress. The mind is crammed with facts before it can even think. Even when a (graduation) certificate is obtained, the youth cannot heave a sigh of relief. Their problems have only begun. In spite of spending so much money and valuable time, they are unable to earn a livelihood. Job opportunities are few and they are not equipped with the required skills. Corruption and nepotism make the task of finding a job more difficult. Even when the young man (or woman) succeeds in finding work, the wages are enough to make ends meet. High priority must be given to the task of making education up to the pre-degree level employment orientation. Youth and Growth of self-selected culture: This means that people choose to form groups with like-minded persons who wish to have an identity that is untainted by the global culture and its values. The values of the global culture, which are based on individualism, free market economics and democracy and include freedom, of choice, individual rights, openness to change, and tolerance of differences are part of “western” values (Samantroy, 2009). Youth and corruption: (Bhosle, 2007) Report how youth are disappointed with the corrupt and discredited authority. Corruption, the craze for power, moral lapses, opportunism, nepotism, discrimination, etc, found among political and social leaders have made the youth have nothing but distrust and contempt for them. Rational of study: Individual problem affects on the group. It impacts on within immediate situation of surrounding. When this individual/group issue becomes a public issue, then it affects the large part of the society. The rational of studying the problems of Youth as professional in the field of Social work, then the major responsibility of Social Worker is to understand how these problems cropping up in the different social setting. How it affects on the upbringing of youth, and gets converted into the Social Problems. While talking about the Youth problem it is necessary to understand the various dimensions of the Youth problem. III. 1. 2. OBJECTIVE To find out the problems faced by youth. To describe the effective response from Social Work Profession for youth problems. IV. METHODOLOGY To support this entire thing the results are mentioned here which is with the help of data collected from 250 Postgraduate (P.G) Students (110 Male and 140 Female) of Mumbai city. There are many aspects to the problems experienced by youth. But while studying them, it must be borne in mind that these vary and must be addressed as such. Background (Urban/Rural, Educated/Uneducated, and Education Levels, Age, Gender, etc.) all have a significant influence on the problems and issues. Copyright to IJIRSET DOI:10.15680/IJIRSET.2016.0507086 13204 ISSN(Online) : 2319-8753 ISSN (Print) : 2347-6710 International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology ( An I SO 3 2 9 7 : 2 0 0 7 Ce rt ifie d Org a n iz a t ion ) Vol. 5 , I ssue 7 , July 2 0 1 6 The responses of 250 PG Youth students of Mumbai clearly show in table no. 1 that the majority of youth feel that Table No.1 Problems faced by Youth. Sr. No 1 2 3 Problem s Art s Corrupt ion 14 Unem ploym ent 17 Psychological/ personal/ 6 Em otional 4 Educational problem s 3 5 Social Problem s 7 6 Wom en’s problem s 3 7 Lack of values 0 8 Lack of value educat ion 1 9 Cast e Discrim inat ion 0 10 Econom ical Problem 1 11 Com pet ition 3 12 Fam ily Problem s 4 13 Ot her(Inform at ion explosion) 1 14 Refusal of Hum an Right s/ 0 Const it ut ional Right. 15 Aw areness about own 0 responsibilit y 16 No Problem s 0 17 Political Problem 0 18 No comm ent 1 19 Tot al 61 M ult iple Answ er quest ion, # is 250 P.G St udent s. Sci. 20 17 0 Com m. 17 8 9 Tech. 20 14 13 Profess. 8 5 20 Tot al 79 61 48 Rank 1 2 3 10 5 9 10 6 6 1 2 0 2 5 8 6 6 0 8 3 6 3 2 0 2 4 6 7 17 0 9 3 3 1 6 0 10 11 5 0 9 2 3 3 6 0 0 35 35 30 27 24 20 14 14 13 9 7 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 12 3 0 3 0 6 13 2 0 0 98 3 0 0 81 0 2 0 108 0 0 0 82 5 2 1 430 14 15 16 Results and discussion: Corruption is one of the major problems, which is a crucial barrier in their development process. This affects them at all stages of their lives. The youth shared their experiences of corruption: in politics, government, demand for bribes during admission to schools and colleges, for obtaining documents, etc. Considering India’s position in Corruption Perceptions Index of 2012, it's clear that corruption is a major threat. It destroys lives and communities, and undermines countries and institutions. It also generates popular anger that threatens to further destabilize societies and make conflicts even more violent. Unemployment ranked second. The majority of the Arts Students were worried about remaining unemployed. Students of Science were worried about Job security, underemployment and unemployment. Engineering (Technical) students felt that opportunities were few, unattractive salaries and lack of appreciation of good work. Commerce students were of the opinion that high illiteracy among youth, not getting jobs that match the qualifications, and insufficient prospects are the major problems. Students of professional courses felt that unemployment, in general, is a major problem. The institutions responsible, Governments and administrative departments, must make employment opportunities available to everyone in the working population so that the demographic dividend benefits Society and Country. At the same time, policy makers and educational institutions must the necessary changes to ensure that youth acquires the skills and necessary inputs to enable access to employment opportunities. The agents of socialization also need to change their roles to meet the demands of the situation and inculcate suitable values in the youth in an informal way. Psychological/ emotional / personal : Except youth from Science faculty remaining all faculty respondents felt that the third major problem is Stress, frustration, search for true love, the stress of studying, guidance, lack of knowledge and direction, etc., take their toll on the bodies and minds of the young people. The lack of a support system, low selfconfidence, fear of failure, personal problems, peer pressures, lack of motivation aggravates the condition. Aggressive Copyright to IJIRSET DOI:10.15680/IJIRSET.2016.0507086 13205 ISSN(Online) : 2319-8753 ISSN (Print) : 2347-6710 International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology ( An I SO 3 2 9 7 : 2 0 0 7 Ce rt ifie d Org a n iz a t ion ) Vol. 5 , I ssue 7 , July 2 0 1 6 attitudes and behaviour, extreme emotional behaviour and mental instability are the external manifestations. The absence of proper conditions of socialization is responsible. Social Problems and Educational problems are the next major concern. The youth feels bound to blind beliefs, traditions and customs that have no meaning and relevance in the present time. They are also expected to unquestioningly obey leaders, have no role models to look up to, and an increasingly corrupt, violent, insensitive and uncaring social environment. Such conditions add to their insecurities Educational Problem: Higher education is critical. Education must be made affordable and accessible. Free higher education must be available for young people who are poor. Corruption in education must be eradicated. Investments must be made in providing proper infrastructure. Today the system suffers from poor quality teachers, inequality, corruption and poor facilities. Education must be focused on equipping young people with the necessary skills for being productive citizens. Women’s Problem: (Arts) Self security, rape on women. (Professional) Security, girls are being raped, rape, discrimination among sex. (Science) Crime against women are increasing, girls are not safe, killing of girls child, girls freedom, women’s safety, eve-teasing. No equality between women and men, no any young girls and boys are safe. (Commerce) Harassment, sexual harassment, girls are not found safe; security gives importance to girls, insecurity. (Engineering) Girls are under pressure while roaming, no safety for girls, mental & physical harassment insecurity, disrespect to women, abuse physical, mental and sexual. While observing these all comments about the women’s problem one common fact comes in front of all that Women/Girl’s are not safe. Continuously they are under pressure that something (Mental, Physical Harassment, eveteasing, rape, discrimination) should not happen with them which is bad, and threaten their whole life, that much security from men in this world and especially in India girls are feeling. Lack of Values and Lack of value education: Lack of Values: (Science) Love, help, lack of respect, Nationalism, lack of freedom, honesty, lack of social awareness, disrespect of their elders and teachers, lack of awareness about every ethical issue, lack of sex education, no proper guidance about sex education. (Engineering) No guidance, enlighten, ideals, not clear meaning and understanding of life, wrong ideas, cheating, backstabbing, moral values, respect, disrespect, braking relationship, dishonesty, no safety, helping nature, lack of communication, lack of system, out of track. These above mention values now a day’s no one would like to practice in the day today life; because of it, youth feels that their life is with the lack of values. The above mentioned all values are crucial and important in human life. Theses all values will only get to inculcate and learned through informal way and that is not happening. Because of that youth feels that lack of values is one of the crucial problems among all problems faced by youth forever. Lack of values in education: (Arts) Degradation of Humanity, (Professional) Less value education, less love, peace, don’t know the goal of human life, lost trust in life, honesty, loyalty, hard work, care & share, value learned education. (Science) No moral values, lack of value education, awareness on value education, lack of traditional values, deprived of basic moral value. (Commerce) Bad activity, fast money, safety, respect, not being loyal, can’t trust on anyone, morality, manipulated by others, partiality, selfishness. The various comments made by youth that the present education system is lacking in imparting values. For that several comments and examples were also given which shows conformation about the present education system has a lack of values in education. The next most important problem which plays a great impact on the development of the process of youth is Discrimination. As mentioned by youth, they feel and observed that everywhere in their life a kind of discrimination is happening on the basis of certain facts. Here they have omitted certain facts about discrimination, which they faced and have a fear that it could continue in future also. Caste discrimination, religion-based discrimination, discrimination in education, casteism, Recruitment on the basis of caste, Problems of Caste, Reservation, Cast reservation, racism, and no scope for talent. Competition: Competition is a natural event; it is a part and parcel of life. Without Competition life is like tasteless, if completion will not be their then life is aimless, competition only gives us motivation to lead a life, move forward fight with problems and win the battle of life, if competition will not be their then human being’s and their life is like useless. Competition is there everywhere in the world, and it is placed in all time in all the movement of our life. Most of the time unconsciously we won all the competition, and some time's we lost it, then we consciously realizes that Oh it is Copyright to IJIRSET DOI:10.15680/IJIRSET.2016.0507086 13206 ISSN(Online) : 2319-8753 ISSN (Print) : 2347-6710 International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology ( An I SO 3 2 9 7 : 2 0 0 7 Ce rt ifie d Org a n iz a t ion ) Vol. 5 , I ssue 7 , July 2 0 1 6 the problem and that start competition. (Competitive world, Lack of options, new people must get chance, Lacking behind in competition, Competition in all fields, and Insecurity in job). Family problem: Most of them have reported their comments like, (Disturbed joint family system, extended family, Parents is not giving times to children, less attention of parents, parent’s opposition and family importance, High expectations from family, marital problems, family pressure, age differences, generation gap, No understanding between youth and old generation, Problems in family culture & superstition, dominant behaviour by elders) due to all these things it seems to be looks like family is the problem for them. Economical Problem: Most of them have reported Economic Problem and their comments like, (No Money for Higher education, Poor, poverty, Money, Low wages, increase in price. health, education, due to poverty, can’t take education, costly education, high prices) though these all are the representative responses from youth on the issue of economic problem. In the present situation how youth are facing these problems with multiple economical issues and because of that they feel in the process of youth development, the above-mentioned comments could be the major hindrances. Refusal of Human Rights: (Restrictions of freedom, refusal of right to speech, no enjoyment regarding constitutional rights, victim of Indian democracy, freedom of speech, freedom of thought, moral rights, misused.) Through all these comments it shows, the awareness of own rights in youth. At least, they are speaking on it, how their rights and on what basis it is been getting humiliated, due to that how they are suffering. If the things happened like in same way then there is a possibility of big youth blast for example like in Delhi Ann Hazare Corruption event, Delhi girl rape events, UoH and JNU event and many more. Awareness about own responsibility: (Family importance, not known about own responsibilities & duties for family and society, tension, because of not completing responsibility, no realization about own duties) these all comments on the own responsibility like a personal or may not be personal. It depends on individual to individual that in what kind of atmosphere they have nurtured. But it is a kind of a good example of mature and responsible human being. Political problem: (Politics, challenges in politics.) as it is focused that politics is always a Problematic field for the youth. But on the other side, it is must to understand that educated people only feel, politics is a bad game. Wise, nice, intellectual people are not allowed in this filed, it is a blame game, it is full of corruption. It is all mythological things, because those who want to do something for the people through politics for them multiple ways are open. Why to depend only on the traditional way of politics. V. FINDINGS AND SUGGESTIONS The above all listed problems are a serious issue and need to sort it out immediately with a solution; otherwise, we will be at losing end, in terms of demographic dividend in the world today. Findings: 1. The present education system is lacking in imparting values among youth. 2. The present education is not suitable for working youth population. 3. There is a license raj still prevailing in the system. 4. The present day education system does not ascribe to the aspirations of the new generations, can only produce ‘fracture citizens’. 5. Competition and Unemployment, in general, is a major problem in front of all educated Youth. 6. As the family is one of the crucial institution and socialization agents for youth, but family some were not doing its prescribed role. 7. Youth has observed everywhere in their life a kind of discrimination is happening on the basis of certain facts (Caste, Class, Gender etc.). 8. Economical issues are the major hindrances in the process of youth development. 9. Youth are not getting to enjoy their natural human rights (UoH, JNU, case etc.). 10. The youth are thinking on this realization of own responsibility, it means their development is on the right path towards mature, sensible and responsible youth. 11. The youth are frustrated towards Political leaders, and not to political field. 12. Intolerance is on rising in every spear of life. Copyright to IJIRSET DOI:10.15680/IJIRSET.2016.0507086 13207 ISSN(Online) : 2319-8753 ISSN (Print) : 2347-6710 International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology ( An I SO 3 2 9 7 : 2 0 0 7 Ce rt ifie d Org a n iz a t ion ) Vol. 5 , I ssue 7 , July 2 0 1 6 Suggestions: 1. A teacher must not preach but he has to facilitate. 2. Skill development is neglected in the present education system that has to change. 3. There is a clash between professionalism and values need to sort it out immediately. 4. Here orientation is needed about the reality of Indian society’s social stratification system and present reality on the scientific basis for all. 5. Here orientation about reservation to all irrespective of underprivileged, privilege, developed, underdeveloped and rectify their queries about the reservation, feelings which they have about the discrimination. 6. Here orientation about Indian and foreign political scenario, were we are and what things we must need to do. 7. Some were Govt. rules (educational and another fee etc.) and regulation need to follow & Implement effectively by all educational institutions. 8. Youth clubs, NGO’s, NSS, NYKS, NCC etc. everyone must address youth problem and try to give them an alternate solution. 9. Govt. need to care for every youth how they will get equal chance to go for employment generative education. 10. In all educational institute (schools and colleges) on priority basis Students counselling centre needs to be open, were student can get the correct direction and answer to his/her all problems. 11. All educational institution must do the compulsory educational counselling of all student youth before and after completion of education. 12. All agents of socialisation need to help youth to solve their all problems. 13. Special counselling for students, parents and all stakeholders are necessary to sensitize towards immerging issues. 14. Social work professional need to address youth’s issue in the overall inclusion of human being in all the sector of life and exclusion of irrelevant evidence which is affecting on youth social development. REFERENCES 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) Acharya, A., Acharya, N., & Patra, A. K. (2010). LEVEL AND TRENDS OF YOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT AND POPULATION IN INDIA AND SELECTED STATES. Indian Journal of Youth Affairs , 14 (2), 74-78. 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