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2001, Social Science Research Network
14 pages
1 file
Tuttoscuola, XLIX, 638, febbraio, 2024
Che la valutazione degli allievi sia soggetta a cambiamenti non credo sia in dubbio. Semmai si dovrebbe volgere una maggiore attenzione al tipo dei cambiamenti che si osservano. Si potrebbero ripartire in tre gruppi, che corrispondono, grosso modo, a tre aspetti fondamentali della valutazione: - il primo aspetto riguarda l’intento che attraverso la valutazione ci si prefigge di ottenere (l’attenzione prevalente può essere rivolta all’apprendimento, all’affettività, al comportamento eccetera); - il secondo aspetto la teoria (o, se si preferisce, la struttura) della valutazione, ovvero il modo in cui gli elementi sui quali si fonda il giudizio sono collegati all’insieme delle attività educative (l’apprendimento, ma non solo); - infine, la fenomenologia della valutazione, che solo apparentemente costituisce l’aspetto più impegnativo (soprattutto per il ruolo che vi assumono le procedure per la rilevazione dei dati e le tecniche per la loro interpretazione), trascurando, come vedremo, pratiche meno evidenti o al momento desuete.
Książki (Books) 1981 Wczesnośredniowieczna ceramika sandomierska (Early medieval pottery from Sandomierz), Wrocław. 1982 (co-author), Sandomierz. Starożytność-wczesne średniowiecze (Sandomierz. Antiquity-early middle ages), Rzeszów.
iv Agradecimientos Al Ingeniero Gerardo Rodríguez Niño, director del proyecto de Colciencias, quien confió en mí y me apoyo de todas las formas posibles para la ejecución del proyecto y sostenimiento durante mi maestría.
The Oxford Handbook of Egyptology, ed. I. Shaw & E. Bloxam, 2020
This chapter discusses a range of current debates into the ways in which Egyptologists are engaging with the problems and demands of moving towards greater collaborations across the social sciences if it is to remain a relevant discipline in its own right. Viewpoints from contributing authors are synthesized into a discussion of recent developments in the field from fresh research across both the archaeological and textual arms of the discipline. The volume considers the extent to which scholars need to be revising and re-thinking their research questions and moving towards greater collaborations within the discipline, and crucially outside of it. Moving the discipline forward is also about including voices outside of western discourses and into volumes such as this. The contributions from Chinese and Egyptian scholars therefore bring a fresh perspective to some current problems in Egyptological research particularly in cultural heritage management, museum curation, and investigating archaeological landscapes.
Federico Martinengo, 2019
Key Engineering Materials, 2010
Bayesian statistics provides a powerful tool for the analysis of data. The methods are flexible enough to permit a realistic modelling of complex measurements. Prior information about the experiment, as well as knowledge from other sources can be used in a natural way. All relevant quantities concerning the measurement, as e. g. the expected values and their associated uncertainties are obtained from probability density functions. Bayesian data analysis strictly follows the rules of probability theory, thus ensuring that the procedure is free of inconsistencies and is in accordance with the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM).
Jurnal Kinabalu, 2020
Frontiers in Psychiatry
Asian journal of chemistry and pharmaceutical sciences, 2017
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2004
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