Ciência Animal Brasileira
DOI: 10.1590/1809-6891v21e-58736
Nesting behavior of stingless bees
Comportamento da nidificação de abelhas melíponas
Carlos Roberto da Costa Macedo1*
, Alex da Silva Barbosa1
, Italo de Souza Aquino1
, Péricles de Farias
, Geovergue Rodrigues de Medeiros2
Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Bananeiras, PB, Brazil.
Instituto Nacional do Semiárido, Campina Grande, PB, Brazil.
Correspondent –
Section: Zootecnia
May 25, 2019.
June 18, 2019.
August 6, 2020.
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how to cite in the article page.
Native bees, besides excellent producers of honey, lend a
great legacy to humanity through their ability to pollinate
plants and the consequent preservation of ecosystems. In this
interspecific relation, bees are benefited by plant species by
the provision of food (nectar and pollen), besides using their
branches and trunks for lodging. However, the anthropogenic
action has jeopardized the survival of stingless bees, causing
irreversible environmental damage in the preservation of
natural resources. This study aimed to identify the nesting
habits of native bees under natural conditions. Random trails
in the Curimataú micro-region of Paraíba allowed identifying
nesting sites of indigenous species in their natural habitat.
Sixty honeycomb nests were identified in 12 different plant
species, being Commiphora leptophloeos the most preferred
host (46.66%), with 55% of the entrance holes pointed to
magnetic orientations between the Northeast and Northwest;
a greater choice by host trees (85%); preference for nesting
in host plants with a circumference of 0.98 m in diameter,
entrance hole of nests of 7.77 mm in diameter, and height
from the ground of 1.52 m. The obtained data showed little
variety of stingless bee species in the Curimataú region of
Paraíba, especially Melipona subnitida. The species Melipona
asilvae, Melipona scutellaris, Partamona seridoenses, and
Plebeia sp. should receive special attention not to become
extinct in this region.
Keywords: Curimataú. Natural habitat. Nesting. Preference.
Stingless bees.
As melíponas, além de excelentes produtoras de mel, prestam
um grande serviço à humanidade através da sua capacidade
de polinizar plantas e sua consequente preservação de
ecossistemas. Nessa relação interespecífica harmônica,
as abelhas são beneficiadas pelas espécies vegetais pelo
provimento do alimento (néctar e pólen), além de utilizarem
seus galhos e troncos para se alojarem. Porém, a ação
antrópica predatória tem colocado em risco a sobrevivência
das melíponas, causando danos ambientais irreversíveis e
comprometendo a preservação dos recursos naturais. Este
trabalho objetivou identificar os hábitos de nidificação das
abelhas nativas em condições naturais. Por meio de trilhas
2020, Cienc. anim. bras., v.21, e-58736
Nesting behavior of stingless bees
Macedo C.R. da C. et al.
aleatórias na microrregião do Curimataú paraibano foi possível
identificar os pontos de nidificação das espécies de meliponíneos
em seu habitat natural. Foram identificados 60 ninhos de melíponas
nidificando em 12 espécies vegetais diferentes, sendo a Commiphora
leptophloeos a hospedeira de maior preferência (46,66%), com 55%
dos orifícios de entrada apontados para orientações magnéticas
entre o Nordeste e Noroeste; com maior escolha por hospedeiras
(árvores) [85%]; apresentando preferência por nidificação em vegetais
hospedeiros com circunferência de 0,98 m de diâmetro, orifício de
entrada dos ninhos com 7,77 mm de diâmetro e uma altura do solo
de 1,52 m; Os dados obtidos revelam pouca variedade de espécies
melíponas na região Curimataú paraibano, com destaque para
Melipona subnitida. As espécies Melipona asilvae, Melipona scutellaris,
Partomona seridoenses e Plebeia sp. devem ter uma atenção especial
para não entrarem em extinção nessa região.
Palavras-chave: Curimataú. Habitat natural. Melíponas. Nidificação.
Meliponines, also known as stingless or indigenous bees, inhabit the Earth about 125
million years.(1) Meliponiculture is an ancient activity that has been practiced since
the dawn of civilizations in ancient Egypt.(2) In Brazil, the rearing of honey bees was
initiated by indigenous(3) even before the discovery and introduction of Apis mellifera L.
(Hymenoptera: Apidae).
Bees provide a great service to humanity through their ability to pollinate, as they are
insects specialized in plant pollination,(4) contributing to the preservation of ecosystems
and generating an increase in the production of commercial plant species.(5) In addition,
they are the main pollinating agents on the planet. Approximately 80% of the world’s
cultivated plant species are estimated to be pollinated by some bee species, 19% by
flies, 6.5% by bats, 5% by wasps, 5% by beetles, 4% by birds, and 4% by butterflies and
The indiscriminate use of pesticides has endangered fauna and flora due to their harmful
effects on pollinating insects of agroecosystems.(7) One of the major consequences of
this practice is the direct reduction of the bee population, as well as indirect effects of
economic losses resulting from the decline of these pollinators.(8)
Anthropogenic action, i.e., the predatory action of humans over decades has caused
irreversible environmental damage in the preservation of natural resources. Advances
in agricultural frontiers have increased the rates of deforestation and indiscriminate
use of pesticides, making it difficult to fix native bees in their habitats. As a result,
stingless bees are in an accelerated process of disappearance, mainly caused by the
loss of environmental quality related to the clearing of native forests.(9) Therefore,
the degradation and destruction of the environment seem to be the main factor of
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Nesting behavior of stingless bees
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biodiversity decline.(10) Other factors, however, have been causing concern in the
preservation of these species, such as global warming.(11)
An imminent and compromising threat to the future of meliponiculture is attributed
to “honey hunters,” people who irregularly exploit the trade of indigenous bee honey.
These people cut down the trees in search of native bees, rudely remove the honey,
destroy the honeycomb frames of beehives, and throw the remaining ones on the
ground, which are eaten by ants. It rapidly leads to the decimation of stingless bees(12,
by the destruction of their nests through this indiscriminate and predatory action
practiced by honey hunters.(14)
The rearing of indigenous bees, often performed empirically by producers, generates
a demand for research that contributes to production with appropriate management
techniques.(15) This study aimed to identify the nesting habits of stingless bees under
natural field conditions regarding their occurrence, location, plant substrates, substrate
characteristics, architecture, and nesting preferences, also considering the magnetic
orientation in the Curimataú micro-region of Paraíba, besides proposing technical
specifications that may be used in the manufacture of standard boxes, orientation
of their positioning in relation to the cardinal points, and rational and humanized
management of stingless bees in a sustainable way.
Stingless bees are docile bees that live in colonies and are easy to manage.(17)
Understanding the nesting process of stingless bees is of fundamental importance for
species preservation and careful planning of a sustainable production system, taking
into consideration the region of their occurrence and characteristics of the habitat in
which they are inserted. Based on this understanding, several authors(18–22) described
the preference of different nesting habits for stingless bee species.
The diameter of the tree trunk that house the stingless bee nests gives an idea of the
diameter of the pre-existing cavity occupied by the nest and may vary from species to
species. Most species depend on these pre-existing cavities, usually in cavities of living
or dead trees, to build their nests,(23) and their internal diameter varies with nested
The orientation ability of living beings is a determining factor in species survival, whether
in displacement, food collection, or reproduction. Thus, the most varied species develop
mechanisms of adaptation to the environment. Among these abilities, the theory of the
ability to detect the Earth’s magnetic field for orientation and navigation, commonly
accepted by several researchers,(25–27) is noteworthy, although it is little known in
The substrate is another parameter that undergoes variations regarding nesting habits
of stingless bees. Sometimes, several nesting habits are found within the same genus of
stingless bees.(22) The factors that drive the preference of bees for a particular plant source
are not known,(29) but reports show they are selective in this choice. In general, stingless
bees depend on trees for housing and food,(30, 24) building their nests in pre-existing
cavities. The region of occurrence of all species of stingless bees must be respected in
a rational exploration, avoiding the degradation of that ecosystem. Understanding the
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Nesting behavior of stingless bees
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pattern of their distribution and abundance is considered important(31) for developing
conservation strategies in order to reduce the effects of habitat fragmentation on the
genetic and ecological structure of stingless bee populations.
The bees are part of the order Hymenoptera and meliponines are in the superfamily
Apoidea, which is subdivided into the families Andrenidae, Anthophoridae, Colletidae,
Halictidae, Melittidae, Megachilidae, Oxaeidae, and Apidae. The family Apidae, in its
turn, is divided into four subfamilies: Bombinae, Euglossinae, Apinae, and Meliponinae.
The subfamily Meliponinae is divided into two tribes: Meliponini and Trigonini. Bees of
both tribes can be called meliponines.(32) Fifty-two genera, with a total of 400 species,(33)
can be found within the subfamily Meliponinae spread throughout the world, from the
state of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil to central Mexico, Africa, India, Malaysia, Indonesia,
and Australia.(32)
Brazil is one of the main places of stingless bee occurrence, where they have a great
influence on the maintenance of ecosystems. To date, 33 genera of Neotropical
meliponines have been described in Brazil, comprising 300 species,(34) which may vary
between 350 and 400 species.(35) However, it is believed that the number of species is
much higher, with a high diversity of shapes, size, and nesting habits.(36) At least 100
stingless bee species are in danger of extinction due to the destruction of their habitats
by humans.(32)
The tribe Meliponini is unique of the Americas, in the Neotropical region (from
southern South America to the mountains of northern Mexico in Central America), with
approximately 26 species and numerous subspecies, and is represented by one genus:
Melipona. In Brazil, there are about 20 species: Melipona scutellaris, M. mandacaia, M.
asilvae, M. quinquefasciata, M. subnitida, among others.(37) In Paraíba, the tribe Meliponini
is distributed in the coastal micro-regions, Curimataú, Borborema, and Sertão, with five
species: M. subnitida, M. quadrifasciata, M. asilvae, M. compressipes fasciculata, and M.
The tribe Trigonini is a very diverse group of stingless bees, encompassing the largest
number of genera in the Neotropical region, being possible to find several genera:
Lestrimelitta, Hypotrigona, Cephalotrigona, Oxytrigona, Schwarziana, Scaura, Plebeia,
Partamona, Paratrigona, Scaptotrigona. Nannotrigona, Tetragonisca, Trigona, Geotrigona,
and Frieseomelitta, and numerous species (around 120).(37) In Paraíba, thirteen Trigonini
species were found into eight different genera: Frieseomelitta, Trigona, Scaptotrigona,
Partamona, Tetragonisca, Leurotrigona, Plebeia, and Nannotrigona.(38)
Caatinga is a unique biome, located in the semi-arid climate, and is the main existing
ecosystem in the Northeast region of Brazil, the natural cradle of stingless bees. This
region has a great variety of landscapes with relative biological and endemic richness,
governed by seasonal and periodic droughts that are renewed with each rainfall cycle.
This biome has been undergoing extensive environmental devastation caused by an
anthropogenic process of indiscriminate use of its natural resources.(16)
In Paraiba, Curimataú is a micro-region within the Caatinga biome known for the
presence of indigenous bees. Municipalities of this locality, such as Araruna, Cacimba
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Nesting behavior of stingless bees
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de Dentro, Damião, and Cuité, have a vast predominantly Caatinga area and semiarid climate, marked by low precipitation, short, poorly distributed rainfall, and with
fauna and flora threatened by anthropogenic action. Thus, knowing the nesting habits
of stingless bees in this region is essential for meliponiculturists to improve their
management techniques. This study aimed to identify the nesting habits of native bees
under natural conditions in the Curimataú micro-region of Paraíba.
Material and methods
This study was carried out in the Curimataú region of Paraíba. For sampling purposes,
the data were collected from September to November 2016 from four municipalities:
Araruna (06°33′30″ S and 35°44′30” W), Damião (06°37′54″ S and 35°54′18″ W), Cuité
(06°29′01″ S and 36°09′13″ W), and Cacimba de Dentro (06°38′21″ S and 35°46′42″
W), totaling an area of 1,336.9 km2. Nesting sites were previously identified through
interviews with family farmers living in the collection areas.
A survey of possible nesting sites of native bees in the Curimataú region of Paraíba
started via random trails with the assistance of native informers from the region. The
botanical identification of host trees was performed by collaborators using the common
name of the species and confirmed by a search in specialized websites (Tópicos and
Flora do Brasil).
Nesting sites were cataloged by the Global Navigation Satellite System (GPS) using
a Garmin® etrex 30 device, allowing identifying their geographical coordinates and
magnetic orientation (cardinal and collateral points) of the entrance hole of nests
preferred by native bees. Other parameters were evaluated for better characterization
and identification of native bee preference when choosing nesting sites. The methodology
described by Serra(31) was used by measuring the diameter of the entrance hole of
nests with a Lotus® caliper, tree diameter at the entrance hole location with a Stanley®
measuring tape, and the height of the entrance hole of nests in relation to the ground
height with a 5-meter Irwin® measuring tape. An entomological net was used for the
capture of samples with a hole height higher than 2 meters.
A sample of five native bee specimens was collected at each nesting site by placing them
in an acrylic container (50 ml) with a lid containing 30 ml alcohol (70%). The container
was duly identified and sent to the Laboratory of Entomology (LE) of the Department of
Systematics and Ecology (DES) of the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB) for taxonomic
The chi-square test was used for occurrence frequencies of species, while Duncan’s test
was used after ANOVA to compare means of the diameter of the entrance hole, trunk
diameter, and nest height as a function of species and orientation.
Results and discussion
Sixty nests of stingless bees were found in four different municipalities of the
Curimataú region of Paraíba (Araruna, Cacimba de Dentro, Damião, and Cuité). Bees
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Nesting behavior of stingless bees
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(tribes Meliponini and Trigonini) corresponded to eight different species: Melipona
subnitida Ducke, 1910, Melipona asilvae Moure, 1971 (Hymenoptera: Apidae), Melipona
scutellaris Latreille, 1811 (Hymenoptera: Apidae), Frieseomelitta doederleini Friese, 1900
(Hymenoptera: Apidae), Frieseomelitta francoi Moure, 1946 (Hymenoptera: Apidae),
Partamona seridoenses Pedro & Camargo, 2003 (Hymenoptera: Apidae), Plebeia sp.,
and Scaptotrigona aff. depilis Moure, 1942 (Hymenoptera: Apidae). The most frequent
species was M. subnitida (36.67%), followed by F. doederleini (25%), and Frieseomelitta
francoi Moure, 1946 (Hymenoptera, Apidae) and S. aff. depilis, both with 11.67% (Table
1). A study carried out in Serra da Capivara, PI,(39) also observed the occurrence of these
Among the 18 native species of bees that inhabit Paraiba,(38) eight were found distributed
in the collection area (Curimataú micro-region of Paraíba), in which the species at
higher occurrence in the study area was Melipona subnitida, with 36.67% of the nests. It
confirms the predominance of this species in the Curimataú micro-region,(38) followed by
Frieseomelitta doederleini (25%) and Scaptotrigona aff. postica Latreille, 1807 (Hymenoptera:
Apidae) (11.67%). The bee species Melipona scutellaris, Partamona seridoenses, and P. sp.
were the least frequent (all of them with 3.33%) (Table 1). Considering that stingless
bee species are under an accelerated process of disappearance(9) caused especially by
the loss of habitat due to deforestation of native forests (their natural environment),
their low incidence suggests that an environmental education program be carried out
in local communities, particularly with meliponiculturists. In a field research carried out
in João Câmara, Rio Grande do Norte, Martins et al.(40) found seven species of stingless
bees, in which M. subnitida was more frequent (57.3%), followed by the species Melipona
asilvai Moure, 1971 (Hymenoptera: Apidae) (17.2%) and Frieseomelitta dispar Moure,
1950 (Hymenoptera: Apidae) (13.7%).
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Nesting behavior of stingless bees
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Although the hundreds of tree species in the Curimataú region, stingless bees have
used a small number of them for nesting, i.e., only 12 species (Table 2). Stingless bee
species are selective and opt for specific trees.(41)
This study showed that stingless bees nest in different tree species. However, 69.98%
of the nests were observed in only two tree species: Commiphora leptophloeos (Mart.)
J.B. Gillett, with 46.66%, followed by Poincianella pyramidalis (Tul.), with 23.32% (Table 2).
Similar data were found in phytosociological studies carried out in a secondary growth
Caatinga area in the Seridó region,(42) where Poincianella pyramidalis had the highest
densities and frequencies. The species C. leptophloeos has a hollow trunk, an essential
condition for nest installation. Similar results in the preference of host plant species
with stingless bees in the Caatinga (Seridó, PB, and João Câmara, RN) were observed(40)
for C. leptophloeos and Poincianella pyramidalis, with a frequency of 75.0%, which is
similar to that found in this study (69.98%).
Knowledge on the preference of stingless bees for nesting choices goes beyond a cavity
and good flowering. Magnetic orientation, i.e., the direction the entrance hole of nests
is facing, should also be taken into consideration.
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Nesting behavior of stingless bees
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Stingless bees found in the Curimataú micro-region of Paraíba have a specific preference
in the magnetic orientation. Cardinal and collateral points with variable orientation
between Northeast and Northwest (Table 3) had a higher choice, with a frequency of
The lowest values for magnetic orientation were found for Southeast (3.33%), South
(6.67%), and Southwest (6.67%) positions, totaling 16.67% .
In their natural habitat, stingless bees seek to install their nests in camouflaged
locations. Most of these bees use cavities in living trees, dead trees, dry trunk, stones,
termite mounds, anthills, wall tiles, among others. However, nesting in live tree trunks
is predominant.(43)
The results showed that 85% of stingless bees nest in cavities of living trees, followed
by dead trees (6.67%), dry trunks (5.0%), and termite mounds (3.33%) (Table 4). A study
carried out in Cataguases, MG, showed that 20 of 21 nests were found in a tree substrate,
and only one nest of T. angustula was built in a ravine.(44) It is evident the preferences of
stingless bees for live trees to nest.
Only 3.33% of the species nested in termite mounds (Table 4). These termite mounds,
in turn, were occupied by P. seridoenses, a bee that has a specific nesting habit in termite
Stingless bees have characteristics that can be influenced at nesting time in relation
to the diameter of the entrance hole, trunk diameter, and nest height. Nest hole sizes
of the studied stingless bees differed between species (Table 5). However, nest height
showed no difference between species.
The diameter of the entrance hole of stingless bee nests may vary when considering the
size of each species, i.e., the larger their size is, the larger the entrance hole. Significant
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Nesting behavior of stingless bees
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differences in the diameter of the entrance hole were observed when comparing the
studied species (Table 5). The largest diameter was observed for Scaptotrigona (10.43
mm), with no statistical difference from M. scutellaris (9.0 mm), M. subnitida (8.45 mm),
and P. seridoensis (7.50 mm).
Intermediate results for the diameter of the entrance hole were recorded for P.
seridoensis (7.5 mm), F. doederleini (7 mm), and F. francoi (6 mm), while the lowest value
was found for M. asilvae (4.67 mm) (Table 5). Stingless bees typically build their nests
in pre-existing native tree cavities, with an internal diameter varying according to the
nested species.(24)
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Nesting behavior of stingless bees
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Trunk diameter was influenced by the studied stingless bee species, in which the highest
values were found for S. aff. depilis (1.86 m), P. seridoenses (1.46 m), M. asilvae (1.36 m),
and M. scutellaris (0.92 m), differing from M. subnitida, which ranged from 0.74 to 0.83
m (Table 5). Other studies have found different results, with diameter values ranging
from 0.39 and 0.50 m.(40)
Trunk diameter may be directly related to the occupation volume used by stingless bees,
which may vary regarding the species in relation to their requirements to build their
nests. The capacity of the pre-existing cavity may be decisive in choosing the nesting
site.(46) Beehive volume is a determining factor and may vary according to the region.(32)
Usually, an M. subnitida beehive requires a volume of 15 liters.
Nest height did not change significantly when comparing stingless bee species, although
they presented a variation of 0.80 m for Plebeia sp. and 2.6 m for F. francoi (Table 5), which
led to a high coefficient of variation. A significant influence of the host plant species of
the Curimataú micro-region of Paraíba was observed in relation to the diameter of the
entrance hole and trunk diameter of nests found in their natural habitat (Table 6). Also,
no significant difference was observed for nest height.
The largest entrance holes were found in the species A. heterophyllus and F. carica
(11 mm), A. occidentale (10 mm), and C. glaziovii and S. sceleratum (9 mm). The lowest
values were observed for A. macrocarpa, A. pyrifolium, and S. brasiliensis (4, 5, and 4 mm,
respectively) (Table 6).
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Nesting behavior of stingless bees
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When comparing tree trunk diameter in relation to the influence of host plants (Table 6),
it is observed that the largest diameters were presented by A. occidentale and F. carica,
with 2.25 and 2.30 m, respectively, differing statistically from M. caesalpiniaefolia, which
had the lowest value (0.51 m). A study conducted in the Forest Zone of Pernambuco
showed that 50% of stingless bees nest in trees with a diameter lower than 50%, 30%
with a diameter between 1 and 1.5 m, and 20% between 2 and 2.5 m.(47) Diameter
variation of trees chosen for nesting of stingless bee species found in the Curimataú
region of Paraíba may be related to the size of trees in the study area, with varying
characteristics regarding size and architecture.
Nest height showed no significant difference regarding host tree species, even though
it showed a maximum amplitude of 3.85 m for S. brasiliensis and minimum for M.
caesalpiniaefolia, with 0.15 m of nest height in relation to the ground. Similar results
were found in a survey conducted in Bahia with stingless bees,(48) in which nest height
ranged from 0.5 to 3.8 m. Probably, nest height of stingless bees is not related to the
size or type of trees, but rather to nesting characteristics of each bee species. The height
of nest entrance hole in host plant species at the highest or lowest positions is due to
chance.(31) Cardinal and collateral points showed no influence on the diameter of the
entrance hole, trunk diameter, and nest height (Table 7).
Although not statistically different, the diameter of the entrance hole showed the
highest values for points facing East, South, and Northwest, with 9.2, 8.75, and 8.5 mm,
respectively. The lowest values were observed for Northeast, Southeast, and Southwest
(6.46, 7.5, and 7.0 mm, respectively (Table 7).
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Nesting behavior of stingless bees
Macedo C.R. da C. et al.
Trunk diameter of host trees was not significantly influenced when comparing cardinal
and collateral points (Table 7), although the largest diameter was 1.27 m in circumference
for North and the smallest circumference was 0.65 m for the southwest. Different
results were observed in the Cariri region of Paraíba, where the largest trunk diameters
at nest height were facing Southwest, while the lowest values were facing West.(49)
No significant influence of nest height was observed in relation to the influence of
cardinal and collateral points, although they varied between 0.86 m for the North and
2.15 m for the Southeast. Stingless bees in the Cariri region of Paraíba(49) presented
a higher height of entrance holes directed to the South, while those directed to the
Southwest presented nests closest to the ground.
Melipona subnitida is the most common stingless bee species in the Curimataú microregion of Paraíba. Melipona asilvae, Melipona scutellaris, Partamona seridoenses, and
Plebeia sp. presented the lowest frequency in the Curimataú micro-region of Paraíba.
Stingless bees with occurrence in the Curimataú micro-region of Paraíba preferentially
nest on Commiphora leptophloeos, with nest entrance holes directed at a variable angle
between Northwest and Northeast at 1.52 m from the ground. The nesting behavior of
these species is the reason to review the current model of meliponiculture adopted in
this region, especially in relation to the position and height of hives in the meliponary.
The authors thank Prof. Dr. Celso Feitosa Martins (UFPB) for the taxonomic analysis
and the residents of the surveyed area Antonio Paulino, Sergio, Nego Val, Dedé, Naná,
Zé Luís, Sebastião Vicente, Hominho, and Nicássio for sharing their experiences with
stingless bees of the region and, mainly, by their willingness to follow, alternately, the
work on the trails of their properties.
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