Modelling Inter-Organizational Business Processes Governance
Vítor Hugo Machado Ribeiro
University of Coimbra, CISUC, DEI
Coimbra, Portugal
João Barata
University of Coimbra, CISUC, DEI
Coimbra, Portugal
Paulo Rupino da Cunha
University of Coimbra, CISUC, DEI
Coimbra, Portugal
Digital transformation requires decentralizing business process governance due to the
increasing interdependencies of organizations and more complex business pipelines
enabled by information technologies. We present a modelling approach to assist companies
in their inter-organizational business process governance (IO-BPG). The results emerge
from a design science research conducted with a major European telecommunications
service provider. They include (1) the key domain attributes, (2) a domain-specific
ontology, and (3) a BPMN extension instantiated in IO-BPG scenarios of Software-as-aService, covering structure, processes, and relational mechanisms. For theory, this paper
extends the literature on business process governance with a modelling approach evaluated
in one of the most regulated and dynamic economic sectors. For practice, our proposal may
help appraise accountability, confidentiality, compliance, autonomy, authority, traceability,
and collaboration configurations that are crucial to IO-BPG.
Keywords: Inter-Organizational Business Process Governance, BPMN, BPMN Extension,
IT Governance
Business Process Management (BPM) is moving beyond organizational boundaries.
Digital transformation requiring integrative capabilities [41] determines this shift from
internal operations to inter-organizational business processes (IOBP) [8]. Therefore, new
mechanisms are necessary to govern business processes in collaborative networks [23].
However, the structural, procedural, and relational mechanisms proposed by the most
prominent governance frameworks (e.g., COBIT) are traditionally applied to a single
organization [21] and are not sufficiently integrated with business process models.
Business process governance can be defined as the “process of process management”
[36], sharing its roots and foundational mechanisms with the IT Governance literature.
Moreover, many tools exist to support the governance facets of process mining,
monitoring, and control [23]. Nevertheless, business processes are getting increasingly
agile and fragmented across organizations, becoming harder to model and steer using
standard languages, such as the Business Process Modelling and Notation (BPMN) [24].
This challenge of “digital transformation of business process governance” [23] is the main
focus of our paper.
Our design science research (DSR) project started in cooperation with a relevant
European telecommunications service provider (TSP). The company operates in a
multinational environment, in a highly regulated sector, and runs complex organizational
software development and operations pipelines (e.g., DataMLOps, DevSecOps,
CloudOps) in cross-functional teams. Their product portfolio is also changing to innovative
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) that combines (1) cloud storage, (2) artificial intelligence
(AI) as a service, (3) Internet-of-Things integration, and (4) advanced data analytics,
mostly aimed at the B2B (Business-to-Business) market. For example, eHealth
telemedicine and intelligence-assisted living solutions to support healthcare decisionmaking. Our goal is to create a business process modelling approach suitable for scenarios
of decentralized governance. The case company context seemed well suited for our
research because their business pipelines operate in a digital platform ecosystem [19].
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. First, Section 2 presents relevant
concepts on governance and BPMN. Then, Section 3 introduces the research approach.
Subsequently, Section 4 presents the DSR results, and the discussion follows in Section 5.
Finally, Section 6 summarizes the conclusions, limitations, and next steps.
From IT Governance to Business Process Governance
IT governance is the “strategic alignment of IT with the business such that maximum
business value is achieved through the development and maintenance of effective IT control
and accountability, performance management, and risk management” [42]. To ensure
effectiveness, the organization should monitor performance and compliance with the
agreed-on direction and objectives [21]. Multiple factors shape the IT governance strategy,
such as culture and ethics, internal and external regulations, the mission and values, or the
company's business plan and strategic intentions [25].
Several frameworks exist to support and monitor IT governance. For example, COBIT
(Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies) [21] is one of the most
recognized industry frameworks [27]. COBIT covers several IT governance domains:
business-IT alignment, value delivery, risk management, resources management, and
performance management [21]. Regarding governance processes, mechanisms for strategic
IT planning, IT Service Management, and portfolio management must be defined [18].
Governance structures should include an IT strategy committee, the CIO (Chief
Information Officer), or other C-level responsible for the information system [18].
Relational mechanisms are the third critical dimension: cross-functional business-IT
training and shared understanding of business-IT objectives must be ensured [18].
Business Process Governance (BPG) can be defined as the set of decisions and
procedures aimed at specifying actions, verifying performance, and granting power to the
activities related to BPM [22]. It focuses on governing an entity’s processes toward
achieving strategic and business goals [22]. Moreover, [37] recognizes BPG as one of the
necessary core pillars to increase BPM maturity, namely [22, 23]:
The high-level identification of the organization’s cross-functional and critical
business processes;
The clarification of the high-level business and strategic goals and key
performance indicators (KPIs);
The definition of accountability and ownership for business processes;
The measurement that guarantees the transparency of the operation and enables
fast and well-informed decision-making;
The establishment of mechanisms for reward and recognition of participants;
The settlement of priorities for the improvement of business processes.
On the one hand, BPG aims to ensure that the BPM strategy is consistently executed
and satisfies the stakeholders' expectations while keeping the organization competitive
[22]. On the other hand, BPG drives organizational transformation, leading the design and
redesign of business processes to capitalize on the opportunities afforded by new
technologies. Three essential BPG activities are necessary [22]:
Designing a high-level enterprise process model;
Defining goals and management plans that include the enterprise architecture,
encompassing IT and business aspects;
Implementing an organizational structure to coordinate the people involved in
the BPM activities and define the measures to apply.
There are similarities between the factors affecting IT and process governance. For
example, the company strategy, compliance requirements (e.g., standards and laws, such
as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)), industry trends, enterprise culture,
and financial constraints [22]. Moreover, governing processes increasingly supported by
IT suggests the existence of synergies between both [23]. For example, the work of [34]
highlights the need for mutual adjustments between the governance of business processes
and the governance of IT regarding the “accountability for business-IT strategic alignment,
process and IT requirements specification, and IT-enabled business value realization”
[34]. However, this becomes much more challenging as the complexity increases when the
processes involve different organizations sharing digital resources to conduct business.
The Inter-Organizational Dimension of Business Process Governance
The digital transformation increased collaboration networks between organizations [8],
providing “significant opportunities at strategic level, as well as significant challenges at
tactical level, in order to properly combine flexible and effective inter-organization
collaborations with traditional internally managed processes” [6]. Inter-organizational
business processes interconnect sequences of activities shared and conducted by two or
more entities to reach a business goal that is valuable to the partners [4]. Implementing and
executing IOBP requires a trust mechanism between the business partners that may be
established by legal contracts. However, compliance and real-time control requirements
are challenging in decentralized decision-making [17], requiring:
Managing and coordinating business process interdependencies (e.g., shared
resources, information exchange points) [24];
Clearly defining the roles and responsibilities of each business partner at
several points of the business process [22, 23];
Dealing with possible semantic gaps, considering that each business partner
may have its terminology and internal process language [24];
Controlling and tracking process tasks performed in different power structures,
thus requiring the deployment of policies to allow traceability of metrics at
several points of the process [11];
Representing collaborations between trading partners distributed across several
locations, each under distinct laws and compliance requirements [39];
Balancing shared outcomes and autonomy enabling different organizations to
implement their strategies at different paces [29].
Digital transformation makes these challenges even more critical, requiring new
governance practices [3]. Inter-organizational business process governance (IO-BPG) is
the solution to align and ensure the interoperability of distributed processes [38]. However,
changing from traditional intra-organizational to inter-organizational process governance
is not straightforward [29]. For example, hierarchical decision mechanisms should
accommodate cultural differences, economical power, and process dependencies [20, 29].
Moreover, organizations participating in these shared processes can be partially or fully
autonomous of each other, requiring a combination of vertical authority with lateral
(decentralized) relations [30].
The personal mechanisms are concerned with more informal measures that
organizations may create, such as the culture of collaboration or meetings [30]. The
organizations must also seek to establish a set of impersonal governance mechanisms.
These mechanisms are concerned with more formal activities and policies, often translated
into formal agreements and contracts [30]. Impersonal governance mechanisms are
essential [29], but personal governance mechanisms are usually smoother when performed
by a trusted third party (e.g., an outsourcer or business association). Moreover, nowadays,
it is possible to automate parts of governance (e.g., automatic decision algorithms, shared
business process rules, and smart contracts) [15]. Table 1 introduces examples of personal
and impersonal mechanisms of IO-BPG.
Table 1. Personal and impersonal mechanisms of Inter-Organizational Business Process Governance.
Personal Mechanisms
Propose the co-location of several trading entities
(e.g., the case of buyers and suppliers in the supply
chain) [20].
The creation of inter-organizational comities (e.g.,
responsible for the process improvement activities,
definition of collaborative strategy) [20].
coordination units to manage decentralized
dependencies and activities [13].
The creation of liaison roles mirrored through the
involved parties or, in other cases, can be a
requirement of the third parties enacted in the business
process [13, 20].
Impersonal Mechanisms
The establishment of trading partner agreements
includes business process improvement goals,
techniques, tools, and/or measurements [13].
The development of several information systems can
provide an overview and the exchange of information
across the collaborative network [12].
The use of process and data standards across all business
partners aiming at clarifying and streamlining businessto-business communications and transactions, process
operations, and data exchange [31].
The formalization of business process practice
guidelines, according to standards and industrial
associations [13].
There are influential notations to model business processes [1]. However, no solution
is specific to model IO-BPG. The following section highlights aspects concerned with the
theoretical basis of process modelling.
The Foundations for IO-BPG Modelling
Business process models enable domain experts with different backgrounds and
knowledge to understand business processes [1] by describing their behavioural aspects
using a graphical representation of control flow, tasks, activities, and events. BPMN
introduces a well-structured language meta-model that enables model exchangeability and
tool integration [9]. Moreover, BPMN already features elements to represent specific
aspects of inter-organizational business processes. For example, (1) message flows
represent the exchange of information between organizations, and (2) the pools and lanes
represent process participants (e.g., companies) or departments (e.g., accounting, logistics).
Nevertheless, BPMN cannot represent specific governance aspects like task accountability
(vs. task performer usually indicated by lanes), or compliance requirements, among others.
The most recent version of BPMN (2.0) includes an “extension by addition”
mechanism that enables the integration of domain-specific concepts [40] while ensuring
the elements’ validity [32]. Reusing the BPMN kernel and extending the language with
domain-specific concepts is less expensive than developing an entirely new language while
benefiting from its standardizations and tool support [10]. Therefore, BPMN extensions
can be a suitable solution for IO-BPG [44], and there are proposals on how to create them
[40]. The BPMN standard [32] defines four elements to extend the notation:
Extension - Binds and imports the extension definition and its attributes to a BPMN
model definition, allowing all the extension elements to become available for the
BPMN elements;
ExtensionDefinition - Consists of several ExtensionAttributeDefinition (including
the name and type), featuring a named group of new attributes that BPMN elements
can use. It may be the addition of attributes to a specific element or a new element;
ExtensionAttributeDefinition - Defines a set of new attributes as characteristics of
a redesigned element;
ExtensionAttributeValue – Defines the attribute value.
A few authors have proposed BPMN extensions to model inter-organizational business
processes. One of the seminal contributions, using pools and messages, was presented by
[16]. The authors of [7] provide an overview of IOBP, identify challenges (e.g., IOBP
governance), and offer a framework for IOBP modelling, design, and implementation. [2]
presents a BPMN extension for collaborative business processes, using elements for
collaborative activities, privacy, task execution status, and activity monitoring. More
recently, [35] proposes a BPMN extension to model IOBP in the context of Industry 4.0,
including elements to model manufacturing activities, the exchange of information
between partners, partner’s decisions, and compliance requirements. These contributions,
notwithstanding, do not propose approaches for specific governance aspects.
We selected Design Science Research (DSR) for our inquiry. It consists of an iterative
process of designing artifacts to solve problems, making research contributions, evaluating,
and communicating the results to appropriate audiences [33]. DSR artifacts may include
models, methods, and instantiations according to the identified problem and context of the
situation [28]. There are six main DSR steps [33]: (1) “Problem Identification and
Motivation,” (2) “Definition of the objectives for a solution,” (3) “Design and
Development,” (4) “Demonstration,” (5) “Evaluation,” and (6) “Communication.” Ours
was a problem-centred DSR cycle, starting with a literature review on BPMN extension
development, IOBP, and IT governance. This first step enabled us to identify relevant
attributes for an IO-BPG model. We obtained 153 results in Google Scholar for the
keyword combination “BPMN
Governance” OR “Governance”), excluding patents and citations. However,
surprisingly, we only got 24 matches for (“interorganizational business
process” OR “inter-organizational business process”) AND “BPMN
extension,” which shows that there is ample opportunity for new contributions.
Additionally, we explored IT governance, Business Process Governance, and BPMN
literature. Finally, this DSR cycle included contacts with the case company to understand
the requirements of their recently approved 40M€ co-funded innovation project.
We based the design and development of our artifact on the proposal of [40], which
uses UML stereotypes for BPMN extension proposals, later improved by [9] with the
domain analysis and its conceptualization. During this stage, we created an ontology for
the IO-BPG domain. Afterward, we performed an equivalence check to verify if its
concepts were semantically equivalent (e.g., gateways), with the goal of understanding
which of the necessary concepts of the IO-BPG domain were missing in the standard
BPMN notation and deriving the extension elements. Following the equivalence check, we
created a graphical representation and instantiated the artifact in the case company.
We examined various documentation from the company and participated in several
meetings and a workshop. Departing from the company's experience with DevOps, the
research team is designing a new customizable continuous integration/continuous delivery
pipeline (coined DataDevSecMLCloudOps) that adds data(Ops), machine learning (ML),
security by design (Sec), cloud operations, and IoT integration for their recent solutions in
B2B solutions. By customizable, we mean the capacity to adapt the development and
operation lifecycle to each customer segment operating in the SaaS. For example, other
TSP operators may need CloudOps services. In contrast, eHealth customers may rely on
machine learning models to support decisions or integrate health care with real-time patient
monitoring systems. The project includes a comprehensive evaluation of the tools
necessary to support their teams, training, and most important for the scope of this paper,
the inclusion of “Gov” in their digital transformation process. Traditional governance
frameworks are not an option because the company operates in a digital platform
ecosystem [19], involving multiple suppliers (e.g., datasets, sensors), partners, customer
segments, and regulatory bodies.
BPMN Extension Development
Key Attributes for Inter-Organizational Business Process Governance
Table 2 introduces eight relevant attributes for the domain of IO-BPG extracted from the
literature review.
Table 2. Key attributes of Inter-Organizational Business Process Governance.
IT Governance
IT Governance Roles
Organizations should define mechanisms for accountable decisions
and activities at specific process points.
Organizations should identify autonomous decisions and tasks (e.g.,
one organization can innovate (part of) the process).
Organizations may need to deal with several regulations according to
their geographical location and industry context.
The organizations should define the decision-making capacity of
global and local actors in diverse contexts.
The business partners should ensure traceability throughout the
processes' lifespan, activities, resources, data, and decisions to
guarantee transparency of operations and decentralized performance.
The business partners can perform activities in collaboration.
IT governance deployment relies on five sub-types of activities: risk
management, resources management, performance management,
strategic alignment, and value delivery. Organizations use and share
several technological devices and software to execute their activities,
manage them, and govern the processes.
Each organization's members are responsible for performing several
types of IT governance activities and decisions.
[22, 23]
[5, 22, 24]
The attributes in Table 2 capture specificities of governance in decentralized contexts,
such as the need to track decisions and tasks, exchange process information and data,
perform collaborative tasks, and the necessity for strategic planning for process innovation.
In the ontology presented in Fig. 1, we contextualize several process-interdependent
organizations’ domains, attributes, relationships, and concepts (on the top). The
participating organizations operate according to formal agreements established for the
SaaS operation [22] (see top left). The regulatory space (e.g., standards, contracts, industry
procedures) varies according to geographical location and industry field [22, 24] (see
centre-left). Decentralized operations require continuous monitoring (e.g., data, messages,
documents, logs) [11] and exchange of resources [22, 30] (see top right).
Fig. 1. Domain ontology for Inter-Organizational Business Process Governance.
The grey elements in Fig.1 represent the main components of IO-BPG, with the
activities performed by actors according to a process flow, a set of partners, the resources
involved, and the events that may influence or trigger the activities. In the bottom right of
Fig.1, several governance activities must be shared (e.g., risk management, resources
management, performance management, strategic alignment, value delivery) to promote
ecosystem innovation and ensure the strategic alignment between technology and the
network’s business goals [21]. There is a two-way interaction (bottom left) between tasks
and events (e.g., time events, partner intervention events) [8]. With decentralized activities
and decisions, mechanisms to trace data (that may be public or private) are required [22],
as shown in the centre of Fig.1. The inter-organizational process flow can evolve in
sequence or parallel in each process participant, as illustrated in the centre left of Fig.1.
Involved in business partnerships, organizations need to manage decentralized resources
(e.g., human, IT, financial, data), as seen on the right of Fig.1. Decisions are taken (e.g.,
partner decision, event-based, flow gateway) about the path to follow (e.g., next activity to
perform, send a message, terminate the process) according to a predefined decision logic
(e.g., partnership agreements, regulations) [8], as shown on the left of Fig. 1.
The research team found both artifacts – attributes and ontology – helpful to understand
the most critical aspects that must be explicitly included in the IO-BPG models.
BPMN Extension Elements for IO-BPG
Table 3 summarizes the proposed BPMN extension elements for IO-BPG.
Table 3. BPMN extension elements for IO-BPG.
Partner Decision
The partner intermediate event denotes the participation in
an activity that was initiated by an authorized partner.
Private Data
The term “private data object” refers to a data object (or
one of its offspring) kept secret, meaning that no
information about it is shared with the partners.
Shared Data
The term “shared data object” refers to a data object (or
one of its children) that other business partners can access.
Private Task
The private task denotes that a task is private, which means
that no information about it is shared with the partners and
kept confidential.
The regulations describe the laws, contracts, and standards
that a particular business partner must follow and the
norms that must be adhered to (e.g., ISO 9001).
The collaborative task is concerned with governance
activities performed in collaboration between the partners.
Traceable Task
The traceable task designates a task as traceable, implying
that a set of metrics is obtained and logged to execute it.
IT Governance
Value Delivery
IT Governance
IT Governance
The partner gateway is a point in the flow when a specific
partner determines the “route” of the actions carried out in
the subsequent phases.
The value delivery tasks aim to represent activities to
ensure optimal business value is obtained from IT.
The resource management tasks are concerned with
managing the organization's assets and ensuring that the
required IT capabilities and resources are provided.
The performance management task is concerned with
measuring the organization’s strategic objectives.
IT Governance
Alignment Task
The strategic alignment tasks aim to promote the
alignment between the IT services and the organization’s
business strategy.
IT Governance
The risk management tasks are concerned with activities
regarding monitoring and mitigating several types of risks.
IT Governance
Server infrastructures can be deployed and managed by the
organizations involved in the collaborative network.
IT Governance
Cloud infrastructures may host digital services used by the
organizations involved in the partnerships.
IT Governance
Operations /
IT Governance
The governance pool is concerned with representing the
activities and resources involved in the governance
activities of the business process.
The CIO is responsible for governance activities
concerned with the strategic alignment of business and IT.
The Board of Administrators is concerned with significant
decisions and strategies of the organization.
IT Governance
Operations are responsible for performing IT resource
management activities.
IT Governance
Business is responsible for activities concerned with the
business model implementation and strategy.
External stakeholders (e.g., regulators and financial
entities) can be involved in the governance activities.
IT Governance
IT Governance
We propose a total of 21 elements in our BPMN extension, adapting some from the
domain of collaborative business processes (e.g., traceable/private tasks, private/shared
data) [2]. We also improved some elements of our previous work on inter-organizational
business processes for Industry 4.0 (e.g., collaborative task, partner intervention event,
partner decision gateway) [35]. The DSR team ensured that each new element was
distinctive while remaining consistent with those currently in the standard. Additionally,
there are elements concerned with the roles (e.g., CIO, board of administrators). The
graphical representations were created with Lucidchart [26] and IconFinder database [45].
The most relevant motivations for the extension include the lack of representation in the
standard BPMN for the specificities of governance (e.g., value delivery task, resource
management task, performance management task, strategic alignment task, risk
management task), the need to explicitly include privacy (e.g., shared data, private data,
private task, traceable task), the complexity of shared gateways (e.g., partner decision
gateway), and more representative governance-related icons (e.g., CIO, board of
administrators, external stakeholder, operations, business).
Demonstration of IO-BPG
Fig. 2 shows a simplified segment of the SaaS operation process modelled in standard
BPMN. For clarity, the process focuses on the cloud platform configuration and setup.
Fig. 2. Simplified SaaS operation using BPMN.
The selected business process starts when the team receives a request for a new
customer configuration (we omit platform development, commercial stages, and other preconfiguration tasks). The 5G policy control setup is followed by adjusting the customer
price policy plan. Next, the data pipeline sub-process is started according to the customer’s
configuration (e.g., the solution may require ML as a service that needs to be trained,
deployed, and included in the subsequent monitoring tasks). The customer pool (on the
top) includes the business operations in a sub-process (that depends on the customer
profile: a healthcare provider, a TSP, a manufacturing company involved in Industry 4.0).
Simultaneously, the case company monitors metrics and logs the performance of the data
platform, continuously optimizing the system. Fig. 3 models the inter-organizational
process management governance of the same excerpt using our proposed BPMN extension.
Fig. 3. SaaS operation using IO-BPG.
Fig. 3 introduces three main improvements of the BPMN extension. First, a new virtual
governance pool (on the bottom, dashed line) represents the governance structure (virtual
lanes) and BPG-specific tasks that cannot be represented in the original diagram. Our goal
is not to alter the process but to model inter-organizational aspects of its governance.
Second, improving the primary process elements using the new notation with elements
concerned with the traceability and privacy of the activities developed by the business
parties. Finally, describing governance-specific tasks and the interactions.
The extension enables the representation of IO-BPG activities such as data monitoring,
digital resources alignment according to the TSP operator needs, risk-related activities,
resource management tasks, strategic alignment tasks, and performance management tasks.
Regulations are crucial for governance and are explicitly represented in our proposal (e.g.,
ISO 9001), like the elements concerned with technological infrastructure. Furthermore, the
extension describes the privacy and traceability of data (e.g., the report is a shared
document) and tasks (e.g., deploying the platform is a private task) across the participants.
The selected use case of the SaaS represents profound changes in the TSP business
model (providing communications, hardware, models, and software that drives the
customers' business). The impact is also relevant to their increasingly interdependent
customers who base decisions on provided AI models and real-time IoT tools.
The most immediate benefit of using the proposed BPMN extension for IO-BPG is that
process models are improved with new layers of information. Governance activities can be
explicit without distorting the original process representation or the intended use of the
standard BPMN symbols. Furthermore, each element can contain more specific aspects
regarding data, shared IT resources, and compliance requirements.
We found the selected approach more effective for process readability by separating
governance-related tasks in the virtual pool. While IT resources and data requirements
pertain to the traditional process representation, the capabilities, governance structure,
governance process, and relational mechanisms relate to the virtual pool. We chose the
qualifier “virtual” because (1) the pool aggregates different process participants from
multiple organizations, unlike traditional pools, (2) it represents a “shadow process
operation,” sometimes invisible to process participants, and (3) it presents scalability
advantages. For example, we can continuously improve the same virtual pool (and reuse
when applicable), including more processes in the overall model of the digital platform
ecosystem. However, we did not yet explore the scalability of the complete process model.
Business partners can use the models as a communication tool. For example, to support
the coordination of innovation activities and process assessment. The models also seem
promising for audits, guiding the assessment of process execution, data resources, IT,
applicable regulations, and the “shadow” governance tasks of the digital business that have
now become explicit. Moreover, the models can be used to train new staff in the companies.
The use cases also allowed us to identify several limitations in our artifacts. First,
compared to the standard BPMN business processes, the additional information adds
complexity to the design, making the models harder to read (legends can be created to
improve readability). Second, redundancies may occur in the extension elements when
modelling multiple business processes. This problem also exists in standard BPMN
elements (e.g., data objects), requiring a consistency check. Finally, how the virtual pool
can evolve with more processes is a priority for the next steps of our inquiry.
We found three important avenues for future research. First, gathering inspiration from
the work of [14], integrating elements in the BPMN extension concerned with the
representation of KPIs. Second, is the possibility of using the new IO-BPG models for
GDPR or security certification audits (e.g., ISO 27001). Third, creating governance
archetypes for digital transformation. This line of research already started in the case
company is to identify the most suitable governance configurations for specific scenarios.
The MIT-CISR proposed different governance archetypes in a foundational work,
including “business monarchy, IT monarchy, feudal, federal, and anarchy” [43]. However,
these are "static" views of the organization. We argue that digital transformation requires
process governance archetypes that can constantly adapt to context changes.
We presented the results of a DSR project aiming to develop a BPMN extension for IOBPG. The results include (1) a set of domain attributes, (2) a domain ontology, (3) a
graphical representation of the BPMN extension elements, and (4) a demonstration of the
extension in a TSP case company.
We must acknowledge some limitations of our study besides those mentioned in the
discussion about the artifact. First, the artifacts created during this cycle improve the
current practice of modelling IO-BPG. However, we do not hold evidence of IO-BPG
performance improvements (e.g., comparing KPIs). Second, we used literature research
and process documentation analysis from a single firm to identify domain concepts,
ontology, and critical domain attributes. Conducting industry surveys in the future may add
more information layers or IO-BPG elements to the graphical notation. Third, the
telecommunication service sector is vital for digital transformation. Nevertheless, the case
company does not represent the entire sector, and other sectors may reveal different
governance requirements. Future DSR cycles need to integrate more companies adopting
IO-BPG, improving the study validation, and providing a deeper evaluation of the
extension. Fourth, the project team evaluated the results without involving customers or
telecommunication services regulators. Improving the IO-BPG model with more processes
will allow exploring its use in audits and understanding readability for practitioners.
Finally, our models are “static” at this stage. For example, we cannot represent changes in
governance when specific situations occur (e.g., cyber-attacks), which is crucial to make
the modelling proactive. The solution envisioned is the creation of IO-BPG archetypes.
This work is funded by the project POWER (grant number POCI-01-0247-FEDER070365), co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), through
Portugal 2020 (PT2020), and by the Competitiveness and Internationalization Operational
Programme (COMPETE 2020). It is also co-funded by national funds through the FCTFoundation for Science and Technology, I.P., within the scope of the project CISUCUID/CEC/00326/2020 and by European Social Fund, through the Regional Operational
Program Centro 2020.
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