Philosophia Scientiæ
Travaux d'histoire et de philosophie des sciences
26-3 | 2022
Praxeological Gestalts
The Social Orders of Existence of Affordances
Giuseppe Flavio Artese and Julian Kiverstein
Electronic version
DOI: 10.4000/philosophiascientiae.3653
ISSN: 1775-4283
Éditions Kimé
Printed version
Date of publication: 3 November 2022
Number of pages: 211-232
ISBN: 978-2-38072-087-7
ISSN: 1281-2463
Electronic reference
Giuseppe Flavio Artese and Julian Kiverstein, “The Social Orders of Existence of Affordances”,
Philosophia Scientiæ [Online], 26-3 | 2022, Online since 18 October 2022, connection on 07 November
2022. URL: ; DOI:
Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International - CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
The Social Orders of
Existence of Affordances
Giuseppe Flavio Artese
University of Kassel (Germany)
Julian Kiverstein
Amsterdam University Medical Centre (Netherlands)
Résumé : Des figures centrales de la tradition phénoménologique, telles qu’Aron
Gurwitsch, Jean-Paul Sartre et Maurice Merleau-Ponty, se sont largement
inspirées de la psychologie de la gestalt dans leurs écrits. Le dialogue entre
la phénoménologie et la psychologie qu’ils ont entamé se poursuit aujourd’hui
dans le domaine des sciences cognitives incarnées. Nous reprenons cette conversation à partir de la riche analyse phénoménologique de la perception du monde
culturel réalisée par Aron Gurwitsch. Ses descriptions phénoménologiques de
la perception du monde culturel ressemblent de façon frappante aux travaux
de la science cognitive incarnée qui s’inspirent de la psychologie écologique de
Gibson. Gibson a inventé le terme « affordance » pour désigner les possibilités
d’action qui peuvent être directement perçues par les personnes [Gibson 1979].
Cependant, dès ses premiers écrits, Gibson a fait une distinction entre une
forme de perception universelle, strictement individuelle et non sociale, et une
perception du monde soumise à des influences sociales et culturelles. Nous
utilisons Gurwitsch pour argumenter contre la compréhension individualiste de
la perception directe de Gibson. Chaque affordance qui peut être sélectionnée
comme objet de perception se réfère à un contexte socioculturel plus large, que
Gurwitsch a appelé un « ordre d’existence ». Nous terminons notre article en
abordant la question de la relation entre la description phénoménologique du
monde perceptif et les explications de l’expérience perceptive fournies par la
science cognitive incarnée.
Abstract: Central figures in the phenomenological tradition, such as Aron
Gurwitsch, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Maurice Merleau-Ponty, drew extensively
on gestalt psychology in their writings. The dialogue between phenomenology
Philosophia Scientiæ, 26(3), 2022, 211–232.
Giuseppe Flavio Artese & Julian Kiverstein
and psychology they began continues today in the field of embodied cognitive
science. We take up this conversation starting from Aron Gurwitsch’s rich
phenomenological analysis of the perception of the cultural world. Gurwitsch’s
phenomenological descriptions of the perception of the cultural world bear
a striking resemblance to work in embodied cognitive science that takes its
inspiration from Gibson’s ecological psychology. Gibson coined the term
“affordance” to refer to the possibilities for action that can be directly
perceived by persons [Gibson 1979]. However, Gibson from his earliest writings
made a distinction between a universal, strictly individual and nonsocial form
of perception and a perception of the world that was subject to social and
cultural influences. We use Gurwitsch to argue against Gibson’s individualist
understanding of direct perception. Each affordance that can be selected as an
object of perception refers to a wider sociocultural context, which Gurwitsch
called an “order of existence”. We end our paper by taking up the question
of the relation of phenomenological description of the perceptual world and
explanations of perceptual experience provided by embodied cognitive science.
When it comes to objects other than material
objects, we can’t get anywhere without
Alfred Schütz, New York,
March 17, 1952; Letter to Gurwitsch
A distinctive theme in the philosophy of embodied cognitive science has been
dialogue with authors from the phenomenological tradition (see e.g., [Varela,
Thompson, & Rosch 1991], [Gallagher 2005], [Wheeler 2005], [Thompson
2007], [Gallagher & Zahavi 2008], [Käufer & Chemero 2021]). Phenomenology
and embodied cognitive science offer different but complementary accounts
of the embodied mind. Phenomenology is concerned with understanding
and describing the ways in which things belonging to an everyday lifeworld
are given in embodied experience, and the conditions of the possibility of
this givenness. Embodied cognitive science by contrast is concerned with
studying the perception and action of organisms in their environments, using
dynamical systems models as a key explanatory tool [Varela, Thompson, &
Rosch 1991], [Thompson 2007], [Chemero 2009]. While phenomenology and
embodied cognitive science ask different questions and seek different answers,
the accounts they provide of the embodied mind are nevertheless relevant
to each other. Phenomenology provides clarifications of the phenomena that
The Social Orders of Existence of Affordances
embodied cognitive science seeks to explain—the situatedness of embodied
subjects in the lifeworld.
The dialogue between phenomenology and embodied cognitive science
that can be found in the current literature is, in a sense, nothing new.
A comparable conversation between philosophy and Gestalt psychology was
already taking place when phenomenology was first proposed by Edmund
Husserl as a philosophical method in the first half of the twentieth century.
Of course the details of the conversation were different—psychologists writing
in the early twentieth century did not, for example, have the mathematical
tools of dynamical system theory. However, an exchange of ideas was
already taking place between phenomenologists and Gestalt psychologists.
A common theme in both, and incidentally still very much alive today in
embodied cognitive science, is the claim that perception and action exhibit a
meaningful and irreducible structure [Merleau-Ponty 1942], [Gurwitsch 1966].
This possibility of a common subject matter—the organisational structure of
perception and action that confers meaning on the perceived world—opens
up a space for psychology and phenomenology to exert a mutual influence
on each other. Findings from empirical research can be used to inform
phenomenological research and vice versa. It is such a mutual dialogue
that is pursued in this paper.
We start from the work of Aron Gurwitsch, a figure who has been somewhat
neglected in the current literature. Gurwitsch claimed that perceptual
experience is first and foremost directed at cultural objects—“works of art,
buildings which serve specific purposes like abodes, places for work, schools,
libraries, churches [...] tools, instruments, and utensils related to human
needs and desires” [Gurwitsch 1974, 143]. Perceiving a cultural object, for
Gurwitsch, does not mean perceiving an object detached from its surroundings.
Each cultural object is perceived in a broader context of signification made
up of other cultural objects and activities that refer to the object we are
thematizing in our experience. When a person perceives a tool such as a
hammer, for example, she simultaneously perceives the place this tool occupies
in the socio-cultural context in which it is used. Gurwitsch used the phrase
“order of existence” to refer to the social situation that provides the context for
perception [Gurwitsch 2010a]. Orders of existence define the meaning that an
individual artefact plays in shared cultural-worlds, the natural grouping within
which cultural objects are present in experience. These natural groupings
are constituted by systematised contexts of actions, plans, projects, objects,
persons, situations, social roles, etc.
Gurwitsch’s phenomenological descriptions of the perception of the cultural
world bears a striking resemblance to work in embodied cognitive science
that takes its inspiration from Gibson’s ecological psychology. Gibson coined
the term “affordance” to refer to the possibilities for action that can be
directly perceived by persons and nonhuman animals alike [Gibson 1979]. A
similar idea can be found in Gurwitsch’s discussion of the functional character
of cultural objects. In discussing the familiar example of the hammer for
Giuseppe Flavio Artese & Julian Kiverstein
instance, Gurwitsch writes: “the object is not perceived as a mere thing,
but rather as an object of use to be manipulated in a determinate manner”
[Gurwitsch 2010a, 224]. However, Gibson, unlike Gurwitsch, made a divide
between a universal, strictly individual and nonsocial form of perception and
perception of the world that was subject to social and cultural influence
[Gibson 1950]. In his final book, Gibson seems to have rejected any separation
of the “cultural environment from the natural environment, as if there were a
world of mental products distinct from a world of material products” [Gibson
1979, 130]. However, even in this book he continued to describe direct
perception in strictly individualistic and nonsocial terms of the direct pick
up of information that specifies structures that exist objectively in the world
independent of any perceiver. He locates affordances in these objectively
existing structures thereby neglecting the way in which human social and
cultural life provides the context for the perception of affordances. Gibson’s
characterisation of perception in individualistic terms is still very much alive
in ecological psychology and philosophy today, e.g., [Turvey 2018], [HerasEscribano 2019]. We argue that what contemporary Gibsonians miss is that
each affordance that can be selected as an object of perception at the same time
refers to a wider practical context—an order of existence—that is co-perceived
along with the affordance.
We end our paper by taking up the question of the relation of phenomenological description and explanations of perceptual experience of embodied
cognitive science. Gurwitsch was critical of Köhler’s account of the mind-body
relation in terms of a psychophysical isomorphism between perceptual organisation and neurophysiological structures. Gurwitsch rejected what Epstein &
Hatfield [1994] called “the programmatic reductionism” of Köhler. We end by
raising the possibility of a one-to-one mapping from the field organisation of
phenomenal experience as described in our paper onto dynamical structures of
the organism-environment system as a whole. Positing such an isomorphism
may help to make sense of how the sociocultural orders of existence, that
provide the context for the perception of affordances, are related to the
dynamics of the organism-environment system as posited in the explanations
of embodied cognitive science.
Aron Gurwitsch’s phenomenology and
Gestalt psychology
The phenomenological approach of Aron Gurwitsch relies on his synthesis of
ideas drawn from psychology, Husserlian phenomenology, and sociology. At the
beginning of his career, Gurwitsch was supported by Husserl, Goldstein, Koyré
and Stumpf [Robbins 2019]. In the late stages of his career, he was a key figure,
together with his friend Alfred Schütz, in establishing the phenomenological
tradition in the United States. Despite being mostly remembered for having
The Social Orders of Existence of Affordances
introduced a young Merleau-Ponty to Gestalt psychology, his monograph The
Field of Consciousness [2010a] is the first systematic attempt at providing
a phenomenological reading of the findings of Köhler, Koffka and the
Berlin/Frankfurt school of Gestalt psychology.
In contrast to Husserl [1989], who accused Gestalt psychologists of
reinventing Lockean empiricism, Gurwitsch saw in the descriptive analyses of
these theorists a methodology that showed more than a few affinities with the
phenomenological tradition. Such a convergence in thinking is unsurprising
since both traditions had been heavily influenced by the work of Brentano
and Stumpf and, in particular, by their dissatisfaction with atomistic theories
of sensory perception. For Gurwitsch the work of Gestalt psychologists
should not be understood as aimed at describing principles of perceptual
organization of an objective, physical stimulus. In a similar vein to MerleauPonty [1942], Gurwitsch advanced the idea that the descriptive analyses of
Gestalt psychologists had to be interpreted as “structural features immanent
to experienced perceptual contextures” [Gurwitsch 2010a, 146]. Gurwitsch
introduced the thesis, later to be developed by Merleau-Ponty and Sartre, that,
if properly read, the work of Gestalt psychology could directly contribute to
phenomenological descriptions of perception and human action.
Gurwitsch identified an important tension in, for instance, the work of
Köhler [1947]. On the one hand, Köhler seemed to assume the existence of
an objective physical world whose laws can be known through the science of
physics. Following this naturalistic attitude, the role of psychology was that of
describing the perceptual processes that furnished justification for our belief
in the existence of such a physical world. On the other hand, the descriptive
work of Gestalt psychology seemed to also lend itself to a phenomenological
interpretation. Consider for instance the Gestalt psychologist’s rejection of the
so-called “constancy hypothesis”—the hypothesis that sensations correspond
one-to-one with physical stimuli that are the causes of these sensations.
Gurwitsch argued that the rejection of the constancy hypothesis should have
led the Gestalt thinkers to question how perceptual access to the objective
world is possible. The constancy hypothesis implies that: “if the same neural
element (for example, a circumscribed region of the retina) is repeatedly
stimulated in the same manner, the same sensation will arise each time”
[Gurwitsch 1966, 5]. Koffka and Köhler forcefully rejected the constancy
hypothesis on the grounds that perception is from the outset organized into
unitary “meaningful wholes” [Gestalten]. Unified percepts are not constructed
and elaborated through cognitive non-sensory processes in “shadowy regions
of the subconscious” [Gurwitsch 1966, 22]. The organisation of perception
rather reflects the “autochthonous” and given organization of perceptual
consciousness of the world.
Gurwitsch argued that the rejection of the constancy hypothesis should
be interpreted as a bracketing or suspension of the naturalistic attitude
[Gurwitsch 1966, chap. 4 & 10]. He argued that the descriptive analyses of
perception of the Gestalt psychologists, once stripped of their naturalism, were
Giuseppe Flavio Artese & Julian Kiverstein
closer to transcendental phenomenology than to empirical psychology. Gestalt
psychologists like Köhler thought of the explanation of the organisation of
perception as taking the same form as the explanation of electromagnetic fields
in physics. Electromagnetic fields find an equilibrium through vectors of forces
that self-organise across space. Köhler argued that perceptual Gestalten also
form out of self-organising fields of forces in the electrical activity of the brain.
In both cases, fields of electrical activity tend towards an equilibrium state.
For Gurwitsch, by contrast, the descriptions of perception provided by Gestalt
psychology were best interpreted as descriptions of the world as it appears to
a conscious subject.
Interestingly Gurwitsch also used Gestalt psychology to criticise Husserlian
phenomenology. In particular he criticised Husserl’s distinction to be found in
Ideas 1 [1983], between hyletic sensory matter and the form that the subject
gives to those sensations in constituting an intentional experience of the world
[Gurwitsch 2010a, 125, 284]. For Gurwitsch a key lesson of the Gestaltist
rejection of the constancy hypothesis is that no such distinction can be
sustained. Gurwitsch thus demonstrated that transcendental phenomenology
could make progress by integrating insights from empirical psychology. At
the same time, Gurwitsch was highly critical of positive science as such and
did not draw from it indiscriminately. He made selective use of findings
that, as was the case with Gestalt psychology’s rejection of the constancy
hypothesis, or with Piaget’s notion of action-schemata, or James’ notion of
the “fringe” of experience, showed in their germinal forms enough “potential
phenomenological motifs” [Kockelmans 1972].
Gurwitsch provides an early example of how empirical psychology can make
a positive contribution to phenomenology. In what follows we make a case for
the reverse direction of influence from phenomenology to psychology. We show
how Gurwitsch’s account of the perception of the cultural world can help to
clarify the concept of affordance as it is employed in embodied cognitive science
and ecological psychology.
The perception of the cultural world
and its orders of existence
As noted by Métraux, in his editorial preface to Gurwitsch’s habilitation essay
Human Encounters in the Social World [Gurwitsch 1979], the Gestalt theorists’
descriptions of the organization of perceptual experience proved to be equally
relevant to characterising the experience of the cultural world. Gurwitsch
proposed to reframe what Husserl [1970] called the lifeworld [Lebenswelt] with
the notion of the “cultural world” [1974, 12]. The adjective “cultural” specifies
that, in pre-scientific and pre-reflective experience, we first and foremost deal
with a reality that is material, social, intersubjective, and historical. The
material objects belonging to the cultural world are necessarily perceived in
The Social Orders of Existence of Affordances
relation “to a particular society, the circumstances and conditions under which
that society lives and a system of purposes recognized by it” [Gurwitsch 1974,
93]. The emphasis on the notion of “purpose” is not accidental. In fact,
for Gurwitsch cultural objects are teleologically and functionally defined in
virtue of the intersubjectively shared meaning they possess for particular sociocultural groups [Embree 1992]. For this reason, the terms “cultural” and
“functional object” are treated in his work as synonyms. For example, my pen
is perceived based on its functional value and thus as “something for writing,
and not a black thing of such and such length and almost cylindrical shape”
[Gurwitsch 1966, 171].
The functional value of the pen extends beyond it being an implement
that can be used for writing. The pen can be used to write a message for
a friend on a piece of paper situated on a desk and close to other writingrelated utensils. The functional value of the pen is thus best analysed in the
context of a broader utensil-totality [Gurwitsch 1979]. This concept of the
“utensil totality” refers to the idea that artefacts are meaningfully perceived
because of their recurrent and regular connections to other artefacts that can
be experienced on different occasions in similar situations.
In any given situation, the functional objects play a role determined by their location in the situation, and their natures and
functional values are dependent on their interrelations with the
other functional objects conjoined with them as components of
the situations. The functional values are thus supported and
grounded reciprocally, and it follows that they are not inherent
properties of the objects but are assigned to them only by virtue
of specific functions in a particular practical situation. [Gurwitsch
1974, 172]
For Gurwitsch, functional value is an integral and irreducible dimension of
pre-reflective experience. A chair, for example, is something on which to sit,
something that presents itself as suitable for certain purposes and related to
specific actions. Cultural objects present themselves as “tools, instruments and
utensils related to human needs and desires” and meaningful for the members
of a specific shared socio-cultural reality [Gurwitsch 1974, 143]. More precisely,
the chair appears as permeated with what we could define as a “stock of
knowledge at hand” that includes a “set of more or less loosely connected
rules and maxims of behavior in typical situations” [Gurwitsch 1974, 19].
Gurwitsch’s phenomenological descriptions of the perception of the cultural
world assimilates two core concepts drawn from the psychology of his day.
The first is the concept of schemata as proposed by Piaget, which he used to
explain how experience can become meaningfully organized over the course
of cognitive development. For Gurwitsch and Piaget, schemata are necessary
for perceiving the pragmatic aspects that immediately permeate perception
and for the enactment of context-specific sensorimotor interactions [Gurwitsch
2010a, 34]. Second, Gurwitsch borrowed from the work of Köhler [1921]
Giuseppe Flavio Artese & Julian Kiverstein
and Koffka [1935], the concept of functional value, which he argued was
necessary for pre-reflectively perceiving objects as having specific functions. By
combining Piaget’s concept of schemata and the notion of functional character
developed by Gestalt psychologists, Gurwitsch provided an explanation of
how the perception of the function and purpose of tools and utensils can be
developed and further modified. He claims:
Functional characters accrue to objects in situations of concrete
action in which the subject manipulates the object, learns to
handle it in a determinate manner, to use it for a certain purpose
in connection with other objects, and thus acquires a certain mode
of action. Such acquisition will henceforth codetermine future
perception. [Gurwitsch 2010a, 96]
Gurwitsch claimed that the functional character of individual objects is
explicitly developed “in connection with other objects” in such a way to
transfer their instrumental values to further objects and contexts that stand
in a relation of relevancy to the object in question [Gurwitsch 2010a, 38].
The term “relevancy” is an important concept for Gurwitsch in describing the
structure of the field of consciousness. He defines the term as denoting:
[...] a systematic context of objects—this term understood in the
broadest possible sense—which, on account of their qualitative
determinations and very natures, have something to do with, are
related to, one another or, to express it more generally, have
relevancy for one another. [Gurwitsch 1966, 122]
Gurwitsch relied on the concept of “relevancy” to refer to the objects and
activities that, instrumentally speaking, are functionally and materially related
to each other. “Relevancy” denotes items and activities generally presented in
experience as belonging to similar contexts and used for connected purposes.
Gurwitsch made a distinction between the “thematic field”—the components
of a practical context that are experienced to immediately bear on a theme.
For Gurwitsch, all conscious experiences are structured as a field. Together
the “margin”, the “theme” and the “thematic field” comprise three invariant
structures of all our experiences [Gurwitsch 2010a]. For example, the pen
that I am currently using stands in a relation of relevancy to my notebook,
a writing desk in my office space, the books by Gurwitsch that I am taking
notes, the article I am working on for a special issue, etc. Objects, activities
and social roles form parts of a thematic field because they are experienced to
stand in the relation of relevancy to a theme.
Echoing the words of William James [1890], Gurwitsch referred to the
perceptual world as a whole as a “paramount reality” [Gurwitsch 2010a, 373].
This term was used to highlight that the perception of cultural environments is
meaningfully structured on the basis of the different spheres of life and modes
of action typical of a socio-cultural group. Gurwitsch claims that, when we
The Social Orders of Existence of Affordances
perceive a cultural object such as a utensil, we also experience the place that
the same object occupies in a determinate constellation of cultural practices.
Gurwitsch introduced the notion of “orders of existence” to refer to:
[...] the “natural groupings” in which things present themselves
in prescientific and pretheoretical experience as well as the
explanatory systems constructed in the several sciences for the
sake of a rational explanation of the world, material, historical
and social. [Gurwitsch 2010a, 372]
Gurwitsch gives as additional examples of orders of existence: “logical
systems, the several geometric systems, the system of natural numbers [...]
the universes of artistic creation like the universe of music” [Gurwitsch 2010a].
Each of these orders of existence has its own relevancy principles which
Gurwitsch suggests are constitutive of the order within this particular practical
context. Since every order of existence is characterized by different items,
actions and situations, the principles of relevancy organise each of them. The
relevancy principles that constitute a specific order of existence do not depend
on the aims of an individual subject but rather on the sphere of life of a
particular community [Gurwitsch 2010a, 373]. An electric lamp, for example,
can belong to different orders of existence that exhibit very different principles
of relevancy. In the first place, a lamp can be perceived as a house utensil that
can be used to illuminate the room. When an electrician encounters an electric
lamp, they deal with a different order of existence. The electrician will have
access to other functional values of the lamp, such as repairing it by using
his tools, installing it, or changing its batteries. Finally, a further order of
existence can be one in which the electric lamp is an article for sale in a shop.
From the perspective of the shopkeeper, the lamp is an object to be sold and
a possibility of making profit. From the perspective of the customer, the lamp
is instead a functional item to be purchased that has the value of providing
light for their house [Gurwitsch 1974, 172–173].
Objects belonging to a specific order of existence present themselves as
being organized in “natural groupings”. Some examples can be seen in the
different professional activities, family life and in the political sphere “we act
as citizens” [Gurwitsch 1974, 373]. All these possible orders of existence
need to be thought of as systems of “purposes, plans, projects, designs,
ends, means, and actions” [Gurwitsch 1974, 317]. The same follows for the
kinds of persons that tend to be encountered in these contexts. In fact,
in everyday perception, people present themselves as playing certain social
roles. In pre-reflective experience, we deal with students, doctors, teachers,
architects, employees, customers, athletes, partners, etc. Importantly, dealing
with an order of existence also implies some selectivity from the side of the
perceiver. Following James, Gurwitsch described perceiving and thinking as
necessarily selective [Embree 2015]. Orders of existence can be extremely
broad and contain a multitude of utensils, activities and individuals that are
not necessarily relevant for the plans of the perceiver. Therefore, while the
Giuseppe Flavio Artese & Julian Kiverstein
principles of relevancy behind an order of existence are established by the
activities of a socio-cultural group, the attitude of the individual perceiver will,
to some degree, “colour the situation” [Gurwitsch 1974, 174]. The principles
of relevancy will structure the theme-thematic field relations in ways that are
specific to the individual perceiver’s interests and concerns.
For Gurwitsch, the cultural world “differs from one social group to
the other and also for a given social group in the course of its historical
development” [Gurwitsch 1974, 238]. As he notices, the ancient Egyptians
and the Mesopotamians lived in very different cultural worlds. Still, following
Gurwitsch’s definition of orders of existence, the way of life of these cultures
can nonetheless be described phenomenologically in terms of systems of
activities, plans, social roles, customs, artefacts, and practices. Embree [1997]
provides an illuminating example. He asks us to imagine an archeology student
who accidentally discovers a cave recently opened up by a landslide while
hiking in the Western United States. Inside the cave, he finds different
unfamiliar artefacts and paraphernalia. One particular object grabs the
attention of the student. It looks like a stick of wood not longer than a meter
with a small protuberance at its end. The student later learns the strange
object is a Paleoindian hunting tool known as an “atlatl” that can be used to
extend the throwing range of a spear. The student slowly begins to stop seeing
the atlatl as a mere piece of wood and starts to perceive the functional value
that permeated the tool during the tribe hunting sessions. To reconstruct
the order of existence of Paleoindians requires connecting the atlatl to other
artefacts such as spears, and knives used during a hunt. It requires making
reference to specific hunting strategies, the role played by the wind in the
throwing of the spear, and the symbolic meaning that the activity of hunting
had for the tribe. Also important is the seasonal habits of the prey.1
1. It may be argued that to understand the meaning of the actions of the
Paleoindians will require us to reconstruct the rules the Paleoindians were following
and the norms and standards relative to which their actions could be evaluated as
right or wrong, and correct or incorrect. In short, it will require us to make reference
to forms of life relative to which actions acquire their meaning [see e.g., Winch
1990]. Now a difficulty arises for our imaginary student and his supervisor since
their form of life is very different from that of the Paleoindians, perhaps so different
as to introduce incommensurabilities. However, following the approach developed
by Gurwitsch and Embree, the main “and perhaps only” task of phenomenological
investigations “consists in understanding and accounting for the various cultural
worlds which have made their appearance in history” [Gurwitsch 1974, 24]. In
other words, Gurwitsch’s phenomenology ultimately aims to overcome socio-historical
relativism by finding the “invariants” and similarities present in all possible lifewords. Just as it is possible to identify the Gestalt laws that structure our fields of
experience, Gurwitsch was convinced that each cultural-world, and thus all cultural
objects, also exhibit invariants laws. More specifically, the invariants that characterize
cultural objects are defined by the specific functions or purposes related to the order
of existence of a specific society or cultural group. To perceive the functional value
of an artefact, one must perceive the role that the artefact played in its order of
existence—a “systematized context, constituted and unified with respect to specific-
The Social Orders of Existence of Affordances
Figure 1: The illustration in the middle circle shows the “atlatl”. The other circles
illustrate the order of existence of the atlatl—the activities, objects and social
roles that constituted the hunting order of existence of the Paleoindian tribe. The
functional values of the atlatl were necessarily connected to other utensils such as
the basket containing the spears or various paraphernalia such as the different blades
used during the hunt. It also included the typical activities with which the atlatl was
used or the usual prey present in the territory, such as the mastodon depicted in the
upper right circle. The complex hunting strategies employed by the tribe and the
geographical and environmental conditions in which the hunters and their prey lived
were also a part of their order of existence. For example, because of the mammoth’s
migration patterns, hunts would mostly take place in specific periods of the year,
such as fall and early winter [Embree 1994, 394]. Illustrations by Lorenzo Cantarella;
our thanks for permission to publish them.
relevancy principles [Gurwitsch 2010a, 383]. In contrast to the mere observations
of the student, Gurwitsch’s phenomenological analyses bracket the experience of our
cultural world through a process of unbuilding [Anbau] or “disenchantment” in such
a way to leave space for the reconstruction of the teleological and aetiological values
[Embree 1997] that the atlatl played in the Paleoindian form of life. A very simplified
example of this reconstruction can be observed in Figure 1. Unfortunately, a more
Giuseppe Flavio Artese & Julian Kiverstein
As shown in Figure 1, only through a careful reconstruction of this order
of existence is it possible to shed light on activities related to the hunt such
as the use of the atlatl for aiming the spear, the preparation of the meat of
the animal, and so on. The principles of relevancy that were once salient in
the cultural world of Paleoindians can in this way be understood and traced
back to the activities of a culture in which different customs and artefacts
were present.
Gibson’s individualist theory of
direct perception
We will turn now to considering how Gurwitsch’s concept of orders of existence
can provide important conceptual clarifications for current discussions in the
fields of embodied cognitive science and ecological psychology. More specifically, we will argue that Gurwitsch’s description of orders of existence can help
to correct for a problem that James Gibson, an influential figure in embodied
cognitive science, encounters in his treatment of the concept of affordance.
Gibson is clear that the inspiration for the notion of affordance comes from
Gestalt psychology. More specifically he acknowledges the debt he owes to
the work of Koffka and Lewin and their notion of Aufforderungscharakter
translated as “demand character”. What Lewin and Koffka claimed is that, in
certain situations, our perception of the environment is permeated by specific
valences. When we need to send a letter, to borrow Koffka’s example, it
is as if a vector of forces emanates from the postbox drawing us towards
it to post our letter. Gurwitsch also anticipates the idea of affordance as
it figures in contemporary discussions in his 1950 review of Merleau-Ponty’s
Phenomenology of Perception [2012]. In this review he describes how “out
of the world there arise appeals and solicitations to the subject” [Gurwitsch
2010b, 488]. This concept of solicitations, or relevant affordances that draw
the subject into action, has proven central in many current discussions of
embodied cognition, see [Dreyfus & Kelly 2007], [Withagen, de Poel et al.
2012], [Rietveld & Kiverstein 2014], [Käufer & Chemero 2021].
Gibson’s notion of affordance was inspired by the Gestalt notion of demand
character (and perhaps also by his reading of Merleau-Ponty). However,
he criticised the Gestalt psychologists for making the perception of demand
character dependent upon the individual perceiver’s needs and interests. His
concept of affordance was introduced to capture the sense in which the
environment can be structured in such a way as to offer possibilities for action
careful analysis on the relation between the notion of forms of life, as employed by
Winch [1990], and Gurwitsch’s notion of orders of existence is an interesting question
that is beyond the scope of this article. Our thanks to Phil Hutchinson for pressing
us on this point.
The Social Orders of Existence of Affordances
independently of the individual perceiver’s needs. Gibson made this point
using Koffka’s example of the postbox, which he argued continues to offer
the possibility for me to send a letter even if just now I have no use for it
[Gibson 1979, 130].
Gibson argued that the environment contains information, in the form of
ambient energy structured by the layout of surfaces, that is sufficient for the
direct perception of affordances. He argued that environmental information
can be directly perceived in a non-inferential fashion and thus without the
necessity to be internally reconstructed. Information, Gibson claimed, “does
not consist of signals to be interpreted but of structural invariants which need
only to be attended to” [Gibson 1972, 79]. Gibson’s concept of information
can be seen as his attempt at reviving the constancy hypothesis, which we saw
earlier was rejected by the Gestalt tradition. In his [1950] book for instance,
he wrote:
Gestalt theory denied any one-to-one correspondence between
the stimulation of receptors and the experience which resulted.
The assumption of such a fixed correspondence was called the
“constancy hypothesis” [...]. The aim of this chapter is to reassert
the constancy hypothesis on the basis of a broader conception of
stimulation. [Gibson 1950, 62]
In Gibson’s 1950 work, he argued for a correspondence between the
retinal image on the one hand and the structure in a visual scene. The
“broader conception of stimulation” Gibson introduced in his 1950 work can
be understood as invariant patterns in stimulation that remain constant across
transformations, and that correspond with structure in the environment.
These patterns of invariance detectable by sensory systems were later to
be characterised by Gibson as “information” that the environment makes
available to be picked up by the perceptual systems of moving animals [Gibson
1966]. The invariant patterning was no longer understood as structure present
in the retinal image but instead as structure in a flux of ambient energy—
for instance the light bouncing off the surfaces of objects surrounding the
perceiving animal. The invariant patterning of ambient energy corresponds
to its source in the environment. It is this structure in ambient energy,
which exists in the environment as potential stimulation, that Gibson called
“information” [Gibson 1966].
Gibson held that the information available in the environment was
sufficient to specify affordances. An animal can see for instance that a
tree can be climbed or that an insect can be eaten, or that a hole offers a
place to hide or shelter. Gibson also recognized that other people are an
important source of affordances for human beings. A theory of affordances
should therefore include the possibilities for action that form in social life.
Yet, as Costall [1995] has argued, Gibson’s account of direct perception was
resolutely individualistic and nonsocial. In his first book, Gibson [1950] sought
to provide an account of perception of the world that was prior to any schemata
Giuseppe Flavio Artese & Julian Kiverstein
the perceiver might develop through their socialisation. He sought to provide
an account of perception that was independent from the individual’s social
context. In these early writings, Gibson made a distinction between what he
described as the “literal world” and the “schematic world” [Gibson 1951], [for
discussion, see Costall & Still 1989]. The schematic world was the world as
perceived through the filters of one’s social context, while the literal world
was the objective world that can be known through a universal, nonsocial
individual form of perception. As noted in our introduction, Gibson would
later make claims that suggested he no longer subscribed to this distinction
between two perceptual worlds. However, he continued to describe perception
in individualist, nonsocial terms as the pick-up of information that lawfully
specifies the presence of affordances.
Gibson’s individualist characterisation of direct perception has been inherited by a current generation of ecological psychologists who provide an analysis
of affordances as dispositional properties of surfaces that have as their complement dispositional properties of particular animals referred to as “effectivities”
[Turvey 1992]. Effectivities refer to morphological properties of animals such
as the length of reach of an animal’s effectors. More recently, Heras-Escribano
[2019] has offered a dispositionalist interpretation of affordances that borrows
from Ryle. Heras-Escribano acknowledges the influence that social conventions
and norms have on our everyday behaviors such as maintaining the proper
distance from other people during a pandemic. However, he maintains that
while social conventions and practices can structure an individual’s conduct,
affordances should nevertheless be understood in purely causal or dispositional
terms. Heras-Escribano follows Edward Reed [1993, 52] in arguing that “social
norms are constraints on actions, not on affordances. You perceive the same
as everyone, but you act differently given your social background” [HerasEscribano 2019, 108–109].
Returning to Gurwitsch however, we suggest that an individualist account
of direct perception that conceives of affordances in isolation from their social
context may make sense as a scientific idealisation. However, it cannot be
sustained as an account of what it means to perceive affordances. Consider
once again Gurwitsch’s discussion of the “world of utensils” in his habilitation
essay [Gurwitsch 1979]. Drawing upon Heidegger’s phenomenological category
of the ready-to-hand [Zuhandenheit], Gurwitsch describes how the “knife as
an eating-utensil refers to cutting [...]. Its fitness for purpose and “goodness”
point to how it fares in the service of the function corresponding to it”. He goes
on to contrast a spoon that does not cut with a blunt knife. Both the spoon and
the blunt knife could be used to cut food items of a soft consistency. However,
a spoon that does not do a good job of cutting is “not therefore a ‘bad’ spoon
nor even a ‘bad’ knife” [Gurwitsch 1979, 67]. Gurwitsch allows the spoon can
have multiple purposes but cutting is not typically among them. Gurwitsch
contends that anyone who attempts to use the spoon as a knife understands
neither the utensil nor the concrete situation in which it is used [Gurwitsch
1979]. The utensil in referring to a particular function does so only insofar as
The Social Orders of Existence of Affordances
a context is co-perceived along with the utensil. The relation of the utensil to
the context, Gurwitsch emphasises, is not something added onto the utensil
but it is part of what makes the utensil what it is. Whenever we perceive
the utensil, we perceive at one and the same time the order of existence to
which it belongs. This is part of what it is to perceive the relevancy of the
utensil. A little later in the book Gurwitsch writes of “the tissue of references
and the structure of the situation” becoming “visible in an original way when
I gear into the situation and comport myself according to the ways prescribed
by it” [Gurwitsch 1979, 79]. There is no pulling apart the cultural layers of
meaning from the utensil and its affordances if Gurwitsch is right. Recall that
for Gurwitsch every object insofar as it forms a part of a thematic field is
present in experience “within a certain order of existence and as a member of
that order” [Gurwitsch 2010a, 371]. Once we have orders of existence in view,
we see why the attempt to isolate the perception of affordances from the wider
social context should be resisted.2 To understand the perception of affordances
in isolation from the social context results in an account of affordances that is
at best an abstraction. If we return to experience we find that affordances are
present in experience only as a part of an order of existence.
Phenomenology, psychology and the
principle of psychophysical isomorphism
In this final section, we take up the question of the relation of phenomenology
and psychology. We have shown how Gurwitsch’s phenomenological analyses
of the perceptual world can contribute to clarifying the concept of affordance as
it figures in embodied cognitive science and ecological psychology. This led us
to conclude that the perception of affordances always takes place within a field
of consciousness structured by principles of relevancy that constitute orders
of existence. How is this field of consciousness as described in phenomenology
related to direct perception as investigated in embodied cognitive science?
To address this question we will take as our starting point the principle
of psychophysical isomorphism (PPI) as proposed by Wolfgang Köhler [1947].
His proposal, recall, was to seek explanations of perceptual organisation in
macroscopic dynamic structures in the brain. In Gestalt Psychology, Köhler
defined the PPI as requiring that in each case “the organisation of experience
and the underlying physiological facts have the same structure” [Köhler
1947, 301]. The PPI thus posits a relationship between two structures—
phenomenal structures as described in psychology and physiological structures
as posited by explanations in neurobiology. According to Epstein & Hatfield
2. It should be noted that not all embodied cognitive scientists make such an error.
In a recent paper Baggs [2021] has argued that all affordances should be understood as
social, endorsing an argument made in [Costall 1995]. See also [Rietveld & Kiverstein
2014], [van Dijk & Rietveld 2017].
Giuseppe Flavio Artese & Julian Kiverstein
[1994], Köhler took this relationship to potentially allow for a reduction of
phenomenal structures as they are experienced by subjects to neurobiological
structures. Epstein & Hatfield therefore describe Köhler’s position as one of
programmatic reductionism.
Gurwitsch, for his part, was critical of Köhler’s programmatic reductionism. He agreed with Köhler that the perceptual world “is the basis from which
every science, physics as well as psychology, starts and has to start” [Gurwitsch
1966, 100]. However, he disagreed with Köhler that the appearance of the
perceptual world could be explanatorily reduced to psychophysical processes.
Gurwitsch describes consciousness as having “an ambiguous nature”. On the
one hand it depends “causally or functionally upon extra-conscious facts and
events” by which we assume he meant psychological and neurobiological facts
and events. However, Gurwitsch as a phenomenologist also argued that acts of
consciousness have “cognitive and presentational functions with regard to all
mundane things and events, including those very facts upon which they (acts
of consciousness) depend” [Gurwitsch 1966, 100–101]. For Gurwitsch, both
neurobiology and psychology as positive sciences take place in a mundane
world of facts that is opened up by consciousness. While recognising the
causal dependence of consciousness on empirical phenomena as described in
psychology and neurobiology, Gurwitsch denies that consciousness could be
explanatorily reduced to the phenomena posited in these sciences.
Gurwitsch was highly critical of the behaviourist psychology that dominated at the time he was writing (as were the Gestalt psychologists). In a
chapter titled “Goldstein’s conception of the biological sciences” [Gurwitsch
1966] Gurwitsch argues that the reactions of the nervous system that can be
measured in the behaviourist’s laboratory are best viewed in relation to, and
as expressions of, the organism as a whole. The reactions the behaviourist
psychologist measures are artefacts of the special laboratory conditions in
which they are induced. Crucially, what is measured are reactions of the whole
organism to the peculiar circumstances of being given a task under the tightly
controlled conditions of the behaviourist’s laboratory experiment. Gurwitsch
argued that behaviourists make the mistake of confusing the phenomena which
they observe in these highly special conditions for explanations of behaviour as
it occurs “in the varied conditions of natural life [...] in which the organism as
a whole is engaged” [Gurwitsch 1966, 80]. This is a point which you can also
find in Gibson, with which ecological psychologists and embodied cognitive
scientists would heartily agree.
In his 1966 essay on Goldstein, Gurwitsch went on to address the relation
of the somatic to the psychical—the mind-body problem—by starting from the
concept of the organism that he took to unify the categories of the somatic
and the psychical. He proposes to start from a body that is at one and the
same time a living body (an organism) and a subject of experience. We find a
similar idea in [Varela, Thompson, & Rosch 1991]. They proposed an enactive
approach to cognitive science (a branch of what we are calling embodied
cognitive science) precisely with the aim of circumventing the dualism of the
The Social Orders of Existence of Affordances
mind as an object of scientific study and mind as experienced by a subject of
experience. They looked to the body of the living organism, just as Gurwitsch
proposed, to connect subjectivity to phenomena that can be measured and
detected using the methods of cognitive science.
With this concept of the organism as unifying the categories of the
psychical and the somatic in mind, we suggest it may make sense to
revise the PPI. We propose that embodied approaches to cognitive science
share the same strong “phenomenological motifs” that Gurwitsch saw in
the work of Köhler and colleagues. We have focused on the concept of
affordance as an example of such a phenomenological motif. As a consequence,
phenomenology and embodied cognitive science can be seen as complementary
to each other. In particular, we suggest that the work of phenomenology
can inform contemporary research on affordances by bringing into view the
social context which is always co-perceived along with the perception of each
affordance. The notion of “orders of existence” makes it possible to think of
affordances as belonging to a situation that is, from the very start, socially and
culturally structured.
Instead of thinking of psychophysical isomorphism as holding between
phenomenal structures and macroscopic neurophysiological structures, we
propose to think of PPI in the wider context of a socioculturally structured
environment. We have used Gurwitsch to bring into view social orders of
existence that furnish the principles of relevancy that structure the perception
of functional value. Gurwitsch has allowed us to refine what Wheeler [2013]
has called the “constitutive understanding” of the perception of affordances.
A constitutive understanding provides “the identification, articulation and
clarification of the conditions that determine what it is for a phenomenon to
be the phenomenon that it is” [Wheeler 2013, 142–143]. Embodied cognitive
science aims to provide what Wheeler [2013] calls “enabling understanding”—
a description “of the causal elements, along with the organisation of, and the
systematic causal interactions between, those elements, that together make
intelligible how a phenomenon [...] could be realised or generated in a world
like ours” [Wheeler 2013, 143]. The idea of PPI is that there should be
a structure-preserving relation of isomorphism between the constitutive and
enabling explanations of the perception of functional value. The reason why
such a relation of isomorphism is required is because we take phenomenology
to provide a description of what stands in need of explaining in embodied
cognitive science. It is only if the explanation is structure preserving that
it will qualify as doing justice to the phenomena, and explaining what
needs to be explained.
What would it be for the explanation of affordance perception provided
by cognitive science to be isomorphic with the phenomenological analyses of
the perception of functional value? This is a question that we cannot answer
adequately in the closing pages of our article. We offer two, all too brief,
suggestions for now. First, it will require looking beyond the brain to the
dynamics of the coupling of the whole organism with its environment and the
Giuseppe Flavio Artese & Julian Kiverstein
macroscopic dynamics of the agent-environment system. Second, it requires
thinking of the structure that is available to be perceived in the environment
as constituted by many social orders of existence. Just as in the example of
the lamp mentioned in section 2, the notion of orders of existence can be used
to make sense of how the same cultural object can have different functional
values experienced across different situations. Greengrocers, priests, students,
engineers, and construction builders may have different experiences of the
same socio-cultural environment. For each of these social roles, it is possible
to enumerate a rich list of relevancy-principles generally that are going to be
reflected in the specific tensions of their everyday experiences.3
We have argued for a continuation of the mutual dialogue between phenomenology and cognitive science that Gurwitsch initiated with Gestalt
psychology in the first half of the twentieth century. Our focus has been on
Gurwitsch’s phenomenological analysis of perception of the cultural world.
We have highlighted his notion of “orders of existence” that brings into
view the practical and social context that is an overlooked dimension in
current discussions of affordance perception. Gurwitsch paved the way for a
sociocultural, anti-individualistic understanding of affordance perception. We
ended our paper by taking up the question of the relationship between phenomenological analysis and explanation in psychology and cognitive science.
We have suggested that the relationship between these two disciplines can be
read as a non-reductive structural isomorphism.
3. Gurwitsch was an important influence on Harold Garfinkel’s ethnomethodology
research programme within sociology. “Ethnomethodological studies analyse everyday activities as members’ methods for making those same activities visibly-rationaland-reportable-for-all-practical-purposes, i.e., ‘accountable’ as organizations of commonplace everyday activities” [Garfinkel 1967, vii]. Garfinkel proposed to understand
social order and the organisation of the social world as produced and accomplished
by actors in the local settings of lived everyday practices. Ethnomethodology studies
the methods members of social practices employ for producing social order. Phil
Hutchinson pointed out to us that the ethnomethodological analysis of how social
order is achieved applies also to Gurwitsch’s phenomenological category of social
orders of existence. This would suggest that the ethnomethods that individual agents
use to make themselves accountable as members of practice are productive of the
social categories phenomenologists employ in their description of human social life.
Thus it is not only with cognitive science that phenomenology stands in a relation
of structural isomorphism but also with ethnomethodology. This possibility raises
many interesting questions, such as the relation of ethnomethodology to embodied
cognitive science, that we hope to return to in future work.
The Social Orders of Existence of Affordances
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