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The paradox of superlight speed transmission is an artifact of our understanding of the material universe God, dimensionless and timeless is both the source of the material universe and an undivided entity. My daughter Caitlin resolved the paradox " It's not going anywhere, it's all part of the one thing"
Journal of Cosmology, 2012
As an experiment in constructive transdisciplinary relationality, a theology of nonseparable difference here engages a physics of quantum entanglement. The metaphoric potential of “spooky action at a distance” to intensify a cosmology resistant to the dominant individualism and conducive to ethical ecologies of interdependence has only begun to develop across multiple discourses. This essay contemplates the specific unfolding of a theory of nonlocal superpositions by physicists such as Stapp, Bohm and Barad. It does not literalize any God-trope, but rather entangles theology in the mysterious uncertainty of our widest interdependencies. This essay, first presented as a lecture at the American Academy of Religion “Science, Technology and Religion” Group, San Francisco, November 2011, forms the core of a chapter in a book I am currently completing, The Cloud of the Impossible: Theological Entanglements.
Journal of Quantum Information Science, 2013
Following Spinoza-Einstein's interpretation of God or nature, the notion "God Logic" is proposed. This notion is to serve as an elicitation for a consistent set of necessary criteria for: 1) developing the logical foundation of quantum gravity as envisaged by Einstein, 2) revealing the ubiquitous effects of quantum entanglement as suggested by Roger Penrose, and 3) programming the universe as proposed by Seth Lloyd. An evolving set of eleven criteria is proposed for the notion. The possibility of inventing such a logical system is analyzed. A supersymmetrical candidate logic of negative-positive energy dynamic equilibrium is introduced and assessed against the set of criteria. It is shown that the first 10 criteria are met or partially met by the candidate. But the question whether the 11 th criterion has been or can be met is left open for discussion and further research effort. The assessment leads to a few predictions. Notably, it is predicted that, should Boson-Fermion symmetry or broken symmetry be observed, it would be caused by bipolar symmetry or broken symmetry of negative-positive energies.
De Gruyter Open Theology, 2020
Martin Luther suggested that God disperses the salvation gained by the sacrifice of Christ both before and after the crucifixion itself. In this essay I describe how quantum time entanglements can facilitate a timeless dispersal of salvific grace, and hypothesize that it is God who creates, maintains and manipulates space-time using such entanglements, in a way analogous to a spider controlling its web.
Abstract: Spooky action at a distance – “spukhafte Fernwirkung” -, better known today as entanglement has by now been a verified phenomenon. It turns out that by splitting a particle in 2 the remaining particles can be entangled. By means of entangled particles the features of another particle can be transferred to the far away entangled counter particle. It seemingly happens at greater than light speeds if we at all can speak of speed. These phenomenon forces us to think in different ways with regard to matter, particles, wave functions and information and all that is built from it. It forces us to think in terms of pure mathematical entities and information.
Nine years ago, I was reading Wolfhart Pannenberg's Systematic Theology, when I came across a point that made a significant impression upon me. According to Pannenberg, it was easier to show the distinctions between the three persons of the Trinity than to show the unity of God. 1 From that point onward, I have paid attention to how theology might elucidate the unity of God, particularly in light of a quickly growing Islamic world that views God only in the exclusive terms of asserting God's oneness, tawhid. With an interest in showing the intelligibility of a Christian understanding of God's unity, and an interest in the language of science as a medium for interfaith conversation, I was captivated by our classroom discussion on quantum mechanics and specifically the issue of nonseparability or what has been termed: "quantum entanglement."
Henok Tadesse
One of the yet unsolved, simplest yet fundamental problems in physics is the question of the speed of gravitational action. It is usually formulated as follows. Suppose that the Sun disappeared suddenly. This would be sensed on Earth as a loss of gravitational pull of the Sun and as a loss of sunlight. Obviously, sunlight would disappear after 8.3 minutes. The question is: will gravitational pull of the Sun on Earth disappear instantaneously or with a delay of the speed of light? The accepted, mainstream understanding is that loss of Sun"s gravity would also be felt on Earth with a delay of the speed of light. However, based on astronomical observations, some experts have argued that the direction of gravitational pull of the Sun on Earth now is directed towards the position of the Sun now, implying instantaneous transmission. Moreover, they have argued that finite speed of gravity will result in instability of planetary systems. However, another line of reasoning has also shown that this literal view of instantaneous transmission is also wrong. This paradox leads us to a profound conclusion that the speed of gravity has dual nature: light speed and instantaneous. How can this be? The new finding is that causality will be (apparently or actually) violated in gravitational phenomenon as follows. Suppose that the Sun disappeared at time t = 0. The strange thing is that the Sun will anticipate its disappearance and will emit zero gravitational field toward the Earth 8.3 minutes before its actual disappearance! This signal travels at the speed of light and reach the Earth after 8.3 minutes. This means that the signal of zero gravitational field will reach the Earth at time t = 0. The arrival of zero gravitational field at the Earth will coincide exactly in time with the disappearance of the Sun, implying instantaneous transmission. Thus, by apparent violation of causality, nature allows the speed of gravity to be both finite (light speed) and infinite. Actually, the discovery of this idea of causality violation did not emerge from investigation of the gravitational phenomenon discussed above. It emerged from a line of reasoning during investigation of quantum phenomena, such as particle interference patterns in double-slit experiments, quantum entanglement, "which way" and quantum erasure experiments. From a new insight about the internal structure and dynamics of quantum particles such as photons and electrons, a conclusion has been reached that the exact point on the detector screen of a double-slit experiment where a photon will land is completely predetermined by fine tuning the initial conditions of the photon and the electron during emission. This means that where exactly a photon lands on the detecting screen is completely predetermined by its initial conditions, just as where exactly a ball lands on the ground is predetermined by its initial conditions. This means that an interference pattern or any arbitrary pattern could be formed on the detector screen by (almost) infinitely fine-tuning the initial conditions of the photon during emission, regardless of whether one or both slits are open, regardless of the distance between the slits, regardless of the distance of the detecting screen. In principle, a mechanical version of particle interference patterns can be created by repeatedly kicking a ball towards a hole ("slit") in a wall, with a "detector" wall at some arbitrary distance from the hole(s). This would require almost "infinite" fine tuning of the initial conditions of the ball, that is initial velocity, initial direction and other parameters. The interference pattern occurred just because of infinite fine tuning of the initial conditions of the ball and not because the ball "interfered" with itself. We only made a successful simulation, and created the pattern as if the ball interfered with itself. A supernatural football player can create an "interference" pattern on the net by 2 accurately deflecting the ball from either pole. The interference pattern in the photon and electron double-slit experiment is fundamentally the same. The conclusion is that aiming a photon to a particular atom on the screen requires (almost) infinite fine-tuning during emission. This raises the burning question: WHO fine-tunes the photons during emission so that they form an interference pattern or a Gaussian pattern? The emitting atom? The light source conspiring with the detecting screen? Atoms have infinitely small intelligence as to do the infinitely complex task of fine-tuning a photon. The conclusion is that a super natural being is fine-tuning and, literally, aiming each and every photon emitted not only from the light source of a double slit experiment, but also all photons emitted from all light sources in the universe. The overwhelming evidence of divine intervention is that photons and electrons cannot by themselves behave both as waves and as particles simultaneously. LITERALLY, God has been behind all confusing light speed experiments and observations made over centuries. It has been discovered that the correct model of the speed of light is a novel, seamless fusion of ether theory and emission theory (Apparent Source Theory). Photons cannot by themselves exhibit this dual nature. Literally, all dualities observed so far in light, electromagnetism and gravity are possible ONLY by DIRECT divine intervention.
Physicists have endeavored for decades to "reconcile" Einstein"s theory of relativity and quantum mechanics, and have failed. This paper reveals that this "reconciliation" should have occurred in the genesis of the two theories, not after the two theories have been developed separately and dogmatized. The two theories developed separately from apparently unrelated problems in the behavior of light, namely: 1. The problem of absolute motion and the speed of light 2. Quantum phenomena. The mainstream view is that these two theories have addressed and solved all the puzzles in physics. However, experimental evidences increasingly challenge and disprove this view. I have been searching for an explanation for each of these apparently unrelated problems, by considering them as separate problems, and have gained crucial insights that have eluded physicists for centuries. However, these insights did not lead to a complete solution of the problems. I was finally able to find the missing link for the quantum puzzles and, profoundly, that turned out to be the missing link for the light speed problem also. The mystery is that nature acts as if it had a foreknowledge of the observer"s motions and actions, which is another way of saying that God exists and directly intervenes in the operation of the universe. In the "Which-Way" and Quantum Experiments, God foresees the experimental set up and, literally, aims each photon accordingly. In the case of light speed experiments, from a foreknowledge of the observer"s motion, God emits a photon from the right point in space and time, with the right velocity of the center of the wave fronts , so that the behavior of light speed in the different experiments and observations is the way it is. One of the long standing puzzles in physics is whether the speed of gravity is finite (light speed) or infinite. Suppose that the Sun disappeared suddenly. Will gravity of the Sun on Earth disappear instantaneously or with the delay of the speed of light? Nature emits zero gravitational field towards the Earth 8.3 minutes before the actual disappearance of the Sun. The zero gravitational field travels at the speed of light and reaches the Earth exactly at the instant the Sun disappears. By apparent violation of causality, nature allows the speed of gravity to be both finite and infinite.
Henok Tadesse, 2020
Physicists have endeavored for decades to "reconcile" Einstein"s theory of relativity and quantum mechanics, and have failed. This paper reveals that this "reconciliation" should have occurred in the genesis of the two theories, not after the two theories have been developed separately and dogmatized. If that was done, we would have one "reconciled" correct theory, rather than two wrong theories that need to be "reconciled". The two theories developed separately from apparently unrelated problems in the behavior of light, namely: 1. The problem of absolute motion and the speed of light 2. Quantum phenomena. The problem of absolute motion and the nature and speed of light is a longstanding one that has existed for centuries in its modern form. Does absolute motion exist? Is light a wave or a particle ? Is there a light carrying medium (the ether) ? What is the speed of light? Many optical experiments and observations have been carried out over centuries in an attempt to probe the nature and speed of light. The light speed problem was not yet solved when at the beginning of the twentieth century another phenomenon was discovered by Max Planck: the light quanta. The mainstream view is that these two theories have addressed and solved all the puzzles in physics. However, experimental evidences increasingly challenge and disprove this view. Absolute motion has been detected in the Miller, the Marinov, the Silvertooth , the CMBR and the Roland De Witte experiments and other experiments. Likewise, scientists have been overwhelmed by the "Which-Way" and Quantum Erasure experiments. A gap between the current understanding of the behavior of light in light speed experiments and in quantum phenomena has also been noted. Ideas in quantum mechanics say nothing about problems of the speed of light and vice versa. I have been searching for an explanation for each of these apparently unrelated problems, by considering them as separate problems, and have gained crucial insights that have eluded physicists for centuries. However, these insights did not lead to a complete solution of the problems. I was finally able to find the missing link for the quantum puzzles and, profoundly, that turned out to be the missing link for the light speed problem also. The mystery revealed in this paper is that nature acts as if it had a foreknowledge of the observer"s motions and actions, which is another way of saying that God exists and directly intervenes in the operation of the universe. In the "Which-Way" and Quantum Experiments, God foresees the experimental set up and, literally, aims each photon accordingly. In the case of light speed experiments, from a foreknowledge of the observer"s motions, God emits the photons from the right points in space and with the right velocities, so that the behavior of light speed in the different experiments and observations is the way it is. One of the long standing puzzles in physics is whether the speed of gravity is finite (light speed) or infinite. It is usually formulated as follows. Suppose that the Sun disappeared suddenly. Will gravity of the Sun on Earth disappear instantaneously or with the delay of the speed of light? The answer is: both light speed and instantaneous. It is as if nature has a foreknowledge that the Sun will disappear, so nature emits zero gravitational field towards the Earth 8.3 minutes before the actual disappearance of the Sun. The zero gravitational field travels at the speed of light and reaches the Earth exactly at the instant the Sun disappears. By apparent (or actual) violation of causality, nature allows the speed of gravity to be both finite (light speed) and infinite.
The Expository Times, 2013
Entanglement between separate, distant systems, be it pairs of photon, atoms or molecules, is a well-documented phenomenon. It is the bases for emerging quantum information technologies, including cryptographic secure keys, quantum teleportation and quantum computing. At present there is a consensus among physicists that the violation of nonlocality, prescribed by quantum mechanics, should be accepted as a fact of how nature behaves, even if it conflicts with human reasoning and intuition, including those of Albert Einstein and John Bell. In the present paper I describe a new relativity theory, termed Information Relativity, and show that it can account, both qualitatively and quantitatively, for entanglement in a bipartite preparation like the one described in the EPR paper. The theory rests on two axioms: The relativity axiom of Special Relativity, plus an axiom designating light as the information carrier. The theory is deterministic, local, and complete, in the sense that each element in the theory is in a one-to-one correspondence with reality. The fact that the theory, with no hidden variables, can make precise predictions of entanglement, is in itself sufficient for casting serious doubts about the nonlocality condition imposed by Bell's Inequality. More importantly, the theory results demonstrate that entanglement is in fact, a local phenomenon, and that communicating information between entangled systems occurs by local causality, even at long distances. These conclusions imply that quantum theory is incomplete, that entanglement is not spooky, and that the reasoning and worries of Einstein and Bell were intact. The results also demonstrate that although God might be playing dice, we can do otherwise.
Acta Orientalia, 2018
Asian journal of education and training, 2020
Zwischen Faszination und Verteufelung: Chemie in der Gesellschaft, hrsg. von Marc-Denis Weitze, Joachim Schummer u. Thomas Geelhaar, 2017
Aleksei Meniailov, 2022
Wratislaviensium Studia Classica olim Classica Wratislaviensia VI–VII (XXXVII–XXXVIII), 2017
LivaS : international journal on livable space, 2023
Religion and law in medieval christian and muslim societies, 2016
Revista do Instituto Brasileiro de Segurança Pública, 2019
ChemMedChem, 2009
Market Infrastructure, 2020
Revista Argentina de Educación Superior, 2013
Annals of Coloproctology, 2015
Egyptian Journal of Chemistry, 2021