Ron Horgan
Retired 86 yo Research chemist slightly autistic, quite creative and good at seeing problems and solutions differently.I have analysed the pressing problem of our human nature and our survival on a closed planet and outlined a strategy for survival.This answers the Question John Templeton posed by uniting science and religion. Detailed bio in CV.
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Papers by Ron Horgan
Because we humans stand at this intersection of the material and immaterial universes we are both material and immaterial beings.
Here is a model to unite our human strengths of science and religious belief to survive the existential crisis we now face.
This is how our brain works , we know things before we are conscious of knowing. In critical situations It requires action without any logical analysis.
If we use this sense we might cut through the paralysis of too much conflicting information which has stopped effective action to avoid our own extinction on Earth
I have edited the title of my first attempt to avoid any confusion with Homo eternum which is the name of an online game
God, dimensionless and timeless is both the source of the material universe and an undivided entity.
My daughter Caitlin resolved the paradox " It's not going anywhere, it's all part of the one thing"
This barbaric response remains a human survival strength in desperate situations. Once this hatred is roused it endures because it has survival value.
Seen from this perspective, the solution is that that the warring sides negotiate with the guidance of a neutral trusted party with global authority.
It may be costly but preferable to the costs and dangers of the present war and provide a template for resolving conflicts.
A global solution requires both scientific factual expertise and religious emotional motivation
I hope to learn from experts in this field
Three years on my ideas have been upended. This is why I have always loved research for the thrill of finding the new and unexpected
This may be because we are overwhelmed by media saturated with distractions and misinformation.
Public meetings presented by charismatic speakers without these distractions may be effective.
Existing church services may be a model of emotional reassurance and possibly gain attendees by integrating survival messages of reassurance for our children.
For us on planet Earth ,will we come to a day with no tomorrow because we humans failed to act?
I hope that my first thoughts may attract discussion on Academia by people far more able than I.
In our scientific age an eternal consciousness is a definition of God.
An umbrella belief under which all previous definitions of God are validated
It is a huge task to repair the damage caused by ignorant human exploitation of everything on Earth.
Belief in the future is the key to our survival.
Here too is the alternative future we have the power to make.
It is the story of a pivotal moment in history in 2021 when decisive action by China inspired other major nations to stop burning fossil fuels.
This dramatic change saved Earth from certain destruction and bought time for us to become a long lived civilization.
Instead it could be the development that ensures our long term survival
Because we humans stand at this intersection of the material and immaterial universes we are both material and immaterial beings.
Here is a model to unite our human strengths of science and religious belief to survive the existential crisis we now face.
This is how our brain works , we know things before we are conscious of knowing. In critical situations It requires action without any logical analysis.
If we use this sense we might cut through the paralysis of too much conflicting information which has stopped effective action to avoid our own extinction on Earth
I have edited the title of my first attempt to avoid any confusion with Homo eternum which is the name of an online game
God, dimensionless and timeless is both the source of the material universe and an undivided entity.
My daughter Caitlin resolved the paradox " It's not going anywhere, it's all part of the one thing"
This barbaric response remains a human survival strength in desperate situations. Once this hatred is roused it endures because it has survival value.
Seen from this perspective, the solution is that that the warring sides negotiate with the guidance of a neutral trusted party with global authority.
It may be costly but preferable to the costs and dangers of the present war and provide a template for resolving conflicts.
A global solution requires both scientific factual expertise and religious emotional motivation
I hope to learn from experts in this field
Three years on my ideas have been upended. This is why I have always loved research for the thrill of finding the new and unexpected
This may be because we are overwhelmed by media saturated with distractions and misinformation.
Public meetings presented by charismatic speakers without these distractions may be effective.
Existing church services may be a model of emotional reassurance and possibly gain attendees by integrating survival messages of reassurance for our children.
For us on planet Earth ,will we come to a day with no tomorrow because we humans failed to act?
I hope that my first thoughts may attract discussion on Academia by people far more able than I.
In our scientific age an eternal consciousness is a definition of God.
An umbrella belief under which all previous definitions of God are validated
It is a huge task to repair the damage caused by ignorant human exploitation of everything on Earth.
Belief in the future is the key to our survival.
Here too is the alternative future we have the power to make.
It is the story of a pivotal moment in history in 2021 when decisive action by China inspired other major nations to stop burning fossil fuels.
This dramatic change saved Earth from certain destruction and bought time for us to become a long lived civilization.
Instead it could be the development that ensures our long term survival
The Big Bang being a "white hole " and the black holes a restoration of the pre universe condition. I hope that scientists in the field might comment on this prospect and add to my education?
Our scientific model is very effective in building machines to modify the environment and support a large population.
This has damaged the biosphere which supports us and may result in our extinction.
Fortunately science has now discovered that God exists and by reinforcing belief in our place in Gods' universe we may restrain the damage to a sustainable level.
However if the universe is conscious then perhaps a complex artificial machine could indeed become conscious.
In this case the danger to humans would be substantial unless the conscious machines were limited to acting in our best interests as we defined them.
This includes all of the important human properties which are beyond the reach of science.
I think it likely that visual models are the primary means of sensing and reacting to the environment, and that language ,logic and science trail behind. So here i have tried visualization as an exploration tool which you might enjoy.
I hope readers will come up with ideas to solve this pressing issue.
This is almost certainly a universal problem: a great evolutionary challenge which has snuffed out most advanced global civilizations.
To empower people to work together for a future beyond their lifetimes, the message must be easily understood. This is the business of myth.
The survival myth is a story of rational emotional comfort, a myth that can save the Earth.
Our senses have evolved to detect the most immediate survival threats, but we are blind some events.
Science and its development into engineering devices based on the external environment has resulted in great progress.
To explore the more subtle events, requires finding analogies to translate
important but not yet well understood phenomena into models that we can grasp. This essay attempts to visualize such models.
We have focused on the human brain as being the most likely place for this human ability to be found .But the problem is in two parts: how material brain tissue produces immaterial thoughts, and how and where these thoughts and memories are stored.
Through the remarkably open discussion of two previous essays, many people with astonishing knowledge, have led me to realize that these advanced human abilities are probably held in special organs in which time and distance are not constraints. They are part of the pre-universe state from which the universe erupted.
If so this may be an intimate connection to the Creator of all things?
Alice might guide me?
So having found a joyful philosophy , I am obliged to explain to them and others who may be interested how this works for me.
Throughout history communal beliefs have motivated societies to make radical changes to survive great threats.
An appropriate belief could now reduce global heating and prevent our extinction. This proposition requires enlightened debate.
A plausible mechanism by which our essentially human qualities were developed by evolution is presented here for discussion.
We now live in a global environment and our demands so damage the supporting biosphere as to threaten our extinction.
To survive the present crisis we must develop a culture of kindness and consideration .
If our bodies work as I speculate, we humans are well served by believing in God and our purpose in the universe.
Burning all fossil fuels must stop quickly or we will be destroyed.
Now we must change or die. Here is how we can change.
A belief that we are all transient parts of the whole universe is consistent with our human nature and science. We must develop such a culture.
Scientific warnings are not heeded because they dont connect with our emotions on which decisions are based.
This fantasy essay is one of several attempting to bridge this chasm.