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Multicultural America: A Multimedia Encyclopedia (2013) encyclopedia entry on the phrase
J Child Fam Stud, 1996
The new gospel [of multiculturalisra] condemns [the traditional American] vision of individuals of all nations melted into a new race in favor of an opposite vision." a nation of groups, differentiated in their ancestries, inviolable in their diverse identities. The contemporary Meal is shifting from assimilation to ethniei~, from integration to separatism ... Instead of a nation composed of individuals making their own free choices, America increasingly sees itself as composed of groups more or less indelible in their ethnic character. The national Meal had once been e pluribns unum. Are we now to belittle unum and g/or/fy pluribus? llrdl the center hold? Or will the melting pot yield to the Tower of Babel?
Communication and Public Policy: Proceedings of the 2008 International Colloquium on Communication - 21st ICC 2008
Multiculturalism has been proclaimed as a failure in several European countries and has been said to divide solidarity in the United States. As many Western nations become increasingly pluralistic, multiculturalism has become one of the most socially and politically divisive issues that has been debated among citizens, scholars, and political leaders, many of which suggest multiculturalism undermines social cohesion. However, a review of the literature suggests that inconsistent findings may be due in part to differences in the conceptualisation of the term multiculturalism. As we argue in the current study, not only is multiculturalism a multi-faceted phenomenon relating to diversity of a population, policy to manage diversity, and ideologies of whether diversity is positive or negative, but also it may have different consequences for minority and majority groups. In the current study we seek to examine how these different conceptualisations of multiculturalism, are related to well...
Human Resource Management, 2009
Available at SSRN 1491317, 2009
Problem statement: There exists misconceptions about the roles and characteristics of diversity and multiculturalism is American Society. The definitions and interrelationships are skewed as there continue to exist unanswered questions about to what extent the society is multicultural. Approach: The objective is to illustrated and discussed a theoretical construct where it will be possible to define, examine and test specific variables that define cultural neighborhoods. A group of Defining Intracultural Traits (DITS) creates a clear picture of how diversity and multiculturalism remain distinct entities within the United State societies. The DITS variables include: Language, Food, Religion/Ideology, and Comfort with Customs Results: Models are introduced which show the force field relationships between cultural entities. This paradigm illustrates the opposing fields which prevent the free sharing of culture on anything but a superficial level. This position prevents anything but a casual sharing of cultures within public settings such as the workplace, schools and sports events. Conclusion: American society does not exhibit many of the characteristics of assimilation and cultural integration which is often touted. American culture continues to be neighborhood bound. Future study is indicated in an effort to test whether the paradigm is a valid tool for representing cultural interrelationships in the United States.
Classical Journal, 1997
Reading "classical" and "multicultural" literature together can alert one to an author's use of classical motifs, but the interplay between classical and multicultural texts goes beyond such basic informative references. Classical-multicultural comparisons can foster real reexaminations of literature and the meanings it creates. They can reveal the vibrancy of ancient literature and suggest new approaches to the question "what is a classics?".
Multiculturalism is more concerned with internal unity in the face of cultural diversity, than it is with genuine social integration’
IALLT Journal of Language Learning Technologies, 1994
(CMU), we conducted a campus-wide program to encourage thinking about internationalization and cultural differences using a multimedia platform. This article is a report on that experience. INITIAL IMPETUS In 1991 we had participated in a new technologies initiative in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences to produce a "laser check disc," a videodisc pressed for single or very limited production. Our segment on this disc became an archive of some 250 print advertisements and 30 full-motion video ads from eight (mainly Euro-American) countries, the majority from France, our particular area of specialization. Once the check disc was pressed in January 1992, we began to call professors whose spring semester courses might benefit from exposure to the images in our archive and the new media. The positive responses were overwhelming; we had to call only the first 20 names on our list to get 13 invitations into 15 classrooms in five colleges. The disciplines included: psychology, anthropology, history, English, modem languages,
Higher Education English Language Teaching and Research in Mexico, 2017
Collège international de Philosophie | « Rue Descartes », 2022
Diachronic perspectives on embodiment and technology
Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Sciences
Cira Arqueologia, nº8, 2021
Synthetic Metals, 1995
Malta Independent, 2025
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 1995
Espacio Tiempo y Forma. Serie V, Historia Contemporánea, 1996