Jurnal Karya Asli Lorekan Ahli Matematik Vol. 6 No.1 (2013) Page 050-065.
Karya Asli Lorekan
Ahli Matematik
Leyla Ranjbari, Arifah Bahar and Zainal Abdul Aziz
Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310, UTM Johor Bahru,
Johor, Malaysia
Abstract : The paper is a survey on some recent literature in natural gas spot modelling without plunging into
calibration, spot-futures and spot-forward dynamics. This work, based on the fact that the crucial property of spot
price in energy markets, as a commodity market, is mean-reverting. We observe that the natural gas spot
modelling can be divided into essential categories, i.e. mean-reversion models and regime-switching models. We
then examine their historical extensions in the form of new techniques. In the former models, one-factor, twofactor and three-factor spot mean-reverting models as well as their extensions are resulted from splitting the longrun mean into two stochastic and deterministic components. We also consider the Levy diffusion based on alphastable process and normal inverse Gaussian process as well as affine structure for seasonality term. As the latter
category, one-factor regime-switching model is considered, which consists of two regimes either mean-reverting
process or geometric Brownian motion with positive/negative drift.
Key Words: Natural gas, multi-factor mean reverting, one-factor regime-switching spot model, alpha-stable Levy
process, normal inverse Gaussian processes, forward curves, future curves.
1. Introduction
Over the past two decades, natural gas plays a very essential role in the energy market due to
the cleanest burning fossil fuel as well as growing concern over air pollution control, which gives the
market further growth potential. The gas market has experienced radical changes in North America
and Europe over a deregulation period and elimination of stage monopolies and the corresponding
financial markets have also gradually furnished in the last decades. The futures market successfully
adapted itself to this dynamic and highly competitive market resulted from counterparty performance
risk, as a solution for essential risk management necessity. Consequently, the successful futures
market then became the foundation for many other forms of derivatives trade, such as options and
swaps. Now, the energy market has become fairly liberal market. Moreover, a number of fundamental
price drivers, such as issues of extraction, storage, transportation, weather, policies, technological
advances, etc., cause extremely complex gas prices behavior.The natural gas spot prices have several
important properties.
First, the natural gas spot prices have been historically considered to be a mean-reverting
process. This means that the prices move up and down frequently, but oscillate around an equilibrium
level (long-run mean) from the point of long term view. This is just the effect of mean reversion, i.e.
the prices mean revert to a long-term mean. The mean-reversion behavior of natural gas prices is
related to their reactions to events such as floods, summer heat waves, and other news-making events,
which can create new and unexpected supply-and-demand imbalances in the market. Such as the
temperatures reverting to their average seasonal levels, the natural gas prices tend to cause the natural
gas prices to come back to their typical levels.
Another very important characteristic of gas spot prices is strong cyclic in nature over a year
due to seasonal variation in supply and demand. Seasonality results from mainly demand fluctuations.
This is largely due to natural gas being a main source of heating homes and businesses. Heat usage
increases in the winter and goes down in the summer, so due to the market forces of supply and
demand, the price of natural gas has a general upward price movement in the winter and downward
movement in the summer. This seasonality is also seen in the price of natural gas forwards/futures. On
the other hand, the difficulty of storage and the limitation of transmission capacity make the supply
side not elastic enough to match the suddenly increased demand side very quickly. Hence, seasonal
© 2013 Jurnal Karya Asli Lorekan Ahli Matematik
Published by Pustaka Aman Press Sdn. Bhd.
Leyla Ranjbari, Arifah Bahar & Zainal Abdul Aziz
fluctuation of gas prices is the inevitable result of the seasonal imbalances between demand and
supply. The seasonality effects can be seen not only through historical spot prices, but also through
futures and forward prices.
In section 2, we shall review the literature on natural gas spot prices. Ultimately, section 3
involves the summary and future work.
2. Stochastic Models of Natural Gas Spot Prices
In this work, we shall present different spot price models used in natural gas spot pricing in two
separate frameworks: mean-reversion models and regime-switching models, and then explain other
new price-modelling techniques based on these two categories. The typical feature of many
commodities such as natural gas is that of mean reversion and this is captured by an OrnsteinUhlenbeck (OU) process. The commonly OU process is used in a single-factor model with a Wiener
process as the risk term. In modelling the forward curves, Schwartz [16] showed that this is
insufficient due to a cost of carry and its effects on the drift term. To overcome this drift adjustment,
convenience yield was taken into models. The interest rate also was considered a third stochastic
factor by Schwartz [16], but this did not yield any qualitative advantage over the two factor model.
Thus in commodity modelling literature, stochastic interest rates are rarely ever considered. In
Pilipovic [12, 13] a long-run stochastic mean also is proposed in the second factor model. Now in the
case of natural gas, there is seasonality exhibited in the price dynamics.
Xu [18] modified Philipovic's model [12, 13] to include seasonality via a positioning term,
which is a sum of two sinusoids with different periods, whose parameters are obtained from the
forward curve. Chen and Forsyth [5] used a one-factor regime-switching model to simulate the natural
gas price that supposedly imitates the two-factor convenience yield model from Gibson-Schwartz [7].
The PDE method of pricing by Chen and Forsyth [5] is much more efficient in computing the value of
storage. Hikspoors and Jaimungal [8] proposed a two-factor model with stochastic long-run meanreversion and a seasonal component gt in spot price process.
To capture the appropriate mathematical models for gas prices, there is an important test that
spot models must withstand, i.e., how well does the model fit the futures curve. Since the futures price
is equal to the discounted expected value of the spot price at its expiry, the proposed spot model must
be able to match the futures curve when taking its expectation. Thus in the literature, it’s important
that the spot price process chosen has an explicit form for its expectation, so as to determine the
futures price.
We shall introduce a series of stochastic processes because of the random behaviour of gas
prices) appropriate for natural gas spot prices based on available literature.
2.1 A one-factor model - Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process (OU)
The commonly used process to model natural gas behaviour is the mean-reverting OrnsteinUhlenbeck (OU) process. This is the most popular one-factor model in natural gas spot simulation.
The OU process is defined by
where the speed of mean reversion is, is the value that the spot price reverts to, is the diffusion
term and
is a Wiener process or Brownian motion. The expectation, variance and covariance of
Jurnal KALAM Vol. 6, No. 1, Page 050-065
This process is used as the standard spot price model for pricing the natural gas storage in
Boogert and Jong [1], Chen and Forsyth [5], Thompson, Davison et al. [17] and Bringedal [2]. The
disadvantage of this approach is that the spot price evolution can't be accurately accounted for. But the
advantage is the ease of calibration, and the simple form for the futures price, which follows from
equation (2) and (3). The futures price is given by
is the futures price at time t, for a contract expiring at time T given that the spot
price is St.
The appropriate model for industry practitioners, who have to take positions every day with
respect to injection and withdrawal of gas from the storage, is that of Li [9] which is relatively simple
but can directly simulate the expected spot price process with respect to the futures price. He takes the
spot price to take the following process.
Here ST is the spot price at time T in the future, So is the spot price on the valuation date
(current) and is the spot price volatility.
is the price of the futures contract as of today based on
a expiry date i. Since the futures price is the expected value of the spot price, for every subsequent
month, to begin with the futures price expiring in month, the spot price process is set for the
month. This approach facilitates the expected spot dynamics and includes the forward curve with less
computationally expensive.
2.2 Multi-factor models in commodity pricing
In this section, a variety of two-factor models with their third-factor extensions are described. The
most popular two-factor model and the first in the class of convenience yield models is that of
Gibson-Schwartz [7]. To represent the existing two driving noise terms in market movements, twofactor models can be used to indicate these two random sources of volatility. In Carmona [4], a
stochastic market price of risk term is introduced to fit the implied convenience yield for different
maturities. We shall now discuss the necessity of convenience yield in energy market before
discussion about the models based on convenience yield.
2.2.1 Why is convenience yield necessity in energy markets?
If supply constraints show shock, then demand exerts its own fundamental price
drivers. In energies, demand drivers introduce the issues of convenience yield and seasonality
that have no parallel in money markets. Sometimes, due to irregular market movements such as an
inverted market, the holding of an underlying good or security may become more profitable than
owning the contract or derivative instrument, due to its relative scarcity versus high demand. The
amount of benefit or premium associated with holding an underlying product or physical good, rather
than the contract or derivative product is called convenience yield. The convenience yield is derived
by the difference between the first purchase price of the underlying asset and its price after the shock.
In other words, when an asset is easy to come by, an investor doesn’t have need to own the actual
asset at that time, and can buy or sell as he please. When there is shortage of the particular asset, it is
better to own the asset rather than to own its contract or have to purchase it during the shortage period
because it is likely to be at a higher price due to the demand. In energy related assets, storage costs of
Leyla Ranjbari, Arifah Bahar & Zainal Abdul Aziz
energy along with the other industrial management costs influence the true value of the assets.
Although the holder of the energy contract has the option of consumption flexibility and has no risk in
the event of commodity shortage, cost flow implied by the storage expenses affects on the holder’s
decision to postpone consumption. This driven net flow is the convenience yield and is represented by
δ where
δ= Convenience yield = Benefit of direct access - cost of carry
The standard pricing for forward contracts with maturity T in markets is that discounted the spot
price, i.e.
where T is the time of exercise, r is the riskless-interest rate St is the spot price and F(t, T) is the price
of the forward at time t with exercise at time T. However, the forward contract price that includes the
convenience yield is obtained by
where δ is the convenience yield. Q is the risk-neutral measure, so this implies that St can be inferred
as a drift correction term in the spot price process.
2.2.2 Gibson-Schwartz model
The first spot convenience yield model was introduced by Gibson and Schwartz in 1990. The
spot price has the convenience yield added to the drift and is assumed to be a mean-reverting
process that drives the geometric Brownian motion commodity spot price .
be a probability space under a filtration
. According to the GibsonSchwartz model, under the risk-neutral measure Q,
are correlated Wiener processes with
In many energy commodities, mean-reverting process is typically accounted for spot prices of
energy assets, but in 1990 Gibson [7] argued that the convenience yield affects the spot price process
and induces mean-reversion to it. Unlike interest rate models, it makes sense that convenience yields
can take positive or negative values so the model proposed seems logical.
Schwartz [16] in 1997 compared the one, two and three-factor spot models in calibrating
forward curves. The one-factor model just has the mean-reverting Ornstein-Uhlenbeck spot price
process, the two-factor model is the above model and the three-factor model has stochastic interest
rates. It is shown that there is no qualitative improvement in assuming a stochastic interest rate, so
stochastic interest rates are not included in the paper. In Schwartz [16], it is shown that the futures
price for the above spot prices is
Jurnal KALAM Vol. 6, No. 1, Page 050-065
We can see the affine form in
with respect to convenience yield in the futures
price model in equation (12).
Runggaldier [15] in 2003 developed another two-factor model with introducing another OU
process for the spot price and exerting an affine structure with respect to market price of risk , the
differential between the actual return that an asset pays vs. the risk-free rate, normalized by the asset’s
volatility. The market price of risk , which follows the following OU process (16) and can take
positive or negative values, is the risk-neutral measure of the spot price process, i.e.
In 2004, Carmona [3] used Runggaldier’s idea to improve the Gibson-Schwartz two-factor
model, for better calibration of the futures curve. The Wiener process of the spot price process is
substituted by equation (15), and the extra stochastic factor is added as third factor to the model,
equation (10) and (11).
This three-factor model of the spot price process provides another approach to model the
forward curve, in a form of the stochastic differential equation (20). And make an explicit form for the
futures price due to the affine nature of .
Carmona three-factor model, (17) through (19), is specific to natural gas or energy and can be used for
general commodities.
For energy commodities, there are the strong seasonal forces of supply and demand not only
in the spot price process but also in futures and forward curves which create complicated
characteristics for them. We shall now discuss models where a seasonality term was introduced and
characterized in the movement of natural gas. The estimation of parameters of the seasonality term is
typically done through the forward curves.
Leyla Ranjbari, Arifah Bahar & Zainal Abdul Aziz
Figure 1.Average spot price of natural gas
Figure 2. The seasonality of the spot price on the same time scale as the seasonality
Figure 3. Natural gas futures prices
Jurnal KALAM Vol. 6, No. 1, Page 050-065
Figures 1 through 3 are examples of the behaviour of natural gas spot and futures prices, and
show a general trend of high gas prices in the winter months and lower gas prices in the summer
months on both spot and futures prices.
2.2.3 The Pilipovic two-factor model for energy
Dragana Pilipovic in 1997 wrote the first book in Energy Risk [12], where she presented a two-factor
model for energy taking into consideration the complex spot-futures dynamics, the futures curve with
respect to the spot price, which long-run mean is implied with the futures curve. She presented the
following two-factor model
are uncorrelated standard Brownian motions, spot price process as a meanwhere
reverted risk-adjusted process and the long-run mean as a geometric Brownian motion (GBM). If
is a Wiener process, which drives the spot process
becomes a riskadjusted Wiener process, which will drives .
Notice that by and application of Girsanov’s theorem the dependency of Wiener
, on the market price of risk,
defined on the same probability
, can be absorbed into an equivalent martingale measure. The Wiener process
under the equivalent martingale Q are given by
so that
.A risk-neutral (adjusted) measure Q is any probability measure,
equivalent to the market measure P, which makes all discounted bond prices martingales.
In energy market with seasonality, the underlying price refers to the spot price with the
seasonality factors taken away:
is the underlying spot price at time t.
Sometimes the processes of the spot prices stripped of seasonality because we need to strip
the effect of seasonality out of price data in order to analyze the underlying price behaviour. The
removing the seasonality from price data allows to model the seasonality separately from modelling
the underlying price processes, however, seasonality should be modelled as a stochastic process. Note
that there are three seasonal factors: summer seasonality, winter seasonality, third seasonality in order
to capture any additional repetitive annual event behaviour, such as an additional peaking or hump
behaviour in the summer or winter, for example.
Thus, the seasonality terms will be defined the same way for all models. However, spot price
removed from the seasonality effects, will be defined uniquely by each model being tested. The
calibration of the model parameters and the seasonality parameters will be performed simultaneously.
For each model calibrating will be ended up with specifying the model parameters, and all the
seasonality parameters. Sometimes, there is seasonality of seasonality, that is, not only are there
annual summer and winter seasonality patterns, but also 10-year and even 100-year cycles.
Leyla Ranjbari, Arifah Bahar & Zainal Abdul Aziz
Ultimately, if there is seasonality in the futures curve, as in natural gas, the futures curve
should be modelled by first stripping off the seasonality such as seasonal hump in the fall, i.e.,
is underlying (UND) futures prices.
The spot process of which is an exponential affine form also has an explicit form for its
futures price shown by Pilipovic [12, 13]:
2.2.4 Xu's generalization of Pilipovic's model
Xu [18] added a seasonality term
to Pilipovic's model, equations (21) and (22). He
exclusively studied the natural gas following model was proposed by Xu:
and constant
, Xu’s model would be equivalent to Pilipovic's model. He
considered the above model when is constant, i.e., one-factor model, and studied the model with
and without seasonality. He concluded that the models concluding seasonality terms performed the
2.2.5 Hikspoors and Jaimungal's model
In 2007, Hikspoors et. al. [8] proposed a class of models with long-run mean and a seasonal
component gt. They present the following two-factor model
is a stochastic process satisfied on the observed equation
Both of
and are OU processes with the advantage of being able to estimate the conditional
probabilities. They also developed a three-factor model with additional stochastic volatility, with the
spot price process given by:
Jurnal KALAM Vol. 6, No. 1, Page 050-065
They extend their two and three-factor models to include jumps, such that
The jump component
is a compound Poisson process.
Instead of inserting the jump term in , jump term is included directly to the spot price
dynamics of . That means, a jump is randomly added to commodity prices rather than a jump exerts
the whole prices alter with its changing, and then the price returns back to its original state. This
accounts as an advantages of the model because the typical behaviour of commodity prices have that
of spikes in prices and typically returning to its regular level. Quan [8] in 2006 studied exclusively on
one and two-factor model with affine jump-diffusion with and without seasonality. Since
Nedunthally’s models are accounted for Quan’s models, they are not mentioned in this paper.
2.2.6 Eydeland and Wolyniec's model
In Eydeland [6], a model is introduced to capture the entire forward curve. The forward equation is
determined by the Schwartz model in a form of an HJM (Heath-Jarrow-Morton) model, which is
induced as an underlying forward curve without seasonality to follow an interest rate type model. The
forward process generally has the following multifactor form:
are correlated Wiener processes.
For commodities, the forward curve model that could be simplified to
The above equations propose a very different approach without worried about the actual spot price
process. They try to capture the dynamics of the futures curve which actually has a very erratic
behaviour in gas due to its dependence on long and short term supply and demand.
2.2.7 Nedunthally’s models.
Nedunthally [10] introduce Levy processes into spot modeling of gas spot prices, and claims
that the one-factor that Ornstain-Uhlenbech (OU) processes with the normal inverse Gaussian (NIG)
Leyla Ranjbari, Arifah Bahar & Zainal Abdul Aziz
process is the most effective in the class of one-factor models. Since there are few jumps in natural
gas spot prices, so it is suitable to use a stable process to model the spot price. The advantage of the
alpha-stable levy process is ability to model the skewness and kurtosis. He also presents a new two
factor model that assigns an affine structure for its seasonality term, the model being an extension to
Pilipovic’s two-factor model.
He also shows that the normal inverse Gaussian (NIG) process as a computationally feasible
case of the generalized hyperbolic (GH) process which manages to retain properties of asset returns
such as semi-heavy tails. He discusses about the important criteria for modeling natural gas spot
prices and how expected value of the spot price process at different times in the future must be
consistent with that of the futures curve. He also introduces two different one-factor models based on
an alpha-stable process and NIG process, and take advantage of the fact that Ornstain-Uhlenbech
(OU) processes based on stable or NIG processes have an explicit solutions. The parameters of the
seasonality term are obtained from a combination of spot and futures prices, which is used in Levy
based OU and Cox-Ingersoll-Ross (CIR) processes to match the futures price. To calibrate the twofactor models, he uses linear regression to strip the underlying futures curve and then uses maximum
likelihood to estimate the parameters.
His work deals with one-factor Levy-based stochastic models of the following form
where is a Levy process,
is the seasonality parameter and
is the natural gas price process.
, it be an OU process and for
it be CIR type process.
Determine the spot price processes that satisfy the following boundary condition:
is the price of the contract at time t with the date maturity being T when the spot
price at time t is given s. The value of a futures contract at maturity T tells about the markets
expectation of the spot price at time T under the risk-neutral measure Q.
is a seasonality term whose parameters are calibrated by
Observations show that this seasonality is not constant, but an affine form for the coefficient allows
capturing the amplitude of the seasonality.
That is
, i.e. has an affine structure, or
Jurnal KALAM Vol. 6, No. 1, Page 050-065
2.2.8 Parsons’s Models
Parsons [11] develops a two-factor tree model which consistently captures large amounts of
optionality on both fast and slow-cycle leases, based on assuming the strong mean-reverting in U.S.
natural gas spot prices. Also he drives the discrete-time spot price process in order to be applied in
tree method in order to model natural gas storage value, which is outside of this work concern. He
shows that according to principal components analysis, presuming two factors of risk explain
approximately 95% of movements in U.S. natural gas forward prices. Since forward prices are merely
expected spot prices in risk-neutral measure, he claims a two-factor prices model as a natural starting
point for the spot price process. His model is very similar to the one in Pilipovic [12] with a meanreverting spot price and a geometric Brownian motion long-run mean. In Parsons pricing model [11],
a two-component long-run mean is assumed with one component as a mean-reverting process, and
another component as a deterministic process, as follows:
Gas-daily (spot) price at time t
Stochastic component of the long-run mean at time t
Deterministic component at time t
Long-run mean of the process
Mean-reversion speed of the process
Mean-reversion speed of the process
Deterministic volatility of the process at time t
Deterministic volatility of the process at time t
Independent Brownian motion of the process
Independent Brownian motion of the process
The model introduces the stochastic component to the long-run mean to overcome the
shortfalls of the one-factor price model and to be more realistic from the analysis of mean-reversion.
Moreover, forward curve can bend and shift parallel in the model in the reason of resulting less
correlation between spot and forward prices.
Furthermore, with introducing the deterministic component to the long-run mean, the model
allows seasonality to be incorporated into the spot prices as well as to facilitate calibration.
Deterministic volatilities in both and processes exert to capture seasonality as well.
By applying Ito’s lemma to (55) to find the solution for
then inserting into (54) to
, the spot price process for
is obtained the below,
The gas-daily (spot) price at time
Leyla Ranjbari, Arifah Bahar & Zainal Abdul Aziz
2.2.9 One-Factor Regime Switching Model
Although one-factor mean-reverting models typically are used in literature of natural gas
storage evaluation, they do not give us enough efficiency in practice. On the other hand, multi-factor
models are computationally expensive. In 2007, Chan and Forthys [5] introduced a one-factor regime
switching model to evaluate the gas storage facilities. This model seems to work almost as well as
two-factor models with respect to fitting forward curves. The model to be proposed has two regimes,
i.e. mean-reverting process (MR) and geometric Brownian motion process (GBM), and switches
between a combination of MR and GBM processes. Therefore, this produce several model resulted
from variations of regimes, i.e. MRMR, MRGBM, GBMMR, and GBMGBM. Which they were
interested in three variations: MRMR, MRGBM and GBMGBM. In MRMR model, the processes in
both regimes are mean-reverting. An MRGBM shows the mean-reverting process in one regime and
GBM with positive drift in another regime. In GBMGBM variation, the process in one regime follows
GBM with a positive drift while that in another regime is GBM with negative drift. Moreover, they
used futures curves and options on futures to obtain the models parameter, in particular used the
options on futures to find the volatility parameter.
When regimes switch between MR and MR's equilibrium price, reproduces dynamics of Xu
[18], which includes seasonality and mean reverting long-run mean, in section 2.2.4 the equations
(27) through (31).However, when regimes switch between GBM and GBM (with different signs of
drifts), reproduces Gibson-Schwartz [16], which extends the typical mean-reverting OU model with
adding additional stochastic factor of convenience yield, in section 2.2.2 the equations (10) and (11).
Their examined the three MRMR, MRGBM and GBMGBM as well as other models for
calibration spot-forward dynamics. Their results showed that the MRMR and MRGBM variations of
the regime-switching model are capable of fitting the market gas forward curves more accurately than
the MR model. And, the GBMGBM does not appear to be consistent with market data.
The switch between two regimes can be modelled by a two-state continuous-time Markov
, taking two values 0 or 1. The value of
indicates the regime in which the riskdenote probability of shifting from regime 0 to
adjusted gas spot price resides at time t. let
regime 1 over a small time interval dt, and let
be the probability of switching from regime 1 to
regime 0 over dt. Then
can be represented by
are the independent Poisson
where t− is the time infinitesimally before t, and
, respectively.In the regime-switching model, the risk-adjusted
processes with intensity
natural gas spot price is modeled by an SDE given by
As indicated in equations (62-63), within a regime
the gas spot price follows the
process (64-65) with parameters
(but the signs of
are not constrained).
is the mean-reverting rate,
is the long-term equilibrium price,
is the volatility,
Jurnal KALAM Vol. 6, No. 1, Page 050-065
is an increment of the standard Gauss-Wiener process,
is a time-dependent term so that
is the price change at time t contributed by the
seasonality effect. Note that multiplying
with P guarantees the price of natural gas always stays
is the annual seasonality parameter,
is a reference time satisfying
is the annual seasonality centering parameter for t0. We define
is a constant time adjustment parameter obtained through calibration;
is the distance
between the reference time and the first date in January in the year of . Thus, by calibrating the
value of , we are able to determine the evolution of the annual seasonality effect over time.
is the semi annual seasonality parameter,
is the semiannual seasonality centering parameter for . Similar to the definition of
we define
where the constant time adjustment parameter
is obtained from a calibration process.
Meanwhile, the stochastic factors for the two regimes are perfectly correlated. Note that we
assume that the centring parameters
, as given in equations (66-67), respectively,
are identical for two regimes in order to reduce the number of calibrated parameters.
This simple model is considered by several authors ([12] and [18]), although the seasonality
feature is handled in a slightly different manner.
Remark 2.1 (Effect of the seasonality term on gas price dynamics). We can rewrite equation
according to equation (65), if
then there exists certain periods of time within which
. In this case, if P is large
in equation (68), then the process (64) becomes a GBM process with
positive drift rate due to the strong seasonality effect. At other times, the process is mean-reverting.
Note that the deseasoned process (i.e., setting
in SDE (64)) is a mean-reverting process.
Remark 2.2 (Mean-reverting or GBM-like process). From the model (62-63), the deseasoned spot
price in regime
can follow either a mean-reverting process or a GBM-like process by setting
, then the deseasoned gas price (obtained
parameter values. If we choose
in SDE (62)) follows a mean-reverting process
from setting the seasonality term
with equilibrium level
If we set
and mean-reversion rate
in equation (62), then the deseasoned gas price SDE becomes
Leyla Ranjbari, Arifah Bahar & Zainal Abdul Aziz
This is a GBM-like process. Specifically, if the drift coefficient
standard GBM process, i.e., gas price P will drift up at a rate
the gas price will drift down at a rate
, then SDE (71) is a
at time t; if
2.2.10 Variations of the regime-switching model
As indicated in Remark 2.2, the deseasoned spot price in each regime can follow either a
mean-reverting process or a GBM-like process. Consequently, there exist many possible variations of
the regime-switching model by choosing different combinations of the stochastic processes in two
regimes. We are interested in the following three variations, i.e.
MRMR, MRGBM, GBMGBM variations which are described the following:
MRMR variation
The processes in both regimes are mean-reverting with different equilibrium levels, i.e.,
in SDE (62). In this variation, the equilibrium level of the gas spot price
, which thus creates a sort of mean-reverting effect on the
switches between two constants,
equilibrium level. This simulates the behaviour of the equilibrium price in the two-factor model
proposed by Xu[18], where the gas spot price P follows a one-factor mean-reverting process and its
equilibrium price evolves over time according to the other one-factor mean-reverting process.
MRGBM variation
The process in one regime is mean-reverting while the other regime is a GBM process with a
positive drift, i.e.,
in SDE (62). The mean-reverting regime
represents the normal price dynamics, and the GBM regime can be regarded as the sudden drifting up
of the gas price driven by exogenous events.
GBMGBM variation
The processes in both regimes are GBM processes with a positive drift in one regime and a
negative drift in the other, i.e.,
in SDE (62). This simulates the
behaviour of the two-factor model in Schwartz [7], where the risk adjusted commodity spot price
process is modelled by a GBM-like process given by
Here is the constant riskless interest rate;
is the instantaneous convenience yield,
following an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck mean-reverting process. The drift coefficient
can switch
between positive and negative values during a time interval since the value of is stochastic and may
change signs during the interval. Thus the gas price p will either drift up or drift down at any time
depending on the sign of
. According to (70), the gbmgbm variation can produce behaviour
similar to the SDE (71).
3. Summary and Conclusion
The paper accounts for an overview on natural gas spot modelling without diving into
calibration, spot-futures and spot-forward dynamics. In this work, based on mean-reversion property
of spot price in energy markets, the spot modelling is divided into two categories: mean-reversion
models and regime-switching models. The historical extensions or new techniques based on these two
categories are explained which some of them emphasizing on fitting the forward curve, as examples
[11] and [6], and some others attempt to capture spot-futures dynamics such as [1,2,3,5,7,9,10 and 16]
Jurnal KALAM Vol. 6, No. 1, Page 050-065
and others capture both the forward and futures fitting, as [3,4,12 and 13]. This paper presented
different spot prices models for natural gas in two types: mean-reverting models and regimeswitching models.
According to the literature on gas spot price modeling, there are some historical ways and
ideas to extend these two type models. For mean-reverting models, there are some strategies to extend
as the following:
1. Modify the first factor or spot price equation [8,9,10,11,14 and 15]
2. Manipulate the second factors
a. Change the second factor: [12, 13 and 15]
b. Split into some components:[11]
3. Add the seasonality terms to spot price model: [18] and [8].
a. Sinusoidal term
b. Co-sinusoidal term
c. Linear combination of sinusoidal and co-sinusoidal functions
d. Exponential term
4. Use sinusoidal or co-sinusoidal with different periods
5. Add some factor:[3,4,16 and 18]
6. Add jump process: [14]
7. Use the Levy process instead of Wiener diffusion: [10]
For the second type model, Chen and Forsyth [5], due to the novelty, there is not any
modification or extension yet; therefore it would be known later in some future work. Since natural
gas is the most volatile markets, it would be expected that newer models would have to be developed
in order to respond for the complexity in market behaviours.
This research is partially funded by MOHE FRGS Vote no. 78675 and UTM RUG Vot. No.05J13.
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