Joint Modelling of Gas and Electricity Spot Prices

2013, Applied Mathematical Finance

The recent liberalization of the electricity and gas markets has resulted in the growth of energy exchanges and modelling problems. In this paper, we modelize jointly gas and electricity spot prices using a mean-reverting model which fits the correlations structures for the two commodities. The dynamics are based on Ornstein processes with parameterized diffusion coefficients. Moreover, using the empirical distributions of the spot prices, we derive a class of such parameterized diffusions which captures the most salient statistical properties: stationarity, spikes and heavy-tailed distributions.

Joint Modelling of Gas and Electricity spot prices Noufel Frikha, Vincent Lemaire To cite this version: Noufel Frikha, Vincent Lemaire. Joint Modelling of Gas and Electricity spot prices. 2010. <hal-00421289v3> HAL Id: hal-00421289 Submitted on 13 Oct 2010 HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés. Joint Modelling of Gas and Electricity spot prices N. Frikha1 , V. Lemaire2 October 13, 2010 Abstract The recent liberalization of the electricity and gas markets has resulted in the growth of energy exchanges and modelling problems. In this paper, we modelize jointly gas and electricity spot prices using a mean-reverting model which fits the correlations structures for the two commodities. The dynamics are based on Ornstein processes with parameterized diffusion coefficients. Moreover, using the empirical distributions of the spot prices, we derive a class of such parameterized diffusions which captures the most salient statistical properties: stationarity, spikes and heavy-tailed distributions. The associated calibration procedure is based on standard and efficient statistical tools. We calibrate the model on French market for electricity and on UK market for gas, and then we simulate some trajectories which reproduce well the observed prices behavior. Finally, we illustrate the importance of the correlation structure and of the presence of spikes by measuring the risk on a power plant portfolio. Keywords: Electricity markets; spot price modelling; ergodic diffusion; stochastic differential equation; saddlepoint 1 Introduction The recent deregulation of energy markets has led to the development in several countries of market places for energy exchanges. Consequently, understanding and modelling the behavior of energy market is necessary for developing a risk management framework as well as pricing of options. Many derivatives on both electricity and gas spot (and futures) prices are traded. Understanding the correlation structure between both energies is a significant challenge. For instance, spark spread options are commonly traded in energy markets as a way to hedge price differences between electricity and gas prices or are used in order to price projects in energy (see [12] for an introduction). Thus, modelling jointly the evolution of gas and electricity prices is a relevant issue. Numerous diffusion-type and econometric models have been proposed for electricity and gas spot prices. In energy markets, spot price dynamics are commonly based on Ornstein processes, which are the classical way to model mean-reversion. Geometric models represent the logarithmic prices by a sum of Ornstein processes with different speeds of mean reversion whereas arithmetic models represent the price itself (see for instance [21] for a geometric model). Also, equilibrium models ([2] and [15]) have been investigated in order to reproduce price formation as a balance between supply and demand. The main drawback of such model is that they do not reproduce the autocorrelation structure of a commodity and the cross-correlation structure between commodities. In [13], a markov jump diffusion is investigated for electricity spot prices. Though, it properly represents the spiky behaviour of spot electricity prices, the process reverts to a deterministic mean level whereas it usually reverts to the pre-spike value on data. Moreover applied to electricity and gas spot prices, it does not capture the autocorrelation and cross-correlation struture observed on data. 1 Laboratoire de Probabilités et Modèles aléatoires, UMR 7599, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France, e-mail: 2 Laboratoire de Probabilités et Modèles aléatoires, UMR 7599, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France, e-mail: 1 Another class of spot price dynamics is represented by multifactor models. Several authors (see [14], [4], [9], [20], [22] among others) have investigated this kind of diffusion. The logarithmic prices or the price itself is represented by a sum of Ornstein processes in order to incorporate a mixture of jump variations and “normal” variations. For instance, in [20] the deseasonalized spot price or log-spot price X(t) is given by: X(t) = Y1 (t) + Y2 (t) where dYi (t) = −λi Yi (t)dt + dLi (t), i = 1, 2. The Ornstein Uhlenbeck (OU) component Y1 is responsible for the normal variation and is assumed to be Gaussian, i.e. L1 (t) is a Brownian motion, whereas Y2 is the Levy driven OU component responsible for spikes, i.e. L2 (t) is a jump Lévy process. In this kind of framework, the difficulty is to detect and filter the spikes in order to estimate the jump part. Several methods have been proposed to circumvent this problem (see e.g. [20] and [4]). For instance, [14] presents a similar model for the spot price process that is the exponential of the sum of an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck and an independent mean reverting pure jump process, derives its associated forward curves and finally proposes to calibrate it to the observed forward curve at time t = 0. In order to calculate premia of call and put options as well as path-dependent options several approximations to the probability density function of the logarithm of the spot price process at maturity are done. In [6], the following spot price dynamics for two energies A and B are proposed A A S (t) = Λ (t) + S B (t) = ΛB (t) + m X i=1 m X i=1 XiA (t) + XiB (t) + n X j=1 n X YjA (t), YjB (t), j=1 where ΛA (t) and ΛB (t) are seasonal floors, XiA and XiB are common OU processes, i.e. they are driven by the same jump process Li . A different approach based on copula is proposed in [5] where the joint evolution of electricity and gas prices is modeled by a bivariate non-Gaussian OU pure jump process with a non-symmetric copula. In this paper, we propose an alternative class (arithmetic and geometric) of models to reproduce adequately the statistical features of gas and electricity spot prices based on parameterized local volatility processes. The spiky behaviour of both spot prices is captured without introducing jump diffusion processes. More precisely, the deseasonalized (log) prices processes are modelized by the sum of an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process (which is common for both commodities) and an independent stationary diffusion process. The construction of this stationary diffusion is similar to [7] where diffusion models with linear drift and prespecified marginal distribution are investigated with an application in a different context. The selected parameterized diffusion coefficient allows to capture “cluster of volatility” (e.g. period of high volatility which implies prices spikes). Moreover, this approach provides a significant advantage over the class of jump diffusion models since the calibration process involves only classical statistical tools like least squares method and maximum likellihood estimations so that it is robust and fast. It allows to reproduce (for the first time to our knowledge) both the auto-correlation and the cross-correlation strutures between two energies. The model was successfully tested on several markets and seems to fit well the statistical features and the marginal distributions of gas and electricity spot prices. Our results are presented as follows. Section 2 is devoted to the description of the stylised features of gas and electricity spot prices. Then, in Section 3, we briefly recall some important theoretical results on which are based our model. To be more precise, we recall how to construct a mean reverting diffusion process X solution of a stochastic differential equation (SDE) with a prespecified continuous invariant density f . Such diffusions involves parameterized local volatility processes. In Section 4, we present the model of our choice and focus on the calibration procedure. In the last section, we perform the calibration on the data sets coming from the NBP for the gas spot price and the Powernext market for the electricity spot price. Then, we proceed to the 2 simulation and, finally, analyze the impact of the modelization by measuring the risk of an energy related portfolio using several models. We show that introducing the cross-commodity correlation structure can greatly modify the risk of a portfolio. 2 Stylised features of gas and electricity spot prices 2.1 Seasonality A first characteristic of gas and electricity (and many commodities) prices is the presence of annual (and possibly multi-time scales) seasonality and a trend (see e.g. [12], [20]). For each commodity, we model the seasonality and the trend component of the logarithmic spot prices with the mean level functions around which spot prices fluctuate     m X 2πt 2πt g g g g ck cos log g(t) = a + b t + + dk sin , lk lk k=1     m X 2πt 2πt e e e e log e(t) = a + b t + + dk sin , ck cos lk lk k=1 2.8 2.4 2.6 saisonality 3.0 3.2 3.4 where lk = ⌊252/k⌋, k = 1, ..., m, ⌊x⌋ denotes the integer part of x. For instance, if we choose m = 2, we only consider a seasonal function over the year and the semester. We assume 252 trading days in a year except for electricity spot price on Powernext which has 365 trading days in a year so that, we have to take into account this particularity in the seasonality function. The coefficients above are estimated using ordinary least squares. The log-seasonality functions are represented with the estimated values for m = 2 using gas spot price at the NBP and electricity spot price from the Powernext market in Figure 1. All parameters are not significant at the 5% level. We only report and take into account the significant values 1 . We checked the seasonality over week, month and quater, but the coefficients were not significant. 0 200 400 600 dates Figure 1: The fitted log-seasonality functions log(g(t)) and log(e(t)) Now we focus our attention on the deseasonalized data Y g (t) := log S g (t) − log g(t) and Y e (t) := log S e (t) − log e(t) for the specification of the model. A geometric model consists in modelling the stochastic processes Y g (t) and Y e (t) whereas an arithmetic model consists in modelling the g e stochastic processes eY (t) and eY (t) . a = 1.53, bg = 0.000688, cg1 = 0.121, dg2 = 0.0287, cg2 = 0.00533 et ae = 3.02, be = 0.000405, ce1 = 0.138, de2 = 0.0368. 1 g 3 2.2 Spikes and heavy tails 60 gas spot price 40 200 150 0 0 50 20 100 electricity spot price 250 80 300 Electricity has very limited storage possibilities. It induces the possibility of spikes in spot prices. Natural gas can be stored but it is often costly, so that it shares the spiky behaviour of spot electricity prices. Gas and electricity markets share this similarity as it can be seen in Figure 2 presenting the electricity spot prices coming from the Powernext market on the left and gas spot prices at the National Balancing Point (NBP) on the right. From a stochastic modelling point of view, spikes are commonly represented by jump diffusions with mean reversion. However (to the best of our knowledge) there is no evidence that it is rather jumps than spikes caused by clusters of volatility for instance. Jan 03 Jan 04 Jan 05 Jan 06 Jan 07 Jan 08 Jan 03 Jan 04 Jan 05 Jan 06 Jan 07 Jan 08 Figure 2: Electricity spot prices on the Powernext market (on the left) and gas spot prices at the NBP (on the right) for the period 14 January 2003 till 20 August 2008. The histograms of Y g and Y e with the fitted normal density curve is presented in Figure 3. We observe that the two residuals time series Y g and Y e are far from being normally distributed. The excess of kurtosis of Y g and Y e are respectively equal to 4.5 and 2.3 meaning that the two distributions are peaked and have heavy tails. The skewness of Y g and Y e are respectively equal to 0.77 and 0.57 meaning that the two distributions are not symmetric. Histogram of Ye 0.8 Density 0.4 0.6 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.5 Density 1.0 1.5 1.2 1.4 Histogram of Yg −2 −1 0 1 −1.0 yg −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 ye Figure 3: Histograms of Y g and Y e with normal density curves. 2.3 Mean reversion and long term dependency Gas and Electricity spot prices are known to be stationary. This can be tested using an augmented Dickey-Fuller test (ADF) or the Phillips-Perron test. For the UKPX, Powernext electricity spot 4 1 0 −1 −2 Gas and Electricity deseasonalized spot prices 2 prices and gas spot prices at the NBP the unit root hypothesis was rejected using both tests. Figure 4 shows that gas and electricity deseasonalized prices are strongly linked by a long term dependency, i.e. it seems that there is a stochastic equilibrium between Y g (t) and Y e (t) from which they cannot deviate for a long time. This long term dependency can be observed on the cross-correlation function. Jan 03 Jan 04 Jan 05 Jan 06 Jan 07 Jan 08 Figure 4: The log-deseasonalized gas (normal line) and electricity spot (dashed line) prices 2.4 Auto-correlation and cross-correlation In energy spot price modelling, the auto-correlation functions (ACFs) are often analyzed. The ACFs g e of both Y g (t) (respectively eY (t) ), ρg , on one hand Y e (t) (respectively eY (t) ), ρe , on the other hand present both a two-scale (or three-scale at most) decreasing behaviour with one quickly decreasing component and one or two slow decreasing components. The same behaviour is observed on the cross-correlation function (CCF) ρg,e . This kind of decreasing ACFs and CCF are well explained by sum of decreasing exponentials components, namely for τ > 0: g g e e ρg (τ ) = Corr (Y g (t + τ ), Y g (t)) = φg1 e−λ1 τ + (1 − φg1 )e−λ2 τ , ρe (τ ) = Corr (Y e (t + τ ), Y e (t)) = φe1 e−λ1 τ + (1 − φe1 )e−λ2 τ , g,e τ ρg,e (τ ) = Corr (Y g (t + τ ), Y e (t)) = φg,e e−λ . For the sake of simplicity in our stochastic modelization, we focused on one type of crosscorrelation Corr (Y g (t + τ ), Y e (t)) and we assumed that the cross-correlation is symetric that is Corr (Y g (t + τ ), Y e (t)) = Corr (Y e (t + τ ), Y g (t)) which is a rather natural approximation. We observed that the slower rates of mean reversion for each commodities are quite similar λg2 = λe2 and that a rather good approximation is obtained by setting λg,e = λg2 = λe2 . Using a least squares approach, we fitted simulteanously ρg (τ ), ρe (τ ), ρg,e (τ ) (τ = 1, ..., 150) to the empirical ACFs and CCF. We assumed that the observed spot prices have reached the stationarity. Both empirical and fitted ACFs2 and CCF3 are plotted in Figure 5. We can see the separation into a fast speed of mean reversion for gas and electricity spot prices λg1 and λe1 which corresponds to a correlation dependence of approximately 2 and 30 days probably due to the spikes components whereas the slower speed of mean reversion corresponds to a correlation 2 3 φg1 = 0.43, λg1 = 7.2, and φe1 = 0.49, λe1 = 69.4 φg,e = 0.53, λg2 = λe2 = λg,e = 2.6 5 50 100 150 1.0 ccf 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 corr 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.8 0.6 corr 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 0 (a) ACF of Y g 50 100 150 0 (b) ACF of Y e 50 100 150 (c) CCF of (Y g , Y e ) Figure 5: Empirical ACF and CCF of deseasonalized gas spot price and electricity spot price dependence of 64 days and corresponds to the stochastic equilibrium or the normal variation of gas and electricity spot prices. 3 Theoretical background In order to modelize heavy tails (and spikes) of stationary spot prices distribution, a natural idea is to consider an ergodic diffusion process like representation of deseasonalized spot prices. In this section, we briefly recall how to construct a one dimensional process X solution of a stochastic differential equation with a prespecified continuous invariant density f . Throughout the sequel we assume that f is a strictly positive bounded continuous probability density on (l, r) (and zero outside (l, r)). 3.1 The general case Let Xt  t>0 the diffusion solution of the following stochastic differential equation (SDE) dXt = b(Xt )dt + σ(Xt )dBt , X0 ∈ (l, r), (Eb,σ ) where b : (l, r) → R and σ : (l, r) → R are locally Lipschitz functions and that σ is not degenerate  on (l, r) i.e. ∀x ∈ (l, r), σ 2 (x) > 0. We introduce for the diffusion Xt t>0 , the scale function p : (l, r) → R defined for any c ∈ (l, r) by  Z y  Z x 2b(z) exp − ∀x ∈ (l, r), p(x) = dz dy, 2 c σ (z) c and the speed measure density m : (l, r) → R∗+ defined by Z x  2b(z) 2 2 ∀x ∈ (l, r), m(x) = ′ = 2 exp dz . (1) 2 p (x)σ 2 (x) σ (x) c σ (z)   We recall (see e.g. [16, 17]) that the process p(Xtζ ) with ζ = inf {t > 0, Xt = l or Xt = r} is t>0 a local martingale if and onlyif p is the scale function (unique up to an affine transformation). Moreover, if the diffusion Xt t>0 is positive recurrent, the stationary probability distribution ν defined on (l, r) satisfies −1 Z r . m(x)dx ν(dx) = Cm(x)dx with C = l This classical result is the key to construct a one-dimensional ergodic process that fits prescribed stationary probability distribution. For a more general result to construct an inhomogeneous Markov martingale process that has prespecified marginal density we refer to [19]. 6 Proposition 3.1. Let b : (l, r) → R be a continuous drift function. Suppose that b and f satisfy the following conditions Z r Z x b(y)f (y)dy = 0, (HB ) b(y)f (y)dy > 0, and ∀x ∈ (l, r), l l Then there exists a unique continuous diffusion function defined by s R x b(y)f (y)dy ∀x ∈ (l, r), σ(x) = 2 l , f (x) such that (Eb,σ ) has a unique solution Xt distribution ν satisfying ν(dx) = f (x)dx.  t>0 , which is an ergodic diffusion process with stationary Further details of the proof outlined below can be found in [7]. Rx Proof. Let B be the function defined by B(x) = l b(y)f (y)dy. One checks easily that the scale  function of Xt t>0 satisfies ∀x ∈ (l, r), p(x) = B(c) Z x c 1 dy. B(y) One then obtains that limx→l p(x) = −∞ and limx→r p(x) = +∞. On the other hand, the speed measure of Xt t>0 has density m that satisfies ∀x ∈ (l, r), m(x) = f (x) f (x) = . ′ B(x)p (x) B(c) The normalized speed measure density is then equal to the  probability density f . To prove existence and uniqueness of the solution Xt t>0 , one proves existence and uniqueness of the process (p(Xt ))t>0 satisfying a SDE without drift (see [16]). Corollary 3.2. Let b : x ∈ (l, r) 7→ −λ(x − µ) and assume that probability density f has expectation µ and finite variance. Then there exists a unique continuous diffusion function defined by sR x l 2λ(µ − y)f (y)dy ∀x ∈ (l, r), σ(x) = , f (x)  such that (Eb,σ ) has a unique solution Xt t>0 , which is an ergodic diffusion process with stationary distribution ν satisfying ν(dx) = f (x)dx, and ACF given by ∀t, τ > 0, cor(Xt+τ , Xt ) = e−λτ . The squared diffusion coefficients are explicitly known for a large number of commonly used probability diffusions. However, for some specific distributions, it is not possible to obtain a closed form of the diffusion coefficient. An approximation based on saddlepoint technique and the moment generating function (which is generaly known explicitly) is developed in [7]. 3.2 Quasi-Saddlepoint approximation We first recall that saddlepoint approximations are constructed by performing various operations on the moment generating function (MGF) of a random variable (see e.g. [8]). Let X be an absolutely continuous random variable with density f (with respect to the Lebesgue measure on (l, r)), moment generating function M (t) and cumulant-generating function κ(t) = log M (t). Then the first-order saddlepoint density approximation to f is given by ∀x ∈ (l, r), −1/2 −(t̂x x−κ(t̂x )) , fˆ(x) = 2πκ′′ (t̂x ) e 7 where t = t̂x is the (unique) solution to the saddlepoint equation κ′ (t) = x, and primes denote derivatives. We assume that the probability density f has expectation µ, i.e. µ = κ′ (0). Considering the continuous differentiable function t̂ : x 7→ t̂x , an integration by parts gives Z x Z x t̂′ (y)ydy, t̂(y)dy = t̂(x)x − 0 Z0 x dκ(t̂(y)), = t̂(x)x − 0 since y = κ′ (t̂(y)). The saddlepoint density fˆ writes then ∀x ∈ (l, r),  Z −1/2 fˆ(x) = 2πκ′′ (t̂(x)) exp − x 0  t(y)dy . (2)  To construct an ergodic process Xt t>0 solution of (Eb,σ ) with prespicified stationary density fˆ, = t. This construction is the exponential terms that appear in (2) and (1) suggest the relation −2b σ2 not exact but in [7] is proved that the speed density m of X is approximately propotional to the q saddlepoint density fˆ. To be precise both κ′′ (t̂(x)) and σ 2 (x) are approximately proportional to κ′′ (0) + 12 κ(3) (0)t̂(x) near the mean of the distribution. From now this normalized speed density m will be called the quasi-saddlepoint density approximation to f . To summarize, if the saddlepoint function t̂ is explicity known and efficiently computed, then we consider the diffusion with drift b, such that b > 0 on (l, µ) and b < 0 on (µ, r), and with diffusion coefficient s −2b(x) , ∀x ∈ (l, r), σ(x) = t̂(x) which is ergodic with stationary distribution f˜(x) = σ2c(x) e−(xt̂(x)−κ(t̂(x))) (where c is a normalizing factor), the quasi-saddlepoint density approximation to f (see [7] Theorem 3.1 for more details). The following example will become useful later when we are going to modelize deseasonalized gas and electricity spot prices. Example 3.1. The NIG-distribution The normal-inverse Gaussian (NIG) distribution is a member of the class of generalized hyperbolic distributions (see e.g. [3]). The NIG density is given by   p √ αδK1 α δ2 + (x − l)2 2 2 p × eδ α −β +β(x−l) , x ∈ R, f (x) = 2 2 π δ + (x − l) where β ∈ R, α > |β|, δ > 0, l ∈ R and K1 is the the modified Bessel function of third order and index 1. Note that if X ∼ NIG (α, β, δ, l) then its two first moments are E [X] = l + p δβ α2 − β 2 et var(X) = δα2 3 (α2 − β 2 ) 2 . The two parameters δ and l determine respectivelly the scale and the location of the law, and the two parameters α and β determine the shape: α being responsible for the tail heavyness and β for the skewness (asymmetry). The cumulant-generating function κ of the NIG distribution is defined for all t such that |β +t| < α by  p p κ(t) = lt + δ α2 − β 2 − α2 − (β + t)2 , and the saddlepoint function is defined by ∀x ∈ R, t̂(x) = p 8 α (x − l) δ2 + (x − l)2 − β. In order to have an Ornstein process solution of (Eb,σ ) with stationary density the quasi-saddlepoint density approximation f˜ to f , we consider the following drift and diffusion functions p 2λ δ2 + (x − l)2 (x − µ) p , (3) ∀x ∈ R, b(x) = −λ (x − µ) and σ 2 (x) = α (x − l) − β δ2 + (x − l)2 δβ . α2 −β 2 with µ = l + √ 4 Cross-commodity multi-factor model In this section, we present two class of cross-commodity multi factor models: the geometric and the arithmetic class. Those two class are commonly used in stochastic modelling of commodity prices. The first one ensures the positivity of simulated spot prices. However, when dealing with forward contracts which have a delivery period or options pricing, the second one is analytically more tractable. Both class of models are based on stationary diffusion-type models analyzed in [7]. 4.1 Proposed modelization In this section, we propose an alternative model which captures the stylized features described in Section 2 without introducing jump diffusions. Sums of this kind of diffusions can fit the multi-scale ACFs and the CCF obtained for the deseasonalized gas and electricity spot prices. In order to represent the ACFs and CCF of gas and electricity deseasonalized spot prices, we are led to introduce stochastic processes that are sums of diffusions defined by (Eb,σ ). To be more precise, we focus on the following two factor modelization for the deseasonalized log spot prices Y g and Y e Ytg = Xtg + Zt , and Yte = Xte + Zt , (4)   g e where Zt t>0 , Xt t>0 and Xt t>0 are mutually independant processes defined as following:  • the process Zt t>0 accounts for the stochastic equilibrium between both commodities with a slow rate of mean reversion λz = λg2 = λe2 . Thus, it represents the normal variation and will be defined by an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process dZt = −λz Zt dt + σz dWtz , (5) with λz > 0 and σz ∈ R. Note that Z is ergodic with the Gaussian invariant probability N 0, σz2 /2λz .   • the processes Xtg t>0 and Xte t>0 represent the spikes component for each commodity. We modelize them by general Ornstein processes with high rate of mean reversion λg = λg1 > 0 and λe = λe2 > 0, namely   (6) dXtj = −λj Xtj − µj dt + σj (Xtj ; θj )dWtj , j = g, e,  where σj is a parametric diffusion function such that Xtg t>0 is an ergodic diffusion with invariant probability f j (., θj ). Remark 4.1. The following contruction can be extended to a more general multi-factor model. We can consider m general Ornstein processes and p Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes so that g Y (t) = Y e (t) = m X i=1 m X Xig (t) + Xie (t) + p X j=1 p X Zj (t), Zj (t), j=1 i=1 where all processes are assumed to be mutually independent, i.e. driven by independent Wiener processes. We already observed that a two-factor model (m = 1 and p = 1) fits the ACFs and CCF well. 9 Proposition 4.1 (The correlation structures). Let Y g , Y e be the processes defined in (4). Then, the ACFs of Y g and Y e with lag τ > 0 are given by  g ρg (τ ) = cor Yt+τ , Ytg = φg e−λg τ + (1 − φg )e−λz τ ,  e ρe (τ ) = cor Yt+τ , Yte = φe e−λe τ + (1 − φe )e−λz τ , where φg = Var (X g (t)) , Var (Y g (t)) and φe = Var (X e (t)) . Var (Y e (t)) The CCF with lag τ > 0 is given by with, φg,e = √  g ρg,e (τ ) := cor Yt+τ , Yte = φg,e e−λz τ , Var(Z(t)) . Var(Y g (t))Var(Y e (t)) p From the definition of φg,e , we find that σz2 = 2λz φg,e Var (Y g (t)) Var (Y e (t)), where the last term is the product of the two stationary variance of the two processes. Consequently, one can easily derive σz from the ACFs and CCF calibration. 4.2 Calibration We propose a three-step calibration procedure for the model described above. Step 1: Deseasonalizing spot prices We fit the seasonality functions g(t) and e(t) defined in section 2.1 to the logarithmic spot prices. The parameters of the functions are estimated using the least squares approach. Now, we focus on the deseasonalized spot prices Y g and Y e defined by Y g (t) = log (S g (t)) − log (g(t)) and Y e (t) = log (S e (t)) − log (e(t)) . One can consider the deseasonalized spot prices eY g (t) and eY e (t) instead of this geometric approach. Step 2: ACFs and CCF The least squares method consists in fitting the empirical ACFs ρg (τ ), ρe (τ ) and CCF ρg,e (τ ) defined in section 2.4 to the empirical ones (ρ̃g (τ ))τ =1,...,l , (ρ̃e (τ ))τ =1,...,l , (ρ̃g,e (τ ))τ =1,...,l in order to derive the three speeds of mean reversion λg1 , λe1 , λz with the diffusion coefficient σz of the stochastic equilibrium process Z. This can be done by minimizing the sum of squared differences, namely arg min l   X (ρg (τ ) − ρ̃g (τ ))2 + (ρe (τ ) − ρ̃e (τ ))2 + (ρg,e (τ ) − ρ̃g,e (τ ))2 . λg ,λe ,λz ,σz τ =1 Stability tests showed that the estimates are robust with respect to small changes in the initial values of the parameters. Step 3: Estimating the parameters of the spikes component The final step consists in statiscally estimating the parameters θg of the invariant density f g (., θg ) of the process X g and the parameters θe of the invariant density f e (., θe ) of the process X e . For instance, if one decide to choose the quasi-saddlepoint approximation to the NIG density for f g and f e , there will be four parameters to fit for each density. The model proposed is a sum of diffusion processes and hence is not Markovian. Thus, the likelihood cannot be written down explicitly. To overcome this problem, we use the maximum likelihood estimation of order m (m = 0 or m = 1 in our case) method for stationary processes introduced in [1]. Strong consistency and a Central Limit Theorem are proved for such estimates. It consists in approximating the log-likelihood of the serie 10 (ykj )1≤k≤n (j = g, e), where n is the number of sample points, by a sum whose generic term is the density function of Ykj conditional on the m most recent observations, for some m ≥ 0, namely, ℓjm (θ) = n X k=1   log hj (ykj | ykj,m ; θj ) , (7) j j where ykj,m := (yk−m , · · · , yk−1 ) and hj (. | ykj,m; θj ) is the conditional probability density function of Ykj given Ykj,m = ykj,m for the parameters θj . Note that if m = 0, there is no conditioning and hj is simply the marginal density of Ykj , k = 1, · · · , n, which is the convolution of Zk and Xkj . We suppose that (Xkj )1≤k≤n (resp. (Zk )1≤k≤n ) is ergodic with stationary distribution f j (.; θj )  (resp. with Gaussian invariant probability N 0, σ˜Z 2 := σz2 /2λz ) so that the conditional probability density function is given by j h (ykj ; θj ) = Z +∞ f −∞ j  ykj σZ − √ u; θj λZ  2 e−u √ du, π j = g, e. (8) Note that it corresponds to the case of (Ykj )1≤k≤n is independent and identically distributed random variables having the distribution of the stationary distribution of Y j . Numerically, the above integral can be approximated using a Gauss-Hermite quadrature method, namely   n 1 X j σZ j j h (yk ; θj ) ≈ √ f x − √ uk ; θj wk , j = g, e, π λZ k=1 where (uk )16k6n are the roots of the Hermite polynomial Pn and (wk )1≤k≤n are the associated weights given by √ 2n−1 n! π , k = 1, ..., n. wk = 2 ′ n (Pn−1 (yk ))2  If m = 1, we need to compute the transition probability density pY j |Y j =y (.; θj ) of Ytj t>0 for k+1 k k j = g, e. The two series (Xkj )1≤k≤n and (Zk )1≤k≤n are discrete observations of (6) and (5). Let g be a Borel bounded test function and k ∈ 1, · · · , n − 1, by conditioning we have h i   h i Z j j j E g(Yk+1 ) | Ykj = yk , Zk = z P Zk = z | Ykj = y dz. E g(Yk+1 ) | Yk = yk = ZR h i   j E g(Xk+1 + Zk+1 ) | Ykj = yk , Zk = z P Zk = z | Ykj = y dz. = R Note that the two processes X j and Z are independent so that if we denote by pX j (xjk , .) := k pX (tk , tk+1 , xjk , .) and pZk (zk , .) := pZ (tk , tk+1 , zk , .), the conditional probability density functionsi of h j j Xk+1 and Zk+1 given Zk = z, Xkj = xjk , the expectation E g(Xk+1 + Zk+1 ) | Yk = ykj , Zk = z is given by Z Z g(u) pX j (ykj − z, v)pZk (z, u − v)dvdu. R R k Moreover, we have where,       P Zk = z, Ykj = ykj P (Zk = z) P Xkj = ykj − z     P Zk = z | Ykj = ykj = = , P Ykj = ykj P Ykj = ykj  Z  P Ykj = ykj = +∞ −∞   − 12 u2 1 e 2σ̃Z du, f j ykj − u; θj √ 2πσ̃Z 11     − 12 z 2 1 e 2σ̃Z . Finally, one easily identifies and P Xkj = ykj − z = f j ykj − z; θj , P (Zk = z) = √2πσ̃ Z the transition probability density pY j |Y j =yj (y; θj ) which is given by k+1 Z Z R R k k pX j (ykj − z, v)pZk (z, u − v)dv k   − 1 z2  2σ̃ 2 j y j − z; θ Z f j e k 1   √ du. 2πσ̃Z P Ykj = ykj q − 12 z 2 −2λ ∆ 1 e 2σ̄Z , with σ̄Z = σZ 1−e2λZ Z using an exact scheme of Note that we have pZk (zk , z) = √2πσ̄ Z the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process (Zk )1≤k≤n of step ∆ > 0, namely s 1 − e−2λZ ∆ z Gk+1 , (9) Zk+1 = e−λz ∆ Zk + σZ 2λZ where (Gzk )k≥1 is a sequence of i.i.d. standard normal random variables. However, in most cases, there is no closed expression for pX j (xjk , .). To overcome this problem one solution is to consider k   the transition probability density function pX̄ j (xjk , .) of the Euler scheme X̄kj k≥0 k     j X̄k+1 = e−λj ∆ X̄kj + µj 1 − e−λj ∆ + σj X̄kj ; θj s 1 − e−2λj ∆ j Gk+1 , k ≥ 0 2λj (10)   where Gjk is a sequence of i.i.d. standard normal random variables independent of (Gzk )k≥1 .  q −2λ ∆  − 2 1j x2 j 2σ̄ (x ;θj ) j j 1−e 1 j k e x̄ ; θ , with σ̄ (x ; θ ) = σ Consequently, pX̄ j (xjk , .) = √ so j k j j j k j 2λj k≥1 k that we have Z R pX̄ j (ykj k 2πσ̄j (xk ;θj ) − z, v)pZk (z, u − v)dv = √ − 1 2πσ̃(ykj , z; θ j ) e 1 j 2σ̃ 2 (y ,z;θ j ) k 2 (u−mjk ) , where ∈ {1, · · · , n}, mjk = e−λZ ∆ z + e−λj ∆ (ykj − z) + µj (1 − e−λj ∆ ) and σ̃ 2 (ykj , z; θ j ) =  for k  σ̄j2 ykj − z; θj + σ̄Z2 . Remark 4.2. In [10], a transition probability density function based on Milstein scheme is used. In [18], a gaussian transition probability density function with Taylor expansions is used to propose an efficient estimator for θj . The method of maximum likelihood of order m estimates θ̂j,m by finding the value of θj that maximizes (7) using standard numerical optimization procedure. 5 5.1 Simulation and application Empirical results on Powernext and NBP spot prices In this section, we perform the calibration procedure on electricity spot prices coming from the Powernext market and on gas spot prices at the NBP. Then, we perform a simulation with estimated parameters over the same period. To avoid negative prices, we choose to represent spot prices by an arithmetic model, namely S g (t) = g(t) × eX g (t)+Z(t) X e (t)+Z(t) e S (t) = e(t) × e , (11) , (12) where g(t), e(t) are the trend and seasonality functions defined in Section 2.1, X g , X e are solutions of (Eb,σ ) with b and σ defined in (3) and Z is a Gaussian Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process solution of (5). 12 We choose the NIG distribution for those two processes in order to capture the heavy tails behavior observed on data, i.e. large values with low probability that cannot be obtained by a Gaussian process. We observed that the quasi-saddlepoint approximation of the NIG-distribution is well suited to represent the two spike components. One can choose another distribution and devise the same calibration process as in the previous section. The results of steps 1 and 2 of the calibration procedure are reported in Figure 1 and the quality of the ACFs and CCF fits is represented in Figure 5. Now, we proceed to the estimation of the four parameters θg = (αg , βg , δg , lg ) of the process X g and the four parameters θe = (αe , βe , δe , le ) of the process X e using the maximum likelihood estimation method described in the previous section on the deseasonalized spot prices. We observed that the maximum likelihood estimation method of order 04 is more robust and gives better results than the one of order 15 . The initial parameters are set to (1, 0, 1, 0) for both components. The algorithms converged quickly. The diffusion coefficient functions σ˜j (., θj ), j = g, e, with the fitted parameters, are documented in Figure 6. We see that the shape of the diffuion coefficients are quite similar for the gas and electricity spot deseasonalized spot prices. Spikes are obtained when the processes Y g and Y e are far from their mean by clusters of volatility, i.e. periods of high volatility. As we see, large values are more likely and the asymmetry is more pronounced for electricity spot prices than for gas spot prices. We clearly see spikes as cluster of volatility are more probable and more intense for electricity deseasonalized spot prices than for gas deseasonalized spot prices. Diffusion coefficient for electricity 10 coeff diffus 0 1 5 2 3 coeff diffus 4 5 15 6 Diffusion coefficient for gas −2 −1 0 1 2 −2 x −1 0 1 2 x Figure 6: Squared diffusion coefficients using fitted parameters with maximum likelihood estimation of order 0 (normal lines) and of order 1 (dashed lines). In order to simulate price trajectories, we consider the Euler-Maruyama schemes defined by (10) and (9). If one is concerned by estimating some quantities (for instance quantiles) on only one trajectory then one should replace the above Euler schemes of X g and X e with their respective Milstein schemes X̃ g and X̃ e in order to achieve a smaller strong error rate. It consists in devising the following schemes for j = g, e, X̃tjk+1 −λj (tk+1 −tk ) =e   ′ 1 j + µj λj − σj σj (X̃tk ; θj ) ∆ 2 s   1 − e−2λj ∆ 2  1 ′ + σj X̄tjk ; θj Gjk+1 + σj σj (X̃tjk ; θj ) Gjk+1 , X̃0j = xj0 , 2λj 2  X̃tjk  ′ where σj is the first derivative of σj . 4 Fitted parameters of order 0 are: αg = 1.93, βg = 0.90, δg = 2.25e − 3, lg = −8.8e − 3 and αe = 3.49, βe = 1.24, δe = 0.08, le = 0.11. 5 Fitted parameters of order 1 are: αg = 0.76, βg = 7.8e − 2, δg = 7.8e − 4, lg = −0.11 and αe = 1.56, βe = 0.34, δe = 1.1e − 2, le = 0.16 13 −1 0 1 A simulation of deseasonalized spot prices 2 1 In the following simulations, we consider Milstein schemes of step tk = k∆, with ∆ = 252 . Next, we add to the simulated processes the two seasonality functions. In Figure 7, the simulated deseasonalized spot prices are represented. We see that both commodities are strongly linked and that the model mimics the statistical behaviour of the deseasonalized spot prices. In Figure 8, the simulated spot prices are represented. In Figure 9, both simulated and historical ACFs and CCF are plotted. We clearly see that the model reproduces the correlation structures. Jan 03 Jan 04 Jan 05 Jan 06 Jan 07 Jan 08 200 150 50 100 A simulation of Electricity spot prices 40 30 20 0 10 A simulation of Gas spot prices 50 250 60 300 Figure 7: A simulation of gas (normal line) and electricity (dotted line) deseasonalized spot prices. Jan 03 Jan 04 Jan 05 Jan 06 Jan 07 Jan 08 Jan 03 Jan 04 Jan 05 Jan 06 Jan 07 Jan 08 Figure 8: Simulated Electricity spot prices on the Powernext market on the left and Gas spot prices at the NBP on the right for the period 14 January 2003 till 20 August 2008. 5.2 Application: measuring risk of a cross-commodity portfolio In this section, we aim at measuring the risk of a portfolio composed of a short position in a power plant that produces electricity from gas day by day t1 < ... < tN for several maturities T = tN = 6 months, 1 year and 3 years. The loss at time 0 of the portfolio with a time horizon T can be written LT = N X k=1 e−rtk Stek − hR Stgk − C  + − PTc , where r = 5% is the annual interest rate, hR = 3 denotes the Heat Rate, C = 5 e/MWh denotes the generation costs and where PTc is an estimation of the price of the option on the power plant 14 1.0 corr 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.8 0.6 corr 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 50 100 150 0 100 150 (b) ACF of one simulation of Y e 0.4 0.0 0.2 ccf 0.6 0.8 (a) ACF of one simulation of Y g 50 0 50 100 150 (c) CCF of the simulations Figure 9: ACFs and CCF of simulated gas and electricity spot prices (normal lines) with the historical ACFs and CCF (dotted lines). obtained by a crude Monte Carlo simulation, namely PTc ≈ N X k=1 e−rtk E h Stek − hR Stgk − C  i + . Since gas and electricity markets are incomplete, we price and estimate risk measures under the historical probability. In order to measure the risk, we consider the Value-at-Risk (VaR), which is certainly the most commonly used risk measures in the context of risk management. By definition, the Value-at-Risk at level α ∈ (0, 1) (VaRα ) of a given portfolio is the lowest amount not exceeded by its loss with probability α. In this example, we set α = 95%. Actually, for the considered portfolio, the VaRα is the unique solution ξ of the equation P [LT ≤ ξ] = α. The portfolio’s VaRα is just a quantile of its loss and is interpreted as a reasonable worst case level. Now, we are interested in measuring the impact of the proposed model for gas and electricity spot prices on the portfolio’s VaR. In order to do that, we consider three different models: • Case 1: the mean-reverting cross-commodity model (in its geometric form) proposed in this paper and defined by (11) and (12). It modelizes typical features of gas and electricity spot prices likes spikes and the long term dependency. 15 PTc 83.3 220.1 745.0 51.2 222.6 850.6 32.9 129.8 437.1 Maturity 6 months 1 year 3 years 6 months 1 year 3 years 6 months 1 year 3 years Case 1 (Proposed model) Case 2 (No cross-correlation) Case 3 (Gaussian model) (±Error) (±3.3) (±5.5) (±11.2) (±2.9) (±8.4) (±21.3) (±1.1) (±2.7) (±5.8) VaRα 262.4 495.4 1081.0 250.1 880.2 2213.1 107.7 275.9 565.5 Table 1: Estimation of the price of the Power plant and the VaRα of the portfolio. • Case 2: a slight modification of the previous model in which we do not take into account the dependence of the two energy spot prices. To be more precise, we consider the following model specification S g (t) = g(t) × eX g (t)+Z g (t) X e (t)+Z e (t) e S (t) = e(t) × e , , where X g and X e are solutions of (Eb,σ ) with b and σ defined in (3), and where Z g , Z e are two independant Gaussian OU processes solution of (5). By this model, we want to measure the impact on the VaRα of the long term dependency modeling. The calibration process is slightly modified since S g and S e are now independent. The step 2 is replaced by two different minimizations corresponding to each ACF. Steps 1 and 3 remain unchanged. • Case 3: a slight modification of the case 1 in which we do not modelize the spikes feature. To be more precise, we replace the NIG-distributed processes by Gaussian Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes, namely S g (t) = g(t) × eZ g (t)+Z(t) Z e (t)+Z(t) S e (t) = e(t) × e , , where Z g , Z e , Z are three different Gaussian OU processes solution of (5). By this model, we want to quantify the impact on the VaRα of the spike feature of gas and electricity spot prices. In each case, we estimate PTc and the VaRα using 10 000 Monte Carlo simulations. We devise 1 . In order to estimate the VaRα , we use the inversion Euler schemes of step tk = k∆ with ∆ = 252 of the simulated empirical distribution function. Remark 5.1. Since gas and electricity spot prices are sums of diffusion processes solution of (Eb,σ ), one can easily use the method investigated in [11] to estimate the VaRα and other risk measures. It is based on stochastic approximation algorithms with an adaptive variance reduction tool (unconstrained importance sampling algorithm). The method is known to achieve good variance reduction when α ≈ 1 as it is often the case. For the sake of simplicity, we only considered the classical method based on the inversion of the empirical distribution function. The results are summarized in Tables 1. Note that for each case, the estimations are computed using the same pseudo-random number generator initialized with the same seed. The number in parentheses refers to the 95% confidence level. We observe that there are slight differences in terms of the price PTc between the case 1 and 2 but huge differences in terms of risk. 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