An inequality for convex functions involving G-majorization

1979, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications

JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL An Inequality AND 69, 603-606 (1979) APPLICATIONS for Convex Functions Involving RAM~N Department ANALYSIS of Statistics, V. G-Majorization” LEON+ AND FRANK PROSCHAN* The Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida 32306 Submitted by Ky Fan In this paper we derive a simple inequality involving expectations of convex functions and the notion of G-majorization. The result extends a similar inequality of Marshall and Proschan (1965), /. Math. Anal. Applic. Useful applications of the more general inequality are presented. In this note we derive a simple inequality involving expectations of convex functions and the notion of G-majorization. The result extends a similar inequality of Marshall and Proschan (1965) involving majorization. A number of useful applications of the inequality are then presented. Let G be a group of matrices (linear transformations) acting on R’“. A vector a = (n, ,..., a,) is said to G-majorize a vector b = (b, ,..., b,), written a aG b, if b is in the convex hull of the G-orbit of a. If G = P, , the group of permutation matrices, G-majorization coincides with majorization (see Eaton and Perlman, 1976). A random vector X = (Xi ,..., X,) is said to be G-inaariunt if X is stochastically equal to gX for all g E G. When G = P, , we say that X1 ,..., X, are exchangeable random variables. For vectors a and b, let a . b =de* (a& ,..., a,$,). THEOREM I. Let G be a Jinite group such that for all g E G there exist h and k E G for which h(ga . b) = a . kb for all vectors a and b. Let X be a G-invariant random vector, + a continuous, convex, G-invariant function and a aG b. Then &(a . X) > &(b . X). (1) Moreover, if4 is strictly convex, equality holds only when a = gb for some g E G, or when the Xi are all zero with probability one. * The U.S. Government’s right to retain a nonexclusive royalty-free license in and to the copyright covering this paper, for governmental purposes, is acknowledged. + Research supported by National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences under Grant 1 T32 ES07011 at Florida State University. * Research supported by the Air Force dffice of Scientific Research, AFSC, USAF, under Grant AFOSR-74-2581C. 603 0022-247X/79/060603-04$02.00/0 All Copyright 0 1979 by Academic Press, Inc. rights of reproduction in any form reserved. 604 LE6N AND PROSCHAN Proof. Let G = {gi},“4i . Then we may write b = Cy=i aig,a, where each 01~> 0 and Cj”=, + = 1. It follows that &+(b . X) = c?+([C~, ajg,a] . X) 4NZ~1 4w . Xl> < Cz, c4Ww . W. For eachj, let h, and ki be the elements of G for which h,(g,a X) = a . k,X. Then &$(gia . X) = &(hj(gja . X)) [by the G-invariance of $1 = &‘4(a . kjX) = &+(a . X) [by the G-invariance of X]. Thus d’+(b . X) < Cz1 oli&+(a . X) = &4(a . X). In case 4 is strictly convex, it is clear from the above proof that equality holds only if for some g E G, b X = ga X with probability one. 1 Remark 1. If G = P, , then for all g E G and vectors a and b, g-‘(ga b) = a g-lb. Therefore in this special case the hypothesis of Theorem 1 is satisfied. It follows that the main result of Marshall and Proschan (1965) involving majorization is a special case of Theorem 1. Remark 2. Other groups of interest for which the hypothesis of the theorem is satisfied are: (a) The group G, of sign changes and (b) the group G, of permutations and sign changes, as is readily verified. Remark 3. Note that in G, , gpl(ga . b) f a . g-lb for all g E G, . For example if g = [$ -k] then [-y -t]([f -:]a . b) = a . (@ :]b). So in G, the milder requirement is needed that for all g E G there exist h and k E G for which h(ga . b) = a kb. Also note that this condition is not satisfied for some groups. For example, if G = {[-y -:I, I} and g = [-y -:I, then clearly there do not exist h and k for which h(ga . b) = a . kb. Remark 4. Let G = G, and let vectors a and b have all components nonnegative. Then a GG b if and only if a is weakly majorized by b. (See Marshall, Walkup and Wets (1967) for the definition of weak majorization.) Similarly, let G = G, , and let vectors a and b have all components nonnegative. Then a Gc b if and only if ai < bi for i = 1, 2,..., n. It follows that Theorem 1 yields results concerning weak majorization and the usual partial ordering of the plane. (See also Remark 8.) Remark 5. For comments on a converse to Theorem 1, see Remark 3 of Marshall and Proschan (1965). Al so see Remark 4 of that paper for a counterexample showing that the conclusion of Theorem 1 need not necessarily hold when we weaken the hypothesis to require C$to be only continuous and isotone with respect to the G-majorization ordering, i.e., G-monotone. (A G-invariant convex function is necessarily G-monotone). However, by using a path lemma of Eaton and Perlman (1976), I‘t is p ossible to show that if G is a rejlectiongroup, then Theorem 1 holds when 4 is merely continuous and convex along all the line segments joining a with ga for all g E G. (See Eaton and Perlman (1976) for the definition of a reflection group.) This is consistent with Remark 4 of Marshall and Proschan (1965). Th us if G = Ga we need only require that 4, considered as a function of a specified pair of coordinates with all other coordi- AN INEQUALITY 605 FOR CONVEX FUNCTIONS nates held fixed, be convex. Note that this condition on $ is the same as that in Remark 4 of Marshall and Proschan (1965). Similarly, if G = G, , we need only require that $, considered as a function of a specified coordinate with all other coordinates held fixed, be convex. COROLLARY 1. Let G = G, . Let X(U,),..., X(a,) be independent random variables, where X(q) is normally distributed with mean zero and standard deviation cri . Let + be continuous, convex, and invariant under permutations and sign changes,and let (aI ,..., a,) aG (CT:,..., uh). Then ~#q~l),..., X(4 > 4w(4,..., X(4,. (2) Proof. Let YI ,..., Y, be independently distributed standard normal random variables. Then @(ulYl ,..., u,Y,) > cF$(u;Y, ,..., uLY,J by Theorem 1. Since u,Yi and X(uJ have the same distribution, the result follows. 1 Remark 6. Similar results are true when G is P, or G, . Remark 7. Note that the only property of X(uJ used in the proof of Corollary 1 is that X(U,) and uiY have the same distribution where Y is a random variable distributed symmetrically about zero. Thus, for example, Corollary 1 is still true when X(ui) is uniformly distributed on the interval (-ui , ui). For simplicity, Corollary 1 is stated for the special case X(ui) is normal. Remark 8. Note that since a dpn b or a <cl b implies a bGz b, (2) holds when a Gpn b or a <cl b. (A similar remark applies whenever the G, ordering holds.) Some well known results may be obtained immediately from Theorem 1; in addition, an extension will be presented in Corollary 4: COROLLARY 2 (Karamata). If 4 is continuous and convex, a bP* b, then C #(ail G C (3) 9W~ Proof. Apply the theorem to the case #(x1 ,..., x,) = C 4(x$) and G = P, with P((X, ,..., X,) = ei> = l/n, i = I ,..., n, where ei is the vector with one in the ith place and zeros elsewhere. 1 This inequality is given in Hardy, Littlewood, and Polya (1952), p. 89. COROLLARY a 3. If yi > 0, i = l,,.., n, and a <Pe b, then (Muirhead) I! yFr,“z ... y; <I! y;yz . . . y>, where x! denotessummation over the n! permutations of the yi . (4) 606 LE6N AND PROSCHAN More generally, (Marshall and Proschan) I! $(aIxl ,..., a,x,) < I! 4(6,x, ,..., b,x,), (5) where 4 is continuous, convex, and symmetric, and C! denotes summation over the n! permutations of the xi . Proof. If G = P,, , (5) is an immediate consequence of (l), where pm ,**.,XT%) = (Xi,,...,Xi”>> =f whenever (il ,..., i,) is a permutation of (1,2 ,..., n). With $(x1 ,.. ., x,) = exp(C xi) and xi = log yi , (5) yields (4). i COROLLARY 4. Let 4 be continuous, convex, and invariant and sign changes, and let a aGa b. Then under permutations C*+(wI,...,a,4 2 c*%x1,..-,b,x,), where C* denotes summation over all sign changes and permutations (6) of the xi . (6) is an immediate consequence of (l), where P{(X, ,..., X,) = xi,) = l/2%!, ,where (i1 ,..., i,) is a permutation of y21F xi1 ,..., (-lp* n) and (TV = 0 or 1 for i = l,..., n. >...> Proof. Remark 9. For other possible applications yielding inequalities, see Marshall and Proschan (1965). REFERENCES J. C. CONLON, R. 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