Mathematical Analysis and Applications
Recent papers in Mathematical Analysis and Applications
Almost everywhere strong exponential summability of Fourier series in Walsh and trigonometric systems established by Rodin in 1990. We prove, that if the growth of a function Φ(t) : [0, ∞) → [0, ∞) is bigger than the exponent, then the... more
We give a proof of dynamical localization in the form of exponential decay of spatial correlations in the time evolution for the one-dimensional continuum Anderson model via the fractional moments method. This follows via exponential... more
This paper is concerned with the existence, uniqueness and/or multiplicity, and stability of positive solutions of an indefinite weight elliptic problem with concave or convex nonlinearity. We use mainly bifurcation methods to obtain our... more
We apply the phenomenology of homogeneous, isotropic turbulence to the family of approximate deconvolution models proposed by Stolz and Adams. In particular, we establish that the models themselves have an energy cascade with two... more
Investment systems are studied using a framework that emphasize their profiles (the cumulative probability distribution on all the possible percentage gains of trades) and their log return functions (the expected average return per trade... more
In this paper, we develop the sensitivity analysis for generalized set-valued variational inclusions and generalized resolvent equations. We establish the equivalence between the parametric generalized set-valued variational inclusions... more
The relationship between the reduction of order through point symmetries and integration is explored with particular emphasis on the loss and gain of point Ž. contact for third order symmetries to and from nonlocal symmetries. It is seen... more
The carriage of soil from one plane region to another, under some physical and economical constraints, generates a functional transportation problem. We solve the problem using a discretization scheme. A convergence theorem is proved and... more
In this paper, we propose and study two iteration schemes (modified Halpern's type and HS-iteration schemes). Furthermore, it is proved that if two finite families of quasi-nonexpansive mappings satisfy jointly demiclosedness principle,... more
Les traumatismes fermés récents des IPP des doigts Acute closed injuries of the digital proximal interphalangeal joints ABSTRACT Acute closed injuries of the digital proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joints are frequent and can leave... more
The study analyzed the algebraic properties of the Euclidean algorithm in details. The analysis included a detailed step by step approach in understanding the algorithm, the extended form of the algorithm, computation of the Greatest... more
Introduced several new axiomatic systems, that are not less general than group theory, and discovered discontinuous analysis. In this work I introduce and study in details the concepts of funcoids which generalize proximity spaces and... more
We study positive shadowing and chain recurrence in the context of linear operators acting on Banach spaces or even on normed vector spaces. We show that for linear operators there is only one chain recurrent set, and this set is a closed... more
In this paper, essentially developing the Stein method, we prove the Kol-Ž. mogorov᎐Stein inequality for any Orlicz norm with the same constants. ᮊ 1996 Academic Press, Inc. p Kolmogorov᎐Stein inequality and its variants are a problem of... more
In this paper, using proximal-point mapping technique of P-η-accretive mapping and the property of the fixed-point set of set-valued contractive mappings, we study the behavior and sensitivity analysis of the solution set of a parametric... more
Some inequalities related to the Ky Fan and C.-L. Wang inequalities for weighted arithmetic and geometric means are given.
Given a complex m n matrix A; we index its singular values as 1 (A) 2 (A) ::: and call the value E (A) = 1 (A) + 2 (A) + ::: the energy of A; thereby extending the concept of graph energy, introduced by Gutman. Let 2 m n; A be an m n... more
A new generalization of the modified Bessel function of the second kind Kz(x) is studied. Elegant series and integral representations, a differential-difference equation and asymptotic expansions are obtained for it thereby anticipating a... more
In this paper we establish Hardy's integral inequalities for commutators generating Hardy operators with one sided dyadic CMO functions.
In the last decades, the finite element method (FEM) in fluid mechanics applications has gained substantial momentum. FE analysis was initially introduced to solid mechanics. However, the progress in fluid mechanics problems was slower... more
This paper is concerned with a numerical scheme to solve a singularly perturbed convectiondiffusion problem. The solution of this problem exhibits the boundary layer on the right-hand side of the domain due to the presence of singular... more
A number of new definite integrals involving Bessel functions are presented. These have been derived by finding new integral representations for the product of two Bessel functions of different order and argument in terms of the... more
Sufhcient conditions are established for the pointwise convergence of square partial sums of multiple Fourier series, in any number of dimensions, for functions with discontinuities. The result is used to extend the theory of lattice... more
This paper is concerned with sequential Monte Carlo methods for optimizing a system under constraints. We wish to minimizef(x), where q"(x) Q 0 (i = l,..., m) must hold. We can calculate the q"(x), but f(x) can only be observed in the... more
We determine high energy asymptotics of eigenvalues of fourth order operator on the circle.
We consider a multidimensional Burgers equation on the torus T d and the whole space R d. We show that, in case of the torus, there exists a unique global solution in Lebesgue spaces. For a torus we also provide estimates on the large... more
The classical theory of the Weierstrass transform is extended to a generalized function space which is the dual of a testing function space consisting of purely entire functions with certain growth conditions developed by Kenneth B.... more
In this paper we consider conical square functions in the Bessel, Laguerre and Schr\"odinger settings where the functions take values in UMD Banach spaces. Following a recent paper of Hyt\"onen, van Neerven and Portal, in order... more
Results on mild solutions of nonclassical differential equations with impulsive and nonlocal conditions are extended to a case when the nonlocal conditions are necessarily non Lipschitz and non compact.
In this work we study the asymptotic distribution of eigenvalues in one-dimensional open sets. The method of proof is rather elementary, based on the Dirichlet lattice points problem, which enable us to consider sets with infinite... more
We investigate the periodic character and the global stability of solutions of the Ž. Ž. equation y s p q y r qy q y with positive parameters and positive nq 1 nq1 n n y1 initial conditions.
The main result of this paper is the generalisation and proof of a conjecture by Gould and Quaintance on the asymptotic behaviour of certain sequences related to the Bell numbers. Thereafter we show some applications of the main theorem... more
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We consider an infinite locally finite tree T equipped with nearest neighbor transition coefficients, giving rise to a space of harmonic functions. We show that, except for trivial cases, the generic harmonic function on T has dense range... more
In this work, an attempt is made to understand the dynamics of a modified Leslie-Gower model with nonlinear harvesting and Holling type-IV functional response. We study the model system using qualitative analysis, bifurcation theory and... more
We find conditions on data guaranteeing global nonexistence of solutions to an inverse source problem for a class of nonlinear parabolic equations. We also establish a stability result on a bounded domain for a problem with the opposite... more
This paper deals with the problem of solving a broad class of Fredholm integral equations of the first kind with an arbitrary nondegenerate kernel that is twice differentiable in the variable of integration. A theorem has been proved on a... more
A conjecture of Ulam states that the standard probability measure π on the Hilbert cube I ω is invariant under the induced metric d a when the sequence a = {a i } of positive numbers satisfies the condition ∞ i=1 a 2 i < ∞. This... more
In this paper, we consider non-commutative Orlicz spaces as modular spaces and show that they are complete with respect to their modular. We prove some convergence theorems for τ-measurable operators and deal with uniform convexity of... more
Let X1,. .. , Xq be the basis of the space of horizontal vector fields on a homogeneous Carnot group G = (R n , •) (q < n). We consider the following divergence degenerate elliptic system N β=1 q i,j=1 Xi a ij αβ (x)Xju β = q i=1 Xif i α... more