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Iron requirements are high during pregnancy and during Nursing. Anemia may be caused by several factors. In this article efforts are made to discuss the causants, needs and how best this can be treated with no side effects like irritation, constipation and black stools
Journal of Postgraduate Medicine, Education and Research, 2018
Objective: To compare the effect of treatment with either oral ferrous sulphate or intravenous iron sucrose (IVIS) on hematological parameters of women with iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy. Methods: This prospective randomized study was interventional, conducted from January 2016 to January 2017 in Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Sree Narayana Institute of Medical sciences. Pregnant women Singleton pregnancy, Hb < 11 gm in 1st and 3rd trimester Hb < 10gm in 2nd trimester, with hemoglobin level 7-10.9 g/dL ferritin levels less than < 13 microgram/L and peripheral smear hypochromic microcytic anemia were enrolled into intravenous iron and oral iron groups. After detailed history and examination, laboratory investigations performed were hemoglobin, mean corpuscular volume (MCV), serum ferritin and peripheral smear. The dose for IVIS dose is calculated by ganzoni equation. Total iron deficit (mg) = body weight (kg) × [Target Hb (g/L)-actual Hb (g/L)] × 0.24 + depot iron (mg). A maximum IVIS is given as 200 mg in 100 ml normal saline as infusion over 15 to 30 minutes The remaining doses were given on alternate days. Infusions were given as outpatient basis in labor room with facilities for acute emergency care. Oral iron group received ferrous sulphate supplementation. Results: Target hemoglobin of 11 g/dL was attained by 66 %. Hemoglobin done just prior to delivery showed no statistically significant difference (p value = 0.080) [OI group 11.83 (+11.98) g/dL vs. IVIS group 16.19 (+ 11.35) g/dL]. There was significant increase in serum ferritin levels with IVIS infusion There was no significant difference in antepartum or postpartum hemorrhage, infection, preterm labor, between the two groups. Conclusion: The study concludes that oral iron increases hemoglobin comparably with IVIS. The replenishment of iron stores was good with IVIS compared with oral ferrous sulphate.
Journal of Blood Disorders & Transfusion, 2013
To compare the efficacy of oral and intravenous administration of iron supplements for treating postpartum anemia. One hundred and four anemic postpartum women were studied prospectively. The criteria for the diagnosis of anemia were Hb<8 gr/dl and ferritine<10 microg/dl. They were randomised into two groups. Group A consisted of 78 women who received i.v. a total amount of 300 mg iron sucrose in three days. Group B consisted of 26 women, who received orally 800 mg iron proteinsuccinylate daily for four weeks. At the end of the study, in group A the increase of Hb mean level was 4.6 gr/dl and of ferritin mean level was 105 mg/L. In group B the increase in hemoglobin mean level was 2.3 gr/dl and ferritin mean level was 68 mg/L. There was significant difference in the increase of hemoglobin level (p=0.0001) and also in the increase in ferritin level (p=0.0004) between the two groups. Intravenous administration of iron sucrose seems to be safe and it helps postpartum women to rec...
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 1996
Objective: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of intravenous iron sucrose complex (ISC) as compared with oral ferrous sulfate in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy. Study design: prospective, open, controlled study in which pregnant women with iron deficiency anemia were sequentially selected from the antenatal clinic and assigned either to ISC (study group) or to ferrous sulfate (control group). Methods: Each study patient was given the total calculated amount of ICS (Hb deficit (g/l) x body weight (kg) × 0.3) in divided doses (200 mg (elemental iron) in 100 ml normal saline intravenously over 1 h daily) followed by 10 mg/kg to replenish iron stores. Each patient of the control group was given ferrous sulfate 300 mg (60 mg elemental iron) orally three times a day. All patients were monitored for adverse effects, clinical and laboratory response. Results:
Asian journal of multidisciplinary studies, 2019
Objective: To create a comparison between the efficiency of intravenous ferrous sucrose and Oral ferrous sulphate, present in postpartum iron deficiency anemia. Study Design: Randomized control experimental study. Place and Duration of the Study: The span of this study started from May 1 st , 2018 - December 30 th 2018, and took place at Postoperative and PostNatal Ward of Surgimed Hospital, Lahore. Materials and Methods: Around 50 cases of postpartum iron deficiency anemia assembled for this analysis and were further classified in two groups of 25 participants each. Group A was administered 200 mg of intravenous ferrous sucrose on second and fourth day of delivery (two doses). Group B cases were given 200 mg of oral ferrous sulphate daily for 6 weeks. Follow up took place at fifteenth and 40 th of postpartum, regarding an increase in ferritin level and hemoglobin. Results: In group A the mean Hb was 8.21±0.37 gm/dlwithin 24-48 hours of delivery and 8.69±0.59 gm/dl in group B. In Gr...
Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics, 2012
Objective: To compare the efficacy and safety with a fixed dose of two parenteral iron preparations, iron sucrose complex and iron sorbitol citric acid as per the current practice. Materials and Methods: A prospective randomized open label study was conducted. In this study, 60 pregnant women with hemoglobin less than 8.5 g/dl received a fixed dose of either IV iron sucrose or IM iron sorbitol citric acid therapy. The efficacy of the therapy was assessed by laboratory parameters such as hemoglobin, hematocrit, MCV, MCH, and serum ferritin level after 14 and 28 days. To assess the safety, adverse drug reactions with both the therapies were recorded. Results: Hemoglobin concentration increased significantly (P < 0.001) with respect to time in both the groups. The rise in the hemoglobin level in third and fourth weeks was significantly higher in iron sucrose (0.92 g/dl) than iron sorbitol citric acid therapy (0.56 g/dl). There was no significant change in the rise of the serum ferritin level after both the therapies. Adverse events were common with iron sorbitol citric acid therapy. However, no serious adverse drug reactions were observed. Conclusions: No significant difference in the efficacy of both of the therapy. However, adverse events and dropout rates were much more common in the group of pregnant women who received iron sorbitol citric acid.
Hippokratia, 2009
To compare the efficacy of oral and intravenous administration of iron supplements for treating postpartum anemia. One hundred and four anemic postpartum women were studied prospectively. The criteria for the diagnosis of anemia were Hb<8 gr/dl and ferritine<10 microg/dl. They were randomised into two groups. Group A consisted of 78 women who received i.v. a total amount of 300 mg iron sucrose in three days. Group B consisted of 26 women, who received orally 800 mg iron proteinsuccinylate daily for four weeks. At the end of the study, in group A the increase of Hb mean level was 4.6 gr/dl and of ferritin mean level was 105 mg/L. In group B the increase in hemoglobin mean level was 2.3 gr/dl and ferritin mean level was 68 mg/L. There was significant difference in the increase of hemoglobin level (p=0.0001) and also in the increase in ferritin level (p=0.0004) between the two groups. Intravenous administration of iron sucrose seems to be safe and it helps postpartum women to rec...
Background:-Nutritional anemia is one of major contributory factor in high maternal mortality and morbidity in third world countries. Iron deficiency is the principle cause for nutritional anemia. The aim of the study was to compare the efficacy of oral iron therapy with intravenous iron therapy in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia during postpartum period Material and Methods:-A clinical observational study was undertaken at tertiary care teaching hospital over a period of 15 months in one hundred recently delivered women. The baseline hemoglobin and serum ferritin levels were recorded prior to treatment. After completion of the treatment the women were followed up for changes in hemoglobin and serum ferritin levels on day 5, 14 and 40. Results :-.On day 5 of the intravenous iron group , there was statistically significant increase in serum ferritin level from 11.47 +1.655 µg/l to 41.44 +6.500 µg/l (p value <0.01), and the ferritin level remained elevated on day 14 and day 40. There was significant increase in mean Hb level from 7.76+0.7137 g/dl to 10.78+0.7679 g/dl on day 40 (p value < 0.01) in oral iron group. There was increase in mean Hb level from 7.47+0.7678 g/dl to 11.41+0.7908 g/dl on day 40 in injectable iron group, which was statistically significant. (p value < 0.01) Intravenous iron sucrose did not result in any serious adverse reactions. Conclusion:-Intravenous iron sucrose administration increases the hemoglobin level and serum ferritin levels more rapidly ,without any serious adverse effect in comparison with oral ferrous sulphate in women with iron deficiency anemia in the postnatal period .
BAB 1 PENDAHULUAN 1.1.Latar Belakang kita bandingkan dengan beberapa tahun yang lalu, lingkungan di sekitar kita masih begitu alami dan sejuk, banyaknya lahan hutan yang menjadi habitat bagi berbagai jenis hewan kini sudah berubah menjadi pemukiman-pemukiman penduduk, pabrik, area perbelanjaan, lahan pertanian, dan sebagainya. Hal ini akan menimbulkan dampak yang luas bagi kehidupan kita dimasa yang akan datang. Seperti banjir, tanah longsor kepunahan berbagai satwa langka, ketersediaan air bersih yangterbatas dan sebagainya, hingga berujung pada pemanasan global. Pembangunan tidak dapat dihentikan, sebab pembangunan berbanding lurus dengan bertambahnya jumlah penduduk dan jumlah kebutuhan masyarakat. Semakin banyak penduduk, maka semakin banyak pula lahan yang harus digunakan untuk membuat pemukiman tempat tinggal mereka, semakin banyak penduduk maka semakin banyak pula kebutuhan akan bahan pokok yang menyebabkan pembangunan industry dan lahan pertanian akan semakin menjamur. Oleh karena itu, dengan semakin bertambahnya jumlah penduduk yang ikut menambah jumlah pembangunan, kita hanya dapat melakukan pembangunan yang ramah terhadap lingkungan, dan saling menguntungkan antara kehidupan manusia dan kehidupan makhluk hidup lainnya serta lingkungan sekitar kita tinggal agar terjaga selalu keseimbangan lingkungan . BAB II TINJAUAN PUSTAKA A. PENGERTIAN LINGKUNGAN Pengertian lingkungan adalah segala sesuatu yang ada di sekitar manusia yang memengaruhi perkembangan kehidupan manusia baik langsung maupun tidak langsung. Lingkungan bisa dibedakan menjadi lingkungan biotik (benda hidup) misalnya manusia, hewan, dan tumbuhan dan lingkungan abiotik (benda mati). Seringkali lingkungan yang terdiri dari sesama manusia disebut juga sebagai lingkungan sosial. Lingkungan sosial inilah yang membentuk sistem pergaulan yang besar peranannya dalam membentuk kepribadian seseorang. B. LINGKUNGAN HIDUP Secara khusus, kita sering menggunakan istilah lingkungan hidup untuk menyebutkan segala sesuatu yang berpengaruh terhadap kelangsungan hidup segenap makhluk hidup di bumi. Adapun berdasarkan UU No. 23 Tahun 1997, lingkungan hidup adalah kesatuan ruang dengan semua benda dan kesatuan makhluk hidup termasuk di dalamnya manusia dan perilakunya yang melangsungkan perikehidupan dan kesejahteraan manusia serta makhluk hidup lainnya.
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