The functional anatomy of elephant trunk whiskers
Nora Deiringer 1, Undine Schneeweiß1, Lena V. Kaufmann 1,2, Lennart Eigen 1, Celina Speissegger1,
Ben Gerhardt1, Susanne Holtze 3, Guido Fritsch3, Frank Göritz 3, Rolf Becker4, Andreas Ochs4,
Thomas Hildebrandt3 & Michael Brecht 1,5 ✉
Behavior and innervation suggest a high tactile sensitivity of elephant trunks. To clarify the
tactile trunk periphery we studied whiskers with the following findings. Whisker density is
high at the trunk tip and African savanna elephants have more trunk tip whiskers than Asian
elephants. Adult elephants show striking lateralized whisker abrasion caused by lateralized
trunk behavior. Elephant whiskers are thick and show little tapering. Whisker follicles are
large, lack a ring sinus and their organization varies across the trunk. Follicles are innervated
by ~90 axons from multiple nerves. Because elephants don’t whisk, trunk movements
determine whisker contacts. Whisker-arrays on the ventral trunk-ridge contact objects
balanced on the ventral trunk. Trunk whiskers differ from the mobile, thin and tapered facial
whiskers that sample peri-rostrum space symmetrically in many mammals. We suggest their
distinctive features—being thick, non-tapered, lateralized and arranged in specific highdensity arrays—evolved along with the manipulative capacities of the trunk.
1 Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Philippstr. 13, Haus 6, 10115 Berlin, Germany. 2 Berlin School of
Mind and Brain, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany. 3 Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, Alfred-Kowalke-Strasse 17, D-10315
Berlin, Germany. 4 Berlin Zoological Garden, Hardenbergplatz 9, 10623 Berlin, Germany. 5 NeuroCure Cluster of Excellence, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin,
Berlin, Germany. ✉email:
lephants almost constantly engage their trunk and frequently contact their environment with their trunk tip.
Behavioral experiments revealed high sensitivity of the
trunk tip to sensory stimuli1. It is therefore not surprising that the
trunk receives a dense tactile innervation. Specifically, the infraorbital nerves and the trigeminal ganglia weigh about 1.5 kg in
elephant cows. Accordingly, the infraorbital nerve, which provides the tactile sensory innervation of the elephant trunk, is
much thicker than the elephant’s optic nerve, mediating vision,
and the vestibulocochlear nerve, responsible for auditory
perception2. Despite the obvious behavioral relevance, our
knowledge of the elephant’s peripheral tactile specializations is
The elephant trunk is a derived facial structure. It is a fusion
organ that develops by the merging of a dramatically elongated
nose and the upper lip3. This fusion occurs at late fetal stages and
early elephant fetuses simply have long unfused noses4. The
immense size and weight of the elephant trunk impose strain on
the facial bones. The need to provide space for the attachment of
the trunk musculature has led to an extraordinary enlargement of
the elephant skull in evolution. The trunk is thought to act as a
so-called muscular hydrostat. Trunk musculature consists of
~40,000 muscles5, which compares to only 600–700 muscles in
the human body. The trunk musculature is innervated by a large
facial nucleus6 with ~54,000 (Asian elephants) and 63,000
(African elephants) motor neurons7. Much like human grasping
and hand use, elephant trunk actions are skillful and strongly
There are three extant elephant species: The African savanna
elephant (Loxodonta africana), the African forest elephant (Loxodonta cyclotis) and the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Our
study focuses on Asian elephants and African savanna elephants,
here referred to as African elephants. African and Asian elephants
differ in trunk morphology. African elephants have two triangular
protrusions at their trunk tip, so-called dorsal and ventral fingers,
whereas Asian elephants have only one dorsal finger. Interestingly, such morphological differences between African and Asian
elephants match with species-specific differences in trunk use—
African elephants tend to pinch objects with their two fingers and
Asian elephants tend to grasp/wrap objects with their trunk12.
The tactile specializations of elephants are not well characterized. To our knowledge, the first description of whiskers on the
elephant’s trunk was provided by Fred Smith in 1890. In his
anatomical study of the elephant skin, he differentiated between
two types of hair on the elephant’s skin, normal hair and bristles
and gave a brief anatomical description of the follicle of those
bristles. He further states that the largest follicles can be found in
the trunk region13. In their book about the anatomy of the elephant’s head, the authors Boas and Paulli confirm, that the hair
on the lower lip and some of the hairs on the trunk can be
regarded as real whiskers3. Whiskers or vibrissae are distinct from
normal hair by having a blood sinus associated with their follicle.
Sprinz published a report of nerve dissections on an Asian elephant trunk combined with behavioral and anatomical observations on living African and Asian elephants. He states that a
majority of the nerves he traced ended in the follicles of the
whiskers of the ventral trunk tip and concludes, that the whiskers
are the main structure for the transmission of tactile stimuli in the
trunk. From his observations on living elephants, he inferred that
African elephants seem to have more whiskers on the trunk than
Asian elephants and that the elephants react strongly to the
whiskers being touched14. A landmark study by Rasmussen and
Munger (1996) described the sensory neuro-histology of an Asian
elephant trunk finger, finding various nerve endings and whisker
patterns15. The whiskers of a number of closely related species,
such as hyraxes16 and manatees17,18 have been studied in detail.
Our study is the first one to focus on elephant trunk whiskers.
Our histological analysis of elephant follicles followed the pioneering work of Ebara et al. on rats and cats19 and aimed at
elucidating structure-function characteristics of elephant whisker
follicles. Specifically, we asked the following questions: 1. Do the
trunk whiskers of African and Asian elephants differ? 2. How
many trunk whiskers are there? 3. What is the length distribution
of elephant whiskers and what is the whisker thickness and
geometry? 4. How are elephant whisker follicles organized? 5.
How are elephant whisker follicles innervated? 6. Do elephant
whiskers whisk? 7. What might be the function of specific trunk
whisker arrays?
We find marked differences in trunk whiskers between African
and Asian elephants. Both species have numerous thick whiskers
and their length is determined by usage/abrasion. As a result,
adult elephant whiskers show striking lateralization. Elephant
whisker follicles differ with species and trunk region and elephants do not whisk. We conclude that elephant whisker patterns
are shaped by trunk behavior and differ markedly from other
mammalian facial whiskers.
Trunk tip whiskers differ between African and Asian elephants.
A frontal view of an African and Asian elephant trunk tip is
shown in Fig. 1a, b, respectively. As visible in the insets (Fig. 1a,
b) elephant whiskers protrude from skin folds. Whiskers are more
prominent in African than in Asian elephants, as also evident in
side views of African (Fig. 1c) and Asian (Fig. 1d) trunk tips.
Figure 1e, f gives a more quantitative assessment of the differences in whisker count and distribution of the two species studied. Specifically, we plotted the position of whiskers and whisker
density maps for the same trunk samples shown in Fig. 1a–d.
Compared to Asian elephants, African elephants have a higher
whisker density and count on the inside of the tip (pinching
zone), and also on the lateral and dorsal regions of the trunk tip.
In both species, whisker density on the frontal part of the tip is
higher than on the respective lateral parts of the trunk tip. An
exception is the most distal part of the finger, which is a zone of
markedly low whisker density in both species (Fig. 1e, f). We note
that while pinching is more common in African elephants, both
African and Asian elephants pinch objects with their finger tip.
The overall whisker number on the trunk tip is significantly
higher in African (621 ± 91, mean ± sd) than in Asian elephants
(367 ± 44, mean ± sd) (p = 0.0007, Welch’s t-test) (Fig. 1g). We
observed no whiskers on the inside of the nostril proximal to the
beginning of the nasal septum. More photographs of elephant
trunk tips are provided in Supplementary Fig. 1. We conclude
that African elephants have more and more prominent trunk tip
whiskers than Asian elephants.
Elephant trunk whisker length is lateralized and usedependent. Unlike facial whisker patterns of other mammals,
both African (Fig. 2a) and Asian (Fig. 2b) adult elephants show
striking whisker lateralization. Whiskers on one side of the trunk
are longer than on the other side. Such whisker lateralization was
not observed in trunk tips of newborn African (Fig. 2c) or Asian
(Fig. 2d) elephants. Specifically, we observed such lateralization of
whisker length in all adult elephant trunks (Fig. 2e upper), but in
none of the newborn trunks studied (Fig. 2e lower); the difference
between the occurrences of asymmetrical whiskers in adults and
symmetrical whiskers in baby elephants is significant (p = 0.0004;
Fisher’s exact test, data from Asian and African elephants
pooled). Trunk whisker lateralization is almost certainly related to
lateralization in elephant trunk use. Specifically, we suggest
lateralization of whisker length is caused by wear associated with
Fig. 1 Trunk tip whisker number and density differ between African and Asian elephants. a Frontal view of an adult African elephant cow trunk tip (Linda,
see Table 1). Whiskers protrude from skinfolds (inset). b Frontal view of an Asian elephant trunk tip (Unknown Asian, see Table 1). Whiskers protrude from
skinfolds (inset). c Side view of an African elephant trunk tip. d Side view of an Asian elephant trunk tip. e Upper left, dot display of whisker positions of an
African elephant trunk tip from a frontal view. Upper right, whisker density (whiskers per cm2) of an African elephant trunk tip from a frontal view. Middle,
dot display of whisker positions of an African elephant trunk tip from a side view. Lower, whisker density of an African elephant trunk tip from a side view.
f Whisker positions and whisker density on an Asian elephant trunk tip, conventions as in e. g Number of whiskers counted on the trunk tip of six African
and seven Asian elephants. Dots (adults); triangles (newborns). One count was partially extrapolated due to an incomplete sample (empty dot).
p = 0.0007, Welch’s t-test (Hedges’ g = 3.59).
lateralized trunk use. While we did not formally study the lateralization of elephant trunk usage here, ad hoc observations on zoo
elephants supported this idea. We find that the Berlin Zoo elephant Anchali, who showed marked ‘left-trunker’ behavior, has
shorter whiskers on the right side of the trunk. This abrasion
pattern is expected in ‘left-trunker’ elephants, whose right trunk
side touches the ground during grasping (Supplementary Fig. 2).
In some regions, especially in the ventral tip area of Asian elephants, the whiskers of adult elephants are extremely short from
abrasion. In contrast, both African (Fig. 2c) and Asian (Fig. 2d)
newborn elephants have symmetrical and longer whiskers on the
trunk. We also find that whisker replacement appears to differ
between elephants and rats. We never observe dual whisker follicles in elephants by either surface inspection of the skin or in
microCT scans, an observation that is common in other studies
on rats (Fig. 2f)20. It appears, that the dual whisker regrowth
pattern, that replaces entire whiskers in rats, does not apply to
Elephant whiskers are cylindrical and differ in thickness
between species. We further studied the shape and thickness of
elephant whiskers. Figure 3a shows a photograph of lateral
African and Asian elephant trunk whiskers and a rat δ-whisker.
We picked the rat δ-whisker for comparison, because it is a
relatively long whisker in rats, in length not very different from
elephant trunk whiskers. Elephant whiskers are substantially
thicker and show very little tapering compared to the rat whisker,
which has a conical shape. To assess whisker shape more quantitatively, we obtained microCT scans of iodine-stained whiskers
of both elephants and rats. As shown in Fig. 3b–d, volume renderings of whisker base and tip, tapering and thickness differs
notably between African and Asian elephants and the rat. The
thickness of elephant trunk whiskers also differs between trunk
regions and species. Lateral whiskers of African elephants are
notably thicker than whiskers of all other regions of the trunk tip
(Fig. 3e) (One way ANOVA, P < 0.001, pairwise comparison of
lateral trunk tip whiskers with whiskers from other regions of the
Fig. 2 Whisker lengths varies with usage/ abrasion and is lateralized in adult elephants. a Frontal view of an adult African elephant trunk tip. Note the
asymmetric whisker length. b As in a but for an adult Asian elephant trunk tip. Note the asymmetry. c Frontal view of a newborn African elephant trunk tip.
Note the symmetric whisker length. d As in c but for a newborn Asian elephant trunk tip. Note the symmetry. e Number of African (black) and Asian
(white) elephant trunk tips with symmetrical whisker lengths or longer whiskers on the right or left trunk side. Upper, adult elephants. Lower, newborn
elephants. f Left, dot display of whisker positions on the side of an African elephant trunk tip. Right, dot display of whisker positions in a rat whisker pad.
Single whiskers are marked in black, double whiskers in red as reported by Maier & Brecht (2018). No double whiskers were observed in elephants.
trunk tip using a Scheffé test: P < 0.001 for all comparisons made),
while whisker thickness in different regions of Asian elephant
trunk tips differs only slightly (Fig. 3f). African elephants have
thicker whiskers on the trunk tip and the lateral and ventral
regions of the trunk than Asian elephants. We conclude that
elephant whiskers are cylindrical, thick and sturdy.
Whisker follicles have distinct anatomical features and differ in
size. We compared the anatomy of the follicle-sinus-complex
(FSC) in African and Asian elephants and rats. To this end, we
obtained microCT scans of whole iodine-stained FSCs of lateral
whiskers of adult elephants and an adult rat δ-whisker. Figure 4a
shows a virtual longitudinal microCT section through an African
elephant whisker follicle. African elephant FSCs are more slender
than the belly-shaped FSCs of Asian elephants (Fig. 4b). Both
elephant follicles are much larger than the rat FSC (Fig. 4c).
Histological stainings of the elephant trunk FSCs are shown in
Fig. 4d–g. Like the FSCs of other species16,21, the hair shaft of
elephant trunk FSCs is surrounded by an internal and external
root sheath. Connective tissue surrounds the external root sheath
and connects to the collagenous capsule of the FSC on the base of
the follicle. The sinus complex of elephant trunk FSCs consists
only of a cavernous part, with trabeculae made from connective
tissue spanning through the sinus resulting in ‘vascular sinus
spaces’15. The elephant FSCs reach into the musculature of the
trunk but seem to not have associated vibrissal capsular muscles
used for active whisking. To characterize differences in FSC
morphology depending on the trunk region, we segmented FSCs
using a microCT scan of an iodine-stained newborn Asian elephant trunk (Hoa’s Baby, see Table 1). Figure 4h shows a volume
rendering of the trunk and one of the segmentation sides with the
segmented FSCs color-coded according to their lengths. We find
that lateral FSCs are significantly longer than FSCs from tip and
ventral regions of the trunk (see Fig. 4i; One way ANOVA,
P < 0.001, post hoc Scheffé tests for pairwise comparison
(*P < 0.05, ***P < 0.001)).
In summary, we show that elephant trunk whisker follicles are
very large in comparison to rat whisker follicles and show marked
differences in lengths according to trunk region.
Newborn elephant trunk FSCs have high innervation. Elephant
trunk FSCs receive extensive innervation. We investigated the
overall distribution of the innervation within the follicle and
characterized the sensory nerve endings using immunohistochemistry. Figure 5a shows a longitudinal section through a
newborn Asian elephant whisker follicle stained for Neurofilament H, a marker expressed in most sensory afferents. Two
separate nerve bundles enter the FSC opposite to each other at the
lower third level and split up in smaller bundles while ascending
the follicle, converging closer to the hair shaft. At the upper third
of the follicle, the sensory afferents evenly distribute around the
circumference of the whisker and terminate between the most
outer layer of the outer root sheath and mesenchymal sheath
(Fig. 5a, b). Most of the follicles investigated had two or more
nerve bundles penetrating the collagenous capsule of the FSC at
different levels. Figure 5c shows a longitudinal section of an Asian
adult whisker follicle stained with hematoxylin-eosin. The arrows
indicate three nerve bundles entering the follicle, two at the lower
and one at the upper level. Figure 5d shows axon numbers of
FSCs from four different trunk areas of one newborn Asian elephant (Hoa’s baby, see Table 1). The axon number ranges from
49 to 190 with a mean of 87. Axon numbers across follicles from
the same trunk area are similar. Very small nerve bundles
entering mainly at the apical part of the follicle (superficial
vibrissal nerves) are not included in the count. We also investigated the presence and distribution of different mechanosensory
nerve endings within the FSC. Most prominent among the nerve
endings are lanceolate endings, which have an elongated, spindleshaped structure and are situated in between the mesenchymal
sheath and outer root sheath (Fig. 5e). We also observe
lanceolate-like endings, that have a more droplet-like appearance
(Fig. 5f). In addition, we see free nerve endings at all levels of the
follicles and weakly stained endings that resemble reticular
Fig. 3 Elephant trunk whiskers are thick and show little tapering. a Photograph of an African elephant lateral trunk whisker (left), Asian elephant lateral
trunk whisker (middle) and rat δ- whisker (right). b Upper, volume rendering of a microCT scan showing the distal part of an iodide-stained African
elephant whisker from the lateral trunk tip. Lower, proximal part of the whisker. Note the similar thickness distally and proximally. c Asian elephant whisker
sampled on the lateral trunk tip, conventions and scaling as in b. Note the similar thickness distally and proximally. d A rat whisker (δ), conventions as in b.
Note the tapering. e Side view of an African elephant trunk tip. Insets show the difference in whisker thickness between lateral and dorsal trunk tip regions.
f Whisker thickness in different regions of the trunk tip of African and Asian elephants. While in Asian elephants, whiskers of different trunk tip regions do
not differ in thickness, in African elephants, lateral whiskers are thicker than whiskers from other regions of the trunk tip. Thickness was measured from
two adult Asian and two adult African elephants. A comparison of whisker thickness was done using a Welch’s t-test (*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001).
Central line, median; box limits, upper and lower quartiles; whiskers, 1.5x interquartile range; dots, outliers.
endings of other species on the lower level of the follicle. Unlike
in other mammalian whisker follicles21, we observe no zone of
transverse afferents and endings around the elephant whisker.
Trunk whiskers show no active movement during haptic
pinching and vacuuming. Active tactile exploration through
sweeping motions of the whiskers (whisking) is known in rodents
and other mammals. We therefore asked, if elephant trunk
whiskers show active movement or if whisker contact is purely
determined by trunk movements. We intended to study this
question in a behavioral context, in which elephants make use of
haptic information and in which we could apply close-up
videography. To this end, we trained the female Asian elephant
Anchali in the Berlin Zoo to retrieve fruit from a box (which
prevented visual control of grasping) with her trunk. While the
experimental conditions were chosen such that Anchali could not
guide her movements visually, we do not know which olfactory
and haptic cues guided the behavior and to what extent whiskers
were involved. We then collected high-speed (100 Hz frame rate)
videography during pinching and vacuuming behaviors. The
closed box and the experimental setup are depicted in Fig. 6a, b.
Inspection of all videos collected suggests that Anchali shows no
active whisker movement (Supplementary Movie 1). To document this point quantitatively we used video clips of grasping
events and tracked the tip and the base of single whiskers over a
time course of 1 s. This time scale allowed us to track whisker
motion with negligible trunk rotation. We first tracked a lateral
trunk whisker during an instance of carrot pinching (See Fig. 6c,
d for the start and the end frame of a clip). The tracked whisker
along with the trajectories of the tip and the base positions during
the tracking time is shown in Fig. 6e. We defined the angle
between the vertical and the whisker (see Fig. 6e) as a parameter
for whisker movement relative to the trunk. As shown in Fig. 6f,
no whisker movement can be observed during the tracking time.
Furthermore, we investigated instances of apple vacuuming in the
same manner (Fig. 6g–j). This behavior is of special interest, as
breathing and whisker movement are synchronized in other
species such as rats22. We identified the onset of the inhalation/
suction using the audio track of the video. In Fig. 6j we show the
angle of a lateral trunk whisker relative to the vertical with the
time of the inhale to create the vacuum marked in blue. No
whisker movement relative to the trunk can be observed. We
conclude that there was no whisking associated with haptically
controlled grasping or vacuuming in our experiments.
Ventral trunk ridge whisker arrays show behavioral contact
patterns. We obtained whole trunk whisker counts from the
newborn elephant trunks shown in Fig. 7a–d. The newborn
African elephant has 1220 whiskers in total, whereas the newborn Asian elephant has 986. We can observe patterns of whisker
organization on the ventral side of the elephant trunk. In both
African and Asian elephants whiskers are organized in two distinct rows on each side of the ventral trunk (Fig. 7a, b). However,
in African elephants, these rows run through the whole length of
Fig. 4 Organization of elephant trunk whisker follicles. Virtual longitudinal
microCT section of a a dorsal African elephant trunk follicle-sinus-complex
(FSC). The follicle was stained in 1% iodine for 48 h. The surrounding tissue
was cropped, and whisker contrast was selectively adjusted in some areas
to maintain visibility and avoid saturation. b a lateral Asian elephant trunk
FSC, conventions as in a. c a rat δ whisker FSC. The FSC was stained in 1%
iodine for 24 h. d Micrograph of a hematoxylin-eosin stained longitudinal
section of a lateral adult African elephant trunk FSC (scale bar = 1 mm).
e Micrograph of hematoxylin-eosin stained transversal sections of a lateral
adult African elephant trunk FSC. Approximate planes of the sections are
indicated in d with dotted lines (scale bar = 500 µm). f As d but for a lateral
adult Asian elephant trunk FSC (scale bar = 1 mm). Note that the whisker
partially broke during cryosectioning and embedding. g As e but for a lateral
newborn Asian elephant trunk FSC (scale bar = 100 µm). h Volume
rendering of an Asian newborn elephant trunk microCT scan with single
FSCs and their respective whiskers segmented on the trunk tip and a
proximal trunk piece. FSCs are color-coded depending on their lengths. Left,
view of the whole scan. Right, Volume rendering of the proximal trunk
piece. i Follicle length in the lateral and ventral trunk and the trunk tip of an
Asian newborn elephant (Hoa’s Baby, see Table 1). One-way ANOVA,
P < 0.001, post hoc Scheffé test for pairwise comparison (*P < 0.05,
***P < 0.001). Error bars indicate the standard deviation. RRC Rete ridge
collar, MS Mesenchymal sheath, C Vibrissal capsule, S Vibrissal shaft, RoS
Root sheath, VSS Vascular sinus spaces, DVN Deep vibrissal nerve.
Table 1 Overview of the elephant specimen used for whisker
count and FSC dissections.
the trunk, whereas in Asian elephants no whiskers can be found
in a small area posterior to the trunk tip. Moreover, in African
elephants the trunk is more bulged in the area of the ventral
whisker ridges, giving the whisker bands a more pronounced
On the dorsal trunk side, whiskers are distributed more evenly,
with whisker density in the investigated newborn African
elephant being highest on the tip and then gradually decreasing
over the trunk lengths. In the newborn Asian, however, whisker
density is high in the tip area and on the proximal trunk and
lower in the middle part of the dorsal trunk (Fig. 7c, d).
Elephants commonly use the ventral side of the trunk to
balance objects. Thus, ventral trunk whisker ridges are in contact
with objects during these balancing behaviors (Fig. 7e). Photographing and filming such ventral-trunk-object contacts was
extraordinarily difficult. The reason is that many of the ventral
trunk movements were rather fast and that visualizing ventral
trunk whiskers required close-up filming; the inset in Fig. 7e
shows that whiskers indeed contacted balanced objects. We
hypothesize that this contact between the whisker bands and
Age (years)
Hoa’s Baby
Naing Thein
Unknown Asian
0 (stillborn)
? (adult)
L. africana
L. africana
E. maximus
E. maximus
E. maximus
E. maximus
E. maximus
E. maximus
E. maximus
E. maximus
6 days
? (adult)
to the number of whiskers on the trunk tip and the first eight skinfolds proximal to the
**data partially extrapolated because the dorsal finger was missing.
Dissections of FSCs were done from Linda, Zimba, Burma and Hoa’s Baby.
the object plays a crucial role in keeping balanced objects
centered on the trunk. Interestingly, the area proximal to the
trunk tip, where whiskers are missing in the Asian elephant, is
the place where Asian elephants—according to our behavioral
observations—tend to clamp smaller objects (Fig. 7f). The ventral
ridge whisker arrays show a high whisker density. This highdensity arrangement is also evident from a microCT scan of a
ventral trunk piece from a newborn Asian elephant (black box in
Fig. 7b), in which we segmented the corresponding follicles.
Figure 7g shows volume renderings of the trunk piece with
volume renderings of all segmented follicles depicted in the lower
part of the figure. All ventral ridge follicles share a similar
ventral/ forward orientation. In conclusion, we show that
Fig. 5 Innervation of elephant trunk follicle-sinus-complexes. a Longitudinal section of a newborn Asian elephant trunk whisker FSC stained for
Neurofilament H using immunohistochemistry. The dashed line indicates the level of the transversal section shown in b. Axon bundles enter the follicle in
multiple nerves. Accordingly, we observed the axons penetrating the capsule in this and adjacent sections and ascending through the follicle while distributing
evenly around the hair shaft. b Transversal section of a newborn Asian elephant trunk whisker FSC stained for Neurofilament H using immunohistochemistry.
The approximate level of the section is indicated by the dashed line in a. c Longitudinal section of a hematoxylin-eosin stained adult Asian elephant trunk
whisker FSC. Arrows indicate multiple nerves penetrating the follicle at different levels. In addition to their distinct appearance in hematoxylin-eosin staining,
we identified nerves by Neurofilament H antibody labeling of alternating serial sections. d Number of axons per follicle counted for follicles of different trunk
areas. The number indicated is a cumulative axon count corresponding to the sum of all axons counted in the various nerves innervating the respective follicle.
Data refers to one newborn Asian elephant (Hoa’s baby, see Table 1). e Micrograph of a lanceolate ending (indicated by an arrow) at the upper third level of a
newborn Asian elephant trunk FSC stained for Neurofilament H using immunohistochemistry (scale bar = 20 µm). f Micrograph of lanceolate-like dropletshaped nerve ending (indicated by an arrow) at the midlevel of a newborn Asian elephant trunk FSC, conventions as in e.
elephants have specialized ventral ridge whisker arrays that
contact objects balanced on the ventral trunk.
Elephants have dense arrays of trunk whiskers that differ markedly between African and Asian elephants. Elephant trunk
whisker length is use-dependent and lateralized probably as a
result of lateralized trunk behavior. Whisker follicles are heavily
innervated by (87 ± 40, mean ± sd) axons and the follicle lengths
varies with trunk region. Elephants do not whisk. Ventral trunk
ridge whisker arrays might contribute to object balancing. The
elephant whisker system appears to be shaped by specialized
trunk behaviors.
We find that elephants have numerous whiskers. African elephants have ~1.7x more trunk tip whiskers than Asian elephants
(Fig. 1g). Compared to histological samples from lab-reared
animals, our sample of elephant material has obvious limitations,
as it consists of zoo animals that died of natural causes at varying
ages. Still, we think the substantial number of elephants that
entered our study leads to robust conclusions. Whiskers are
particularly dense on the trunk tip with the exception of the finger
tip, where elephants pinch objects. Furthermore, there are highdensity whisker arrays at both sides of the ventral trunk, which we
discuss below. In conclusion, we are surprised that the marked
difference in whisker number between African and Asian elephants has found so little attention so far.
Most, if not all mammals including newborn elephants have
symmetrical facial whiskers. Adult elephants, however, are an
exception, and in all adult elephant trunks, we investigated trunk
whisker length is strongly lateralized (Fig. 2). We suggest that two
factors give rise to this elephant peculiarity. The first one is the
well-established lateralization of trunk behavior8–11 that results in
asymmetrical abrasion of the trunk whiskers. In line with this
idea, we observed that Zoo elephants had trunk whisker abrasion
patterns consistent with their behavioral lateralization (Supplementary Fig. 2). Secondly, elephants do not seem to replace
whiskers by the dual whisker follicle mechanism observed in
rodents20. In rodents, whiskers are replaced by a younger whisker
growing in the same whisker follicle. The old whisker falls out
when the young whisker reaches the length of the old whisker.
Fig. 6 Elephants do not whisk (even during haptic pinching and vacuuming). a Schematics of the experimental setup used for investigating whisker
movement during haptically controlled retrieval of fruit from a wooden box. b View from the side of the box during the grasping task pictured in a. c Still of
a grasping video clip, in which the female Asian elephant Anchali pinches a carrot; the frame shown is the first one we analyzed in the clip. Also see
Supplementary Movie 1. The arrow points to the tracked whisker. d The final frame we analyzed in the same video clip. e Left, close-up view of the tracked
whisker with the whisker base marked by a green dot and the tip of the whisker marked by a black dot. We measured the angle between the vertical of the
trunk and the chosen whisker (marked in black). Right, trajectories of the base (in green) and tip (in black) during the tracking time of 1 s. The trajectories
look identical indicating a lack of relative whisker movement (whisking). f Angle between the whisker and the vertical over the tracking time.
Measurements were taken as indicated in e. Little or no whisker movement is observed during the pinching behavior. g Still of a video clip, in which Anchali
vacuums an apple. Conventions as in c. Also see Supplementary Movie 1. h The final frame we analyzed in the same video clip. i As in e, but for the
vacuuming behavior. j Angle between the whisker and the vertical over the tracking time. The angle is shown in e. The onset and time of suction is marked
in blue and was inferred from the audio trace of the video. See also Supplementary Movie 1.
Therefore, the whisker array is length-wise always in ‘perfect
shape’. Elephants do not seem to have such a dual whisker
replacement strategy and we wonder how exactly whisker growth
unfolds in these animals. In any case, many whiskers—and in
particular the trunk tip whiskers—are much shorter in adult
elephants than in newborn elephants. Our understanding of
whisker abrasion and whisker length in elephants leads us to
question the presence of specialized vellus vibrissae in elephants,
as described by Rasmussen and Munger (1996)15. These authors
suggested—based on the histological investigation of a single
trunk tip—that vellus vibrissae are specialized skin-internal
whiskers on the elephant trunk finger. While we agree that
trunk finger whiskers can be very short, our investigation of
multiple trunk tips across elephants of different age points more
towards widely varying abrasion patterns than to specialized
vellus vibrissae. Specifically, we found no evidence for the presence of vellus vibrissae in newborn elephants.
Similar to trunk whisker length, lateralization of tusk length
has also been reported in African elephants23. They predominantly use one of their tusks as a ‘master tusk’ for tuskinvolving behaviors, which leads to lateralization in lengths. The
difference in tusk weight increases with the total weight of the
tusks, and therefore with the age of the elephant23. This is
comparable with our observation of same-length trunk whiskers
in newborn elephants versus a strong lateralization of whisker
lengths in adult elephants.
Fig. 7 Ventral trunk ridge whisker arrays and their behavioral contact patterns. a Photograph of the ventral side of a newborn African elephant trunk
with whisker positions marked in yellow. All trunks investigated show two distinct whisker bands on the ventral trunk. In African elephants, whisker bands
are more marked than in Asian elephants and extend over the whole trunk length. On top, we provide the total number of whiskers counted on the entire
trunk of this newborn elephant. b Photograph of the ventral side of an Asian newborn elephant trunk with whisker positions marked in yellow. In Asian
elephants, whiskers are missing in the ‘clamp- zone’ (black arrow). On top, we provide the total trunk whisker count. c Photograph of the dorsal side of a
newborn African elephant trunk with whisker positions marked in yellow. d Photograph of the dorsal side of a newborn Asian elephant trunk with whisker
positions marked in yellow. e Upper, photograph of an Asian elephant balancing a watermelon. Lower, high magnification view of the same picture, with
white arrows pointing to ventral ridge whiskers that are visibly in contact with the melon during balancing. f Photograph of an Asian elephant clamping a
pineapple; ventral ridge whiskers are distinctly missing in the trunk region posterior to the tip, where Asian elephants clamp objects. g Upper, volume
rendering of a microCT scan of an iodine-stained trunk piece with ventral ridge whisker arrays from a newborn Asian elephant (black box in b). Lower,
volume rendering of segmented whisker follicles. Note the ventral position and orientation of all whiskers. P posterior, L lateral.
In summary, we suggest the markedly lateralized trunk whiskers of adult elephants reflect the lateralized trunk behavior of
these animals.
Elephants have large whisker follicles that differ strongly from
rodent whisker follicles. Even though elephant whiskers are only
slightly longer than rat whiskers, their whisker follicles are multiple times larger than rat follicles. This rather striking difference
might relate to the difference in body size or could be related to
the specialization of rodent whiskers for fast whisking movements. Elephant whisker follicles lack ring sinus and ring wulst, a
prominent feature of the whisker follicles of many
mammals19,21,24. These structures, in conjunction with specialized club-like nerve endings, are thought to allow a more
fine-grained neural response and enable sensing of delicate
movements of the whisker25. Hence, we reckon elephant whiskers
might not be specialized for sensing very delicate deflections.
Other species lacking a ring sinus include rhesus monkeys26 and
tammar wallabys27.
Our findings indicate lanceolate nerve endings to dominate the
sensory afferents in the elephant FSC (Fig. 5). Previous studies in
the rat reported isotropic neural responses of lanceolate nerve
endings, i.e. direction invariant receptor responses upon tactile
stimulation28. We further found that each elephant trunk FSC is
innervated by multiple nerves. This observation has also been
made for closely related species: The facial whisker of manatees
are innervated by ~5 nerve bundles per FSC17 and in hyraxes,
both facial and postfacial whisker are innervated by two deep
vibrissal nerves per FSC16. Species that have more than one deep
vibrissal nerve also include rhesus monkeys29 and bottlenose
dolphins30. We counted an average of 87 innervating axons per
follicle. If we multiply this number with the whisker number
(493) per hemitrunk, we arrive at an estimate of ~42,900 whisker
afferents per hemitrunk in Asian elephants. In a previous study2
we counted about 400,000 axons in the Asian elephant infraorbital nerve; accordingly, we estimate that whisker afferents
account for about 11% of the trunk afferents; since our counts did
not include the (minor) superficial vibrissal nerve, we think of
this estimate as a lower bound value. In comparison, in their
2001 study about the microanatomy of manatee FSCs, Reep et al.
reported an estimate of 30,000 axons innervating the manatee
oral disk whisker follicles, which are mainly used for tactile
exploration17. In the same study, the authors also found, that the
anatomy of the manatee’s facial FSC varies with face region
(bristle field). Specifically, the FSCs of different regions differ in
lengths, widths and axon count, with a positive correlation
between ring sinus parimeter/area and the number of innervating
axons17. While we also found differences in lengths and axon
count between FSCs of different trunk areas (Figs. 4 and 5), the
two parameters don’t seem to correlate in the elephant.
In summary, we find elephant trunk whisker follicles are
innervated by multiple nerves comprised of numerous axons. The
lack of ring sinus and ring wulst (whisker structures associated
with fine-grain sensing and high-frequency discharges) might
indicate that the role of elephant whiskers is primarily the sensing
of coarse tactile stimuli.
Our study uncovers numerous systematic whisker differences
between African and Asian elephants. These differences include
whisker number, thickness and follicle shape. We wonder if the
differences in the behavioral ecology of the elephant species, such
as mixed food preferences of African elephants31 compared to the
preferential grazing/browsing observed in Asian elephants32
resulted in more numerous and tougher whiskers of African
elephants. We therefore wonder if the thicker whiskers of African
elephants might be instrumental in feeding on shrubs. The
cylindrical whisker morphology of the elephant differs strikingly
from the tapered whiskers in the rat (Fig. 3). Mechanically,
tapered whiskers are thought to play a pivotal role in actively
sensing the environment through sweeping motions of the
whisker, as this geometrical feature prevents getting stuck at
objects33. This goes along our findings of no active whisking
behavior in elephants (Fig. 6), suggesting selection pressure for
tapered whiskers was absent in the evolution of elephants. In
manatees, the maximal diameter of facial whisker ranges from
0.5–2 mm depending on bristle field area34 and manatee whiskers
are therefore on average thicker than elephant trunk whiskers, a
difference that is likely related to the aquatic lifestyle of
It is evident from our high-resolution videography that elephants do not whisk. Importantly, we obtained this result in a
behaviorally meaningful context, i.e., during haptically controlled
grasping. Moreover, we could also show, that whisker movements
are absent during haptically controlled vacuuming (Fig. 6, Supplementary Movie 1). This absence of whisker movements during
vacuuming suggests that elephant whiskers show no respirationassociated whisker movements; whisker-movement-respiration
coupling is common in mammals22. The lack of such coupling in
elephants enforces the idea that elephant whiskers are genuinely
immobile. The rigid skin embedding of whiskers and the lack of
capsular whisker musculature, as observed in our microCT scans,
are in line with our observation that elephant whiskers do not
whisk. We reckon that elephants do not require whisker-specific
mobility, as their trunk mobility dramatically increased in evolution. In summary, we suggest that high mobility and flexibility
of the elephant trunk might have made the autonomous whiskermobility of trunk whiskers obsolete.
The ventral trunk ridge whisker arrays are an elephant whisker
specialization. These ventral whiskers do not cover the entire
trunk, but rather form two rows at the ventral ridges of the trunk.
Particularly, in adult elephants, these whiskers are more conspicuous in African than in Asian elephants. In Asian elephants,
these whiskers are missing directly behind the trunk tip, where
Asian elephants often clamp objects. Our informal observations
suggest that the ventral trunk ridge whiskers are involved in
object balancing on the ventral trunk—a very common elephant
Trunk whiskers of elephants differ markedly from the facial
whiskers of other mammals. In many small mammals, whiskers
are thin, tapered, mobile, symmetrically arranged around the
snout and function in peri-snout sensing. In contrast elephant
trunk whiskers are thick, non-tapered, immobile, lateralized and
are arranged in specific high-density arrays on the ventral trunk
and the trunk tip. We suggest unique trunk whisker characteristics evolved to provide a haptically controlled action space for
the extraordinary manipulative capacities of the elephant trunk.
Elephant and rat specimens. All specimens used in this study came from zoo
elephants and were collected by the IZW (Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife
Research, Berlin) over the last three decades in agreement with CITES (Convention
on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) regulations. Specimen reports and CITES documentation for all animals included are
held at the IZW. All animals included in the study died of natural causes or were
euthanized by experienced zoo veterinarians for humanitarian reasons, because of
serious health complications. Table 1 gives an overview of the specimens of Asian
elephants (Elephas maximus) and African elephants (Loxodonta africana), along
with the age and trunk tip whisker counts derived from these animals.
We collected rat whiskers and FSCs post-mortem from 6-week-old male longevans rats killed under a permit approved by the State Office for Health and Social
Affairs committee (LAGeSo) in Berlin (Animal license number: G0095-21 / 1.2).
Photography, whisker counts and whisker thickness measurements. We
photographed the trunk tips from all sides using a Sony α 7 R III camera with a
Sony FE 90 Mm/2.8 Macro G OSS objective. The majority of the trunk tips photographed and analyzed were either fixed in 4% formaldehyde solution or were
frozen at −20 °C; a minority of samples consisted of fresh post-mortem material.
For counting the whiskers, we adjusted the color curves of the photographs in
Adobe Photoshop (Adobe Systems Incorporated) for maximum visibility of the
whiskers. The count was performed manually using the multi-point tool in ImageJ
(Rasband, W.S., ImageJ, U. S. National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland,
USA). For every specimen, we counted the whiskers on the tip and on approximately eight segments (skinfolds) proximal to the trunk tip due to the limited
availability of whole trunk samples. The first author (ND) obtained whisker counts
from six African elephants and seven Asian elephants using five pictures of each
sample taken from different angles. For two trunk tips a coauthor (BG) recounted
whisker numbers and we obtained similar numbers (a -5%, and +11% deviation);
all counts reported are the first author counts. Details on species and age of each
specimen are provided in Table 1. For one African elephant, the whisker count was
extrapolated due to an incomplete sample. Additionally, we derived whole trunk
whisker counts from one newborn Asian (Hoa’s Baby) and one newborn African
(AM1) elephant. For two adults from each species (n = 4; Ilona, Unknown Asian,
Linda and Zimba, see Table 1), we measured whisker thickness using ImageJ from
the same pictures that were taken for the whisker count. The measurements were
taken on the widest point of each whisker, just where it protrudes from the surface
of the skin. For each specimen, we measured the thicknesses of ten whiskers on
each of four different areas: The trunk tip, the dorsal side of the trunk, the ventral
side of the trunk, and both sides of the trunk. Our observations on whisker length
and abrasion were made from pictures of the trunk samples (n = 6 African elephants and n = 9 Asian elephants) and n = 3 Asian zoo elephants during routine
handling (see below).
Experimental procedures with zoo elephants. Behavioral experiments with
Asian elephants were conducted in the Berlin Zoological Garden. Our experimental
procedures were evaluated by the regional government, which ruled that a formal
animal experimentation permit is not required given the non-invasive nature of
our procedures (LAGeSo StN-statement 19.07.2021). We observed several Asian
elephants (n = 5) during routine handling and haptically controlled grasping in the
10-year-old female Asian elephant Anchali. Anchali was trained to retrieve fruit
from a closed box with a hole for the trunk (see Fig. 6), a behavioral setting that
required to localize and grasp or vacuum various fruits (carrots, pears, bananas,
apples) under haptic and olfactory control. We also obtained ad hoc information
about the elephant habits (left- vs right-trunker) from the animal caretakers.
Videography and whisker tracking. Videography of elephant whiskers was
challenging because whiskers are thin, elephants move their trunks very fast and we
needed to keep a distance from the animals for security reasons (even though the
elephant we worked with were well-habituated to humans). The best footage of
trunk whiskers and the trunk tip was obtained with the elephant Anchali in the
box-fruit-retrieving task described above. Under other circumstances resolving
trunk whiskers was difficult or impossible and such difficulties also limited our
study of ventral trunk whiskers.
We obtained videos of the behavioral experiments described using a Sony α 7 R
III camera with a Sony FE 16-35 mm F2.8 GM E-Mount objective. The frame rate
was set to 100 Hz. For tracking of single whiskers, we imported video clips of single
events of fruit retrieval (n = 3) from the box in ImageJ and analyzed them
manually by following base and tip of single whiskers (n = 5, from both sides of the
trunk) over an interval of 1 s using the multi-count tool. We exported base and tip
coordinates and plotted trajectories and the angle between the whisker and the
vertical using Python’s Matplotlib package. We calculated the angle using the
following formula with Δx and Δy being the difference between the base and tip x
and y cartesian coordinate for each timepoint, respectively.
α ¼ 90
sin 1 @qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
2 A
ðΔxÞ þ Δy
We identified the onset of suction for apple vacuuming using the audio track of
the video.
Fixation, sectioning and hematoxylin-eosin staining. Whole trunks or trunk tips
were fixed in 4% formaldehyde for several months. Some of the samples were
frozen and thawed prior to fixation. We either dissected Follicle-Sinus-Complexes
(FSCs) from the surrounding tissue or cut out small cubes of tissue containing one
or multiple FSCs. For cryosectioning, the tissue was transferred into a 30% sucrose
solution in phosphate buffer and left for at least 24 h prior to sectioning for
cryoprotection. We then embedded the tissue in tissue freezing medium (Leica
Biosystems, Catalog Nr. 14020108926) and cut it into 40 µm sections either perpendicular or parallel to the skin surface using a freezing microtome. For
hematoxylin-eosin staining sections were mounted and dried for at least 24 h,
directly followed by staining with hematoxylin-eosin solution. Pictures of the
hematoxylin-eosin stainings were acquired with a MBFCX9000 camera (MBF
Bioscience, Williston, USA) on an Olympus BX51 microscope (Olympus, Japan)
using Neurolucida (MBF Bioscience, Williston, ND) software. We described
characteristic structures and overall anatomy of the FSC using hematoxylin-eosin
stained sections from n = 8 follicles (from Hoa’s Baby, Burma, Unknown Asian
and Zimba, see Table 1).
Immunohistochemistry/ antibody characterization. We incubated the sections
in a blocker of 0.1 M PBS, pH 7.2, with 0.75%Triton X-100 and 2,5% Bovine Serum
Albumin (BSA) for an hour at room temperature before incubating them with a
polyclonal antibody against Neurofilament-Heavy (NF-H) (1:1000, Millipore,
Catalog Nr. AB5539) in 0.1 M PBS, pH 7.2, with 0.3%Triton X-100 and 1% BSA for
48 h at 4 °C. We then washed and incubated the sections in a blocking solution
containing 1% BSA in 0.1 M PBS and Goat anti-chicken IgY secondary antibody
conjugated to Alexa Fluor 488 (1:1000, Invitrogen, Catalog Nr. A-11039) at 4 °C
overnight. The next day we washed, mounted and coverslipped the sections using a
mounting medium (Fluoromount G, SouthernBiotech, Catalog Nr. 0100-01). We
took micrographs of the slides using a Leica DM5500B epifluorescence microscope
(Wetzlar, Germany). We stained sections of n = 17 follicles from three different
elephant samples (Hoa’s Baby, Burma and Zimba, see Table 1) using immunohistochemistry. To gain a better understanding of the relative importance of the
trunk whiskers as sensory structures we counted the axon numbers per FSC (n = 9,
FSCs from Hoa’s Baby) using serial cross-sections in ImageJ.
2% iodine solution for 4 days each. We also dissected single FSCs (n = 4, from
Burma, Zimba and Linda, see Table 1) from trunk pieces of different trunk tip
samples and stained them in 1% iodine solution for 48 h before scanning. We
scanned single FSCs by embedding them in a mixture of 2.5% gelatin and 1%
agarose to prevent the sample from moving in the scanner while minimizing iodine
bleeding. For comparison of structure and size, we dissected the follicle of a rat δwhisker follicle from a facial whisker pad, that was fixed in 4% formaldehyde for
>20 days. The follicle was stained in 1% iodine solution for 24 h.
For comparison of whisker thickness and shape, we pulled lateral trunk
whiskers of one adult Asian and African elephant each (Burma and Zimba, see
Table 1) and a rat δ- whisker out of the follicle and scanned them embedded in 2%
Agarose after staining them in 1% iodine solution for 10 min. All iodine solutions
were prepared by dilution of 5% Lugol’s iodine in distilled water. We performed the
scans using a YXLON FF20 CT scanner (YXLON International GmbH, Hamburg,
Germany) of our institute. The scans of the newborn elephant trunk were
performed at 115–120 kV source voltage, 20–25 μA source current, and 1000 ms
exposure. The scans of the FSCs were performed at 36–55 kV, 81–120 µA, and 2000
ms exposure. Single whiskers were scanned at 50 kV, 81 µA, and 333 ms.
Statistics and reproducibility. If not otherwise noted all errors refer to the
standard deviation.
We tested for normality using Shapiro-Wilks tests. Levene’s tests were used to
test for equal variances between populations. If the populations had equal variances,
we tested the difference between the population means using a student t-test,
otherwise, we used Welch’s t-test. All t-tests were two-sided, and the null hypothesis
was rejected when p < 0.05. We tested the significance of differences in the mean of
more than two populations using a one-way ANOVA. Post-hoc testing for pairwise
comparison of groups was done using a Scheffé test if the populations showed equal
variances, otherwise a Tukey test was used for post-hoc testing. We determined
differences in the laterality of whisker length between newborn and adult elephants
using Fisher’s exact test, with data from both elephant species pooled.
The statistical analysis was done using Pythons Numpy, Scipy and Scikitposthocs packages. We used Numpy to calculate the means and standard
deviations, Scipy for t-tests, the ANOVA, Shapiro- Wilks tests and Levene’s tests
and functions from the Scikit-posthoc package for post-hoc testing.
We clarified the sample sizes of the conducted experiments in the respective
method sections.
Segmentation and CT scan analysis. For the segmentation of the trunk whisker
FSCs we used an extended version of the Amira software (AmiraZIBEdition 2021,
Zuse Institute). For that, we marked the area of the follicle on every tenth slide and
the volume in between two marked areas was extrapolated. We obtained the
lengths of the follicles using the Length3D function of Amira’s label analysis
module. In total, 43 FSCs of Hoa’s Baby were segmented, n = 9 in the tip region,
n = 8 lateral FSCs and n = 26 ventral FSCs.
Drawings. Outlines in Figs. 1e, f and 6b were drawn by ND using reference images
taken by the authors (ND and LVK). Figure 6a was drawn by LVK from video
footage of the experiment. The outlines in Fig. 2f were drawn by ND using Fig. 1a,
b of Maier & Brecht (2018)20 as a reference. The dot plots and density maps in
Figs. 1e, f and 2f were realized using Python’s Matplotlib library.
Reporting summary. Further information on research design is available in the Nature
Portfolio Reporting Summary linked to this article.
Data availability
All data needed to evaluate the conclusions in the paper are present in the paper and/or
the Supplementary Materials. Additional data reported in this paper are shared on a
publicly accessible repository ( This paper
does not report original code.
Received: 29 October 2022; Accepted: 15 May 2023;
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To characterize ventral FSCs, we cut out a small piece (2 cm × 1.5 cm × 1 cm) of the
same baby Asian elephant trunk and stained it in 1% iodine solution, followed by
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We thank the Berlin Zoological Garden and in particular Rouven Schulze, Konstantin
Becker, Lucas Baum, and Alina Kobin. We also thank Katriona Guthrie-Honea, Luke
Longren, Andreea Neukirchner, Maik Kunert and Tanja Wölk. Several zoological
institutions contributed, in particular the Berlin Zoo (Germany) for behavioral observations, and for anatomy Zoo Augsburg (Germany), Opel-Zoo Kronberg (Germany),
Zoo Poznań (Poland), Tierpark Hagenbeck (Germany), and the Elefantenhof Platschow
(Germany). Supported by BCCN Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and the
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany´s Excellence Strategy—EXC−2049—390688087.
Author contributions
Conceptualization, N.D., U.S., T.H. and M.B.; Methodology and materials, N.D., U.S.,
L.E., L.V.K, C.S., B.G., S.H., G.F., F.G., R.B., A.O., T.H. and M.B.; investigation, N.D.,
U.S., L.E., L.V.K, C.S., B.G., R.B., A.O., T.H., and M.B. Formal analysis, N.D., L.E., and
M.B.; writing N.D., T.H. and M.B.; supervision, M.B.; funding acquisition, M.B.
Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
Additional information
Supplementary information The online version contains supplementary material
available at
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to Michael Brecht.
Peer review information Communications Biology thanks Magdalena Muchlinksi and
the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.
Primary Handling Editors: Luke Grinham and Karli Montague-Cardoso. A peer review
file is available.
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