Minimal Geodesics and Nilpotent Fundamental Groups
Bernd Ammann
arXiv:dg-ga/9603011v2 16 Nov 1999
Mathematisches Institut der Universität Freiburg
D-79104 Freiburg
March 1996
minimal.tex; 26/10/2018; 4:27; p.1
1. Introduction
DEFINITION 1.1. Let (M, h . , . i) be a Riemannian manifold. A nonconstant geodesic c: R → M is called minimal if it satisfies for all
t1 < t2 :
L c|[t1 ,t2 ] ≤ L (γ)
for all curves γ homotopic to c|[t1 ,t2 ] with fixed endpoints.
Suppose we fix π1 (M ). Then there are several known results that
guarantee the existence of minimal geodesics.
The simplest one is that (M, h . , . i) carries a minimal geodesic if and
only if π1 (M ) is infinite.
For some classes of differentiable manifolds certain existence properties of minimal geodesics do not depend on the choice of Riemannian
metric: the bestknown cases are compact manifolds M with hyperbolic
f of
fundamental groups. Here one can compactify the universal cover M
f∞ . For every Riemannian metric on
M by a “boundary at infinity” M
f converges for t → ±∞ to two
M the lift of a minimal geodesic to M
f∞ and, conversely, for each pair of different points
different points on M
on M∞ there exists such a minimal geodesic ([23],[8],[19],[17]7.5).
The situation is similar on the 2-torus T 2 = R2 /Z2 where for every
straight line in R2 and every Riemannian metric on T 2 one finds a
minimal geodesic whose lift stays at finite distance from the straight
line ([18],[7],[3]).
Surprisingly, the situation is completely different for an n-torus
T n = Rn /Zn if n ≥ 3. Here existence properties of minimal geodesics
depend very much on the choice of the Riemannian metric: for flat
metrics every geodesic is minimal (and lifts to a straight line in Rn ).
On the other hand, there are the Hedlund metrics [18] on T n , discussed
in [4], where one has only n periodic minimal ones. So in these Hedlund examples minimal geodesics are very rare. Using the language of
dynamical systems one would say that the set of unit tangent vectors
to minimal geodesics consists of 2n periodic orbits of the geodesic flow
and (countably many) heteroclinic and homoclinic connections between
These Hedlund metrics contrast to a theorem of V. Bangert ([4],[5]).
He proves that the number of “directions” of minimal geodesics on an
arbitrary Riemannian manifold (M, h . , . i) is at least the first Bettinumber b1 := rank π1 /[π1 , π1 ]. This bound is optimal for the Hedlund
metric on T n , n ≥ 3.
In this paper we will construct Riemannian manifolds with only
b1 different “directions” of minimal geodesics for arbitrary nilpotent
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fundamental groups. Therefore Bangert’s bound is optimal for arbitrary
nilpotent groups.
If one tries to construct such Riemannian manifolds using analogous
methods to Hedlund’s, one has to prove a group theoretical property
for the fundamental group. The groups having this property will be
called groups of bounded minimal generation. Any finitely generated
abelian group is of bounded minimal generation, and every group of
bounded minimal generation is virtually nilpotent, i.e. it has a nilpotent subgroup of finite index. Unfortunately, there are only few non
abelian groups that are known to be of bounded minimal generation,
e.g. discrete subgroups of Heisenberg groups (see section 7). So this
type of construction seems to fail for general fundamental groups.
Therefore we will use a different method that will give us examples
for any finitely generated nilpotent fundamental group.
The Riemannian manifolds we construct have a universal covering
f = G × S̃ where G is a nilpotent Lie-group and S̃ is a simplyM
connected compact manifold. The commutator group [G, G] acts isof via left multiplication on the first component. In
metrically on M
analogy to the Hedlund metrics on tori we will find two types of minimal
geodesics on M : the left-translated-periodic type and the connection
type. There are b1 periodic minimal geodesics c1 , . . . , cb1 on M with
f with the following property:
lifts c̃1 , . . . , c̃b1 on M
for every minimal geodesic c of left-translated-periodic type we can
f and i ∈ {1, . . . , b1 }, a, b ∈ R, g ∈ [G, G] with
find a lift c̃ to M
c̃(t) = g · c̃i (at + b).
On the other hand every c: R → M satisfying this property is a minimal
A minimal geodesic of connection type will always be a homoclinic
or heteroclinic connection between two geodesics of left-translatedperiodic type.
Additionally, the main theorem for this construction (Theorem 2.1)
is useful for other applications. For example, we will be able to determine all minimal geodesics on nilmanifolds with left-invariant metrics.
Here minimal geodesics are exactly the horizontal lifts of straight lines
on the associated (flat) Jacobi variety T b1 .
This paper resulted from the author’s Diplomarbeit at the University
of Freiburg, Germany. The author wants to thank his supervisor Victor
Bangert for many interesting discussions.
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2. N -leftinvariant metrics
In this section we will look at metrics on G × S̃ as above. Applying
theorem 2.1, we will be able to reduce the classification problem of
minimal geodesic on G × S̃ to the classification of minimal geodesics
on Rb1 × S̃, or to be more precise:
the minimal geodesics on G × S̃ are exactly the horizontal lifts
of minimal geodesics on Rb1 × S̃ via the canonical Riemannian
G × S̃ → Rb1 × S̃.
We will formulate the theorem in a more general setting.
Let G be a simply connected, nilpotent Lie-group. The Lie-group
exponential map exp is a global diffeomorphism from the Lie-algebra g
to the Lie-group G, and the Formula of Baker, Campbell and Hausdorff
states that the pullback of the multiplication on G is a Lie-bracket polynomial on g. Connected subgroups of G correspond to Lie-subalgebras
of g and are therefore closed subsets. Normal connected subgroups
correspond to ideals of g. For details and further results about nilpotent
Lie-groups look for example at [10] and [25].
We fix now a normal connected subgroup N of G with Lie-algebra
n ⊂ g. We will assume that N is contained in the commutator group
[G, G] of G. This is equivalent to the condition that n is in the commutator Lie-algebra [g, g] of g.
Let S be a compact manifold; here we do not assume that S is
simply connected but we want π1 (S) to be finite. G acts on G × S via
left multiplication on the first component. Now we take a Riemannian
metric h . , . iG on G × S that is N -leftinvariant, i.e. the subgoup N of G
acts isometrically. Then there is a unique Riemannian metric h . , . iG/N
on (G/N ) × S such that the canonical projection p: G× S → (G/N ) × S
is a Riemannian submersion. Vice versa, for every Riemannian metric
on (G/N ) × S there is a (non unique) N -leftinvariant metric on G × S
such that p is Riemannian.
Additionally we suppose that h . , . iG is bi-Lipschitz to a left invariant metric h . , . il on G × S, i.e. there are constants c1 , c2 > 0
c1 hv, vil ≤ hv, viG ≤ c2 hv, vil ∀v ∈ T (G × S).
This condition is independent of the choice of the left invariant metric
h . , . il .
A vector v ∈ Tx (G × S) is called horizontal if v ⊥ ker Tx p.
THEOREM 2.1. Let N be a normal connected subgroup of the simply
connected, nilpotent Lie-group G with N ⊂ [G, G]. We suppose that G×
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S carries a Riemannian metric that is N -left-invariant and bi-Lipschitz
to a G-left-invariant metric and that
p: G × S →
is a Riemannian submersion. Then c: R → G × S is a minimal geodesic
on (G × S, h . , . iG ) if and only if
1. ċ(t) is horizontal for all t ∈ R and
2. p◦c: R → (G/N )×S is a minimal geodesic on (G/N ) × S, h . , . iG/N .
Proof. Let Z1 (G) := {x ∈ G | xyx−1 y −1 = e ∀y ∈ G} be the center of
G and define inductively Zi+1 (G) := {x ∈ G | xyx−1 y −1 ∈ Zi (G) ∀y ∈
We will prove the theorem for the case N ⊂ Z1 (G). By a straightforward induction on i we then get the theorem for N ⊂ Zi (G) and
therefore the general case.
To prove “⇐” we suppose that c is not minimal. If ċ(t) is horizontal
for all t, then c|[s,t] has the same length as p ◦ c|[s,t] and therefore p ◦ c
cannot be minimal.
For “⇒” we suppose that c: R → G × S is a minimal geodesic,
parametrized by arclength. Without loss of generality we can assume
that S is simply connected.
For any v ∈ g let rexp v be the right-translation of G × S by exp v
acting trivially on S. Then Vv := ∂α
|α=0rexp αv is a left-invariant vector
field with vanishing S-component.
If n ∈ n then rexp αn acts isometrically on G × S, since N ⊂ Z1 (G),
so Vn is a Killing field. Noether’s theorem ([2] 4.20) implies that
Pn := hċ(t), Vn (c(t))iG
is constant in t. We argue by contradiction to show that Pn = 0.
We write
ċ(t) = λ(t)Vn (c(t)) + c⊥ (t)
with c⊥ (t) ⊥ Vn (c(t)).
Let k . kG be the norm of tangential vectors induced by h . , . iG . If
we assume that Pn 6= 0 we can use the Lipschitz constants between
h . , . iG and a left-invariant metric to obtain constants K 1 , K 2 > 0 in
the inequalities:
ċ(t), Vn (c(t))
|Pn |
< K1
|λ(t)| =
kVn (c(t))kG
kVn (c(t))k2G
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fibres of G × S →
c(0) = ĉ(0)
p ◦ c(t)
p ◦ c(0)
Figure 1. Minimal Geodesics are horizontal
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kλ(t)Vn (c(t))kG =
Then the curve ĉ defined by
ĉ(t) := c(t) · exp
|Pn |
> K2 > 0
kVn ((c(t))kG
−λ(t )dt n
˙ ⊥ Vn (see also Figure 1). After
satisfies p ◦ ĉ = p ◦c, ĉ(0) = c(0) and ĉ(t)
identification of Tĉ(t) M and Tc(t) M via left translation, ĉ(t)
is equal to
c⊥ (t).
˙ G ≤ 1 − K 2 2 . Writing dG for the distance
So we know that kĉk
induced by h . , . iG we obtain
t = dG (c(0), c(t)) ≤ dG (ĉ(0), ĉ(t)) + dG (ĉ(t), c(t))
| {z }
1−K 2
∀t > 0.
We use a result of Pansu ([24]) to state that there is a constant K 3 (n)
not depending on α > 0, s ∈ S and g ∈ G such that
dG ((g exp αn, s), (g, s)) ≤ K 3 (n) ( α + 1).
Pansu did not prove exactly this statement, but the proof of it is
completely analogous to the proof of [24] no. (62) if we use the fact
that exp αn is in the commutator group. Another proof using more
elementary methods can be found in [1].
Together with |λ(t)| < K 1 inequality (2) contradicts (1), so we get
Pn = 0 for every n in the Lie algebra of N , i.e. ċ(t) is horizontal. This
implies that p ◦ c is parametrized by arclength.
It remains to show that p ◦ c is minimal. In order to prove it we
assume the opposite, i.e.
∆ := t2 − t1 − dG/N (p ◦ c(t1 ), p ◦ c(t2 )) > 0.
Now take a shortest geodesic k̄: [t1 , t2 ] → (G/N ) × S from p ◦ c(t1 )
to p ◦ c(t2 ) (see also Figure 2). This shortest geodesic has a unique
horizontal lift k: [t1 , t2 ] → G × S with c(t1 ) = k(t1 ).
As the Lie exponential map is a diffeomorphism there is a unique
n ∈ n, such that k(t2 ) = c(t2 ) · exp n. For µ > 0 we now extend k
continuously by
k(t) := c(t) · exp([1 − µ(t − t2 )]n)
t2 ≤ t ≤ tµ := t2 + 1/µ.
So k: [t1 , tµ ] → G × S is also a curve from c(t1 ) to c(tµ ). We will prove
that k is shorter than c|[t1 ,tµ ] for small µ > 0. There is a unique c′ : R →
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c(tµ ) = k(tµ )
c(t2 )
k(t2 )
c(0) = k(0)
p ◦ c(tµ )
p ◦ c(t2 )
p ◦ c(t1 )
k̄ = p ◦ k
Figure 2. Minimal Geodesics project to Minimal Geodesics
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n⊥ ⊂ g such that the G-component of ċ(t) is Vc′ (t) (c(t)). On (t2 , tµ ) the
G-component of k̇(t) is
Vc′ (t) (k(t)) − µVn (k(t)),
whereas the S-components of k̇(t) and ċ(t) are equal up to left (or right)
So as c is horizontal
kk̇(t)kG =
kċ(t)k2G + µ2 kVn (k(t))k2G
≤ 1 + µ2 kVn (k(t))k2G .
For µ small enough we get
L(c|[t1 ,tµ ]) − L(k) ≥ ∆ −
1 µ2
sup kVn (g, s)k2G > 0,
µ 2 g∈G
which contradicts the minimality of c. Therefore p ◦ c is minimal.
Using Theorem 2.1 we now know the minimal geodesics on any
nilpotent Lie-group with a left-invariant metric.
COROLLARY 2.2. Let G be a nilpotent Lie-group with a left-invariant
metric. The minimal geodesics on G are exactly the curves of the form
c(t) = g · exp tv
with g ∈ G and v ∈ g and v ⊥ [g, g].
Remark. A similar type of orthogonality relation was discovered by
Patrick Eberlein, Ruth Gornet and Dorothee Schüth when they investigated the following problem. A geodesic c on a nilpotent Lie-group G
with left-invariant metric is called periodic if there are g ∈ G, λ > 0
with c(t + λ) = g · c(t) ∀t. A necessary condition for periodicity is that
periodic geodesics are orthogonal to certain terms built by commutators
([11]Cor. 4.4, [14]3.1).
Now we try to lift asymptotic behavior from (G/N ) × S to G × S.
Here we have to pay attention to the following fact: if dim N > 0 then
there are curves γ̄1 , γ̄2 : R → (G/N ) × S that are asymptotic to each
other but do not have horizontal lifts that are asymptotic to each other.
The situation is different if we replace “asymptotic” by “exponentially asymptotic”.
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DEFINITION 2.3. The (parametrized) curves γ1 and γ2 are exponentially asymptotic for t → ∞ if there are constants K a , K b > 0 such
d (γ1 (t), γ2 (t)) < K a e−K b t for large t.
Here d is the Riemannian distance. This definition is invariant under bi-Lipschitz change of the metric. The definition of exponentially
asymptotic for t → −∞ is analogous.
PROPOSITION 2.4. Let G × S carry a Riemannian metric that is N left-invariant and invariant under left-action of a lattice Γ of G. Choose
a Riemannian metric on the quotient such that p : G × S → (G/N ) × S
becomes a Riemannian submersion. Furthermore let γ1 , γ2 : R → G × S
be piecewise C 1 -curves with bounded kγ̇i kG and horizontal with respect
to p. Then p ◦ γ1 is exponentially asymptotic to p ◦ γ2 if and only if
there is an n∞ ∈ N such that n∞ · γ1 is exponentially asymptotic to γ2 .
Proof. We only have to prove the “only if”. And it is sufficient to
prove this for N ⊂ Z1 (G) as the general case follows by induction. The
cases t → +∞ and t → −∞ are totally symmetric, so the case t → −∞
will be omitted.
Because of the action of Γ and the compactness of S the injectivity
radius of G/N × S is positive.
At first we can choose t0 with
d(p ◦ γ1 (t), p ◦ γ2 (t)) <
inj rad( × S)
∀t ≥ t0 .
We glue a surface A: [1, 2]×[t0 , ∞) → (G/N )×S between the p ◦ γi |[t0 ,∞]
such that A(i, .) = p ◦ γi (i = 1, 2) and A(., t) is the shortest curve
from p ◦ γ1 (t) to p ◦ γ2 (t).
As p ◦ γ1 (t) and p ◦ γ2 (t) are exponentially asymptotic, there are
constants K a , K b > 0 with
Area A|[1,2]×[t1 ,t2 ] < K a e−K b t1
(t0 ≤ t1 ≤ t2 ≤ ∞).
Now lift A to Ã: [1, 2] × [t0 , ∞) → G × S such that Ã(1, .) = γ1 and
Ã(., t) is horizontal ∀t. There is an n: [t0 , ∞) → N with
Ã(2, t) · n(t) = γ2 (t).
In general n is non-constant and therefore Ã(2, .) is non-horizontal, but
we will show that n(t) converges for t → ∞.
Note that G × S → (G/N ) × S is a principal N -bundle. As N
acts isometrically, the horizontal planes determine a connection-1-form
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ω: T (G × S) → n. (For details on connection-1-forms see [20], Chapter
II.) Then dω is the curvature of the connection and kdωk is uniformly
bounded on G × S.
As γi and Ã(., t) are horizontal
ω = 0 and
γi |[t ,t ]
1 2
ω = n(t1 )n(t2 )−1
ω =
Ã(2,.)|[t ,t ]
∂ Ã|[1,2]×[t ,t ]
1 2
1 2
Using Stoke’s Theorem we get
kdωk ≤ Area A|[1,2]×[t1 ,t2 ] sup kdωk
d n(t1 )n(t2 ) , e ≤
Ã|[1,2]×[t ,t ]
1 2
−K b t1
≤ sup kdωkK a e
So n(t) converges exponentially and n∞ := limt→∞ n(t) gives the proposition.
3. Hedlund examples
In this chapter we will give a slight generalisation of the Hedlund examples presented by Bangert in [4], section 5. The proofs are only small
variations of Bangert’s proofs, so we will skip them.
In this section we construct similar metrics, which we will also call
“Hedlund metrics”. These metrics are defined on manifolds of the form
M = T b1 × S where T b1 = Rb1 /Zb1 , b1 ≥ 1 is the torus and S is an
arbitrary compact connected manifold with finite π1 (S). We exclude
the case M = T 2 by assuming dim S > 0 or b1 6= 2. Note that b1 is the
first Betti number of M .
We denote the standard flat metric on T b1 by h . , . iT and we choose
a metric h . , . iS on S. The product metric on M will be called h . , . iT ×S .
The vectors of the canonical basis e1 , . . . , eb1 of Rb1 induce h . , . iT ×S orthonormal vector fields E1 , . . . , Eb1 : M → T M .
The Hedlund metrics h . , . iH will be defined in Definition 3.1. In this
definition we use b1 closed curves c1 , . . . , cb1 on M that will become the
only geodesics that are minimal and closed. To define them, we have
to distinguish two cases.
In the case “b1 6= 2” choose s ∈ S and define
ci (t) := 2
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for all t ∈ R, where eb1 +1 := e1 .
In the case “b1 = 2” we have assumed that dim S > 0, so we can
choose different s1 , s2 ∈ S and define
, si
ci (t) :=
for all t ∈ R.
In both cases let Li be the trace of ci . The fact that Li and Lj are
disjoint for i 6= j plays an important role in the proofs. The construction
of Hedlund type metrics on T 2 fails because such ci and Li do not exist
on T 2 .
Now define Uǫ (Li ) to be the ǫ-neighborhood of Li with respect to
h . , . iT ×S .
For ǫ > 0 (that will be chosen very small) we define in analogy to
Definition 5.1 of [4]:
DEFINITION 3.1. h . , . iH is an ǫ-Hedlund metric on M iff there are
ǫ1 , . . . , ǫb1 ∈ (0, ǫ] such that for i = 1, . . . , b1 :
(P 1) hv, viH ≤ (1 + ǫ)2 hv, viT ×S ∀v ∈ T M
(P 2) hEi (x), Ei (x)iH = ǫ2i
∀x ∈ Li
hv, viH ≥ ǫ2i hv, viT ×S
∀v ∈ Tx M, x ∈ Li
hv, viH > ǫ2i hv, viT ×S
∀v ∈ Tx M \ {0},
Sx ∈ Uǫ (Li ) \ Li
(P 3) hv, viH ≥ hv, viT ×S
∀v ∈ Tx M, x 6∈ j Uǫ (Lj )
The following propositions 3.2, 3.4 and 3.5 are analogues to Propositon
5.2, Proposition 5.3 and Corollary 5.4 of [4]. Because of the definition
of ǫ-Hedlund metric it is clear that any statement in these propositions
that holds for ǫ > 0 also holds for any ǫ′ ∈ (0, ǫ).
PROPOSITION 3.2. There is an ǫ > 0 and a K 1 ∈ R such that for
any ǫ-Hedlund metric on M and any arclength-parametrized minimal
geodesic c with respect to this metric the length of
A := c−1 (M \ Uǫ (Li )) ⊂ R
is bounded by K 1 .
That means that c “stays out of i Uǫ (Li ) only for a bounded time”.
As an immediate consequence c cannot change its “tube” too often. To
make this precise we define:
DEFINITION 3.3. Let ǫ > 0 be so small that the Uǫ (Li ) (i = 1, . . . , b1 )
are disjoint and let c: R → M be a minimal geodesic. We define the
change number C(c) ∈ N ∪ {0, ∞} to be the supremum of all n ∈ N such
that we find t0 < t1 < . . . < tn and ij ∈ {1, . . . , b1 } with c(tj ) ∈ Uǫ (Lij )
and ij 6= ij+1 .
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PROPOSITION 3.4. There is an ǫ > 0 and K 2 ∈ N such that C(c) ≤
K 2 for any minimal geodesic c with respect to any ǫ-Hedlund metric on
Remark. If S = {one point} Bangert proved in [4] that we can even
find ǫ > 0 with K 2 := b1 . For general S this statement does not hold.
PROPOSITION 3.5. There is an ǫ > 0 such that every minimal geodesic
on an ǫ-Hedlund metric on M is asymptotic in each of its senses to one
of the Li ’s.
In section 5 we will need a stronger version, so we formulate a
SUPPLEMENT 3.6. If the ci are even hyperbolic closed geodesics, e.g.
Ajk (x) := Ek (Ej (hEi , Ei iH ))(x)
j, k 6= i
is positive definite for all x ∈ Li , then any minimal geodesic c is
exponentially asymptotic to one of the Li in each of its senses (see
Definition 2.3).
Remark. It is also possible to formulate analogues to the propositions
5.6, 5.7 and 5.8 from [4].
4. Lattices in nilpotent Lie-groups
Here we will summarize some facts used in the next section. For the
discrete group or Lie-group G we define the descending central series
(Gi )i∈N inductively by G1 := G and Gi+1 := [G, Gi ]. Then G is
nilpotent iff Gi = {e} for sufficiently big i ∈ N.
THEOREM 4.1. (Malcev, [25] theorem 2.18). A group Γ is isomorphic
to a lattice in a nilpotent, simply connected Lie-group iff Γ is finitely
generated, nilpotent and torsion free.
THEOREM 4.2. Let Γ be a lattice in the nilpotent, simply connected
Lie-group G and N a closed normal subgroup (not necessarily connected), p: G → G/N .
If two of the following three conditions are true, the third follows:
1. Γ ∩ N is a lattice in N ,
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2. p(Γ) is a lattice in G/N ,
3. Γ is a lattice in G.
“1. and 2. ⇒ 3.” and “1. and 3. ⇒ 2.” are proved in [10] lemma 5.1.4,
the proof of “2. and 3. ⇒ 1.” is straightforward.
THEOREM 4.3. Let Γ be a lattice in G, then Γi is a lattice in Gi for
i ∈ N.
This follows from the theory of Malcev bases ([10]) and [10] corollary 5.4.5. It is a slight generalisation of [25] corollary 1 of theorem 2.3
saying that Γ ∩ Gi is cocompact in Gi .
Using the theory of Malcev bases it is also evident that
= dim
[Γ, Γ]
[G, G]
5. Main construction
In this section we will construct our examples with minimal geodesics
in only “few directions” by combining the results we obtained in the
previous sections.
THEOREM 5.1. For any finitely generated nilpotent group Π1 we find
a connected compact Riemannian manifold (M, h . , . iM ) satisfying:
(1) π1 (M ) = Π1
f = G × S̃ where G is a nilpotent
(2) M has a universal covering M
Lie-group and S̃ is a compact manifold.
(3) The commutator group [G, G] acts isometrically on the Riemannian
f via left multiplication on the first component.
covering M
(4) There are minimal geodesics ci : R → M (i ∈ {1, . . . , b1 }) with lifts
f such that every minimal geodesic γ: R → M is of one
c̃i : R → M
of the following types:
Type I: left-translated-periodic
f such that there are a, b ∈ R, g ∈ [G, G],
γ has a lift γ̃: R → M
i ∈ {1, . . . , b1 } with γ̃(t) = g · ci (at + b).
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Type II: connection type
γ is not of Type I, but there are minimal geodesics γ+ and γ−
of Type I such that γ(t) is exponentially asymptotic to γ± (t)
for t → ±∞.
Any compact manifold is a finite CW-complex and therefore the
fundamental group of any compact manifold is finitely genrated.
The author has presented another version of this construction in
[1] and proves that if Π1 has no torsion and Π1 6= Z2 we even get an
f = G× {one point} (but without property (3)
example as above with M
in the case b1 = 2). It uses the fact that subgroups of the 3-dimensional
Heisenberg group are of bounded minimal generation (Theorem 7.4).
So T 2 is the only nilmanifold that does not admit a metric of Hedlund
To prove theorem 5.1 we will use:
THEOREM 5.2. (K.A. Hirsch, [6] theorem 2.1). Let Π1 be a finitely
generated nilpotent group. Then Π1 can be embedded as a subgroup into
the direct product D = Γ × F where Γ is a torsionfree nilpotent finitely
generated group and F is a finite nilpotent group.
The elements in Π1 of finite order form a normal subgroup T =
F ∩ Π1 . Looking at Baumslag’s proof of the theorem of Hirsch, we
immediately see that Γ can be chosen as Π1 /T and that
Γ = Π1 /T
Suppose Π1 to be embedded in D = Γ × F as above.
Now embed Γ as a lattice in the nilpotent Lie-group G (Theorem
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Abelianisation of the above diagram and tensoring with R shows
= rank
( = b1 ),
[Γ, Γ]
[Π1 , Π1 ]
so there is a natural isomorphism
˜ Rb1
[G, G]
that maps the image of Γ to Zb1 .
It is well-known that for n ≥ 4 any finitely presented group is
the fundamental group of an n-dimensional compact manifold ([22]
p. 114). So let S be a 4-dimensional compact Riemannian manifold
with π1 (S) = F .
Now take an ǫ-Hedlund metric on T b1 × S with hyperbolic ci and
choose a metric on (Γ\G) × S such that
(Γ\G) × S → T b1 × S
is a Riemannian submersion and such that [G, G] acts isometrically
on G × S. As (Γ\G) × S has fundamental group D, we can find a
Riemannian covering M with π1 (M ) = Π1 . So (1), (2) and (3) are
Using Theorem 2.1, Proposition 3.5, Supplement 3.6 and Proposition
2.4 we also get (4).
In the remaining part of this section we will discuss some related
topics and some additional properties of the above examples.
For arbitrary compact manifolds M with Π1 := π1 (M ) we get via
the Hurewicz map
H1 (M, Z) =
[Π1 , Π1 ]
and H1 (M, R) = H1 (M, Z) ⊗Z R.
Dividing H1 (M, R) by the image of H1 (M, Z) we get a torus T b1 in
analogy to the above constructions. This torus is known as the Jacobi
variety ([16]4.21). H1 (M, R) also carries a norm, the “stable norm
k . k”, induced
by the Riemannian structure of M ([12],[16]4.18,[5]).
M , ǫh . , . i converges in the Gromov-Hausdorff-sense to (H1 (M, R),
k . k) for ǫ → 0 if Π1 is abelian. For nilpotent Π1 it converges to a
Carnot-Caratheodory space ([24]) and the stable norm is essential for
measuring distances on this space.
Bangert used the stable norm to prove an existence theorem for
minimal geodesics ([4],[5]). As a corollary he proved the existence of
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at least b1 different geodesics such that the “rotation
S set” R(ci ) of
each ci contains only one vector in H1 (M, R) and i R(ci ) is a basis
of H1 (M, R). In the above examples the geodesics c1 , . . . , cb1 have the
properties of the geodesics whose existence has been shown by Bangert:
each R(ci ) contains only one vector and their union is a basis. For our
examples the stable norm written in this basis is just
kxk =
ǫi |xi |.
Equation (3) can be seen from Bangert’s theorem and the characterisation of the minimal geodesics or just using the fact that if a
Riemannian submersion p: M1 → M2 of compact manifolds Mi induces
an isomorphism p# : H1 (M1 , R) → H1 (M2 , R), then p# preserves the
stable norm.
This last fact can also be used to construct metrics on nilmanifolds
with non-left-invariant metric on the universal covering that have a
smooth unit ball of the stable norm. (Just take a suitable lift of a flat
metric on the Jacobi variety.)
6. Expressway metrics
In the previous section we proved that for every finitely generated nilpotent group Π1 there is a Riemannian manifold M with π1 (M ) = Π1
and only few directions of minimal geodesics. On the other hand, many
properties concerning minimal geodesics only depend on the fundamental group and an induced distance on it. Therefore it seems likely that
we could find a suitable Riemannian metric on every compact manifold
with nilpotent fundamental group. Moreover the metrics in the last
section admit continuous families of minimal geodesics if dim[G, G] > 0,
whereas Hedlund’s original examples only admit very few ones. So it
would be interesting to generalize Hedlund’s methods directly.
In this section we try to use Hedlund’s method (generalized by
Bangert [4]) directly to construct Hedlund type metrics on arbitrary
(compact) manifolds with nilpotent fundamental group Π1 . It turns
out that we succeed only if Π1 has an algebraic property that we call
“bounded minimal generation”. We can prove that lattices in Heisenberg groups have this property but we do not know if this is true for
all finitely generated nilpotent groups or not.
The following construction seems to be very special, but the author
thinks that it will be difficult to find a different construction without
getting a problem similiar to the bounded-minimal-generation-problem
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described in the next section. We will omit an explicit definition of the
metrics and proofs of the statements concerning these metrics as the
exact formulae only give little insight in what happens. (For details see
[1]). Instead we will give an informal description.
Figure 3. An expressway with two generators
When the author tried to generalise Bangert’s construction of Hedlund metrics ([4]) to manifolds with arbitrary fundamental groups, he
took closed curves c1 , . . . , ck based in p ∈ M , whose homotopy classes
[ci ] generate Π1 . By a small perturbation it is possible to transform
the ci into smooth disjoint embeddings of S 1 ֒→ M passing near p if
dim M ≥ 3. Now he chose a Riemannian metric that is very small in a
small neighborhood of the ci and small in the neighborhood of certain
paths joining the ci to p, but relatively big outside these neighborhoods.
We can assume that the ci are hyperbolic minimal geodesics of length
Roughly speaking, the Riemannian distance looks like the distance,
a car driver has in his mind: there are some “expressways” (the neighborhoods of the ci and the joining paths) where normed curves run very
fast and in other regions where they move relatively slow. So minimal
geodesics run most of their time on these “expressways”. To be more
precise the author showed that if c is a minimal geodesic and E the
expressway, then the length of each connected component of c−1 (M \E)
is small. But we do not know whether the total length of c−1 (M \ E)
is bounded.
So for arbitrary nilpotent fundamental groups the author was unable
to get analogues of propositions 3.2 and 3.4. The situation is much
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nicer when Π1 is of bounded minimal generation with respect to the [ci ]
(Definition 7.1). Here we get analogues of propositions 3.2 and 3.4. The
classification of minimal geodesics then can be reduced to combinatorial
group properties of Π1 , and every minimal geodesic is asymptotic in
each of its senses to one of the ci . So the results are similar as on
T n (n ≥ 3). Unfortunately the bounded-minimal-generation-problem
seems to be hard.
7. Groups of Bounded Minimal Generation
Let SΓ be a finite set of generators of the group Γ, i.e. every γ ∈ Γ can
˙ Γ−1 . The number
be written as a word (s1 , s2 , . . . , sl ) with si ∈ SΓ ∪S
l =: l((s1 , s2 , . . .)) is the length of the word, furthermore we define the
change number
C((s1 , s2 , . . . , sl )) := #{i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , l − 1} | si 6= si+1 } + 1
= sup {k | si1 6= . . . 6= sik , 1 ≤ i1 < . . . < ik ≤ l} .
This is a group theoretical analogue of Definition 3.3. For the empty
word representing the neutral element we set l(∅) = C(∅) = 0.
The word (s1 , s2 , . . .) is of minimal length if every (s′1 , s′2 , . . .) representing the same γ ∈ Γ satisfies:
l((s1 , s2 , . . .)) ≤ l((s′1 , s′2 , . . .)).
DEFINITION 7.1. (Γ, SΓ ) is a Group of Bounded Minimal Generation
(BMG group) if there is a B ∈ N such that every γ ∈ Γ can be
˙ Γ−1 with
represented by a word of minimal length (s1 , s2 , . . .) in SΓ ∪S
C((s1 , s2 , . . .)) ≤ B. The minimal such B will be called the bound.
Every finitely generated abelian group together with an arbitrary
finite set of generators SΓ is a BMG group with B ≤ #SΓ .
Gromov proved in [15] that every finitely generated group of polynomial growth is virtually nilpotent, i.e. it contains a nilpotent subgroup
of finite index. If (Γ, SΓ ) is a BMG group, then Γ is of polynomial
growth and therefore virtually nilpotent. Yet, it is not clear to the
author if the converse holds.
OPEN PROBLEM 7.2. Is every finitely generated virtually nilpotent
group a BMG group?
Remark. It is not even clear whether the BMG property is independent
of the choice of the set of generators.
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Constructing new BMG groups from old ones. It is staightforward to
1. If (Γ, SΓ ) and (Γ′ , SΓ′ ) are BMG groups with bounds B and B ′ ,
then (Γ × Γ′ , SΓ ∪ SΓ′ ) is a BMG group with bound ≤ B + B ′ .
2. If (Γ, SΓ ) is a BMG-group with bound B and h: Γ → Γ′ a group
homomorphism, then (h(Γ), h(SΓ )) is a BMG-group with bound
≤ B.
3. If Γ2 is the semidirect product of a BMG group (Γ1 , SΓ1 ) and a
finite group, then there is a generating system SΓ2 of Γ2 such that
(Γ2 , SΓ2 ) is a BMG group.
Heisenberg groups. For m ∈ N, p~, ~q ∈ Rm , z
1 ~p t
M (~
p, ~
q , z) := 0 1m
0 0
∈ R we define the matrix
Hm := {M (~
p, ~
q , z) | p~, ~
q ∈ Rm , z ∈ R} is the 2m + 1-dimensional
Heisenberg group.
For r = (r1 , . . . , rm ) ∈ Nm such that ri divides ri+1 , 1 ≤ i < m, we
r Zm := {(r1 x1 , . . . , rm xm ) | xj ∈ Z}
Γr := {M (~
p, ~
q , z) | p~ ∈ r Zm , ~q ∈ Zm , z ∈ Z} .
These Γr are lattices in Hm , i.e. discrete, cocompact subgroups.
THEOREM 7.3. ([13], §2.). For every lattice Γ of Hm there exists a
unique r and an automorphism of Hm mapping Γ to Γr .
THEOREM 7.4. Every lattice Γ of Hm has a set of generators S, such
that (Γ, S) is a BMG-group.
Remark. It is not difficult to show that any discrete subgroup of Hm
is of the form Γ′ × Zk , where Γ′ is trivial or a lattice in a Heisenberg
group. So Theorem 7.4 immediately generalizes to discrete subgroups.
LEMMA 7.5. Γ1 = {M (p, q, z) | p, q, z ∈ Z} ⊂ H1 together with
SΓ1 := {M (1, 0, 0), M (0, 1, 0)} is a BMG-group.
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Proof. We can assume Γ = Γr . We denote the standard basis of Rm
by e1 , . . . , em . The mappings
f i : H1 → Hm
M (p, q, z) 7→ M (pri ei , qei , zri )
for i = 1, . . . , m and
f 0 : R → Hm
z 7→ M (0, 0, z)
define a group epimorphism
f : R × X H1 → Hm
(z, h1 , . . . , hm ) 7→ f0 (z)f1 (h1 )f2 (h2 ) . . . fm (hm )
that maps Z × X Γ1 to Γr . Using lemma 7.5 we know that (Γ1 , SΓ1 ) is
a BMG-group. Applying the above constructionsSof new BMG-groups
we see that (Γ, S) is a BMG-group for S := f ( m
i=0 Si ), where S0 is
1 ∈ R and Si is SΓ1 in the i-th slot.
Proof. We set g1 := M (1, 0, 0), g2 := M (0, 1, 0), then [g1 , g2 ] =
g1 g2 g1−1 g2−1 = M (0, 0, 1). For every word w in the generators g1 and g2
we will explain how to construct a word w′ of minimal length and with
C(w′ ) ≤ 6 representing the same γ ∈ Γ.
In order to construct w′ we will give a geometric interpretation of
the problem. To every word w we will associate inductively a path p(w)
P :=
∈ R | x ∈ Z or y ∈ Z .
At first we associate to w = ∅ the constant path in
, and to
−1 −1
w = g1 (resp. w = g2 , g1 , g2 ) the straight line from
). Then we associate to the word w1 w2 the
path p(w1 w2 ) that consists of the path p(w1 ) and then
2 ), translated
by the endpoint of p(w1 ) — we get a path from
to the sum of
the endpoints of p(w1 ) and p(w2 ).
Now we define
x dy.
I(w) =
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Let (i1 , i2 ) be the endpoint of pw . Then w represents g2 i2 g1 i1 [g1 , g2 ]I(w) ,
l(w) = L(p(w)), the change number C(w) of w is equal to the number
of direction changes of p(w) plus 1.
We get an geometric interpretation of I(w) by applying Stoke’s
dx ∧ dy,
x dy =
x dy =
I(w) =
p(wg1 −i1 g2 −i2 )
where A is the 2-chain whose boundary is p wg1 −i1 g2 −i2 . As dx ∧ dy
is the volume element of R2 , we interpret I(w) as the oriented area of
We get an isoperimetric problem on P : Finding words of minimal
means finding paths of minimal length in P with given integral
x dy.
With this geometric interpretation the lemma is almost obvious.
Using symmetries we can assume i1 , i2 ≥ 0, I(w) ≥ 0. Consider the
special cases
1. I(w) ≤ i1 · i2 ,
2. i1 i2 < I(w) ≤ max {i1 , i2 }2 ,
3. max {i1 , i2 }2 < I(w).
In each case we can find a word w′ of minimal length, equivalent to w
with C(w′ ) ≤ 6.
Remark. Michael Stoll [28] treats the continuous analogue of bounded
minimal generation for nilpotent Lie-groups. He proves that every 2step nilpotent Lie-group fulfills it, but he states that there are counterexamples for 3-step nilpotent Lie-groups.
Remark. Several authors ([9],[29],[26] and [27]) consider definitions (“groups
of bounded generation”, “groups of finite width”) which are formally related to our groups of bounded minimal generation. The main difference
is that these notions use arbitrary not only minimal representatives.
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