Optimal geometry for e ient loading of an opti al dipole trap
Andrzej Sz zepkowi z,1 Leszek Krzemie«,2 Adam Woj ie howski,2 Krzysztof Brzozowski,2 Mi hael
Krüger,2, 3 Mi haª Zawada,4 Mar in Witkowski,5 Jerzy Za horowski,2 and Woj ie h Gawlik2
1 Institute
of Experimental Physi s, University of Wro ªaw, Pla
2 Institute
Maksa Borna 9, 50-204 Wro ªaw, Poland
of Physi s, Jagiellonian University, Reymonta 4, 30-057 Kraków, Poland
arXiv:0809.1999v2 [physics.atom-ph] 31 Dec 2008
3 Max-Plan k-Institute of Quantum Opti s, Hans-Kopfermann-Str. 1, 85748 Gar hing, Germany
4 Institute of Physi s, Ni olaus Coperni us University, Grudzi¡dzka 5, 87-100 Toru«, Poland
5 Institute of Physi s, University of Opole, Oleska 48, 45-052 Opole, Poland
(Dated: January 5, 2009)
One important fa tor whi h determines e ien y of loading old atoms into an opti al dipole trap
from a magneto-opti al trap is the distan e between the trap enters. By studying this e ien y for
various opti al trap depths (2110 mK) we nd that for optimum dipole trap loading, longitudinal
displa ements up to 15 mm are ne essary. An explanation for this observation is presented and
ompared with other work and a simple analyti al formula is derived for the optimum distan e
between the trap enters.
PACS numbers: 37.10.Gh, 37.10.De, 37.10.Vz
Keywords: Opti al Dipole Trap, ODT, FORT, Magnetoopti al trap, MOT, trap loading,
old atoms, laser
ooling and traping
Opti al dipole trapping is an established tool for storing, manipulating and studying old atomi gases [1, 2, 3℄.
Opti al dipole traps (ODTs) helped to a hieve Bose-Einstein ondensate of several elements [4, 5, 6, 7, 8℄ as well as to
make ultra-stable frequen y standards [9℄. ODTs are also widely used for studies of various phenomena at quantum
degenera y, su h as the Mott insulator superuid liquid transition [10℄.
The simplest realization of an opti al dipole trap (ODT) is a single, tightly fo used Gaussian laser beam, tuned far
below the atomi resonan e frequen y. The trapping potential is proportional to the light intensity whi h, for a single
beam, results in a highly elongated trap shape with opti al potential minimum at the trapping beam fo us.
The ODT needs to be loaded by a pre ooled gas, and a standard way of loading atoms into the ODT is to transfer
them from a magneto-opti al trap (MOT). Kuppens et al. [11℄ dis uss ways of maximizing this transfer by optimizing
various parameters: MOT light intensities and detunings, magneti eld gradient, the ODT depth, and alignment of
the traps. In parti ular, they found that ontrolling the geometry of the overlap of the MOT and ODT beams allows
for substantial improvement of the transfer e ien y. They found that the loading rate is optimum with a longitudinal
displa ement between the enters of the ODT and the MOT, and that this optimum displa ement in reases with the
ODT depth. Optimal displa ements between the ODT and MOT enters reported in Ref. [11℄ were about one-half
of a MOT diameter (the depths of the studied ODTs were 16 mK). These observations were rather qualitative and
not a ompanied by systemati quantitative analysis.
Sin e the loading of the trap is a ru ial step in any experimental work involving ODT, the purpose of our work was
to determine quantitatively the optimum displa ement between the ODT and MOT enters for maximum transfer of
atoms in a wide range of the ODT depths. The trap depths were hanged by varying the ODT laser power from 50 to
660 mW and detuning from 0.43 to 1.72 nm. The experimental setup and pro edure are des ribed in the next Se tion,
while the obtained results are presented in Se tion III, and in Se tion IV we ompare quantitatively our experimental
results with the models des ribed by Kuppens et al. [11℄ and O'Hara et al. [12℄.
We use a standard MOT setup with three pairs of orthogonal, retroree ted beams for trapping 87 Rb atoms. The
trapping light, red detuned from the 52 S1/2 F = 2 → 52 P3/2 F ′ = 3 transition, has a total six-beam power of 15 mW.
The repumping light (0.5 mW, tuned to the 52 S1/2 F = 1 → 52 P3/2 F ′ = 2 transition) is added to one pair of the
trapping beams. The radius of the beams is 8 mm (1/e2 intensity). The resulting MOT radius is 0.66 mm (1/e2
density). After olle tion, the atoms are further ooled by in reasing the detuning of the MOT beams to 100 MHz
and de reasing the repumper intensity (see Fig. 1). At the end of the MOT ooling stage the MOT temperature
rea hes TMOT = 17 µK, as determined from free expansion of the released atom loud.
FIG. 1: The time sequen e of loading the ODT from the MOT.
The dipole trap is formed by a fo used beam of a Ti:Sapphire laser. The ODT beam is rst expanded, then fo used
by a 25- m fo al length a hromati lens to a waist of 12 µm. The orresponding Rayleigh length is zR = 0.54 mm.
We apply the ODT beam with powers, PODT , of 50, 100, 200, 400, and 660 mW, and red detunings from the D2 line,
∆λODT , of 0.43, 0.86, and 1.72 nm. The resulting trap depths determined by the ratio PODT /∆λODT were U0 /kB
= 2.1, 4.2, 8.4, 17, 33, 67, and 111 mK. For the trap-depth estimation, a possible ee t of the Rb D1 line has been
negle ted as it does not ex eed a few per ent.
The transfer of the Rb atoms from the MOT to the ODT pro eeded with the timing shown in Fig. 1; it is similar
to the sequen e used by Kuppens et al. [11℄.
For ea h ODT laser power and detuning, the ODT-fo us position was gradually varied relative to the MOT enter.
The des ribed loading sequen e (Fig. 1) was repeated for ea h position of the traps and the number of atoms loaded
into the ODT was monitored by integrating the uores en e image aptured by the CCD amera.
Figure 2 shows the results of the loading measurements performed for the trap depth of U0 /kB = 33 mK. The
uores en e images of the dipole trap are presented in Fig. 2 (a) for several dierent positions z of the ODT relative
to the MOT enter. Superimposed are the ontours of the original MOT (1/e2 density ontour) and the dipole trap
(the equipotential line at U = −2.5kB TMOT ). The diused louds seen below the trap ontours are the atoms whi h
were not aptured into the ODT, falling in the dire tion of gravity after MOT has been swit hed o. Figure 2 (b)
presents the total uores en e from the ODT, proportional to the number of trapped atoms, versus the fo us position.
It is evident that when the enters of MOT and ODT oin ide (ODT fo us position z = 0), the number of aptured
atoms is over 5 times smaller than in the ase of displa ed ODT: z = ±10 mm. The observed asymmetry between
positive and negative z positions is attributed to geometri al imperfe tions. We believe that for perfe t alignment of
the laser beams and magneti eld, the I(z) dependen es in Fig. 2 (b) should be symmetri . The dieren e in heights
of the two urves shown in Fig. 2 (b) is most likely aused by some drift of the MOT onditions.
We have ondu ted the des ribed measurement for a range of ODT trap depths, U0 /kB , between 2.1 and 111 mK.
For the trap depth of 2.1 mK, we obtain a single, broad loading maximum at z = 0. The width of this maximum
(FWHM) is 9 mm. For in reasing ODT potential depth, the maximum broadens and eventually, at 8.4 mK, splits
into two separate maxima su h as shown in Fig. 2 (b).
With our xed beam waist, the optimal separation of MOT and ODT depends only on the ratio PODT /∆λODT ,
that is, it depends only on the ODT depth. We have veried this for trap depths of 8.4, 17, and 33 mK realized by
dierent ODT laser powers and detunings. We have veried that optimum displa ements z orresponding to a given
PODT /∆λODT ratio were onstant within the experimental error of a few per ent for various ombinations of PODT
and ∆λODT whi h preserved the PODT /∆λODT ratio. Figure 3 presents the dependen e of the optimum displa ement
on the trap depths. It is worth noting that in the ase of the deepest opti al traps realized with our maximum ODT
beam power, this optimum separation rea hes 15 mm. This displa ement is over 10 times larger than the diameter
of the MOT, whereas the optimum displa ements reported in Ref. [11℄ were only of the order of one-half of a MOT
FIG. 2: Loading of the 33-mK-deep dipole trap for dierent positions of the ODP laser fo us with respe t to the MOT enter.
(a) Fluores en e images of atoms in the ODT, verti ally stret hed for better visualization of the ODT potential. The ellipti
ontours mark the MOT positions (0.66 mm radius) before swit hing on the ODT. The elongated ontours represent the ODT
equipotential surfa es, U = −2.5kB TMOT . (b) Total uores en e from the ODT, proportional to the number of atoms loaded
into the ODT, versus the fo us position. Solid line: PODT = 200 mW, ∆λ = 0.43 nm; dashed line: PODT = 400 mW, ∆λ =
0.86 nm.
The dipole potential depends on the lo al light intensity I(r) and detuning from the atomi transition δλ as
UODT (r) =
2π 2 c3 Γ
ω05 δλ
where Γ denotes transition linewidth [11℄. The intensity of a fo used Gaussian beam of power P is des ribed by
I(r, z) =
πw2 (z)
w2 (z)
1 + (z/zR )2
where (r, z) are the ylindri al oordinates, and:
w(z) = w0
is the 1/e2 beam radius. The hara teristi dimension in the radial dire tion is the beam waist w0 , while in the axial
dire tion it is the Rayleigh length zR = πw02 /λ.
The resulting trapping potential is visualized in Fig. 4. The potential is harmoni near the fo us, with ellipsoidal
equipotential surfa es. However, the more distant equipotential surfa es are qualitatively dierent from the inner
ones, and a quire hara teristi peanut shape. From equations (1) and (2) one an dedu e that the equipotential
surfa es hange their hara ter when U be omes smaller than U ′ = U0 /e, where U0 is the trap depth and e is the
base of the natural logarithm. The equipotential surfa es U = const with |U | < |U ′ | have two lo ations zmax where
Optimum MOT-ODT displacement z @mmD
ODT depth @mKD
FIG. 3: Optimum displa ement of the opti al dipole trap relative to the magneto-opti al trap for maximum transfer of atoms
versus the ODT depth.
s aling parameter
The bla k dots represent our experimental data.
α = 2.5,
The solid line is
al ulated from Eq. (5) with the
as des ribed in the text. The dashed line is the predi tion based on the model of O'Hara et al. with
no free parameters [12℄. See also Se . IV.
FIG. 4: The
ross se tions of the equipotential surfa es of the ODT formed by a fo used Gaussian beam.
r/w0 is the
U = 0.1 U0 .
along the beam in units of the Rayleigh length.
Dashed lines mark the positions of
oordinate in units of the beam waist.
z/zR is the distan e
U0 is the trap depth.
ir umferen e is maximized:
zmax = ±zR
We will now
1 U0
− 1.
e U
ompare our experimental data with the two models of the ODT loading des ribed in the literature
[11, 12℄.
Kuppens et al.
[11℄ assume that the initial loading rate is proportional to the MOT atomi
mean velo ity of atoms
v̄ ,
the ee tive surfa e area of ODT,
and the trapping probability,
Ptrap .
nMOT ,
The rst three
ontribute to the ux of atoms into the ODT volume. When studying geometri al ee ts, it is important
onsider the ee tive surfa e area
the ODT equipotential surfa es
As the Rayleigh length is mu h larger that the size of the MOT, the radii of
hange insigni antly over the MOT region (see also Fig. 6(a) below). The ee tive
surfa e area a ross whi h atoms are loaded into the ODT is then proportional to the lo al radius of the ODT. The
ru ial question in this reasoning is: whi h of the equipotential surfa es should represent the surfa e of the ODT.
Kuppens et al. assume the surfa e
U ≈ kB TMOT ,
where the ODT potential
omparable to the kineti
energy of
atoms in the MOT.
In order to
ompare quantitatively our data with the model des ribed above, we write the equation des ribing the
ODT surfa e as
U = αkB TMOT
and look for a s aling fa tor
of the order of unity, whi h gives the best t to our
data. Equation (4) now takes the form
z = ±zR
− 1.
e αkB TMOT
Using the least-squares method, we nd that Eq. (5) best des ribes our experiment for
α = 2.5.
The result of this
tting is shown by the solid line in Fig. 3. It turns out that despite its simpli ity, the model by Kuppens et al. gives
a good qualitative des ription of our data, but needs the s aling fa tor
to be determined from the experiment.
Another related work is that of O'Hara et al. [12℄ who developed a mi ros opi
Fokker-Plan k equation. Their model is
during ODT loading. For
of atoms
N (0)
is the
ontained in the trap ([12℄, Eqs. 11, 12)
for the
loud, respe tively, and
dv v(− ln v) exp(−qv),
ase when MOT and ODT
U0 = min{U (r, z)},
enters are displa ed axially. Then
but as a lo al trap depth for a parti ular axial
1 + (z/zR )2
( ompare Eqs. (1) and (2)). On the other hand, the lo al beam radius
moves away from the fo us, a
shallower and more energeti
in reases from its initial value
ording to Eq. (3). Consequently, as the axial
as one
in reases, the trap be omes
atoms remain untrapped. On the other hand, the trap also be omes broader and atoms
aptured from a larger volume. The balan e of these two
for a
R and n0 are the radius and
al ulations of O'Hara et al. were performed
oin ide, but remain valid also if the
U0 (z) = min{U (r, z)} =
q = U0 /kB TMOT .
in Eq. (6) is treated not as a global trap depth
w2 2
beam radius (the width of the ODT potential in the radial dire tion),
the density of the MOT
hanges of the atom density
omparison with our results, the relevant equation is the expression for the initial number
N (0) = (π 3/2 Rn0 )
model of ODT loading based on the
apable of des ribing the spatial and temporal
ertain displa ement between the MOT and ODT
The initial number of trapped atoms has been
ompeting me hanisms results in a maximum loading
al ulated a
ording to Eq. (6) for dierent displa ements z, treating
w and q as z -dependent. The resulting fun tion is plotted in Fig. 5 for the trap depth U0 /kB = 33 mK.
Note the maximum at z = ±13 mm, lose to our experimental result: z = ±10 mm (see Fig.3). Similarly, we al ulated
the maxima of the N (z) fun tion for dierent trap depths and the result is shown by the dashed line in Fig. 3. It agrees
the parameters
qualitatively with the experimental data, but for deeper traps the predi ted optimum displa ement is overestimated.
Nevertheless, the agreement is remarkable for a model that does not require any free parameters. It should be stressed
CO2 laser traps, where the trap-indu ed
ase of our experiment, hen e this may be
that the model des ribed by O'Hara et al. was developed for lithium atoms in
light shift of the atomi
transition frequen y is small [12℄. This is not the
the main reason of the dis repan y between our data and the model of O'Hara et al.
onditions of our experiment, the frequen y shifts for the MOT trapping and repumping transitions may be
taken with good a
ura y as
2U (r, z)/h,
U (r, z)
is the ODT potential whi h takes into a ount solely the D2
onditions, the P3/2 ex ited state makes the most
ontribution to the ODT potential and light shifts. Other states, P1/2 and D3/2, 5/2 , ontribute nearly
line. As it was already mentioned above, under our experimental
two orders of magnitude less and
an be negle ted at the
urrent level of experimental pre ision. The light shift also
modies the trapping transition but, given the large detuning (100 MHz) of the MOT beams in the loading phase,
its ee t on the trapping-beam detuning is negligible. On the other hand, sin e the repumper beam is resonant, the
repumping e ien y at
z = zmax , r = 0 is redu ed by about a fa tor of four (for all trap depths)
F = 1 ground state. In Fig. 6, we ompare the spatial ranges in whi
umulate atoms in the dark
generates the repumper detuning with the spatial MOT extension
seen in Figure 6(b), this redu tion ae ts only the
whi h allows to
h the light shift
al ulated for the trap depth of 33 mK. As
entral part of the MOT whi h,
an be
onsequently, results in a dark
spot ee t whi h is known to in rease the MOT density [13℄ and enhan e the trap loading pro ess [14℄. Figure 6( )
shows that the light-shift-indu ed detuning of the repumper beam, and
for in reasing
z = 13,
onsequently the dark spot ee t, de rease
whi h would be the optimum displa ement predi ted from the model of O'Hara et al.,
the repumper detuning amounts only 2.5 MHz and the dark spot ee t is mu h weaker. Thus, the light shift and
the related dark-spot ee t de rease the optimum MOTODT displa ement relative to the predi tions of Ref. [12℄,
FIG. 5: The initial number of trapped atoms, N , as a fun tion of the MOTODT displa ement, z , predi ted by the model of
O'Hara et al. [12℄ for our experiment (trap depth = 33 mK).
FIG. 6: The geometri al superposition of the trap potentials and the inuen e of the ODT beam on the MOT. (a) The
geometry of the MOT (represented by the 1/e2 density outline) and the 33-mK-deep ODT (represented by the equipotential
surfa e U = −2.5kB TMOT see text). The displa ement of the traps is optimized for maximum atom transfer. (b) The
detuning of the MOT-repumper aused by the presen e of the ODT beam, plotted along the dashed line in (a). The gray
outline represents the atomi density distribution of the MOT. ( ) Same as (b), but along the ODT beam axis (r = 0). Note
the verti al s ale has been expanded for better visualization.
as illustrated in Figure 3. We believe this is the main sour e of dis repan y between our results and the model of
O'Hara et al. whi h refers to the ase of negligible light-shifts.
Another fa tor of potential importan e for the ODT dynami s is the photon s attering rate. With a trap relatively
lose to resonan e, su h as ours, the spontaneous photon s attering leads to atom heating and, eventually, to atom
loss. We have estimated the heating rates under onditions of our experiment. For the deepest trap of 111 mK
the s attering rate is 430 kHz and the heating during the 50 ms holding time is estimated to be about 2 mK. This
estimation was done for the trap enter, whereas, as we demonstrated, the atoms are most e iently trapped far o
the enter (15mm), where the light intensity is signi antly lower and the lo al s attering rate is only 530 Hz. Thus,
we believe that it is safe to negle t this me hanism in the ase of our experiment.
We have performed a systemati study of the e ien y of the ODT loading from a MOT as a fun tion of geometri al
arrangement of the ODT and MOT in a wide range of ODT depths (2 to 110 mK). We have observed that for the
optimum loading the trap enters need to be displa ed in the dire tion of the ODT beam. While similar on lusion
was formulated earlier in Ref. [11℄, we were able to verify it in a more than 20-times wider range. We onrmed that
the optimum displa ement depends only on the trap depth, i.e., on the ratio between the trap light power and its
detuning. Analyzing the optimum displa ements, we were able to quantitatively ompare our results with the existing
models of Kuppens et al. [11℄ and O'Hara et al. [12℄. Our data are well des ribed by the former model after tting of
a s aling fa tor and agree qualitatively with the latter model without any free parameters.
Based on the present work, we propose the following semi empiri al formula for the optimal trap displa ement:
z = ±zR
− 1.
e 2.5kB TMOT
A knowledgments
This work was partly supported by Polish Ministry of S ien e, grant no. NN202175835. A.S. a knowledges also the
funding from the University of Wro ªaw, grant no. 2016/W/IFD/2005.
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