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      Materials EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsThermodynamicsWater Purification
Space-based experiments today can uniquely address important questions related to the fundamental laws of Nature. In particular, high-accuracy physics experiments in space can test relativistic gravity and probe the physics beyond the... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsScience PolicyBeyond the Standard Model Physics
Atomic polarization phenomena impinge upon a number of areas and processes in physics. The dielectric constant and refractive index of any gas are examples of macroscopic properties that are largely determined by the dipole... more
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      Coupled Cluster TheoryAb initio calculationsRefractive IndexCold Atoms Physics
The term 'laser cooling' is applied to the use of optical means to cool the motional energies of either atoms and molecules, or micromirrors. In the literature, these two strands are kept largely separate; both, however suffer from severe... more
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      Quantum PhysicsScattering TheoryCold Atoms PhysicsPhysical Optics
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      Quantum PhysicsQuantum OpticsQuantum Information ProcessingFocused Ion Beam
We study the dynamical localization of cold atoms in Fermi accelerator both in position space and in momentum space. We report the role of classical phase space in the development of dynamical localization phenomenon. We provide set of... more
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      Mathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesCold Atoms PhysicsPhase Space
We investigate the interplay dynamics of a cavity QED system, where the two-level atoms are trapped in a double-well potential, and the cavity mode, with a frequency largely detuned from the atomic level splitting, is driven by a probe... more
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      Cavity Quantum ElectrodynamicsCold Atoms Physics
Since the first atom interferometry experiments in 1991, measurements of rotation through the Sagnac e ffect in open-area atom interferometers has been studied. These studies have demonstrated very high sensitivity which can compete with... more
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      Atom InterferometryCold Atoms PhysicsSagnac Interferometer
We introduce novel schemes for quantum computing based on local measurements on entangled resource states. This work elaborates on the framework established in [Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 220503 (2007), quant-ph/0609149]. Our method makes use... more
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      Quantum InformationMathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesQuantum Computer
We demonstrate a combined magneto-optical trap and imaging system that is suitable for the investigation of cold atoms near surfaces. In particular, we are able to trap atoms close to optically scattering surfaces and to image them with... more
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      Optical TweezersComputer Aided DesignNanostructuresExperimental Study
We present a new experimental system (the "atom-optics billiard") and demonstrate chaotic and regular dynamics of cold, optically trapped atoms. We show that the softness of the walls and additional optical potentials can be used to... more
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      Chaotic DynamicsCold Atoms PhysicsPhase SpaceOptical Trapping
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      Mathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesCold Atoms PhysicsInternational space station
We investigate the feasibility of simulating different model Hamiltonians used in high-temperature superconductivity. We briefly discuss the most common models and then focus on the simulation of the so-called t-J-U Hamiltonian using... more
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      Quantum InformationMathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesCold Atoms Physics
Topological insulators are a broad class of unconventional materials that are insulating in the interior but conduct along the edges. This edge transport is topologically protected and dissipationless. Until recently, all existing... more
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      Quantum PhysicsPhysical sciencesQuantum ComputerCold Atoms Physics
We describe two experimental tests of the Equivalence Principle that are based on frequency measurements between precision oscillators and/or highly accurate atomic frequency standards. Based on comparisons between the hyperfine... more
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      MasersOscillationsCold Atoms PhysicsEquivalence Principle
An effective field theory developed for systems interacting through short-range interactions can be applied to systems of cold atoms with a large scattering length and to nucleons at low energies. It is therefore the ideal tool to analyze... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsEffective Field TheoryHigher Order ThinkingLow Energy Buildngs
In this review, we discuss the impact of the development of lasers on ultracold atoms and molecules and their applications. After a brief historical review of laser cooling and Bose-Einstein condensation, we present important applications... more
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      MetrologyMathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesCold Atoms Physics
Physical phenomena driven by topological properties, such as the quantum Hall effect, have the appealing feature to be robust with respect to external perturbations. Lately, a new class of materials has emerged manifesting their... more
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      Quantum MechanicsMagnetic fieldMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
We have modelled and used polarisation spectroscopy to lock a very compact, high-performance extended cavity diode 85 Ž X . laser system to the Rb F s 3 to F s 4 transition. The laser has a linewidth of 135 kHz. Using this system we have... more
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      Cold Atoms PhysicsOptical physicsHigh performanceDiode Laser
We study the properties of an ultracold Fermi gas loaded in an optical square lattice and subjected to an external and classical non-Abelian gauge field. We show that this system can be exploited as an optical analogue of relativistic... more
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      Quantum PhysicsQuantum ElectrodynamicsHigh Energy PhysicsPhysical sciences
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      Materials EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsThermodynamicsWater Purification
Strongly correlated quantum systems can exhibit exotic behaviour called topological order which is characterized by non-local correlations that depend on the system topology. Such systems can exhibit remarkable phenomena such as... more
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      Mathematical SciencesReading and writingPhysical sciencesQuantum Computer
We study spin 3/2 fermionic cold atoms with attractive interactions confined in a one-dimensional optical lattice. Using numerical techniques, we determine the phase diagram for a generic density. For the chosen parameters, one-particle... more
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      Condensed Matter PhysicsMathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesOscillations
A theoretical study of interacting bosons in a periodic optical lattice is presented. Instead of the commonly used tight-binding approach (applicable near the Mott insulating regime of the phase diagram), the present work starts from the... more
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      Theoretical PhysicsAtomic PhysicsAtomic and Molecular PhysicsBose Einstein Condensation
Istituto Elettrotecnico Nazionale Galileo Ferraris (IEN), National and Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) operate cold-atom based primary frequency standards which are capable of realizing the SI second with a relative... more
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      MasersTime UseIonosphereCold Atoms Physics
Unexpected accelerator modes were recently observed experimentally for cold cesium atoms when driven in the presence of gravity. A detailed theoretical explanation of this quantum effect is presented here. The theory makes use of... more
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      Statistical MechanicsStatistical PhysicsInteger quantum hall effectMathematical Sciences
Invariant transformation for quantum mechanical systems is proposed. A cloaking of matter wave can be realized at given energy by designing the potential and effective mass of the matter waves in the cloaking region. The general... more
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      Quantum MechanicsNeutron DiffractionPhysical sciencesCold Atoms Physics
We have measured the frequency splitting between the (2S, F = 1/2) and (2S, F = 3/2) hyperfine sublevels in atomic deuterium by an optical differential method based on two-photon Doppler-free spectroscopy on a cold atomic beam. The result... more
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      Quantum ElectrodynamicsMathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesRadio Frequency
We propose the novel combination of a laser guide and magnetic lens to transport a cold atomic cloud. We have modelled the loading and guiding of a launched cloud of cold atoms with the optical dipole force. We discuss the optimum... more
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      Magnetic fieldNewPhysical sciencesCold Atoms Physics
The lateral Casimir-Polder force between an atom and a corrugated surface should allow one to study experimentally non trivial geometrical effects in quantum vacuum. Here, we derive the theoretical expression of this force in a scattering... more
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      Quantum VacuumPhysical sciencesOptical PropertiesCold Atoms Physics
We study the superfluid phase of the one-band attractive Hubbard model of fermions as a prototype of a strongly correlated s-wave fermion superfluid on a lattice. We show that the collective mode spectrum of this superfluid exhibits, in... more
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      Mathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesCold Atoms PhysicsCHEMICAL SCIENCES
We investigate the properties of the Lieb lattice, i.e a face-centered square lattice, subjected to external gauge fields. We show that an Abelian gauge field leads to a peculiar quantum Hall effect, which is a consequence of the single... more
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      Mathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesLow Energy BuildngsSpin-Orbit Coupling
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      Mathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesCold Atoms PhysicsCHEMICAL SCIENCES
We report on an absolute frequency measurement of the hydrogen 1S-2S two-photon transition in a cold atomic beam with an accuracy of 1.8 parts in 10 14 . Our experimental result of 2 466 061 413 187 103(46) Hz has been obtained by phase... more
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      Physical sciencesCold Atoms Physics
We propose a new possibility to form ultracold molecules, via photoassociation of a pair of cold atoms into vibrational levels of the external well of an excited electronic state located at intermediate interatomic distance (≈ 20 Bohr... more
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      Absorption spectroscopySolid State electronic devicesPhysical sciencesCold Atoms Physics
Cold atomic gases placed in optical lattices enable studies of simple condensed matter theory models with parameters that may be tuned relatively easily. When the optical potential is randomized (e.g. using laser speckle to create a... more
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      Cold Atoms PhysicsAnderson localizationSpin Glass
In the context of quantum chaos, both theory and numerical analysis predict large fluctuations of the tunneling transition probabilities when irregular dynamics is present at the classical level. Here we consider the nondissipative... more
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      EngineeringQuantum ChaosNumerical AnalysisQuantum Transport
In this work we provide a general methodology to directly measure topological order in cold atom systems. As an application we propose the realisation of a characteristic topological model, introduced by Haldane, using optical lattices... more
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      Topological phases of quantum matterQuantum SimulationTime of FlightPhysical sciences
In this work we present an optical lattice setup to realize a full Dirac Hamiltonian in 2+1 dimensions. We show how all possible external potentials coupled to the Dirac field can arise from perturbations of the existing couplings of the... more
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      Quantum SimulationMathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesCold Atoms Physics
We demonstrate the feasibility of a novel microwave power standard based on the electromagnetic interaction with cold atoms. Under the effect of the radiation, the internal state populations will undergo a Rabi oscillation. The... more
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      OscillationsElectromagnetic FieldCold Atoms Physics
Highlighting an article from /Atoms/ published in 2020!
Multimode Collective Atomic Recoil Lasing in Free Space

Abstract Views 790
Full-Text Views 1033
Citations 2
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      Light ScatteringCold Atoms PhysicsSuperradiance
We review the basic theory of matrix product states (MPS) as a numerical variational ansatz for time evolution, and present two methods to simulate finite temperature systems with MPS: the ancilla method and the minimally entangled... more
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      Cold Atoms PhysicsFinite Temperature
We explain the dynamics of cold atoms, initially trapped and cooled in a magneto-optic trap, in a monochromatic stationary standing electromagnetic wave field. In the large-detuning limit, the system is modeled as a nonlinear quantum... more
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      Quantum PhysicsQuantum MechanicsElectromagnetic WavesCold Atoms Physics
We developed a new experimental system (the “atom-optics billiard”) and demonstrated chaotic and regular dynamics of cold, optically trapped atoms. We show that the softness of the walls and additional optical potentials can be used to... more
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      PhysicsChaotic DynamicsNon Linear DynamicsCold Atoms Physics
In recent years, production of cold-atoms ensembles by magneto-optical trapping has become a widely used technique in spectroscopy, in atom interferometry, and metrology. In metrology cold atoms production provides an advanced technique... more
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      Cold Atoms PhysicsAtomic clock
Different quantum phases of hard-core boson induced by dipole-dipole interaction with varying angles of polarization are discussed in this work. We consider the two most influential leading terms with anisotropy due to the tilted... more
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      Tensor Network StatesCold Atoms PhysicsMean Field Approximation
We explore the trap profiles of a two-dimensional atomic Fermi gas in the presence of a Rashba spin-orbit coupling and under an adiabatic rotation. We first consider a noninteracting gas and show that the competition between the effects... more
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      Ultracold Quantum GasesSpin-Orbit CouplingCold Atoms PhysicsRashba spin–orbit coupling
This colloquium gives an overview of recent theoretical and experimental progress in the area of nonequilibrium dynamics of isolated quantum systems. We particularly focus on quantum quenches: the temporal evolution following a sudden or... more
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      Cold Atoms PhysicsQuantum DynamicsQuantum Phase TransitionCoupling Constant
We demonstrate how to create artificial external non-Abelian gauge potentials acting on cold atoms in optical lattices. The method employs atoms with k internal states, and laser assisted state sensitive tunneling, described by unitary... more
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      Lattice gauge theoryAharonov-Bohm EffectPhysical sciencesCold Atoms Physics
Superconductors are considered in view of applications to atom chip devices. The main features of magnetic traps based on superconducting wires in the Meissner and mixed states are discussed. The former state may mainly be interesting for... more
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      Magnetic fieldPhysical sciencesSuperconductorsCold Atoms Physics