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Topik yang akan di dibahas dan dijelaskan dalam bab ini adalah sebagai berikut: 1. Fungsi dan tujuan pembuatan keputusan 2. Tipe-tipe keputusan. 3. Proses pembuatan keputusan. 4. Pohon keputusan dan pembuatan 5. Keputusan untuk memutuskan 6. Sifat pembuatan keputusan. 7. Model rasional pembuatan keputusan 8. Model rasional dalam perspektif 9. Proses penetapan tujuan. TUJUAN BAB Setelah menyelesaikan membaca bab ini maka diharapkan mahasiswa dapat: 1. Mengetahui bagaimana funsi dan tujuan pembuatan keputusan serta tipe-tipe keputusan yang mungkin diambil manajemen. 2. Mengetahui langkah-langkah pembuatan keputusan sifat pembuatan keputusan. 3. Memahami model pembuatan keputusan 4. Memahami bagaimana proses pementapan tujuan. 5. Mengenal beberapa gaya dan kondisi pengambilan keputusan yang dihadapi oleh manajemen. IV-1 BAB 4 BAB 4
Universitas Esa Unggul, 2020
Anggaran Untuk Perencanaan dan Pengendalian (Functional and Activity Based Budgeting)
The development of the times and the increasingly sophisticated technology makes business competition is getting tight and firm as an organization that produces good products in the form of goods or services is in need of resources for the activities of the operations. Humans as one physical resources plays a role in determining all existing activities are concerned with. PT P JB UP Gresik is one generation unit that belongs to PT PJB are engaged in business activities of the electric power provider in the form of electric power generation activities since 1978. This research aims to find out and analyze the influence of the cult ure of the Organization and discipline of work on performance of employees (Employees of the Division study on HR and the Division General; & Operations at PT PJB UP Gresik). This research is a type of causal research that uses a quantitative approach with a population of 50 people using sampling techniques and sampling of saturated with as many as 50 employees in the sample Division HR Division and the Public; & Operations at PT PJB UP Gresik. The results of this research show that the culture of the organization provide positive and significant influence on employee performance. The discipline of work and significant positive influence on performance of employees."
Dalam bab ini, akan dibahas penggunaan konsep-konsep nilai waktu uang untuk menentukan nilai surat berharga yang berbedabeda.pembahasan secara khusus ditekankan pada penilaian surat berharga jangka panjang seperti obligasi, saham preferen, dan saham biasa. Oleh karena keputusan-keputusan utama suatu perusahaan semuanya saling berkaitan dalam pengaruhnya pada penilaian, kita harus memahami bagaimana para investor menilai insrumen-instrumen keuangan perusahaan.
Indonesia has been reminded with good corporate governance. Since the storm o f corporate mega scandal that led to the downturn o f U.S. economy, regulators in many parts o f the world have been busy with efforts o f finding strong and agile regulation fo r externally pushed good corporate governance implementation. One o f the most important instruments o f good corporate governance is audit committee. M any aspects o f the regulation are intended to create a good audit committee which functions are as well as the pow er given by the regulation. With the relationship o f audit committee and good corpoi ate governance, this article is intended to give a new perspective o f the relationship between those two components and the information disclosures. The presentation will be much like an analysis o f regulation instruments that issued by regulatory bodies in Indonesia which are obliged to administrate the financial industry especially that are concerned about audit committee and good corporate governance. This article is expected to give particular important new knowledge about the terms, function and relationship between audit committee, good corporate governance and information disclosures. Thus, we can give our contribution to the process o f building good governance in all aspects o f our nation. Kata kunci: komite audit, good corporate governance, pengungkapan informasi, regulator
Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Semarang has a program providing scholarships to students from poor families / not able to. Therefore, the scholarship should be given to eligible recipients and deserve to get it. However, in the selection of the scholarship will certainly have difficulties because of the large number of scholarship applicants and the criteria used to determine the grantee's decision as expected and recipients have the maximum quota limit. It required a study which aims to take into account all the criteria that support decision making in order to assist, accelerate and simplify the decision making process. The method used in the selection decision is a method of fuzzy Tsukamoto scholarship that will provide recommendations scholarship recipients as expected.
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Ancient Philosophy 29 (2009), 1-15
AHBVÜ Turizm Fakültesi Dergisi, 2020
Jurnal Biometrika dan Kependudukan
Apidologie, 2015
Filogeni: Jurnal Mahasiswa Biologi
International Journal of Photonics and Optical Technology (IJPOT), 2016
La Presse Médicale, 2016
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2025
Rendiconti Lincei, 2016
The Journal of the Japanese Society of Clinical Cytology, 1991